How and why the witching hour is dangerous. What is the “witching hour” and why is it dangerous for humans? What does the petiole do at 3 am

The 3am Mystery. Why is it the witching hour?

In ancient teachings it is written that every hour of the day has its own meaning. There is a time when dark forces acquire special power. People call it the witching hour. It comes exactly at 3 am.

The witching hour is a special time. During this period, with the help of dark knowledge, you can do anything. It is believed that it is at this hour that witches turn to the Helping Spirit for help, which makes them omnipotent. They talk to aliens from the other world, call the dead, and perform magical rituals. It is this hour that many people use to cast spells to punish the offender, since in this case the spell will be more than effective.

People with a high level of intuition have more than once noticed that it is at three o’clock in the morning that their sleep becomes restless and nightmares begin to torment them. Many admitted that at this time they were periodically visited by strange and very frightening visions. Experts believe that such increased anxiety is a bad sign.

During the witching hour you should not leave the house, and if the need arises, you must have an Orthodox cross with you. It is this that can serve as a fairly effective protection against various kinds of troubles that can happen to a person at this time. You can't wash yourself during the witching hour. It is believed that a person who takes a shower, bath, or swims in the river at three in the morning washes away his fate.

For example, if he previously lived in joy and prosperity, after washing, very strange things may begin to happen to him. There were cases when people who washed themselves in the bathhouse at 3 a.m. came to magicians and sorcerers and begged for help, since they suddenly lost their fortune and the love of a loved one. Paranormal experts say that it is very difficult to correct such changes made to a person’s destiny.

You can wash in the bathhouse at this ill-fated hour only if everything is very bad for a person and he wants to correct his life path in this way. In this case, this is possible, but it must be done very carefully and certainly under the guidance of a shaman who knows how to perform a special ritual.

There is a popular belief that a child born during the witching hour will be unlucky. It is believed that such a baby is susceptible to disease. A woman who gives birth to a child at this hour is also subject to the negative influence of otherworldly forces. Professional shamans have repeatedly talked about how they had to work with young mothers who claimed that after giving birth their physical and spiritual condition worsened every day.

There are times when a person begins to wake up at exactly 3 am, or at the beginning of the fourth hour. Sorcerers and shamans believe that this is not just a coincidence. In this case, we can talk about the phenomenon of the capture of the human soul by dark forces. They are the ones who make you wake up at such a late hour. This type of insomnia can last for a very long time. It is believed that this phenomenon can be defeated only with the help of a special ritual that will allow one to expel evil spirits from a person.

Expert opinion

For those who believe in the existence of dark forces, it is important to remember certain rules, the observance of which will not allow serious changes in their destined destiny. In addition to the fact that during the witching hour you cannot wash yourself or walk far from home, there are a number of prohibitions. A striking example of this is the popular belief that prohibits combing hair at this time.

It is believed that this action can lead to the person being possessed by an evil spirit. However, in addition to many prohibitions, there are also positive aspects that are typical for this time of day. It is better to carry out all conspiracies, spells, and fortune telling during the witching hour.

This is especially true for conspiracies to give back money, remove damage, as well as love spells. People who want to perform some kind of magical ritual study specialized literature and often laugh at the fact that conspiracies need to be read at three in the morning. They consider it an empty formality, invented by someone in order to create a mysterious atmosphere. However, everything is not so simple and all the recommendations listed in such books are far from random. Nowadays, we very often hear questions about what needs to be done if a person is tormented by insomnia, nightmares or other unpleasant phenomena, and this usually happens during the witching hour.

It is most logical to assume that only someone who is somehow connected with dark forces can get rid of this. But for a believer this is far from an option. This category of people is uncomfortable with the very fact of the existence of witches, sorcerers and various evil spirits.

There is no doubt that the witching hour really exists. But experts assure that there is no need to be panicky about this time of day. A person is always under divine protection if he believes in it.

That. Anyone who, to their question of why I wake up at 3 am, looks for the answer in magic books, is not so wrong. It’s not for nothing that scary stories are told about the night period from 3 to 4 - at this hour witches wake up.

The time from three o'clock in the morning to four in esotericism is called the witching hour.

It is believed that the forces of evil are most active at this time, taking revenge on everyone living on earth because the sun will soon rise and they will have to hide again.

Woe to those who are not in their apartment or under the protection of the Holy Cross during this period of time. Demons or demons will spin you around, take you to an unfamiliar place, mutilate your body and, if you ask for mercy, may demand payment with an immortal soul.

It is believed that the unpleasant influence of evil forces is reduced if, even for some reason, you are outside the room, but there will still be a cross in sight. This will not stop the demons - in the witching hour they are able not to be afraid even of the Lord's Prayer - but they do not have enough strength for global atrocities. They will limit themselves to throwing stones, making you stumble, arranging obstacles in the form of potholes and potholes along the way.

However, our road and economic services can handle the latter. So, if you get injured at night, you should not immediately suspect the machinations of the devil.

Sometimes with the question: “Why do I wake up at three in the morning, I can’t sleep, I’m suffocating? - turn to doctors.

The answer they receive is vague. Doctors talk about certain cycles of the body, that at this hour organs such as the liver and gall bladder are activated. They begin to effectively cleanse the body, processing toxins and preparing them for evacuation. The feeling of anxiety that arises at this time occurs when there is a problem in these organs or a problem in metabolic processes.

This answer reassures few people and, in search of the truth, they turn to esoteric or magical literature with the examples described in them of why the witching hour is dangerous.

There is also a story about a deceased husband who visited his ex-wife, pushed aside his sleeping successor and strangled the cheater. And numerous stories about mothers, precisely at this terrible hour of sleeping babies.

Books on black magic are scary. It turns out that ordinary prayers will not be able to completely protect against evil spirits at this hour. Just slightly reduce the negative impact.

The stories of those who met brownies inspire a little more optimism. The brownie may scare, but will not do any harm.

Esotericism explains such night vigils as follows. If I wake up at 3 o’clock and then can’t fall asleep for a long time - this is already an everyday occurrence, then there is probably a hidden potential in a person that connects his vibrations with the vibrations of nature and with the intangible world.

The one to whom this happens may not be aware of his capabilities, which can lead to negative consequences.

Anyone who has certain abilities should think only about good things at this hour, because what he has planned at this time can become reality. After all, at night they often remember what bothered them during the day, and sometimes dreams of taking revenge on the offender appear.

During the witching hour, the hidden forces of the body increase and, thinking about revenge, cultivating negativity in the soul, you can lose your essence.

There is another sure sign - besides night vigils - that a person has high vibrations. This is an indifferent attitude towards food, the inability to get hung up on material goods, the belief that animals have souls and a living world in every manifestation. And if evil is not allowed into the soul, the vibrations will resemble the vibrations of Angels, good forces.

If these factors coincide, then you should reject the dark side of the soul and try to develop psychic abilities.

To believe or not to believe that the witching hour exists is everyone’s personal choice. But if you wake up at a certain time at night, then can’t fall asleep for a long time and are staggering during the day from lack of sleep, you should think about your mental health and balance.

I grew up an unusual child. A lot of strange things were happening. I "saw" what others did not see. Mom believed that these were tales made up by a child. I grew up and attracted too much attention to myself. She was smart and did well in her studies without any difficulty. Beautiful. Not influenced by anyone. Not like everyone else. Soon my friends noticed that what I said later actually happened. I thought I was telling the dreams I saw. One day, dad brought me a book. He says: “Read it, it’s interesting,” later another one, then another. I loved to read. And a few years later, when I turned 12, my dad said that I was a hereditary witch, and the power of the family would pass to me after the death of my grandmother. Which at that moment was alive and well. My parents protected me from this and contact with my grandmother was at a distance of 11,000 km. Where next? But, as they say, from fate... ... a small digression, as it relates to the topic of the forum, we will come to this. Yes, it's 3:23 on my watch and I'm still writing. My mother didn’t love me, or was afraid, or was jealous, or simply didn’t know how to be a mother for such a child. I felt that she didn't love me. But, for sure, she loved me and still loves me. I paid attention to the author’s story about: “something burst into the room, cold... Etc.” I call them “gray”. They are tall and shady. They come with the cold. They have long fingers. They like to touch the hand, or press, for example, on the chest. I've seen a lot of these since childhood. There are others too. When I was a child, I went to bed at 21:00 clearly and without a reminder from my parents. Later, when she grew up, she noted that she needed to fall asleep before 00:00 in order to sleep soundly during the “witching hour.” I would like to note that I refused to do magic because I wanted to have a family and children. But for the last six months they have been “waking me up” at the witching hour, no matter how tired I am, work, children, animals, training - nothing helps. They “wake me up” and you too. But, I know exactly why this happens, and you are only guessing about your abilities. They don't let me start a family. I'm married for the third time. My husband is being “pulled away” from me. And he loves me more than anything in the world and does not give up. They tried to take my children away from me in order to make me angry and make me “lost it.” I returned the children, I went through three weeks of “hell”, and only with the prayer “Our Father” did I return, return the children and husband. But they wake me up at 3:00 and not only that. They tease you during the day, they call from someone who doesn’t know and they say what they don’t know. They're trying to make you angry. If I get angry, the darkness will consume my soul and I will become a black witch. And with the strength that I have, I will sweep away mountains. Everyone who is woken up at this time has strength, different, but there. And there is a choice: which side to take. You read "Our Father" means your choice, like mine, is the side of the world. Yes, I'm a witch. I am a witch by birth, and I am a white witch. Remember, they don't like it when a white witch says prayers! They hate it! The more people who are awakened at 3:00 read the Lord's Prayer, the more people take the path of light. There is no need to be afraid. Smile in their face and laugh - it will start to bother them. This year, dark forces are activated for the onset of Catholic Christmas. More and more. Let's not let them win! Pray! Go to church, order services for your family, yourself, 40 mouth is good. Read “Our Father” to yourself and learn other prayers. With God blessing!

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