What can you feed a Djungarian hamster: nutrition, types of food, animal care, veterinarian advice and personal experience of owners. What do Djungarian hamsters eat at home: rules for creating a complete diet What do Djungarian hamsters eat at home?

Djungarian hamsters? charming miniature animals that are relatively easy to care for. However, like all pets, they need a properly formulated diet, which directly affects energy, health and.

Principles of nutrition of the Djungarian hamster

Firstly, the composition of the food should be as close as possible to what Djungarian hamsters eat in the wild.

Secondly, The basis of your pet's diet should be grain mixtures.

Third, in addition to grains, in addition to the diet, the hamster should receive a variety of vegetables, fruits, herbs, etc.

The main grain food for Djungarian hamsters is not difficult to find and purchase at a pet store. However, before purchasing, you must carefully study the composition of the mixture. It should contain vitamin and mineral supplements. Ready-made food can be either in the form of a grain mix or in the form of solid granules. There is no fundamental difference between them, however, if necessary, the mixture in granules can be easily made into a paste (for a sick or small dwarf).

The grain mixture is easy to prepare yourself. It is enough to mix, for example, rolled oats, oats, crushed corn, peas or beans, buckwheat, barley and some seeds.

What to feed Djungarian hamsters?

The diet of the dzhungarik should include:

Cereals and legumes: oatmeal, buckwheat; corn, oats, barley, wheat, beans, peas, lentils.

Seeds: sunflower; pumpkins, melons.

Nuts: hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts, cashews; sesame seeds.

Sprouts: oats, bamboo, alfalfa, wheat.

Greenery: dandelion, clover, nettle leaves, plantain, parsley, lettuce, dill, basil, pea pods, celery, etc.

Vegetables: bell pepper, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, cucumber, carrots, tomato, turnip, radish, pumpkin, etc.

Fruits and berries, fresh and dried: apricot, peach, apple, plum, cherry, banana, grapes, cherry, pear, rose hip, strawberry, gooseberry, blueberry.

Twigs, bark of deciduous and fruit trees: birch, cherry, pear, apple, poplar, beech, willow, maple.

Protein food. Djungarians should receive it several times a week. Boiled chicken, boiled chicken or quail eggs, worms purchased at a pet store (earthworms, mealworms, gammarus), shrimp, as well as plain yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese are good options.
Hay. You can offer your hamster an armful of timothy hay or alfalfa. This is a good source of healthy plant fiber.

Harmful foods for the Djungarian hamster

  • grain mixtures intended for other rodents, parrots;
  • drops for rodents (no more than 1-2 times a month);
  • bread;
  • crackers and bread;
  • potato;
  • Brazilian nut;
  • acorns.

Hamsters should not be given:

  • salt, sugar, spices, honey;
  • bread, cookies, pasta and flour in general;
  • chocolate and sweets;
  • milk and dairy products such as cream, sour cream, butter;
  • any citrus fruits;
  • pits of cherries, sweet cherries, apricots, almonds, etc.;
  • kiwi;
  • avocado;
  • a pineapple;
  • pomegranate;
  • cabbage: white, red, Brussels sprouts;
  • onion garlic;
  • mushrooms;
  • branches of coniferous trees: spruce, pine, fir, larch;
  • muesli;
  • sausage, frankfurters, etc.
It is important to know that fried, fatty and sweet foods are not intended to feed Djungarians. It is also necessary to take into account that any greenery collected within the city will not benefit your pet. Due to the tendency of this type of hamster to diabetes, you should not overuse fruits. The diet must be formed in such a way that it alternates between fruits and vegetables.

Basic rules for feeding the Djungarian hamster

1. The animal must be fed at the same time.
2. It is best to give food in the evening, because... Djungarians? The animals are nocturnal and in the evening they usually get enough sleep.
3. The diet should be balanced and complete. Observing your pet will help you understand what food he likes best. If a Djungarian hamster becomes ill from certain foods, they should be immediately excluded. For example, eating watermelons can cause diarrhea in a rodent.
4. Any remaining food left uneaten by the hamster should be removed immediately. This is especially true for vegetables and fruits, which quickly become moldy.
5. It is better to select the amount of food for the animal experimentally. On average, he needs one tablespoon of food per day.
6. An empty hamster's bowl does not mean that he has no food. Djungarians can hide food in their cheek pouches and in the cage litter.
7. Green and juicy food should be doused with boiling water before feeding.

Dishes for feeding the Djungarian hamster

A small but heavy ceramic bowl is ideal for Djungarik. You should not buy a large container: it will take up a lot of space in the cage. Place the bowl of food as far as possible from the pet’s toilet. It is advisable to wash your rodent's dishes at least once a week.

Water for Djungarian hamsters

Water must be present in the cell at all times. It is undesirable to give animals boiled water and it is strictly forbidden to give them distilled water. The best option is filtered, spring or, as a last resort, settled tap water.

Following the rules, it is best to purchase a special convenient drinking bowl for this animal. You should not skimp and pour water into a bowl or saucer for your hamster. Although this option may seem attractive, it can result in constant water spills, dirt in the bowl, and dampness in the cage.

The drinker should be placed in such a way that direct sunlight does not fall on it - this can provoke the growth of algae.

Vitamins and minerals for Djungarian hamsters

On the shelves of pet stores you can find special supplements for rodents that compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals. They should be purchased only if the main grain food for the animal is prepared independently or does not contain a vitamin-mineral complex in the stated composition.

It is advisable to purchase small pieces of mineral stones for the rodent’s cage, on which the animal will grind its teeth.

Feeding elderly and weakened Djungarian hamsters

For an aged dwarf it is important to choose a special diet, because his teeth are no longer as strong as before. Ground grain or granulated food, baby cereals and purees, etc. are suitable. Sick hamsters should receive the same nutrition as older ones. It is convenient to add medicines and vitamins to purees and porridges.

If for some reason the hamster refuses to eat, you can feed and drink it from a syringe without a needle. The feed is ground with water to a pulpy state.

The Djungarian hamster is the most popular rodent that can be kept in apartments. In addition, it is also the most studied species. This hamster lives in the steppes of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Life expectancy is on average three years. Although everything here depends on the conditions in which the rodent lives.

Djungarian hamsters are very tamed. Caring for them is quite simple; they are not picky about food. To raise a healthy rodent, you need to follow good hygiene and feed a variety of foods. If you decide that you want to have such a rodent, then read the article further.

Buying an animal. Is it worth getting several hamsters?

First, decide how many rodents you want to keep. Some people think that you need to buy two dzhungarikas at once to make their life more fun. But experienced breeders say differently on this matter. They believe that each rodent should have its own cage. Why do they have this point of view?

This is because Djungarian hamsters are solitary by nature, so if there is no “friend” in the cage with them, they will not get bored. In 95% of cases, living together with such rodents leads to bad consequences. Fights occur between hamsters, after which the rodents develop injuries. Although there were times when they still lived very peacefully. Therefore, before you decide to buy two rodents, think carefully.

Determining the sex of the Djungarian hamster

How to do it? Of course, the seller can volunteer to help, but, unfortunately, he can also make a simple mistake. It's actually very easy to figure out. How? First, place the rodent's back on your palm, with your thumbs holding the upper part of the hamster's body.

The back part is now in a free position, so you can easily examine the sexual characteristics of the animal with your second hand. During this procedure, do not hurt the rodent, do not squeeze the body, and be extremely careful.

So, now about the differences... If the animal has a distance of about one centimeter between the anus and genitals, and in the center of the tummy you can see a formed gland that looks like a navel, then you know that this is a male hamster.

How to understand that you are holding a female in your hands? The distance between the anus and genitals is small, and the gland is almost invisible. Another difference between the female is two rows of papillae running from the chest to the bottom of the abdomen.

Djungarian hamsters: care and maintenance

Now we move on to choosing housing, because the baby needs somewhere to live. Of course, the best option is a cage. It is desirable that it be larger than 50x30 cm. This way the rodent will have enough space for jogging and warming up. Choose a cage with horizontal bars, it will be better. The rodent will be able to climb on them.

What to do when a home is purchased? Next you need to fill the cell correctly. The first thing you need is a house. Pay attention to the material. There are different types of houses made of plastic, ceramics, cardboard or wood. Cardboard products, as you understand, are not particularly practical. It is better to choose ceramic and wooden ones. But such houses will cost more. Plastic products are the best option for price/quality ratio.

What size should the house be? Spacious. It is important that the Djungarian hamster walks freely through the door with its cheeks stuffed. In the house itself there should be enough space for storage rooms. If the rodent feels uncomfortable in the home, then it needs to be changed. After all, the pet should be comfortable.

food feeder

Rather, the feeder is needed by the owner rather than by the rodent. As a rule, hamsters very quickly empty the feeder, taking the grain mixture into the pantries.

When you pick up a bowl, remember that rodents love to turn plates onto the ground. The ideal option is a ceramic product. It is difficult for a small hamster to move such plates. Glass bowls should not be placed in a rodent's cage, as it may get hurt.

Rodent drinking bowl

There are several types of drinking bowls. The pet store may advise you to buy a regular bowl. But this is not the best option. The advantage of such a purchase is the price. In a cage, a rodent will simply turn a plastic bowl over or cover it with sawdust.

The best option is automatic drinkers. They are also called “nipple”. The design of this product is quite simple: a plastic container with a metal spout is used for water. The drinking bowl is easily attached to the cage. To get water, the Djungarian hamster must press the valve with its nose. The advantage of this type is that the rodent will not be able to pour out or spoil the liquid.

Some necessary items that can be put in the cage

You will also need a wheel. After all, the rodent needs to spend its accumulated energy somewhere.

To grind teeth you need a mineral or chalk stone.

If you wish, you can purchase a special bathing suit that you fill with sand. Rodents will take a bath with great pleasure in this product. Of course, sand.

Pet stores also sell special tunnels, ladders, sections, and more for rodents.

Cage filler: which one is better to choose?

You can use different fillers. But the best option is sawdust. Some people recommend using cat litter as bedding. This is acceptable, but anything is better than sawdust. They are cheaper and safer for animals.

Never put cotton wool in your hamster's cage. It is contraindicated for rodents. Cotton fibers can wrap around your hamster's legs and body, causing poor circulation. There are cases when rodents eat pieces of this material, which leads to intestinal problems.

Where to put the cage

You should not place your home next to noisy objects (TV, radios, etc.) or a hot radiator. Make sure that the rodent's cage is not exposed to sunlight. Also, you should not place it in a draft, as Djungarian hamsters will often get sick.

Rodent care

This animal is very clean. Caring for him is a pleasure. This animal does not smell, so cleaning can be done infrequently. The ideal option is once every three days. How to clean?

First, remove the rodent from the cage, then all objects. Next, pour out the sawdust, wash the tray and add new ones.

Should you bathe your hamster? You can bathe, but you need to use either a special or dry shampoo. Soap is in no way suitable for these purposes. The hygienic procedure should be carried out only when soiled. You just shouldn’t bathe a rodent, as it’s stressful for him. In addition, the animal may catch a cold.

As a rule, the Djungarian hamster carries out all hygiene procedures itself. He carefully cleans the body using his tongue and paws.

In its natural environment, the hamster lives in burrows. But even there the animal manages to maintain perfect cleanliness. There they make a toilet in special holes. At the genetic level, the property was passed on to domestic hamsters. In a free corner, as a rule, these rodents arrange a latrine for themselves.

Rodent feeding at home

What to feed Djungarian hamsters? This topic needs special attention. The simplest option is feed mixtures. You can buy them at a pet store. Typically, prepared meals include peas, oats, seeds, corn and nuts.

What do Djungarian hamsters eat? Fresh vegetables and fruits. The Djungarian hamster, the photo of which you see in our article, will enjoy lettuce, plantain, dried fruits (dates, prunes and dried apricots), carrots or zucchini with great pleasure. He also won't give up corn. Remember that onions are harmful to rodents. If we talk about fruits, hamsters love apples, peaches, apricots and bananas. Citrus fruits should not be given to rodents.

A hamster's diet should also include protein. A couple of times a week, the rodent can be given low-fat cottage cheese, boiled chicken meat or boiled eggs (chicken and quail). In addition, boiled shrimp, dried gammarus and earthworms should be added to the diet. Watch what the hamster hides in his pantries; there should be no perishable food there, otherwise it can lead to bad consequences.

If you put hay in the cage, then don’t be surprised; the dwarf will eat it too. Sometimes rodents need extra vitamins. When selecting such products, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

List of prohibited products

  1. Spices.
  2. Salt.
  3. Avocado.
  4. Lemons.
  5. Milk.
  6. Branches of coniferous trees (pine, larch and others).
  7. Oranges and grapefruits.
  8. Sugar.
  9. Sour cream.
  10. Cabbage (Brussels sprouts, white and red cabbage).
  11. Cream.
  12. Pasta.
  13. Watermelon.
  14. Cookie.
  15. Almond.
  16. Bakery.
  17. Pomegranate.
  18. A pineapple.
  19. Candies.
  20. Mint.
  21. Chocolate.
  22. Apricot and cherry pits.
  23. Cakes.
  24. Muesli.
  25. Kiwi.
  26. Butter.
  27. Sorrel.
  28. Sausages.
  29. Bread (black).
  30. Mint.
  31. Mushrooms.
  32. Sausages.

There is an opinion that dwarf rodents do not need drinking water. This is an erroneous statement. Djungarian hamsters cannot live without water at home, so it is best to keep a special drinking bowl in the cage for these purposes. The water needs to be changed twice a week unless the rodent empties the container first.


Everyone gets sick, Djungarian hamsters are no exception. Most diseases can only be diagnosed by a veterinarian. Now let's look at the main diseases of Djungarian hamsters.

Cold or flu

If your animal has significantly decreased activity, it sneezes and sniffles, then there is a chance that it has caught some kind of infection. The disease progresses exactly the same as in humans. By the way, humans can also transmit the virus to animals. There is no treatment as such, but during the period of illness, provide the rodent with fruits and vegetables. This way you can increase his immunity.

Blows, fractures and dislocations

As a rule, Djungarians receive similar injuries from an unsuccessful fall. Main symptoms:

  • problems in movement;
  • curvature of the limbs;
  • shock (sometimes can also accompany a sick rodent).

If you notice that something is wrong with your pet, you should contact your veterinarian. He will give you appropriate recommendations depending on the severity of the injury.

Eye diseases

Have you noticed that your pet has sticky eyelids? Then it is most likely that the animal contracted a bacterial infection, which developed into conjunctivitis. The rodent's eyes should be washed with salted water or strong tea.

How can you tell if your hamster has cataracts? The lens is cloudy and the pupil area is gray. As a rule, this disease manifests itself in old age. Unfortunately, this disease cannot be treated. Therefore, you need to accept your pet as such.

Dental problems

If a Djungarian hamster suddenly refuses food, this may be due to dental trauma. Check if everything is in order with the incisors. There are cases when rodents have teeth that are too long. To straighten, you need to use special nail clippers.

Skin and coat problems

Hair loss and peeling skin are symptoms of diseases such as eczema or dermatophytosis. As a rule, such diseases are associated with stress or allergies.

If your pet has red spots and wounds on its body, it is likely that it has mites.

Rodent intestinal diseases

Loud gurgling in the stomach, severe diarrhea, copious discharge with an unpleasant odor - all these are signs of intestinal diseases. Bacterial infections of this kind must be treated with special medications. With such problems you should contact your veterinarian.


This is the most problematic area among all diseases of Djungarian hamsters. This is because it is very difficult to diagnose and errors are possible. Sometimes people mistake an ordinary lump for a brain tumor.

There is no need to see a fatal diagnosis in everything. If you have any suspicions, consult a doctor immediately. He will be able to conduct qualified diagnostics.

A little conclusion

Now you know who the Djungarian hamster is, the maintenance and care of which, as you understand, is quite simple. This rodent can become a good friend for kids and adults. If you have forgotten what a Djungarian hamster looks like, the photos presented in our article will help you remember. Did you like the animal? Then remember the information provided here, it will help you in raising and maintaining a rodent.

Caring for a Djungarian hamster is not difficult; it is enough to equip the cage with everything necessary and provide the pet with a regular and high-quality diet. If you do not follow certain nutritional rules, the hamster may get sick and will live with the owner for a short time. Djungarians eat literally everything that is not offered.

However, not all products are recommended for them. You should include only food that is healthy for your animal in your diet. What can be given to a small animal and what cannot be given? How to create the ideal menu for a hamster? Let's consider the basic requirements for nutrition and diet.

At home, Djungarians should have food consisting of cereals, legumes and various cereals. Feed mixtures are sold ready-made and can be found in any pet store. For finished food, only the composition and manufacturer may differ.

What is included in the dry mixture?

  1. Oats.
  2. Hercules.
  3. Corn.
  4. Seeds.
  5. Nuts.
  6. Peas.

The Djungarian hamster may not immediately evaluate the brand of the mixture; sometimes, to find the optimal option, you have to go through several brands. Usually one package of store-bought mixture lasts for one and a half or two months.

Some owners prepare grain mixtures themselves. In this case, they dilute the above composition with buckwheat, beans, lentils, and barley. It is not forbidden to add melon, pumpkin or sunflower seeds to such food.

Hamsters love nuts; you can add nuts, cashews, chickpeas, sesame seeds, and hazelnuts. Do not forget about the quality of such a mixture; all products must be fresh.

What is possible

You can diversify your hamster's diet at home with an extensive list of products. Djungarians benefit from greens; in the summer, you can pamper your pet with clover, plantain leaves, dill, and parsley. Extensive list of vegetables and fruits.

The vegetable diet of the Djungarian hamster includes:

  1. Bell pepper.
  2. Broccoli.
  3. Fresh corn, beans and peas.
  4. Carrot.
  5. Cucumbers and fresh tomatoes.
  6. Cauliflower.
  7. Pumpkin.

If you include fruits in your diet, hamsters can eat bananas, grapes, apricots, apples and plums. It is not forbidden to feed the Djungarian hamster at home with cherries, sweet cherries, rose hips, strawberries, and gooseberries. Pear should be pampered in rare cases, it “weakens”.

It is worth giving hamsters protein food twice a week. Rodents eat boiled chicken meat without salt and seasonings, and peeled shrimp. You can find earthworms in pet stores. Chicken and quail eggs can be eaten in small quantities and in rare cases. The same applies to low-fat kefir.

Djungarian hamsters enjoy gnawing tree branches. Fresh branches of birch, cherry, maple, pear, oak, and apple are suitable for them.

It is important to take precautions when feeding. It is necessary to remove seeds from fruits and berries, as jungarians can eat everything and can choke. All uneaten remains should be removed; spoiled pieces can cause poisoning.

In the wild, hamsters eat mainly grain crops; this nuance can be taken into account when composing the diet of the dzhungarik.

In addition to grain crops, in the wild hamsters can also eat animal food, sometimes turning into a predator, eating carrion or killing smaller animals. At home, you should take this factor into account when choosing food.

Special dry food

Diet at home must include special grain feed. There are a huge variety of them on our market, so you can offer the dzhungarik a choice and follow his preferences.

In addition to their composition, they differ strikingly in their quality, which is also worth paying attention to. The case when a home protests and flatly refuses a certain brand is far from uncommon.

Also, you should not feed your Djungarian hamster with grain mixtures intended for other animals.

Protein food

A couple of times a week you should feed the jungarik with protein foods, such as cottage cheese or a piece of boiled chicken; a boiled chicken or quail egg, or low-fat boiled fish are perfect. All of the above products must be prepared without spices and seasonings that are harmful to the small body.

Let's look at the list of products that you can still feed the homa:

  1. Cereals:
    • Buckwheat.
    • Beans.
    • Oats.
    • Wheat.
    • Beans.
    • Barley.
    • Lentils.
    • Peas.
  2. Nuts:
    • Cashew nuts.
    • Hazelnut.
    • Peanut.
    • Gretsky.
  3. Seeds:
    • Pumpkins.
    • Sunflower.
    • Melons.
  4. Greenery:
    • Nettle.
    • Dandelion leaves.
    • Parsley.
    • Salad.
    • Dill.

Before feeding homa with parsley, dill and other herbs, rinse and dry it thoroughly. Thanks to this simple procedure, moisture that may contain harmful substances will disappear. Remember that parsley has a laxative effect and should not be given if Homa is pregnant.

Feed with caution

Dwarf hamsters, which include Djungarian hamsters, are prone to diabetes, so fruits and berries should be fed in moderation and carefully.

If you want to diversify your homa's diet with fresh foods, then instead of fruits, you can focus on vegetables.

Below is a list of vegetables, fruits and berries that, in moderate quantities, will not harm the health of the dwarf, but on the contrary, will replenish the supply of vitamins and nutrients.

Fruits and berries:

  • Apple.
  • Banana.
  • Peach.
  • Cherries.
  • Plum.
  • Blueberry.
  • Rose hip.
  • Strawberry.
  • Grushka.
  • Grape.

Fruits can be offered to Djungarian hamsters after they reach two months of age. Make sure that no half-eaten pieces are left in the cages; they spoil quickly and can ultimately lead to poisoning of the rodent.

Some varieties of pear have a laxative effect, so it should be introduced gradually and in small quantities.

  • Zucchini.
  • Chinese cabbage.
  • Eggplant.
  • Cucumber.
  • Radish.
  • Radish.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Tomato.
  • Beet.
  • Green beans.
  • Fresh corn.
  • Carrot.

Tomatoes can be fed to homa if they are grown in your garden, since the varieties sold on the market often contain a lot of pesticides.

A similar rule is fully applicable to cucumbers. Beets will not harm your pet, but they actually do not contain any beneficial substances. But carrots must be included in the homa diet.

Dried fruits:

  • Banana chips.
  • Dried apples.
  • Dried pears.
  • Dried apricots.
  • Raisin.

Fruits and vegetables grown yourself or purchased from safe places will be a big plus.

Poisoning people with pesticides is far from uncommon, let alone such miniature creatures, for which such a dose would be fatal. As for dried fruits, due to their high sugar content, they should be given in small quantities.

Do not allow dzhungarik to eat citrus fruits, they are harmful for such a small organism, this rule also applies to sour berries, such as barberry or sea buckthorn. Tropical fruits should be avoided in the homa diet, with the exception of bananas or banana chips.

List of prohibited products

You should not give white cabbage to dzungarians to eat, it causes increased gas formation and is difficult to digest. There have been cases when it caused the death of a poor rodent. Limit khoma from potatoes, they are too hard to digest and can contain huge amounts of pesticides, plus they have too much starch.

Remember that any branches of fruit trees collected in the city can seriously harm the dzhungarika, having a detrimental effect on health. Given our ecology, this fact does not even require explanation.

Good quality twigs can be purchased at pet stores, but be sure to heat them before giving them to your rodent.

Under no circumstances give Djungarian hamsters food from your table. Fried, fatty and floury foods are very harmful to his health.

Below, in the list, we will take a closer look at the foods that should not be given to Djungarian hamsters, these are:

  • Salt.
  • Pepper.
  • Sugar.
  • Watermelon.
  • Sour cream.
  • Chocolate.
  • Kiwi.
  • Pomegranate.
  • Mint.
  • Sorrel.
  • Cherry or apricot pits.
  • Coniferous tree branches.
  • Sausage.
  • Bread.
  • Cookie.
  • Pasta.
  • Garlic.
  • Almond.
  • Milk.

There is a lot of debate about foods that should or should not be included in a hamster's diet, with one half arguing for harmlessness or healthfulness, and the other taking the opposite point of view. These products include beets, radishes and bananas.

In any case, the choice will be yours; if you have concerns about giving this or that food, it is better to refuse than to reproach yourself for what you have done. After all, the list of products that are completely harmless for Djungarian hamsters is quite extensive.

We create the “correct” diet for the Djungarian hamster

The food that is suitable for feeding the dwarf at home is practically no different from the food that it obtains in its natural environment, that is, in the wild.

Cereals, nuts

So, the most common food for Djungra hamsters are cereals, namely:

  • buckwheat;
  • Hercules;
  • wheat;
  • barley;
  • legumes (peas, beans, beans, lentils).

You can even prepare food for your Djungarian hamster at home by mixing all of the above products in equal proportions. Sunflower, melon or pumpkin seeds are often used as an additive. But if for some reason you do not have the opportunity or time to prepare food for your pet, then you can purchase a ready-made cereal mixture at any specialized store.

Such domestic rodents as dzhungariki do not refuse nuts, which, by the way, are very beneficial for the body of fluffies. Therefore, experienced zoologists strongly recommend introducing nuts such as cashews, hazelnuts, chickpeas, walnuts, and even sesame seeds into the daily diet of hamsters.


Now let's talk about fresh greens, without which hamsters cannot fully develop. Of course, in late autumn, winter and early spring it is extremely difficult to enrich the diet of a furry friend with such food (if you do not grow greens at home), but what prevents us from introducing greens into the pet’s menu at other times of the year?

Clover, nettle, plantain, dandelion, parsley, lettuce, dill - Djungarian hamsters eat all this with great pleasure.

Vegetables fruits

Fortunately, hamsters are accustomed to eating almost all vegetables and fruits. But so that you have no doubts about whether to give this or that product to your pet, let's take a closer look at all the vegetables and fruits that should be in the diet of a dzhungarik.

For convenience, we have combined all the data into a single table.

During the cold season, it is extremely difficult to provide your pet with a nutritious diet. But if you worry about this in advance, then in summer or autumn you can stock up on dried fruits or frozen foods (vegetables, fruits, berries).

It has been clinically proven that a balanced diet, which contains all of the above products, ensures the full growth and development of the rodent, and also strengthens its immune system.


Hamsters are very fond of bamboo shoots, sprouted oats, wheat and alfalfa. Therefore, if you want to pamper your pets, then this treat is perfect for this role.

In the warm season, dzhungarikas can be offered branches of deciduous and fruit trees. Believe me, almost all hamsters love to chew such a treat.

Birch, beech, cherry, maple, pear, oak, apple, poplar twigs will not only clean your furry pet’s teeth, but will also saturate his body with all useful substances.

Protein products

In order for your fluffy to fully develop, his diet must contain protein food, which is ideal for boiled chicken meat (without seasonings and salt), shrimp meat, and earthworms.

As for the latter, qualified specialists strongly recommend purchasing this type of protein food exclusively in zoological stores, because worms dug up in the front garden may contain harmful substances that will negatively affect the health of the hamster.

Eggs can also be a good source of protein. The Djungarik menu may include both quail and chicken eggs, but giving them more than twice a week is highly undesirable. Fermented milk products (kefir and homemade yogurt) in your furry pet’s menu should be low-fat, maximum 1%, otherwise the hamster will have digestive problems, which can be eliminated with rice water.

As for the nutrition of babies who do not have enough mother's milk, dairy-free cereals, baby food and lean baby purees without any additives are suitable as complementary foods.


A new product should be introduced into the diet of a Djungarian hamster in small pieces, and the reaction and condition should be observed. Gradually the volume is increased.

So, the pet’s menu should include basic food, the food should be enriched with fruits, vegetables, and herbs from the list of recommended products.

Hamsters eat frequently, and they also store food. Spoiled food should be removed from the house to avoid rotting and mold. In addition to spreading unsanitary conditions, the hamster can become poisoned.

Small and cute rodents, Djungarian hamsters naturally live in the North-Eastern Caucasus, Central and Western Asia and Western Siberia. Their habitat is rocky semi-desert areas, cinquefoil and wormwood steppes without shrubs. Djungarians also live well at home, where their maintenance does not require a lot of time and money. Pet lovers happily keep them in their apartments, and this is understandable, since they love to play with children and delight with their funny antics.

Meet the Djungarian hamster

A very active rodent with beautiful fur grows to only 10 cm and has a body weight of 45 g. Features of its appearance include: dark stripe on the back, which distinguishes it from its brothers. The animal's fur has a variegated color and white inclusions, due to which in natural conditions the rodent can safely camouflage and hide from predators. Domestic hamsters can have the following colors:

  • pearl;
  • mandarin;
  • standard;
  • sapphire.

In winter, the animal's fur sheds and turns white. The inclusions become invisible, leaving only a gray stripe on the back.

Many people like Dzungariki not only for their cute plush face, but also because are distinguished by exceptional cleanliness and do not emit an unpleasant odor. At the genetic level, even at home, they stock up on food by putting it behind their chubby cheeks. This funny rodent is very interesting to watch. Djungarian hamsters are active only at dusk. They sleep day and night and can happily do this on the laps of their owners.

Like all rodents, dzhungarikas can show aggression and even bite. Their bite does not pose a danger to humans, however, it is quite sensitive. This character trait of the animal must be kept in mind if a hamster is purchased for a child.

Keeping dzhungarika at home

Hamsters are very unpretentious and easy to keep. The ideal option for keeping them is a cage. Since a rodent can easily chew through plastic and wooden rods, it is best if the frame of the house will be galvanized. The cage should be spacious enough to accommodate a pet house, a special wheel, and still have room for the hamster to actively move around.

The cage should be equipped with:

  1. A fairly spacious house with a wide opening into which the rodent should easily enter.
  2. Manholes in the form of tubes, branches and horses.
  3. A special toilet, which is intended for small animals and is filled with absorbent material.
  4. Bedding in the form of pressed sawdust or fine sand, which should be able to absorb moisture and absorb odors. It is strictly prohibited to lay newspapers, rags, napkins and cotton wool on hamsters.
  5. A drinking bowl with a volume of at least 50 ml. It is best to choose an automatic drinker that will be attached to the wall of the cage. Your pet's water should always be fresh.
  6. Feeder, the width of which should be from 3 to 10 cm.
  7. A wheel that is selected taking into account the size of the pet. It should have a bottom without a grid and transverse protrusions.
  8. A bathing suit, which differs in that sand is poured into it instead of water. It is not recommended to wet or bathe dzhungarikas.

Features of care

Clean rodents do not require special care. They wash themselves and clean their fur with their paws. You will only need to change the litter as it fills, and clean the cage once every 5-7 days. Once a month, the bottom of the cage should be washed with water and laundry soap.

Since Djungarian hamsters cannot be bathed, they should sometimes arrange a sand bath. This is only required if the rodent’s fur is not shiny and matted. To do this, pour a little sand into a container and place the pet in it. He will happily wallow in the sand and clean his fur.

These simple measures for caring for dzhungarikas will provide your small animal with a healthy and joyful life.

Nutrition of Djungarian hamsters

If caring for rodents is quite simple, then you need to pay special attention to nutrition. It is recommended to feed your pet twice a day at the same time. This should be done in the morning when the hamster wakes up, and in the evening when it begins to be active. The pregnant female is fed at regular intervals four times a day.

In the morning, the dzhungarik's diet should include boiled vegetables, protein and succulent food. In the evening, it is tedious to give him cereal, dry food and treats.

The diet of Djungarian hamsters includes:

Twice a week, the rodents' diet should include protein in the form of a boiled egg, cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt, low-fat boiled fish or boiled chicken fillet.

It is recommended to feed pregnant females, sick and thin hamsters with baby food prepared in water without sugar and salt. If your pet has an intestinal disorder, you can feed your pet sticky rice, and if you have constipation, give a drop of vegetable oil.

The list of products prohibited for Djungarians includes:

When purchasing food for a small rodent at a pet store, you need to be careful. Designed for large rodents rough mixes are not suitable for dzungaria. They have a completely different composition that can be harmful to the health of a small hamster.

Dzungarian diseases

Small and delicate creatures can be susceptible to various ailments. You need to know about the simplest of them so that you can properly care for your hamster in case of illness.

If they fall, active animals may get hit or get dislocated or fractured. The main symptoms in these cases are problems in the movement of the animal and curvature of the limb. It is simply impossible to fix broken legs or tail. Therefore, veterinarians advise providing the hamster with a quiet place and feeding it calcium-rich food. The ladders and wheel are temporarily removed from the cage. Immobile limbs with this type of care will grow together in 10-14 days.

If hamsters are hypothermic, they can catch a cold or contract the flu from the inhabitants of the house. The first symptoms of the disease are: decreased activity, runny nose and sneezing of the animal. If there are no other manifestations of the disease, then the pet’s cage from the draft should be moved to a warmer place, add warm bedding and give it warm milk. You can boost your immunity with vegetables and fruits. In case of sudden weight loss, loss of appetite and purulent discharge from the eyes, it is recommended to urgently contact a veterinarian, who will prescribe treatment and tell you how to care for your Djungarian hamster during illness.

Bacterial infection may develop into conjunctivitis. In this case, the inflamed eyes are carefully wiped with salted water. But if the lens of the eye becomes cloudy and the pupil area is gray, then most likely the hamster has developed cataracts. Old animals are susceptible to this disease. It cannot be treated.

With frequent stress, hamsters can develop eczema or dermatophytosis, which is manifested by hair loss and peeling skin. In this case, you should immediately seek help from a specialist who will prescribe a course of antibiotics.

Sometimes in Djungarian hamsters there are problems with teeth. Therefore, if a rodent suddenly refuses food, you need to check the teeth for integrity. In some cases, the hamster has teeth that are too long to eat, which can be straightened with regular nail clippers. But it is best to entrust such a procedure to a specialist.

As can be seen from the article, keeping and caring for Djungarian hamsters is not very difficult. Simple measures such as providing the rodent with food and fresh water, cleaning the cage and regularly playing with it will ensure a healthy life for the pet and bring joy to both the pet and its owner.

Djungarian hamsters are one of the most beloved, good-natured, charming pets to keep at home. They quickly get used to being handled and almost never bite. Very tiny, no more than 7-10 centimeters in length, they are significantly smaller in size than Syrians, unpretentious, and do not require special attention.

It is important to remember: proper care and feeding are the key to good health and long life of a rodent. Under natural conditions, the animals do not live long, barely reaching one and a half years. The reason for this is disease, poor nutrition, and predators that hunt hamsters. A calm home environment, absence of stress and illness prolongs life to 3 years or more.

The opinion that dzhungarikas can eat anything is wrong. Although they look like mice, they are not nearly as tough. Fat girls constantly gnaw, not refusing any food offered. But only high-quality food and the right menu will help ensure a good mood for hamsters and maintain health. When getting a small rodent, owners need to familiarize themselves with the rules for keeping dwarf hamsters and find out what to feed dwarf hamsters at home.

Basic rules for keeping Djungarian hamsters

When composing a diet for animals, you should focus on their natural nutritional needs. Life in steppe conditions adapted them to low-calorie food. Nutritious, fatty, it will create damage to the digestive system: the Djungarian hamster is prone to obesity, and sweets are the cause of the development of diabetes. In a confined space, when the animal does not have the opportunity to move a lot, the diet of the Djungarian hamster should be prepared correctly, preventing the appearance of excess weight. A dzhungarik needs only a tablespoon of food per day. The activity of the rodent is increased by frequent walks, outdoor games, and, of course, the wheel on which the animals love to run.

Wild individuals feed on seeds and grain. Collecting supplies in a hole, they seal themselves in it, feeding on dry foods during the cold period. In spring and summer, the diet is more varied: berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs, insects, and smaller animals are used. The Djungarian hamster's teeth grow throughout its life, so it is necessary to give them the opportunity to grind them down.

The Djungarian hamster's teeth grow throughout its life, so it is necessary to give them the opportunity to grind them down.

The metabolism of the little glutton is fast, hamsters eat constantly. The Djungarian hamster should not be allowed to starve, as this will cause its health to deteriorate. But obesity will not bring anything good to the hamster.

What products are required and allowed?

Good maintenance and a carefully selected diet contribute to the well-being of your pet.

What should you give your Djungarian hamster at home? Food must contain:

  1. Dry food(grain mixtures).
  2. Juicy food: greens, vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries.
  3. Animal proteins(lean meat, fish, insects, eggs).
  4. Mineral stone, vitamins, branches of trees, shrubs.

Dry food

The basis of the diet of Djungarian hamsters is grain mixtures.

What grains are needed:

  • corn,
  • oats,
  • barley,
  • wheat,
  • rye.

Shoots of cereal plants sprouted on the windowsill are useful.

You can give nuts and seeds:

  • walnuts,
  • cashews, hazelnuts,
  • peanut,
  • flax seeds, sunflower, sesame, pumpkin.

It is recommended to purchase ready-made industrial special brands at the pet store, which include the necessary nutrients, required vitamins, and mineral supplements. They are quite hard, which provides Djungarian hamsters with the opportunity to grind down their teeth, which grow throughout their lives. Pay attention to high-quality products from trusted manufacturers. As in any business, it is better not to buy cheap economy class dry food.

The composition of the ready-made mixtures includes peas, rolled oats, oats, corn, nuts, and seeds. This package lasts for two months. You can dilute with buckwheat, lentils, beans, mix in pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

Fruits, berries

Fresh fruits are given pitted, seeds should be removed - they contain poisonous, deadly substances. It is important to remember that most juicy fruits contain a lot of carbohydrates; feeding your pet sweets often is unacceptable. The diet of a dwarf mammal should contain no more than 5% sugars.

Few fruits are allowed. From two weeks of age you can give, for example:

  • Apple - cut into small slices. Sour, unripe, spoiled fruits are not allowed for rodents.
  • Pears are given a couple of times a week. Frequent use causes a laxative effect.
  • Peaches, cherries, plums - once every 7-10 days.
  • Strawberries, grapes - limited quantity.
  • Tropical fruits (banana).

The presented list can be supplemented with dried fruits. In winter, it is difficult to provide nutritious, vitamin-rich food. It is worth preparing the fruits for future use by freezing or drying them. The menu includes dried banana, dried apricots, figs, raisins, dates, previously soaked for 3-4 hours in water. They are added to food in small quantities due to the increased glucose content.


A low percentage of sugar is favorable for feeding vegetables to your Djungarian hamster. Given twice a week.

What is allowed:

  • Cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin.
  • Cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower).
  • Radishes, carrots.
  • Tomato - occasionally.
  • Bulgarian (sweet) pepper - unlimited.
  • Green beans - young shoots of asparagus, green peas.

Green feed

Greenery is collected away from city limits (it has the ability to absorb harmful substances from the soil and air), highways, washed and dried.


  • Household herbs (dill, parsley (not for nursing or pregnant women), lettuce, coriander, basil). Celery - limited, it has a lot of liquid. Tops of carrots and beets will also be useful.
  • Wild plants (plantain, dandelion, nettle, clover, alfalfa, bamboo shoots).

Juicy foods often contain pesticides and are thoroughly soaked for several hours. It is better if the greens are grown by the owners themselves, without the use of chemicals that can cause poisoning or cause the death of the pet.

Alfalfa and timothy hay will be a good source of fiber necessary for intestinal motility.

tree branches

It is necessary to place branches of fruit and deciduous trees in the cage. They are required for grinding teeth. Before use, the branches are washed, boiled for about an hour, and dried. Coniferous trees cannot be used - they contain essential oils and resins.

What else should you give Djungarian hamsters?

To maintain a good mood and well-being, other products are important. These include:

  • Mineral stone.
  • Hard treats (dog biscuits) are given once every seven days to wear down the incisors. If teeth become excessively long, they can damage the roof of your mouth.
  • Protein foods (low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, boiled rabbit meat, turkey, chicken, eggs, low-fat boiled fish, earthworms purchased at a pet store, butterflies, daphnia, gammarus, grasshoppers, peeled shrimp. The Turkmen cockroach is ideal). Wild-caught insects are often contaminated with microorganisms that cause diseases in rodents.
  • Clean, daily changed water, even if the animal drinks little. The stagnant liquid is poured out. Filtered spring water is suitable. The drinking bowl should be protected from direct sunlight, which can cause algae to grow inside the container.

The feeder is washed regularly. Grain and dry food are poured every day. Accustoming to a new component is carried out gradually, starting with a small crumb. Uneaten leftovers are thrown away. The little glutton is inclined to stockpile; eating spoiled food is fraught with poisoning.

In case of indigestion, Djungarians are given rice water, which has an enveloping, fastening effect. Babies who find themselves without mother's milk are supplemented with dairy-free formulas, regular cereals soaked in water, vegetable and meat baby purees without adding salt or sugar.

What not to feed

Some foods consumed by humans are poisonous to animals. You cannot treat everyone without fear for the health of the rodent. The animal is small in size, a small crumb will cause suffocation, intoxication, and death.

What is prohibited for a Djungarian hamster to eat:

  • Cabbage, beans, bread - cause fermentation, trigger rotting processes in the intestines.
  • Potatoes contain a large amount of starch.
  • Spices - irritate the digestive tract.
  • Mint.
  • Mushrooms are a heavy food.
  • Onions, garlic, sorrel.
  • Honey, chocolate (rich in theobromine, which affects the cardiovascular system).
  • Sour berries: sea buckthorn, barberry.
  • Raspberry - weakens.
  • Almonds - contain toxic cyanic and hydrocyanic acid.
  • Melons and watermelons are often treated with nitrates.
  • Fatty food.
  • Bakery products, pasta. Black bread has high acidity and causes gas formation.
  • Milk, sour cream, cream, butter.
  • Sausages include prohibited soy, starch, and spices.
  • Muesli and breakfast cereals are rich in sugar and harmful flavoring additives.
  • Exotic fruits - persimmon - are rich in astringents and tannins that cause constipation. Avocado (massive amount of fat), pineapple, pomegranate, mango, kiwi, orange, lemon (acids).
  • Apricot pits, peaches, cherries.
  • Unpeeled seeds and pasta injure the cheek pouches of animals.
  • Brightly colored berries and fruits cause allergic reactions. Watery eyes, redness of the skin, itching are reasons to refuse the product.
  • Fatty cheeses contain an excess of salt, milk sugar - lactose, which is difficult for the stomach to digest.
  • Spices are rich in essential oils that cause allergies.

It is extremely undesirable to treat an animal with food from the table, sweet, spicy, salty, flour, fried, flavored with spices. Food from the refrigerator is prohibited; it must be at room temperature.

What do they give to weakened, elderly individuals?

As an animal ages, its teeth become weak and food is difficult to chew. Special, pureed, ground food is required. Chopped nuts, crushed peas, rye bread crumbs, rolled oats, baby food, porridge, and unseasoned purees are suitable. It is impossible to refuse the grain component - cereals contribute to the activation and normal functioning of the digestive organs. You can offer a ground fruit mixture, add medicines and vitamins to the feeder with the prepared product. Human drugs cannot be given - their dosage and composition are destructive.

The pet's menu needs to be diversified. You cannot feed the same foods over and over again. Mono-diets are unacceptable. It’s good if dry, juicy, protein foods are present in the diet every day.

It is useful to give chamomile decoction to water for sick and elderly pets. If the animal is weak and refuses to eat, the food is ground to a paste-like consistency, fed and watered warm from a syringe without a needle.

Feeding a small mammal at home is entirely up to you. When keeping an apartment, a pet needs a reasonably designed menu that includes vital components. Try to create a menu for your baby that includes a lot of fresh, healthy vegetables.

Treat your pet correctly, at the same time, without relying on his choice. The baby will eat poisonous plants placed in the feeder without a doubt; he is indiscriminate and omnivorous. He will like high-calorie foods. The pet will eat sweets with pleasure. Remember: in nature, rodents do not receive such nutrition, which means there is no benefit in it.

The bowl is selected in accordance with the nutritional needs of the animal; it should be small, not allowing overfeeding, made of ceramic. This will prevent you from chewing it or choking on parts of the dishes.

There is debate about the necessity of various products. We are talking, for example, about beets and radishes. If you have doubts about the usefulness, potential risk, or fears for the existence of your pet, it is better to refuse and not conduct experiments. There are many more necessary, useful products.

If the animal was bought for children, adults should immediately explain to the kids the rules of keeping and proper feeding of the pet. Play with the animal, maintain constant contact. Then the life of your tiny funny friend will be joyful, happy, and long.

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