The labia are itchy and itchy. Itching of the skin (in the groin area, vagina, anus) - treatment and cause

Every woman has experienced itching of the external genitalia. In most cases, this symptom is caused by problems with personal hygiene or frequent use of sanitary pads. But sometimes the source of an unpleasant symptom can be a disease of the genital organs. To get rid of itching, you must definitely visit a gynecologist. He will be able to determine the exact cause of the pathology and help prescribe therapy. In addition to traditional treatment, it is also recommended to use traditional methods if the patient is not allergic to the components of the products.

In addition to the fact that a woman is bothered by constant itching, the symptoms are always accompanied by such unpleasant sensations as severe swelling and redness. These conditions affect not only the labia, but also the mucous membrane. During an internal examination, inflammatory processes are also observed on the mucous walls of the vagina; in severe cases, there may be problems with the cervix.

When itching continues for a long time and a woman constantly scratches the affected areas, cracks may appear on the external genitalia, into which pathogenic bacteria can enter. This can cause severe suppuration, which sometimes requires urgent surgical intervention.

Attention! In advanced stages of the disease, traces of tissue atrophy and ulcers may appear on the external female organs. In such cases, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor to prevent the development of gangrene and other dangerous processes.

Causes of itching of the external genitalia

The main sources of such an unpleasant symptom are the following:

Attention! Regardless of the cause of the itching, a woman must wash her genitals every day before going to bed to eliminate all pathogenic bacteria. It is recommended to use soap bases for this procedure only once a week, so as not to dry out the mucous membrane.

Drug treatment of genital itching


The drug belongs to the class of antibiotics and is prescribed in situations where the problem is caused by bacteria, inflammation and the presence of E. coli in the smear. For mild to severe cases of the disease, the patient is recommended to take two 250 mg capsules three times a day at regular intervals after meals. If the inflammation and itching is severe, which is characterized by ulcers and extensive damage, the patient may be prescribed 3 g of Amoxicillin, divided into three doses. To support the intestines, it is also recommended to consume prebiotics. The duration of therapy can be from five to ten days, taking into account the severity of the disease.


Fluconazole is a popular antifungal agent

A popular antifungal agent that is most often prescribed when diagnosing thrush. When choosing Fluconazole, treatment lasts literally one day. After meals, a woman should take one capsule of the drug, which is equal to 150 mg of the active substance. In case of severe candidiasis, the gynecologist may recommend that the woman take another capsule after 1-2 days of the week, which will consolidate the result. It is recommended that the woman’s sexual partner undergo the same course of therapy to avoid relapse.


Vaginal tablets that must be taken before going to bed. In this case, be sure to wash your external genitalia and hands first. Terzhinan has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and is able to quickly relieve itching and irritation. Experts recommend immersing the medication in warm water for 20 seconds before using it, and then immediately placing the tablet inside the vagina. The recommended course of therapy is ten days; if the patient's condition is complicated, the duration of treatment can be doubled. When using Terzhinan, it is necessary to completely avoid sexual contact until the end of the course of therapy.


The most affordable vaginal suppositories that can suppress itching and relieve irritation in just a few uses. They are used mainly for diseases caused by fungi. The patient is recommended to put one suppository twice a day. After insertion, you must lie down for 20 minutes, as the suppositories quickly melt and can come out of the vagina. It is recommended to be treated with Nystatin for two weeks. When using suppositories, be sure to abstain from sexual activity.


Women are usually recommended to use only vaginal suppositories, but in the presence of severe vaginitis and dysbiosis, tablets are additionally prescribed. Vaginal suppositories are used before going to bed, one at a time, after thorough toileting of the external genitalia. A total of three to six suppositories are usually prescribed. The tablets are taken one at a time four times a day for two to three weeks. The partner is recommended to use Pimafucin cream for preventive treatment, which is applied once a day after washing for three to six days.


It is used in the form of an ointment, which can quickly reduce discomfort even at the first use. Additionally, the product has a powerful healing effect. Apply the ointment once or twice a day according to indications for three to ten days. The duration of treatment directly depends on the patient’s condition. Pimafucort in ointment form can also be used by a partner for three days.

Attention! Hormonal disorders are treated under the general supervision of a gynecologist and endocrinologist. Drugs and their doses can be selected only after a large number of tests, smears and checking the condition of the ovaries and thyroid gland.

Video - Causes of vaginal itching

Traditional methods of treating genital itching

Soda washes

To prepare the solution, you need to take 500 ml of warm boiled water and dilute two teaspoons of regular table soda in it. You need to wash yourself with this water 4-6 times a day. You must first rinse the external organs with plain water to remove the main plaque. The duration of treatment with soda can last until all symptoms are completely eliminated, ideal for combined treatment. It is strictly forbidden to syringe the solution inside the vagina, as this can cause discomfort and burning, even severe dryness of the internal mucosa.

Chamomile officinalis

To prepare the solution, you need to boil a liter of water and add two tablespoons of the plant mixture to it. The drug is infused under a tight lid or towel for five hours. After this, all chamomile must be removed using any material. You need to use a liter of chamomile solution at a time. In total, it is recommended to do three procedures per day. If you have prepared more solution, store it in the refrigerator for 24 hours, warming it up a little before use. The duration of the course is until the symptoms disappear completely.

Calendula baths

They must be made in a clean basin; it is recommended to scald it with boiling water first. After this, you need to make a medicinal infusion. Boil five liters of water and add three tablespoons of crushed calendula to it. Let the liquid sit for five hours, then remove all the plant mixture. Heat the resulting liquid to a temperature of +37 degrees and pour it into a bowl. Sit in the bath for 15 minutes, then gently dry your body with a soft towel. It is advisable to do such procedures before going to bed for 7-10 days.

Apple vinegar

As in the previous recipe, you must first scald the basin with boiling water. After this, prepare five liters of boiled water, cooled to +37 degrees. After pouring water into a basin, add 200 ml of good apple cider vinegar to it and stir the liquid thoroughly. The procedure must be carried out for five minutes, after which the genitals are wiped with a soft terry towel, but it is better to use disposable paper ones. The duration of therapy is no more than five days. Such procedures help especially well with menopause and hormonal imbalances that are not caused by pregnancy.

Fresh basil

You need to take 20 g of the plant and place it in 500 ml of cold water. Boil the mixture over low heat for 20 minutes, after which the solution is divided into 10 doses of 50 ml each. They are drunk for three days, one serving before the main meal. On the last day of therapy, you must take the fourth dose before going to bed. If after this the symptoms of the disease have not gone away, you can repeat another course of treatment without a pause.

Attention! The described remedies can be used regardless of the age and condition of the patient. The only exceptions are those women and girls who are individually intolerant to the components of home remedies.

Cost of anti-itch medications

A drugImagePrice in RussiaPrice in Ukraine
Amoxicillin 65-165 rubles27-68 hryvnia
Fluconazole 15-300 rubles6.1-123 hryvnia
Terzhinan 360-500 rubles148-205 hryvnia
Nystatin 34 rubles14 hryvnia
Pimafucin 270-590 rubles111-242 hryvnia
Pimafukort 700 rubles287 hryvnia

Attention! In a particular region, the cost of these drugs may vary from 5 to 20% up or down. It all depends on the country of origin and the number of doses in the package.

Prevention of genital itching in women

To protect yourself from itching of the external genitalia, a woman must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • wear only cotton underwear and change it daily;
  • wash daily with clean water at room temperature;
  • refuse panty liners;
  • take smears for flora from a gynecologist three times a year;
  • eat right, trying to exclude sweet and spicy foods from your diet;
  • if you have menstruation, be sure to refuse sexual relations, since the mucous membrane is too susceptible to damage at this time;

The main cause of inflammation or irritation on the labia is considered to be the development of diseases of the internal organs, which project their symptoms to the vaginal area. Such reactions very rarely act as an independent illness, because they are a consequence of other pathological changes in the body. Very rarely, redness of the labia indicates neglect of the rules of personal hygiene; a complication often occurs due to unfavorable environmental conditions.

What is irritation

The appearance of red spots on the skin signals the presence of inflammation in the body. The female half of the population suffers much more often from irritation in the intimate area, because their skin is more sensitive and is easily exposed to external influences. The slightest change in the environment can cause negative manifestations on the skin, so many people have to deal with this disease every day. Irritation on the labia is a very delicate problem that can arise not only due to violation of hygiene standards, but also due to the development of pathological processes.

Causes of irritation

Elimination of the complication is possible only after an examination that will indicate the main causes of this reaction. They are usually divided into two types - internal and external. The first group includes organ diseases caused by poor nutrition or a severe psychological condition. As you know, factors such as stress or strong emotional stress can provoke the development of all kinds of skin ailments, for example, irritation on the labia. As for external stimuli, these include:

  • care products;
  • climate;
  • decorative cosmetics;
  • weather.

Inflammation of the labia

It is known that inflammatory processes affecting the external genitalia always cause severe discomfort to its owner. Irritation of the labia in medical circles has a name and covers a wide audience of patients of various age categories. Only the attending physician can help cope with this disease, who, based on the nature of the infection, will identify the cause of the disease. You should not put off visiting a gynecologist, because irritation in the genital area tends to multiply. Common symptoms of vulvitis in women:

  • pain when urinating;
  • copious vaginal discharge;
  • severe itching;
  • burning;
  • edema;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • temperature increase;
  • feeling of general malaise.


The microflora of the female genital organs can become vulnerable to harmful microorganisms with the development of any internal diseases. Pathological processes negatively affect women's health, so a symptom such as a burning sensation in the vaginal area indicates the occurrence of serious complications. A variety of ailments can provoke the appearance of irritation on the genitals, for example, thrush, diabetes or dysbiosis.

Inflammation originates in the Bartholin glands, after blockage of which irritation gradually spreads along the entire perimeter of the mucous membrane. Vulvitis can be a consequence of sexually transmitted diseases or other sexually transmitted infections. The intensity of the manifestations varies depending on the nature of the irritation on the genitals; in severe cases of the disease, the patient experiences very strong uncomfortable external manifestations.


Any disturbances in the functioning of the body can lead to the appearance of cracks in the labia minora. They arise due to pathological changes in the mucous membrane, in which it loses its integrity. Inflammation of the labia may be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as hyperemia, itching or irritation. The disease occurs as a result of the immune system's response to irritants, be it fungi, infection or virus.

In the early stages, irritation in the genital area can be easily treated; it is only necessary to eliminate the original cause of the disease. These include wearing tight underwear made of synthetic materials, mechanical damage during depilation, or pads that are unsuitable for your skin type. However, if you do not undergo therapy on time, there is a risk of callus formation in this area.

Severe itching

External genital lesions may indicate serious health problems, where severe itching in the intimate area acts as a warning signal. If the labia are inflamed or plaques appear on them, then trying to treat this pathology on your own is not recommended. Vaginal itching sometimes causes severe discomfort, which recurs every few hours. In these conditions, intense discharge and redness of the skin may also occur at certain times of the monthly cycle.

If it itches in the intimate area, it is caused by two main reasons - inflammatory and non-inflammatory. With an active sexual life, some women develop vaginitis or herpes over time; both ailments develop due to pathogenic bacteria in the body. If the patient does not have signs of an inflammatory process, then hormonal or allergic factors could influence the occurrence of irritation, for example, such modern methods of contraception as lubricant or condoms.

Redness and itching

The physiological characteristics of the female genital organs make them vulnerable to various types of infections transmitted by men. At any moment, an infection can occur, the consequences of which will have to be dealt with for a long time: an unpleasant odor from the perineum, swelling of the labia, copious discharge on clothes, painful sensations in the lower abdomen, and so on.

These symptoms are the result of mechanical damage to the genitals, unsuitable underwear or vaginal douching. If itching or redness occurs, you should immediately see a doctor. An examination in a gynecologist's office can give a comprehensive answer about the origin of skin irritation, and the specialist must prescribe an appropriate method of therapy.

Rash in the intimate area in women

In most cases, irritation or rash in the intimate area occurs due to the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the body, which provoke the formation of defects on the skin. They can be of various shapes and sizes; there are several types of rashes that are a violation of the integrity of the epithelial cover. Pimples and blisters typically form on the outer surface of the skin, although they can sometimes appear in the deeper layers.

Some formations are considered ordinary physiological defects that do not pose a threat to human health. These include papules on the male and micropapillomatosis on the female genital organs, which arise due to disturbances in hormonal processes in the body. These defects can be removed using laser surgery or other skin correction methods.

How to treat irritation in the intimate area

Skin problems, especially in the labia area, require a special approach. Advertised and expensive drugs are not always able to help cope with such a delicate situation, and many people are simply embarrassed to see a doctor. If the irritation is episodic and suddenly takes you by surprise, first pay attention to your personal hygiene items.

It is possible that the cause of irritation in the genital area is a recently purchased razor or shower gel. Decoctions based on medicinal herbs or essential oils will help cope with the problem. In emergency cases, you can use soda by preparing baths or compresses with it. The solution must be saturated; it is recommended to carry out the procedure for no more than half an hour.

Cream for intimate area against irritation

The modern market of cosmetic products provides a wide selection of different creams for irritation. Here you can find special depilatory products or light moisturizing emulsions for sensitive skin. To relieve redness, dexpanthenol-based creams are used, which help enhance skin regeneration. These products help effectively cope with irritation, relieve itching and burning.

Compliance with safety precautions when using the cream guarantees safety for the patient's health. It is best to test the product on the wrist; if there are no side effects, you can begin the procedure. It is necessary to apply the composition to the affected area of ​​the skin, giving it time to be completely absorbed. Other drugs should not be used in parallel, as there is a risk of therapeutic interaction.


For irritation in the intimate area, specialists often prescribe hormonal ointments. The result of their use is noticeable immediately after the first procedure, however, it is important to strictly follow the standards prescribed by the gynecologist during treatment. It is not recommended to make compresses using these products very often - there is a possibility of an allergic reaction.

The most effective ointment against irritation is zinc. It is able to quickly eliminate signs of irritation not only in the genital area, but also in any other area of ​​the skin. Ointment with propolis and glycerin, made according to a well-known folk recipe, has similar properties. It is best stored in the refrigerator throughout the entire treatment period.


The appearance of itching in the genital area always alarms women and is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Things happen, what can you do here?

By the way, this problem, unfortunately, is not so rare. This may be due to a variety of reasons. Why this happens, how to get rid of it using folk remedies will be discussed in this article.

What causes genital itching?

Burning and itching can be caused by a variety of factors. Sometimes such a condition can arise as a result of a whole complex of reasons.

  1. One of the reasons for the occurrence of situations in which a subjective burning sensation may appear may be thrush. It is basically fungal in origin. The leading role in its occurrence is played by yeast-like fungi. With it, a woman feels not only a burning sensation. There are other symptoms as well. By the way, with her she has a diverse character. Specific discharge is observed, which in appearance resembles sour milk or curd mass. The woman immediately notices the characteristic smell, which has pronounced sour undertones. The smell is characterized by its inconstancy. It may intensify or become less intense, depending on the situation. For example, after sex it intensifies. In addition, the genitals may become swollen. Other signs characteristic of inflammation can also join the overall picture. A woman experiences a burning sensation during sex and during urination.
  2. Symptoms of thrush usually become apparent during pregnancy. This can be explained by a decrease in the body's overall defenses and changes in hormonal balance.
  3. A woman can experience a similar feeling with vulvitis. The area where the inflammatory process spreads is the vulva and the labia area. Errors in hygiene measures can contribute to the occurrence of such a condition. There is discharge from the vagina. They have an irritating effect. This can also be caused by wearing tight underwear, using hygiene products that are clearly not suitable for a woman, and, moreover, can cause allergic reactions.
  4. A burning sensation can also be observed with vaginitis. It is an inflammatory process localized in the vaginal mucosa. This condition can be caused by mechanical damage to the vagina, congenital anatomical defects, criminal abortions and other factors. This situation is due to the fact that the infection, once in the vagina, begins to develop rapidly, causing the development of an inflammatory process. The disease is accompanied by discharge, itching, and a burning sensation. You may even experience pain in the lower abdomen and spotting. In general, the woman feels obvious discomfort.
  5. Very often, genital herpes leads to itching. The herpes virus is capable of forming blisters filled with fluid. When the bubble bursts, the contents flow out and cause a burning sensation. In some cases, such an infection may be asymptomatic. It is undoubtedly possible to suppress an infection caused by a virus. But there is no complete cure for it. If the virus has entered the body and settled in the body, it will remain there for life. However, if immunity is at the proper level, it will not allow the virus to rear its head. Therefore, the fundamental measure in terms of preventing herpes infection is to increase the body’s immune forces and maintain immunity at the proper level.

Treatment of genital itching

Itching is only a manifestation of a disease. It is a consequence and not a cause of a certain pathology. Therefore, all efforts should be aimed at what caused this condition.

Sometimes an effective method is measures aimed at the patient’s mental state. The goal here is to bring his psyche into balance. Hypnosis or regular psychotherapeutic sessions may be effective. It all depends on the characteristics and condition of the patient himself. Sometimes, just prescribing sleeping pills to normalize sleep is sufficient.

Do not forget about hygiene measures. They can be quite effective. It is necessary to wash regularly. They should be done 2 or even 3 times a day. Chamomile decoction is good for these purposes.

Modern medicine has many methods to eliminate itching. One of these is ultrasound therapy.

If the itching is very intense, they even resort to injecting the genitals with anesthetics. This will bring relief to the patient at least for a while.

In extremely severe and advanced cases, even surgical intervention may be indicated. It involves excision of individual parts of the trunks of the genital nerves.

What folk remedies should I use?

Do not discount the remedies used in traditional medicine. It has long since proven itself reliably. Sometimes, traditional medicine can be more effective than those used by official medicine.

  1. Procedures involving douching with a soda solution can be very effective. It's not difficult to prepare. To do this, dilute a teaspoon of soda in a liter of boiled water. Similar procedures should be carried out regularly in the morning and evening. The method is very simple, but can be very effective. As they say, everything ingenious is simple.
  2. Before going to bed, you can put tampons with aloe pulp. Aloe itself is a unique plant associated with many healing properties. You should first douche before inserting a tampon.
  3. You can carry out procedures related to douching with a solution that contains iodine, salt and soda. For a liter of water you need to take just a few drops of iodine and add a spoonful of salt and soda. This event should be carried out 2 times a day. This method carries out a kind of disinfection. At the same time, there is still fungus and it is simply washed away.
  4. It is useful to use sitz baths with sea salt, chamomile and calendula.

Products for internal use

  1. You can use basil decoction for oral administration. A bunch of this herb should be boiled for 20 minutes. This decoction is used orally in half a glass 3 times a day.
  2. You can use the well-known garlic. Its use is based on its pronounced antibacterial effect. It can reduce suffering. Moreover, he manages to do this very quickly. There is nothing complicated about the procedure. Two cloves of garlic are crushed in a blender, tied in gauze and inserted into the vagina.
  3. Yogurt. It turns out that probiotics can suppress bacterial flora. This fact is far from new. You should drink a glass of yogurt every day. Local use in the form of tampons with yogurt is also allowed. He should be there for several hours.
  4. Rosemary. It can be used as a decoction for washing. The decoction is used warm.
  5. Antibacterial talc. It can be with herbs. The remedy can be called effective, but treatment takes longer than when using other remedies.


  • All preventive measures are generally known and familiar to every woman. The task is to perform them not just once in a while, but constantly.
  • You should always keep your vagina dry.
  • Clothes should be loose and not restrict movement. Air circulation must be sufficient. It is very important.
  • Scented soaps and scented gels should be excluded from personal hygiene items. All of them are proven provocateurs for allergic reactions.
  • For washing purposes, use simple soap. Washing is done once a day. Frequent procedures of this type contribute to vaginal dryness.
  • If there is a problem associated with itching, then it is better to refuse sex during this period.
  • It is better to sleep without underwear, in one nightgown.
  • A large amount of sweets should be excluded from the diet. It's better to drink more clean water.

When the first signs of discomfort in the genital area appear, you should consult a gynecologist and take smears. Only timely treatment will help you quickly get rid of the disease. Be healthy!

Itching of the genital organs can not only cause a woman discomfort and discomfort, but also be a symptom of serious health problems.

What diseases are accompanied by itching?

A similar symptom can be caused by both infectious diseases and those that are sexually transmitted.

Candidiasis. Most women know this disease as "thrush". This is the most common type of vaginal dysbiosis (dysbiosis), which is caused by a violation of the vaginal microflora. But besides itching, its sign is a cheesy discharge that has an unpleasant odor.

Bacterial vaginosis. An infectious disease, one of the signs of which is white or gray discharge accompanied by itching.

Sexually transmitted infections. This could be genital herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, papillomavirus infection, trichomoniasis.

Itching of the genitals can indicate many diseases, so to diagnose the disease you must consult a doctor.
In addition, some diseases not related to the genitals can cause itching in this part of the body. These include blood and kidney diseases.

Itching without objective disease

Itching of the female external genitalia does not necessarily have to be a sign of illness. It can be caused by various irritants: synthetic or too tight underwear, panty liners, tampons.

Itching can also be caused by an allergy to personal hygiene products - intimate soaps, gels, pads and tampons.
In addition, failure to comply with personal hygiene rules often leads to a similar result.

Itching may appear due to hormonal changes in the body (puberty, pregnancy), or during menstruation.

If you do not experience any of the listed factors, perhaps the unpleasant sensations appeared against the background of stress, worries, negative emotions - this also happens.


Genital itching is not a separate disease, and therefore has no general treatment methods. If you are concerned about such sensations, be sure to consult a gynecologist. The doctor will determine the cause and can prescribe appropriate treatment.

Before going to the doctor, you can try to eliminate possible causes of itching:

  • stop sexual intercourse for a while;
  • If you've started using new intimate hygiene products, they may not be right for you. Return to the products you have already tried or buy others, paying attention to the composition. In addition, intimate soaps, pads and other similar accessories must be hypoallergenic;
  • get rid of synthetic underwear, wear products made from natural materials;
  • stop wearing thongs and too tight underwear for a while;
  • Try washing yourself with a decoction of chamomile or St. John's wort.

The sensations when the genitals itch can be unbearable and painful, which forces you to violate the rules of decency, interferes with sleep and reduces appetite. There are many reasons for the appearance of itching of the genitals: violation of personal hygiene rules, after sexual intercourse, inflammatory processes within the body. You should not put off visiting a doctor to know what to do: self-diagnosis and self-treatment of itching due to genital discharge is unwise.

The mechanism of development of itching of the external genitalia

If the external genitalia begin to itch, doctors talk about an inflammatory reaction. The etiological factor damages cells, mucous membranes and fiber, which provokes a response from the immune system. Immune cells gather in damaged areas. They produce biologically active compounds that act on nerve endings and cause a feeling of itching.

The etiological factor itself can directly affect the nerve endings of the mucous membrane or skin.

Main reasons

There are many known factors that cause the desire to scratch problem areas. In medicine, there is a conditional division of them into:

  1. endogenous;
  2. exogenous.

Endogenous are internal factors:

  • The functioning of the endocrine system is disrupted, which leads to changes in the level of sex hormones, hormones of the pancreas and thyroid glands.
  • A common cause of itching in men and women is diabetes mellitus, which is associated with a decrease in insulin in the blood.
  • Neuropathy – the flow of impulses along the nerve fibers is disrupted, which causes discomfort in the area of ​​innervation of the affected nerve.
  • Violation of the structure and cortex of the brain. There are no changes in the genital area. The itching is psychogenic in nature.
  • Pathology of the biliary tract or liver, which leads to an increase in the concentration of bile acids in the blood (hepatitis, cholecystitis, hepatosis, cholelithiasis, dyskinesia).
  • Inflammation of the genitourinary system, causing discharge from the female vagina or male urethra. Cells of the mucous membranes and skin are damaged by secretions.
  • Vaginal dysbiosis. The microflora is disrupted and the Candida fungus is activated.

An experienced doctor will help determine why the genitals itch.

A correct diagnosis will direct efforts to eliminate unpleasant sensations.

Additional symptoms of genital itching

Additional symptoms that appear with itching will help to accurately determine the cause:

  1. Frequent urination indicates inflammation of the urethra or the presence of sexually transmitted infections (ureaplasmosis, chlamydia).
  2. A burning sensation in the pubic area after urination indicates cystitis, a bladder infection.
  3. A rash on the labia and perineum appears during an allergic reaction or an infectious-inflammatory process caused by a chemical irritant or lack of personal hygiene.

Concomitant symptoms help to prescribe further necessary studies and begin treatment therapy.


Itching is not a separate disease, but a symptom. It does not have specific research methods. Its study occurs after determining the underlying disease. Gynecologists and venereologists choose several diagnostic methods depending on the clinical picture:

  • Gynecological examination with a speculum in women is an important diagnostic method. An examination will increase the number of symptoms and help correctly prescribe additional tests. Treatment of genital itching in women begins with a visit to the gynecologist.
  • General and biochemical blood tests are a classic method of research in medicine. The composition of the blood will indicate infectious processes and diseases not only of the reproductive system.
  • Analysis of a vaginal smear in women helps determine the state of the flora and identify inflammation. A smear will show fungal infections, gonococcal diseases, trichomoniasis. Must be carried out after sexual intercourse without protective equipment.
  • PCR diagnostics – research of STDs. It is based on the laws of genetics. Helps identify various STIs.

The tests are done in a couple of hours, which makes it possible to identify the cause of the itching the very next day. Some methods show the presence of the disease during the incubation period, which increases the effectiveness of future treatment in women and men.

Treatment of itching

Depending on the cause and intensity of the itching, the doctor chooses the type of therapy. The girl must maintain personal hygiene of intimate areas and strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations.
What can I do to relieve the itching? The doctor may prescribe Fluomizin, which does not affect the results of PCR diagnostics and relieves itching.

Candidiasis is treated with creams based on Clotrimazole, which is used for skin diseases. It is rubbed into problem areas a couple of times a day. It is contraindicated in women during pregnancy and lactation.

It is difficult to cure itching that occurs for psychological reasons. The methods used (consultations with a psychologist, hypnosis, sleeping pills) are ineffective. A woman should get away from problems that cause depression and nervousness.

For unbearable itching, local anesthetics are used. They inject the problem area. The result is temporary and does not affect the underlying cause. In severe cases, they resort to surgical intervention: the genital nerves are excised.

Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the etiological factor. Medicines and therapeutic measures will help with this:
antibiotics – bacterial inflammation of the uterus and appendages, urethra, bladder;

  1. antifungal agents – itching due to thrush;
  2. sedatives - calm the nervous system, reducing pathological impulses and itching;
  3. complex therapy for hormonal disorders, metabolic processes, liver pathologies, etc.;
  4. antihistamines for allergies and complete exclusion of contact with the allergen.

There is no point in listing all treatment methods, since each disease requires an individual approach.

If you are itching in the genital area, your doctor will help you prescribe the right solution. Simple rules of personal hygiene and prevention of itching can make life easier.

Prevention of genital itching

To avoid unpleasant problems in the future, you should follow simple rules:

  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene: take a shower every day, wash with a solution of Furacilin or chamomile.
  • Change pads, panties and tampons in a timely manner. Follow the rules for their use.
  • Wear underwear made from natural fabrics.
  • Choose the right clothes to prevent overheating or freezing in the pelvic area.
  • Visit a gynecologist several times a year.
  • Take protective measures after sexual intercourse with a non-regular partner.

Rules of intimate hygiene

  • Every person knows about frequent baths or showers. It is recommended to wash intimate areas a couple of times a day with chamomile solution or soap without any additives. This will maximize the protection of the body from bacteria.
  • Panty liners should be changed every 3-4 hours. If a woman does without them, then change her underwear at least 2 times a day after a shower.
  • Doctors advise using special ointments or baby cream to moisturize. They are applied in a thin layer to the external genitalia.
  • Shaving is not a fashion statement. Today it is part of personal hygiene. Hair promotes the spread of microorganisms. It is easier to keep shaved surfaces clean. It is better to choose a razor or hair removal. The use of cream in intimate areas is prohibited. They cause allergies and damage the surface of the skin.
  • On critical days, you should not overcool, visit the bathhouse, pool or swim in reservoirs. A sharp change in temperature causes severe bleeding, and the natural protection of the genital organs is minimal.

If your genitals itch after sexual intercourse, it may be an allergy to your partner’s sperm.

Modern gynecology has at its disposal many methods for diagnosing and effectively treating the consequences and causes of genital itching. To avoid problems, you should wash more often, use moisturizers and follow the rules for using pads.

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