What to do if the gums do not heal after implantation and the implant does not take root. How to speed up gum healing after tooth extraction The main symptoms of gingivitis and the causes of its occurrence

If problems arise with gum healing, antiseptic medicinal baths are indicated.

Can long gum healing cause peri-implantitis?

It is characterized by inflammation of the tissue around the implant and loss of supporting bone. The development of pathology can be caused by:

  • medical errors;
  • quality of dental structures;
  • insufficient oral hygiene (about 300 bacteria cause the disease).

Peri-implantitis diagnosed in the long term is caused by a change in the patient's health status or failure to comply with oral hygiene standards.

Peri-implantitis is not always accompanied by pain. Its characteristic symptoms:

  • swelling of the implant site;
  • proliferation of connective tissue in the area of ​​implantation;
  • enlargement of the gum pocket;
  • mobility of the structure;
  • subsidence of the bone at the installation site.

What to do if the gums do not heal after implantation

If the doctor's instructions are followed, the patient should not experience any serious complications. The norm in the postoperative period is the appearance of:

  • pain;
  • small hematomas;
  • itching in the gums;
  • short-term bleeding.

If the gums do not heal long enough, and the accompanying symptoms do not go away after a few days, then treatment is required. Postoperative therapy:

  • will not allow infection to join;
  • will speed up the healing process of incisions.

Treatment with medications

The following medications will help improve implant survival:

  1. Antibiotics (Flemoxin, Flemoklav, Amoxiclav) Take one tablet three times a day for a week. They will avoid the development of inflammation and promote rapid healing of the gums.
  2. Antihistamines (Erius, Zodak, Claritin) Take one tablet at night for 3 days. Minimize inflammation after implantation.
  3. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Voltaren, Nurofen, Ibuprofen) Prescribe one tablet twice a day for 3 days. They relieve swelling and reduce the inflammatory component after surgery.
  4. Probiotics (Linex, Baktistatin, Bifiform, Acipol) are prescribed according to the instructions and taken for at least two weeks. Taking an antibiotic is accompanied by changes in the gastrointestinal tract (dysbacteriosis, thrush, candidiasis), so probiotics are necessary.
  5. Ascorbic acid- a component of metabolism, quickly restores the body after intervention. Taken in an amount of 200 - 500 mg per day for a month.
  6. Multivitamins prescribed one tablet three times a day.
  7. Calcium D3 Nycomed. Taken after antibiotics for a month. Calcium is the main component of bone tissue.
  8. Tantum Verde solution. Baths with the drug are indicated from the first postoperative day 3-4 times a day. To maintain hygiene of the wound and sutures, rinse with the solution. The drug does not inhibit epithelization, destroys microbes, and does not interfere with the healing process.
  9. Solcoseryl- dental adhesive paste accelerates epithelization. Apply to sutures on the first day after surgery.
  10. Naphthyzin- nasal drops. Instill 2 drops 4 times a day. Prescribed after operations on the upper jaw, when the installation of an implant is accompanied by a simultaneous raising of the bottom of the maxillary sinus (sinus lift). When performing a sinus lift on both sides, drops are instilled into both nostrils. Allows you to reduce swelling of the maxillary sinus.
  11. Traumeel S- pills. Homeopathic drug with anti-inflammatory wound healing properties, prescribed according to the regimen. When taking, avoid tea, coffee, alcohol, nicotine, and carbonated drinks.
  12. Painkillers (Ketanov, Baralgin, Analgin) used according to indications.

Folk recipes

The following medications can help minimize pain and relieve swelling:

  1. Sea buckthorn oil and vitamin A. The drugs are applied to the gums and promote wound healing.
  2. Camomile tea. The collection is brewed, allowed to brew and rinsed in the mouth. A glass of boiling water requires 1 teaspoon of the plant. You can brew chamomile and calendula flowers in equal proportions. This mixture is boiled for 15 minutes.
  3. Propolis-based ointment. The drug is applied to the gums and left. It disinfects well and relieves inflammation.
  4. Echinacea and eucalyptus decoction. Rinse every 5 hours. Take a tablespoon of the mixture per glass of water. The mixture is boiled for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Fish oil, flaxseed oil. Products containing Omega 3 fatty acids help restore gums.
  6. Aloe leaf pulp. A fresh leaf is crushed, wrapped in a bandage and applied to the gum.
  7. Plantain. Used as a compress from crushed leaves, and also as a decoction for rinsing. The dry plant is poured with water, boiled for 15-20 minutes, cooled and rinsed.
  8. Calendula. Rinse the mouth with the infused decoction 3 times a day.

Features of behavior during the adaptation period

The postoperative period requires careful adherence to the recommendations. Over the course of two weeks, the patient must:

To avoid damaging the injured area, gentle brushing of teeth is recommended.

  • Avoid physical activity. You cannot play sports, ride a bicycle, or walk to high floors.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, solarium, or swimming pool.
  • Avoid flying.
  • Stick to a postoperative diet. Do not eat spicy, hot, hard, sticky food. It is recommended to chop the food finely or put it through a blender.
  • Each meal should end with rinsing the mouth.
  • Wipe the wound with a cotton swab with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Preoperative therapy to prevent complications

Inflammation of soft tissues caused by bacteria provokes rejection of the dental structure. Gum diseases that need to be treated before implantation:

Gingivitis. A minor inflammatory process accompanied by bleeding gums while brushing your teeth. To cure gingivitis you need:

For successful implantation, it is necessary to treat the teeth and gums in advance.

  • remove tartar, soft deposits;
  • take antibacterial drugs;
  • choose a toothbrush with soft bristles;
  • use pastes based on herbal extracts;
  • rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, oak bark;
  • rinse your mouth with antiseptics after eating.

Periodontitis is a severe damage to the gums and surrounding tissues, leading to the destruction of the ligaments that hold the tooth in the socket. If periodontitis is not treated, tooth loss may occur. Signs of periodontitis: the presence of gum pockets, bad breath, bleeding gums, and loose teeth. Treatment consists of:

  • removing dental plaque;
  • cleaning gum pockets;
  • splinting teeth to prevent further loosening;
  • gum massage;
  • maintaining proper oral hygiene;
  • rinsing with herbal decoctions;
  • prescribing medications.

Periodontal disease is accompanied by atrophy of the gums and periodontal tissues, which decrease in size and expose the necks of the teeth. Periodontal disease occurs as a result of various diseases, in particular vitamin deficiency and diabetes. Periodontal disease can be cured if:

  • remove tartar and plaque;
  • conduct a massage course to restore blood circulation;
  • take medications.

How much does it cost on average in Moscow?

The cost of treatment will depend on the extent of the inflammatory process and treatment methods. Treatment at home does not require significant financial costs.

Treatment of complications in dentistry

Name of service Cost, rub.
Dentist 600
Implantologist 820
Healing procedures
Removing dental plaque in the area of ​​1 tooth 180
Periodontal applications in the area of ​​1 tooth 370
Application of a protective periodontal bandage 400
Laser therapy of the gum mucosa 490
Implant removal 6900
Implantation of osteoconductive material in the area of ​​one tooth 10900
Implantation of a protective membrane 12900

Treatment at home with medications and folk remedies

Name of service Cost, rub.
External medications
Chlorhexidine 16
Tantum Verde solution 280
Betadine solution 10% 120ml 280
Solcoseryl 370
Medicines taken orally
Ascorbic acid 24
Analgin 50
Ketanov 60
Linux 220
Voltaren 230
Amoxiclav 310
Flemoklav 350
Erius 560
Calcium D3 Nycomed 570
Nimesil 700
Folk remedies
Chamomile collection 60
plantain leaf 70
Calendula flowers 110
Fish fat 140
Sea buckthorn oil 220
Propolis tincture 300

The other day I accidentally cut my gum and a small wound formed there. I thought everything would heal quickly, but where is it... in my opinion, the wound has become even more inflamed, everything around has turned red, I constantly feel discomfort in this area, I should even refuse food altogether, everything salty and sour immediately causes pain, how can I speed up healing?

There is such a mixture of herbal extracts in alcohol - “ROTOKAN”. At night, soak a cotton pad and apply to the inflamed area. In 2-3 days everything will pass.

First you need to rinse with hot herbal infusions. Or simply boiled water at an acceptable temperature, to which a teaspoon of calendula tincture has been previously added. This will relieve inflammation and help the cut heal. You can apply a cotton swab soaked in sea buckthorn oil for half an hour or an hour.

You probably already have some kind of “nasty” picked up there and therefore the wound itself can no longer heal + all sorts of irritants (sour, salty, etc.) You can speed up healing only by rinsing and the more often the better. In your case, regular iodinol diluted in water would be a good remedy. And if possible, exclude irritants from your diet or rinse immediately after eating. According to this principle, already on the third day you will forget about discomfort and pain.

To treat the oral mucosa, first lubricate the wound with Iodinol, and then apply Metrogel Denta. Hexiloc or Chlorhexidine digluconate containing drugs also help well

I would advise you to rinse your mouth with Chlorhexidine solution, which is a good antiseptic. Then you can dissolve Lisobact tablets, which eliminate the infection and promote rapid healing. You can also apply rose jam to the wound site.

You can try rinsing your mouth regularly with herbs, but it is still advisable to see a dentist. Also, salty and sour foods should be excluded for a while. Eat only pureed foods for a while.

Pharmacies sell special dental gels that relieve pain and inflammation. For example, Cholisal or Mundizal. You can also rinse with Stomatofit solution.

An oil solution can quickly and effectively remove any wound or infection on the mucous membrane, you can take sea buckthorn oil or vitamin A, I have been treating wounds for a long time, everything heals in a few days.

Most likely the nature of this pain lies in the teeth! Namely, inflammation on the roots, in other words, a cyst or granuloma. You need to take a picture of this area and show it to the doctor, but in the meantime you can rinse with sage and chamomile herbs.

To treat my gums, the doctor prescribed an alcohol tincture of propolis (sold in pharmacies), dilute with water 1/10 and rinse several times a day. It helped.

First of all, you must not eat cold and hot at the same time, so that it heals faster. As a last resort, it should be frozen by medical freezing.

To speed up the healing of wounds on the gums, you need to rinse your mouth with Givalex. To do this, dilute 2 teaspoons of the medicine in ¼ glass of warm water and rinse 2-4 times a day.

I can advise you to rinse with herbal decoctions (chamomile, sage, duma bark) or buy a ready-made solution of Tantum Verde, Givalex, Stomatofit, which helps with inflammatory processes. Also try not to eat on the affected side, and rinse your mouth after every meal!

In such cases, the main thing is to ensure that pain and discomfort do not radiate to the throat. If you feel that it is becoming difficult to swallow, consult a doctor immediately (pus may go into the throat).

I advise you to take oak bark and spruce or pine twigs and make an alcohol-based tincture. Rinse twice a day, morning and evening, and the wound will heal.

They all offer something really complicated. Whenever I have such a problem, I always rinse my mouth with hydrogen peroxide, low percentage of course. Two or three rinses, and all the sores disappear.

Rinsing your mouth with a decoction of chamomile and marigold helps very well. In addition, try rinsing your mouth with soda + salt once a day. During treatment, do not eat acidic foods.

Yesterday I had two teeth pulled out at once. I was prescribed antibiotics for 5 days. Your case is similar to mine, with the difference that your wounds in the gums are accidental, and mine – well, what can I do, age. So, I think - you also just need to take a course of antibiotics - the same Biseptol, 1 tablet 2 times a day.

I had this problem. I tried different herbal infusions, but nothing helped. Try applying a cotton pad with baking soda, pre-moistened with water (so that the soda sticks). It helped me a lot.

My child had a wound under the tongue, injured by a toy, at the dental clinic we were prescribed Cholisal gel and vinylin. Everything healed very quickly.

Rinse with a solution of baking soda + salt + a couple of drops of iodine, or a solution sold in pharmacies - “Chlorhexidine”. Most likely you have infected a wound in the gum, but this is not fatal. A couple of days of rinsing and everything will go away. Good health to you)

Aloe works very well for me. Cut a piece lengthwise, remove thorns and apply to the gum. Change several times a day. Another proven remedy is to pour boiling water over a few calendula flowers. Rinse more often throughout the day.

The very first thing (and most often, this is what is enough), I smear the wound with vitamin A. It always stands on my shelf in the bathroom, because most often I damage my oral cavity by baking (I’m in a hurry when I eat))). I try to smear the wound with vitamin as often as possible, and in such cases the problem goes away in a couple of days.

You need to rinse with chlorhexidine, do not forget to rinse your mouth after every meal. Try dissolving a Lysobact tablet every 3 hours. Still, it’s better to go to the doctor if you experience worsening.

During an operation to remove carious teeth, my gums were accidentally damaged, so the dental surgeon recommended that I rinse my mouth with Chlohexedine. It really helps, the pain goes away, inflammation too, it is sold in any pharmacy and costs a penny. Try it, it should help. And don't be alarmed by the "chlorine" part of the word.

For wounds on the gums, I simply rinse my mouth with salt and soda, but sulfargin helps well with bodily wounds. It contains silver ions and heals abrasions, wounds and scratches quickly.

Hello! Please tell me... I cleaned between my teeth with floss and cut the gum on both sides, about 2 mm deep. The gum tubercle between the teeth seemed to stretch out and rest against the teeth. About 6 weeks have passed. At the site of the sections, light pink, whitish lines, uneven, “shaggy” rise above the gingival mucosa up to 1 mm. Tell me, this is how it should be. How it should heal. What are the dangers of such scars? When I push with my tongue, the gum tubercle moves to the side. Maybe there will be oncology later? There is no inflammation. Only scars.

I somehow accidentally picked my gum with a fork. There was an unpleasant wound that hurt more and more every day. The pharmacy recommended Solcoseryl paste. started using it. I can say that the pain went away almost immediately. and in general the wound healed quite quickly.

This happened to me once too. I suffered for a day, then at work they advised me to buy Solcoseryl paste at the pharmacy. I started wearing it, the pain went away almost immediately, and the next day the inflammation was no longer noticeable.

I once hurt myself with a fish bone. I rinsed it all day (it didn’t help), and in the morning everything was swollen. I went to the doctor and they recommended the same paste as for Ksenia. In a couple of days everything went away.

We were freaking out with a guy and accidentally hit his gum with my nail on top of his upper canine, it hasn’t gone away for the 4th day and it hurts, I cut off a piece of his gum with my nail))) he’s aching with what to treat?)

I accidentally hit my gum with a toothbrush, half asleep... An ulcer formed and it hurt terribly. I read about solcoseryl here :) luckily I found it in the medicine cabinet! Gorgeous. Immediately the pain subsided. I hope it heals quickly.

I also somehow injured my gum, and it was terrible. We were sitting having lunch, and then my husband turns around, and I just put a fork in my mouth))), and how it hits me from my elbow... I have sparkles from my eyes). Naturally blood and all that. I immediately rinsed it with soda and iodine for disinfection. But the gums were swollen and painful. I ran to the pharmacy. He explained the situation and was advised to use Solcoseryl paste. I applied it according to the instructions, the pain went away after a few minutes, I applied it again in the evening and slept peacefully that night. There was slight discomfort in the morning, I applied it throughout the day, and by evening it was all gone.

I had a tooth removed on the right side, and I eat on the left, so all the pressure goes to one part. And apparently my gums were damaged due to the fact that I only eat on one side. I'll rinse, the only thing that can help.

Rina, rather than rinsing with a folk remedy, it is better to buy Aftofix at the pharmacy, a Swiss remedy. You just apply it to the wound on your gum and a film forms on it and the pain won’t bother you as much and it will heal faster. I bought it for myself and am very pleased, I just periodically get wounds on my gums from braces, that’s the only way I can save myself.

Rinsing with periodonticide helped me a lot. The gums were in terrible condition, and just after using the periodontal rinse, the gums became strong. This is not only a hygienic product, but also has a healing effect.

Maya, this is a really cool tool. I bought it for myself the other day, nothing helped, so I decided to try it. Everything has finally healed! Two days and the gums are clean. My wounds are mechanical, so it was necessary to prevent repeated exposure to them. Which is what Aftofix dealt with. And it forms a dense film that is not washed off by food.

It happens to me that from time to time, especially when I’m in a hurry in the morning, I can injure my gums with a brush and then a wound will definitely appear, it’s already been checked. Now when this happens, I immediately treat it with Gengigel gel. It is my lifesaver for any problems on the oral mucosa

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On “question-answer” forums, people often ask what to do if dentists cut a wisdom tooth into the gum, how much will it hurt and how can this pain be relieved? How long the gums take to heal depends on many factors: following the doctor’s recommendations for the recovery period and complications.

Gum incision above the wisdom tooth

What is the problem with wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth begin to grow in people from 10 to 25 years old, and immediately become permanent teeth, unlike other teeth, which begin to be replaced by permanent teeth at 6 years of age. When the wisdom tooth begins to erupt, it turns out that all the places in the mouth are already occupied. As a result, he begins to win his “place in the sun” by pushing away his comrades, causing damage to the gum and even the cheek.

  • The upper wisdom teeth often begin to press and cut into the cheek as they grow.
  • As the lower teeth grow, only the gums are exposed to trauma.

The wisdom tooth erupts through soft tissue, which in the process becomes inflamed and painful. This fabric is called a gingival hood. In an unfavorable but frequent development of events, rot forms under the hood, due to which the person’s well-being becomes worse than ever: high fever, headache and bad breath. Rot appears for various reasons, the main one being pollution. The wisdom tooth grows in a hard-to-reach place and cleaning it is a problem.

Possible positions of wisdom tooth growth

Why cut the gum?

Pain in the gums continues for a long time - this is a natural accompaniment of tooth growth. Contact your doctor if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Severe pain when chewing food or occurring spontaneously, without reason.
  • If you have bad breath, this is a sign of pus under the hood.
  • If the gums not only hurt, but also became red and swollen.
  • The temperature has risen, severe weakness and headaches are felt.

Dentists will offer to cut the gum, be strong - this is not as scary a procedure as it seems. After the incision, the rot will come out, the gums will heal, the pain will subside and the tooth will no longer cause concern. In different patients, the gums healed at different times: it usually takes from two days to two weeks.

How is the operation performed?

The cutting can be carried out in several ways, depending on the individual characteristics of the growth of the wisdom tooth. The whole operation is divided into stages:

  1. Introduction of anesthesia.
  2. The doctor uses instruments to make a careful incision in the mucous membrane.
  3. Blood flows from the incision, which needs to be stopped, and then the wound is washed and the dentist applies medicine to heal.
  4. A blood clot forms 10 minutes after the end of the operation, and granulation tissue forms within 3–4 hours.
  5. After 2-3 weeks, the patient will find that the incision has healed, but complete healing may take longer.

Healing of gums after incision

After the incision, the dentist will give the patient recommendations and make an appointment for a follow-up appointment to check how the wound is healing. After the operation, you should rest a little, lie on the bed. It is advisable not to eat or drink anything for the next 3 hours, and not to eat hard, hot or spicy food for at least 3 days. You should not drink alcohol for a week and it is advisable to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day. The dentist will advise you to rinse your mouth with water-salt solutions for several days.

Something went wrong…

What should you do if your gums, which are supposed to heal after surgery, still hurt terribly? The problem may be with the neighboring tooth. A wisdom tooth grows crookedly, touches a neighbor as it grows, and can damage its enamel so that the neighbor will develop caries. In this case, the only correct solution is to remove the “eight”, but this is a complex operation that will require a strong painkiller.

After the operation, the following complications occur:

  • When the gum is cut, it often swells. In other cases, the tumor becomes so large that the cheek swells. This is a symptom of alveolitis of the socket - a common disease that occurs due to an infection in the wound. Gum healing stops. Alveolitis is a simple disease, but it brings its share of discomfort and pain. If you notice its symptoms, do not delay it any longer, consult a doctor.
  • Sometimes heavy bleeding begins after surgery: due to blood pressure or damage to a vessel. Did the bleeding start at home? Fold the swab and apply it to the wound or apply some ice to your cheek. Does the bleeding persist over time? Call an ambulance, you can't handle this on your own.
  • High temperature indicates inflammatory processes. Take antibiotics as directed by your doctor.
  • After surgery, the patient is often tormented by painful sensations. Severe toothache is relieved with painkillers as prescribed by the dentist.

What not to do and traditional methods

There is an ironclad rule associated with wisdom teeth (as with any other teeth): do not use traditional medicine. You can use various herbs, such as chamomile decoction, for pain relief, but it is better to leave the treatment and operation itself on the shoulders of the dentist: “It’s better to have a glass in your teeth than teeth in a glass.”

The second rule is not to heat an inflamed or painful tooth. Some caring but conservative fathers wrap a scarf around their child's head to make him feel “easier.” On the contrary, it will become worse, moreover, a purulent process may begin. Instead of scarves or heating pads, apply ice or a towel soaked in cold water to your cheek.

The healing gum will hurt, and the pain may even be unbearable. Call your dentist, or even better, ask him in advance which painkillers you can take and which you cannot. And do not exceed the prescribed dose so that the situation does not happen: “there was pain - the person died.” In case of complications, contact your doctor; do not try to treat yourself.

How long does it take for tooth gums to heal after an incision? How long should the blood flow?

If you come with gumboil and a swollen face, they will cut your gums, or they may immediately pull out the tooth and let you go. It will hurt very badly after the freezing ends. But by the second day the swelling will begin to subside, and antibiotics may be prescribed. You can eat after two to four hours, but very light food, broths. And the blood flows as usual after a tooth is pulled out, the main thing is not to touch the wound with your tongue.

No, it drags on in a couple of days, but will completely heal within 7-10 days. The only thing is that at the site of the incision there may be something like a scar that will be felt for a long time if you run your tongue over it.

The blood does not flow for long, or rather, it stops almost immediately, as happens with an ordinary cut, the clot can be seen, the main thing is not to rinse it out or remove it with your tongue. If the blood flows for more than two hours, it is not ichor, then you need to go to the clinic again.

If you do not have a low platelet count in your blood due to some illness, the bleeding is usually short-lived. After a couple of hours (after removing the cotton wool, and also if the hole is not disturbed with the tongue or constant rinsing with water), the bruising stops.

On the day of tooth extraction, there is no need to wash out the blood clot that has formed in its place. Overnight, the gums will recover from the anesthesia and the internal tissues will tighten slightly. Over the next 24 hours, the blood clot will dissolve with the help of saliva.

Although I had a case where the gums took two months to heal. I had an upper tooth removed and had problems with the bones in my sinuses. That's another story.

It’s different for everyone, depending on the properties of the body, in order to heal faster, you can smear dental solcoseryl, this is a special paste for healing any wounds and cuts on the gums.

As a rule, the doctor covers the incision site with a tampon and asks to press it for a while. The blood stops flowing soon enough. Usually the bleeding stops after an hour. Of course, the saliva will still be colored, because blood clots are washed away with saliva. The most important rule after such an intervention (as, by the way, after tooth extraction - do not rinse your mouth with any solutions or infusions. This will only blur the blood clot. Final healing occurs in about a week, and discomfort when eating will persist for several days. But all this only average numbers.In fact, everything is very individual.

If you are planning an implantation or removal of a cyst, be prepared for the fact that the dentist will have to cut into the gum. When an unerupted or incompletely erupted wisdom tooth is removed from the gums, an incision is also inevitable.

After surgery, complications such as swelling, bleeding, and aching pain are possible. The reasons include decreased immunity, infection in the mouth, or improper care during the postoperative period. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to remember and follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Complications after gum incision

Tumor (edema)

As a rule, swelling occurs after the removal of a wisdom tooth with an incision in the gum. This is a typical reaction of the body to surgery. However, in some cases, the tumor reaches gigantic proportions, and the cheek or lip swells greatly. This is a clear sign of alveolitis (inflammation of the socket); in this case, it is necessary to urgently visit your doctor!


An increase in temperature to 37–37.5 degrees is also considered normal. However, if the thermometer shows more than 38 degrees, then most likely an inflammatory process has begun. You need to contact the doctor who performed the operation. You may be prescribed a course of antibiotics.

Pain occurs immediately after the anesthetic wears off (after an hour and a half). Soreness is a reaction to damage to nerve endings with a surgical scalpel. To temporarily alleviate the condition, it is recommended to take a tablet of Ketanov, Pentalgin or Analgin. The pain will gradually subside after 3-4 days.


Excessive bleeding may occur due to damage to the vessel during the injection of the anesthetic, increased capillary fragility, or high blood pressure in the patient.

What stops bleeding? Immediately after the gum incision, the doctor applies a hemostatic sponge and, when the bleeding stops completely, sutures the wound.

But if this doesn't help, call an ambulance.

Flux is an inflammation of the periosteum (dense tissue covering the jaw bone). This complication is a consequence of infection of the gums, after which the infection penetrates deeper and deeper, affecting the periosteum. In the area of ​​inflammation, pus accumulates and a painful lump forms. With flux, a loosening incision is made in the gum (opening the abscess) and drainage is installed to drain the purulent exudate.

How gums heal

After surgery, connections between tissues and cells are disrupted. The healing process is the formation of new physiological and anatomical connections between them.

  1. Formation of a blood clot - forms within 5-10 minutes after surgery and serves as a protective barrier against infection and harmful microbes.
  2. Formation of granulation tissue - within 3-4 hours the production of granulation tissue (young connective tissue) begins.
  3. Epithelization and collagen formation lasts up to 7–10 days and is sometimes accompanied by slight itching.
  4. Regeneration and maturation - the wound “heals” after 2–3 weeks, but complete healing of the fibers requires several months.

What to do after the procedure

  • when you arrive home, you just need to lie down and relax;
  • you cannot eat or drink for 3 hours;
  • for 3 days after surgery, you should not open your mouth too wide, or eat hard or hot foods;
  • limit emotional and physical stress;
  • hot baths, visiting the sauna, and exercising in the gym are prohibited;
  • It is advisable to completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol for a week.

Remember: under no circumstances should you apply hot compresses or burn the wound with alcohol, iodine or brilliant green. It will only get worse!

A dental surgeon can prescribe applications of wound healing and antimicrobial ointments (Cholisal, Solcoseryl, Stomatofit, etc.). To strengthen general immunity, you can take immunomodulating agents and multivitamin complexes.

How to rinse your gums after an incision?

Any rinsing should be done strictly as prescribed by the doctor. Usually the doctor recommends rinsing the mouth with a saline solution, a decoction of chamomile, calendula or sage (at room temperature), they have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Ready-made antiseptic solutions from the pharmacy - Chlorhexidine or Miramistin - are also suitable.

If you feel that gum inflammation has begun after surgery, or notice pus discharge, do not delay your visit to the dentist! In emergency cases, you can contact the doctor on duty at the state clinic; he can even see you at night. You can find the nearest institution on our website.

We also invite you to read the materials about complications after implantation.

After surgical removal of a tooth, an open wound remains, which takes some time to heal. However, this process does not always proceed smoothly; sometimes the wound does not heal over a long period, continues to bleed, becomes inflamed or festers.

A day after the operation, side effects may appear: absence of a blood clot, a feeling of acute pain, suppuration and inflammation, swelling.

If the gums do not heal after tooth extraction, you will need to do the following:

  1. Carry out antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity; it is usually used for these purposes.
  2. Immediately visit the surgeon who performed the operation. He will inspect the hole and, if necessary, carry out a complete cleaning. With timely treatment, this procedure can be avoided, since at the initial stage all symptoms are eliminated by drug therapy.
  3. Follow the rules for caring for the wound until it heals, or use antiseptics prescribed by your doctor.
  4. If pain persists, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs, but their use must be agreed with a specialist, since the drugs must be compatible with the prescribed antibiotics.
  5. Visit the surgeon again after the condition improves. He should examine the wound and clean it again if necessary. Sometimes physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed.


In the absence of healing of the hole, contacting a surgeon is a prerequisite; making independent decisions in such situations is strictly prohibited, since this can lead to serious consequences.

Dental treatment usually looks like this:

  1. Administration of local anesthetic.
  2. Examination of the wound for the presence of fragments that could remain from the extracted tooth or its roots. Removal of residues if found.
  3. Comprehensive cleaning of the wound, which involves removing food debris, accumulated pus and any foreign particles.
  4. Rinse the hole with 3% hydrogen peroxide and carry out other antiseptic measures if necessary.
  5. Prescribing subsequent outpatient treatment.

Home treatment consists of taking pharmacological medications that relieve inflammation or pain, as well as lower body temperature in case of a febrile state.

To maintain hygiene and protect against infection, the oral cavity must be rinsed with a solution that can be obtained by diluting half a teaspoon of baking soda in 200 ml of pre-boiled water.

How long does the healing process take?

Healing of the hole remaining in the place of the extracted tooth can take different periods of time; the speed of this process depends on the individual characteristics of the human body and the specifics of the manipulations performed.

On average, it takes from 2 to 4 months; all stages are described in more detail below:

  1. A day later pain should disappear, as the wound gradually heals, and a wound appears on its surface, performing protective functions and preventing dangerous infections from entering the bloodstream.
  2. Two days later formation of new connective tissue is observed. This is a sign of positive dynamics, indicating that the healing process is proceeding normally.
  3. About a week it is required to gradually fill the wound with new soft tissues; at the same time, displacement of the blood clot and the formation of a bone crossbar are observed.
  4. After 2-3 weeks the blood clot completely disappears, its place is entirely taken by young tissue. By this time, the bone tissue should already be well developed and visible on the surface of the wound.
  5. At least another month goes into the gradual formation and development of bone tissue.
  6. Upon examination after at least 2 months you can make sure that the bone tissue has become stronger and has occupied the entire hole.
  7. At the final stage The bone tissue acquires a characteristic porous structure, and the remaining hole becomes small and invisible.

It takes at least six months for the gum to atrophy, after which it becomes lower and its structure becomes thinner.

Factors influencing healing

As already mentioned, the healing process occurs individually in each individual case.

Below are the main factors that influence the regeneration of gum tissue:

  1. Features of the roots of an extracted tooth. The most difficult operations are considered to be operations because they have complex roots, often causing additional damage to the gums.
  2. Qualification and experience of the dentist, adherence to the technology of removing a diseased tooth.
  3. Oral hygiene. There is a risk of infection directly during surgery or secondary infection, which most often occurs when food debris gets into an open wound. This leads to inflammation of the damaged gum, which can cause a number of complications that negatively affect the rehabilitation period.
  4. The location of the extracted tooth, the intensity of the impact on the socket during chewing or other jaw movements.
  5. The complexity of the operation performed. Sometimes the roots have a curved shape or the damaged tooth splits when exposed to it, because of this the surgeon is forced to cut and subsequently sew up the gum. In this case, healing will take much longer.
  6. The general condition of the tissues that were adjacent to the extracted tooth.
  7. Features of blood clotting.

Gum care rules

After tooth extraction, it is necessary to follow the basic rules of gum care, which will speed up the healing process and minimize the risk of inflammation:

  1. Avoid eating or drinking for at least 3 hours after surgery.
  2. Refrain from eating too hard foods (including vegetables and fruits), which can cause mechanical damage to the gums. It is also recommended to try to chew food on the opposite side of the jaw.
  3. Refrain from consuming alcohol-containing products and smoking for 2 weeks.
  4. Refrain from excessive physical activity for 2-3 days.
  5. Do not touch the open wound with your hands, tongue or any objects, so as not to accidentally damage it and cause infection.
  6. Rinse your mouth with saline or soda solution, as well as herbal decoctions. This procedure can be carried out only a day after removal.

Gum tissue has a very delicate structure that is easy to injure and damage. With high immunity, they are quickly restored, and damaged areas are healed. But any requires mandatory treatment, because when bacteria enter, serious inflammation begins. The wound causes pain and discomfort, and threatens problems with teeth and other parts of the oral cavity. Such symptoms cannot be ignored, so as not to encounter dental diseases and pathologies in the future.

Periodontal tissues and hard parts of the periosteum are reliably covered with a mucous membrane - soft gums. This is a large area in the mouth responsible for blood supply and nutrition to the roots of the teeth. It is penetrated by tiny capillaries and nerve endings, so damage is always painful and unpleasant. Based on their condition, the doctor visually determines the health of the entire mouth and identifies possible foci of inflammation and disorders.

Even a small scratch on the gum is a reason to visit the dentist. After all, on the tongue and the inner surface of the cheeks there is always an active microflora, consisting of hundreds of species of bacteria, fungi and spores. Some of them are classified as opportunistic. This means that when they penetrate soft tissue, they can disrupt the processes inside the periosteum and lead to periodontal infection.

Often, a scratch on the gum appears due to poor hygiene or due to other trivial reasons:

  1. Using a toothbrush that is too hard. Sharp villi, when pressed, can rub and injure the delicate mucous membrane, which leads to irritation and microscopic damage.
  2. Chewing foreign objects. This may include toothpicks and matches, pen caps or pencil tips. If you move carelessly, it is easy to scratch your gums and create a painful wound. Often the problem occurs in children who unknowingly pull various surrounding objects, tools and toys with sharp edges into their mouths.
  3. Violations of technology when filling or removing teeth. A dentist in a hurry can touch the soft periodontal tissue with a needle or drill, or accidentally catch them when installing a prosthesis. The patient does not notice the unpleasant moment, because his jaw is anesthetized with potent drugs.
  4. Damage to the mucous membrane when chewing too hard food: candies and grilled sweets, crackers, seeds.

In most cases, such a wound on the gum hurts only a few minutes after application, and the unpleasant discomfort gradually subsides. Under favorable conditions, it quickly becomes covered with a layer of healthy epithelium and disappears without a trace after a few days.

Complications after a cut on the gum

Sometimes after an injury, a person may notice pain at the site of the scratch. The gums become very swollen, gums appear that make it difficult to chew, and aching discomfort occurs. A mark forms near the base of the tooth, which is surrounded by inflamed tissue. Redness and increase in volume are noticeable to the naked eye. You should immediately contact your dentist if you experience the following symptoms of exacerbation and inflammation:

  • The scratch becomes white and rises above the surface of the gum.
  • Cloudy contents or ichor ooze from the wound.
  • The pain becomes tugging or throbbing and spreads to other areas of the jaw.

Most likely, a pathogenic infection or harmful microorganisms got into the cut on the gum, and a purulent inflammatory process began. This moment cannot be left unattended: infected exudate can penetrate the root of the tooth, disrupt blood circulation in the periodontium and lead to the formation of acute or other complications.

In addition, the person has constant pain, which prevents him from sleeping normally, preventing him from eating and smiling. A characteristic sign of inflammation is an acute reaction to certain foods: pepper, salt, spices or vinegar. The wound begins to drag and burn, practically does not heal and continues to increase in size. It can cause stomatitis and rashes in the mouth.

How to treat an inflamed scratch on the gum?

Dentists do not recommend self-medication and delaying a visit to the dentist’s office. The specialist will assess the complexity of the situation, select the optimal medications and help prevent the development of sepsis or gingivitis. If the wound does not heal well and causes discomfort, it should be carefully treated with special ointments with an antiseptic effect:

  1. Apident.

These drugs contain many complex components, therefore they effectively eliminate pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity, improve the condition of the mucous membrane and restore its elasticity.

If a white scratch has formed on the gum, we are talking about suppuration of the upper layer of periodontium. This cannot be done without a little surgical help. To prevent the inflammatory fluid from harming the roots of the teeth, the dentist carefully opens and thoroughly cleans the wound. It not only removes accumulated exudate, but also treats the cut with mild topical antibiotics.

At home, the patient will have to continue treatment with rinses. You can purchase one of the following products at the pharmacy:

  • Stomatophyte;

On the advice of the dentist, they are used after each snack, and at least 5 times a day. In the morning and evening, before using the solution, the cut is washed with hydrogen peroxide, trying to remove any plaque and pus.

Folk remedies

If you receive a wound on your gum, you should not wait for unpleasant consequences. It’s better to start preventing inflammation right away. To do this, it is not necessary to use powerful pharmaceutical antiseptics. It is enough to use simple recipes from traditional medicine based on herbal ingredients. They rarely cause side effects and do an excellent job with non-healing scratches on the mucous membrane.

The following formulations quickly and easily eliminate redness and burning due to infection:

  • Calendula tincture diluted with plain water. The wound is thoroughly rinsed with it and applied as a compress to the jaw.
  • A piece of propolis: it is used to prepare an alcohol infusion. A soft cake is also made from a natural component, which is left on the inflamed area of ​​the gum for half an hour several times a day.
  • Chamomile flowers and sage leaves mixed in equal proportions. From these plants you can prepare a decoction that will become an excellent antiseptic, help remove purulent contents and complement the main traditional treatment.
  • A mixture of dried St. John's wort, oak bark and flax seeds will improve the microflora and remove the cause of infection in the oral cavity.

To speed up treatment, the patient will have to switch to soft or highly chopped food, and temporarily give up hot seasonings and sour pickled foods. The correct choice of hygiene products will help to avoid the recurrence of scratches on the gums: a high-quality toothbrush and toothpaste, rinsing solution. It is important to give up such a bad habit as smoking and increase local immunity, which will be able to resist any infection in the future.

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