What can you eat while breastfeeding? Fruits and vegetables. When and why do you need a hypoallergenic diet?

Breastfeeding for a woman is a period when she has to give up many of her favorite foods. It turns out to be banned big list products. At the same time, you need to make sure that the milk is nutritious and contains a sufficient vitamin and mineral complex. Well-designed menu breastfeeding will help the woman herself to maintain vigor and energy, and give the baby the opportunity to receive everything necessary for the full development of the body.

The nutrition of a nursing woman is not always characterized by restrictions. As the child grows, his digestive system also develops, his immune system becomes stronger, and the enzymes necessary for digesting food begin to be sufficiently produced. By six months, the list of permitted products has expanded significantly.

Immediately after discharge from maternity hospital mom needs to stick strict diet the entire first month.

In the first days, when the transition from colostrum to milk occurs, you can eat the following dishes:

  • soups made from pale vegetables;
  • Porridge can be cooked with milk from any cereal;
  • offal, boiled meat;
  • no more than 10 g of vegetable or butter per day is allowed;
  • weak tea.

Nutrition during the second week of breastfeeding does not differ from the basic diet. Mom can eat bananas and a green apple.

After two weeks of a strict diet, food becomes more varied. You can also eat other foods and dishes:

  • bread (not white, without baking);
  • kefir, fermented baked milk;
  • baked or boiled potatoes;
  • noodles;
  • vegetable dishes boiled, baked or stewed.

Such nutrition will be maintained throughout the first, second and third month.

When introducing new foods into the diet, especially in the first month, you need to monitor the child’s condition and behavior.

In case of any changes (rash, diarrhea, vomiting, sleep disturbance), you should stop eating the product. To determine which product provoked the reaction in the baby, you can food diary. You cannot eat several new foods at the same time. After the product has been eaten, nothing new should be introduced for about a week.

In the fourth month of breastfeeding, you can dilute the menu with other products and dishes from them:

  • meat-based soups (you need to choose low-fat varieties, for example, turkey, chicken, veal);
  • vegetables and fruits without heat treatment;
  • sour cream (fat content no more than 15%);
  • compote, jelly from berries (currants, blueberries).

At breastfeeding In the sixth month, a nursing mother can include legumes and fish dishes in her diet.

Allowed or prohibited: how to make the right choice

The table will help you clearly see which foods can be eaten and will not cause problems with the child’s digestive system, and which are prohibited.

List of dishes that are allowed to be included in the dietFoods you shouldn't eat
Boiled or stewed fishChocolate products
Boiled or stewed meat (such as beef)Canned products
Stewed, baked, boiled vegetables, including potatoesConfectionery products containing dyes, stabilizers and preservatives
LegumesMayonnaise, ketchup, margarine
PastaSmoked products
Quail or chicken eggs, hard-boiledSemolina
Hard cheeseCarbonated drinks
Dairy productsFast food
Porridge (except semolina)Coffee, strong tea, cocoa
Fruits, but only those growing in their own zone and seasonalAlcohol
Onions and garlic after 6 monthsIce cream
Nuts (except pistachios and peanuts)Exotic fruits
Dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots)Spicy dishes
Compote, jelly, tea, fruit drinkSalty dishes

Everything that the mother eats affects the taste and quality of the milk. Therefore, you should not eat onions, garlic or season dishes with spices. These products make milk bitter and give Strong smell, which will repel the child. You should not eat cucumbers, as they provoke bowel upset. Confectionery products, white cabbage, and grapes cause pain and colic in a child’s stomach.

Foods that often cause allergies pose a great danger to a child’s body. In response to such products, a rash, indigestion, diarrhea, vomiting, Quincke's edema, and urticaria may occur, especially in the first month after birth.

You should not eat citrus fruits, chocolate, red berries, some seafood, peanuts, red vegetables and fruits.

If the mother has eaten one of these foods, then milk should be fed with caution, carefully observing the reaction. The list of prohibited innovations is supplemented by honey, mushrooms, pickles, smoking and spicy dishes.

Do not drink breast milk when feeding your baby alcoholic drinks. Not even a large number of himself best wine can cause harm, first of all, to the child’s central nervous system.

The list of prohibited foods when breastfeeding includes cocoa, coffee, and tea brewed from bags. Such drinks have a negative impact on development nervous system child. Sleep is disturbed, the baby becomes excitable and capricious.

Mom needs to eat foods that improve lactation. The list of permitted products in this case is as follows:

  • carrots (raw, boiled, juice);
  • onions added to the dish during cooking;
  • dill;
  • sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds;
  • hazelnuts, almonds;
  • buckwheat;
  • compote of prunes, dried apricots;
  • rosehip decoction.


In order for breast milk to come in sufficient quantities, it contains only useful components, mom needs to properly organize her nutrition. The daily menu should include:

  • vegetables – 500 g;
  • fruits – 200 g;
  • cottage cheese – 100 g;
  • fish or meat – 200 g;
  • milk and dairy products– 1 l.

Vegetables help normalize the functioning of the digestive system. The work of intestinal motility is activated, and the baby will not develop constipation. Vegetables (cauliflower, carrots, zucchini, broccoli) must be boiled or stewed throughout the first year of feeding. It is with this method of preparation that the useful material. Closer to 3 months, mother can eat it raw.

Fruits contain large amounts of fiber. In addition, they are naturally sweet and will help mom replenish the lack of sugar. In the first month, you should not eat fruits that are brightly colored (red and orange). It is allowed to eat green apples, pears and bananas. A little later, you can include plums, peaches, and apricots in your diet.

Table showing allowed for daily use products during breastfeeding and their quantity.

Products nameQuantity, g
Hard cheese15
Egg1 PC.
Fermented milk products300
Cottage cheese70
Sour cream15
Cereals and pasta70
Natural juices200

The menu list should be supplemented with dishes containing long-digesting carbohydrates, which will bring energy and vigor to mother and baby. It is allowed to include rye bread in the diet, if white, then in the form of crackers and porridge.

You need to eat small portions several times a day. The best diet is considered to be when the mother eats immediately before breastfeeding.

A nursing mother needs to know that for better lactation, she needs to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.

A sample menu for a nursing mother may look like this.

Approximate menu options1) 2) 3) 4)
BreakfastFish cutlet with potatoes and any vegetable, bread, tea.Buckwheat, sandwich with butter and tea.Egg omelet, cottage cheese with raisins, sandwich with butter, tea.Rice porridge, bread, cheese, tea.
DinnerVegetable soup, chicken cutlet with steamed vegetables, bread, compote.Meat soup, cutlet with rice, any fruit, bread, compote.Beetroot soup (without tomatoes), boiled meat fillet with vegetables, bread, compote.Soup, fish fillet with jacket potatoes, vegetable salad With vegetable oil, bread, juice.
Afternoon snackCottage cheese, fruit, tea.Kefir, bun, allowed fruit.Bun with sweet filling, juice.Ryazhenka, biscuits, fruit.
DinnerPumpkin porridge, bread, cheese, compote.Vinaigrette, meat, eggs with sour cream, jelly.Meat cutlet, noodles, stew, compote.Vegetable salad, cottage cheese casserole, compote, bread.
Second dinnerKefir, cookies.Yogurt, an allowed fruit.Ryazhenka, baked goods.Kissel.

Throughout the entire period of breastfeeding, especially in the first month, the mother must carefully choose products and monitor their proper storage and expiration dates. If you have any doubts about the freshness and quality of the dish, it is better to refuse it.

Many mothers know that pregnancy and breastfeeding “suck all the juices out of the body,” adding many health problems to existing ones if you do not approach the issue of nutrition correctly. Regular use healthy products are a guarantee of the quality and quantity of milk, the health of mother and baby, as well as strength, which you simply cannot do without during this difficult, energy-consuming period.

What foods on a nursing mother's table will be the healthiest?

  1. Fish
    First of all, we are talking about salmon - the most invaluable product for a nursing mother. Why? Because it is in salmon that you will find that “set” of polyunsaturated fatty acids, on which the development of the baby’s nervous system and mother’s health and mood depend (these elements are excellent remedy for prevention postpartum depression). To avoid an allergy to protein in the baby, the mother should eat salmon in measured quantities - a piece of 60-80 g is enough (maximum 350 g per week of any salmon). And of course, during the feeding period, eating salmon in salted and smoked form is excluded.

    What are the benefits of salmon:
    • No carbohydrates.
    • A large amount of protein (almost half of the product).
    • Restoring the balance of microelements/vitamins by consuming 70 g of salmon at least once a week.
  2. Dairy
    During the feeding period, dairy products are extremely important for mothers as a source of protein, vitamins B and D, calcium for skeletal system crumbs. To replenish the body's resources for your own needs and the needs of the baby, you should consume kefirs, fermented baked milk, yoghurts, cheese (grainy and semi-hard) and cottage cheese, cheesecakes and condensed milk (sugar-free) daily. cottage cheese casseroles etc.

    As for whole cow's milk, it is recommended to exclude it from the diet for a while in order to avoid allergies in the baby.
  3. Lean meat and butter
    This product refers to the iron-containing foods necessary for mothers to replenish the deficiency of energy, vitamin B12 and protein. We are talking about boiled meat(or meatballs, meatballs, etc.) of the following varieties - white poultry, tongue, beef, rabbit, turkey.

    Meat should be included in the menu at least every other day (preferably daily).
    Don't forget about the oil: daily ration of this product – 15 g of sunflower and about 25 g of cream.
  4. Nuts
    This product is also indispensable for mom. But only after careful checking for an allergic reaction and a little at a time (20 g per day, no more). The properties of nuts are different - each nut has its own. And some can even cause harm.

    Therefore, we remember:
    • Cedar
      The most useful for a nursing mother. Advantages: least allergenic, high nutritional index, easy digestibility, no harmful effects irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, accelerate regeneration processes, help in the healing of mucous membranes, etc.
    • Walnuts
      These nuts increase the fat content/digestibility of milk due to their unsaturated omega-3 acids. The main thing is not to get carried away, in order to avoid colic and bloating in the baby. It is also worth remembering the high allergenicity walnuts(start introducing them with caution).
    • Almond
      Thanks to antioxidants, it helps reduce fatigue and helps fight exhaustion.
    • Coconut
      Useful for improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, rich in fiber, protein and vitamins A, E.

    The most allergic nuts are hazelnuts and peanuts. It is better to refrain from using them during feeding.

  5. Fruit drinks, fruits
    Everyone knows about the benefits of fruits and their drinks for nursing mothers. Experts recommend drinking berry/fruit drinks and fruits twice a day - an excellent source of vitamins for mother and baby (in total about 300 g of fruits/berries + 200-300 ml of drinks).

    The most useful will be:
    • Blueberries, sweet cherries, cherries, currants, gooseberries.
    • Cherries, plums (in compotes, decoctions, purees), pears (without peel, with caution), apples (without peel, baked), bananas (a source of potassium), peaches (“vitamins” for depression), apricots.
    • Juices and other drinks with pulp – canned and fresh. It is better to give preference to drinks intended for feeding babies.

    Tropical fruits should be excluded during feeding. And also red and orange flowers. The main rule when introducing a new fruit into the diet: 3 days to test, without mixing with other fruits. If there is no allergy, then you can use it.

  6. Brown rice
    If there is a dialing problem excess weight is present (in mother or baby) - it’s time to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. But it’s right to reduce it – while maintaining your activity and milk quality. Brown rice will help with this, as it will replenish the mother’s energy reserves and provide the body with the number of calories necessary to produce full-fledged, high-quality milk. Just replace your usual white rice with brown rice.

    Useful properties of the product:
    • Availability of necessary dietary fiber and gamma-oryzanol.
    • The presence of amino acids, rich chemical composition.
    • Helps with the appearance of edema (removes excess fluid).
    • Lack of gluten (gluten).
    • Astringent and enveloping effect.
    • Replenishing the deficiency of mineral salts.
    • Improved sleep, complexion, hair condition (with regular use).
    • Nutrition of the nervous system (B vitamins).
    • Removal of toxins, radionuclides and waste.

    And many, many other useful properties.

  7. Eggs
    For the growth of the baby and the formation of its skeletal system, the most useful element– vitamin D. And egg yolk– this is its universal source. True, with chicken eggs you'll have to wait a little - they are very powerful allergens (especially egg whites). And here quail eggs They will be very useful in my mother’s diet.

    Beneficial features:
    • Lots of vitamins.
    • Easy to digest.
    • Prevention of many viral diseases.
    • Helps with the functioning of the heart and digestive system.
    • The presence of proteins, fats and folic acid for normalization hormonal levels moms.

    Of course, you should not attack the eggs - start carefully (as with chicken eggs). For starters, no more than 1 egg per day. This product can be consumed raw, but during the feeding period it is recommended to eat them exclusively in boiled form.

  8. Whole wheat bread
    Not only future mom needs folic acid - a nursing mother needs it no less. And also for the little ones - for normal operation organs and systems. And whole grain bread, muesli and pasta made from coarse flour. These products are a source of folic acid, iron, fiber, vitamin B, etc.

    Whole grain bread will also help solve gastrointestinal problems, reduce hunger, and recharge useful energy. The product is also useful for anemia, high cholesterol, impaired functioning of the nervous system. A couple of slices of bread in the morning or at lunch is enough.
  9. Green vegetables
    Much has been written about the properties of green vegetables, but for nursing mothers they will be especially useful - it is green vegetables (as well as herbs) that contain the “ammunition” of vitamins that a woman needs during the period of feeding her baby.

    Green vegetables are...
    • Vitamin A, calcium.
    • Iron, vitamin C.
    • Antioxidants.
    • Low calorie content.
    • Fiber, etc.

    IN daily menu There must be at least 400 g of fresh or thermally processed vegetables. First of all, we pay attention to green salad and herbs, broccoli, zucchini and spinach.
    And, of course, don’t forget about pumpkin, carrots, beets, eggplants - they won’t be superfluous either.

  10. Dried fruits
    This product is a “shock” spectrum of vitamins, coupled with carbohydrates, organic acids, fiber, etc. Dried fruits that are most beneficial for a nursing mother are dried apricots and prunes. It is recommended to consume about 100 g of dried fruits per day. True, not in the first 2 weeks of feeding - a little later, otherwise the baby’s tummy simply will not cope with so many microelements.

    It is best to use dried fruits in compotes, and in dry form - after the child is 3 months old. You should not eat dried fruits by the handful, mixing raisins, dried apricots and prunes. Start small and introduce one fruit at a time.

To make milk satisfying and healthy for infant, mom should eat well every day. All food should be rich in proteins, fats, microelements, carbohydrates, and vitamins necessary for a growing body.


Their number in the daily menu is 20%. This amounts to 2 grams for every kilogram of the mother’s total weight. First of all, it must be animal proteins: lean fish and meat, milk, kefir and other fermented milk products, cheese, eggs, cottage cheese. All products must be fresh and of high quality. It is better to give preference to homemade fermented milk and meat products.


The amount of fat should not exceed 15%. Their main sources are animals and vegetable fats, dairy products, eggs, meat, fish.


The most important component of the daily diet, therefore the ratio of carbohydrates is the highest - 60%. However, you need to remember that it is better not to consume fresh baked goods, highly sweet cereals and juices, because they often provoke processes increased gas formation.

Food should be varied and safe. You need to drink more liquid per day.

What can a nursing mother of a newborn eat after giving birth?

Most young mothers after the birth of a child are afraid that at the beginning of this period they will not be able to eat anything at all. In fact, this is not true, because the diet can always be varied with healthy, healthy and delicious food.

Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables must be present in the diet every day, because they are very useful and important for normal functioning. gastrointestinal tract. In the first and second months they should only be boiled and steamed. Fresh vegetables and juices from them can be administered in small quantities in the fourth month after the start of lactation.

Potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, eggplants, bell pepper You don’t have to fry them or add a lot of oil and mayonnaise to make them tasty.

red fish

During lactation, it is generally better to exclude exotic vegetables and fruits that are not familiar to us.

The safest fruits Green apples (necessarily baked) and bananas are considered. You need to give preference to seasonal fruits and berries, do not eat watermelons in May and strawberries in February. Plums, pears, grapes, citrus fruits and raspberries should generally be avoided during the lactation period.

Poultry, meat and meat products

Meat products significantly increase the amount of milk, replenish strength and saturate the body. Acceptable varieties include beef, veal, chicken, turkey, and rabbit. They can be consumed in any form, except fried.

It is generally not recommended to introduce sausage, smoked meats, frankfurters and other semi-finished products into your diet during the entire lactation period, because most of them have a questionable composition and shelf life.


Fish and seafood

Fish is an essential component of a nursing mother's diet. It can be eaten boiled and steamed. Preference should be given to red fish and low-fat varieties:

  • Heku;
  • Pollock;
  • Cod.

red fish

It is better not to consume seafood (shrimp, squid, shellfish) until at least 6-8 months. They are the cause of many allergic reactions. You need to introduce them into your diet one at a time, making sure to monitor the baby’s reaction.

The danger of seafood lies in the fact that it is not known where they were caught, in what conditions they lived and were stored, being already frozen.


An excellent solution for fortifying breast milk useful microelements. Cereals can be added to soups or cooked as a side dish. Almost all of their types are allowed in unlimited quantities. The only condition is that they must be prepared at home at clean water. From 6 months they can be cooked with milk.


From millet and pearl barley will need to be abandoned until the baby is three months old.


These products are responsible for the saturation of our body beneficial lactobacilli, necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. A young mother must consume them in large quantities. At the same time, you are allowed to drink milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, eat cottage cheese and sour cream.


What a nursing mother should not eat

The period of breastfeeding should be deprived of the following products:

  1. Fatty, fried, smoked, too salty, peppery;
  2. Alcohol in any of its forms;
  3. Carbonated drinks;
  4. Coffee, cocoa;
  5. Strong black tea and green tea, which contains fruit additives;
  6. Chocolate;
  7. Fresh baked goods, rich cakes and pastries;
  8. Pickles, semi-finished products and canned food;
  9. Semi-finished products;
  10. Beans, peas;
  11. Fruits and vegetables that are not typical for our climate;
  12. Gribov - heavy product for children's digestive system.

ATTENTION! There have been many recorded cases of mushrooms causing serious poisoning.

Allergen-containing products

Vegetables and fruits that grow far beyond the young mother’s place of residence. It is better to eat what is familiar and familiar to our body.

The most common foods that cause allergies in babies are:

  • Chocolate;
  • Citrus;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Nuts;
  • Seafood;
  • Eggs;
  • Some types of fish;
  • Canned food;
  • Strawberries, raspberries, all red vegetables and fruits;
  • Carrot;
  • Cow's milk(at least in the first month of life).

If the mother has a mild allergy to any product, she should not consume it for at least a year, until the period of breastfeeding ends. A week should pass after the introduction of each new product. This is the only way to determine, if necessary, why the baby has a rash or redness.

Table of allowed and prohibited foods during breastfeeding

The list of foods that you can eat after childbirth is quite long. It is presented in the following table.

Features of use

Dairy products

The healthiest thing for mother and baby is kefir. The permissible daily amount should not exceed half a liter. Taking too much of it can cause bloating or diarrhea.

Allowed in small quantities. At the same time, it should have a creamy taste and not be too spicy or salty.

Cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt

It is better to opt for homemade products, because they will be truly natural and healthy, without preservatives or additives.

In the weekly diet it should appear only twice a week. This is very allergenic product. In addition, fish varieties should be low-fat. This could be, for example, pollock, hake, pike perch.

Only baked. Preference should be given to green varieties that will not be grown abroad. So they will be deprived special processing and will be of great benefit to the baby.

Carrots, beets, zucchini

Consumed only boiled and baked no earlier than 3 months after birth. This is explained by the fact that carrots are a strong allergen, and beets can cause loose stool The child has.

In the first month, the amount of their use should be limited to one piece per day. In general, this fruit is very healthy, because it contains many vitamins and microelements.

Cooked in vegetable and meat (low-fat) broths. The main thing is that they do not contain cabbage and legumes.

Vegetable oil

Acceptable rate per day is 15 ml. It is better to use unrefined oil: sunflower, corn, olive.


A must-have product that can be eaten with a sandwich or added to porridge. The maximum amount per day is 25 ml.

Any food can be included in the diet bakery products, but they should already be stale (the nursing mother eats them on the second day after baking) so as not to cause severe bloating tummy


It is better to give preference to durum wheat varieties. You can use them from the first days of a child’s life.

Introduce into your diet with caution. Be sure to monitor the baby’s reaction, since protein is a very strong allergen.


The healthiest ones will be baked, boiled in their skins or as a puree.

You should drink as much clean, still water without dyes as possible. An excellent solution would be to use dried fruit compote.

Green tea without aromatic additives and weak black tea. The stronger the drink, the worse sleep child.


In the first months after childbirth, you are allowed to eat only biscuits, bagels and crackers.

List of prohibited products

A small amount of one candy is allowed to be consumed only from the third month of the baby’s life.

Caviar and seafood

Caviar - useful product if it is of good quality. Seafood should be treated with caution, because most of them can accumulate harmful metals, the presence of which in the body of the mother and child will play a negative role.

Raw vegetables

A complete ban on tomatoes, radishes, cabbage and cucumbers in the first three months of the baby’s life.

Vegetables, fruits and red berries

The mother should refrain from eating raspberries, strawberries and wild strawberries. The best time to try them is five months after birth.

It is prohibited in any form: stewed, cheese, boiled, as it provokes severe flatulence.

Different kinds legumes, onions, garlic

They must be eaten with great caution, as they can produce milk. bad taste, as a result of which the child will refuse to eat it.

Pears and grapes

Banned until at least six months have passed after giving birth. They provoke strong gas formation

Melon watermelon

Only homemade varieties are allowed to be consumed, because store-bought products can lead to poisoning

Citrus and various Exotic fruits

Until three months you should not eat them at all, because this strong allergens. After 3-4 months, you are allowed to eat no more than one slice of fruit per day.

You should give them up in the first six months.

Sausage, frankfurters, smoked meats, semi-finished products

Due to the unclear composition and quality of these products, it is better to introduce them into your diet as late as possible.

Fresh pastries, cakes with rich cream

They provoke tummy problems.


Because of it, flatulence often occurs.

Barley porridge

It is forbidden to eat it until the baby is three months old.

Carbonated and colored drinks

Strong tea with additives, coffee

Disturbs the baby's sleep and causes insomnia.

Fatty, fried, smoked foods

Heavy on the child's digestive system.

Hamburgers, hot dogs and other fast food dishes

It has a dubious origin and composition, many sauces that are harmful to the body.

Ice cream

Contains preservatives and dyes.


Harmful in any lactation period.

After 10 days you can add to the menu:

  • from fermented milk - you can eat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, low-fat kefir, yogurt;
  • fish (baked in the oven, steamed, boiled);
  • eggs (no more than 1 piece per day);
  • black or gray bread;
  • boiled and baked potatoes;
  • pasta (can be in small quantities);
  • cheese (mild varieties);
  • vegetables (boiled, steamed, stewed);
  • spicy herbs (dill, lemon balm, parsley);
  • dried fruits except raisins and dates;
  • oatmeal, hard biscuits, biscuits, bagels, crackers.

After 3 months

From the third month, the list of allowed products increases.

You can start eating:

  • borscht, seasoned not store-bought tomato paste, and pasteurized tomatoes or tomato juice;
  • vegetables, homemade fruits and berries in season, boiled or raw (peeled, membranes and seeds);
  • walnuts and almonds, which increase the fat content of breast milk;
  • quail, chicken, beef meat;
  • compotes cooked without seeds, juices, fruit drinks;
  • from fermented milk products you can eat sour cream, which has a positive effect on the fat content of milk;
  • homemade jam (plum, apple, seedless cherry).

What a woman should not eat while breastfeeding

To the list of prohibited foods that should not be eaten in postpartum period, includes:

  • whole milk;
  • rich fatty broths;
  • raisins (even in baked goods);
  • You cannot drink instant coffee and black tea. They cause colic and disrupt sleep;
  • raw, uncooked vegetables, including apples and bananas. You can’t eat even boiled cabbage;
  • confectionery.

Prohibited foods (for 6 months of breastfeeding) include:

  1. . Some young mothers believe that drinking a glass of beer or red wine is not at all dangerous, but on the contrary, the flow will increase and the baby, having eaten, will sleep peacefully. This cannot be done. Alcohol is 100% absorbed into the blood and ends up in milk. The baby's liver is underdeveloped and will not be able to neutralize the breakdown products of ethylene. Alcohol goes straight to the brain, central nervous system, kidneys, heart and gastrointestinal tract, causing irreparable harm. In addition, the baby will fall asleep before he is full.
  2. Chocolate, baked goods, condensed milk, candy with dyes, carbonated drinks, lemonade.
  3. Coffee (you can replace it with chicory or barley drink), milkshakes.
  4. Semi-finished products, canned food, marinades.
  5. Crackers, chips, nuts in bags with flavorings and salt - when breastfeeding they cannot be eaten even in small quantities.
  6. Hot spices that affect the taste of milk: horseradish, mustard, onion, garlic.
  7. Lard, fatty meat, sausages, balyk, ham, sausage.
  8. Fermented and sharp cheeses (brynza, Adyghe, Suluguni, smoked) are not allowed.
  9. Legumes: lentils, peas, beans will cause colic, bloating and diarrhea.
  10. Smoked, dried, salty fish and steamed meat.
  11. You cannot eat exotic fruits, excluding bananas.
  12. Radish, radish, raw and sauerkraut– weakens, causes colic and bloating.
  13. Dairy products should be limited. There is still an opinion that when breastfeeding a woman, she needs to consume a lot of dairy in order to increase the nutritional value of the milk. But this is not true. Whole milk products cause a baby to be allergic to lactose. When heated, milk proteins are not destroyed and remain dangerous for the baby, threatening him with intolerance in the future.

Precautionary rules

When breastfeeding, mothers should be careful about the foods they include in their diet. It's not just the list of permitted products, it's not causing gas formation, anxiety and . In hot weather, it is necessary to ensure that food is clean, safe and fresh. It happens that foods included in the list of permitted foods, which the mother ate calmly during pregnancy and after childbirth, weaken and cause allergies in the baby. It can manifest itself not only as a rash, itching and irritation, but also... As a result, the baby worries, cries, and often. You should find out which product provokes such a reaction.

Always pay close attention to what you eat while breastfeeding

Sometimes identifying an allergenic product is quite difficult. One baby will calmly tolerate a red apple, while another will feel discomfort from boiled meat. Everything here is very individual and the mother herself must track down the product that is harmful and prohibited for the baby. Some babies sometimes simply do not digest part of the food included in the diet. They experience bloating, gas, diarrhea, or constipation. Such products need to be calculated and temporarily excluded from the menu.

The mother's nutrition during breastfeeding, if the baby is absolutely healthy, should be natural and complete. If you need to increase the fat content of milk, you can include nuts, sour cream, cereal soups, and cream in your diet. A nursing woman needs to eat food enriched with vitamins and proteins, limiting the intake of carbohydrates and fats. Fruits, berries and vegetables should be included in the mother’s menu, but even here you need to carefully monitor their effect on the baby. For example, grapes, plums, apricots and pears are weak and can cause bloating and increased gas formation. You need to start introducing them in small slices, peeling.

Important! To track your baby’s reaction, you can keep a notebook. In the compiled list, enter when and what products were introduced. If the reaction is normal - there is no rash, colic, frequent regurgitation or anxiety, the product can be safely used. If the reaction is extremely negative, mark the date of its introduction, highlight it in red and try again after a few months.

Highly allergenic foods

The influence of allergens on fragile organism extremely dangerous not only due to anxiety and rashes, but also the occurrence of atypical neurodermatitis and eczema, which can develop into chronic form and stay with the child for the rest of his life. As a result, he will have to be treated for a long time with pills and folk remedies, which will negatively affect the pancreas and intestines.

In order to limit the baby from unpleasant consequences, up to six months, the following products cannot be included in the menu of a nursing mother:

  1. Vegetables and fruits of bright red or orange color. Everyone is familiar with the “traffic light” principle: red – “prohibited”, orange – “careful, but possible”, green – “allowed”. Peppers, red apples, pears, carrots, beets and berries are consumed boiled or steamed during breastfeeding. .
  2. Citrus. It is advisable to avoid their use at first, and then carefully introduce them into the diet, monitoring the baby’s reaction.
  3. Protein products. Whole milk, eggs, fatty meat, lard. The newborn’s body cannot cope with their absorption and may react not only with a rash, but also with bloating, diarrhea, etc.
  4. Sweets. You will have to avoid pastry shops stocked with allergenic cookies, cakes and sweets. Chocolate also causes an allergic reaction in adults, not to mention infants. You should also be patient with honey for the first six months. An exception may be homemade halva, which will increase the fat content of the milk.
  5. Carbohydrates. Excessive use starch and sucrose will lead to colic, discomfort, and restlessness of the baby.
  6. Seafood. Squid, herring, mussels, caviar, shrimp - all of this contains preservatives that can cause severe allergies.

Pregnancy and childbirth are quite difficult period For female body. Therefore, in the postpartum period, a woman needs to recover, replenish those substances that were spent during pregnancy and birth of the baby.

At the same time, the choice of food products during breastfeeding should be selected taking into account the fact that the mother’s body is connected to the child. Breast milk contains elements that are produced by the mother's mammary gland. In this case, those nutrients that are contained in the mother’s blood are used. They enter a woman's blood from her intestines. Thus, in breast milk contains products that make up the mother's diet. It is very important that what mothers eat while breastfeeding is good quality and contained necessary for the body useful substances for the child.

Mother's nutrition while breastfeeding

The nutrition of a nursing mother should first of all be complete. The diet of the mother, and therefore her child, should contain as many natural and fresh foods as possible. It is very important that the food contains a large amount of products containing calcium. It is necessary to absolutely exclude from the diet foods containing preservatives and artificial colors.

It is very important that the mother's nutrition during breastfeeding did not contain potential allergens. Of course, it is impossible to know in advance which product will cause an allergic reaction in your baby. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce new products gradually one at a time. The best time to try new foods is in the morning. Then a possible allergic reaction will appear during the day, when it is easier to seek help from a doctor if necessary. Signs of an allergic reaction usually include an upset stomach, skin rash, bad feeling child. Each subsequent new product is introduced after three to four days.

The reason that many children suffer from increased gas production is high sensitivity their digestive system. In order to help the baby, the mother must Avoid foods that cause excess gas. First of all, this raw vegetables, especially cabbage, black bread, legumes, kvass and other fermented products. These products are introduced gradually in very small doses. At the slightest sign deterioration of the child’s condition, they should be abandoned.

Foods that a nursing mother can eat

The breastfeeding diet includes a fairly large amount of food. With their help, the mother should create a varied diet containing the required amount of essential nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

  • The main importance in the diet during breastfeeding is given to dairy products. A nursing mother can include fermented milk products in her menu - kefir, bifidokefir, yogurt, yoghurts without additives and dyes. It is recommended to consume about 600-800 ml of such products per day. It is better to use milk for making porridges and purees. In this case, the mother can take about 200 ml of milk.
  • In addition to the above dairy products, a woman can include mild cheese and cottage cheese in her diet. When introducing dairy products into the menu, you need to pay attention that what you eat while breastfeeding should have an average fat content of 2.5%. The fat content of cottage cheese should be within 5-9%. Too much fatty foods are not recommended, but even those that have zero fat content are not suitable for a nursing woman.
  • Fats may be included in a nursing mother's menu butter, vegetable oil of all types. In this case, it is better to limit creamy varieties of margarine.
  • Nutrition during lactation must include lean varieties of pork, beef, poultry, rabbit, any types of sea and river fish. It is only necessary to exclude mackerel, which is an allergen.
  • The list of diet products for breastfeeding includes various cereals and bran bread.
  • For mothers with a sweet tooth, acceptable treats for this period may include crackers, dry cookies, marmalade, marshmallows, and marshmallows.
  • Mom's diet should contain a large amount of vegetables and fruits, except those that are prohibited.
  • Acceptable drinks are weak green and black tea, weak coffee (preferably with milk), fruit drinks, compotes, canteen still water. Very good to drink during lactation herbal teas with thyme, oregano. They stimulate increased breast milk production.
  • A nursing woman should drink about 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day.

What not to do when breastfeeding

A woman who is breastfeeding should exclude the following foods from her diet:

  • alcoholic drinks, including beer;
  • chocolate, crayfish, crabs, mackerel, which are strong allergens;
  • garlic and onions, the specific strong smell of which the child often does not like;
  • strong coffee and tea, which have a stimulating effect on the baby;

Many nursing mothers are interested in what women who have digestive problems and a predisposition to breastfeeding should not. allergic reactions, and suffered late toxicosis. Such women need to exclude the following products from their menu:

  • honey, eggs, milk, sugar, nuts, legumes, black bread;
  • mayonnaise, canned food, smoked meats;
  • strawberries, raspberries, citrus fruits, grapes, tropical fruits;
  • products that contain artificial colors and preservatives;
  • fatty meats, lard.

In addition, a woman should drink juices while breastfeeding. They contain a large amount minerals, vitamins. Juices should have pulp. Such juices contain alimentary fiber, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system. You should not drink juices that can cause allergies - red apples, citrus fruits, tomato juice. It is better to drink special juices while breastfeeding, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or store. Or you can make juice yourself, for example, from pumpkin or carrots.

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