What you need to know about the flu. Flu: proper treatment and prevention Autumn symptoms

Every year, a large number of adults and children suffer from the influenza virus. For Russia and many countries of the Northern Hemisphere, the epidemic usually occurs in the cold season, when the human body is least protected from various infections. According to epidemiologists, the 2016-2017 flu will be most active in November-December of this year, although symptoms of the disease in people with low immunity can be observed until spring. In any case, there is no need to panic. Timely prevention and proper treatment will allow this disease to resolve with minimal consequences for the adult and child population of our country.

Flu forecast for 2016-2017 - what types of virus are expected

To prepare for a possible influenza epidemic in a particular region, attention is paid to this problem in advance. As a rule, a meeting of the sanitary and anti-epidemic commission is held at the end of summer, when there is already certain information about the virus and its treatment method provided by specialists from the World Health Organization.

The likelihood and nature of an epidemic is determined based on research into the disease and monitoring its spread on the planet.

According to the WHO forecast, the following types of influenza virus are expected in the autumn-winter period of 2016-2017 in the countries of the Northern Hemisphere:

  • A/H1N1 (California 04/2009)

    This is the most common strain of influenza and causes large-scale epidemics. After 2009, when the disease affected many North Americans, the virus was given the name “California 04/2009.” In addition to the medical term, H1N1 is also called “swine flu” because it affects not only humans, but also many animals, in particular domestic pigs. In most people, H1N1 progresses without further complications, even in the absence of serious drug treatment. However, this virus should not be neglected under any circumstances. The severe form of the disease is characterized by rapidly progressing viral pneumonia, which can be fatal if not properly treated within the first 24 hours after the onset of symptoms.

  • H3N2 (A/Hong Kong)

    This strain of influenza was isolated in 2014 during a massive epidemic in Hong Kong among adults and children. The main danger lies in the “poor familiarity” of the human immune system with this infection. According to medical research, H3N2 appeared due to mutations in different strains of the virus, primarily affecting birds. Since the population has practically no immunity to this disease, it is very important to get vaccinated in a timely manner. This is especially true for the so-called risk group – children and people of retirement age. Complications caused by H3N2 influenza include illnesses such as bronchitis and pneumonia, which require emergency treatment. Exacerbation of bronchial asthma and cardiovascular diseases may also occur.

  • B/Brisbane

    This virus is a subtype of influenza B. It was first identified in 2008 in the Australian city of Brisbane and is still a poorly studied type. Diagnosing this infection is quite difficult due to subtle symptoms. However, there is no need to worry about this, since influenza B is much less dangerous than strains belonging to group A. Typically, a disease of this type is quite easily tolerated by both adults and children, does not require serious treatment and, more importantly, does not characterized by severe complications.

The influenza forecast for 2016-2017 from epidemiologists suggests that large-scale epidemics are not expected. However, this does not eliminate the need to harden and stimulate the immune system, especially given the constant mutation of the virus and sometimes unforeseen results of treating the disease.

Flu 2017: main symptoms in adults

It is almost impossible to determine the specific type of influenza by symptoms, since different strains, as a rule, have similar symptoms. In addition, the severity of certain symptoms depends not only on the virus, but also on the general condition of the person.

Some of the symptoms of influenza are almost identical to those of common respiratory illnesses characteristic of adults. However, it is possible to distinguish this infection from acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. The main symptoms of influenza in adults are:

  • high temperature (39-40 degrees) and fever;
  • aching pain in muscles and joints;
  • severe headaches;
  • general weakness, inability to concentrate on specific thoughts and actions;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • dry cough accompanied by chest discomfort;
  • runny nose or pharyngitis.

Headache and fever are obvious symptoms of the flu in adults

Once the virus enters the body, it does not manifest itself in any way at first. The incubation period is usually 3-5 days, during which there are no symptoms. The disease itself lasts about a week, but even after completing treatment the person feels lethargic and tired, and during this period is susceptible to other diseases. This is especially true for adults, as older adults typically experience more severe flu symptoms, sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Symptoms of influenza and ARVI in children

From a psychological point of view, any adult experiences his illness easier than the illness of his children. Since in the process of growing up, the child’s body will in any case be subject to attacks from viral infections, it is very important during this period to remain calm and carry out treatment in strict accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. At the same time, parents should know how to independently distinguish between the symptoms of influenza and simple ARVI in children.

Children's symptoms of ARVI:

  • body temperature up to 38°C (rarely rises above);
  • intoxication of the body is weak;
  • general health is satisfactory;
  • moderate cough, manifests itself immediately after the onset of the disease;
  • obvious runny nose, often nasal congestion;
  • redness of the throat (one of the main symptoms).

Signs of flu in children:

  • body temperature above 39°C (can last 3-4 days, despite treatment);
  • high intoxication of the body, which is expressed by chills, sweating, headache, dizziness, aching joints;
  • cough appears on the 2-3rd day, accompanied by chest pain;
  • a runny nose does not appear immediately and is often not as pronounced as with ARVI;
  • possible redness of the eyes.

A high temperature in a child should serve as a signal for urgent treatment

If a child often sneezes due to a runny nose, has a sore throat, and the temperature remains at 37-38°C or is completely absent, these are obvious symptoms of ARVI. Ordinary viral infections also do not cause the gastrointestinal problems that often occur in children with H1N1 influenza. Another difference in the symptoms of influenza and ARVI in children is the nature of the course of the disease. In the first case, the onset of the disease is always acute, while ARVI most often proceeds smoothly.

Treatment of viral influenza 2016-2017 in adults and children

As we know, the best treatment is prevention. To protect yourself from the flu, you should adhere to the following recommendations:
  1. Get vaccinated in a timely manner. Since the first antibodies are produced after 7-10 days, it is better to get vaccinated at least a month before the expected start of the epidemic.
  2. Avoid places with large crowds of people. Closed spaces are especially dangerous in this regard - in such conditions the virus is very quickly transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one.
  3. Follow general hygiene rules: wash your hands, use only your own cup, spoon, plate and towel.
  4. Ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning at least 2 times a day.
  5. Improve the general condition of the body by playing sports and taking multivitamins.

Timely vaccination makes the symptoms of the disease milder and significantly simplifies treatment

If the disease has been managed by the human immune system, then treatment of viral influenza in both children and adults should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to determine which medications will be sufficiently effective in a particular clinical case, and what treatment program should be followed.

During the flu, it is very important to stay in bed. This task may seem difficult for adults, given the need to take sick leave for at least a week. However, there is no alternative for treating this disease. Influenza carried on the legs is extremely dangerous due to its complications, which can affect the functioning of the respiratory system, heart and muscular system. In the case of H1N1, neglecting bed rest can be fatal.

Although, as noted above, experts do not predict any abnormal epidemics at the end of this year and the beginning of next year, if the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations for the prevention and treatment of viral influenza in adults and children. If you take good care of your own health and receive qualified medical care, the 2016-2017 flu and, most importantly, its complications will most likely bypass you.

Flu symptoms and treatments

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Autumn is already on the doorstep, which means that seasonal diseases are making themselves felt. Let's study the features of influenza this year, methods of treatment and prevention, as well as the main symptoms of the disease.

The information that the virus has been mutating has been on everyone’s lips for several years now. The best WHO specialists are studying its species, analyzing and predicting which strain will make itself felt in the autumn-winter period and become a real test for human health.

Every year, people with low immunity suffer from seasonal infectious and viral diseases. The main danger of the disease is that the virus is subject to frequent mutations. Every 10-20 years, the epidemiological situation changes dramatically and is complicated by a complete modification of the strain. But this does not mean that the symptoms of the disorder change radically. As a rule, more dangerous symptoms are added to the already “classic” signs.

For 2015-2016, epidemiologists expect influenza outbreaks in November-January. This means that planned vaccination will be carried out in September-October. But for this season, experts predict a stable situation even in the first months of cold weather. Therefore, there is a great chance to prepare for the infection and neutralize it.

Flu Season 2016 – The Hidden Danger

Doctors do not predict catastrophic outbreaks of influenza for the coming season. But this does not mean that there is no need to prevent the disease. Since the virus is rightfully considered the most dangerous among known viral infections. The disease is most dangerous for people with chronic diseases of the respiratory system and a weakened immune system. The risk group includes the elderly, pregnant women and children.

In 2016, analysts predict insignificant activity of previously known strains:

  • A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)pdm09 is a subtype of swine flu that became known in 2009. It was this virus that caused an epidemic throughout the world. The greatest danger comes from complications, which very often lead to death. The infection can cause sinusitis, pneumonia, and even inflammation of the meninges.
  • A/Switzerland/9715293/2013 (H3N2) is a subtype of strain A. Its danger lies in complications that pathologically affect the cardiovascular system.
  • B/Phuket/3073/2013 (B/Yamagata) and B/Brisbane/60/2008 are a subtype of strain B and belong to poorly studied viruses. The disease is difficult to diagnose due to vague symptoms. But doctors do not consider it dangerous, since it does not cause life-threatening complications.

Solving the problem of influenza is significantly complicated by the fact that the symptoms that appear at its early stage can be observed in other diseases. Under the guise of influenza infection there may be: sore throat, food poisoning, typhoid fever, rheumatism, dysentery, tuberculosis and other disorders. Influenza-like lesions of the respiratory tract are known, which occur like the flu, but are caused by completely different viruses.

To date, eight families of such viruses are known, these include the common cold viruses, adenoviruses, parainfluenza viruses and 1RS viruses. Diseases caused by such an infection resemble the real flu. Antibody testing is performed to determine the true pathogen causing the outbreak.

Influenza 2015-2016: special risk groups

Any disease has certain risk groups among people who are predisposed to infection. Since influenza infection is a respiratory disease caused by viruses, its main danger is a high level of infectiousness, severe course and a lot of complications. If treated incorrectly or not, the disease can be fatal.

Consider who is at risk for influenza infection:

  • Newborn babies

Babies lack immunity, which significantly increases the risk of infection. The situation is complicated by the fact that up to six months, routine vaccination is not carried out. To prevent illness, it is recommended to follow preventive measures. So, if the child is breastfed, then the mother should be vaccinated. This will allow the baby to receive antibodies through milk. Everyone who comes into contact with the child should also be vaccinated. If one of the family members has symptoms of infection, then any contact with the newborn is contraindicated.

  • Pregnant

The immune system is weakened due to hormonal changes caused by fetal development. Flu 2016 in a pregnant woman is dangerous both for the woman herself and for her child. The most serious consequence of the disease is premature birth. If a woman suffers the disease on her legs, this can lead to the development of various defects in the fetus, and even a miscarriage is possible. These processes can be prevented by timely vaccination and preventive measures.

  • Elderly people

The risk of infection is caused by a number of factors, primarily a large number of chronic diseases and a natural decrease in immunity. Vaccination hesitancy has a detrimental effect.

In addition to the categories described above, the risk group includes people with chronic diseases and disabilities, patients with neurodevelopmental disorders, asthmatics, patients with chronic damage to the lungs, kidneys and liver, as well as people with developmental delays and mental disorders.

World flu 2016 is on its way

Mixovirus influenzae, that is, the influenza virus, is part of the Orthomyxoviridae family and has three forms: A, B, C. Types A and B are found in humans. Virus A is the main source of the influenza epidemic, and type B provokes milder forms of the disease. The infection is determined by its antigenic properties, that is, to differentiate types A and B, a solution of matrix protein antigens and non-cleoprotein antigens are used.

Let's look at the main clinical signs of viruses and their stages (found all over the world):



Severity rating

Features of the flow


Intoxication of the body, headaches, chills, convulsions, catarrhal phenomena.

The temperature is low-grade, signs of intoxication are mild.

No complications, mild course.

Pathological changes in the bronchopulmonary system (hemorrhagic edema, bronchitis, segmental edema).


Body temperature is 38.5-39.5°C, symptoms of intoxication are pronounced (headaches and muscle pain, weakness, dizziness). In rare cases, abdominal syndrome and segmental swelling are possible.

Complications associated with the virus are possible (neuritis, encephalitis and others).

Body temperature reaches critical values ​​of 40-40.5°C. Possible loss of consciousness, delirium, convulsions, hallucinations, nausea and vomiting.

Characterized by bacterial complications (otitis, purulent-necrotic laryngo-tracheobranchitis, pneumonia, bronchitis)

Immunofluorescence and immunoenzyme tests have positive results


Hyperthermic syndrome; meningo-encephalitic syndrome; hemorrhagic syndrome

World statistics indicate that every year about 15% of humanity suffers from influenza. It is this disease that entails irreversible damage to the structures of the brain and cardiovascular system. The European Center for Disease Control and Prevention predicts low infection activity for the coming year. But isolated cases of infection are possible, which can be prevented by timely vaccination.

2016 flu epidemic

The onset of the influenza epidemic is predicted for January-February 2016. There is still enough time to consider prevention options or get vaccinated. A sharp jump in incidence is possible in November-December of this year. The danger of the disease is that only limited means are required to eliminate it.

Every year more than 200 thousand people die from the disease and its complications. Since infection occurs through airborne droplets, influenza occurs in the form of epidemics, that is, sharp outbreaks that spread quickly and suddenly. In particularly acute periods, up to 50-70% of the entire population can be infected.

To prevent the catastrophic scale of the disease, it is recommended to carry out prevention. Today, vaccination is considered the most effective. This method not only reduces the mortality rate and preserves health, but also has a significant economic effect. This is due to the fact that the economic damage from one person being infected by the virus is more than $100, and the cost of vaccination is 6-8 times lower than the losses from the disease.

For the 2015-2016 season, the composition of influenza vaccines has been updated, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization. The vaccine has replaced two strains and now protects against the three most common viruses that cause severe complications.

Strain composition of influenza vaccines:

  • A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)pdm09
  • A/Switzerland/9715293/2013 (H3N2)-like virus
  • B/Phuket/3073/2013-like virus

The following are subject to compulsory vaccination free of charge: children from 6 months of age, schoolchildren, students, workers in the medical, educational, transport and communal sectors. As well as pregnant women, patients over 60 years of age, persons subject to military service and people with chronic diseases. The procedure is allowed to be carried out simultaneously with other vaccinations, except vaccination against tuberculosis.

Flu 2016 in Russia

According to forecasts from the Federal Health Service, an increase in the incidence of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections will begin in January 2016. February will be unfavorable, as an epidemic of moderate intensity is expected. According to preliminary WHO estimates, in 2016 the following strains will predominate in Russia: AH1N1, AH3N2 and influenza B. These strains became the basis for the Grippol Plus vaccine, which they are going to vaccinate Russians with.

All districts are monitoring the incidence rate to prevent an epidemic. Influenza is dangerous due to the development of complications, the worst of which is pneumonia. Today, this complication occupies a leading position among infectious diseases. Particular attention is paid to public awareness at the regional level.

Quarantine and restrictive measures have been developed in medical institutions. During the epidemic, additional beds have been prepared and drugs have been purchased, which will allow patients to be hospitalized in infectious diseases departments in a timely manner and therapy to begin.

Flu 2016 in Ukraine

The World Health Organization has published a forecast of the circulation of influenza virus strains in this epidemic season for the northern hemisphere, which will most likely affect Ukraine. According to the data received, the composition of the viruses has been updated, so people with weakened immune systems need vaccination.

  • A/California/7/2009(H1N1)pdm09
  • A/Switzerland/9715293/2013#01
  • B/Phuket/3073/2013

In the last epidemic season, about 5.4 million cases of influenza infection were registered. At the same time, about 13% of the total population suffered from ARVI, 49% of them were children under 16 years of age. The Ukrainian Center for Disease Control and Monitoring regularly analyzes the immune layer of the population. Recent information indicates insufficient immunological protection of Ukrainians, which threatens an epidemic state and dangerous complications of influenza.

Flu 2016 symptoms: forewarned is forearmed

The clinical signs of influenza and ARVI have much in common due to damage to the respiratory tract and general toxic symptoms. Influenza is an acute, contagious disease with moderate catarrhal symptoms and severe toxicosis. The greatest damage occurs to the trachea and large bronchi. Symptoms vary and depend on the patient’s immune status and age, as well as the type of virus and its strain.

In 2015-2016, there may be both uncomplicated and complicated forms of the disease. The incubation period can last from several hours to 1-5 days. After this, acute clinical manifestations begin. The severity of any form depends on the severity and duration of intoxication and catarrhal symptoms.


The main symptom that appears in the first hours of infection. The disease begins with a sharp increase in temperature, from subfebrile values ​​to hyperthermia. If the disease is mild, then the temperature is not high. The severity of intoxication shows the level of fever. When infected with the type A (H1N1) virus, the symptoms of intoxication are mild even at very high body temperatures.

  • The temperature is acute and short-lived. The fever period lasts 2-6 days, after which the temperature decreases. If it persists for a long period of time, it indicates complications.
  • Headache - unpleasant sensations occur in the frontal and supraorbital region, intensifying with movement of the eyeball. The severity of pain can vary, but, as a rule, it is moderate. Severe pain is accompanied by sleep disturbances, bouts of vomiting and adverse symptoms from the central nervous system.
  • General weakness - this symptom also refers to intoxication syndrome. Fatigue, increased sweating, and a feeling of exhaustion appear. The patient complains of muscle and joint pain, aches throughout the body, and especially in the lumbosacral region.
  • Appearance – the patient’s face appears reddened, conjunctivitis, photophobia and lacrimation are possible.

Catarrhal syndrome

Another leading sign of influenza infection. But, as a rule, it fades into the background, and in some cases is absent. The duration of catarrhal syndrome is 7-10 days, but the cough may persist longer.

  • Oropharynx – there is redness of the soft palate with demarcation from the hard palate. By the 3rd day of illness, the redness changes to spider veins. If the disease is severe, then small hemorrhages and cyanosis appear on the soft palate. The mucous membrane is restored on the 7-8th day of treatment.
  • Nasopharynx – the nasal mucosa is hyperemic, dry, swollen. The nasal turbinates are swollen, which makes breathing very difficult. These symptoms occur on the 2-3rd day of illness and are accompanied by nasal discharge. In case of toxic damage to the vascular walls and intense sneezing, there may be nosebleeds.
  • Cough, tracheobronchitis, laryngitis - painful sensations appear in the chest, dry cough. If the flu is uncomplicated, the cough persists for 5-6 days. In addition, rapid breathing, sore throat, hoarseness, and wheezing appear.
  • Cardiovascular system - changes are caused by toxic damage to the heart muscle. As the temperature rises, a rapid heartbeat is observed, which is accompanied by pale skin. After this, lethargy, slow heart rate and redness of the skin appear.
  • Digestive system - changes are unexpressed. There is a decrease in appetite, constipation, and deterioration of intestinal motility. A white coating appears on the tongue, possibly intestinal upset.
  • Urinary system - since viruses are eliminated from the body through the kidneys, this leads to damage to the kidney tissue. Protein and blood elements appear in urine tests.
  • CNS - toxic reactions from the nervous system lead to severe headaches, drowsiness, anxiety, convulsions and loss of consciousness. In rare cases, meningeal symptoms occur.

If the flu is extremely severe, complications can lead to swelling of the brain and other pathologies. The fulminant form of influenza infection poses a serious risk of death. Patients with chronic diseases and weakened immune systems are at risk. This form causes swelling of the lungs and brain, various bleeding, severe respiratory failure and other complications.

Features of influenza 2016

Despite the fact that the season of acute infectious diseases has just begun, medical statistics are terrifying. The peculiarity of the 2016 influenza is that in the first week of the new year, the disease affected about 125 thousand people. But the worst thing is the increase in the number of deaths.

The disease is caused by the influenza virus AH1N1, which first made itself known in 2009. The average incidence of swine flu is 570 patients per 10 thousand population. In Ukraine, the highest rate of pathology was recorded in the Kyiv and Odessa regions, the least affected are in the Transcarpathian and Ternopil regions. This strain is also raging in Russia.

Since the infection constantly mutates, this significantly complicates the process of diagnosis and treatment. Due to the epidemiological situation, an enhanced anti-epidemic regime is being introduced in many cities. Schools and kindergartens are closed for quarantine, infectious diseases hospitals are overcrowded, and a mask regime is being introduced. All efforts are devoted to informing the population about the dangerous disease and the features of its prevention.

What is the difference between a cold and the flu?

Many people believe that the flu is synonymous with a cold. As soon as the temperature rises, a runny nose and cough appear, patients immediately diagnose themselves with the flu. Of course, this approach is completely wrong. It is very important to understand the difference between these diseases. The cold is a mild illness with mild symptoms. Influenza and its complications can cause pneumonia and death.

Influenza infection is a viral disease that is accompanied by high fever, muscle and joint pain, and weakness. A cold is a broader concept, consisting of a complex of symptoms that are caused by both bacteria and viruses. That is, to treat the flu you need a special medicine, but for a cold you need to determine the type of illness and only then prescribe therapy.

  • A cold develops slowly, usually with malaise, and the flu develops with a sharp rise in temperature and increased weakness.
  • A cold can be of either viral or bacterial etiology, while influenza is an acute viral infection.
  • Bacteriological tests are used to diagnose influenza, and laboratory tests are used to confirm a cold.
  • As a rule, a cold has a favorable outcome, but the flu, especially severe and advanced forms, leads to complications and even death.

Flu, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections are colds that have common symptoms, but differ in the nature of their course and duration.

As a rule, the incidence of colds increases from the end of August and lasts until the spring. Influenza is characterized by epidemiological outbreaks in December-February.

During illness, increased sweating is observed, which can lead to dehydration. Therefore, to maintain the water-salt balance, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of liquid (herbal teas, juices, fruit drinks, clean water).

  • Climate in the apartment

It is necessary to regularly wet clean the room, as a humid climate makes it easier to tolerate the disease. Ventilating the room will remove accumulated germs and viruses. In addition, fresh air promotes healing and improves well-being. You can use various aroma lamps with aroma oils or salt lamps that kill germs.

  • Nutrition

Despite the fact that in the first days of the disease the appetite is significantly reduced, proper nutrition will enrich the body and weakened immune system with vitamins and nutrients. The food should be light, the diet should consist of cereals, soups, boiled meat, fruits and vegetables.

  • Vitamins

They help keep the body in good shape and quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease. The vitamin complexes Vitrum and Supradin have a good immunomodulatory effect.

In addition to the treatment methods described above, there is also drug therapy. Taking medications should be informed and recommended by the attending physician. Taking pills on your own is contraindicated. Today, there is no shortage of medicines that eliminate viral and colds. Let's consider their classification according to general characteristics.

Medicines for symptomatic therapy

Drugs in this category eliminate only the symptoms of the disease: high fever, muscle and headaches, nasal congestion, cough. Such tablets do not affect the virus, so they should be used as a secondary treatment.

  • Painkillers and antipyretics – have an analgesic effect, relieve muscle and joint pain.
  • Vasoconstrictors - help eliminate nasal congestion, swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and sinuses.
  • Antihistamines - reduce swelling of the mucous membranes, eliminate inflammation, lacrimation and itching. Most often, patients are prescribed: Chlorphenamine, Promethazine.

The drugs described above do not eliminate the viral infection, but alleviate its symptoms. Duration of therapy is 3-5 days.

Drugs that affect the immune system and the virus

These drugs are prescribed only after the cause of the disease and the type of virus have been established. Antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs destroy the virus and prevent the possibility of the pathogen developing. Drugs in this category are classified according to their mechanism of action:

  • Neuraminidase inhibitors stop the spread of infection in the body and reduce the risk of complications. Most often, patients are prescribed: Oseltamivir and Zanamivir.
  • Interferon inducers - combine well with other antiviral agents and enhance their effect. Promote the production of proteins in the body that suppress infection. Effective as a prophylactic during influenza epidemics. This category includes: Cycloferon, Arbidol, Amiksin.
  • Blockers of the M2 viral protein are type A antiviral drugs. They are prescribed very rarely, as they have many side effects: Rimantadine, Amantadine
  • In addition to the drugs described above, there are antiviral drugs, let’s consider them:
  • Homeopathic medicines - Aflubin, Anaferon, Arbidol, Antigrippin.
  • Immunostimulating agents - Coldenflu, Imudon, Kagocel, Amiksin.
  • Antitussives – Azts, Lazolvan, Codelac, Libexin, Sinekod.
  • To relieve inflammation of the throat and runny nose - Faringosept, Strepsils, Nazivin, Naphthyzin, Sinupret.
  • Antiviral powders – Koldakt, Lemsip, Nurofen, Panadol, Tamaflu, Codelmixt.

Any drugs aimed at treating a viral disease must be prescribed by the attending physician. Their independent use can cause serious side effects on all organs and systems, which will aggravate the course of the underlying disease.

From the latest news, in 2019 we can expect several varieties of the influenza virus - Michigan, Hong Kong and Brisbane. Let's try to separate truth from fiction by assessing the real risks of the disease, highlighting the symptoms, discussing treatment, medications, prevention and deciding whether to get vaccinated.

Flu epidemic in Moscow 2019

The seasonal flu epidemic in Moscow traditionally begins in November with the onset of cold weather, gains strength in January, reaches its maximum in February, declines in March, and gradually fades away by May.

According to statistics, flu patients make up less than a tenth of a percent of the total number of ARVI cases.

In 2018, an increased incidence of the H3N2 virus was detected in Moscow, but this does not indicate a serious threat - journalists writing news often exaggerate. However, it is still necessary to know what you are dealing with.

What is the flu

This is an infectious disease of the respiratory tract, part of the group of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), caused by a virus from the Ortomyxoviridae group.

The name of the disease in Russian most likely has French roots and comes from the word “grippe”, which also denotes the name of this disease.

What are the types of flu?

Viruses are divided into three types (Influenza A, B, C):

  • A - provokes the most severe forms of the disease in humans, affects animals and birds, periodically causes epidemics and pandemics
  • B - occurs only in humans, usually affects children; outbreaks of this type of virus often precede epidemics of type A
  • C - as a rule, the disease proceeds without serious complications, epidemics do not occur, isolated cases are observed in children and people with weakened immune systems

How dangerous is the flu?

The biggest danger is complications. The most common of all is pneumonia. The rapid development of pneumonia is especially unpleasant; complications can develop after the first day.

In second place are cardiovascular diseases.

Main risk groups: young children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems. Those who suffer from chronic diseases such as bronchial asthma and diabetes need to be especially careful.

No less unpleasant can be inflammation of the middle ear - otitis and other ENT diseases, such as sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis.

Therefore, under no circumstances should you try to carry the flu on your feet. If symptoms are obvious, it is better to call a doctor at home. By doing this, you will reduce the risk of complications and expose the minimum number of people around you to the risk of infection.

Main flu symptoms

  • Heat
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain
  • Feverish state
  • Cough
  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea

The difference between influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections

The main difference between influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections and the common cold is the consequences. Even if we do not take complications into account, after the flu a longer rehabilitation period is required, and the immune system suffers more.

You most likely won’t be able to get rid of it in one week, unless of course you have a mild form. A feeling of malaise and rapid fatigue may persist for up to two to three weeks after all symptoms disappear.

Based on the differences in symptoms, since influenza does not have obvious specific signs, it is impossible to clearly recognize it without special studies. Indirectly, the flu will be indicated by: a very rapid deterioration in health and an increase in temperature to 38-40 degrees, severe aches throughout the body, pain in the temples and eyeballs, sweat, chills, photophobia, often vomiting and diarrhea.

How long is the incubation period?

The incubation period for influenza usually lasts 3 to 5 days. It all depends on the host’s immunity and the specific strain of the virus. With strong immunity, the incubation period can last up to 7 days.

When and during what period can you become infected with the flu from a patient?

A person becomes contagious from the first hours after becoming a carrier of the virus - that is, almost immediately, even if he does not have obvious signs of the disease. The maximum is usually reached one day after symptoms appear. After five to seven days of illness, the concentration of the virus in the exhaled air is greatly reduced, and the danger to others is correspondingly reduced.

The greatest contribution to the spread of the virus is made by patients with subclinical, erased forms of the disease: they manage to infect the largest number of people.

How does flu infection occur?

Basically, infection occurs through airborne droplets. Much less often - contact, through handshakes and kisses. Viruses spread not only through sneezing and coughing, but also simply when a patient talks two to three meters around.

Since susceptibility to the virus is very high, it will most likely not be possible to protect yourself with a regular gauze bandage while in the same room as a sick person. The virus can persist in indoor air for up to a day; it remains on objects for up to 3-4 days.

How to treat the flu, what medicine to choose

There are two news - one good and one bad.

The good news is that a free and effective defense mechanism against viruses is always with us - our immunity. It just needs to be constantly kept in good condition: exercise, give up cigarettes, eat right, and allocate enough time for sleep. The key word here is constantly.

The bad news is that there are no effective drugs against the influenza virus. More precisely, there are medicines, there are even quite a lot of them, but only a few actually help overcome the virus. Some previously quite effective drugs are simply outdated and no longer work against modern strains, others have never worked. The most famous modern antiviral agents with proven effectiveness are Relenza and Tamiflu.

However, it is still better to refrain from taking such drugs on your own. If you suspect you have the flu, you should consult a doctor, as there is a risk of complications, and antiviral drugs may not work against them. Any antibiotics to treat bacterial complications should also only be prescribed by a doctor. You can only alleviate the symptoms on your own: put drops in your nose, take a drug to cough up phlegm, and bring down the temperature.

It should be remembered that you do not need to buy any domestic drugs “against the virus” or to boost immunity, especially those widely advertised on television; their effectiveness has not been proven. They most likely will not cause any damage to your health, but it is a waste of money - just as in the case of homeopathic medicines. Of course, unless it is a matter of faith. Those who believe in homeopathy can purchase their own medicine.

For viral infections, Aspirin should not be used due to the risk of bleeding. To lower the temperature, you can use Paracetamol, but only at temperatures above 38.5C.

Flu prevention

Before you get sick, there are three things you can do to prevent it:

1. boost immunity. This means taking care of your body, eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep and not overindulging.
2. avoid crowded places such as shops and public transport during the seasonal epidemic
3. get vaccinated. This is a more reliable method, although it does not cancel the first two points

Experts do not recommend using any dietary supplements or medications for preventive purposes - in the case of an influenza infection, this does not make sense, and you will save money.

Who should get the flu vaccine?

We will not consider the question of why to vaccinate, since the effectiveness of vaccinations has long been proven. Over many years of vaccination, sufficient statistics have been accumulated: the incidence of disease after vaccination is reduced by 70-90%.

Of course, there is always a chance of infection with a new strain of the virus, against which the existing vaccine will be powerless. Plus, there are negligible risks of receiving a low-quality vaccine or some other infection along with the vaccination. The opinion of official medicine is now clear - if there are no obvious contraindications, such as exacerbation of chronic diseases, then everyone is recommended to be vaccinated, especially children and those who come into contact with a large number of people.

When to get a flu shot

Typically, vaccination is done once a year in the fall before the onset of cold weather. Annual vaccination is required because a universal vaccine has not yet been created, and you need to protect yourself from constantly changing viruses. It is too late to get vaccinated during an epidemic; it takes about two weeks to prepare the immune system.

The worst epidemic (pandemic) in history

Most viruses identified in pigs belong to the H1N1 subtype. The infamous “Spanish flu”, which at the beginning of the last century destroyed 50 million people, also belonged to the same type. Losses in the First World War were significantly lower at that time.

To be fair, it is worth noting that people did not die from the virus itself, but from complications in the form of pneumonia, which in our time is very effectively treated with antibiotics.

Is influenza transmitted from animals to humans?

As a rule, no, cats and dogs suffer from some infections, and people from others. Unfortunately, there are some types of viruses that have been proven by scientists to be transmitted between different species. Swine and bird flu got their names precisely for this reason.

How dangerous is the infection that can be contracted from animals these days?

When infected with the deadliest bird flu, H5N1, the mortality rate reached 60% at first. Since its discovery in 1997, 650 people have been infected with that first strain of the virus. Afterwards, the pathogenicity of the “avian flu” sharply declined, and now the once-deadly virus cannot be distinguished from ordinary flu, which can occur with almost no symptoms, like a mild cold.

The last major outbreak of H1N1 swine flu was reported in Mexico and the United States in 2009. This virus was not so deadly: out of 255,716 people infected, 2,627 people died, panic was caused by the rapid spread and fear of the emergence of new, more aggressive strains - it was the largest pandemic in recent years.

At the moment, the danger of death from bird and swine flu does not in any way exceed the danger from viruses transmitted only from person to person.

Can meat from animals infected with the influenza virus be dangerous?

When heat treated, the influenza virus, as well as all similar organisms, is guaranteed to die. When boiled, the virus lives for less than a minute; at 50 degrees, it will not survive even 60 minutes. However, it tolerates the cold very well; it can wait in the refrigerator for a long time. Fried or boiled meat can be consumed without any risk.

Why do flu epidemics in Moscow occur in winter?

There are several theories regarding the sharp increase in the number of diseases in winter in Moscow, which, by the way, do not contradict each other at all:

  • Most people's immunity in winter is weakened, as the body receives less sun and vitamins
  • With the onset of cold weather, people are more likely to stay in closed, poorly ventilated areas, which contributes to the spread of viruses
  • recent research by American scientists suggests that the virus feels more comfortable in conditions of low humidity, which occurs with a decrease in temperature in winter

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