What will reflect microwave rays. A powerful and dangerous microwave weapon is hidden in the microwave oven. Physical performance characteristics

Since the creation of microwave ovens, debates have periodically flared up between physicists and medical specialists about the benefits and harms of this technical achievement. In fact, without certain knowledge about the effect of microwave oven radiation on the human body and the impact of microwaves on the food cooked in it, many people are afraid to use it.

It is worth noting that these fears are not groundless: a useful invention for the kitchen can indeed become unsafe under certain conditions. But if the operation of a microwave oven is organized in accordance with all technical requirements, ultra-high-frequency waves will fulfill their culinary purpose without much harm to humans.

The principle of operation of a microwave oven

The process of heating food in a microwave is based on the effect of radiation generated by a magnetron. It is thanks to the ultra-high frequency of the microwave (2450 GHz - in contrast, for example, to the 50 Hz frequency of the current in the industrial power supply network) that heating is carried out almost instantly, which is the main advantage of the device.

The most important condition for successful heating of a product is the presence in it of dipoles - molecules with an uneven distribution of charges and a total electric charge equal to zero, due to the polar arrangement of positive and negative charges in the atom. The most striking representatives of dipoles include water molecules, which means that all products with high humidity will be more susceptible to the influence of microwaves. At the same time, vegetable oils do not have dipole molecules, so heating them in the microwave is impractical.

Thanks to the electromagnetic field created in the microwave oven, the dipoles inside the product rotate 180 degrees about 6 billion times per second. This incredible speed causes the molecules of the substance to undergo friction, which causes the internal temperature of the product to rise. It is in this physically explainable transformation of electrical radiation into thermal energy that many see the harm of microwaves.

Harm and benefits of a microwave oven

Some people believe that the direct radiation emanating from a microwave oven while it is on can harm someone nearby. Many explain this risk by the fact that the human body consists of more than 70% water, that is, dipole molecules that are particularly sensitive to the influence of microwaves. Because of this influence, the structure of water allegedly changes, as its ionization occurs (the appearance of an additional electron in a water atom or the loss of an existing one). Therefore, destruction and deformation of molecules occurs not only in the heated product, but also in the human body. However, this opinion is erroneous.

Science claims that the concept of “structure” in relation to water (namely water, not ice) is not applicable, which means that it is impossible to destroy or change its structure.

The Internet is filled with such slogans

Is there scientific evidence that microwave ovens are harmful?

A microwave oven is not always dangerous for humans, but only under specific circumstances. Direct damage can be caused by the cumulative effect of microwave radiation generated by the magnetron. This becomes possible only in two cases:

  1. If the shutdown mechanism does not work when the door is opened or not tightly closed. Manufacturers convince that the device has double guaranteed protection of the consumer from unwanted radiation, however, the automatic shutdown system occasionally fails.
  2. If, as a result of carbon deposits or other reasons, the door seal is compromised. Microwaves can leak through the smallest holes or cracks. These outwardly invisible defects most often appear after prolonged use of an electrical appliance.

The leakage of microwaves through unnoticeable cracks, and even more so through an open door when the generator is not turned off, can cause significant harm to a person, including burns to internal organs.

Symptoms of exposure to microwave waves

You can suspect that a person has been harmed by a microwave oven based on the following signs:

  • dizziness;
  • the appearance of signs of heart failure;
  • blurred vision;
  • drowsiness;
  • nervousness and reasonless crying (in children).

If such symptoms were detected after being near a working electrical appliance, this is an almost 100% signal that its housing has depressurized.

Methods for checking a microwave oven for radiation leakage

To check whether a microwave oven in use is dangerous or whether there is radiation leakage through invisible cracks in the door, you can use several popular methods. You can also use a special microwave radiation detector.

Manual verification methods

These methods, in the absence of a special device, are quite simple, but some of them do not always give reliable results. However, if you are unable to purchase a detector yet, you can check the oven as follows:

To carry out the most popular, but most unreliable method of testing for harmfulness, you will need two mobile phones. You need to put one of them in the microwave and close it tightly without turning it on. Then call it from another mobile phone. If it rings, it means that the waves are freely passing through the protective door both from the outside and from the inside.

Experts consider the disadvantage of this method to be the difference between the operating frequencies of microwave ovens and mobile phones, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to determine the harm or benefit of the device in this way.

Checking with a detector

The most reliable and effective test remains using a special device called a microwave radiation detector. Necessary:

  1. Place a glass of cold water in the stove.
  2. Close the door and turn on the oven.
  3. Bring the detector closer to the door and slowly move it along the perimeter and diagonally of the door, stopping at the corners. In the absence of radiation, the instrument needle will be in the green zone, and the slightest leak will cause it to move to the red zone.

Recommendations for safe use of a microwave oven

It is known that as you move away from the microwave, the power of microwave wave energy quickly decreases, so it is safest to be at some distance from it while the microwave oven is operating.

Near the operating device (about 2 cm from the outer wall), the level of permissible radiation should not exceed 5 mW per 1 sq.cm.

A microwave, the harm and benefits of which depend on compliance with the operating rules, with such radiation is absolutely safe for the human body. However, there are other reasons why this kitchen appliance can cause harm. Therefore, you should consider the rules for handling it:

  • When operating an electrical appliance, stay away from it.
  • Do not place the microwave oven near the stove or the dining table.
  • Use only for quick defrosting and heating food.
  • Place heated products in an open, not hermetically sealed form (this even applies to sausages in thick cling film).
  • Do not place metal utensils or ceramic containers with metallic paint rims inside - this will cause an arc to occur that threatens the integrity of the magnetron and protective casing.
  • Make sure that the protective door is clean and do not allow carbon deposits to form on it, which could lead to depressurization of the housing.

People who have an implanted pacemaker should not use a microwave device.

Which dishes are not suitable for the microwave and why?

When operating a microwave oven, it is prohibited to use the following types of utensils:

  1. Made of metal. Any of its types - cast iron, steel, brass, copper - reflect microwaves, preventing them from penetrating the product. In addition, being electrically conductive, they can provoke spark discharges and the formation of an electromagnetic field, which is dangerous for microwave ovens.
  2. From glass and porcelain, if such dishes have a pattern applied with gold or other paint that may contain metals. Even a half-erased pattern may contain metal particles, which, under the influence of a microwave, can spark and create a field.
  3. Made of crystal. Its complex structure may contain particles of silver, lead and other metals; in addition, an obstacle to its use is the heterogeneity of thickness (faceted surface), due to which such dishes can shatter into pieces under the influence of microwaves.
  4. It is not recommended to use disposable tableware made of thin plastic or waxed cardboard, unglazed ceramics, or plastic that is not resistant to high temperatures.

Even in a second, microwaves cause dipole molecules to rotate “around their axis” billions of times. Therefore, it is better not to risk either the dishes or the serviceability of the microwave oven itself, so that it works in the kitchen for a long time and safely.

The group of electromagnetic waves is represented by numerous subspecies that are of natural origin. This category also includes microwave radiation, which is also called microwave radiation. In short, this term is called the abbreviation microwave. The frequency range of these waves is located between infrared rays and radio waves. This type of irradiation cannot boast of a large extent. This figure varies from 1 mm to 30 cm maximum.

Primary sources of microwave radiation

Many scientists have tried to prove the negative effects of microwaves on humans in their experiments. But in the experiments they carried out, they focused on various sources of such radiation that were of artificial origin. But in real life, people are surrounded by many natural objects that produce such radiation. With their help, man went through all stages of evolution and became what he is today.

With the development of modern technologies, natural sources of radiation, such as the Sun and other space objects, have been joined by artificial ones. The most common among them are usually called:

  • radar spectrum installations;
  • radio navigation equipment;
  • systems for satellite television;
  • Cell phones;
  • microwave ovens.

The principle of the effect of microwaves on the body

In the course of numerous experiments where the effects of microwaves on humans were studied, scientists found that such rays do not have an ionizing effect.

Ionized molecules are defective particles of substances that lead to the initiation of chromosome mutation. Because of this, the cells become defective. Moreover, predicting which organ will be affected is quite problematic.

Research on this topic has led scientists to the conclusion that when dangerous rays hit the tissues of the human body, they partially begin to absorb the incoming energy. Because of this, high-frequency currents are excited. With their help, the body heats up, which leads to increased blood circulation.

If the irradiation was in the nature of a local lesion, then heat removal from the heated areas can occur very quickly. If a person has fallen under the general flow of radiation, then he does not have such an opportunity. Due to this, the danger of exposure to rays increases several times.

The most important danger when exposed to microwave radiation on humans is considered to be the irreversibility of the reactions that occur in the body. This is explained by the fact that blood circulation here acts as the main link in cooling the body. Since all organs are connected to each other by blood vessels, the thermal effect is expressed very clearly. The most unprotected part of the body is the eye lens. At first it begins to gradually become cloudy. And with prolonged irradiation, which is regular, the lens begins to collapse.

In addition to the lens, a high probability of serious damage remains in a number of other tissues, which contain a lot of liquid components. This category includes:

  • blood,
  • lymph,
  • mucous membrane of the digestive organs from the stomach to the intestines.

Even short-term but powerful radiation leads to the fact that a person will begin to experience a number of abnormalities such as:

  • changes in the blood;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • reducing the efficiency of metabolic processes in the body;
  • problems with psychological state.

In the latter case, even depressive states are possible. Some patients who experienced radiation on themselves and at the same time had an unstable psyche even attempted suicide.

Another danger of these invisible rays is the cumulative effect. If initially the patient may not experience any discomfort even during the irradiation itself, after a while it will make itself felt. Due to the fact that at an early stage it is difficult to trace any characteristic symptoms, patients often attribute their unhealthy state to general fatigue or accumulated stress. And at this time, various pathological conditions begin to form in them.

At the initial stage, the patient may experience standard headaches, as well as get tired quickly and have difficulty sleeping. He begins to develop problems with blood pressure stability and even heart pain. But many people attribute even these alarming symptoms to constant stress due to work or difficulties in family life.

Regular and prolonged irradiation begins to destroy the body at a deep level. Because of this, high-frequency radiation was considered dangerous to living organisms. The research revealed that a young body is more susceptible to the negative influence of the electromagnetic field. This is explained by the fact that children have not yet managed to form reliable immunity for at least partial protection from negative external influences.

Signs of exposure and stages of its development

First of all, various neurological disorders develop from such influence. It can be:

  • increased fatigue,
  • decreased labor productivity,
  • headache,
  • dizziness,
  • drowsiness or vice versa – insomnia,
  • irritability,
  • weakness and lethargy,
  • profuse sweating,
  • memory problems
  • feeling of a rush to the head.

Microwave radiation affects humans not only in terms of physiological aspects. In severe cases of the disease, even fainting, uncontrollable and unreasonable fear and hallucinations are possible.

The cardiovascular system suffers no less strongly from radiation. A particularly striking effect is seen in the category of neurocirculatory dystonia disorder:

  • shortness of breath even without significant physical activity;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • a shift in the heartbeat rhythm, including “fading” of the heart muscle.

If during this period a person consults a cardiologist, the doctor may detect hypotension and muffled heart muscle tones in the patient. In rare cases, the patient even has a systolic murmur at the apex.

The picture looks a little different if a person is exposed to microwaves on an irregular basis. In this case, he will have:

  • slight malaise,
  • feeling tired for no reason;
  • pain in the heart area.

During physical activity, the patient will experience shortness of breath.

Schematically, all types of chronic exposure to microwaves can be divided into three stages, which differ in the degree of symptomatic severity.

The first stage provides for the absence of characteristic signs of asthenia and neurocirculatory dystonia. Only isolated symptomatic complaints can be traced. If you stop irradiation, then after a while all the unpleasant sensations disappear without additional treatment.

At the second stage, more distinct signs are visible. But at this stage the processes are still reversible. This means that with proper and timely treatment, the patient will be able to regain his health.

The third phase is very rare, but still occurs. In this situation, a person experiences hallucinations, fainting, and even disturbances associated with sensitivity. An additional symptom may be coronary insufficiency.

Biological effect of microwave fields

Since each organism has its own unique characteristics, the biological effect of radiation may also vary from case to case. Several fundamental principles underlie the identification of the severity of a lesion:

  • radiation intensity,
  • period of influence,
  • wavelength,
  • the original state of the body.

The last point includes chronic or genetic diseases of the individual victim.

The main danger from radiation is the thermal effect. It involves an increase in body temperature. But doctors also detect non-thermal effects in such cases. In such a situation, a classic increase in temperature does not occur. But physiological changes are still observed.

Thermal effects under the prism of clinical analysis imply not only a rapid increase in temperature, but also:

  • increased heart rate,
  • shortness of breath,
  • high blood pressure,
  • increased salivation.

If a person was exposed to low-intensity rays for only 15-20 minutes, which did not exceed the maximum permissible standards, then he experiences various changes in the nervous system at the functional level. They all have varying degrees of expression. If several identical repeated irradiations are performed, the effect accumulates.

How to protect yourself from microwave radiation?

Before looking for methods of protection from microwave radiation, you first need to understand the nature of the influence of such an electromagnetic field. There are several factors to consider here:

  • distance from the supposed source of the threat;
  • exposure time and intensity;
  • impulsive or continuous type of irradiation;
  • some external conditions.

To calculate a quantitative assessment of the danger, experts introduced the concept of radiation density. In many countries, experts accept 10 microwatts per centimeter as the standard for this issue. In practice, this means that the power of the flow of hazardous energy in the place where a person spends most of his time should not exceed this permissible limit.

Every person who cares about their health can independently protect themselves from possible danger. To do this, it is enough to simply reduce the amount of time spent near artificial sources of microwave rays.

A different approach to solving this problem is necessary for those people whose work is closely related to exposure to microwaves of various manifestations. They will need to use special protective equipment, which are divided into two types:

  • individual,
  • are common.

To minimize possible negative consequences from the influence of such radiation, it is important to increase the distance from the worker to the source of radiation. Other effective measures to block the possible negative influence of rays are usually called:

  • changing the direction of the rays;
  • reduction of radiation flux;
  • reducing the time period of exposure;
  • use of a screening tool;
  • remote control of dangerous objects and mechanisms.

All existing protective screens aimed at preserving user health are divided into two subtypes. Their classification involves division according to the properties of the microwave radiation itself:

  • reflective
  • absorbing.

The first version of protective equipment is created on the basis of a metal mesh, or sheet metal and metallized fabric. Since the range of such assistants is quite large, employees of various hazardous industries will have plenty to choose from.

The most common versions are sheet screens made of homogeneous metal. But for some situations this is not enough. In this case, it is necessary to enlist the support of multi-layer packages. Inside they will have layers of insulating or absorbent material. It can be ordinary shungite or carbon compounds.

The enterprise security service usually always pays special attention to personal protective equipment. They provide special clothing, which is created on the basis of metallized fabric. It can be:

  • robes,
  • aprons,
  • gloves,
  • capes with hoods.

When working with a radiation object or in dangerous proximity to it, you will additionally need to use special glasses. Their main secret is coating with a layer of metal. With this precaution it will be possible to reflect the rays. In total, wearing personal protective equipment can reduce radiation exposure by up to a thousand times. It is recommended to wear glasses at radiation levels of 1 µW/cm.

Benefits of microwave radiation

In addition to the popular belief about how harmful microwaves are, there is also the opposite statement. In some cases, microwaves can even bring benefits to humanity. But these cases must be carefully studied, and the radiation itself must be carried out in doses under the supervision of experienced specialists.

The therapeutic benefits of microwave radiation are based on its biological effects that occur during physical therapy. Special medical generators are used to generate beams for therapeutic purposes (called stimulation). When they are activated, radiation begins to be produced according to parameters clearly defined by the system.

Here, the depth specified by the expert is taken into account so that the heating of the tissues gives the promised positive effect. The main advantage of this procedure is the ability to provide high-quality analgesic and antipruritic therapy.

Medical generators are used around the world to help people who suffer from:

  • frontitis,
  • sinusitis,
  • trigeminal neuralgia.

If the equipment uses microwave radiation with increased penetrating power, then with its help doctors successfully cure a number of diseases in the following areas:

  • endocrine,
  • respiratory,
  • gynecological,
  • kidneys

If you follow all the rules prescribed by the safety commission, then the microwave will not cause significant harm to the body. Direct evidence of this is its use for medicinal purposes.

But if you violate operating rules by refusing to voluntarily limit yourself from strong sources of radiation, this can lead to irreparable consequences. Because of this, it is always worth remembering how dangerous microwaves can be when used unsupervised.

Microwave field

Microwave field, microwave fields

Together or separately? Spelling dictionary-reference book. - M.: Russian language. B. Z. Bukchina, L. P. Kakalutskaya. 1998 .

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The development of microwave technology in the last two decades has contributed to its introduction into physiotherapy practice. Microwaves have a number of physical properties that can be used to treat certain diseases (such as psoriasis, rheumatism and other autoimmune diseases). The properties of these waves are the following: a) their energy can be concentrated on individual parts of the body; b) they are reflected from dense surfaces; c) their frequency is close to the frequency of relaxation vibrations of water; d) they are more thermogenic than ultrashort waves.

Under the influence of microwaves, vibrations of ions and the dipole water molecules they contain occur in the tissues of a living organism.. Absorption of wave energy in tissues due to vibrations of ions is practically independent of frequency, while absorption due to vibrations of dipole water molecules increases with increasing frequency. However, this increase occurs up to a frequency specific for each body of molecules (the so-called relaxation frequency). At higher frequencies, due to inertia, the molecules no longer have time to react to too frequent changes in the wave fields, and therefore the absorption of wave energy decreases sharply. For water molecules, this limiting relaxation frequency is about 2-10 Hz (wavelength about 1.5 cm). Due to these features, as the wavelength shortens, the role of molecules in the overall absorption of wave energy in tissues increases. In the 10-centimeter wave range, approximately half of the total energy is absorbed due to vibrations of water molecules, and in the 3-centimeter wavelength - already 98%. Since the body consists of more than half water, the significance of this fact for the action of microwaves is clear, especially for tissue with a high water content (blood, lymph, muscles, nervous system).

Microwaves have both thermal and extrathermal effects. For the first time, their extrathermal effect on humans was established by S. Ya. Turlygin, who observed the appearance of drowsiness after exposure to centimeter waves of very low intensity. This was later confirmed by numerous observations. When a person is systematically exposed to high-power microwaves on the face, clouding of the lens, functional changes in the nervous system, dysfunction of the visual and olfactory analyzers, etc. are observed, which has led to the need to establish in industry maximum permissible doses of exposure to humans during working hours - not more than 0.01 mW/cm2.

The general effect on animals of an intense microwave field at a PFM (power flux density) of 0.2-0.3 W/cm21 causes changes in respiration, heart rate and blood pressure, while local effects under the same conditions are accompanied by rapidly passing changes in hemodynamics and respiration, obviously of reflex origin. The regulatory significance of the nervous system when exposed to a microwave field appears when the vagus nerves are transected in animals; at the same time, a smaller increase in breathing is noted, but a more severe hemodynamic disturbance as a result of turning off the regulatory influence of the vagus nerve.

In a frog, a microwave field at 0.3 W/cm2 causes changes in cardiac activity similar to the biphasic effect of a UHF electric field. In the first phase, sometimes short-term, there is an increase in heart rate and intensification, followed by a slowdown and cessation of cardiac activity in diastole. After the cessation of exposure, contractions are restored; Arrhythmias are sometimes observed. These effects are considered thermal due to the high PMT of the microwave field used in the experiments.

Of great physiological importance is the use of a low intensity microwave field (PPM 0.05 W/cm2, duration 30 minutes), when dogs usually experience a slight increase in heart rate and the disappearance of respiratory arrhythmia; in some animals, a slowdown in the rhythm appears. According to electrocardiography, with prolonged repeated exposure to a microwave field, one can judge the activation of compensatory mechanisms and the development of adaptation, which can be disrupted in dogs by stronger exposures. The established changes indicate the development of temporary dystrophic processes in the myocardium and are considered as reflex; within the first hour after exposure, these changes disappear. In dogs with artificially induced myocardial infarction, the use of a microwave field causes an increase in heart rate, a decrease in all electrocardiogram waves in each lead, and the S-T interval rises even more above the isoelectric line. The microwave field worsens the functions of a diseased heart.

When normalizing heart function indicators after an experimental myocardial infarction, the use of a low-intensity microwave field causes phase changes in cardiac activity in animals, which can be considered dystrophic. These changes are observed both with general impact and with local impact on the head area. Muscle load in combination with a weak microwave field leads to more lasting changes.

Based on electrocardiographic data, we can conclude that under the influence of the microwave field, biochemical processes in the tissues of the heart change, the severity of which depends on the intensity of exposure to microwaves.

Determination of the electrolytic composition of the peripheral blood of animals by electrophoresis after exposure to an intense microwave field (PPM 0.1-0.2 W/cm2) indicates phase changes in the content of potassium and sodium. Initially, the K/Na ratio in plasma increases and then decreases. When compared with electrocardiographic data, it is clear that after exposure to a high potassium content in the blood, pointed high T waves appear in all leads, and with a low content of potassium, low, flattened ones appear. Based on the change in the ratio of potassium and sodium in the blood, it can be assumed that under the influence of microwaves there is a change in the permeability of cell membranes to intra- and extracellular cations.

Biochemical studies are of great interest for the mechanism of action of the microwave field on the body. The study of redox processes in tissues (liver, kidneys, heart muscle) by determining the activity of enzymes in them (cytochrome oxidase, dehydrase and adenosine triphosphatase) reveals the effect of the microwave field on the body. The use of an intense microwave field (PPM 0.1-0.3 W/cm2) leads to a sharp decrease in redox processes in rabbit tissues; in this case, the thermal effect of the microwave field is manifested. A weak microwave field (PPM 0.005-0.01 W/cm2) causes a noticeable increase in redox processes in tissues. Repeated exposure of rabbits to a microwave field leads to smaller shifts in redox processes compared to a single exposure. This can be explained by the fact that repeated exposure stimulates compensatory and adaptive mechanisms and causes smaller shifts in redox processes in animal tissues. The influence of compensatory mechanisms was more pronounced in the central nervous system than in the heart.

The study of protein metabolism in animals both under local and general exposure to microwave fields revealed some features. Exposure to the heart area daily for 10 days (PPM 0.02 W/cm2 with an emitter area of ​​10 cm2) did not cause any significant changes in the protein metabolism of the heart muscle, but with more intense exposure (PPM 0.1 W/cm2) an increase in the content of proteins with phosphorylase activity while a simultaneous decrease in the myogen fraction.

In the heart muscle of animals, significant changes in the content of individual protein fractions were noted, which depended on the intensity of exposure.

The precipitation reaction in Uchterlon agar was used to study the antigenic composition of the blood serum of animals exposed to general exposure to microwaves in the form of a course of 20 procedures for 10 minutes daily (PPM 0.006 and 0.04 W/cm2). Blood serum was examined on the 24-25th day after the last exposure. The precipitation reaction in agar showed that the general effect of microwaves (PPM 0.006 W/cm2) does not lead to a change in the antigenic composition of animal blood serum. Antiserum to the serum of experimental animals reacted equally with the serum of both experimental and healthy animals.

In immunological studies of the blood serum of animals exposed to general microwave exposure with a PPM of 0.04 W/cm2, a smaller number of precipitation lines were found in the precipitation reaction in agar, which indicated a simplification of the antigenic composition of the blood serum and strengthening of the immune system. Sera versus serum from healthy animals reacted differently with serum from healthy and experimental animals; at the same time, the sera against the experimental serum reacted with the serum of healthy and experimental animals in the same way. The findings appear to indicate that the serum of healthy animals contains antigens that are not present in the serum of microwave-exposed animals.

Simplification of the antigenic composition of blood serum when exposed to thermal doses of microwaves indicates a profound shift in the body's metabolism. No such phenomenon was observed under the influence of non-thermal doses of microwaves.

A study of the higher nervous activity of dogs using the method of conditioned reflexes shows that exposure to a microwave field causes significant changes that depend on the power flux density, duration of exposure and typological characteristics of the animal. Changes in the functional state of the cerebral cortex in dogs were observed even after a single exposure to a weak microwave field (PPM 0.005-0.01 W/cm2). Since this field power did not cause an increase in body temperature, the observed effect was not associated with overheating. A weak microwave field enhanced the process of excitation, and a strong one, in which shortness of breath and overheating were observed, led to the development of inhibition in the central nervous system.

Strengthening both conditioned and unconditioned reflexes indicates that the microwave field acts on both the cerebral cortex and subcortical formations. With prolonged exposure to a weak microwave field, phase changes in higher nervous activity are observed: first, an increase in the excitation process, and then a weakening of it to the initial level with increased inhibition.

The study of electroencephalographic parameters in animals under general exposure revealed a relationship between the nature of the bioelectrical activity of the brain and the intensity of exposure to the microwave field. Intense and prolonged exposure caused changes in the basic rhythms of electrical activity, as well as amplitude. When exposed to the animal's head, these changes appeared under weak influences of the microwave field.

Currently, scientists are trying to treat malignant tumors with microwave waves, which may finally allow them to create a unique treatment for breast cancer. However, everything is still in the stage of animal experiments.

Good afternoon, dear Khabrovsk residents.

This post will be about the undocumented functions of the microwave oven. I'll show you how many useful things you can do if you use a slightly modified microwave in an unconventional way.

The microwave contains a generator of microwave waves of enormous power.

The power of the waves that are used in the microwave has been exciting my consciousness for a long time. Its magnetron (microwave generator) produces electromagnetic waves with a power of about 800 W and a frequency of 2450 MHz. Just imagine, one microwave produces as much radiation as 10,000 wi-fi routers, 5,000 mobile phones or 30 mobile phone towers! To prevent this power from escaping, the microwave uses a double protective screen made of steel.

I open the case

I want to warn you right away that electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range can harm your health, and high voltage can cause death. But that won't stop me.
Removing the cover from the microwave, you can see a large transformer: MOT. It increases the mains voltage from 220 volts to 2000 volts to power the magnetron.

In this video I want to show what this voltage can do:

Antenna for magnetron

After removing the magnetron from the microwave, I realized that I couldn’t just turn it on. The radiation will spread from it in all directions, affecting everything around. Without hesitation, I decided to make a directional antenna from a coffee can. Here's the diagram:

Now all the radiation is directed in the right direction. Just in case, I decided to test the effectiveness of this antenna. I took a lot of small neon bulbs and laid them out on a plane. When I brought the antenna with the magnetron on, I saw that the lights were lighting up exactly where needed:

Unusual experiences

I would like to note right away that microwaves have a much stronger effect on technology than on people and animals. Even 10 meters from the magnetron, the equipment experienced severe malfunctions: the TV and music center made a terrible growling sound, the mobile phone first lost the network, and then completely froze. The magnetron had a particularly strong influence on wi-fi. When I brought the magnetron close to the music center, sparks fell from it and, to my surprise, it exploded! Upon closer inspection, I discovered that the mains capacitor had exploded. In this video I show the process of assembling the antenna and the effect of the magnetron on technology:

Using non-ionizing radiation from a magnetron, plasma can be obtained. In an incandescent lamp brought to the magnetron, a brightly glowing yellow ball, sometimes with a purple tint, like ball lightning, lights up. If you do not turn off the magnetron in time, the light bulb will explode. Even an ordinary paper clip turns into an antenna under the influence of microwaves. An EMF of sufficient strength is induced on it to ignite an arc and melt this paper clip. Fluorescent lamps and housekeepers light up at a fairly large distance and glow right in your hands without wires! And in a neon lamp, electromagnetic waves become visible:

I want to reassure you, my readers, that none of my neighbors suffered from my experiments. All the closest neighbors fled the city as soon as fighting began in Lugansk.

Safety precautions

I strongly do not recommend repeating the experiments I described because special precautions must be taken when working with microwaves. All experiments were performed solely for scientific and informational purposes. The harm of microwave radiation to humans has not yet been fully studied. When I came close to the working magnetron, I felt heat, like from an oven. Only from the inside and, as it were, pointwise, in waves. I didn't feel any further harm. But I still strongly do not recommend pointing a working magnetron at people. Due to the thermal effect, the whites in the eyes can coagulate and a blood clot may form. There is also debate that such radiation can cause cancer and chronic diseases.

Unusual uses of the magnetron

1 - Pest burner. Microwave waves effectively kill pests, both in wooden buildings and on the sunbathing lawn. Bugs have a moisture-containing interior under their hard shell (what an abomination!). Its waves instantly turn into steam, without causing harm to the tree. I tried killing pests on a living tree (aphids, moths), it was also effective, but it is important not to overdo it because the tree also heats up, but not so much.
2 - Metal melting. The magnetron power is quite enough for melting non-ferrous metals. You just need to use good thermal insulation.
3 - Drying. You can dry cereals, grains, etc. The advantage of this method is sterilization; pests and bacteria are killed.
4 - Cleaning up from wiretapping. If you treat a room with a magnetron, you can kill all the unwanted electronics in it: hidden video cameras, electronic bugs, radio microphones, GPS tracking, hidden chips and the like.
5 - Jammer. With the help of a magnetron you can easily calm even the noisiest neighbor! The microwave penetrates up to two walls and “calms” any sound equipment.

These are not all possible applications that I have tested. Experiments continue and soon I will write an even more unusual post. Still, I want to point out that using a microwave like this is dangerous! Therefore, it is better to do this in cases of extreme necessity and while observing safety rules when working with microwaves.

That's all for me, be careful when working with high voltage and microwaves.

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