Jam or plum jam. Recipes. Favorite childhood treat: plum jam

It is impossible to keep fruits and vegetables fresh for the whole winter, which is why such wonderful preparation methods as canning have been invented. One of the favorite treats for children and adults is jam. It is tasty and aromatic on its own, an ideal dessert for tea, and in addition, it is used as a filling for pies and pies. Each housewife has her own methods and secrets of canning and preparations. For readers who are planning to make seedless jam for themselves, a simple recipe with plums is on the pages of the Popular About Health website. Choose and delight your loved ones with a sweet treat!

In gardening, there are up to four dozen varieties of plums. Of course, each of them has a different taste and aroma, which means the jam will turn out different in each case. In any case, plum has a lot of useful properties. One of them is to cleanse the intestines with regular constipation and help with anemia. Plum jam effectively removes salts from the body and contains a lot of potassium, which is beneficial for the heart and blood vessels.

A simple recipe for jam for the winter

For high-quality and tasty jam, you need to carefully select plums. Remove spoiled fruits, because even one accidentally falling into the pan can spoil the taste. This simple jam is prepared without seeds, which means that the fruits need to be washed and peeled.

For the recipe you will need:

1.5 kg of ripe plums;
- 900 grams of sugar;
- 200 grams of water.

Pour the peeled fruits with cold water, put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Then cook, stirring regularly, until the fruits become completely soft and boiled. This process takes approximately 20-25 minutes.

Next, the fruit will need to be ground, for this you will need a sieve. Grind the fruits thoroughly, add sugar and mix well. The result should be a transparent, viscous consistency of a beautiful amber hue.

Put the mixture back on the fire. Be sure to stir the jam while cooking, otherwise it will burn and acquire an unpleasant smell and taste. Cook for about half an hour, then pour into prepared sterile jars. Roll up the lids, turn over and leave covered for 24 hours until completely cooled.

From the proposed quantity of products you can get 2 half-liter jars of jam.

Pitted plum jam with chocolate

This recipe generally takes about an hour, and this amount of ingredients will yield about 3.5 liters of finished product.

For 2 kg of plums you will need 1.8 kg of sugar and a bar of dark chocolate 100 grams. The result is not ordinary jam, but an amazingly delicious fruit and chocolate dessert with the most delicate consistency. This is a delicious treat for tea, and also an interesting filling for homemade buns, buns, pies and rolls.

We start cooking by washing the plums and removing the pits. It doesn’t matter which variety is used, but Vengerka produces a darker consistency, and Renklod produces a lighter consistency. Cover the fruit halves with sugar and leave for 2.5 hours until the juice separates.

Place the pan on low heat and cook covered for 15-20 minutes. At this time you can prepare the chocolate. Break the tile into pieces, add to the plum mixture, wait until it completely dissolves (about 40 minutes). After this, beat the whole mass with a blender until smooth, and return to low heat. simmer the jam for about 30 minutes, stirring constantly so as not to burn.

Pour the thick, aromatic mass into sterile jars and roll under metal lids for long-term storage. Turn the containers upside down and let cool completely. After a day, put it in a cool place.

Recipe for seedless plum jam with apples

Adding apples to the recipe allows for a thicker consistency. For this you will need:

1.5 kg plums;
- 0.8 kg of apples;
- 800 grams of sugar.

Blanch the peeled plums over low heat for 30-40 minutes. Peel the apples and cut into pieces. Place the slices in a saucepan, add about 2-3 cm of water, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. When the fruits become soft, rub them through a sieve to make a puree.

When the apples and plums are ground into homogeneous masses, they need to be mixed and put on the stove over low heat. Add sugar and cook for 30-40 minutes. Don't forget to stir the whole mixture so it doesn't burn.

Straight from the fire, pour the jam into pre-sterilized jars. Roll up the lids, turn over and cool. The finished cork can be stored all winter, serving the delicacy to the table and using it as a filling for baked goods.

In addition to apples, plums go perfectly with quince, pear, thorns and blackberries. Experiment and surprise your family and friends with unusual treats!

When deciding which plum dessert to prepare for the winter, many housewives forget about such a tasty and healthy delicacy as jam. Despite the impressive duration of temperature treatment, with this approach, plums retain a significant portion of vitamins, microelements, fiber and other substances that have a positive effect on the body of adults and children.

There are several options for preparing the product; if desired, you can even use a multicooker or bread maker. Before cooking fruits, you should familiarize yourself with their features, which will help achieve the desired result.

Plums are not a capricious or demanding component. Even not the most experienced housewife can prepare delicious jam from them. And so that the process does not cause too much trouble, it is recommended to close the preparations for the winter, taking into account the following nuances:

  • The composition should be boiled in copper, aluminum or enamel containers. There should be no chips on it, otherwise something may get into the product during prolonged cooking. It is good if the capacity is low and wide. Delicious jam is also obtained when using cauldrons with thick walls.
  • This type of dessert implies uniform composition. To achieve this, you should use an immersion blender. You should not cook the mixture for more than 3 hours, trying to achieve maximum softening of the product in this way; it is better to speed up this process.

Tip: If you want to somehow diversify a familiar product, you don’t have to add exotic ingredients to it. You can simply take not one variety of plums, but several. The finished product will have a very special consistency, rich taste and lasting aroma.

  • If the recipe does not contain information about what type of fruit to take in a particular case, preference should be given to fruits with small seeds that are easily separated and thin skin (for example, Hungarian).
  • From 1 kg of plums, approximately 1 kg of jam is obtained, so the number of jars for seaming for the winter is very easy to calculate.
  • When using fruits with very thick skin, they can be rubbed through a sieve before cooking, so that later there will be no problems with processing the components.
  • Plum jam to which butter is added has a special taste. This component is introduced at the very end of cooking in an amount of no more than two tablespoons, regardless of the volume of the product. In addition, cocoa (up to a tablespoon of powder per 1 kg of plums) and dark chocolate (up to 2 tablespoons of grated composition per 1 kg of fruit) can be used as flavor enhancers.

Even after prolonged processing, plum jam will retain many useful components. Some of them are responsible for strengthening vascular walls and improving blood composition, others normalize intestinal function, stimulating the cleansing of the body from waste and toxins.

Boil plum jam on the stove

Regardless of the type of exposure, the plums should first be washed, sorted, and pits and spoiled areas removed. Be sure to rinse the product again and dry it in a colander or on a towel. Next, proceed in one of the following ways:

  • Basic option. For 1 kg of plums, take 3 cups of sugar and half a glass of water. Pour water into the pan, immediately add fruit and turn on medium heat. After the mixture boils, reduce the heat and cook the mixture for no more than 10 minutes. Place the thick part of the product in a sieve and grind, getting rid of the peel. Place the resulting puree back into the pan with the juice, add sugar and cook until tender, stirring regularly. The process usually takes 1-2 hours, the finished jam should have a consistency similar to rich sour cream. Then it can be placed in sterile jars and closed for the winter.

  • Cyclical approach. Place the pre-processed plums in a cooking container, cover with a lid and turn on low heat. Keep the mixture on the stove for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then sprinkle the plum puree with sugar and leave for 6-8 hours. Stir the mixture and cook again for 30-40 minutes, taste for sugar and add if necessary. If the skin is reluctant to boil, use an immersion blender. Again we infuse the composition for 6-8 hours, boil and infuse again. After that, all that remains is to boil the mass one last time and you can put it in jars. Before closing containers for the winter, fill them with melted butter, which will prevent spoilage of the product.

If, when opening a jar of jam, signs of mold are found on the surface of the composition, they should be removed with a clean spoon. The rest of the product, if its color and smell have not changed, can be safely consumed.

Features of using a bread machine and multicooker

In both cases, for 1 kg of plums we take 800 g of sugar and 150 ml of water. To prepare a delicious dessert for the winter, you need to do the following:

  • Bread maker. First sprinkle the fruits with sugar and leave for 3-4 hours until the juice appears, after which we transfer the entire mass into the bowl of the device. Add water so that the product is not too thick. We select the “Jam” mode, set the timer for 1 hour 20 minutes, if the program time is not set automatically. We turn the finished product into jam using an immersion blender and close it for the winter.

  • Multicooker. Place the plum halves in the bowl of the device, sprinkle with sugar, pour in water and mix everything. It is best to cook the mixture on the “Stew” mode for 2 hours. 10 minutes before the end of the period, you should evaluate the quality and texture of the product. If a lot of juice has been released during fruit processing, you can add a little pectin or gelatin to the jam to give the jam the desired thickness.

Plum jam will only be more aromatic if you use cinnamon, vanilla, ginger, cardamom, and cloves when boiling it. These components are introduced at the very end of cooking or added to the finished product. Often sprigs of mint or rosemary are placed directly under the lids of the jars, which are removed before consuming the dessert.

First of all, you should start preparing the plums. They are sorted to see if they are no longer suitable for cooking and washed thoroughly under running water. It is imperative to get rid of spoiled fruits. If several missing fruits end up in the saucepan, the jam will most likely turn out completely tasteless. This means that the hostess wasted so much time trying to prepare something special for her loved ones.

In addition, you will need to pit the plums. Then the fruits are transferred to a saucepan in which the jam will be cooked.

1. Place the saucepan with plums on the fire, adding water.
2. Cook the plums over low heat for an hour.
3. Then add sugar and leave it on the fire again.

Determining the degree of preparation of jam is quite simple. If it has acquired a thick consistency and has visually boiled down, it can be removed from the stove. If the jam is one third less than it was originally, it’s time to seal it in jars. Alternatively, you can simply transfer the jam into a suitable container and cover with regular lids.

Jam without skin

This recipe for making jam is more painstaking than the previous one. During the cooking process, you will have to get rid of not only the seeds, but also the skin. Removing it from the drain is not so easy. But knowing one little trick, it will be very easy to cope with such work and quickly prepare one.

To prepare, you will need a kilogram of plums and a kilogram of granulated sugar. To remove the skins from the fruits, you need to pour boiling water over them and do it yourself. Then the plums are cut in half and the pits are removed.

According to the recipe, namely a simple recipe for plum jam without skins for the winter, you must then follow the following cooking steps:

1. Pass the plums through a meat grinder.
2. Mix the resulting mass with granulated sugar.
3. Place the fruit-sugar mixture on the fire.
4. After the mass boils, cook it over the fire for at least another hour.
5. Periodically you will need to remove the foam.

The readiness of jam is quite easy to determine. To do this, you need to drop a small drop onto a plate. If the mass has not spread, then you can safely remove it from the heat and pour it into jars. Fragrant and bright plum jam is ready for the winter. All that remains is to bake the pancakes and you can safely serve them.

Plum “five-minute”

To please your household with such a tasty and satisfying jam, you will need to take a kilogram of plums and eight hundred grams of sugar. The plums are thoroughly washed under running water, cut in half and the pit removed. Then pass the fruit through a meat grinder or food processor.

Adhering to the recipe, namely a simple five-minute recipe for thick plum jam for the winter, you need to:

1. Transfer the plum mixture into a container suitable for cooking.
2. Then add the required amount of sugar and leave in this position for about an hour.
During this time, the sugar should be completely absorbed.
3. After an hour, the plum mass is put on fire and boiled for fifteen minutes.
4. Remove the jam from the stove and allow to cool.
5. After a while, put it on the stove again and bring it to a boil.
6. Cooking time – twenty minutes.
7. Then the action is repeated completely, only for the third time you will need to simmer the jam on the stove for thirty minutes.

During this time, the mass should decrease in size by half or at least by a third. The finished jam is poured into a previously prepared container (not forgetting to sterilize it) and sealed. Store jars in the pantry or refrigerator. It is advisable to attach a sticker to each jar with the date the jam was made. Thanks to this, the hostess will always be one hundred percent sure that the canned food served to the guests has not expired. Can be prepared for the winter.

Homemade secrets for making jam from apples and plums

On a cold winter evening, pancakes with jam and hot tea will be devoured by the household with a bang. In order to have everything you need for home gatherings on hand, you should now take care of some of its components, for example, jam.

There are only two ingredients needed to make jam. This is a kilogram of fruit puree and a kilogram of granulated sugar.

1. It is necessary to peel the apples, cut out the middle and cut into arbitrary sizes, for example, into cubes, so that the apples boil better.

2. Then the fruit is transferred to a large saucepan, filled with water and simmered over the fire after boiling for about half an hour. During this time, the apples should be well boiled.

3. Add plums to the apples (they must also be thoroughly washed and pitted first, if desired).

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To make jam, it is better to use ripe, juicy fruits. Even overripe and slightly bruised plums will do, but without any signs of spoilage. The fruits must be thoroughly washed and shaken off droplets of water. Then cut each plum in half and remove the pit.

The prepared fruits need to be transferred to a saucepan. You should also pour in 1-1.5 glasses of cold water. The pan must be placed on low heat and covered with a lid. The plum should be stewed, release its juice and become soft. This, depending on the variety and degree of ripeness of the fruit, may take from 15 to 30 minutes.

Softened plums must be pureed. You can pass them through a meat grinder or grind them in a blender. The finished fruit puree should be strained.

To do this, place a sieve over the pan and rub the plum mass through the sieve with a wooden spoon. The pulp should separate from the skins and fibers.

Then you need to pour granulated sugar into the puree. The more sugar there is in the jam, the thicker it will be. For cooking you need to choose a wide pan. In this case, moisture evaporation will occur more intensely, and the heat treatment time will be shorter.

The jam should be cooked over low heat. To prevent it from burning, it must be stirred frequently with a wooden spoon. The volume of the finished jam is almost half the size of the original puree. A well-cooked mass hardens quickly if you drop it onto a cold plate.

The finished plum jam must be placed in sterile jars and closed with lids. It does not require sterilization and is perfectly stored at room temperature.

Plum jam (method 1). Recipe

Required: 1 kg plums, 750 g sugar.


Sort the plums, remove the stems, then wash in cold water. Next, cut them in half and remove the seeds. Blanch the prepared plums in boiling water or over steam until softened and then rub through a sieve. Boil the plum puree in an enamel basin for 10-15 minutes, then gradually add sugar. Boil the fruit mixture until completely cooked.

Place the boiling jam into dry, sterilized jars. Then cover the jars with boiled metal lids and seal tightly. There is no need to turn the jars over.

Plum jam (method 2). Recipe

Required: 2 kg plums.


Ripe plums are used to make jam. They should be sorted, washed with cold water, cut into halves and the seeds removed. Place the prepared plums in an enamel bowl with a lid, put on the fire and bring to a boil. You need to stir the fruit mass all the time with a wooden spatula.

After the plum gives juice, remove the lid from the pan. Boil the fruit mass for an hour, then leave the half-ready jam for 8-10 hours, then put it back on the fire, bring to a boil and set aside again for several hours. Repeat all steps 2-3 more times.

Then rub the significantly boiled mass through a sieve.

Bring the plum puree to a boil again. It is considered ready if its mass has decreased by 3 times from the original one.

Leave the finished jam to stand for 1-2 days. After its surface has dried, it can be placed in dry, sterilized jars. Close the jars with boiled metal lids.

Plum and apple jam. Recipe

Required: 1 kg of plum and apple puree, 800 g of sugar.


If you make jam from a mixture of plum and apple puree, it will turn out thicker. First you need to prepare the fruit. Sort them out, wash them, cut them into pieces, and remove the pits from the plums. Then cook until half cooked and rub through a sieve. After this, cook the fruit puree for 10-15 minutes and then add sugar.

After this, cook the jam with continuous stirring until completely cooked. Place the prepared hot jam into prepared jars and seal them tightly with boiled metal lids. Then place the jars upside down until they cool. As soon as the temperature of the jars reaches 40-50 °C, move them to the bottom, otherwise the thickened jam will stick to the lid.

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