Food for a Jack Russell puppy. What can you feed a Jack Russell Terrier and how to create a diet. How to feed a puppy natural food

The Jack Russell Terrier is one of the most popular dog breeds today. These small dogs are distinguished by their restless nature, cheerful disposition and endless energy. Jack Russells are unpretentious and do not require special care, but the owner should prepare for long and active walks. Let's figure out what to feed the Jack Russell Terrier and what else is remarkable about this breed.

Appearance and character

The Jack Russell Terrier breed is named after the English priest John Jack Russell, a great lover of hunting. Russell wanted to breed the perfect hunter who could dive after a fox into her hole without getting stuck or getting dirty. This is how the Russell Terrier turned out. Distinctive feature This breed has a powerful build. Despite its small size, it is a very strong and resilient dog with a developed chest, strong paws and a powerful grip.

Another recognizable feature of the breed is its color. According to the standard, the Jack Russell must be completely white with small brown spots on the muzzle and tail. The Jack Russell Terrier's coat is dense and tough, able to repel dirt and water.

Regardless of the length of the coat, it is enough to brush the Jack Russell once a week with a stiff brush. Mitten brushes are best suited for these purposes.

Breed Features

Jack Russell - born hunters. But their endless energy also has reverse side: such a dog needs to be occupied with something all the time, give it decent physical activity

Despite increased activity, these dogs usually have an easy-going character: the Jack Russell listens well to the owner, is receptive to training and is able to quickly remember dozens of commands. True, it is better not to have cats in a house where a Jack Russell Terrier lives - hunting instinct can take over agreeableness.

This breed is considered to be one of the smartest. However, it is necessary to train a Jack Russell and accustom him to order and commands with early age. It is very important to spend as much time as possible with your dog as it grows and not limit your interaction to walks.

Owners of Jack Russells are advised to exercise them regularly.
Agility is a complex of sports competitions that involve quickly overcoming an obstacle course. Both the pet performing the exercises and the owner directly participate in the competition. This kind of sport is perfect for your dog’s temperament and will have a positive effect not only on the health of the pet, but also the owner.

If you are not ready to practice agility with your dog, then change the routes of your walks every few weeks, or even go somewhere new with your pet. These dogs love to learn something new. By the way, transporting a Jack Russell is very easy. You can simply put this dog in your bag and take it with you on the subway. They are most often allowed on board an airplane, since the average size of the breed allows it to be carried in the cabin and not in the luggage compartment.

What to feed your Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell grows and develops very quickly. He is constantly on the move, which means he needs high-energy food. That is why it is recommended to feed your Jack Russell Terrier puppy food with high content proteins and fats. For a puppy up to 10 months, food from ROYAL CANIN ® is suitable. In addition to the fact that this food is well balanced and contains all the vitamins and minerals a puppy needs, its kibble is made to remove tartar from a growing dog's teeth. In Jack Russell Terrier puppies, up to 10 months digestive system not fully formed and cannot absorb nutrients as effective as the digestive system adult dog, therefore the Jack Russell Terrier Junior formula helps maintain normal digestion and maintaining the balance of digestive flora.

Adult dogs - from 10 months and beyond - are transferred to. Since the dog has grown and matured, she now needs a slightly different diet. Thanks to the adapted content of proteins and fats, a complex of antioxidants, it helps maintain muscle mass and helps the dog maintain strength and energy. This food contains a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which keep the dog's coat and skin in perfect condition. The food croquettes are made specifically for the Jack Russell Terrier breed, taking into account the structural features of the jaw of these dogs.

Do not forget that in addition to proper nutrition, the Jack Russell, like any other dog, needs regular visits to veterinarian. Once a year healthy dog must undergo routine inspection.

But the most important rule of this breed is a lot of walks, a lot of games and motor activity. Don't let your pet get bored, then he won't let you get bored until his old age.

Once it has appeared in your home, it should be fed for some time in the same way as the breeder fed it. Typically, club animals are fed food in which all the nutrients necessary for their growth and development are already balanced in the right ratio. If you continue to feed your puppy dry food, simply follow the recommendations on the packaging and the advice of sales consultants.

In the event that it is decided to transfer the puppy to natural food, you should maintain the ratio of animal and plant products in his diet. Three quarters should be animal products, one quarter plant products. Please note that you should never overfeed your pet - its weight will become higher than normal, and its growth will be more intense, which will inevitably lead to problems associated with the development of the skeleton. The main thing for the puppy Jack Russell It is not the quantity of feed, but its quality.

Set up a permanent feeding area. The bowl should always be at a level slightly below his muzzle; its height can be adjusted as the puppy grows. He should always have water, but the food left after eating must be removed before the next feeding. 20 minutes is enough for your dog to be satisfied. The feeding rate for puppies is 10% of their weight, and for adult dogs 3-5%.

Up to four months, the puppy should be fed six times a day, since its growth during this period is very intensive. In addition to boiled dietary meat with rice and vegetables, the dog should receive a boiled egg and boiled food 2-3 times a week. sea ​​fish. The puppy's diet must also include: dairy products, you can give children's kefir, natural unsweetened yogurt, cottage cheese. Fruits can be given every day, just like various cereals. The consistency of the dishes is like liquid sour cream.

Jack Russell Terrier – active and curious dog. These animals are good companions for lovers of long walks. Russells create an atmosphere of cheerfulness in the home and are known as sensitive, intelligent hunters.

In order for the dog to always remain this way, the owner should know what to feed the Jack Russell Terrier. Nutrition is the key to health and active life animal.

Adult dog diet

It is useful to feed the animal natural products. This does not mean that you can give food from your table. This kind of food can kill a dog.

Natural food for the Jack Russell Terrier that will satisfy all the body’s needs:

  • Lean raw meat without bones, preferably veal or beef, boiled chicken. Of the by-products, only the heart can be given. It should be cooked for a long time. You can’t feed them pork or lamb, but you can feed them boiled sea fish.
  • Buckwheat and rice porridge. They are a source of iron and have a good effect on blood composition and joint flexibility.
  • Cottage cheese. Needed for strong teeth and bones.
  • Vegetables. Pumpkin, carrots, zucchini, and beets are useful. No need for potatoes, legumes, radishes.

Food for the animal must be crushed, otherwise it will suffer from indigestion and vomiting. TO natural food You can add vitamins for dogs.

Healthy food for puppies

The foundations of canine health are laid in childhood. The Jack Russell Terrier is no exception here, feeding its puppies has its own characteristics.

Meals should be frequent: from 4-5 times a day for 1.5-month-old babies to 3 for 6-9-month-olds.

Natural products are the same as for adult dogs, but the food should be of an even more delicate consistency.

Give boiled chicken and beef, mix vegetables and fruits with low-fat sour cream. It is necessary that ¾ of the volume of puppy food consists of meat, the rest is food of plant origin.

Ready-made dog food

The dog's food may consist of dry food. For puppies and adult animals, it is better to choose one of the super-premium brands. Almost all of them do not contain grains that can cause allergies and indigestion in dogs:

  • Feeding Jack Russell Terriers should be portioned, certain time. Clean water must be available to the animal at all times;
  • You should not give sweets or smoked foods;
  • Force feeding a dog is dangerous to its health;
  • To make the coat shine, you can give a boiled egg once a week.

We invite you to watch a video about how cheerful and smart your dog can be with the right regime:

Failure to comply with the rules may result in excess weight and shorten the dog's life. Proper nutrition will make your pet cheerful, cheerful and active.

Jack Russell Terrier - hunting dog, although now it is increasingly being purchased for indoor use. But in order for her to be active and cheerful, she needs proper nutrition.

Feeding a Jack Russell Terrier puppy

At first, the puppy must be fed in the same way as the breeder. Club puppies are more often in which the nutritional elements are already properly balanced. If the puppy was on natural food, then you will have to independently observe the ratio of products of plant and animal origin in the diet.

How to feed a Jack Russell Terrier puppy correctly? What to give to your pet? 75% should be animal products - meat and milk. And only a quarter of the diet should be plant-based, which includes cereals, vegetables and fruits. Under no circumstances should a puppy be overfed, even if he has a very a good appetite, He will grow too quickly, become heavier, and this will lead to problems with his paws and bone development.

For a Jack Russell Terrier puppy, the main thing is not the quantity, but the quality of food. The feeding rate per day with natural food for up to a year can be calculated based on 10% of the puppy’s weight. Up to four months, the puppy is fed six times a day. Each meal should be different from the previous one, for example:

  • milk porridge,
  • meat (beef is best) with porridge,
  • cottage cheese,
  • vegetable salad,
  • fruits,
  • soup or omelet.

Every day the puppy must be given raw meat with porridge, vegetables and any dairy products. Twice a week (up to 3 months - once) give the yolk of a boiled egg, fish and boiled offal (heart, lung, udder, stomachs). Consistency of dishes for little puppy should be like liquid sour cream, gradually hardening by the age of five months.

From this moment on, it is useful for the puppy to chew on foods that are hard enough to eat on time. By six months it is necessary to transfer the puppy to three one meal, and 9 months - twice a day.

Feeding an adult Jack Russell Terrier

The daily feeding rate for an adult dog should be 3-5% of its weight. This calculation is correct if the dog is kept as a pet and its only active activity is walking and playing while walking. If the Jack Russell Terrier is used for its original purpose - for hunting, then during active training and especially work, the dog needs to be fed more.

An adult dog needs less meat than a puppy and the proportion changes. 50-60% is enough meat products and 40-50 - vegetable. Of the dairy products, it is enough to leave only milk, and low-fat sour cream can sometimes be used to dress salads.

Feeding dry food

The most convenient option for feeding a Jack Russell Terrier is dry food, which contains everything essential vitamins and components. You can't change food often. This is only permissible in cases of allergies or due to a specific food.

When changing food, you must first buy a small pack and carefully give it to the dog, carefully observing the body’s reaction. The amount of food should depend on the age of the pet. It should be carefully monitored according to the tables drawn on the food packs.

It is unacceptable to buy food in bulk for your Jack Russell Terrier. For dogs that hunt, it is better to choose food for active dogs with a higher proportion of protein.

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Finally, the long-awaited moment has arrived, a small miracle- puppy . And it doesn’t matter what it was purchased for: hunting or as pet— the first thing owners want to know is what to feed their Jack Russell Terrier puppy so that he grows up to be a cheerful, healthy dog. When forming a diet, it is worth remembering that these are very active, mobile dogs.

The little dog you have received is stressed by the new place, unusual smells, and the absence of his mother. Therefore, at first it is necessary to give him the food that he received from the breeder.

By purchasing four-legged friend, please specify:

  • fed him homemade or purchased food;
  • type (canned or dry);
  • brand and manufacturer.

After the Jack Russell has completely settled into the new place, you need to decide how to feed the puppy in the future. For proper development For health reasons, it is better not to mix food types.

For the first three months of life, the puppy needs to receive food six times a day. From three to four months the number of appointments is reduced to five.

The dog needs to eat at a certain time, and night feedings should be avoided. This general rule regardless of food type.

Ready-made feed

If you decide to feed your baby ready-made food, then you should follow some rules:

Choose only quality food suitable for a terrier, matches the age of your pet. It is best that it contains a minimum amount of grains and food additives.

Buy food for active breeds The serving size should correspond to the recommendations on the packaging. Don't overfeed your Jack Russell, but don't let it run out of food. For better absorption Soak dry food for up to two months.

  • The dog always needs access to clean water. Canned dog food introduce gradually, mixing into dry food. In the future, it’s a good idea for one feeding to consist only of canned food.

To determine how suitable a brand is for a dog, carefully observe your baby. If he remains active, eats the entire portion, the coat is shiny and does not fall out, and the feces are not liquid - then everything is fine, otherwise it is better to change the manufacturer.

Natural nutrition

If the breeder fed your pet natural products, then do not forget to specify which ones, and follow this menu. If the baby was fed ready-made food, gradually switch it to natural food.

To begin with, it is enough to give the new kind 1 teaspoon each, then alternate dry food and natural food. But you should not delay the transition period for more than a week.

The first to be introduced into the diet meat broths, which can be used to dilute dry food. Next, vegetables and porridges are introduced: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. A small two-month-old pet is given milk porridge once a day.

From two months onwards, you can feed your Jack Russell puppy finely chopped boiled meat, which should be lean. It is advisable to pre-boil vegetables during this period.

But for three-month-olds, you can add raw vegetables to the porridge. At this age, the dog is given cottage cheese, vegetable oil, fruits.

The daily diet of a young Jack Russell Terrier should approximately contain:

  • meat-200 gr;
  • cereal products - 150 g;
  • vegetables – 100 gr;
  • dairy products -100 mg.

In addition, they add to food bone meal, at least 15 grams and one egg once a week. Food is served warm; food should not be served directly from the refrigerator. It is best to prepare them immediately before use.

If, when consuming factory-made products, the volume of food corresponds to the instructions, then with natural feeding, the portion is calculated based on the dog’s weight.

Since the Jack Russell Terrier hunting breed, That daily norm food (should not exceed 6% of weight) divided by the number of feedings.

  • Hunting dogs gain weight quickly, but musculoskeletal mass does not develop so rapidly. Therefore, overeating can eventually affect movement, positioning of limbs, and lead to metabolic disorders.

However, underfeeding will lead to slower growth and the development of rickets.

To determine the norm, watch your baby. He must eat the entire portion and lick the bowl. But when a pet tries to push the bowl after eating and doesn’t want to leave, it means that there isn’t enough of it. Therefore, at your next meal, increase the serving size by a quarter. If there is food left, then reduce the remainder or reduce the number of meals.

Diet for 4 to 6 months

When the puppy turns four months old, he is transferred to four meals a day. This regimen is maintained until six months are reached.

  • Purchase weight ready food determined, as before, based on the instructions.

When raising a Jack Russell Terrier puppy on homemade products, you should take into account that the weight of your four-legged friend increases and, accordingly, the daily volume increases, while the multiplicity decreases, and the single portion becomes larger.

Jack Russells are fed any raw meat except pork. It is best if it is beef or veal, but it will also work chicken fillet. The baby can now be allowed to gnaw on large bones; they are first scalded with boiling water.

The diet includes sea fish, first boil it, and remove bones if possible. It is good to include boiled meat offal in the menu. Vegetables and fruits are not chopped, but allowed to be chewed whole.

A young dog needs at least (in grams) per day:

  • 450 meat (fish) dishes;
  • 300—croup;
  • 200—vegetables;
  • 50— dairy products.
    During this period, give one boiled egg twice a week, and you can also give rye crackers to chew on.

Good food usually contains all the necessary vitamins. But when using natural ones, they may not be enough; therefore, after consultation with a veterinarian, vitamin supplementation is introduced.

Nutrition box six months

After six months, the Jack Russell will no longer grow quickly, so the number of doses is reduced to three times, and eight-month-olds are transferred to a two-time regimen. During this period, a growing dog is required to eat at least 0.55 kg of meat or fish per day.

Cereal products can be alternated with pasta. They begin to add salt to the food, but the amount of salt does not exceed 1 teaspoon per day, do not forget to add bone meal.

Since the Jack Russell Terrier needs to exercise a lot to be healthy, when choosing dry food, pay attention to its energy value The higher it is, the better. This is especially important if you plan to use your friend for hunting.

This regime remains in young dogs for up to a year. And then they can be left on two meals a day or switched to one-time feeding.

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