An e-book is the best gift. How to choose the right “reader”? Choosing an e-book for easy reading

The need to purchase an e-book confronts people who have never owned such devices with the problem of choosing the appropriate model. The reasons for purchasing an e-reader can be different. Someone discovers that they cannot find the book they need in paper form, someone has learned about the benefits of electronic reading and plans to evaluate them in practice, and someone simply wants to keep up with the times and wants to acquire a fashionable gadget. This article is for those who are planning to purchase an e-reader and want to learn more about what these devices are. We will try to list the parameters and capabilities of e-books as much as possible. Having decided on the characteristics and functions that are important to you, you can choose a specific model that suits you.

How to choose an e-book to read

Electronic books or e-books are compact specialized devices for reproducing digital files, mainly text. Files (that is, digital versions of paper books) can also be called e-books. To avoid this confusion, you can use the English terms “reader” to refer to the device, and “content” to name their contents, that is, digital books, magazines and documents. In Russian, these terms have long taken root and are actively used. You can download any content to readers (and not just from the reader manufacturer’s website, as some users mistakenly think) from your computer using a USB cable, in formats supported by your reader.

History of appearance

Prototypes of modern e-reader screens saw the light of day in the 1970s, when Nick Sheridon of the Xerox Research Center introduced his Gyricon e-paper technology. In 1997, this technology was improved by Joseph Jacobson, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He also became the founder of the E-Ink company, which today is the largest supplier of screens for manufacturers of electronic readers. The e-book market has experienced rapid growth since 2007, when the Sony Reader PRS-500 and Amazon Kindle models appeared. By 2012, the booming demand for electronic books led to the fact that among those reading books on mobile devices, readers with electronic ink screens became as popular as smartphones and tablet computers equipped with TFT displays.

Criterias of choice

First, decide on the requirements for your future e-book. You need to decide which of the following parameters you need:

    Screen using E-ink electronic ink;

    Long-term operation on one battery charge;


    Large screen;

    Small size and weight;

    Touch control;


    Russification of the interface;

    Large amount of internal memory;

    Support for flash memory cards;

    Availability of Wi-Fi/3G module;

    Convenient access to the Internet;

    Built-in dictionaries;

    Music player;

    Low price.

In any case, you will have to make a choice in favor of certain characteristics. A reader equipped with all the advantages does not yet exist. For example, low weight cannot be combined with a large screen. Readers that use E-ink technology naturally have less functionality. E-books with a touch screen are naturally more expensive than e-readers without a touch screen. Therefore, you will have to decide what is more important. But perhaps the most important thing is to decide on the type and size of the screen.

Types of screens

Most often, an e-reader is a device that uses an electronic ink screen from the American corporation E-ink. A competitor to E-ink is the company SiPix, which promotes its digital paper technology of the same name, the substrate of which is noticeably grayer, but the text, on the contrary, has greater contrast and clarity. E-ink screen is more popular and is used by most market leading manufacturers.

The display is the most expensive and most important part of an e-reader. Electronic ink forms an image in reflected light, like regular paper, which means the screen does not need backlighting. Thus, even long reading does not tire the user's eyes. The fundamentally different design compared to color TFT screens, in particular resulting in a lower image refresh rate, does not allow you to watch videos, play games or browse websites comfortably. The need for high-quality text reproduction overshadows various additional functions of these devices. Electronic readers are highly specialized devices on which priority is given to reading, and other functions are somehow presented on the readers in a truncated form.

The advantages of the E-ink screen are not only eye safety, but also long battery life on a single battery charge. The reader actually consumes battery power only when turning pages at those moments when you see black blinking. Only using a Wi-Fi/3G module and a music player can increase consumption. On one charge, E-ink e-readers can work for up to 3-4 weeks (!).

In addition to readers with E-ink screens, at one time devices with TFT displays called media readers were very common. Devices of this class are represented, for example, by models from the manufacturers Pocketbook and Digma. They are software-adapted for reading, but also offer various multimedia advantages typical of tablet computers (watching video, having a camera, convenient Internet access). However, thanks to the fact that tablet computers are rapidly becoming cheaper and becoming available to a wider range of users, it is they, and not media readers, that are now the main competitors of e-ink readers.

Most users agree that reading on a color screen for long periods of time is tiring, but for those who read little and want a more functional device, tablet computers are a worthy alternative. Samsung, one of the leading tablet manufacturers, has introduced variations of the popular 7-inch Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 model, which are comparable in size to e-readers, but offer incomparably greater functionality. The advantages of tablet computers are the presence of a backlit screen (can be read in the dark), convenient access to the Internet, the ability to watch videos, and support for working in 3G networks. Cons: the screen is less comfortable for the eyes, the inability to read in bright sunlight and short operating time on a single battery charge (maximum 8-10 hours).

Selecting Screen Size

Before purchasing an e-book reader, think about what kind of literature you plan to read. This directly determines what file formats your future e-reader should reproduce and what screen diagonal you need. The most common e-book formats are FB2, EPUB and MOBI. We will talk about what they are and how they differ from each other later. For now, let us note that it is in these formats that literature is presented in electronic libraries on the Internet. Now you can easily find almost any book in them: from classics to modern pulp prose. If you plan to read fiction and will carry the reader with you to read, for example, in transport, a reader with a 6-inch display will suit you.

This is the standard screen diagonal size for electronic readers. It represents a kind of compromise between the compact dimensions of the device and the digestible amount of text that fits on a screen of this size. All the most popular readers on the market are equipped with a 6-inch screen. There are e-readers with displays smaller than 5 inches; in particular, the one presented in our online store is equipped with them. This model is ultra-compact and is suitable for those who want to choose the smallest size.

After the 6-inch screen size, there is a 10-inch diagonal, or more precisely 9.7 inches. Readers with such screens are intended for those who plan to read specialized literature (instructions, technical books and textbooks, texts with numerous illustrations), as well as newspapers and magazines. Such content is most often presented in PDF or DJVU formats. In this case, the screen size approximately corresponds to the format of such a book or magazine. After all, it is necessary that when the page is reduced to fit the screen size, the text remains readable. A large screen is ideal for these purposes, although it increases the physical size of the device. But more often they buy for use at home. In addition, they are preferred by older people, who find it more convenient to use a large-sized reader (it is possible to enlarge the font as much as possible, but still fit an acceptable amount of text on the screen). E-readers with a 9.7-inch screen are available from manufacturers Pocketbook, Onyx and Amazon.

Touch screen

The touch screen on the e-book allows you to minimize the number of buttons on the body and makes operating the device more ergonomic. Pocketbook 612 and 912 electronic books, as well as all Onyx readers with 9.7-inch displays, are equipped with an inductive touch screen. They come with a stylus, touch control is carried out only with its help. You won't be able to control these readers with your finger, but the stylus is more convenient when working with dictionaries and in the browser. The advantage of these models is that they can also be controlled by buttons, which means the user can choose from two control methods. Readers with screens that use E-ink technology are most often equipped with infrared touch displays (or displays with an infrared frame), and support for multi-touch functions. In the case of them, the user controls the reader using his fingers using gestures typical for working with tablet computers and mobile phones. Infrared touch e-readers are models, and Onyx i62m.

Buying a reader with or without a touch screen is a personal choice. In our opinion, the main thing in an e-reader is not the presence of a touch screen or its absence, but thoughtful ergonomics of control. For example, it does not suffer at all from the lack of a touch screen - it is perfectly controlled by a few buttons. The Sony PRS-T1 model, on the contrary, is completely impossible to imagine without a sensor. Of course, it is advisable to try out the e-book before purchasing. In any case, choose the option that is convenient for you personally.

Other Screen Options

E-ink displays may vary slightly in whiteness. Conventional wisdom is that it is better to choose the whitest background possible, as it increases contrast. However, some users complain that the white background is blinding and annoying. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with a grayish substrate, especially since manufacturers have not yet been able to achieve the maximum degree of whiteness of coated paper. Almost all models with liquid ink screens in our online store have, that is, these are screens not just of the same generation, but also from the same manufacturer, the differences between which are minimal.

Most 6-inch e-readers with an E-ink Pearl screen are equipped with a resolution of 600x800. Not long ago, models with a higher resolution of 758x1024 appeared on the market. They are positioned as “e-readers with an HD screen.” Readers are models , Duncun and . You can also find many similar devices on the market from other brands, most often Chinese. There is an opinion that the declared advantage is nothing more than a marketing ploy by manufacturers and high resolution does not really improve image quality. This is also supported by the fact that the world market leading manufacturers have not yet released models with HD screens.

If the listed points are fundamentally important to you, it makes sense to compare models from different manufacturers “live.”

Weight and dimensions

As we already said, the weight of the device is directly related to the screen size. If you prefer to read at home, that dimensions and grams will not be decisive when choosing a model, you can use special stands or simply lean and lay the device down comfortably. However, if you plan to carry the reader with you and read on public transport, these parameters will be important to you. Let's say right away that readers with E-ink screens are lighter than tablets with TFT displays. The minimum possible weight of the reader now is 170-200 grams. , Kindle 4, are among the most. Such models can be held in one hand for a long time without any problems, but these are e-readers with a minimal set of functions. More functionality automatically increases weight.

Leading manufacturers dictate the fashion for reducing the size of models. Even 6-inch readers can easily fit not only into briefcases and bags, but even into many clothing pockets. For those who, on the contrary, want a larger reader, we advise you to pay attention to the “honored veterans” Pocketbook 612 and Kindle 3.

Formats and conversion

Electronic content of readers is text files specially designed for their screens, containing formatting, tags, information about the author and publication, as well as illustrations. Those who first encounter the concept of “e-book formats” will be surprised to learn that PDF, DOC, RTF or DOCX are not the main types of digital content files for readers. Perhaps the most popular format today is FB2. Two other common formats are EPUB and MOBI. The most important part of files with these extensions is the text. They are open e-book formats, meaning they can be freely converted from one to another.

The world's leading e-reader manufacturers Amazon, Sony and Barnes&Noble maintain a clear commitment to one of the listed formats. The Amazon Kindle format is MOBI, Sony e-books, as well as Barnes & Noble readers support files with the .EPUB extension. In addition to one of the proprietary formats, all models from these manufacturers necessarily support TXT and PDF. The presence of support for a limited set of formats is due to the fact that in Europe and the USA, readers serve as devices for purchasing content, and all manufacturers have developed online bookstores in which the user is offered to purchase e-books. Naturally, companies are not interested in the fact that a user, having purchased a branded device, purchases content from competitors. Therefore, the owners of the reader find themselves “tied” to the services of the manufacturer of this or that electronic device, including using the format. Particularly characteristic here is the example of Amazon, which, by consistently reducing the prices of its devices and selling them almost at cost, places its main emphasis on sales of digital content for readers in its own MOBI format.

In Russia, purchasing digital content from paid libraries is only gaining popularity. Western services are not at all focused on the Russian market (for example, does not have Russian-language literature), and the scheme of strict tying to a specific brand of reader and its proprietary service is not yet widespread. Typically, the user buys a reader from some manufacturer and independently selects the sites from which to download books. Online libraries in RuNet offer electronic content in all popular file extensions at once. In this regard, manufacturers focusing on the Russian market equip their models with the maximum number of supported formats. These companies include Pocketbook and Onyx - their e-books have always been multi-format. Sony, which officially released the Sony PRS-T1 model on the Russian market in December last year, took into account the popularity of the FB2 format among Russian users and quickly released a software update with support for this file type.

Whether support for all formats is needed or three can be used is a matter of debate between users. In our opinion, choosing a reader with mandatory support for all file types makes sense if you already have a library in different formats and switching to any one format will add serious hassle. If you are choosing your first e-book, it may make sense to opt for one of the listed formats and upload content of only a certain type of file to your reader. There is nothing wrong with this, as we have already said, it is not a problem to find Russian-language books in FB2, in EPUB and even in MOBI in RuNet.

But if the book you need is still in the wrong format, you can convert it into the desired file type using a special converter program. For example, you can download the Caliber converter, which allows you to convert a file from one format to another in minutes.


All electronic readers support the Cyrillic font. However, some devices have a non-Russian menu interface. For example, this is the Nook Tablet model. Even with an English-language menu, it is an extremely interesting reading device, and therefore is deservedly popular among buyers. For any Kindle model, you can choose whether to prefer the original menu interface in English or buy a device with Russification. For Kindle devices, Russification adds the added benefit of a virtual Cyrillic keyboard, which you may need in the browser, searching your library, or writing the titles of your book collections.

Additional features

When choosing an e-book, you will be faced with the need to give priority to certain secondary functions and characteristics that may also be present in readers. As we have already said, readers with E-ink screens have limited functionality. In addition to text playback, depending on the model, you may find that they have a WiFi module (3G on some models), a music player, a speech synthesizer (playing text by voice), built-in dictionaries, typing capabilities (entering notes), support for flash. memory cards, Bluetooth module.

Amazon Kindle 3 models even offer a 3G module. These readers generally stand apart, since the 3G Internet on them is free and accessible from anywhere in the world. Sitting on the beach in Tunisia, you can go to and check your email for free! These devices are equipped with non-removable SIM cards, which in Russia are automatically connected to BeeLine 3G networks, and all traffic is paid for by the manufacturer.

The range of capabilities for working with text varies depending on the model. All readers remember the page on which you closed the book, all allow you to make bookmarks with the ability to view them later, or go to a specific page. Some readers allow you to save quotes and pieces of text for later editing. Sony and Onyx models have handwriting input functions (drawing on the screen with a stylus). On these devices you can also typewrite your own notes using the virtual keyboard.

The ability to use dictionaries is offered by Pocketbook, Onyx and Amazon readers. Pocketbook has professional licensed ABBYY Lingvo dictionaries installed on all models. When reading a book in a foreign language, you can simply select the word you want to translate with the stylus (or in the case of push-button models, you need to place the cursor in front of it), and you will receive a translation in a pop-up window. The user installs dictionaries on Onyx readers independently by downloading free dictionary databases from the Internet (instructions on the manufacturer’s website). Amazon Kindle dictionaries can be found on forum. Translation is carried out using a method similar to Pocketbook's when working with a dictionary.

The player on e-readers is more focused on listening to audiobooks, so playing music tracks may not seem very convenient to the user. In addition, the presence of support for mp3 files usually increases the cost of the model. Some readers also offer a speech synthesizer - voicing text information or, in other words, reading text out loud. This feature is available on some Pocketbook and Amazon models (English only). Currently, the functionality of the function is still far from ideal (books are read by a robot that does not always place stress correctly and choose the right intonation), but apparently, manufacturers will try to improve this feature on future models.

The internal memory capacity of the readers is 2 or 4 gigabytes. Even a reader with a minimum memory capacity of 2 GB is capable of storing 1000-1500 books. The vast majority of readers are equipped with support for flash memory cards. To read books from a card, you just need to insert it into the slot - there is no need to transfer files to the internal memory. Thus, you can not only increase the memory of an e-book, but also share libraries on removable media with friends.

We do not recommend turning the reader into a repository for as many books as possible, and we do not recommend loading thousands of them. Such extremes will inevitably affect the speed of the device, in addition, software updates may lead to the loss of this data. Manufacturers recommend storing digital content on alternative media and loading it into the reader as needed.

Among the devices offered in our online store, only Amazon Kindle models do not have slots for an additional memory card. Amazon offers to store books on a server (each registered user is allocated 5 GB to store personal content). If you download books to your Kindle wirelessly, then all your content will be saved on the Amazon server. Even after deleting these books, you can still view their titles from the reader and download these books back via Wi-Fi/3G module as needed.


Reader configurations vary. At the moment, there is a trend on the market to minimize the set of accessories included with the device. In the packaging box of the most popular e-readers you will find only the device itself and a cable for connecting to a computer, through which files are transferred and charged. The Sony PRS-T1, Kindle Touch, Kindle 4, Nook Simple Touch, Pocketbook Touch, Pocketbook 611 and 612 models are offered in this form. The main accessories, which are sold separately, are, from an electrical outlet and those already mentioned by us. There are readers that are already offered complete with a cover and charger. These are models from Onyx, Gmini and Digma.

The cover is really necessary - it protects the device screen, its most fragile part, from damage when carried. Replacing the screen of an e-reader is comparable to the full cost of the e-reader, and therefore does not make much sense - it’s easier to buy a new reader. You will only need a charger from the mains if your reader is away from the computer for a long time, for example, on a trip out of town, to the country, or on a trip abroad. Think about the situations in which you plan to use the e-reader - and decide on the accessories you need.

Where to download books

As you know, e-readers are chosen for the availability of content at any time of the day or night, as well as for the opportunity to save money. Electronic texts are cheaper than paper books, and most often are completely free. There are many online libraries on the RuNet, characterized by a variety of selection and excellent quality of electronic content. In paid libraries, new items often appear immediately after the publication of the paper version of the book. Now some specialized publishing houses are switching to digital content and offering to purchase literature on their websites, even with a very narrow thematic focus. There are sites on the RuNet that specialize in distributing newspapers and magazines in electronic form. For users who are interested in literature in foreign languages, we recommend that you evaluate the capabilities and services of Amazon, perhaps the best online store of digital content, the catalog of which includes literature on a wide variety of topics, as well as the most complete list of the world's leading periodicals.

So how to choose the right e-reader?

Of course, any buyer wants to make the right choice so as not to be disappointed in the purchase after a while. We advise you to purchase a reader based on your own feelings and impressions of a particular model. We are always ready to help you make a successful purchase to the best of our ability. A high degree of satisfaction for our customers is our priority. Therefore, we will always be glad to see you in our store, where all models of devices and accessories are presented that you can touch, test and compare with each other. We are also ready to provide detailed advice by phone. Come and call.

We'll be happy to help!

Various electronic devices are penetrating more and more into our lives, into all areas, this also affected the familiar book, and in its place comes the e-book (or, as it is also called, “reader”). This device has a number of advantages compared to a regular book:
- Compactness. One e-book can fit a small library (up to several thousand books), and it is also much smaller and lighter than a book.
- Ability to customize the image. If you wish, you can change the font size and style.
- Availability of literature. If you had to look for a paper book, go for it, or wait (if you ordered it from a catalogue), now, if you have an Internet connection, the texts are available for downloading from various sites at any time.
- Cost of literature. You will get books for reading (electronic books) for less money or even for free, unlike paper counterparts.

An electronic book has a lot of advantages over traditional paper media, but in order to use all these advantages it is necessary choose the right e-book, this is exactly what the article will be devoted to.

I will dwell on the main characteristics of “readers”:

1 Screen type;

2 Screen diagonal;

3 Supported formats;

4 Memory capacity;

5 Appearance and menu;

6 Additional features:

Availability of Wi-fi;

Touch screen.

Types of screens in e-books.

There are two types of screens:

LCD E-ink

The first type (LCD) has long been familiar to everyone; modern phones, televisions, laptop monitors, and tablet computers are made using this type. The technology of all liquid crystal displays is based on the fact that the light from the backlight passes through a layer of liquid crystals, as a result of which it is either completely absorbed by the color filter, or not absorbed at all, or partially absorbed. Thus, the colors of the spectrum appear and an image is created on the LCD screen.

Electronic paper is an information display technology designed to simulate conventional printing on paper. E-Ink technology involves the use of special electronic ink capsules that contain charged white particles and black particles with the opposite charge. Under the influence of an electric field, the capsule is painted in white, black or an intermediate gray color, resulting in a very contrasting and eye-pleasing image on the screen. Thus, E-Ink technology involves working with reflected light, just like regular paper.

Comparison table between two technologies E-ink and LCD.

Electronic paper (E-ink) Liquid crystal display (LCD) A comment
Low contrast High Contrast High contrast allows you to see pictures or text more clearly
No backlight Illuminated The backlight allows you to see the image on the screen without using a third-party light source; therefore, electronic paper requires additional light to read books.
Long response time Fast response time Response time is the speed at which frames change on the screen; the higher the speed, the smoother the movement; when it comes to video, if you want to watch video on an e-book, E-ink technology is not suitable for this.
Viewing angle 180 Viewing angle less than 180 Viewing angle is the angle at which the image is visible without distortion; undoubtedly, in this case, electronic paper wins.
Very low power consumption High power consumption Power consumption for any device is a very important factor. As for e-books, e-paper undoubtedly wins in terms of device operating time. For comparison, an electronic book using E-ink technology can work for up to a month (3-4 hours a day), versus 2 (3-4 hours a day) days on an LCD screen.
High price Low and mid price range If price comes first for you, I think readers with LCD displays will be more suitable for you.

E-ink screens are constantly being improved. Three modifications of such screens are currently being produced. All improvements are made to increase contrast.
E-Ink SiPix- Contrast ratio 6:1. The white color of these screens is slightly grayer than the others, the black color is more saturated than that of the VizPlex.
E-Ink VizPlex- Contrast ratio 7:1 The most widely used type of screen today.
E-Ink Pearl- 10:1 contrast ratio A more expensive and modern screen with better performance.

The Pearl screens have a little more contrast and display more grayscale compared to the Vizplex, but the difference can only be seen if you put both devices with different screens side by side. But the difference with the even older type of E-Ink SiPix screens is noticeable to the naked eye.

Screen diagonal.

At the moment, there are different sizes of e-readers from 4.3 inches (11 centimeters) to 9.7 inches (25 centimeters). In my opinion, if you often read a book on the road or in a hotel, then a reader up to 5-6 inches is suitable for you, since large diagonals will not be convenient for transportation. The most popular sizes are 6-7 inches.

Supported formats.

The minimum set of formats supported by an e-book is TXT, RTF, HTML, FB2. Some "readers" additionally recognize the formats DOC, CHM, DJVU, EPUB, TCR, PRC, and can also extract files from zip archives. Be prepared for the fact that you may have difficulty reading PDF files - after all, this format is not intended to be read.

If the e-book has an LCD screen, then video playback is possible.

Memory size.

Readers have built-in memory on average of 1 GB or more. Even such a small volume is enough to store several hundred books. If you want to listen to music or watch videos (if these functions are available in your e-reader), then this space will not be enough. But in most e-readers, it is possible to significantly increase the memory capacity through the use of memory cards. You can purchase a memory card for your e-reader with a capacity of up to 16 gigabytes (you need to find out specifically for each e-book when purchasing from a consultant or on the Internet, preferably on the website of the e-reader manufacturer). Most e-readers support SD or microSD memory cards.

Appearance and menu

When purchasing an e-book, it is advisable to pick it up and examine it carefully. Look carefully appearance e-book, so that there are no reflective surfaces on it (chrome frame, reflecting the light of buttons) - since they will interfere with reading the book, it is also advisable to choose a matte screen (E-ink screens are all matte, not all LCD). Climb into the “reader” menu, since some of them (mostly cheap models) work with severe inhibition, so that later this does not come as a surprise to you.

Additional features.

Touch screen.

Until recently, the vast majority of e-books were controlled using buttons on the case. There are several sensor technologies:
- resistive. They react to any objects when pressed, but noticeably sag, and therefore are not very convenient to work with your fingers. When using this technology, image contrast is lost.

-capacitive. They only respond to touch from fingers and some special styluses. But in winter, in order to turn the page on such a screen, you will have to take off your gloves.

-inductive. A special stylus is required, but the bonus for this fastidiousness is better image contrast (due to the fact that the sensor itself is installed behind the display).

- infrared. In this case, the sensor is installed not on top of the screen or even under it, but along the edges: there are emitters on two adjacent sides, and sensors on the other two. By touching the surface of the screen with your finger, you interrupt some of the rays of this grid, and the reader calculates the coordinates of the point of pressing. Therefore, the infrared sensor reacts to any objects, as long as they are opaque.

Wi-Fi is designed for wireless Internet access. Using it, you can, for example, connect to an existing network and search for books on the Internet.


The main thing you need to do is understand what you want from a “reader”; if you want to use it only for reading books, choose among E-ink displays, choose the required size and nice appearance for affordable money. If you want to not only read books, but also view photos and videos, opt for LCD screen technology, but remember the disadvantages of this technology.

Many years have passed since the advent of the e-book. The first mass-produced device of this kind with a monochrome LCD screen was released back in 1998. However, e-books were not very popular back then. The industry began to develop since the advent of displays made using electronic ink technology (E-ink). This was in 2007. Since then, e-books have become noticeably better and have received many additional features that are currently available to users. In this material we will talk in detail about what you need to consider when buying an e-book.


When purchasing a “reader”, first of all you should pay attention to the screen size and display type. The choice is small: it's either LCD or .

The good thing about an LCD screen is that devices with such a matrix can also be used as universal multimedia tablets. Such gadgets can become not only an e-book in their essence - other possibilities will be much wider. For example, with their help it is convenient to watch videos, you can play games or use the device as a navigator. But usually LCD panels are found in devices of related categories: the result is something like a classic inexpensive tablet with a color screen of very average quality. Although buyers of such solutions are attracted by their relatively low price and abundance of possibilities.

But if, first of all, convenience and comfort for the eyes when reading are important, then it is worth considering exclusively. An important fact: in terms of battery life, books with E-Ink screens are rapidly moving ahead, the difference will be very impressive. In addition, displays of this type, unlike AMOLED displays, create less strain on the eyes. Therefore, such devices are suitable for those who have vision problems.

E-Ink screens themselves were designed to imitate a traditional paper book, offering a similar experience to reading from an electronic device. Unlike conventional LCD screens, electronic ink displays use reflection rather than matrix lumen to create an image. Thus, energy consumption when displaying information is sharply reduced. After all, the data, when displayed on the screen, does not require additional energy. In fact, in “readers” of this type it is consumed only when turning pages. Compared to an LCD screen that constantly requires energy, this is a noticeable difference.

If the E-ink screen is so good, then why is it not used everywhere? Logical question. There are several reasons for this. The main drawback is color rendition. The books show 8 or 16 shades of grey. This is more than enough for reading, but if we are talking about some other tasks (for example, games or Internet surfing), such a screen will not cope with them - it will be inconvenient for the user. Displays of this type really do not like low temperatures. It is strictly not recommended to use them in the cold, although such a device can handle walking down the street in a clothing pocket just fine. But in winter, while waiting for the tram at a stop, it is better not to take out the book in order to avoid irreversible consequences.

In addition, the response time of such displays is low. If you put yours aside and start reading on such a reader, then some of its sluggishness may unpleasantly surprise you. But this is a matter of habit. In addition, while reading, this disadvantage can be experienced. Engineering minds are trying to solve this issue, every year the response time is improving decently, so that the priority function - reading - is implemented well. But as for various types of multimedia, the low response time clearly makes itself felt.

In general, it’s not worth demanding from a gadget a certain direction of everything at once. For this purpose, there are tablets with more powerful hardware and screens of a completely different quality.

There are currently devices on the market with E-Ink Pearl displays. Models with E-Ink VizPlex screens are extremely difficult to find on sale - this is already a completely old technology. Screens of the first type have a number of significant advantages: their contrast has increased significantly - this figure is about 50%, energy consumption has decreased, and at the same time such displays have become less harmful to the environment during the production process.

Fans of bright illustrations will love e-books with third-generation E-ink Triton displays. A key feature of such a screen is the ability to display 4096 shades of colors in addition to the usual 16 shades of gray. The disadvantage of such screens is the price. It is quite high, but you get all the advantages of electronic ink and the brightness of colors at the same time.

Another point worth paying attention to is the presence of screen backlighting. Today there are such models with E-ink displays on sale. The backlight will be useful if you use the device in places with insufficient lighting: for example, in a car, bus, or a room with dim lighting. This function is necessary for those who like to read at night and do not want to disturb their family. It is clear that it is difficult to do without backlighting in such conditions.


To navigate through text in a number of models, you can use . This function makes it easier to scroll through long documents, but at the same time, the touchscreen is always duplicated with buttons that will help you perform a similar operation.

Considering that the screen sensitivity of many e-reader models is far from the best and is most often inferior to tablets, the absence of such an option (touch control) in most situations will not have a significant impact on the comfort of reading.

It is also worth noting that flipping imitates a regular book, i.e. this is not the standard scrolling that everyone is used to on tablets, it is precisely flipping from one edge of the screen to the other horizontally. But even here everything depends on the tasks. For example, if you plan to use a book to learn a foreign language, then touch input will help highlight a word or section of text to make it easier to translate.

If we take general cases, then push-button control will provide a completely comfortable life. A touchscreen for such devices is more of an optional addition, but when choosing a book, the emphasis should still be on mechanical buttons: they need to be convenient and comfortable to press.

A big advantage of the device will be the duplicated buttons on both sides of the screen. This will allow you to comfortably use the book no matter in which hand you hold it.

For most users, the option to flip the image may be useful. It doesn't matter whether it's automatic or manual. IN in this case this will not play a significant role. But if you have a habit of reading your favorite book while lying on the couch, this option is worth paying attention to when choosing.

If the use case involves searching for information in text, activating a built-in web browser or dictionary, it is better to buy a model with a full QWERTY keyboard. Entering characters from the virtual keyboard is long and tedious; it is much easier to use hardware typing.

Data transfer

There are 3G enabled e-readers on the market. If this function is useful, then its presence in the “reader” is a moot point. Surfing the Internet from a black and white screen with low response speed is not particularly convenient. But for other tasks this function is not required, because the book still cannot work as a means of communication for receiving and sending messages.

But Wi-Fi is becoming an increasingly common feature for the reader. If you plan to use official sources to download information to your device, then such a function will be really useful and necessary. However, in most cases a wired connection is sufficient. While in the West bookstores for reading rooms are well developed and such services attract the attention of users, in our country they do not yet play a particularly important role. Therefore, it is enough to limit ourselves to the classics - copying data via cable. It is fast and convenient, there is no connection to the Internet, which in some cases makes life much easier.

Among the connectors, there is usually a microUSB port, which allows you to charge an e-reader, as well as transfer data to it by connecting the device to a computer. In older generation models you can find the less common, but still relevant miniUSB. The 3.5mm port is useful for connecting headphones while listening to the radio, music or watching videos. By the way, a number of models have a 2.5 mm jack. In this case, the owner will have to either connect the headphones that come with the kit (and they are not always of high quality), or buy a separate adapter so that they can use their favorite headphones in pair with the book.

The memory card slot is a very useful thing. With its help you can significantly increase the available space for storing books. Support for removable memory cards will be relevant for those who need to view a large number of PDF files.

Working hours

Due to the fact that the screen of most e-books is made using particularly economical technology, such mobile libraries work for a very long time. E-Ink devices allow you to read up to 8-9 thousand pages on a single charge. Naturally, all wireless modules must be turned off in order to get such an outstanding result. Backlighting also has a significant impact on operating time. A universal microUSB port is usually used for charging, so problems should not arise during operation.


If you need to view drawings or other types of technical documentation, then you should choose a reader with a screen of at least 8 inches. For normal everyday use, compact models with a diagonal of up to 6 inches are quite suitable.

The weight of the device also plays a significant role. In portable versions, this figure usually does not exceed 200 grams.

Housing materials

It is not easy to find metal in the reader body; most cases are made of plastic. When choosing, you should pay attention to models with the so-called soft-touch coating. This plastic has a tactile feel similar to rubber and does not slip in your hands.

If the book comes with a cover, this is a nice bonus that will protect the reader’s display from damage during transportation. Considering the fragility of E-ink screens, the presence of a case included in the package often plays a decisive role when choosing a device.


Many books run Android and are similar in functionality to traditional tablets. Therefore, such a device can be considered a kind of hybrid: they are simpler than tablets, but at the same time they provide more opportunities than traditional books.

Simpler e-readers have their own proprietary systems with a limited number of installed applications. You can’t put anything separate or additional here, but for everyday use, what a caring manufacturer has added to the gadget’s memory is enough.

Modern books support many formats. Most models read at least a dozen types of books. The most popular include EPUB, PDF, FB2, TXT, DJVU, HTML, DOC, DOCX, RTF. In addition, the devices also work with graphics: JPEG, PNG, BMP or TIFF. Naturally, it will be much more pleasant to look at pictures on a color screen, but in principle this is not the most necessary option for a book (if it is for reading).

The ability to play music on an e-reader is an important point. This option will allow, for example, to study foreign languages: you can hear a native speaker speak and make sure that the pronunciation of words is memorized correctly. At the same time, you can start a melodic track to read with a pleasant soundtrack if you don’t like the silence.

The players themselves in “reading rooms” are usually quite simple. There are minimal settings, and you shouldn’t count on particularly high playback quality either - after all, this is not a specialized option. However, a number of devices can even play audiophile FLAC, claiming to be a reference music companion. Some models can please the owner even with the presence of an FM receiver. But here everyone decides for themselves what exactly to demand from the reader. When purchasing, you can check the volume of the speakers, because in some situations you can completely refuse to use headphones paired with a book.

Many manufacturers offer models with pre-installed dictionaries - this is very convenient when reading classics in the original language or specialized texts: the meaning of an incomprehensible word can be easily seen by simply hovering over it.

Some devices have a built-in browser. But as noted above, this option is more of a marketing ploy than a sought-after feature. However, if it is important to you, it is worth paying attention to it when purchasing.

Also an important factor when choosing an e-book may be the step of changing the font size. This will be especially true for people with reduced visual acuity. By fine-tuning the size and style of fonts, you can achieve the optimal level of reading comfort.

When choosing a reader, familiarize yourself with the logic of the menu, because the pleasure of using it depends on how clear and convenient it is for you to work with the device.

An important point is the choice of accessories. We have already touched on the topic of covers earlier. In addition to them, you can choose a variety of external lamps, stands and chargers for the device, which will make using the book more comfortable.


One of the cornerstones when choosing a new gadget is its price. Currently, the maximum cost of an e-book is about 20,000 rubles. This is how much they ask for limited editions of top reader models or for models with large diagonals that are useful in the work of professionals.

For the average user, the cost is more modest: a functional device from a reputable manufacturer will cost an average of 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. Less popular brands offer devices with a limited set of features. Such a reader can be purchased for up to 4,000 rubles.

When choosing an e-book for yourself, consider, first of all, the funds allocated for it. But do not forget that it is better to spend a little on a really high-quality model than to regret buying a cheap reader in a week. The process of choosing and purchasing an e-book is very similar to buying a smartphone or tablet: it is recommended to give preference to a more well-known manufacturer, since such companies monitor product quality more carefully, listen to the wishes of customers and are concerned about their reputation.

Choosing an e-book based on basic parameters

You can purchase an inexpensive but high-quality book to read by carefully studying its most important characteristics, such as:

  • diagonal and screen resolution
  • display type
  • presence of built-in backlight
  • amount of memory
  • Availability of interfaces (USB, SD-card slot, audio jack, Wi-Fi)
  • support for popular formats
  • battery capacity
  • control type

Which company to choose depends on your budget and requirements for an e-reader, but it is worth noting high-quality devices from manufacturers such as Onyx, Amazon, Ritmix, Tesla and PocketBook. Their range includes both budget and multifunctional models.

Display size

When choosing a good quality e-reader, we first recommend focusing on the display diagonal, which determines the size of the device - choose the model that is most convenient for you. The screen diagonal can vary from 4 to 10 inches. The smaller the device, the more compact and lighter it is in weight. However, a screen that is too small has a negative impact on vision - the eyes strain much more trying to see the text on it. Large ten-inch books are more suitable for home use due to their size and weight.

Screen type

Based on screen type, devices are divided into two categories:

  1. With electronic ink
  2. With liquid crystal display (LCD)

Devices with electronic ink (E-Ink) are best suited for fans of classic reading. According to experts, the image on such a display looks completely different compared to an LCD, and it affects vision much less, simulating the page of a paper book, so it is best suited for an elderly person, a child or a lover of paper books. These models also have other advantages: high autonomy, compactness, low weight. Remember that this screen only displays gray tones.

A gadget with an LCD display (LCD, TFT) already looks more like a tablet. The color screen provides the opportunity not only to read books, but also to watch pictures, photos, and videos. If you like literature with colorful illustrations, then you can’t do without such a reader. It is worth noting the high energy consumption, so be prepared to recharge regularly.

Please also take into account the fact that when reading a reader with an LCD display, the strain on the eyes is much higher than with E-Ink.

Screen resolution

It is very important to pay attention to screen resolution, especially when choosing an e-book for a student, since the quality of the image on the display depends on this parameter. Resolution is especially important for liquid crystal displays. The higher the resolution, the better - according to user reviews, it should correspond to the diagonal:

  • 4-5 inches – from 800 by 600 pixels
  • 6-7 inches – from 1024 by 758 pixels
  • 8 inches and above – from 1600 by 1200 pixels

Built-in backlight

If you decide to buy an inexpensive but good e-book for a school or student, find out if it has a built-in backlight function. This is especially important if you most often read in the dark, such as before bed. Most often these are liquid crystal models.

E-Ink devices, as a rule, are not equipped with this function, so you can read either in natural light or with the lamp on. There is another solution - to purchase a special lamp for the device, which is attached to it and illuminates the display.


The amount of built-in memory determines how many e-books and other files you can store in the device. The most common options are 2 or 4 GB. Considering that files usually weigh very little, 2 GB is enough to store more than 1000 e-books, so for reading it is better to buy an e-reader with this capacity or even less.

If we are talking about a device with a color display on which you plan to watch multimedia content, then 2 GB will not be enough. There are two options: purchase a model with 4 GB of memory or higher, or get a 16 or 32 GB memory card (a microSD slot is present in almost all readers).


The reader interfaces include all connectors that expand the functionality and capabilities of the device. One thing has already been mentioned above – a slot for a microSD memory card. To connect the reader to a computer, a USB input is required. This way you can download files for reading. Another method is to download literature directly from the Internet into the device’s memory using the Wi-Fi module, but this is not provided in all models.

If the device supports sound formats, then it must have a headphone jack, and maybe even more than one.

Battery capacity

Battery capacity is perhaps one of the most important parameters - few people will like it if the e-reader runs out of charge on the road or if it has to be charged every day. The higher the capacity, the greater the battery life. According to expert advice, if autonomy comes first for you, then the battery capacity should be at least 2500 mAh. You mostly read at home, and the model itself is small in size - you can limit yourself to 950 mAh.

When choosing a battery, you need to take into account the type of screen manufacturing and its size. For an LCD display, choose a more powerful battery; for electronic ink, a small capacity is enough.


An e-book is a file in a specific format, and according to thematic forums, the most popular among them are:

It is important that the e-reader you choose supports these formats, although almost all devices can recognize a large number of files with different resolutions. Very often, files are packed into .zip or .rar archives. This can be a problem if the reader does not have a built-in archiver. However, you can unpack the archive in advance, for example, using a PC.

Some models are equipped with functions for recognizing graphic and sound formats. These are most often readers with an LCD display. If you love audiobooks, this feature will come in handy.


Electronic books can be equipped with one of two types of control - mechanical or touch. Mechanical control is implemented in the form of buttons, joystick or keys. This option is considered more durable and reliable. It is better to give it preference if you are just going to read your favorite works of fiction.

A device with touch control is suitable for those who sometimes make notes in the text, make changes, etc. Keep in mind that the sensor is less durable and is prone to more frequent breakdowns.

Rating of the best e-books 2017

When buying a reader, you should not save money, and choose only a trusted manufacturer who monitors the quality of their products. When considering budget models, you should understand that the quality of the screen and additional functions may not meet your requirements, and to prevent this from happening, we decided to present our rating of the best e-reader models that in terms of price and quality in 2017 are beyond doubt. All you have to do is decide on the amount you are willing to spend on this device.

Best e-readers with e-ink 2017

  1. PocketBook 626 Plus Touch Lux 3
  2. PocketBook 615 Plus
  3. Reader Book 2
  4. PocketBook 840-2 InkPad 2
  5. Barnes & Noble Nook Simple Touch
  6. PocketBook 641 (Aqua 2)
  7. Amazon Kindle Paperwhite
  8. PocketBook 615
  9. ONYX BOOX Columbus 2

The best model in terms of quality and functionality for 2017

PocketBook 641 (Aqua 2) is a waterproof, waterproof reader with a backlit screen from the leader of the Russian e-book market (about 2/3 of all readers sold in Russia).
The only reader in the world with 100% protection against water getting inside the case. The latest generation E Ink Carta display allows you to read in bright sunlight during the day, while the eye-safe backlight allows you to read in low light. The protected case makes it possible to use the reader in almost any conditions - even on the beach, in the kitchen at breakfast or while lying in the bathroom. At the same time, accidental contamination (for example, spilled coffee) can be easily washed off with water under the tap - and immediately continue reading.

PocketBook 641, like all “pocketbooks”, is “omnivorous” - it reads any electronic book format without the need for conversion. The high quality of PocketBook devices is evidenced by the fact that the manufacturer gives them not one standard year of warranty, like all other manufacturers, but two whole years. Or even three years - if you buy from the PocketBook branded online store.

We recommend watching a video about modern readers:


Many are sure that e-books have long since faded into the background due to the advent of tablet computers, because all you need to do is install a good reading application, and no reader is needed anymore. The main advantage of the reader is the high quality of the display, as well as its features that make the reading process more comfortable, enjoyable and less harmful to the eyes. We hope you have figured out how to choose a good e-book, which characteristics you should definitely look at, and which ones are secondary. With the right choice of reader, no tablet can compare with it in ease of use and autonomy.

Technologies do not stand still. Everything moves and develops. Every day, scientists come up with new and more advanced gadgets designed to serve people, make their lives easier and broaden their horizons. One such innovation is e-books. Today we will figure out what it is and buy it.

Compact solution

An electronic “reader” has a whole range of positive aspects compared to a regular book. Firstly, it is compact. In one such device you can store thousands of your favorite (and not so favorite) books. Secondly, as a rule, such devices have access to the Internet via WI-FI, which allows you to download a variety of readable content directly from the network. Thirdly, the e-book is lightweight and easy to use. It won’t be difficult for even your great-grandmother to figure it out. Fourthly, this is a special e-ink screen (not available on all models), which does not have a negative effect on the eyes (the effect is the same as from reading a regular book). Fifthly, the presence of a music player and other “spices”. Sixthly - multi-format. The e-reader is capable of reading various text formats. This makes it an excellent assistant in work and study.

Nai the best choice

So which one should you buy? We need to start with the fact that the ideal option should have a number of properties.

So, based on all of the above, it is necessary to provide an answer to the question: “Which e-book is better to buy?” The ideal option in terms of all points is an electronic “reader” that has all of the above characteristics. In general, all readers from this company are distinguished by their special quality and ease of use. Therefore, if you are in doubt which e-reader is better to buy, then you can safely purchase PocketBook Pro 602. It will not let you down.

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