If there is a bad streak in life: what to do and how to get rid of it with the help of the church? What to do if a bad streak comes in life

What to do if there is a dark streak in life?

All misfortunes are actually given to us so that our souls become stronger. (John Gray)

We live in an era of adversity; but life has always presented people with ups and downs, successes and troubles. Problems are part of the overall process of life. Even the happiest people, whom everyone considers lucky and darlings of fate, encounter misfortunes from time to time, and a dark streak in life comes to them too.

But why does it seem to us that troubles never overtake such people?

It's all about how they behave during such periods of their lives. Positive by nature, these people know how to overcome difficulties without bitterness or regret. They don't hesitate to ask for help and support when they need it. Successful people learn from situations in which others simply give up, and try to see something good even in the worst. They control their own destiny and create their own lives. Such people, it seems to us, never live in a world of suffering; however, this does not diminish the feeling of unhappiness, which in them too can be very deep and sometimes even destructive. They simply “work through” these feelings that cannot disappear overnight, while others simply sink to the very bottom of despair.
Why don't we take an example from the best?

First of all, admit to yourself that the trouble really happened to you. By admitting to ourselves that a dark streak has come in our lives, no matter how strange it may seem, we thereby reduce the emotional shock from the adversity that has befallen us.
Now try to understand that all misfortunes are temporary and rarely affect not individual stages of life, but the entire destiny of a person. You may lose your job, money, housing; but your family still loves you, your friends are ready to lend a helping hand, you yourself are alive and well. You have preserved the most important values, and everything else can be acquired.
Awaken your feelings of gratitude. Be grateful for what you have instead of complaining about what you don't have.
Realize that you have control over your response to life's challenges. As soon as you start to experience pain, immediately change your focus - look at things with a different perspective. In any case, there is a positive side to every event, even the most unpleasant one - it all depends on how you look at it.
Reach a higher state of consciousness, learn to control your thoughts, feelings and reactions. This will allow you to see things more clearly by reducing emotional involvement.
Decide what practical steps you can take today to help yourself. No matter how small these steps are, each of them is important because it brings you closer to solving the problem. And eventually you will get to a place where you really feel like you have the strength to handle the situation.

Several ways to deal with troubles

Life really can be unpredictable, and sometimes troubles take us by surprise. And then it is very important to know what to do if a bad streak in life has replaced a streak of luck. When we are going through a difficult period, it can help to have a concrete plan of action. Only action can clear the way in the jungle of adversity to give us space to move forward! The points of this plan may vary, it all depends on the specific person and the difficult situation in which he finds himself. But the basic steps are still the same for any case:

One of the first stages of grief and other forms of unhappiness is usually rejection.

We refuse to admit that something bad has happened to us. And we try to hide from everyone what happened to us. This can only make the situation worse because we do not give ourselves the opportunity to cope with the reality of the situation and rationally perceive the consequences of the trouble. The sooner we accept reality, the higher our chances of moving on. Remember what successful people shared with us in this article - they, too, are the first to recognize the fact of the onset of a period of bad luck.

Mobilize all your inner strength, try not to let despair take over you

Don't panic under any circumstances. Do you know what can happen to a person who cannot swim and suddenly falls into the water? There are two options: in the first case, he will begin to panic, flop around randomly, and eventually swallow water and drown if help does not arrive in time. And in the second case, this person will try to calm down, and the water itself will push him to the surface. By remaining calm and relaxing his muscles, he will be able to control his body position and keep his head above the water. It’s the same in life - if you remain calm, you have a much better chance of resolving the situation.

Break a complex situation into smaller, more manageable and solvable tasks

You can even eat an elephant by biting off small pieces over and over again! By using this simple strategy of breaking a complex problem into several simpler ones, you can quickly see ways to solve the problem. You will dispel anxiety, regain organized, rational thinking, and get your thoughts in the right direction to see the next right move.

Be proactive without letting despair discourage you from taking action.

You can always find a way out! By depriving us of some opportunities, deprivation gives us a chance to take advantage of others. Imagine a person who has lost arms or legs. This is terrible for him and for everyone who loves him. And, of course, no one would dare to condemn the unfortunate person if he fell into depression and lost the will to live. But we have all seen (both in real life and through television and the Internet) many examples of people who have experienced such loss and directed their efforts to what they can do, rather than to what has become inaccessible to them. An armless musician who plays beautiful melodies on the piano with his feet, an artist who paints paintings holding brushes with her teeth, a ballet dancer without one leg who dared to go on stage and dance with an equally crippled ballerina - and they dance so much that you don’t notice a crutch at all. the guy, nor the girl’s lack of a hand! These strong-willed people set themselves challenges when they lose the ability to do things the usual way, and work to solve them. They are not simply reacting to a tragic accident in their lives, but are purposefully looking for ways to continue living an active life. We need to learn from them not to fall into despair and to look for a way out of bad luck and failure at any cost.

Seek support and do not refuse the help offered

There is absolutely no need to fight troubles and troubles alone. Interesting fact: scientists have conducted all sorts of studies trying to unravel the phenomenon of centenarians. You can come up with all sorts of theories, based on the characteristics of nutrition, environment and other factors that could cause such longevity in venerable elders. But one common factor unites these people, who have managed to survive more than one adversity during their long lives - this is their connection with other people, the ability to accept help and provide support to everyone who needs it.

Very often, victims of failures and misfortunes remain captive to their past.

They retain the feeling that they have been let down or betrayed by circumstances, people, or even life itself. Their souls are wounded and bleeding, the joy of life is lost. Remaining thoughts in their past, which brought them misfortune, they seem to agree that unpleasant events can repeat themselves. It is necessary to take responsibility for your life, for your physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual well-being, and not allow all the circumstances and situations that you encounter to manipulate you like a puppet.

Remain resilient in the face of danger

Resilience allows you to cope with adversity, overcome stress, and be able to recover from grief while gaining valuable experience. Each of us has the potential to recover from setbacks and return to normal life. If we do not use this potential, then over time we lose it. But we can increase our ability to overcome challenges and achieve amazing results even in the most challenging conditions. It is the desire to learn to successfully cope with failures and adversity that can make us successful and happy - both now and in the future. And they will also say about us that we are lucky and fortunate.

What else can you do to gain these useful skills faster?

Re-read the list of everything that would be useful to pay your attention to, and choose the most suitable items for yourself. You can expand this list by adding what would most help you weather the storms of life.

Enjoy life, every ordinary day;
Smile at your reflection in the mirror every morning;
Relax in the evening knowing that you did everything you needed to do during the day;
Rely on your curiosity to learn something new every day, expanding the boundaries of your world;
Exercise your sense of humor, laugh as much as possible;
Consider communication with people who have experienced mental trauma as an opportunity to study at the university of life;
Watch, read, listen to stories of people who found the strength to survive misfortune and return to normal life. It inspires you to become more resilient in the face of your own adversity;
Write down or draw your emotions. Try to talk more often about what is good in every event that is not entirely pleasant for you;
Try to be more often in an environment that causes you to revive and elevate your emotions;
Get yourself a pet - this will help you immerse yourself even more in joyful experiences;
Invent yourself a new hobby;
Read the statements of wise people, quotes about fortitude and overcoming difficulties - it “clears” your brain very well!
Exercise not only your mind, but also your body. It was not for nothing that they used to say that “a healthy mind in a healthy body”;
Periodically spend time alone or with your closest person in the lap of nature. It relieves stress and tension very well;
At least occasionally visit hospitals and hospices as a volunteer. Not only will you feel the satisfaction of being able to help someone, but you will also be able to see that your troubles are nothing compared to the misfortunes of some people.

There is one very good exercise. Imagine that you are floating in a boat on the river of life. Sometimes the river is calm, the sun is shining and there is a beautiful landscape all around. But around the bend the river begins to boil, it begins to rain, and a thunderstorm thunders. And you are still in the boat and remain calm. You know the rain will stop soon. You can't control the rain, but you can control the boat so that it floats forward to where the river flows smoothly and calmly again.

It's the same in life. Don't try to control circumstances, only command yourself. Just become the captain of your life.
Overcoming adversity can be difficult, but overcoming it is always possible

Overcoming adversity can be difficult in times of despair, when a black streak of failure and misfortune begins. It is not surprising that we may feel pain at first, but the skills we acquire and the resilience we cultivate will help us overcome any changes in life. Our lives can be like a roller coaster - with many ups, downs and turns. You must follow your thorny path without stopping or turning back. It may even be scary at first, but don't give up! Life can be harsh and hard on us; but just like a roller coaster ride, the difficult time will come to an end and the disaster will be a thing of the past.

Trouble means change - our lives change, we ourselves change. But it depends only on us whether we will find the strength and opportunity to eventually return to normal life and move on with it.

Every person, sooner or later in his life, is faced with the fact that he is haunted by a series of failures, troubles, and a string of troubles. Usually this stage is temporary, it is sure to be followed by positive changes in life. But going through a difficult period can be very difficult, especially if a person is receptive and vulnerable by nature. To speed up the process of a protracted streak of failures, you can use magical actions. If there is a bad streak in life, what to do, a conspiracy will help you overcome it as quickly as possible and avoid unpleasant consequences, return the usual rhythm of life to its previous course. Rituals and conspiracies will help if a bad streak has begun, if a person really needs help and if there is an attitude towards a positive outcome.

A dark streak is a difficult period in life, which is characterized by a large number of suddenly accumulated problems and confusing situations. Before using a conspiracy against a bad streak in life, you should analyze the situation. The main signs of the presence of negative energy are:

Headaches are the main symptom of a bad streak in life.

  • very frequent diseases, massive exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • constant loss of energy resources for no reason, apathy, loss of desire to work;
  • sleep disturbances, nightmares, difficulty falling asleep, insomnia, sleepwalking or hallucinations;
  • quarrels with loved ones for no apparent reason;
  • severe headaches and dizziness.

You can remove negative influences with the help of magical rituals.

How does a person attract negative energy?

Psychologists and specialists in the field of occultism claim that a person’s negative attitude can change his life for the worse. The reasons for a lingering black streak include:

A negative attitude can ruin your life

  1. The man himself. Sometimes a person himself can provoke a period of failure. Therefore, there is no need to look for the guilty and complain about the unfortunate fate. In nature, everything is natural, there is a certain balance, and if there is no desire to strive for harmony, the correct balance is disrupted, and as a result, a person may lose something. For example, spending most of the time at work, there is no time for family. This is fraught with the loss of loved ones who need attention. It may be the other way around, then the person becomes a loser who cannot find a normal job. Therefore, it is very important to find a middle ground for yourself. Perhaps, before looking for a way to get rid of failures, you can simply change something in yourself, and life will take a new direction.
  2. Lack of self-confidence and self-confidence. It is in the presence of such a point that a person refuses a promising position, thereby stopping on the path to self-development. Also, in the presence of such a trait, personal life often suffers, since there are problems communicating with members of the opposite sex.
    Negative attitudes and thoughts. Very often, negative attitudes attract failures and troubles.
  3. Therefore, it is important to control such thoughts, tune in to the positive, and believe in a positive outcome. It is important to believe in success and smile more often.
  4. Personal problems and disasters. A person cannot always influence the problems that befall him, and we also cannot control a flood, hurricane, or fire.
  5. Negative influence of enemies and ill-wishers.
  6. Lack of life goals.

Believe in success and smile more often

Effective rituals for solving problems

How to get rid of the black streak of life? Getting rid of a string of failures is possible with the help of conspiracies. The ritual using a chicken egg is very effective. After sunset, roll an egg on your chest, saying:

“As I roll an egg, I roll out evil spells from life: go away, leave me, disappear from body and mind. I say goodbye to dark witchcraft, I expel the enemy from everyday life. You are no longer my master, I am my own master. I can heal myself and put up protection forever and protect myself from disasters. From now on, neither the evil eye, nor the slander, nor the damage will disturb me. Amen!".

Carry out these actions for about ten minutes. Then write the words on the egg with a black felt-tip pen:

“I send all troubles into the egg.”

After the ritual, bury the egg outside, in a deserted place under a tree.

You can also use warm water. You need to rinse yourself with it every day, while reading the words:

Use warm water to wash your face in the morning

“Water, water, water, true beauty, you have always been a healer and savior for me, so help me this time too. Deliver life from dark oppression and life's devastation. I ask you to save my house from damage and add heavenly strength. I pray that you wash away all the failures and black streaks from yourself. Let it be so".

Get rid of failures with the help of the following plot. Bake a pie, buy a can of milk, collect a few coins in a towel or handkerchief, go to the cemetery. Find an unmarked grave, spread a cloth, put gifts on it. Bow to the deceased and ask him for help. Say:

“Dead man, wipe away troubles and failures from me, let happiness come to me forever.” This ritual can only be done once.

How to protect against negativity

With the help of conspiracies, they not only get rid of failures. You can also install protection. Say a protective spell for a month when in contact with water - for example, while cooking, bathing, eating or cleaning the house:

“At the origins of life there is a word behind which water was hidden. Voditsa, water, you are always with me. I ask you to keep my strength with me, but not to give it to anyone in life. Just as you cleanse my body, so you cleanse my thoughts, and bestow health on my soul. Become a strong protection for me. Let it be so".

It is very important to understand that you build your own life, you yourself can control many events. Use the following recommendations and expert advice for yourself:

Stop thinking that you are a failure

  1. Get rid of the idea that you are a failure, that nothing will work out for you.
  2. Set a specific goal for yourself and strive to achieve it. These should not be abstract dreams or illusions, but a real goal.
  3. Do not communicate with people who are unpleasant to you, with pathological losers and with those who eat up your energy, charging it, feeding on your positive emotions.
  4. Do not argue or conflict with those whose energy field negatively affects you.
  5. Use amulets, both personal and to protect your home and your family.
  6. Don't give up, look for a way out in every situation. Remember that all failures will end soon, good events will come into your life.
  7. Don't let strangers rule your life.
  8. Pray for help to higher powers, visit the temple, believe in the forces of light.

Sometimes it begins to seem that failures will never end, and troubles seem to follow one after another. This time is usually called a black streak. If you feel that despite all your efforts, the troubles are not ending, then it’s time to adjust your life path for the better.

What attracts negative energy

First of all, you need to think: why do all these troubles happen to you? Perhaps your biofield has been subjected to someone else’s powerful influence. If your energy protection is weak, sometimes one unkind look is enough - and soon difficulties seem to attract more and more new problems.
In this case, you can strengthen your protection with strong talismans and amulets. Spells for good luck and getting rid of troubles won’t hurt either. Remember that like attracts like, and try to push negativity out of your life. When the first steps are taken, life itself will begin to change for the better. The power of positive thoughts against a series of failures
In order for the black streak to stop, it is important to immediately take decisive action. Evil forces feel unpunished and omnipotent when they see you giving up. Face your problems boldly and clearly formulate to yourself: you are ready to fight for the best.
You need to repeat this thought more often, you can even write it down in your diary to remind yourself of your decision. Attract positive energy to yourself. Do good and help people around you. Don't do this to your detriment or as a favor to the world around you. Let the good be small, but it must come from the heart. By doing this, you will make it clear to the Higher Powers that you are not evil and will still get out of a series of problems and trials.

Spells to get rid of negativity

You can help yourself with simple rituals. Don’t expect a cornucopia to pour over you immediately after them, but you will absolutely strengthen your defense by introducing positive energy flows into it. There is a powerful ritual that was performed at an abandoned well in the old days. In modern conditions, any sewage pit or ditch is suitable for this purpose. An open sewer hatch works well - just make sure there is no one below.
Once you find a suitable spot, wait until no one is around. Then look down at the wastewater, spit there and say clearly:
Woe, woe, go away from where it came!
Then quickly, without turning around, return home. Don't talk to anyone or stop - this is an important part of this ritual. This way you will leave all your troubles and sorrows in the past.
Get rid of negativity in your life. Remember that even in hopeless situations, you can usually find a solution. Use simple but effective ways to protect yourself from bad things, and do not deny yourself the opportunity to part with troubles forever.

A black streak is usually called a sequence of subjectively unpleasant events for a person that knock him out of his usual comfortable living conditions and lead to a stressful state and neurosis.

Experts in the field of psychology closely connect a person’s psycho-emotional state with events in his life.

Such events include, for example:

  • disease
  • sudden dismissal from work
  • deprivation of a source of income
  • news of a spouse’s betrayal, etc.

When such “surprises” follow continuously one after another or happen simultaneously, then such a period of time is considered to be a “black streak”.

Therefore, when a “dark streak” occurs, psychologists advise first putting your nervous system in order, that is, getting rid of depression, nervous tension and a depressed state. For this, psychologists recommend the following:

After doing everything written above you need to look at your life from the outside through the eyes of different people. You need to do this as detached as possible, as if you were watching a feature film about your life, focusing on your feelings.

It is imperative to start the action in the right direction. Don't burden yourself with perfectionism. The main thing is to start. And luck and luck will certainly catch up.


Esoteric teachings suggest first finding the cause of the black streak, and then starting to correct the life situation.

They classify the reasons for a series of negative events into:


    In this case, fate tests your strength. This is possible in case of troubles with business or family relationships.

    When testing the strength of a person you need to concentrate on your feelings and understand- Does he need a business or is it just a means to earn money for a decent life? You should ask yourself exactly the same question when you encounter a “black streak” in your personal life.

    If the answer is positive, you need use all your strength to overcome obstacles. As a rule, this leads to a new round of development.

    Punishment for sins, mistakes, etc.

    Here you need to ask for forgiveness from people you may have offended. It is not necessary to do this in person. You can write a sincere note asking for forgiveness. And then burn it.

    The same can be done in writing ask forgiveness from the Universe for the sins committed, and then promise to correct them as soon as possible.

    Mistakes and sins must be corrected at the first opportunity, and missed opportunities must certainly be realized.


    In this case “black streak” pushes a person to change. A distinctive feature of such a “strip” is the collapse of life in different directions, independent of each other.

    Here you need to notify the Higher Powers that you are ready to accept change. This must be done again in writing. Place the note in a high place. For example, on the refrigerator. In this case it is simply necessary to “unhook” from the usual views of the world.


    This type of "black streak" may be due to the fact that that some time ago you made a request to optimize some area of ​​your life. Now all that remains is to go through the “repair” or “move” in anticipation of a joyful event.

    In this case, esotericists advise show patience and endurance. It is also necessary to maintain a positive attitude and monitor your energetic health.

Help the Church

The Orthodox Church will certainly provide support to every Christian when they turn to her for help in the person of a priest.

You can immediately turn to your father for advice. The following sequence of actions may also help:

  1. Fasting and observance of the prayer rule morning and evening for at least seven days.
  2. Then you need come to church for evening service, giving alms to those in need at the entrance. It is advisable to confess during or after the service.

    You need to prepare for confession in advance by writing all the sins you have committed on a piece of paper. At the priest's after confession it is necessary to take a blessing for communion. On this day, do not have dinner, and after midnight do not even drink water.

  3. The next day, come to church for the morning service, during which take communion.

After doing all of the above, life, as a rule, begins to improve. The main condition for further positive changes is taking the sacrament once a month and following the advice of your confessor.

How to get rid of the “black streak” with the help of conspiracies?

From a magical point of view The cause of the “black streak” is field violations in the form of the evil eye, damage or curse.

The following methods can help against the evil eye or damage. Can get rid of the curse only the church or the help of a qualified magician.

So, if you realized that a “dark streak” has begun in your life, then immediately roll yourself out with a fresh chicken egg, without waiting for the optimal location of the luminaries in the sky.

This should be done in the center of the chest, clockwise in relation to the body, for three days.

I roll the egg, I roll out the witchcraft,

from the soul, from the mind, from the body.

Go away, dark witchcraft sent by the enemy,

To my detriment, to the enemy's premises.

I heal myself, I put protection on myself,

I protect myself from troubles.

Neither the evil eye, nor damage, nor curse will come to me.

Let it be so!

As can be seen from the text of the conspiracy, it is also a prevention of some type of curse.

After use on the egg you need write “all my troubles” and bury it away from your place of residence.

The spell that you need also helps say out loud during your morning shower for one week:

Water, water, get away from me

Dark oppression, life's devastation,

So that it doesn't spoil me,

So that it doesn’t bother me,

So that it doesn't break me,

It didn't throw from side to side.

Wash away with water all the failures,

Wash off the black stripe with some water.

When a “dark streak” occurs in life, it is very difficult to pull yourself together and stop giving in to neuroses and depression.

But only self-control and control over your emotions, feelings and actions can help a negative streak use life constructively.

It is not possible to always be lucky in life. Black streaks happen to everyone. The main thing in such a situation is not to give up.

Almost everyone knows firsthand what a dark streak in life is. At some point it begins to seem that the whole world is against you. How to quickly overcome the bad times in your life and return to a white streak?

“I’m 30 years old, but nothing good is happening in life, a continuous black streak. I recently broke up with my boyfriend, and soon after that I was fired from my job. My friends are busy all the time, they all have families, children, interesting jobs, but I’m all alone, no one needs me. I decided to go to the doctor while I still had time, and they found a bunch of other diseases for which I needed to be treated. I'm in complete despair!

“I’ve been having nothing but troubles lately - my husband lost his job, my father is seriously ill - I have to be there all the time and take care of him, I have problems at work. Court with neighbors in the dacha area...

I don’t even have time to recover a little after another trouble when another one begins. I recently broke my leg and my wallet with my entire salary was stolen. I live in fear and constant tension. It seems that the black streak will never end.”

Why is there a black streak?

A bad streak is a series of bad luck, health problems, breakups, and financial losses. All problems, as a rule, converge at one point. For some, a bad streak will be a serious illness, but for others it will be a series of troubles at work. What matters is how you perceive failures, because there is no list of factors by which one could judge the beginning of an unfavorable period in life. Some people impose negative thoughts on themselves because of minor troubles, while others do not consider even parting with a loved one to be a bad thing. It's all in your head - no more, no less.

Bioenergy specialists have identified the most common causes of problems

Accident. Indeed, everything can happen purely by chance. Even the luckiest people can encounter one problem, and then another, and another. People usually confuse chance with some kind of divine punishment or karma, but this is not always the case. If your soul is pure, then you should perceive problems in life as an accident if there is no other explanation for them.

Karma. Almost all people have karmic problems. They may be hidden because you cannot know for sure what happened to you in past lives. You can call it whatever you want. If you are a believer, this could be a punishment from Heaven for you, for example. If you are an atheist, then consider this an energetic balancing, because everything in the world should be in balance. Perhaps in the past you did something that was strictly negative, bad. It doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not, everything in the Universe must be in balance, which is why you may be experiencing a bad streak.

Trial. Perhaps you are creating conditions for yourself in which life becomes not so easy. Maybe now you are focused on completing some tasks that are not easy for you. It’s difficult and difficult for you, but this is purely your choice, which you simply forgot about.

Instruction of the Universe. Perhaps the Universe is using a black stripe to show you that you are following the wrong path. This is some kind of hint that you should not go where you are aiming.

How to get out of the black streak

To do this, you need to follow some important rules.

Try to remain calm. This is very important because when a person worries too much, worry clouds his mind, making it impossible for him to attract positivity into his life. Here one of the laws of the Universe is revealed in all its glory - the law of attraction. If you think you are a loser or a loser, then you will be. Don't let problems kill your smile and self-confidence.

Accept these problems. They have already happened, they are already with you, so concentrate on solving them as soon as possible. You don't have time to think about reasons - you need to spend energy on the right things. You'll figure out the reasons later, when everything settles down. Don't think you're the only one. Troubles happen to everyone, everyone has bad periods in life.

Analysis. According to many spiritual practices, any situation, even the most difficult, is given to us for a reason. First there is always a small signal - some sign that you need to pay attention to this area of ​​​​life.

If we ignored the warning and did not change the situation, a stronger signal follows, then an even stronger one, another and another, and then a disaster. It's like that small pebble that rolled down a mountain, which can lead to a terrible collapse.

If something is not going well, do not rush to despair, think about what signal life is giving you to change everything for the better.

If you haven't been able to find a job for a year, maybe you need to start your own business or finally realize your buried talents? If you suddenly get sick before some important event, maybe this is a signal that it’s time to stop and think about your life? If you have problems in relationships, maybe past grievances live inside you?

The life stories of celebrities are full of stories about how various kinds of troubles forced them to do what they loved.

1. A journalist who ended up in the hospital, who was given a terrible diagnosis, could give up on herself and indulge in sadness, but she begins to write novels and becomes a famous writer.

2. A mother of two children, left without a livelihood by her husband who abandoned her, does not want to live in a dark place and becomes the owner of a successful company.

3. A businessman, whose wife left him for his best friend, and even took over the business, leaves for the village, starts life anew and understands what true love and family are.

How often in life, when we lose something, we realize that by letting it go, we gained much more and were able to become truly happy. Big problems become big opportunities if we carefully analyze what happened and find a positive intention in any event.

Transfer. Our thoughts attract everything that resonates with them. For example, a heel broke. This is bad if you are in a hurry to get to work. This is very bad if you are in a hurry to get to work, where your boss is waiting for you along with very important clients. It’s terrible if, on top of everything else, your tights are torn, and today you forgot your wallet, and you can’t buy new tights - just like shoes.

The moment your heel breaks, you start thinking about the consequences that this incident may entail. And you set yourself up for negativity in advance, and as a result, you look bad at the meeting, behave insecurely, the contract breaks down, and the boss is dissatisfied.

Then everything happens that you were afraid of in your terrible fantasies, because you yourself painted an insignificant event black, concentrated on it and thereby fed this black streak with your negative energy.

Thus, you make your own choice and go into a black streak. If you learn to block negative thoughts, or even better, turn them into a positive direction, then the chances of getting into a bad streak will become much less.

Therefore, the best way out of the black stripe is to immediately switch to the white one. If you feel like you are starting to get sucked into a quagmire, tell yourself: “I am transported to a parallel world, where there are only positive events in my life (you can list them and imagine them in detail).”

Don't let negative thoughts take over you. Move to the light strip as often as possible and stay there longer.

For example, you are in a hurry somewhere and discover that your metro pass has expired. Naturally, at this moment you see a huge line at the cash register. You understand that everything is a failure, you will be late, etc. In general, you start a chain of negative events.

The best thing to do is this: you see the line and say an affirmation. For example: “Thank you for the fact that circumstances always work out for me in the most wonderful and favorable way.” You don’t think about anything else, but simply persistently repeat this phrase, driving away all other thoughts.

And then different options for the development of events are possible. For example, they may simply give you a ticket, sell you out of line, the line may start to move quickly, they may call you and say that the meeting has been postponed...

But it may also happen that you will stand in line, be late, and your opponents will be even more late, and you will still have to wait for them. Or they will not be late, you will disrupt the meeting, and then it turns out that everything worked out very well, because they wanted to deceive you.

In general, nothing happens for nothing, and there really is something positive in every situation.

Use affirmations more often and make it a habit to repeat them. Come up with these positive phrases for various life situations.

This method gives us the opportunity to nip negative thoughts in the bud and allows us to remain on the bright side of life.

Physical activity. When a person has already fallen into a dark streak and it has completely absorbed his moral and physical strength, it is very difficult to analyze anything. In this situation, the best way is to force yourself to do something physically difficult, but not requiring much thought. It can be anything.

To begin with, perhaps just cleaning the apartment and clearing all the resulting rubble. By the way, this action will help cleanse the house of negative energy.

This could be sports. Their benefit lies in the fact that they produce a “happiness hormone” that helps us think positively, which will help us overcome troubles much faster, and good physical shape helps improve mental health.

From the same point of view, dancing classes are very useful, as they allow you to clear your brain of negative thoughts. Enthusiasm will appear over time, but first you will have to force yourself to do something, thereby “pulling” yourself out of the quagmire of troubles.

Creation. Creativity can distract from the most negative thoughts and situations. Creativity means any activity that gives you true pleasure.

When goals are clear, results are obvious, and tasks and skills are in balance with each other, a person concentrates his attention and is completely immersed in his work. There is no room left in a person’s mind for distracting thoughts and extraneous feelings. The sense of time changes: hours seem to fly by like minutes.

The harmonious combination of physical and mental energies leads to the fact that life finally becomes life.

At such moments, the consciousness is filled with various experiences, and these experiences are in complete agreement. The opposite of what we often experience in everyday life. At such moments, our feelings, our desires and our thoughts are in harmony with each other.

Forgiveness. Often troubles and failures appear in our lives if our heart is filled with resentment and anger. All this negativity, hidden deep inside us, is embodied in the events of the world around us. This happens because the world is our kind of mirror.

To attract good events into your life and get out of a bad streak, forgive everyone you are angry with, ask them for forgiveness yourself, and also forgive yourself for allowing yourself such emotions.

It is not at all necessary to do this in reality. It's good even if you do this work of forgiveness in your soul. You can imagine giving the offender a symbolic gift and thanking him for teaching you to be a generous person.

The forgiveness process may have to be done many times over many days before you can truly feel that your soul has been freed from negative burden. Once this happens, there will be room in your life for happy occasions and bright spots.

Gratitude. The method is that as soon as you notice any hint of trouble, you immediately begin to behave as if everything is going great, and thank fate for it.

For example, you get sick. In addition to the main treatment, direct all your thoughts towards recovery. Repeat to yourself words of gratitude to the Universe for being healthy. For example: “Thank you for making me feel great, alive and healthy.” The text depends on the nature of your illness. You need to do this often - especially when you want to be sad and complain.

If trouble happened to your loved ones, this technique also works, but you need to thank not for yourself, but for the one you are worried about. By the way, if you expect some unpleasant news or events, you can use this technology “proactively.”

Get yourself such a useful habit as daily gratitude for everything that happens to you - for a good day, friends, husband, health, work, etc. This attitude towards life helps a lot to stay only on the bright side and never fall on the dark side strip.

Faith. In this case, the main thing is to convince yourself that everything is fine with you, and most importantly, so that there is not a single drop of doubt about it. Faith works miracles. If you are a believer, then this is even better - go to church, pour out your soul in front of your favorite icon and be sure that God will help. It is clear that changes usually do not happen overnight, but if you continue to believe, changes for the better will inevitably come. Establish your faith in the undeniable truth: “I’m fine! It doesn’t matter that I lost money today, it was necessary, I lost it on purpose - it’s a bribe to my fate - to lose in small things in order to gain in big things. As you yourself understood, force yourself to believe in the best in any case, even when everything goes wrong for you.

This faith will simply pull you out of a streak of failure and into a golden streak of luck.

Confidence, confidence and more confidence. The state of your spirit in the role of a winner, the master of your life inspires and works wonders. They begin to perceive you differently, they begin to notice you, and luck itself begins to turn its face on you. Self-confidence will bring you together with the right people, your energy will vibrate in a different quality, dispersing failures like the wind of a cloud.

We greet failure joyfully. This is a very effective and powerful lotion. Its meaning is that an event that causes negative emotions in you - to meet (convince yourself, play along with yourself) with a positive emotion, joy. . I know that at first it’s a little difficult, unusual and illogical, but it’s worth the effort. If you meet every failure joyfully and with a smile, then any troubles will run away from you in horror.

Fuck it all... Many have noticed this thing: you worry, you worry, you don’t sleep at night - everything doesn’t get better early, but you just have to come to terms with it in your soul, spit on everything and send it to hell, and everything is resolved by itself in the best possible way. Don't give a damn and do what you need to do

Bad luck is a contagious thing, just like luck. This has been proven a long time ago, so try to avoid the losers and, on the contrary, move in the circles of the lucky ones. Choose your interlocutors especially carefully during feasts - this is when greater energy exchange occurs with each other. It would be a good idea to watch channels and programs that often show beautiful and rich houses, happy families and about lucky people.

Surround yourself, communicate and make friends with people whom we are used to calling lucky and then you will definitely become as lucky as they are.

There is nothing impossible in life - everything in it changes, because this is the basic law of physical matter. There is a place for everything in life: joy too, and no matter how hard it is for you today, remember: everything ends and the bad streak too, but how long it will last depends primarily on you.

Hell and heaven already exist within you - just choose what to support.

Axioms of light and dark stripes

  • The world is neutral towards us.

He is neither evil nor good, he doesn’t give a damn about us, he is exactly the way we accepted him within ourselves. The world around you is a reflection of your inner state.

  • Faith is a very strong “genie” in our hands.

What to believe is up to you to decide. You believe that everything will be fine - “according to your faith, it will be for you”, you believe that life is a cruel “thing” - get yours, the law works in this case too. If you sincerely believe that God and all the bright forces are standing by your side, be sure that it is so.

  • Love can do anything.

Love is not an egoistic thirst for possession, of course not. Love is the highest vibrational energy. Love does not seek or ingratiate itself, it is complete and self-sufficient, it can turn any hell into a blooming paradise. Love is God who loves no matter what. God does not forgive us because of our actions, he forgives us because he is God (love). The closest energy to true love is maternal love. The more love in your life, the brighter, better and smoother your life.

  • Like attracts like.

Negative thoughts and emotions attract negative situations, which in turn give rise to new negative emotions - it’s like a vicious circle and if it is not interrupted, this can continue for the rest of your life. Conversely, joyful emotions attract good events. The conclusion suggests itself.

  • By changing our thoughts, emotions and beliefs, we change the course of our lives.

Filter every emotion and thought, choose only positive and correct ones, cultivate them in yourself.

  • Guilt triggers the punishment mechanism.

This is why confession is so important. Take your mistakes as important life lessons, and therefore, like any lesson, you need to learn it and understand the meaning of what you experienced. As soon as you realized your mistake, you turned the situation around, you learned a lesson, and after that, have the strength to forgive both yourself and others.

  • By living in the present, you choose the best option available.
  • There are no hopeless situations.

By closing one door, God always opens another.

  • Once you have made your decision, take action.

You always have a better chance if you are active than if you are passive. So don't lie on the couch - take action.

  • Never do evil to another - evil kills.

When you do harm to another, you do bad things to yourself first of all; anyone who has experienced this will understand me.

  • Any changes do not happen instantly - they take time.

And this is good, otherwise if everything changed instantly, then we would have turned things around. There is no need to complain that time passes and nothing changes, you just need to believe that happiness is inevitable.


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