Purple carrots are an interesting vegetable to add to your garden.

For all its exoticism, the vegetable grows remarkably well in ordinary dachas and is used in the preparation of ordinary dishes. However, there are still some subtleties, and you need to know about them.

What it is?

Purple carrots belong to the umbelliferous family (like orange carrots, dill, celery), the representatives of which differ high content vitamins, essential oils and other useful substances. Our heroine is no exception.

She has much more nutritional value, thanks to interesting structure root system (the taproot thickens and forms a root crop with a supply of nutrients). Other roots grow up to 2 meters deep. Compound pinnate leaves of carrots on long petioles are collected in a rosette. Flowers are complex umbrellas consisting of rays of different lengths.

A Brief History of Breeding

Carrots appeared on the territory of modern Turkey 4-5 thousand years ago. All carrots were originally purple. It was only in the 18th century that large orange carrots were developed in Holland, which gradually replaced the purple varieties.

In Rus', purple carrots were recognized and began to be grown in the 6th century in the upper reaches of the Western Dvina and Volga.

What does it look like

The plant looks exactly the same as its orange species. The only exception is the deep purple root vegetable (depending on the variety, a variety of shades are possible - from purple-violet to almost black). This vegetable is easily recognizable by its fluffy leaves on long petioles, slightly thickening towards the root.

The root crop is spindle-shaped or conical in shape. Depending on the variety, it weighs from 30 to 300 g. The length of the root crop is up to 30 cm. It is covered with a very thin skin, easily permeable to water.

The unusual color of carrots is explained by the high content of anthocyanin (an antioxidant) in them.

What is the difference between purple and orange?

In addition to the obvious difference in the color of the root vegetable, purple carrots contain several times more anthocyanins and carotenoids (natural antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on human health). However, orange carrots contain more retinol and many other beneficial substances.

There are a number of other differences:

  • possess, but their yield is much lower;
  • they are more resistant to;
  • purple carrots have a specific taste and a more persistent aroma.

Where does it grow?

This vegetable is popular in the countries of Central and South-West Asia.

It is grown in the temperate climate of Russia and in more severe ones. Important have here right choice variety and planting time.

Pros and cons of growing

Purple varieties are unpretentious and do not require special conditions and skills. Their seeds have almost one hundred percent germination, and the plant itself is more resistant to diseases and pests than orange carrots.

The main disadvantage of this vegetable is that the root vegetables are small in length and diameter. It should also be noted that seeds of this variety are more difficult to purchase (only in online stores).



One of the largest varieties (up to 30 cm in length). It has a sweetish-spicy taste with nutty notes. Retains a pleasant rich aroma even after processing and long storage. This variety is excellent for growing in a greenhouse, preferring abundant watering and good lighting. Can be stored for a long time, without providing special conditions.

Average price of seeds: 49-52 rubles (100 pieces per package).

Purple Elixir

The root vegetable is medium in size and purple-violet in color. It has early date maturation while maintaining a comfortable temperature regime(20-22 degrees) and abundant watering. Recommended for growing in the middle zone. Great for marinating.

Average cost of seeds: 35-49 rubles (200 seeds per package).

Purple Haze

Considered one of the best varieties.

Price per package (30 pcs.): 65-72 rubles.

Cosmic Purple

A very early ripening variety. Root vegetables of bright purple color grow up to 18-20 cm in length. Feels great in open ground, even in cool climates. But it does not tolerate heat and dry soil. Poorly suited for heat treatment (the color fades, the amount of nutrients decreases).

Average cost: 35-37 rubles (100 seeds per package).

The nutritional value

Varieties differ increased content substances such as:

  • lutein (prevents cell aging and maintains eye health);
  • anthocyanins (strong antioxidants with proven anti-cancer effects);
  • carotenoids (natural antioxidants that are converted into vitamin A in the human body);
  • varieties with a rich dark purple color of root crops are distinguished by a high content of magnesium, potassium and calcium.

The benefits and harms of root vegetables

Purple carrots have long been successfully used for the prevention of cardiovascular and oncological diseases. It strengthens the body's immunity, increases vascular tone and overall stress resistance.

This vegetable combines the beneficial properties of regular carrots and blueberries, uniquely balancing vitamin C, carotenes and anthocyanins in its composition. They not only improve vision, but also reduce blood pressure, slow down the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels and the formation of blood clots.

In many cases (arthritis, rheumatism), purple carrots have a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

The tops of this vegetable can also be used in salads (like parsley). It contains vitamin C, folic acid and calcium.

At heat treatment The antioxidant effect of carrots is enhanced. When boiled, it normalizes intestinal function and removes toxins and waste.


  • For pancreatitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers, raw purple carrots are dangerous and often lead to worsening of the condition.
  • Individual intolerance or allergy to regular carrots means that you shouldn’t try purple ones.
  • For liver diseases, purple carrots are consumed with caution, in small quantities.
  • Overuse may cause nausea, vomiting and yellowing of the skin.

How to grow

Preparing for landing

Before planting, you need to thoroughly dig up the soil, avoiding the appearance of lumps (to a depth of 30-40 cm). But it is not recommended to apply fertilizers in advance.

Carrots prefer light, loose soil with a deep topsoil. The acidity is preferably neutral or weak.

The seeds are pre-soaked for 2-3 days in warm water, which must be changed daily. Then they need to be wrapped in a clean cloth and germinated until sprouts appear slightly larger than the size of a seed. To speed up germination, you can gradually moisten the seeds with a 0.001% solution of succinic acid.


Seeds are planted in last days April. Mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties - in early May.

It is better to sow carrots in rows with a distance between seeds of 5 mm (maintain 30-40 cm between rows). Often .


Depending on the variety, carrots can feel comfortable in the most different conditions. Special attention should be given to choosing a landing site. It should be flat and sunny, with light soil and a deep fertile layer.

For the first 3-4 months after planting, you will have to water the carrots 3 times a week (4 liters of water for each square meter). Then the volume of water can be increased and the number of waterings reduced to one per week.

You should not overuse fertilizers. During the entire period from planting to harvesting, it is enough to add nitrophoska (Crystallon, Mortar, ammophos) only 2 times. You can feed it monthly with liquid nettle fertilizer, manure or compost.

Purple carrots require frequent loosening of the soil, starting from the appearance of the first shoots. It is better to do this immediately after rain and with great caution. This event can be combined with regular weeding, which is necessary for this vegetable (especially in the first months). Weeding is carried out manually so as not to accidentally damage the cultivated plants.

When the carrots grow 10-15 cm, you can start mulching. It is more convenient to do this after weeding and thinning, using finely chopped grass as mulch. After 2-3 weeks, repeat mulching.

Mulching is optional, but will significantly reduce weed problems and improve the quality of root crops.

Ripe carrots should be harvested as quickly as possible. This will have a beneficial effect on the development of root crops remaining in the garden. Having cut the tops, healthy vegetables leave for several days in a dry, warm place. Then the carrots need to be placed in wooden boxes, sprinkling each row with sand or sawdust.

Typical mistakes when growing

  • Fertilizing before planting leads to the appearance. It is better to plant carrots in place of cucumbers, onions, and tomatoes, which were well fertilized last season.
  • Poorly leveled and cleaned surface for planting. It is necessary to remove from the beds all pebbles and other obstacles that will interfere proper development and carrot growth.
  • Inaccurate watering leads to the development of rot and fungal diseases. , you cannot pour water on the base of the root crop.
  • Lack of space for food. Carrots planted too densely need to be thinned out. Ideal distance between root crops: 5-6 cm.
  • Lack of regular hilling leads to carrots becoming bitter, fading faster in the sun and turning green.
  • Overuse of nitrogen fertilizers also makes root vegetables tasteless and dry.

Diseases and pests

Dry rot (fomoz). A dangerous fungal disease that attacks mature plants. It is highly contagious and incurable - all affected vegetables must be promptly removed. To prevent Phoma, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and timely removal of tops are used.

White rot is a white fluffy coating that appears on root crops during storage. It is recommended to disinfect boxes for storing carrots and the entire room, control weeds in a timely manner, and use potash fertilizers.

Rhizoctoniosis (felt rot) is caused by a soil fungus that gradually accumulates in the area of ​​perennial monoplants and on old storage boxes. To prevent the disease, you should abandon this planting method, disinfect storage areas and carefully sort root crops.

Wet rot – bacterial disease, affecting damaged plants. It is recommended to harvest and store the crop carefully, avoiding a too warm and humid atmosphere in the storage.

Powdery mildew and others fungal diseases purple carrots are very rarely affected. But you should still avoid frequent and excessive watering of plants by leaf.

  • moth caterpillars;
  • wireworm;
  • carrot aphid;
  • naked slugs.

The best prevention of their occurrence is proper care for plantings and their regular inspection. Spring preventative treatment with insecticides is no less important.

How to use

  • in raw form and as part of vitamin salads;
  • can be boiled, fried, stewed and baked;
  • as carrot juice and as part of diet cocktails;
  • as an exotic decoration for various dishes;
  • in all dishes where regular carrots are usually used;
  • great for pickling;
  • used for preparing confitures.

When working with purple carrots, you need to remember that they permanently stain skin, clothes, dishes and everything that comes into contact purple.

Consider purple carrots a suspicious invention genetic engineering, would be a big mistake. But it’s also not worth urgently replacing the usual orange varieties with it in the garden beds. Each of these types differs in chemical composition and brings its own benefits.

Growing this unusually colored root crop can become interesting experience even for an experienced gardener.

Recently, purple carrots have appeared in many European stores, which are in good demand among customers.

However, this achievement of breeders fits perfectly folk wisdom, which says that everything new is well forgotten old. Do you have a question about why we call this newfangled carrot the well-forgotten old one? After reading this article, you will not only get the answer to this question, but also learn a lot of interesting things about such an unusual purple carrot.

How a person met carrots

There is no exact and reliable information about how people met this root vegetable, but there is a rather interesting version of such a meeting. More than 4,000 years ago, a man noticed that a horse was chewing some kind of plant with pleasure. Having become interested, he took the animal’s carrots, and he liked it.

Having remembered what the leaves of the tasty root looked like, the man went in search of it. Taking into account all subsequent events, wild purple carrots came to taste and they began to cultivate them.

A short excursion into history

Not long ago, archaeologists discovered a 4,000-year-old fresco on the walls of one, which depicts a light purple carrot.

It turns out that the very first carrots were originally purple, and until the 17th century, root vegetables colored red, white and yellow were rare. White and pink carrots grew in the gardens of the Roman Empire, and the inhabitants ancient Greece did not use it for food, but used it for almost all diseases as a natural medicine. Residents of Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan already grew dark purple in the 10th century. In the 13th century, raspberry and yellow flowers. In addition, one could find this vegetable in red, green and black colors.

The carrot that is familiar to us appeared relatively recently, in the 16th century. Dutch patriotic breeders, who supported William of Orange in the fight against Spanish rule over the Netherlands, developed a variety with a color unusual for that time, but so familiar and loved by us today.

This vegetable came to Russia in the 16th century and for a long time was used exclusively in medicinal purposes.

What's in it?

Numerous studies have found that purple carrots are rich in vitamins B, A, C, E, as well as various micro- and macroelements necessary for our body. In addition, this root vegetable contains several times more beta-carotene than a standard orange carrot. Vitamins E and C, together with selenium, effectively fight foci of inflammatory processes.

But the most important thing is how purple carrots differ from their orange “relative” - the presence and high concentration anthocyanins, plant pigments that not only color vegetables and fruits black, blue or purple, but also have a large number of useful properties for us.

What is its use

Due to the presence of “purple” pigments - anthocyanins - this purple vegetable exhibits the following beneficial properties:

  1. Anticancer effect. A substance found in purple carrots, the carotenoid lutein, helps anthocyanins to noticeably slow down the growth of cancer cells.
  2. Anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Helps strengthen the immune system.
  4. Is an excellent remedy prevention of heart diseases vascular system.
  5. Helps well with diseases of the vascular system, especially with varicose veins veins and venous insufficiency.
  6. Helps improve vision and serves as an excellent prophylactic against the development of retinopathy in patients with diabetes.
  7. Normalizes and stabilizes cholesterol levels in the blood.
  8. Reduces high blood pressure.
  9. Strengthens the kidneys.
  10. Calcium found in purple carrots along with other useful substances, is easily absorbed by the body and helps maintain skin, nails and hair in good shape.
  11. Regular use is good remedy in the fight against various sexual dysfunctions in both men and women.

How to grow it

Many gardeners and gardeners, having learned about the benefits of this root vegetable, are interested in whether it is possible to get purple carrot seeds somewhere. As a rule, the seeds of such plants, which are not yet very familiar to us, are sold by large manufacturers in specialized stores or garden centers. You can ask in a regular store, it is only important to remember that there are different varieties of purple carrots, and it is better to know their names. Today on Russian market There are not many seeds of varietal purple carrots. This:

  • Dragon, colored bright purple with an orange center and a sweet taste.
  • Purple Elixir, with purple-violet skin and flesh and a contrasting honey-orange core.
  • Cosmic Purple, purple on the outside and completely yellow-orange on the inside.

Currently, the unusual purple. Let's try to figure out how, in addition to the color of the root crop, it differs from classic varieties, what useful and possibly unpleasant properties it has.


From a botany point of view purple carrots belongs to the same subspecies as the common carrot (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) and is a biennial with a powerful root crop and characteristic feathery leaves. Externally, the only difference is purple root vegetable There is an assumption that this is exactly what was cultivated several thousand years ago.

Did you know?Ancient sources describe red and yellow color. One ancient Egyptian mural depicts a light purple root vegetable. The usual orange varieties were bred in the Netherlands relatively recently - in the 17th century, their colors corresponded to the dynastic colors of the Orange dynasty, whose representative ruled the country at that time.

Popular varieties

The purple variety of carrots cannot yet boast as many varieties as the classic one. However, at present, some varieties are already available to hobbyists.

The root crops of this variety are purple in color. In cross section, they are tricolor: an orange core, a yellow intermediate layer and a purple-violet outer layer.

This variety is distinguished by deep purple root vegetables with a yellow-orange core. They taste sweet and are especially rich in group A.

This refers to early ripening varieties. The root vegetable has only a rather thin skin that is purple, but inside the vegetable has a classic orange color, so when peeled it can turn from purple into a regular carrot.

Composition and calorie content

The composition of this carrot is rich in minerals. In 100 g raw product contains the following substances:

  • 200 mg potassium;
  • 63 mg chlorine;
  • 55 mg phosphorus;
  • 38 mg magnesium;
  • 27 mg calcium;
  • 21 mg sodium;
  • 6 mg sulfur;
  • 0.7 mg iron;
  • 0.4 mg zinc;
  • 0.3 mg aluminum;
  • 0.2 mg manganese;
  • 0.2 mg boron;
  • 99 mcg vanadium;
  • 80 mcg copper;
  • 55 mcg fluoride;
  • 20 mcg molybdenum;
  • 6 µg nickel;
  • 6 mcg lithium;
  • 5 mcg iodine;
  • 3 mcg chromium;
  • 2 mcg cobalt;
  • 0.1 mcg selenium.

This variety is especially rich in vitamins A (VE) (2 mg per 100 g) and C (5 mg), as well as beta-carotene (12 mg). In addition, the composition contains B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9) and vitamins E, K, PP, H. It should be noted that purple varieties contain more beta-carotene than traditional ones.
Calorie content 100 g raw vegetable is 35 kcal. It includes:

  • 1.3 g protein;
  • 5.7–6.9 g carbohydrates;
  • 0.1 g fat;
  • 2.4 g dietary fiber;
  • 1 g ash;
  • 86.6–88 g water.

Important! The anthocyanins contained in the root crop give it a purple color and some additional beneficial properties, which will be discussed in more detail below.

Beneficial features

  1. strengthen immune system;
  2. normalize cholesterol levels;
  3. reduce the risk of cancer;
  4. improve vision.

Important! This variety of carrot is a good preventive measure that prevents the development of retinopathy, an eye disease that often manifests itself when diabetes mellitus. It is also recommended for prevention cardiovascular diseases, helps with venous insufficiency.

Use in cooking

In principle, purple varieties can be used in all dishes that use regular carrots. It can be pickled, boiled, fried, stewed, baked, used in salads, juiced and eaten raw. Because of its unusual color, this root vegetable is often used to decorate various dishes.

Application in treatment

Some positive influence Purple carrots work in any form - even steamed or fried. But, undoubtedly, the greatest effect can be achieved when consumed raw. Carrot juice is very good in this sense.

Purple carrots- a plant of the Umbrella family. Many people believe that such a vegetable is genetically modified, although this is not the case. When people first cultivated carrots, they were purple. In ancient times, this vegetable was used exclusively for medicinal purposes. Time passed, and the place of the purple root vegetable was taken by the orange carrot, so familiar to everyone. The outside of the vegetable is bright purple, and the inside is orange (see photo). Recently, the purple carrot variety has been gaining popularity again and is returning to store shelves.

Beneficial features

Recent studies have shown that the chemical composition of the unusual vegetable is much richer than that of the usual carrot, since it contains perfect balance vitamins and minerals.

The unusual color of root vegetables is provided by beta-carotene and alpha-carotene, which in the body is converted into vitamin A, which is necessary for the body. In addition, beta-carotene has a positive effect on vision and helps get rid of fatigue and some diseases of the visual system, such as cataracts. This natural antioxidant also helps slow down the aging process in the body.

The unusual color of root vegetables is provided by the substance anthocyanin, which also helps cope with various diseases heart and blood vessels. Besides this substance is an excellent cancer prevention.

Use in cooking

Purple carrots can be used in cooking, just like their orange counterpart, i.e. root vegetables are boiled, fried, stewed, and also baked and steamed. They are also used to make marinades. Purple carrots has a sweeter taste and is distinguished by its juiciness. This makes it possible to obtain from the purple vegetable delicious juice, and can also be used in various desserts. This beautiful and colorful root vegetable can be used as a garnish for other dishes. Purple carrots are included in a variety of dishes, for example, they are added to salads, side dishes, soups, etc.

Benefits of purple carrots and treatment

The benefits of purple carrots were established after a series of experiments. Doctors say that regular use this root vegetable helps strengthen the immune system, as well as improve the condition of the heart and blood vessels. Recent experiments have shown excellent results, which indicate that purple carrots increases the body’s resistance to various cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Harm of purple carrots and contraindications

Purple carrots can cause harm if the product is abused, as well as with personal intolerance. In addition, people with inflammation should limit their consumption of this root vegetable. small intestine and ulcers. There are no other contraindications.

Since childhood, we have all become accustomed to the traditional orange color carrots and we know about the benefits of this root vegetable, irreplaceable on our table, by the amount of carotene it contains, minerals and vitamins. But few people know that in ancient times this vegetable was dark purple in color, and only through the process of selection does it now have an orange color and a sweet taste.

But in last years Interest in growing such carrots is increasing, because purple carrots are truly a storehouse of anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are plant pigments that give vegetables and fruits dark shades(blue, black, violet and purple) and have a lot of very useful qualities.

In ancient times, purple carrots had a sour or bitter taste and were actively used as remedy in the treatment of many diseases. Only in the 17th century did Dutch breeders develop the orange sweet carrots that we are used to seeing on our tables.

Pros and cons of purple carrots

Purple carrots differ from traditional carrots in a lot of advantages, and above all, in their high content of minerals and vitamins. This variety contains almost the entire periodic table, and it contains more beta-carotene than orange. The unusual and bright color allows the vegetable to be used in the preparation of many dishes in any form, and the high content of valuable substances helps to have a positive effect on the prevention of certain diseases and the health of the body. The flesh of purple carrots is very juicy, making it very easy to cook fresh juices and puree. It tastes very sweet and a little spicy.

The only drawback of these root vegetables is, perhaps, individual intolerance and the manifestation allergic reactions after consumption. But such cases are extremely rare. Eating purple carrots in large quantities can cause yellow skin, so you should not overuse this vegetable.

Previously, in some countries people naturally did not know about beneficial properties purple carrots and ignored them for a long time due to their sour or bitter taste. And they only ate tops and seeds as seasoning.

Rules for growing purple carrots

Unfortunately, seeds of purple carrot varieties are very difficult to find on the open market. But if you try, you can order them online or buy them in specialized stores.

Growing this truly exotic crop on your garden plot in mid-latitudes does not require any conditions or special skills - the cultivation technology is similar to orange varieties. Like all varieties of carrots, the purple beauty thrives and produces an excellent harvest on sandy, loose soils and well-lit beds. Pre-soaked seeds are sown at the end of April or mid-May on pre-fertilized and watered soil. The grooves should be about 3 cm deep, the distance between the beds should be at least 15 cm. After sowing, the grooves are covered with earth mixed in equal parts with humus and compacted.

In about a week or a little more, the first shoots will hatch, which are best covered with garden film at night. During the growing process, do not forget to loosen the beds, water the seedlings and remove weeds. The harvest of such carrots can be harvested at the end of summer. Root vegetables are about 15 cm long and 2 – 3 cm in diameter.

Health Benefits of Purple Carrots

In recent years, the popularity of purple carrot varieties has been growing not only because of their beautiful taste qualities, but also due to the benefits it brings to health. As mentioned above, such varieties of carrots, in addition to the high content of fiber and various useful substances in the fruit, contain anthocyanins, which have a powerful antioxidant effect on the human body. Thanks to its perfectly balanced chemical composition, such carrots have a number of beneficial properties:

Reduces the risk of cancer. Experts say that the carotenoid lutein contained in fruits plays an important role in the fight against cancer.

Has a beneficial effect on blood vessels. The vegetable is especially useful for varicose veins veins Anthocyanins restore damaged blood vessels and destroy those harmful enzymes that have a detrimental effect on connective tissue.

Restores vision. Many of us know how beneficial blueberries are for our vision because of the anthocyanins they contain. For the same reason, purple carrots also have a beneficial effect on visual acuity when consumed.

Does strong teeth, hair and nails, thanks to the high content of easily digestible calcium along with other beneficial substances.

The best varieties of purple carrots

Since the unusual color of carrots is a novelty for many of us, there are not so many purple varieties today. Let's look at the most common of them, cultivated in our country.

"Purple Haze F1". Distinctive feature This hybrid is dark purple on the outside and orange on the core. Quite an unusual combination. Carrots produce a harvest within 2 and a half months after sowing and are classified as early ripening varieties. At the same time, root crops perfectly resist many diseases and are up to 20 cm in length.

“Purple Dragon” is considered the most exquisite variety of purple carrots among gourmets, as it has both a sweet taste and a spicy note. The outside of the vegetable is red-violet in color, and the flesh is light orange. Ripe root vegetables grow up to 25 cm in length.

“Purple Elixir” is easily distinguished from other varieties by the purple color of the skin and pulp. And the core has a yellow-orange color. The variety is extremely rich in vitamins and nutrients. Carrots are mid-season varieties and have a root length of about 20 cm.

"Rainbow Mix". Carrots got this name because when ripe they are colored from yellow and pink to red and purple. The vegetable grows up to 18 cm in length and has a cylindrical shape.

"Cosmic Purple" is a hybrid that belongs to the early ripening varieties. The fruits grow up to 20 cm in length and have a sweet and crunchy taste. The outside color is violet-crimson, and the flesh and core are orange. The variety prefers cooler growing conditions and is frost-resistant.

“Purple Sun F1” differs from other varieties by the completely purple color of the surface, pulp and core. It has a sweet taste and juicy pulp from which juice is prepared. This variety is characterized by disease resistance and high antioxidant content.

"Purplesnax Hybrid F1" is perhaps the sweetest variety among purple carrots. The root vegetables grow thin and elongated with an intense purple color of the pulp and an orange core. The variety is unpretentious and even in unfavorable conditions produces record yields, and is also characterized by a high carotene content.

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