Cabbage juice never ceases to amaze, it is allowed to use it against all ailments! What is useful sauerkraut

Sauerkraut was known to the Romans. It is prepared according to different recipes almost anywhere cabbage grows.1 This dish is popular in many Eastern European countries.

Sauerkraut is rich in probiotics, potassium, and vitamins C and K. The appetizer is made from cabbage and brine. The result is a crunchy and sour condiment that is used in sandwiches, salads, side dishes and soups.

Peppercorns and juniper berries are sometimes added to cabbage during fermentation. Most recipes use white or green cabbage, but sometimes red.

Composition and calorie content of sauerkraut

calories sauerkraut- 23 kcal per 100 gr. The product is ideal for weight loss.

The beneficial properties of sauerkraut for the body are the result of a rich composition. In addition to being a source of active bacteria, cabbage improves physical health and mood.

Sauerkraut helps blood circulation, fights inflammation, strengthens bones, and lowers cholesterol levels.

For bones and muscles

Sauerkraut strengthens bones and supports their growth. Cabbage fights inflammation with antioxidants that reduce joint and muscle pain.

For the heart and blood vessels

Probiotic-rich sauerkraut lowers triglycerides and supports normal level cholesterol, which benefits cardiovascular system. In fermented cabbage, fiber reduces blood pressure and improves blood sugar control, reducing the risk of heart problems.

For nerves and brain

Sauerkraut included in medical nutrition patients suffering from autism, epilepsy, mood swings and multiple sclerosis.

For eyes

The product supports eye health. Sauerkraut contains a lot of vitamin A, which reduces the risk of degeneration yellow spot and cataracts.

For the lungs

Vitamin C in cabbage will help you get rid of cold and flu symptoms quickly.

For the gastrointestinal tract

The fiber and healthy bacteria in sauerkraut help reduce inflammation in the gut.

Lactic acid bacteria found in sauerkraut is used in the treatment of patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

For skin

Thanks to vitamins and probiotics, sauerkraut takes care of skin health and reduces symptoms. skin diseases, including eczema.

For immunity

Sauerkraut has anti-cancer properties. Research has shown that high level glucosinolate in sauerkraut reduces DNA damage and cell mutations in initial stage cancer.

The Lactobacillus plantarum bacteria in sauerkraut increases the activity of two powerful antioxidants that repair cells and cleanse the body.

The action of sauerkraut is similar to chemotherapy.

Sauerkraut for women

Studies have proven improvement vaginal health when eating sauerkraut. Vegetables carry out prevention bacterial infections V bladder and bacterial vaginosis.

Women who ate at least 3 servings of sauerkraut had a lower risk of developing breast cancer than those who ate 1 serving a week.

Sauerkraut for men

Sauerkraut reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

Harm and contraindications of sauerkraut

If you have not consumed fermented foods before, then start doing it gradually. Start with 1 tsp. sauerkraut, so as not to harm the gastrointestinal tract. Then gradually increase the dose.

Excess salt in cabbage can cause kidney problems, cause hypertension and swelling.

How to choose sauerkraut

You can buy sauerkraut at the grocery store. Choose cabbage in a tightly closed container that is stored in the refrigerator. In this form, all fermented foods retain beneficial components.

Avoid processed foods as they are low in probiotics. Fermentation without pasteurization leaves useful probiotics - lactobacilli - in the product.

How to store sauerkraut

Store sauerkraut in a glass jar in the refrigerator.

Plastic containers contain BPA, which can be in your food.

Choose a sauerkraut recipe according to your taste. Any herb can be used, such as thyme or cilantro. A pinch of hot pepper will add spice to the dish.

IN winter season surely there will not be a refrigerator on the shelf in which there will not be. This traditional dish is originally Russian, it has become very popular due to its amazing taste and compatibility with most side dishes. In addition, this useful product which is recommended for women and men. Useful and itself and its juice. Separately, you can talk about it and about what sauerkraut juice is, what are the benefits and harms of such a kind of drink. sauerkraut in own juice It is very easy to prepare, so be sure to consider such a recipe below.

What is the benefit of sauerkraut juice?

Useful juice is the brine that remains after cooking and eating sauerkraut. We often just pour it out without even thinking about what we can get. great benefit by saturating your body with vitamins, minerals and useful trace elements.

The main advantage of the drink is that it contains. And it is just very, very much lacking in the winter. Drinking one glass of juice allows you to saturate the body with a daily dose ascorbic acid. And this is good! It favorably affects the immune system, strengthens its ability to counteract viruses and pathogenic bacteria. To prevent vitamin C deficiency, it is recommended to drink juice of 0.5 cups daily in the morning.

The remaining liquid from sauerkraut is useful for digestive problems. It contains acetic and lactic acids, which actively remove toxins from the body, cleanse toxins and normalize bowel function. Sauerkraut juice is useful even for peptic ulcers, as it normalizes the acid-base balance. It contains vitamin U, which is simply necessary for the gastric mucosa. Doctors advise to make it a rule: to use two tablespoons of brine three times a day before meals for this purpose.

It is useful to drink the remaining juice and to normalize work, for. He normalizes arterial pressure eliminates spasms and has a beneficial effect on muscular system. The potassium contained in it is very useful for the prevention of heart disease.

IN folk medicine known and useful action sauerkraut juice at . This drink has an antihistamine effect, so it helps to reduce allergic reactions. With bronchitis and cough, you need to drink 100 grams of juice on an empty stomach every day. You can add a little or a little sugar for taste. After a week, the dose should be increased to 200 milliliters. Honey can cause allergies, so give it up gradually.

With the onset of spring, when acute beriberi is felt, it is useful to drink a glass of brine every morning every day.

To improve visual acuity healthy drink together with the cabbage itself must also be included in daily diet.

With obesity and metabolic disorders in the body, you need to drink 450 milliliters of brine during the day for a sufficiently long time - at least two months. It is better to start drinking in the morning on an empty stomach and at the same time do not abuse fatty and spicy foods.

To rid the body naturally from excess accumulated fluid, as well as harmful salts it is useful to use 3-4 tablespoons of a healing drink on an empty stomach at least 2 times. Still it will good prevention neoplastic diseases.

As a hypoglycemic effect, this product is used diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. You need to take it 1/3 cup before breakfast, lunch and dinner for half an hour.

Is sauerkraut juice dangerous, what is the harm from it?

It should not be used for kidney diseases, since in addition to the entire treatment process, it turns out huge pressure due to the precipitation of salts from the brine. Do not abuse the above folk recipes those who suffer from heartburn, a tendency to, with severe pain in the intestine. With a decrease in the dose, the effect will be exclusively therapeutic, but it must be selected strictly individually.

About how sauerkraut is prepared in its own juice (elementary recipe)

To obtain maximum benefit, you do not need to use vinegar in cooking. Vegetables should ferment in their own juice. It will take 2-3 large heads of cabbage, 2 large carrots.

What to do? Chop the vegetables, preferably not coarse. You can use a grater or do it manually with a knife. Mix the chopped products in a large enameled container, add a tablespoon table salt. It is better not to use "extra" salt, as you can not calculate the amount you need to get delicious dish. Mix all the ingredients well, squeeze out the juice. Arrange in glass jars and cover on top, but loosely, with a lid.

After four days you can use ready meal with your favorite side dishes or simply as a standalone product. The brine is obtained by squeezing the cabbage, if necessary, it can be filtered through gauze (but not through a metal strainer that causes oxidative reactions). Bon appetit and stay healthy!


What is sauerkraut?

What is sauerkraut, the benefits and harms to the human body of this product, what does it have medicinal properties, all this is of great interest to those who lead healthy lifestyle life, looks after his health, and is interested in folk methods treatment, including with the help of vegetables.

So we will try to answer these questions in the following article. So:

Sauerkraut is a product of natural canning of cabbage as a result of the action of lactic acid, which is formed during the fermentation process. Cabbage is fermented in several ways: whole heads, parts of heads, shredded cabbage. The principle of "purity" remains unchanged - the absence of additional preservatives, such as vinegar. If vinegar is present in the cabbage, then we need to talk about pickled cabbage, which already has other properties. The fermentation technology as a whole is as follows. They cut (or chop) the cabbage, knead it slightly so that the cabbage juice appears, add salt and a little sugar, which, in addition to giving taste, speeds up the fermentation process.

The mashed cabbage is put in a barrel and pressed down with oppression so that the juice completely covers it.

The fermentation process is completed in an average of 3-7 days, after which the barrel is taken out into the cold to prevent the souring process.

Sauerkraut can be stored in the cold for several months - lactic acid, formed as a result of the fermentation of sugars, does not allow molds to form.

Cabbage is one of the most common vegetables grown in the garden. It has been eaten for over 4,000 years. It has long been known to beneficial features which have also been used to treat various diseases. So, the Roman historian Cato wrote that cabbage for the Romans was not only food, but also medicine. IN Ancient Rome It was believed that this vegetable strengthens the body, protects it from various diseases and makes it resistant to infections. Cabbage juice has been used to treat insomnia and headaches.

This vegetable was widely used by traditional medicine in Rus'. It was the ancient Slavs who came up with the idea of ​​fermenting cabbage in order to preserve a valuable vegetable until the next harvest.

Scientists believe that all existing species cabbages originated from a single wild species. This vegetable has been known to people for a long time - since the Neolithic. The Iberians were the first to cultivate it - wild primitive tribes that inhabited the territory of modern Spain. It was also grown in ancient times. The ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras himself grew it and wrote in one of his works: “Cabbage supports cheerfulness and fun, a calm mood of the spirit.”

In the ancient Russian herbalists there are many medical recipes in which cabbage is mentioned. At times Kievan Rus This vegetable has been used to treat heart disease and peptic ulcer gastrointestinal tract. In the 17th century, cabbage and its juice began to be used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, diseases respiratory tract and liver, as well as eczema, burns, wounds, diathesis.

Most often, white cabbage is fermented.

White cabbage (garden) (Latin name - Brassica oleracea L.) belongs to the cruciferous family.

It is a biennial plant with large fleshy leaves. Its root is taproot, branched. The stem (stump) is erect, short, thick and fleshy in the first year. In the second year, the stump is straight, cylindrical. Inside, the leaves fit snugly together in the form of a head of cabbage, white. Outer leaves are green, sessile, oblong.

If a two-year-old stalk is preserved during the winter and planted in the soil in the spring, then it will take root, shoots with flowers are formed from the buds, which then become fruits with seeds. The flowers have correct form: four petals, white or light yellow, collected in a rare brush. Flowering time is May-June. The fruit is a long pod with round seeds. Plant height reaches 50 cm.

In folk medicine, heads, leaves and cabbage juice are used.

This vegetable contains sugars, potassium salts, phosphorus, fiber, fats, enzymes, phytoncides and vitamins. Especially a lot of cabbage contains ascorbic acid. It is found in this vegetable as in pure form, and in the form of ascorbigen, which is very stable. Ascorbigen is not destroyed during storage and sauerkraut.

The outer green leaves of cabbage contain folic acid beneficial effect on blood circulation and metabolic processes in organism.

In 1948, a vitamin was discovered in cabbage that was effective in the treatment of stomach ulcers. It was isolated in its pure form, synthesized and introduced into medical practice.

The amino acids tryptophan, methylmethionine, lysine and tyrosine were found in this vegetable. It contains sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, cobalt, fluorine, iodine, arsenic, silicon, boron, copper, zinc, etc.

Potassium salts in cabbage contain much more than sodium salts, which prevents fluid retention in the cells of the body.

Tartonic acid, contained in cabbage, has anti-sclerotic properties. It delays the conversion of carbohydrates into fats and prevents the deposition of fats and cholesterol. However, this acid is destroyed during the heat treatment of the vegetable.

Cabbage juice is neutral acid-base balance and therefore useful for patients with low acidity gastric juice.

Choline is found in this vegetable in fairly large quantities. It normalizes metabolic fat processes in the body.

Cabbage contains more glucose than apples, oranges and lemons. And in terms of fructose content, it surpasses potatoes, carrots, onions and lemons.

Useful properties of sauerkraut:

Cabbage is rich in lactic acid, as it is fermented with the help of lactic acid bacteria. These bacteria, getting into the intestines, have a beneficial effect on its microflora, cleanse the putrefactive environment, and eliminate dysbacteriosis.

Sauerkraut has the ability to activate enzymes that cleanse the intestines of substances that promote the formation malignant tumors. It also stimulates digestion and the activity of everything. gastrointestinal tract. It is a good preventive measure.

When sourdough cabbage is well preserved useful material contained in other vegetables used in the preparation: in carrots (carotene), apples (vitamins C and P), sweet peppers (carotene and vitamin C), cranberries and lingonberries (benzoic acid), bay leaf, anise, cumin, pepper, which contain phytoncides and essential oils, which promote digestion and have a detrimental effect on microbes.

In addition, this product:

  • Regulates metabolism. Due to its iodine content, nicotinic acid(Vitamin PP) normalizes metabolism. It also helps to reduce excess weight.
  • Reduces blood sugar levels due to fiber content. Cabbage has few carbohydrates (sucrose and fructose), so it is very useful for people suffering from diabetes.
  • Helps with allergies and bronchial asthma. Studies have confirmed that sauerkraut contains substances that inhibit the development allergic reaction, that is, having antihistamine action(for example, vitamin U). It is known that often an asthma attack provokes an allergic reaction.
  • Struggling with pathogenic bacteria. Sauerkraut cooked according to all the rules has a bactericidal, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Many women use it cosmetic purposes. Masks based on it relieve acne, remove age spots, give the skin velvety, softness and freshness. Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) contained in cabbage strengthens nails and hair.
  • Sexual health. Acts as a powerful aphrodisiac and helps men maintain sexual power and potency for years to come.
  • Rejuvenates the body. The use of this product in food helps to cleanse the body, enrich cells nutrients, contributing to their regeneration, all this gives a rejuvenating effect.
  • Improves appetite. The use of sauerkraut as a snack before dinner contributes to a significant increase in the secretion of the stomach glands. It is necessary for people who are weakened long illness and/or those wishing to gain weight.
  • Remedy for beriberi. With a lack of vitamins, it is strongly recommended to include in daily menu this product, it will support the body and give strength.
  • Remedy for nausea. Sauerkraut juice is recommended for toxicosis in pregnant women, according to reviews, this remedy remarkably saves from nausea.
  • Helps with a hangover. It is known that cabbage pickle helps after active drinking. It is clear that it is better to comply with the measure. But if it was not possible to follow this rule, then the brine from this product will come to the rescue.


As with any product, sauerkraut can be harmful to certain people. Therefore, it should be used with caution, based on the recommendations of doctors and the advice of nutritionists.

To minimize the presence of such a product in your diet should be those who have gastritis with hyperacidity. Excessive consumption of it can provoke heartburn and lead to other stomach problems. Often sauerkraut causes and increased gas formation causing a lot of inconvenience to most people.

Heart disease and swelling are also indications to limit the use of sauerkraut, otherwise the harm to the body can be very significant. The fact is that when fermenting a vegetable, quite a large number of salt, undesirable in the diet of cores and people prone to edema. Certainly, extra salt can be removed by washing the cabbage boiled water but remembering about possible harm, to abuse the cores of this product is still not worth it.

This product can also harm people with diseases of the kidneys, liver and pancreas. Also, at hypertension, the rate of consumption of cabbage should be lower than that of healthy people.

How to ferment cabbage for the winter at home?

Fermentation is based on the principle of creating an acidic environment in cabbage due to the formation of lactic acid as a result of the vital activity of certain types of microbes.

Fermentation, as a rule, is carried out in barrels (or tubs) from different breeds wood (except pine). Before sauerkraut, the barrels should be thoroughly washed with a hot salt solution (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) with a washcloth and rinsed well with water.

To disinfect the barrel, it is advisable to fumigate with sulfur: cover 0.5 teaspoon of burning sulfur with the barrel for 15–20 minutes.

If a new barrel is used for fermentation, then before using it, immediately before salting, the barrel should be filled with water and periodically changed within 15–20 days. Then all the harmful substances from the barrel will pass into the water. This precaution will prevent undesirable consequences otherwise the sauerkraut will quickly turn black.

If there is not much fermented cabbage, then you can use ordinary glass jars for preservation or enameled dishes (basins, pans, etc.).

The sauerkraut must be covered on top with a cloth, then with a wooden lattice circle, on which to put a load. The load must be sufficient in weight so that it does not float, but also does not crumple.

The canvas, circle and load must be kept clean, for which they should be thoroughly washed about once a week with hot boiled water.

After 2-3 days, cabbage can be placed in jars. From above, across the narrow necks of the jars, you can insert stumps that will press it and prevent it from rising and the brine from flowing out. Banks must be placed in a cold place. Sauerkraut cannot be stored without brine. To prevent mold from appearing on the surface of the brine, a small amount of mustard powder should be poured on top.

You can ferment only certain varieties of cabbage. Mid-season varieties are best suited for this purpose. white cabbage and its hybrids. However, you can ferment and red cabbage. Heads of cabbage taken for sauerkraut should contain a lot of sugar and have fairly strong leaves.

Very often, when fermenting this vegetable, carrots are used, which are also rich in nutrients and retain them. Instead of carrots, beets or pumpkins are sometimes added. To improve the taste, you can put apples, berries (for example, lingonberries or cranberries), currant branches, dill, caraway seeds in cabbage. The most suitable temperature for fermentation is 15–20 °C, at which gas bubbles and foam will appear only on the second day.

After this, lactic acid fermentation should begin, which lasts about 9-10 days, then gases cease to be released, the brine becomes transparent and loses its bitterness. Sourdough can also be made at a lower temperature, then the cabbage will cook more long time. At 13-15°C this process will take 2 weeks, at 10-13°C - 3 weeks.

It is advisable to store sauerkraut at a temperature of 1-0 ° C. More low temperature negatively affect the taste of cabbage and its content of vitamin C.

And here is the recipe:

The number of ingredients in recipes is indicated based on 1 kg of cabbage.

Required: 1 kg of white cabbage, 300 g of carrots, 1-2 bay leaves, cumin and anise seeds to taste, 25 g of salt.

Cooking method:

Peel a head of cabbage with white and coarse leaves, removing the top green, dirty and damaged leaves. Remove the stalk, chop the cabbage with a knife or hand shredder, you can chop.

Leave a few leaves whole.

Some of them need to be laid on the bottom of the prepared enameled container (for more cabbage, you can use a barrel). Layer shredded cabbage on top, sprinkling each layer with salt and chopped carrots.

Add Bay leaf and cumin and anise seeds. While filling the container with cabbage, carefully compact each layer with a rammer or hands. This is necessary to remove air and better extract juice.

Top cover the cabbage with whole leaves and clean gauze, folded in 2 layers. Then put a wooden circle and a load, which can be used as a container of water. The weight of the load must be 10% of the weight of the cabbage (100 g of load per 1 kg of cabbage). After a few hours, it is cabbage, juice will stand out. On the 2-3rd day, the fermentation process will begin.

To preserve the nutritional and flavor properties of cabbage, as well as its storage stability, fermentation should occur at a temperature of 18 ° C. Fermentation usually ends after 10-15 days. During this time, about 1% lactic acid accumulates in the cabbage, which protects it from spoilage. During fermentation, cabbage must be monitored: periodically remove foam from the surface to prevent the development of harmful microorganisms and the appearance of mold.

Great video on the benefits of sauerkraut!

Sauerkraut treatment:

Many useful substances pass into sauerkraut juice (brine), so it also has healing properties. At the same time in cabbage juice there is no fiber, which leads to bloating of the stomach and intestines and causes pain.

Sauerkraut has the ability to activate enzymes that cleanse the intestines of substances that contribute to the formation of malignant tumors.

Sauerkraut stimulates digestion and the activity of the entire gastrointestinal tract. It is a good preventive measure.

When sourdough cabbage, useful substances contained in other vegetables used in harvesting are well preserved: in carrots (carotene), apples (vitamins C and P), sweet peppers (carotene and vitamin C), cranberries and lingonberries (benzoic acid), bay leaf , anise, cumin, pepper, which contain fintocides and essential oils that promote digestion and have a detrimental effect on microbes.

Both sauerkraut itself and its brine are widely used in the treatment of certain diseases. Cabbage is rich in useful substances, which are almost all preserved after sourdough, having a general healing effect on the body and being a good preventive measure for many diseases, including cancer. Due to the activity of the substances contained in it, sauerkraut is a good bactericidal agent and is used for infectious diseases and for disinfection of wounds.

In addition, sauerkraut has an analgesic effect. Cabbage and brine are also used to reduce inflammation.


Sclerosis is caused by hardening connective tissue due to the death of parenchyma elements, in which scarring occurs in the heart, spinal cord and brain, liver and blood vessels (atherosclerosis).

For the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, it is recommended to drink cabbage pickle 0.5–1 cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. In addition, it is useful to regularly eat sauerkraut and cabbage salads.


Constipation develops as a result of weakening of peristalsis. It is accompanied by depression heavy sweating, loss of appetite and a feeling of heaviness in the intestines. In the stomach and intestines of the patient, toxins are formed that spread throughout the body. Cabbage treatment helps to normalize bowel function and neutralize the effects of toxins.

As a laxative, sauerkraut brine helps very well. It should be drunk warm, 0.5 cup 3 times a day.


A hangover is called intoxication of the body as a result of the use of excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages. A person's condition depends on the severity of the poisoning and the state of his health.

During a hangover, there are the following signs: lethargy, pallor, nausea, depression of cardiovascular tone, cold sweat sunken eyes, muscle weakness, impaired coordination of movements, hand tremor.

To prevent a hangover and get out of it, cabbage pickle is used. It invigorates and reduces pain. From the brine, you can prepare the next cocktail.

Required: 3 cups brine, 100 g onion, 1 tablespoon tomato paste or tomato sauce, ground black pepper, sugar, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Grind the onion until gruel and mix with brine, then add tomato paste or sauce, as well as pepper, sugar and salt. Mix everything thoroughly.

At the first dose, you need to drink 0.5 cups of a cocktail, then drink the rest in several doses throughout the day.

If the drink is too thick, it can be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1.

Impotence (sexual impotence):

Impotence is a violation of sexual function, accompanied by a complete or partial loss of a man's ability to have sexual intercourse. The cause of the disease can be a strong emotional shock, spinal injuries, prolonged alcohol abuse, taking sleeping pills, sedatives and other medications.

Recipes from Yulia Nikolaeva's book Sauerkraut, onion peel, horseradish".

Delicious, healthy vegetable, is included in the diet of many peoples. Many different dishes are prepared from it, Fresh Juice for the treatment of ailments. Along with fresh vegetable, sauerkraut is no less popular. And therefore, today we will talk on a topic of interest to many: sauerkraut properties, benefits.

Especially like this cabbage in Russia. What delicious rich cabbage soup is prepared from it by the hostesses! Real jam. By the way, many, oh, many, occasionally drink cold cabbage pickle on a sore head in the morning. But for good reason - it relieves a hangover, eliminates a headache, clarifies the mind. Here, the beneficial properties of sauerkraut play a role.

What is sauerkraut good for?

Sauerkraut has the most effect on the human body beneficial action. Its composition is rich in many vitamins, especially vitamin C. Thanks to him, it helps to strengthen immune system which slows down the aging process.

Besides sour cabbage contains necessary for man iodine. Due to its beneficial properties, it actively lowers blood sugar levels.

Therefore, sauerkraut is very useful for chronic gastritis, diabetes mellitus. For prevention, it is enough to eat a small plate with it as a side dish, or a salad with meals. So you need to eat at least 2-3 weeks.

With a general deterioration in health, nutritionists, as well as many healers, advise drinking a mixture of brine and tomato juice. Combine them equally and drink during the day for several months in a row.

Cabbage pickle effectively eliminates Giardia in the liver. To do this, you need to drink half a glass in 30 minutes. before meals.

It is irreplaceable, and sauerkraut itself during pregnancy. By consuming just a glass of brine per day, a woman can easily cope with toxicosis. By the way, it not only cures a hangover male head, but also increases the level of potency in men, retains it until old age.

However, fermented, sour, seasoned vegetable oil, sprinkled with chopped onions, cabbage itself is a complete delight. Moreover, she is also excellent tool fight bad cholesterol.

It also contains substances that inhibit the growth, development cancerous tumors. If you eat it regularly, you can reduce the risk of cancer.

It is useful to eat sauerkraut dishes as often as possible, drink its brine for diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and intestines. Thanks to fiber, it contributes to increased production of gastric juice by the body.

Since it contains a lot of lactic acid, which helps to survive beneficial bacteria inhabiting the intestines, it effectively fights pathogens there. Therefore, with frequent regular use sauerkraut greatly reduces the risk of E. coli infection.

Also, lactic acid will quickly eliminate bad smell from the mouth, it will help to put the muscular system in order, and fatigue and spleen with daily eating of such cabbage will soon leave you.

So sauerkraut has useful properties, no doubt! And they don't end there. She herself, her pickle traditional healers used to treat colds used for epilepsy, bronchial asthma.

In general, when fermenting cabbage, it is useful to add other vegetables and fruits to it. At the same time, all their useful substances will be perfectly preserved in brine. For example, adding carrots, we save carotene, apples - vitamins C and P, Bell pepper- carotene and vitamin C.

Contraindications for eating sauerkraut

Often there is a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey. So sauerkraut is no exception. It should not be used by patients with peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis during an exacerbation.

In the rest of the quiet time, you can drink brine, but with some caution.

It should also be remembered that sauerkraut, its brine, has a high salt content. And this will not benefit people suffering from hypertension, edema, kidney disease.

They should thoroughly rinse the cabbage from the brine before use.

Everyone else can fearlessly use the beneficial properties of sauerkraut in medicinal and preventive purposes.

Soon the store shelves will be filled with elastic heads of cabbage. Stock up on them, leaven,. Do not forget to add more carrots, put a few sour apples, bay leaves, dill seeds. Eat and be healthy!


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Fermentation - preservation, the basis of which is the fermentation of vegetables. Preservation occurs with the help of lactic acid, which is produced by lactic acid bacteria. It is unlikely that our distant ancestors knew about this. But every autumn, starting from mid-October, both in the old days and in our days, everyone sauerkraut. There is even a day on the calendar - Sergey kapustnik, falls on the eighth of October.

There are a large number of sauerkraut recipes, the taste of sauerkraut is different for each housewife, but the beneficial properties are the same. Properly fermented cabbage is well stored from autumn to spring, and if the cellar is cold, then until summer. To obtain different tastes, different vegetables and fruits are added to it: apples, cranberries, carrots, beets. Dry spices: dill seed, cumin also add their own notes to the taste of ready-made cabbage.

Cooking sauerkraut is not difficult. The taste will depend to a greater extent on the variety of white cabbage. It is better to use late varieties suitable for salting.

For two or three heads of medium size, you will need three carrots, coarse salt, not iodized. Chop cabbage, grate carrots, salt to taste and grind everything well in a basin. Put in a saucepan, press down with oppression. After a few days, the fermentation process will begin in the cabbage, it will need to be pierced, opened for ventilation. When the gurgling in the cabbage stops, the juice will become transparent, it is ready for use. And in this article we will consider


The benefits of any product are determined by its composition, cabbage contains:

  1. Vitamins.
  2. Bioflavonoids.
  3. A nicotinic acid.
  4. Methylomethonine.
  5. Complex carbohydrates.

Cabbage is rich in vitamins, most of all it contains vitamin C. The human body does not produce it, so the vitamin must come from consumed foods. It affects the state of the cardiovascular system, normal work liver, blood production, the state of the immune system.

For good assimilation vitamin C, bioflavonoids are required. In cabbage, they are represented in sufficient quantities by vitamin P. Thanks to bioflavonoids, the process of assimilation of oxygen by human tissues is underway.

It is enough to add 100 gm of sauerkraut in the form of a salad for lunch or dinner, and a person will be provided with vitamins C, P for the whole day.

Sauerkraut, its juice, sources of vitamins: A, E, H, K, nicotinic acid, methylomethionine. Methylomethionine - vitamin U, protector of the gastric mucosa.

Starch, fiber, pectins, organic acids - complex carbohydrates, as part of sauerkraut. They contribute normal digestion, the removal of toxins, can serve as protection against the occurrence of malignant neoplasms.

Useful properties of sauerkraut

It is possible to distinguish a number useful qualities cabbage, good for organs human body, such as:

  • Digestion.
  • Heart, vessels.
  • endocrine system.
  • Immune system.
  • nervous system.


The main organs that perform the functions of digestion in the body:

  • Stomach
  • Intestines

The use of sauerkraut has a slight laxative effect, promotes the development beneficial microflora intestines, stimulates appetite. It is recommended to include it in the diet for people with a diagnosis of gastritis with low acidity, hemorrhoids, chronic constipation.

The effect of sauerkraut on the heart, blood vessels

sauerkraut - good prophylactic from diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Great content fiber contributes to the withdrawal bad cholesterol, and this leads to the health of blood vessels. Reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis.

Diseases of the endocrine system

A common disease is diabetes mellitus. People with such diseases are forced to adhere to a diet. Sauerkraut is allowed to be included in their diet. The main preservative in fermentation is lactic acid. It works well on the pancreas. Sauerkraut, having low calorie, permanently reduces the feeling of hunger. This helps to normalize weight, which is important for patients with diabetes.

Strengthening the immune system

Eating cabbage, vitamins included in it, strengthen the immune system. There is a chance not to get SARS. Unlucky, sick, cabbage can act as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent. Juice diluted with water is a good gargle for a sore throat.

Nervous system

If you regularly consume sauerkraut, the body will receive vitamins of group B in sufficient quantities. The body can more easily tolerate excessive emotional stress and stress. Frequent headache, insomnia, bad memory- a sign of a lack of these vitamins. Eating cabbage will help get rid of them.

Sauerkraut treatment

Some diseases can be treated with sauerkraut and its juice.

Treatment of bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma can be: hereditary, allergic, infectious nature. Symptoms: cough, hard breath, frequent suffocation. Explained by bronchial spasms.

Folk recipe for treatment bronchial asthma: daily rate half a kilogram of sauerkraut, chopped onion head, small size, garlic clove.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

A sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnation in the pelvic organs, frequent constipation. The consequence of this pathological changes rectum, appearance hemorrhoids. You can relieve inflammation, reduce pain, if you apply a medical napkin soaked in sauerkraut juice. In addition, drink a glass of brine. One in the morning, the other in the evening.

Sexual dysfunction

If from the transferred stress, taking antibiotics, frequent alcohol consumption, a man has problems in the sexual sphere. Sauerkraut may help. It is necessary to eat about 300 gm daily.

Stones in the gallbladder

In case of metabolic disorders, proper nutrition, availability chronic diseases, V gallbladder, bile ducts stones may form. To alleviate the condition, you can drink half a glass of sauerkraut juice before each meal.


With absence good nutrition avitaminosis may develop. Its symptoms:

  • Headache
  • The gums are bleeding
  • Non-healing cracked lips
  • Frequent SARS

From bleeding helps rinsing with brine, prolonged chewing of cabbage. To replenish the missing vitamins, eat freshly prepared salads with sauerkraut every day. Before eating, drink half a glass of brine.

Get rid of worms

The presence of worms in the human body leads to weight loss, the appearance of excessive irritability, frequent dizziness. Sauerkraut will help to bring them out, you need to eat it at least 200 gm, and separately from other food.

Benefits of sauerkraut juice

All the beneficial substances present in cabbage are also in its juice, only in greater concentrations. You can get more juice by chopping cabbage and then squeezing it.

Benefits for women

Any woman can use cabbage for cosmetic purposes. Cabbage will help brighten the skin, get rid of age spots on the hands, face.

Making a mask out of it is not difficult.. Grind the cabbage very finely, keep it on your face for about 12 minutes. Cleanse face, rinse warm water. This procedure tones, reduces wrinkles, slightly brightens the skin.

Having oily skin use a slightly different recipe with the addition of protein and starch. The essence is the same. Keep for 10 minutes, then rinse. Oily sheen will decrease, the pores will narrow.

Dry skin mask will help: 2 tbsp. l. chopped sauerkraut mixed with one yolk, 1 tsp. sunflower oil. Keep the mixture for 12 minutes. Rinse with warm water only. To eliminate the feeling of tightness of the skin, apply a face cream.

Hair health

A mask is useful for hair roots: brine one part, honey one part, mix well. Rub into hair roots, wash off after half an hour. For best effect put on a shower cap, wrap your head with a towel.

Benefits for men

Men should eat sauerkraut. It will only bring benefits. Increased physical and mental activity. A small amount of calories will eliminate the possibility of obesity. Good job intestine will prevent the development of hemorrhoids.

For weight loss

For people involved in weight loss, the properties of sauerkraut will come in handy. Its ability to speed up metabolism, improve bowel function, leads to weight loss. There are few calories in cabbage. You can not limit its quantity. It is digested for a long time, so the feeling of satiety does not disappear for a long time.

You do not need to go on a complex diet, it is enough to exclude starchy foods and sweets from the diet. There are salads with sauerkraut. The weight will gradually go away. Juice can also be used for weight loss. Drink a quarter cup before meals.

Contraindications, possible harm

Juice and cabbage are forbidden to be consumed by people who are in acute stage diseases:

  • gastritis
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach
  • Kidney
  • The gallbladder and its ducts.
  • pancreatitis.

There are diseases in the presence of which, doctors do not recommend the use of sauerkraut and its juice, this is with such diseases as:

  • Excess flatulence
  • Gastritis with high acidity.
  • Hypertension.
  • Heart disease causing edema.

Not always the acids and salts contained in sauerkraut and juice can be beneficial. Even healthy man, should assess his well-being, moderately eat any food. To soften the action of acids, cabbage should be seasoned sunflower oil, squeeze out the brine.

Video recipe for sauerkraut - simple and healthy

Regularly, eating sauerkraut in reasonable amounts, you can prevent the occurrence of diseases caused by a lack of vitamins.

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