Acid-base balance of the body (pH balance) or acid-base balance (ABR). Acid-base balance: how to measure

Our well-being is affected by general health organs and systems of the body, and the lifestyle we lead, and a balanced diet.

The fluctuation of the acid-base balance leads to disruption of the activity of organs and systems, which makes them defenseless against attacks. various viruses and bacteria. Let's talk about the role played by the acid-base balance of human blood in general, and also consider whether a blood test is possible for acid-base balance.

The term "acid-base balance" means the ratio of acid and alkali in any solution. When talking about such a balance in the body, experts mean that our body is 80% water, and, accordingly, has a certain acid-base ratio, which is determined by the pH indicator. Its value depends on the number of negatively and positively charged ions and on their ratio to each other.

Violations of the acid-base balance.

  1. Raise acidity organism (acidosis)

Acidosis can provoke ailments of the heart and blood vessels, cause a set excess weight and diabetes. Increased acidity often leads to impaired functioning of the kidneys, bladder and the formation of stones. In patients with such a problem, immunity worsens, weakness develops, and working capacity decreases. Acidosis often leads to brittle bones and other musculoskeletal disorders. Patients experience joint pain and discomfort in the muscles.

  1. Increase alkalis in organism (alkalosis)

With such a violation, experts talk about the development of alkalosis. In this case, the full absorption of nutrients also worsens. With the accumulation of alkali in the body, the food as a whole is absorbed slowly, due to which toxins enter the bloodstream. Alkalosis is particularly difficult to correct, but it develops quite rarely. In most cases given state due to the use of drugs that have alkali in their composition.

Analysis on acidic-alkaline balance

A blood test for acidity can be carried out in almost any clinic. After taking blood from a finger, it is examined using an electrometric technique. Normal arterial plasma acidity usually ranges from 7.37 to 7.43 pH. Even a small shift from these data signals acidosis or alkalosis. It is worth noting that a change in blood acidity of more than 7.8 pH or less than 6.8 pH is incompatible with life.

You can easily find out the acid-base balance of saliva or other body fluid by purchasing pH test strips from a pharmacy. The most informative analysis of morning urine for acid-base balance.

How normalize acidity blood?

It is not so difficult to control the acidity of the blood, you just need to eat right and maintain healthy lifestyle life. To achieve the balance of acid and alkali in the body with acidosis, you need to pay attention to alkalizing foods. Of particular usefulness are different types of green salads, cereals, all varieties of vegetables (raw), as well as dried fruits and various nuts (especially walnuts and almonds). Patients with acid disorders need to drink plenty of clean drinking water.

Remarkably increase the amount of alkali in the body foods such as mango, melon, watermelon, lemon and orange, as well as spinach, raisins, sultana grapes and apricots. The diet should include freshly squeezed vegetable juices, apples, parsley and celery. Garlic and many medicinal herbs will also be a wonderful alkalizing agent.

When the body is oxidized, it is desirable to significantly reduce the consumption of fatty, high-calorie and smoked foods, as well as alcoholic beverages. Patients with this disorder should not take too much coffee and should not smoke.

It is also worth buying special healing alkaline water to drink. It is enriched with ions and is able to strengthen the immune system. Such a drink effectively cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, it is able to slow down the aging process and regulate the activity of the digestive organs. This water should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, as well as during the day - two to three glasses.

Thus, lifestyle changes and a properly balanced diet will help maintain the acid-base balance of the body and avoid its disturbances.

Folk treatment

Traditional medicine experts advise patients with acid disorders to take medicines based on various herbs to normalize the acid-base balance.

So, when the body is oxidized, taking a decoction based on oats gives an excellent effect. Rinse one glass of unpeeled grains well and fill with a liter of water. Put on fire and boil for one hour. Strain the finished medicine and take it a third of the glass at a time. Drink all the prepared remedy for the day.

Even with violations of the acid-base balance, you can prepare a medicine from equal parts of chamomile, tansy and St. John's wort. Brew a tablespoon of the collection with one glass of boiling water. Infuse the medicine under the lid for twenty minutes, then strain. Take the finished product half a cup half an hour before a meal. Drink the resulting volume of infusion per day in several doses. The duration of such therapy is one to two weeks.

To cope with violations of the acid-base balance, you can use a medicine based on needles. You can use both spruce and pine needles. Rinse it, dry it a little and grind it. Brew five tablespoons of such raw materials with one liter of boiling water. Add three tablespoons of crushed rose hips and a couple of tablespoons to the container onion peel. Bring to a boil over medium heat. After that, reduce the heat and boil for another ten minutes. Infuse the resulting broth for ten hours, then strain. Take the drink throughout the day in small sips. The duration of treatment is one and a half weeks.

Violation of the acid-base balance of the blood is fraught with the development of many unpleasant symptoms: deterioration in well-being and performance, as well as the occurrence various diseases. But, fortunately, such a problem can be completely prevented - you just need to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle.

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According to many experts, very high acidity body disrupts the normal functioning of organ systems, and they become defenseless against a variety of bacteria and viruses.

pH is the number of hydrogen atoms in a particular solution. If it is equal to 7, then this is a neutral environment, if from 0 to 6.9, then this is an acidic environment, from 7.1 to 14 - alkaline. As is known, human body 80% consists of aqueous solution. The body constantly tries to balance the ratio of acid and alkali in this solution.

If the acid-base balance is disturbed, it can cause serious disturbances in the body. When eating foods rich in acid, and not enough water, acidification of the whole body occurs. These foods include sodas, cereals, foods containing sugar, substitutes, baked goods, meat products, and meats.

Nobel laureate Otto Warburg received his prize for discovering that in an oxygen-rich environment, cancer cells do not multiply, and later it was further proved that viruses, bacteria and fungi are inactive in such an environment. The higher the pH level, which has an alkaline reaction, the higher the concentration of oxygen molecules (calorificator). In an acidic environment, there is an increase in the concentration of CO2 and the formation of lactic acid, which creates prerequisites for the growth of cancer cells.

Checking your acid-base balance is quite simple with the help of a special test - test strips of litmus paper, which can be bought at a pharmacy. The most optimal pH balance is 6.4-6.5. It is best to determine your acid-base balance one hour before meals, or two hours after.

As for the pH of saliva, its value indicates the active work of the digestive tract enzymes, especially the liver and stomach. The normal acidity of mixed saliva is 6.8-7.4 pH. It is usually measured at noon on an empty stomach or two hours after eating. Decreased acidity oral cavity often leads to caries, gum disease, bad smell from mouth.

In medicine, there is such a term as "acidosis" - this is increased acidity. This condition often leads to the use of large amounts and complications diabetes. At hyperacidity may have heart problems and blood vessels. A person can quickly gain weight. Very often in such cases there are diseases of the kidneys, bladder and reduced immunity.

An increase in the level of alkali in the body is called alkalosis. In this case, there is also poor absorption minerals. The cause of this condition in the body may be long-term use medicinal substances containing a large number of alkali. Alkalosis is quite rare, but it can also cause serious and negative changes in our body. These include diseases skin and liver, unpleasant and pronounced odor from the mouth, and others.

To maintain the optimal acid-base balance of the body (30 ml per 1 kg of body). As for food, there should be several times more alkali-rich foods than acidic foods.

Plant foods, like vegetables and fruits, contribute to the formation of an alkaline reaction, and cereals, meat, processed foods in the form of sausages, convenience foods, bakery products- sour. To maintain an optimal acid-base balance, it is necessary that plant foods predominate in the diet.

The doctors say it's in our best interests to keep correct level acids and alkalis in the body. Only with an optimal pH balance, our body absorbs well useful material.

In our body there are natural mechanisms that establish an acid-base balance. These are the buffer systems of the blood, the respiratory system and the excretory system. When these processes are disturbed, our body releases acids into the gastrointestinal tract, into the kidneys and lungs, and also into our skin. It is also able to neutralize acids with minerals and accumulate acids in muscle tissue(calorizer). If you feel tired, then this may mean that the hemoglobin in the blood neutralizes the acid. If dizziness, headaches, convulsions and insomnia are observed, then this may signal that in nerve endings, muscle tissue and bones are used.

That's how many health problems can arise due to acid-base imbalance. Do not let things take their course, take into account that prevention is the key good health. Monitor your body's pH regularly to avoid many diseases.

A huge number of different chemical processes are constantly taking place in the human body, and there is neither the possibility nor the need to regulate and influence them. They are not visible, but great importance for life. However, certain habits, lifestyle and behavior of a person in one way or another affect the course of such processes and, consequently, general well-being and health in general. This article will talk about.

All metabolic processes in the human body are called homeostasis. Homeostasis can be defined as the ability to self-regulate, that is, the body's ability to maintain its internal state due to certain reactions that are in balance and coordination. In simple words is the body's ability to regulate internal processes, cleansing, resistance to disease and environmental factors.

Acids are substances that are capable of donating hydrogen ions, while alkalis or bases are capable of adding these ions. Accordingly, the action of these two elements is directly opposite. The strength of such an action is characterized by the pH indicator. Its value ranges from 1 to 14. So, PH 1 is the value of the strongest acid, PH 14 is the strongest alkali (base). The neutral environment (PH level) is the pH value of 7. The pH level of blood in absolutely healthy person(reference) is 7.4 - 7.45. At this level, neither an alkaline nor an acidic chemical reaction occurs.

For a stable state of the body and the creation of favorable conditions for its independent activity (cleansing, nutrition, protection, absolute health), this level should be in the range of pH = 7.35 - 7.45.

To ensure an optimal balance of this kind, it is necessary that the content of these substances in the body be regulated. If this state is not reached, in the course of metabolic processes, harmful acids(urinary, lactic, carbonic acid). The main task of a person is to maintain balance, for which it is necessary to know in what conditions its violation occurs. After all, the foods that we eat every day also contain alkalis and acids. In some cases, the acid content is higher, and the alkali content is lower. Then acidosis is observed in the body (negatively charged ions - acids accumulate in the blood and tissues). At the same time, the pH level is less than 7.35. When the body is oversaturated with alkali, alkalosis occurs. The pH level in this case exceeds the value of 7.45. Both of these phenomena indicate the beginning of a healing process that starts the body to bring the system into balance. PH values ​​above 7.8 and below 6.8 are impossible, that is, incompatible with life.

The internal environments of the body are lymph, blood, bile, urine, feces, saliva, etc. All of them have a certain level of acidity. So, the blood is characterized by weak alkalinity (close to neutral), urine - weak acidity, saliva - slightly acidic. An empty stomach has a weak acidity, but when food enters it, the process of developing gastric juice and the environment becomes more acidic.

This balance is the level of balance of these environments, necessary for their optimal ratio and, therefore, good health. Excessive acidification of the body or a change in the level of acidity is increasingly becoming the main cause of weakened immunity. In this case, there is a violation of body weight, skin problems, the formation of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder, and many other disorders.

When do disturbances in homeostasis occur? When a person eats improperly, abuses alcohol, smokes, does not play sports. That is, on the face of all the signs of a wrong lifestyle. As a result of such existence, serious violations occur in the activity of protective mechanisms. Strongly at the same time immunity suffers. Decay products are not completely removed. The result of such processes is the development of the disease.

This balance is also affected by external factors. So, shampoo, soap, shower gel act on the skin. The nature of this effect depends on what level of acidity they have, whether it will be neutral or harmful. IN Lately more attention has been paid to such an indicator as the level of acidity, and cosmetical tools now pass special control compliance. Acidity level healthy skin is 5.5 - 6.7. The vast majority of such funds are produced by industry with a pH level of 4.6 - 7.4. Even if the pH level is not neutral, human skin is able to neutralize acid and alkali and restore its individual level of acidity. Then the result of the use of such a product will be a slight peeling or dandruff. When you change shampoo or cream, these signs will disappear.

The main signs of violations

An excess of acid in the body is a sure step towards illness. When a large amount of acid takes part in the metabolic process, the body tries its best to eliminate this excess. With the help of the lungs, carbon dioxide is exhaled, sweat comes out through the skin, the kidneys - urine, the intestines - feces. When the body cannot cope with the removal of these excesses, acids begin to accumulate in the connective tissue (gaps between cells), tissue slagging occurs. In such a situation, there is a high degree of danger inflammatory process. The type and form of the disease depends on the organ in which the pollution is concentrated.

In general, to external manifestations Such violations in the work of the body can be attributed to:

  • Fatigue;
  • lethargy;
  • The complexion becomes gray, pale, yellowish (unhealthy);
  • Acne, redness and dry skin;
  • Violations at work gastrointestinal tract(constipation, bloating);
  • Weight loss (overweight or underweight);
  • Weakness and pain in the muscles.
For a more detailed description and description, it is possible to classify the symptoms of this disease according to the areas of occurrence:

So, the general condition of a person can be characterized by such signs:

  1. Weakness;
  2. Chronic fatigue;
  3. Decreased body temperature;
  4. Feeling cold;
  5. Chills;
  6. Lack of strength, energy.
Wherein emotional condition characterized by sadness, black thoughts, depression, irritability and excessive nervousness.

Describing his suspicions, the patient calls headaches, inflammation of the eyes, pallor on the face. At the same time, in reproductive system there are failures in the form of discharge and inflammation of the urinary tract.

As for the stomach, there are belching with a sour taste, pain and spasms, exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers. Similar sensations are also present in the intestinal region.

When characterizing the functioning of the kidneys and bladder, the patient calls such suspicions:

  1. acid urine;
  2. Burning sensation in the bladder area;
  3. Stones in the kidneys;
  4. Inflammation in the urinary tract.
Manifestations of disorders in the work of the respiratory tract:
  1. Frequent runny nose, SARS, tonsillitis;
  2. Laryngitis;
  3. Adenoids;
  4. Allergy;
  5. Frequent cough or urge to cough.
The skin is characterized by dryness, the presence of sour sweat, frequent redness and irritation. Acne, pimples, fistulas, eczema (often dry) appear.

Nails become thin, brittle and flaky. Furrows and white spots appear on them. A fungal infection often accompanies.

There are spasms and cramps in the legs. Arms and legs often ache and twist (especially in the weather). Pain in the joints, back and ligaments. Bones crackle and become prone to fracture.

The pressure is characterized by low rates, chilliness, a rapid heart rate are felt. The hemoglobin content in the blood decreases (anemia).

Concerning endocrine system, then the endocrine glands (pancreas, adrenal glands, gonads) are depleted. The exception is the thyroid gland. On the contrary, it increases sharply.

Sensations in the oral cavity are described by the following features:

  1. Sour taste of saliva;
  2. The roots of the teeth are exposed and become more sensitive;
  3. The gums and enamel become thinner and cause pain;
  4. The tonsils become inflamed;
  5. Development of caries;
  6. Teeth crumble;
  7. Characteristic soreness after eating something sour or cold.
All of these features are visible. When a patient contacts a doctor and undergoes diagnostics, the following manifestations can be detected:
  • Stones in the kidneys;
  • Stones in the gallbladder;
  • Changes in the joints (arthrosis - as a result of an imbalance in the exchange of magnesium and calcium).
An example of excessive deposition of slags in connective tissues is the concept of cellulite familiar to many women. This is the so-called Orange peel» on the buttocks, shoulders, hips and other parts of the body. Even the appearance of the face may indicate such slagging: the skin looks tired, worn out, lifeless.

Such processes have a negative impact on the mechanism of blood movement through the vessels. Structural components of blood (red blood cells), when moving through the peroxidized tissues of the body, stick together, forming blood clots, lose elasticity and mobility. As a result of these changes, blood clots form. From where they appear, disorders and diseases of various organs arise:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • Violation of the blood circulation of the brain;
  • Hemorrhage in the brain;
  • Violation of blood circulation of the limbs (more often - legs).
The human body is a smart machine. When such an imbalance occurs, he himself tries to cope with the situation. But on their own, excess acids cannot be excreted from the body, unlike alkalis. To do this, the acid must first be neutralized, that is, it needs a base that will bind it (an antagonist). And in the process of increased acidification, they start the process of extracting calcium and magnesium from the bones. The result is osteoporosis.

When these violations turn into chronic form, without the use of appropriate treatment or other struggle with this, thin transverse cracks can be seen on the patient's tongue.

Excessive acidification is dangerous by reducing the strength of muscle contractions. Thus, the weakening of the eye muscles leads to farsightedness, the heart muscle - to heart failure, the intestinal muscles - to digestive problems (flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, etc.). The general endurance of a person to physical exertion decreases, weakness and fatigue appear. With a decrease in the level of pH, a drop in human immunity occurs, in connection with which diseases develop. As a consequence of such disorders, more than 200 various diseases. Among them are arthrosis and chondrosis, cataracts and farsightedness, gallstone, nephrolithiasis and oncology. When several diseases develop at once, this indicates a clear drop in the patient's blood pH.

Due to violations in immune system more rapid multiplication of viruses, fungi and bacteria occurs. A person is more often and more severely ill with ARVI, other infectious and viral diseases. With a problem of this kind, microelements are very poorly absorbed by the body, and vitamins - from food, biological additives and drugs. All kinds of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, blood and joints develop, as well as exacerbation and complication of existing chronic diseases.

Malignant tumor cells are capable of active development precisely when the blood is acidified (PH level is less than 7.2 - 7.3). There are cases when a cancerous tumor has already developed in the body, and when the pH level is normalized, it stops growing and then resolves!

Chronic acidification can lead to hyperfunction thyroid gland, atherosclerosis, hypertension and diabetes.

When the level of acidity changes internal environment observed headache, insomnia, low blood pressure, anxiety, swelling. constant weakness, muscle pain can be companions even of young people, but more often such manifestations are characteristic of the elderly. Due to the fact that the pH of saliva in the mouth has an acidic reaction, tooth decay occurs.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a concept as the acid-base balance of the vagina. It is one of the most important indicators characterizing the health of a woman reaching puberty. The acidity level of the vaginal environment varies depending on menstrual cycle. So, in a healthy woman before the onset of menstruation, this pH level is close to neutral (about 7.0). When the puberty begins, the walls of the vagina, under the influence of the female sex hormone estrogen, become thicker, and the pH level decreases (to about 4.4 - 4.6). The microflora of the genital area changes due to an increase in acidity during this period. If the environment of the vagina at any time is close to alkaline, this is a sign of the disease.

For example, a very common fungal infection (candidiasis or thrush) requires a less acidic environment to develop. In the body of a healthy woman, there is such an environment where lactic acid bacteria ideally develop and representatives of other microflora (pathogenic fungi and bacteria) cannot exist.

Lactic acid bacteria not only deprive the food source pathogenic microflora, but also produce useful substances that can further increase acidity and disinfect it (lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide). The reason for the decrease in acidity may be hormonal imbalance taking antibiotics and other medicines, douches and soap.

An acidic environment contributes to the rapid aging of the body. And, on the contrary, when it is brought into balance (neutral pH level), the development of aging processes stops, and the body gradually returns to normal, which has the best effect on its appearance (the skin becomes younger, weight returns to normal, lightness and youth are felt) .

Causes of violations

The main reason for the violation of the optimal level of such substances in the body is malnutrition. There is an imbalance in the diet of modern man certain substances(hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions). These substances are designed to neutralize the negative effects of excess acids. In this regard, acidosis (acidification) occurs, which is characterized by systemicity, pathogenicity, life, metabolic disorders.

According to historical data, ancient people ate 1/3 of meat ( low-fat varieties, mostly - game) and 2/3 plant food. Nutrition in this case was exclusively alkaline. There was no talk of any imbalance in the body. The man led an active lifestyle, moved a lot, ate solely to replenish energy, and, accordingly, did not know what a disease was.

Over time, the situation worsened as civilization arose. The man took up agricultural activities, began to grow grain, breed animals. The consumption of grains, cereals, milk and fatty meats had the most negative impact on his health. But the most serious consequences threaten the consumption of modern foods that have undergone industrial processing, the so-called "sour" foods.

Modern man eats foods containing saturated fats, simple sugars, table salt. But they catastrophically contain the necessary fiber, potassium and magnesium. People began to eat in large quantities the most dangerous products(thanks to them, the acidification process occurs):

Chips, carbonated drinks, hot dogs, french fries, pizza, sweets a person consumes almost every day. Products on the shelves of our stores, supposedly useful and giving health (live yoghurts and kefir, juices, etc.) are poison for humans. The label says that they are very useful, but have you read their composition??? But without these products it is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person. All of these foods are acidic.

The second most important reason for the decrease in the level of acidity, leading to illness, is stress. Strong experiences, nervous shocks, depression often lead to a violation of the pH level.

A significant influence on the occurrence of such violations is the absence of physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle is a sure way to a health disorder.

Drinking water has a negative effect on the general condition of the body, and especially on the balance of acids and alkalis. tap water unsuitable for drinking. But many still drink it, use it for cooking.

The gradual decrease in pH is also facilitated by the unfavorable environmental situation, the lack of clean air, the negative impact household appliances. It is hard to imagine our life without TV, computer, microwave oven, air conditioner. All this equipment emits substances harmful to the human body.

Experts in the field of medical psychology argue that the internal energy potential of a person is the key to strong immunity and, consequently, various deviations - with its deficiency, including the level of acidity. Charged with optimism and self-confidence, a person has the necessary level of energy to maintain an optimal balance in all organs and systems. Strong experiences and stresses can take away such vitality. For full-fledged work, the body lacks this very energy, and then the alkali leaves the body (for example, the kidneys excrete it with urine), as a result, the pH level decreases. For example, in the case of severe stress, there is a rapid drop in this indicator. The result of these changes is serious condition, in such cases, you can not do without special therapy.

The lack of magnesium, calcium and potassium also affect this process. To maintain the acid-base balance, the body extracts these elements from the bones to neutralize excess acids. Bones begin to lose magnesium first, then calcium. As a result of such processes, the muscles very quickly begin to lose their tone, as a result of which diseases (osteoporosis, arthrosis, etc.) develop. Magnesium is strongly excreted along with urine with excessive intake of sugar, which is why it is so harmful to abuse sweets. Everything in the human body is interconnected. So, calcium without the presence of magnesium is not absorbed. It allows you to establish a balance in the intake of calcium (an excess of the latter is also harmful), and also stops its excretion.

Lack of magnesium, in turn, entails a deficiency of other elements (zinc, copper, silicon, potassium, calcium). They are replaced by heavy metals (they are toxic), such as lead, aluminum, cadmium. Magnesium deficiency is caused by refined food, intensive farming (virtually all soils are now acidic, alkaline products cannot grow on them), the use of fertilizers (they prevent the penetration of magnesium into plants from the soil), as well as frequent diets. Active application chemicals, various medicines and biological additives also have a negative impact on this process.

A kind of "devourers" beneficial trace elements(as a result - acidification) of the human body are Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, caffeine, industrial confectionery, as well as excessive mental and physical stress. That is, everything that accompanies us every day.

Having delved into such facts, it becomes scary from what we eat. But, nevertheless, instead of consuming as much as possible wholesome food(from what we still have), we fry, boil, stew, boil, store food for a long time in the refrigerator, freezer. As a result, it becomes simply unsuitable for our body (unless you dream of getting sick). It is extremely difficult for the body to digest and assimilate such a product. To do this, he spends a colossal amount of energy, and everything possible - in order to extract at least some benefit from the incoming "raw materials". As a result, naturally, a large number of toxic substances(by-products of defective processes of digestion and assimilation). If such cases are rare unhealthy food entered your body at a wedding, birthday), nothing bad will happen.

The body is a smart and hardworking machine, it will fix everything and bring it back to normal. But if such a way of life is always present, undigested food gradually accumulates, and the body has to work in conditions of constant overstrain. Vital energy is lost, organ wear occurs, toxemia occurs (blood poisoning with toxins). Blood constantly circulates throughout the body, carrying poisons to all cells of organs, tissues and the brain.

In nature, there is a certain law of interdependence. It says that the more toxins accumulate in the body, the more body weight becomes, and the more the risk of developing various diseases increases. Since toxins are acidic, with their increase, acidity increases, and the acid-base balance is destroyed.

Methods of dealing with violations

For any health problems, of course, you need to consult a specialist. When the described signs appear, it is necessary to visit a general practitioner who will examine you. But the specificity of this disorder implies active involvement in the process of healing the patient himself. You, and only you, can help yourself in the fight against this disorder.
The doctor will help to deal with the symptoms, identify the foci of the onset of the disease, focus on the use of medications. But such an ailment cannot be cured with medicines. Preparations can only help in the cleaning process. It should be remembered that disorderly and long-term use medical treatment in this case may, on the contrary, lead to a complication of the situation.

In order to restore the acid-base balance, there are two main ways:

  1. Stop the intake of harmful substances and stimulate their active excretion;
  2. Neutralize the action of those substances that cannot be removed.
In the patient's diet, the principle of balance of alkalis and acids should be observed, with a slight preponderance of bases. It is necessary not to forget what is harmful, what you can not eat, especially during the period of purification:
  • Fatty meat, sausage, canned food;
  • refined products;
  • Sugar;
  • Semolina.
Acid suppliers, to ensure good exchange substances include:
  1. Protein products:
    • Meat of low-fat varieties;
    • Fish;
    • Cottage cheese;
  2. Legumes:
  • Peas;
  • Lentils.
Alcohol (in moderation) and natural coffee are also acid suppliers.

Alkalis are supplied by natural products (vegetables and fruits) without thermal and refined processing. IN more, the following products have such properties:

  • Vegetables (especially zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers, lettuce);
  • Root crops including (especially carrots and beets);
  • Greens (parsley, dill, cilantro);
  • Fruits and berries;
  • Herbal teas;
  • Cereals;
  • Egg yolk;
  • Nuts.
Neutral acidity have such products:
  • Butter;
  • Vegetable oil (cold pressed);
  • Water.
The most important condition for maintaining a balance is the correct combination of types of products and their quantity. For example, when eating a piece of meat (acid), the body draws alkali from its reserves to break it down. Accordingly, alkali reserves must be replenished. If you constantly eat meat, this process is continuous. Therefore, in order to regularly replenish and maintain alkaline reserves, you need to follow a simple rule.

It's called the 80/20 rule. In accordance with it, the following proportion should be observed in the diet:

  • 80% - alkaline products;
  • 20% - acid-forming products.
Of course, you should not use alcohol, preservatives and sugar substitutes to replenish acids (after all, they are active carriers of acids). Natural foods such as cranberries, blueberries, etc. will help maintain a balance. Enrich your diet with greens and beans. Fruits and vegetables frozen according to the required technology are much healthier than fresh ones sold out of season on the shelves of our supermarkets. It is very useful to drink infusions of herbs, wild rose, cranberry and currant fruit drinks, kvass (real, not carbonated - in plastic bottles).

Getting rid of the usual "unhealthy" food, pay attention to how many useful and delicious foods. This is honey, shoots of green plants, sea ​​kale, wheat germ, soy sauce, herbal teas.

Several times a week it is useful to arrange fasting days for yourself. At this time, you can eat exclusively raw fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water. Or, instead, drink fresh fruit juices (by no means those that are sold in the store in bags). At the same time, this method will help you get rid of excess weight.

In the daily diet of a person almost always predominates protein food. Fasting helps to improve and correct the situation. However, you need to be careful, for example, during Great Lent (it has a special duration), because if you have not done this before, you do not need to drastically limit yourself. It can be dangerous for the body. You can simply adjust your lifestyle, gradually bringing your diet to a certain norm.

The kidneys are the main excretory organ, through which excess acids are excreted, provided that a sufficient amount of urine is formed. Therefore, you need to drink a lot. Drink better clean water without gas. When puffiness and other disorders of potassium metabolism are observed, honey can be added to the water, Apple vinegar, lemon juice. It is useful to prepare infusions of herbs, rose hips, currants, raspberry leaves.

Contributes to a more active removal of excess acids movement. With physical exertion, breathing quickens, sweating increases - this serves as an additional route of excretion. For more vigorous activity you can also apply mineral salts (in the form of an alkaline powder), this drug is made by pharmacies.

To actively remove toxins from the body, it is necessary:

  1. Physical activity every day (sports, gymnastics) for 30 - 45 minutes;
  2. Cold and hot shower(sauna, bath, body wraps);
  3. Air baths for the whole body;
  4. Normal bowel movements (1 - 2 times a day);
  5. Normal urination (1.5 - 3 liters per day);
  6. Observe the diet: never overeat; drink water good quality(2.5 - 3 liters per day); cleanse (fasting days, enemas);
  7. Eliminate tobacco, alcohol, drugs, other stimulants;
  8. Maintain an optimistic attitude.
All described methods of healing are performed exclusively by the person himself, with obligatory condition his desire to work on himself. This process is long and persistent. Of course, there are special preparations aimed at cleansing the body of toxins. When choosing them, you need to be very careful, be sure to consult a doctor.

Phytotherapy and traditional medicine
Traditional medicine also strongly recommends eating fresh, raw foods.

We roll up jars for the winter, make compotes, jams, winter salads, preserve cucumbers and tomatoes. And we believe that this will ensure the supply of vitamins in the cold season. As soon as we heat a product, the useful alkalinity disappears and it becomes acidic. traditional healers insist that it is necessary to drink fresh juices from vegetables and fruits, they give freshness and serve as a source of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body.

Salads are an alternative to juices. Even in winter, you need to eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible. Thinking over your lunch or dinner, you must remember that, for the optimal ratio, there should be 2 to 4 times more salad than, for example, meat.

Recipe for a "healthy" salad to optimize acid levels:

  • 2 tbsp. l. boil beans. Grate fresh cucumber on a grater. Grate or finely chop 1 apple. Cut 0.5 onions. Mix, add some vegetable oil(about 1 tablespoon). If there is greens, you can also add it to the salad.
This dish serves as an excellent "medicine" for your problem. Beans in this case is an acid-forming element. Apple and cucumber contain alkali. Fresh onion forms alkali (boiled - acid). Greens also serve as a powerful alkali producer.

Cabbage is the perfect product. It can be used in various types: raw, pickled, dry. Useful is the usual white, and color, and sea.

To cleanse the body, traditional medicine has many recipes. Here are some of them:

  1. Chamomile, tansy and St. John's wort - 1 tsp each Mix. 1 st. l. the resulting collection of herbs pour a glass of boiling water. Cover and insist 15 - 20 minutes. Strain. Drink infusion half an hour before meals for 7 - 10 days;
  2. Rinse 1 cup of oats (unpeeled), pour 1 tbsp. water. Put on fire, simmer for 1 hour. Strain. Drink such a decoction of 1/3 - ¼ cup during the day;
  3. 5 st. l. needles (pine, spruce) pour 1 liter. water. Water for this is better to take melted water. Add 3 tbsp. l. rose hips and 2 - 3 tbsp. l. onion peels. Put on fire, simmer for 10 - 15 minutes. insist in dark place 10 - 12 hours. Drink this decoction throughout the day in small sips. The course of admission is 10 days. Every day you need to make a new decoction.
Representatives of traditional medicine often recommend using to cure the vast majority of diseases. therapeutic fasting. In the fight against this problem, fasting helps as well as possible. You just need to approach it "wisely". Exist various contraindications and other nuances. There are people for whom fasting is strictly contraindicated. There are diseases (including their hidden forms) in which the cessation of food intake can cause a dangerous exacerbation. Therefore, if you decide on such an experiment, you must first consult with your doctor. At the time of fasting, it is necessary that close people are close to you, able to provide assistance in time (if such a need arises). There should always be a connection with your doctor, who will be able to answer questions that arise and come to the rescue in difficult times.

The health of our body depends on an incredible variety of different factors. And in modern world, where we have a lot negative impact from outside due to bad ecology, various infections and viruses, it is important to help yourself by all means to be in shape and monitor the state of the body. Often, to poor health, deterioration of the skin, nails and hair, exacerbation allergic reactions, regular seasonal diseases, constant fatigue, depression and malfunction of the internal organs, leads to a violation of the acid-base balance. In this article, we will take a closer look at what it is, what it affects, and what should be done to restore it.

What is the acid-base balance of the body and what does it affect?

As we said above, acid-base balance is incredibly important for normal functioning all our systems and organs. It is denoted pH (strength of hydrogen) and is the ratio of acid to base. To understand what environment is currently in your body, you can conduct an appropriate test. On result:
  • 7.0 - it is neutral.
  • From zero to 6.9 - sour.
  • From 7.1 to 14.0 - alkaline.
It is believed that if the proportions are observed correctly, then the pH should lean slightly towards alkalinity and be in the range from 7.35 to 7.45. Basically, health problems arise due to strong acidity. With this phenomenon, cells do not receive the required volume of oxygen and other nutrients, their energy production decreases, they are damaged faster and recover worse, acids accumulate in tissues, especially fatty ones. There is increased fatigue, susceptibility to diseases, infections, overweight.

Failure of the acid-base balance leads to violations:

  1. in the functions of the liver. This is especially noticeable if a person consumes a lot of alcohol. Liver cells are destroyed, grow fat, dehydration sets in, blood thickens, its fluidity weakens, useful minerals are washed out.
  2. In the kidneys, bones and skin. From them, the body tries to extract the missing alkali and other minerals, which is very bad for their general condition.
  3. In the lungs. Through them, carbon dioxide is removed and when acidified, this process is inhibited, which causes even more oxidation.
  4. In the intestine. In the event of a failure, constant heaviness and nausea are felt, since the alkali produced in the intestines is simply not enough to extinguish the acid formed in the stomach. And both of these products are necessary for the normal digestion of food.
A large number of reasons can lead to an imbalance in the acid-base environment, among the main ones:
  • Little mobility.
  • Regular stressful situations, turmoil, depression.
  • Obesity.
  • Abuse of cigarettes, alcohol, sweets.
  • Regular lack of fluid.
  • Slow digestion.
  • Diseases.
  • Medicines.
  • Wrong nutrition.
This is not all that can cause a failure in the pH balance, and more often than not, this is not one thing, but a combination of reasons that complement each other. Therefore, to cope with the problem, you need to carefully monitor your lifestyle. Many nutritionists believe that the greatest harm applied malnutrition and correcting the diet will help to quickly restore the acid-base balance, which will significantly improve the functionality of the whole organism.

Restoring the acid-base balance with food

The diet for an adult should contain a minimum of sixty percent of alkaline-forming foods and, in total, a maximum of forty remaining percent, is assigned to the acid-forming group. Professionals often refer to percentage 70/30%, and sometimes even 80/20%. Before deciding how to restore the disturbed balance, let's take a look at what belongs to which group.

Alkaline environment is:

  • Various green herbal and ginger teas.
  • Lemon, lime, avocado.
  • Natural orange juice and water with lemon.
  • Soy products such as milk, cheese.
  • Goat milk and cheese.
  • Rapeseed and linseed oil.
  • Millet, amaranth, wild rice.
  • Green onion, garlic, parsley, dill, raw spinach, celery, sorrel
  • Vegetable juices.
  • String beans, asparagus, fresh corn, peas.
  • Olives, mushrooms, peppers, radishes, zucchini, beets, tomatoes, pumpkins, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, horseradish, turnips.
  • Boiled potatoes in skins.
  • White cabbage, red cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi.
  • Almonds and chestnuts.

  • The acid group includes:
    • Peanuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, cashews, walnuts, pecans.
    • Beef, pork, lamb, turkey, chicken.
    • Sea and river fish, mussels, clams, crab crayfish.
    • Canned fruit juices, especially with sweeteners, prunes.
    • Blueberries, cranberries, plums.
    • Chocolate, cocoa, sugar, especially white, biscuits.
    • Cheese, pasteurized and raw cow's milk, ice cream, butter, cottage cheese, yogurt.
    • Eggs.
    • Corn oil.
    • Alcohol.
    • Soft drinks with gas.
    • Black tea and coffee.
    • White beans, cooked spinach, rhubarb.
    • White flour, semolina, white rice, pasta.
    Especially harmful when elevated content fatty meats, semi-finished products, canned fish, refined products, sausages, alcohol, sweetened fruit juices, sugar, ketchup, mayonnaise, margarine, vinegar, soy sauce.

    Having figured out what acidic and alkaline foods are, you can move on to what to do if you have a pH imbalance. Naturally, we change the diet and maximize the amount of alkalizing products. It is believed that the first two weeks it is worth completely making up your entire diet from them. Further, you can already arrange fasting days for yourself and adjust the diet, starting from your general condition and test results. The pH test can be carried out both at home and in the clinic, today in online stores and pharmacies there are test strips for sale that determine the pH level in a liquid medium. For testing, you can use urine or saliva, and it is recommended to do it in the morning one hour before meals or 2 hours after breakfast.

    In addition to the diet, you need to monitor how you live, how your day goes, drink plenty of fluids, because with increased acidity there is pronounced dehydration. Also recommended:

    • move more;
    • to walk outside;
    • do not overeat;
    • do not get into stressful situations;
    • give up bad habits such as smoking and alcohol;
    • treat diseases in time.
    All this will make your life much more comfortable and enjoyable, and by restoring the correct ratio of acid and alkali in the body, you will notice in a couple of weeks how much you better than steel feel both physically and mentally.

    For more on restoring the acid-base balance of the body, see the video below:

    Acid-base balance (pH) is one of the indicators by which we can judge the work of our body and its health.
    Maintaining the acid-base balance in the body is very important for normal operation all internal systems person. The PH level determines the optimal activity of all enzymes involved in metabolism.

    When the balance of acids and alkalis is disturbed, then there is a decrease in the activity of enzymes, a metabolic disorder, because of this, the body begins to accumulate toxins. And the first stage of cleansing the body of toxins and toxins should be the stage of restoring the pH balance.

    Take care of yourself, smile more often and!

    The lifestyle of a modern person often leads to violations of the acid-base balance in the body. Most often people suffer increased level acidity - acidosis. This is due to the modern way of life.
    An increase in the acidity of the body leads to the absence and decrease physical activity, , strict diets, alcohol abuse and smoking.
    Acidosis is now much more common than an excess of alkali - alkalosis.

    How to measure pH at home
    How can we quickly and easily determine the pH values ​​of our body fluids at home? The simplest and also sufficient exact method pH measurement is a measurement method using litmus paper. Litmus paper is a narrow strip of paper impregnated with litmus, a dye of complex chemical composition.

    Litmus paper has high sensitivity. Therefore, manufacturers put it in special small containers, usually made of plastic, which protect it from moisture penetration. For ease of use, litmus paper is most often found in these containers in the form of a small roll (or cut strips). By pulling on the tip, located in the so-called dispenser, you can tear off the right amount of litmus paper. This should be done with dry hands so that the paper does not react to the moisture of the hands.

    To obtain the result, it is necessary to moisten the paper with saliva, placing it on the tongue for 2-3 seconds, or lower it into a jar of urine, and then compare it with the attached indicator scale, which is usually placed on the body of litmus paper.

    What indicators can we measure at home? First of all, the indicators biological fluids- saliva, tears and urine. Doing so better in the morning, once after waking up. I draw your attention, checking the pH of saliva and tears should be done before washing and brushing your teeth or rinsing your mouth. Water procedures immediately make adjustments to the pH value, and it will not correspond to the actual acid-base status.

    Next, we can measure the pH of all the drinks we drink, the pH of tap water and bottled water if you drink it regularly. You can measure the pH of soups, tea, juices - freshly squeezed and from tetra-packs, fruits, vegetables. It is possible to measure the pH of all products that have a liquid component. We did this because it was interesting to know what foods and foods we eat, and what drinks enter our body. We did not just measure, we wrote down the data in a notebook in order to have, firstly, our own database. And secondly, to see the picture of changes in pH over time. As it turned out, the pH can change when the product is exposed to temperature and under some other circumstances. We have approached pH measurement with such interest and attention because it provides information about our acid-base balance. It also informs about how foods affect its level.
    To make a conclusion about the state of the internal environment of the body, one measurement is not enough. The pH value can change during the day depending on the activity of the body, food taken, physical activity, stress, etc. In order for the readings to be objective, you need to take them several times a day for 4-5 days in a row.
    Enter the results obtained in the table, and then there will be full picture urine pH.

    Rules for measuring urine pH:
    First freeze. We do not measure the first morning urine, because it contains more acid than in the rest of the urine collections. It contains all the acids filtered out and stored by the kidneys overnight. The first test is done at the second morning urination.
    Second measurement made before dinner.
    Third before dinner.

    It is important to test before eating because the pH changes rapidly depending on the foods consumed.
    In the note we enter events that could affect the pH. For example, too much lunch, dinner at a restaurant, drinking alcohol, overtime work, sports, severe stress and other overloads.

    pH below 7 (pH acidic)
    Urine is oxidized. The internal environment of the body is also oxidized. The lower the pH, the higher the oxidation of the medium. For example, at a urine pH of 6 to 6.5, the internal environment is slightly oxidized, and at a pH of 5 to 4.5, it is strongly oxidized.
    The acidic environment of the body is the cause of all diseases that occur due to oxidation. We advise you to immediately take measures to deoxidize the body.

    pH between 7 and 7.5 (pH neutral)
    This is about normal value pH in humans good health. It is necessary to strive for this value. This is true, but with one condition: if the first morning urine is oxidized (the one that we did not measure). If the first collection is also neutral, this is not acceptable for a healthy person. The first urine collection in the morning removes the acids filtered out during the night and must be acidic.
    If this is not the case, then acids are poorly excreted, and the pH remains the same all day. Acids not removed from the body remain inside, and the internal environment is oxidized.

    pH above 7.5 (pH alkaline)
    There are three options:
    The internal environment of the body is in acid-base balance or slightly alkaline. Most often this happens when the food consists only of alkaline foods. This can be seen in vegetarians who eat little grains and dairy products. Also, alkaline pH can be found in people who daily consume a complex of minerals that they either do not need, or the need for them is not great. But these are special cases, alkaline pH is not serious violation or illness.

    In people who constantly have a urine pH above 7.5, the glands (adrenals or parathyroid), or they find others rare diseases. Usually these people are aware of their illnesses, know that they are caused by such an imbalance, and are under the supervision of doctors.

    The third group is the most common. These are people whose urine contains a lot of alkali, and the internal environment of the body, on the contrary, is oxidized. The alkaline pH of the urine in these people is not caused by excessive intake of bases (from which the body would try to get rid of, as in the case of excess acids), but by too much removal of bases from organic tissues to neutralize the highly oxidized internal environment of the body.
    This often occurs in people suffering from acid metabolism disorders. Insufficiently oxidized acids do not leave the body through the respiratory tract. The kidneys come to the aid of the body, they take on double work. But if the kidneys are weak, acids accumulate in quantities dangerous to the body.

    It is very important to pay attention to the change in the pH level in time and, if necessary, take urgent measures.

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