How to calculate the time of ovulation for conception. What methods will help to know the exact day of ovulation? Ovulation Tests

Don't put off your child

Mentally, for the appearance of the baby, young parents begin to prepare, probably already at the wedding table. Why is a family created, if not for procreation? Some even before marriage stipulate who they want: a boy or a girl. But what is the surprise when no signs of pregnancy appear.

This article is for those who are waiting for the onset of pregnancy as a miracle, but for some reason it does not occur.In such cases, usually a young woman goes to the doctor. Does she want to know how to get pregnant? How to calculate the best days for conception?

To the doctor - together!

Most often, the spouse is also invited to the antenatal clinic. You have to go there together, as they once went to the registry office. The gynecologist, of course, will tell you how to calculate the most auspicious days to conceive a baby. But before that, an anamnesis will be collected ( anamnesisthe collection of information obtained from medical examination by questioning the subject himself and/or those who know him. The study of anamnesis, like questioning in general, is not just a list of questions and answers to them. The style of the conversation between the doctor and the patient depends on the psychological compatibility, which largely determines the ultimate goal - to alleviate the patient's condition ) - find out when and how both spouses were ill. After spending necessary research will give recommendations.

Doctors believe that it takes six months to prepare for conception. For half a year, the female body must get stronger in order to endure healthy child. The body of a man, no matter how strange it may seem, also needs to be prepared.

Vitaminization - first of all!

Even if the couple is healthy, vitamins will be prescribed for the man and woman. And both are the same. folic acid, vitamins A, E, C; prescribe zinc and selenium.

You ask: why?

Same restorative drugs act on the male and female body in different ways.

  • Folic acid, which is called the "vitamin of pregnancy." In women before conception, it promotes the maturation of eggs. In men - high-quality sperm. However, a woman will drink this vitamin until the end of pregnancy. A man can be stopped with a successful onset of conception.
  • Vitamin A in men causes sexual desire and improves sperm quality. An unborn child needs vitamin A for the peephole. But usually doctors do not allow to exceed its dosage.
  • "Women's vitamin" E, which is called the vitamin of youth and beauty, takes care of the skin, bones, nails. In men, it promotes the maturation of spermatozoa.
  • Vitamin C is a good stimulant. It will protect spermatozoa from free radicals. It is also important for women.
  • Selenium promotes the production of sperm and prolongs their life, not allowing them to die prematurely.
  • Zinc also increases the viability of spermatozoa. So, it is useful for men for a full conception.
  • B vitamins are more often prescribed to women on the eve of conception: B6 - promotes proper formation cerebral cortex in the future baby. They must be saturated with the body future mother. In addition, in combination with B12 and B1, it has a positive effect on the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal system developing fetus. These vitamins should be enough in the body of the expectant mother even before conception.
  • Vitamin D is good for both mother and child. It is necessary for the formation healthy teeth at the baby. And for the preservation of the teeth of a mother who carries a child under her heart.

When future parents have become stronger, physically and mentally prepared for the appearance of a small family member, you can do the calculation right day conception of the firstborn.

Methods for determining the best days for conception

  • calendar
  • vaginal
  • ultrasonic
  • test
  • calculator
  • folk

calendar method

The first way you will probably be offered in the antenatal clinic. It consists in maintaining women's calendar. But this must be done punctually, in the morning measuring the basal temperature at the same time in the rectum or vagina.

The data is neatly entered into the calendar. On normal days, the rectal temperature will be 36.6°. Just before ovulation, it will rise to 37 °. During ovulation - up to 37.2 °. After a month, you can draw a curve by connecting the value points.

The next month, immediately after mensis, we again enter the measurement data into our calendar. It is advisable to continue measuring basal temperature for three months in a row.

This is how you determine the length of your menstrual cycle. (Ideally, it is 28 days). And calculate the days of ovulation, when the egg, having matured, enters the fallopian tube. There comes a favorable moment for conception. As soon as your thermometer - it is advisable to use an electronic one - it is more convenient and accurate - showed 37 °, then the beneficial time for conception has come. Start active sexual activity.

A cycle shortened to 21 days or extended to 35 days should not be considered a deviation from the norm. In the first case, ovulation, which lasts only two days, will occur on the 6th-7th-8th day. (The second half of any cycle is 14 days). This is not even known to all gynecologists! And you will know. In the second - on the 20-22nd day. And not on the 10th and 17-18th, as many people mistakenly believe, assuming that for any length of the cycle, ovulation falls exactly in the middle.

We should not forget that several times a year there are cycles without ovulation, when an egg is not formed.

vaginal way

This method is quite simple. An experienced woman always feels ovulation. Vaginal discharge on such days resembles the contents chicken protein. The slime is just as sticky.

There are other signs as well. Puffy chest. The ovary pulls and aches - from the side where the egg is preparing to enter the fallopian tube to meet with the sperm. rises sex drive. So nature itself takes care of procreation.

How to determine the day of ovulation?


One of the most accurate methods for determining the days of ovulation is ultrasound. A woman can always use ultrasound monitoring. It is also called folliculometry.

Doctor highly qualified on the device monitors the entire process of maturation of the ovary, starting from the 8th-10th day of the menstrual cycle, or immediately after menstruation, every two days. Until the follicle reaches 1.8-2.4 cm during ovulation. But the maturation of the follicle is not yet a guarantee of pregnancy, since it may not rupture, but continue to grow until it forms a cyst. Normally, the rupture of the follicle is indicated by the presence of fluid from the burst follicle in the back of the uterus and an increase in progesterone, the formation of a corpus luteum.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

By observing a woman for two or three months, the doctor can name exact days ovulation, guided characteristic features on an ultrasound machine. He can also determine the reasons for its absence during the anovulatory cycle.

With the test

You can recommend a test method. You can buy test strips, similar to the strips used to determine pregnancy, at a pharmacy. Just like pregnancy strips, they are dipped into urine. Their color will depend on the content of estrogen in the body.

You need to follow this for exactly a week. On anovulatory days, one strip will change color. The day before ovulation, both strips will take on the same bright color. So, the next day you can start creating the miracle of another small life. He is the best!

It is this method that women like to use the most. It is simpler than the measurement method basal body temperature and more accurate.


Not everyone knows what exists modern method determining ovulation with a special calculator. This can be done on the site

You can try. For exact definition you need to enter only the date of the last menstruation, duration monthly cycle and calculation period. The calculator will do the rest for you.

Suppose young parents have planned the conception of a child in the near future. A woman has a 24-day cycle. Last period was October 1st. We take 3 settlement periods: October, November and December.

The calculator gives the following results:

Best days to conceive: from 9 to 17 October, from 2 to 10 November, from 26 November to 4 December.

As you can see, as many as 14 favorable days fall in November, use them for conception.

folk method

This old way of determining the most favorable days for conceiving your own child is very simple. Duration is taken female cycle and is divided exactly in half. For example, a woman has a classic cycle of 28 days. We split it in half. And add and subtract one day at a time. So, the best days for love pleasures will be: from the 13th to the 15th.

Sometimes they take into account the lunar cycle, which in a woman's life has importance. It is believed that neither on the new moon, nor on the full moon, nor in the last third of the lunar cycle, on the waning moon, is it worth conceiving a child. For this, the growing moon is better suited.

Girl or boy?

In anticipation of a child in families, they think: who will be born, a girl or a boy. Grandmothers try to determine this by certain signs. If the belly is cone forward, then it will be a boy. If the stomach is round, and the hips are fuller, then you have to wait for the girl.

Now the sex of the child is determined by ultrasound. Ultrasound is better than any grandmother “sees”: who is hiding there in my mother’s tummy.

But in young families where they are expecting their first child, they want to know the sex of the child even before it gets into this belly. They plan a baby in families where there are already children. I have a boy, I want a girl. Or vice versa.

Doctors believe that if sexual intercourse occurred on the eve of ovulation, a girl will be born. If after - a boy.

Oriental sages advise: in order to have a son, sleep with a headboard to the north. Those who are expecting a daughter - to the south.


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Reading time: 5 minutes

The question of childbearing sooner or later arises in the life of any woman. It becomes especially relevant when a woman who dreams of getting pregnant has problems or menstrual irregularities. Many are also concerned about the need for contraception and pregnancy planning. Ovulation - physiological phenomenon body of a woman, inextricably linked with the above issues.

Methods for calculating the period of ovulation

The term "ovulation" means the process of maturation of the egg and its release into the area fallopian tubes. Female germ cells mature once a month. Ovulation- best time to conceive a child. Having accurate information about the timing of her ovulation, a woman gets the opportunity to independently plan a pregnancy, calculate the best time for intercourse and create favorable conditions for pregnancy with a child of the desired sex.

According to basal temperature

How to calculate ovulation based on basal body temperature? To do this, every day in the morning, using an ordinary thermometer, measure the temperature by the rectal method for seven minutes. Record the results in a table, where write the days of the cycle horizontally, and enter the temperature indicators in the vertical column. For reporting, select a special diary. The day before ovulation, the basal temperature will drop, and immediately after ovulation it will become 0.3-0.6 degrees higher (37 degrees Celsius and higher). At this level, the temperature will be kept until the onset of menstruation.

Factors such as illness, stress, alcohol or sexual intercourse affect the calculation of basal body temperature.

test strips

Self-calculation of ovulation using test strips involves determining the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine, which increases 24-36 hours before the onset of ovulation. Using test strips and reusable portable devices is very simple, because the principle of determining ovulation using tests is similar to the test method for determining pregnancy, the only difference is in the chemical reaction.

Place the tip of the test strip under the stream of urine for five seconds. In a few minutes you will get the finished result:

  • If the test line is paler than the control line, then the LH level has not risen and you need to continue testing.
  • If the result line matches the color of the control strip or is darker, then you will soon ovulate.

Test in the morning, afternoon, or evening, but try to do it at same watch. Try not to go to the toilet four hours before the test so that the concentration of the hormone in the urine is sufficient. For the most accurate results, do not drink a lot of water.

calendar method

To calculate ovulation using the calendar method, you should determine the duration of your menstrual cycle for six months to a year. During this time, keep a diary with a corresponding tablet, where you regularly enter the dates when menstruation begins and ends. We must not forget to record all the dates of the cycle, because the effectiveness of planning will depend on the accuracy of the data long-awaited pregnancy.

To calculate the onset of the fertile period, that is, a favorable time for pregnancy, you should use the ovulation calculator or simple arithmetic operations. From the very short period subtract 18 days from the menstrual cycle - this will be the beginning of ovulation. The last day of the fertile period is calculated by subtracting 11 days from the longest cycle.

How to accurately calculate the day of ovulation for conceiving a child

Calculating the exact timing of fertility will help a woman to properly organize the planning of a child. To determine the sex of the unborn baby, an important role is played by the difference between behavior male spermatozoa X and Y. The sex of the child directly depends on what type of sperm meets the egg.

To conceive a girl

In order to calculate ovulation for conception of a girl, it is necessary to increase the possibility of meeting X-sperms with an egg. Male sperm contains them in smaller quantities. X-spermatozoa move at a low speed, but are distinguished by survivability. It is necessary to reduce the amount of sperm and try to create an acidic environment in the vagina. right time for sexual intercourse - a couple of days before ovulation.

To conceive a boy

The conception of a boy is due to the activity of Y-spermatozoa, which differ increased mobility but short lifespan. To maximize your chances of getting pregnant as a boy, you should try to conceive during or just after ovulation. On the first day of ovulation, the chances of conceiving a boy increase significantly.

The correct calculation of the fertile period will allow you not to make mistakes in choosing the right time to conceive a child of the desired gender, as well as avoid regrets about negative consequences unplanned pregnancy.

How to correctly calculate the date of ovulation with an irregular cycle

Rectal basal temperature measurement is one of the possible ways ovulation calculation for irregular periods. In order to calculate the timing of the fertile period as correctly as possible, you will have to measure the temperature regularly every day for three months. It is important to monitor daily temperature fluctuations and listen to the sensations, since even a jump of 0.3 degrees Celsius is a sign of the end of ovulation. Only an attentive and responsible approach to the calculation of all temperature indicators will bring the long-awaited motherhood closer.

You should not place high hopes on other methods and try to apply other methods for calculating fertile days, because monitoring the growth of follicles on ultrasound will help determine the onset of this period. This is one of the most popular methods for determining the right period for conception. The first ultrasound procedure should be carried out on the 7th-8th day of the cycle, and the second and all subsequent ones - at your personal request or as directed by the doctor. Ovulation occurs when the follicle reaches a size of 18 to 21 mm. To get pregnant with irregular periods, you need to follow all the instructions of the gynecologist.

Deciding to have a baby with a loved one is not enough. But it is also important to seriously approach the issue of pregnancy planning, because the slightest wrong action can delay the appearance of a long-awaited baby.

Online ovulation calculator

The ovulation calculator allows you to quickly get the most accurate result of the calculation of the menstrual cycle and best period to conceive a child. The calculator provides a unique opportunity to calculate the ovulation schedule for free, choose the best time to conceive a child or avoid an unplanned pregnancy. To obtain accurate data, it is recommended to keep a special calendar for six months - a plate in which you need to enter all the dates of menstruation by week. Using monthly data recorded in the calendar, and online calculator, you will calculate the most accurate results.

Cycle duration

Cycle duration

duration of menstruation

duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • fertile day

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • fertile day


Calculate ovulation with an online calculator

Above on the page is a calculator that will allow you to calculate ovulation online. The service will give you the opportunity to see a calendar for the next three months, which will mark the dates most favorable for conceiving a child. You will need to enter necessary information:

  1. Date of the first day of the last menstruation;
  2. The number of days of the menstrual cycle;
  3. The duration of bleeding, that is, how many days the period lasts.
  • Red - days of menstruation;
  • Yellow - days of ovulation with a specified probability as a percentage to conceive a baby;
  • Green - the day of ovulation with the maximum potential for fertilization of the egg;

Thus, the program allows young spouses planning to replenish the family to calculate ovulation for conceiving a long-awaited baby. An additional option of our service that calculates ovulation for conception is a special marking of the days favorable for the conception of a girl, and the days from high probability conceive a boy. These categories of days are marked with corresponding icons.

Gynecologists call fertile days favorable for egg fertilization. Women who decide to calculate the ovulation calendar in our calculator will receive fairly accurate and reliable data on the fertile days in their body.

How does ovulation happen?

Ovulation is the maturation of an egg in female body inside biological cycle reproductive system. The maturation of the egg is its readiness for fertilization by a spermatozoon and, as a result, the birth of a new life inside the expectant mother.

Normal in a woman's body menstrual period has a duration of 28 to 35 days. The starting point of this cycle is the first day of menstruation. The finish point is the first day of the next menstruation. Usually ovulation occurs exactly in the middle of this cycle. If the menstrual cycle is 28 days, then on the 14th day. However, seven days are considered fertile (or favorable for conception): 1-2 days before ovulation, ovulation itself, 1-2 days after it.

If fertilization does not occur during this period, the mature egg simply dies.

Luteal phase (corpus luteum phase)

The menstrual cycle usually repeats every twenty-eight days. On his first day, a woman celebrates smearing bloody issues from the vagina. This cycle is a normal physiological process created by nature in order to enable a woman to become pregnant, bear and give birth to a baby.

Gynecologists distinguish in menstrual cycle three phases:

  1. follicular phase;
  2. ovulatory phase;
  3. luteal phase.

When menstruation comes, the follicular phase begins. The uterus rejects mucosal layer, prepared for the adoption of a fertilized egg, the maturation of a new follicle begins in the ovary. During this period, the hormones progesterone and estrogen decrease in the body. However, there is more hormone that stimulates the growth of the follicle. This phase lasts approximately thirteen days.

Then comes the ovulatory phase, which lasts only forty-eight hours. This period ends with the release of the egg, which can be fertilized by the sperm. Fertility is at its peak right now.

It's time for the luteal phase, or phase corpus luteum which will last approximately two weeks.

This phase can turn into pregnancy if the egg was successfully fertilized in the previous stage.

In the luteal phase, a corpus luteum is formed from a ruptured follicle, which is a cell that generates progesterone, a necessary hormone for starting a pregnancy. During this period, the basal temperature increases, which will keep the corresponding indicators until the start of the next menstrual cycle, if the pregnancy has not begun. The corpus luteum is the main endocrine element of the ovary. Because without progesterone, gestation is impossible.

The pituitary gland in the female brain produces luteinizing hormone. It promotes the formation of granulosa cells in the ovarian follicle, which produce progesterone. The corpus luteum in a woman's body is a temporary gland that exists only in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. In the first three days of the corpus luteum phase, granulosa cells in the cavity of the follicle actively increase in size, capillaries appear between them. Each cell of the corpus luteum is saturated with blood vessels. In the corpus luteum, the most active blood flow of the body takes place during this period. Three to four days after the ovulatory phase, the generation of this unique system blood supply - a network of vessels in the corpus luteum. At this point, progesterone is most actively produced in a woman's body. If fertilization of the egg does not occur, the generation of progesterone - main function corpus luteum is completed on the twelfth day after ovulation. The corpus luteum in this case is a gland internal secretion 1-1.5 cm in size, which is now entering the stage of reverse development.

Ways to calculate the ovulation calendar

Calendar calculation method

Each female body has its own individual calendar of days with maximum fertility, that is, the days most favorable for sexual intercourse, which can result in the fertilization of an egg by a sperm cell. Exists calendar method calculation of ovulation - favorable days for conception. It is based on the peculiarities of the course of the menstrual cycle in a particular woman. It is not difficult to calculate it if the cycle is regular. For example, a girl knows for sure that her menstrual cycle is 30 days. In this case, thirty must be divided in half and subtracted two days. That is, 15 minus 2. Thus, on the thirteenth day after the first day of the last menstruation, a favorable period for conception begins. Ovulation will be in our example on the fifteenth day, and fertile days begin on the thirteenth day of the cycle.

But this is only possible with a regular cycle that does not go astray. Such calculations will be inaccurate and ineffective during the menstrual cycle, which in a woman either increases or decreases during the year.

Ovulation test

You can also calculate the day of ovulation in another way - purchase an ovulation test at the pharmacy. pharmaceutical market has a wide range of such tests. Just like a pregnancy test, an ovulation test should be immersed in a container of urine and wait for two strips to appear. If in a pharmacy pregnancy test the markers of two strips are focused on the presence of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine, then in the ovulation test, luteinizing hormone (LH) markers are used. With irregular periods, it is not easy to determine the exact date of ovulation using this method.

Calculation of ovulation by physiological signs

In addition to all the above methods for calculating fertile days, there is a method that any girl can use on her own (without the help of a specialist). It is enough just to carefully observe your own body and trust Mother Nature.

  1. The nature of the discharge from the vagina;
  2. Soreness of the mammary glands;
  3. Increased libido (sexual attraction to a partner);
  4. Emotional irritability;
  5. Discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  6. Changes in well-being.

Let's talk about each feature in more detail.

IN different phases cycle, which we talked about above, the expectant mother has different selections. A day or two before the ovular phase, vaginal discharge is usually clear, liquid (possibly viscous), similar in viscosity to egg white. In some cases, brown, bloody discharge is also possible during this period, popularly called "daub". And in the follicular phase, the discharge from the vagina is of a different nature - creamy, sticky, or there is no discharge.

Sometimes a girl's breasts swell a day or two before ovulation, touching the nipples becomes painful. This is due to an increase in the level of progesterone in a woman's body, that is, hormonal changes.

Raise sexual attraction to the future father is due to nature itself, which makes it clear to the female body that now is the best time to conceive and then bear a child.

In one of the ovaries (left or right), a dominant follicle matures. This process on the day of ovulation may be accompanied by pulling (as during menstruation) pain in the lower abdomen.

Basal temperature

If your menstrual cycle is irregular, the most accurate picture of your fertile days on the calendar will be the method of regularly measuring basal temperature for you.

Within the phases of the menstrual cycle described above (follicular, ovulatory, luteal), in most cases, a woman has different indicators of basal temperature. This is due to a change in the dominant hormones in the body of the expectant mother. In the follicular phase, the basal temperature is usually low. In the ovulatory phase, the basal temperature rises to values ​​​​from thirty-seven to thirty-seven and three tenths of a degree. And it is in the corresponding corridor of values ​​until the new follicular phase.

In order for the method of measuring basal temperature to identify the most favorable days for conception to be effective, a woman should follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Measurements are taken rectally or vaginally for at least five minutes in a calm lying position;
  2. It is better if the thermometer is mercury rather than electronic (the same for the entire measurement period);
  3. Measurements must be taken in the morning at the same hour, without leaving the bed, after a long night's sleep (which lasts at least six hours);
  4. Measurements must be taken for at least two months, recording the result every day.

The site has a very convenient service that allows every day the expectant mother to enter the values ​​​​of basal temperature into the program, which, after the daily input of information for two menstrual cycles in a woman, will accurately and clearly calculate the days of ovulation online.

Testing in the laboratory

Miscellaneous Methods definitions of fertile days have varying degrees accuracy, because every female body is unique. Recall that the calculation of ovulation online in our calculator is one of the most accurate and effective methods.

There is another method for calculating ovulation days for a long-awaited pregnancy, which we will talk about now. On different stages During the menstrual cycle of a woman, the content of one or another hormone changes in her body.

In a modern laboratory (where everything is sterile and precise, like in a pharmacy), a girl who wants to get pregnant can be tested for the main female hormones.

  1. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) increases on day 3-5 of the menstrual cycle;
  2. Luteinizing hormone (LH) - on days 3-8 or 21-23;
  3. Prolactin - for 3-5 or 19-21 days;
  4. Estradiol - on days 4-7 and 6-10;
  5. Progesterone - on the 6-8th day.

The increased concentration of these hormones in the body, detected during laboratory tests, indicates to the gynecologist which phase or which day of the cycle is currently taking place. This allows you to accurately predict the day of ovulation and fertile days.

In addition, the delivery of tests to the laboratory will identify a possible disease in the expectant mother and cure it in a timely manner.

It may be hard to believe, but there is only one day in a month on which a woman can become pregnant. IN exceptional cases such a day occurs twice during one menstrual cycle, but in the vast majority of "hour X" lasts only a day, and they are called ovulation.

On the day of ovulation, which we will teach you to calculate now, a mature egg is released from its follicle. Within 24 hours, she will expect fertilization, and if she turns out to be unclaimed, she will die. Only 24 hours a month, and even that is in best case. It happens that ovulation does not occur, and even with a regular menstrual cycle, on average, in women who do not experience any gynecological problems, there are 10 ovulations per year, that is, not monthly.

You should immediately warn girls who decide to calculate the day of ovulation for the purpose of protection: pregnancy will be very likely if you had unprotected intercourse a few days before ovulation, since sperm, unlike the egg, are more tenacious and retain the ability to fertilize for several days .

But if you are trying to calculate, then you should definitely know how to calculate the day of ovulation.

How to calculate ovulation days?

There is a very simple formula that allows you to calculate the day of ovulation at home without additional devices. By the way, there are ready-made ones that simplify the task, but there is nothing complicated in calculations without that.

It has been found that ovulation in any woman with any length of the menstrual cycle occurs exactly 14 days before the start of the next period. The duration of the first phase may vary, but the period after ovulation is a constant value. If you have menstruation regularly “number by number”, then it will be easier to calculate the day of ovulation simply:

Ovulation day = next period date - 14 days.

A classic example: with a regular 28-day menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the cycle. If your period started on the 3rd of this month, then with a 28-day cycle, expect ovulation on the 17th, 14 days before the start of the next period. If your cycle is longer or shorter, then add the duration of the cycle to the first day of your last period (for example, 26 or 30). You will get the estimated date of the next period, from which you need to subtract 14 days, as a result of which you will get the date of ovulation in this cycle.

Actually, the calendar method of contraception is built on this principle.

The calculation of ovulation is very simple, but it has one rather significant BUT: the method is applicable only for women with regular cycle, and the schedule for at least the last 4-6 months should be taken into account.

If you are trying to get pregnant and for this purpose are looking for how to calculate the day of ovulation, then the following advice will be useful to you. With a regular menstrual cycle lasting 26-30 days, the chances of conceiving a child increase significantly if you have sexual intercourse every other day from the 10th to the 18th day of the cycle.

Can an ovulation calculator be wrong?

For couples, ovulation calculation is extremely important. However this method cannot be considered highly accurate. The fact is that ovulation is very labile. Under the influence of a number of factors, even with a regular menstrual cycle, it can shift. This, in particular, can lead to stress, overwork, colds, hormonal disruptions. Moreover, in rare cases ovulation can occur twice in one cycle, which should be especially remembered with protection. Well, it is not at all excluded that ovulation will not occur at all in this cycle. Therefore, experts recommend using methods for determining ovulation in a complex: focus on own feelings, keep a graph of basal temperatures, use. And the most accurate would be to carry out ultrasound, which is able to determine ovulation as reliably as possible.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

For some couples, conceiving a baby is easy, while others have to work for a long time on procreation. Many factors influence this. If the partners are healthy, the reason for delaying pregnancy may be an error in calculating the fertile period in one cycle. It is necessary to correctly determine the favorable days of conception after menstruation and calculate when sex will be most effective. It is not difficult to make calculations, but you need to know certain nuances.

Young couple studying planning at breakfast

Many couples who are having trouble conceiving a baby have sex at the “inappropriate” time. The period favorable for pregnancy depends on the characteristics of the cycle of a particular woman. After menstruation, there are several days when it is easier to conceive a child. In one cycle, an increase in fertility is usually observed no more than five days - a few days before the release of a mature egg and a direct exit. Once ovulation has occurred, fertilization can only occur within twenty-four hours. If the sperm does not reach the target, menstruation begins, which marks the beginning of a new cycle.

The calculation of the period effective for pregnancy does not guarantee that conception will occur in this cycle, but it significantly increases the chances of seeing the long-awaited two stripes.

Calendar method of calculation

In the middle of the cycle in women reproductive age ovulation occurs. The process takes a maximum of two days. During this period, the chances of a successful conception increase many times over. With a twenty-eight-day - thirty-day cycle, you need to plan sex for 14 - 16 days. At this time the probability successful conception rises many times. However, it is not always possible to accurately calculate the days of ovulation, and as a result, pregnancy does not occur. Deviations in the cycle can be observed due to:

  • stress
  • diseases;
  • taking medications;
  • nervous breakdowns.

With the right approach, you can significantly increase the chance of becoming parents.

To calculate ovulation after menstruation, you need to keep a special calendar. With it, you can track auspicious days. Important role when calculating, the duration of menstruation, the duration of the cycle, etc. play. In an ideal cycle (28 days), the 14th day of ovulation is considered. It is counted not from the moment when the menstruation ended, but from its beginning. However, ideal cycles are rare, and cycle times can vary.

In order to accurately determine with the help of the calendar which days after menstruation are suitable for conception, it is necessary to conduct observations for at least six months. If any deviations in the cycles were recorded, to identify favorable period you should use the following calculation:

  • Select two cycles in the calendar - the longest and the shortest.
  • Subtract eighteen from the number of days of the shortest cycle. This is how the beginning of a favorable period is determined (for example, the 8th day of the cycle, which has come).
  • Subtract 11 from the number of days in the longest cycle. The number that will be obtained after the calculations is those days of the menstrual period, when it is easiest to get pregnant.

The calendar technique often really helps to determine the period after menstruation, which is the most favorable for fertilization. However, it does not give 100% guarantees, because in the calculations, due to a number of factors, errors can be made.

Basal body temperature and conception

Effective for identifying the period when the female body is most ready for conception is a method based on measuring basal temperature. He makes it clear when, at the end of menstruation, you need to have sex in order for conception to occur.

Basal temperature begins to be measured with the onset of menstruation (from the first day). Measurements should be taken every morning immediately after waking up. The thermometer should be placed near the bed, because after getting out of bed, the readings will be incorrect. Choosing this method to determine the favorable period in one cycle, a woman will have to keep a schedule. It will be updated daily with new information.

The graph allows you to determine the release of a mature egg. At the beginning of the cycle, the temperature does not rise above 37. When the thermometer shows 37, then we can talk about the release of the egg. The task of a woman is not to miss the moment when an insignificant temperature jump down: this happens just before ovulation. On this day, a couple planning a replenishment in the family should definitely have sex, because the likelihood of conception increases many times over.

Although this method of calculating auspicious times is considered effective, no one is immune from mistakes. There may be errors in the chart. Their appearance provokes a number of reasons:

A woman may one day simply forget to take her temperature, which will affect the entire schedule. Some measurements may not be taken correctly: for example, not immediately after sleep. However, the method is considered quite effective.

The methodology for calculating a favorable period based on temperature measurements should be adopted by women with irregular cycle when it is almost impossible to make calculations according to the calendar.

Personal feelings as a guide

Some women manage to determine ovulation without using any additional methods. They focus solely on their own feelings, which are repeated in each cycle. The onset of a period when the fertility function of the body increases is indicated by:

  • increased libido;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • copious, colorless, odorless discharge. They can be observed for two to three days, and then the discharge disappears and is repeated only in the next cycle.

Relying solely on her own feelings, a woman should understand that the chances of making a mistake in determining the favorable period increase. If you can’t get pregnant, then you can’t do without a careful calculation of the “effective” period.

Modern methods for determining a favorable period

Different ways of testing determine the moment of fertility

Special tests will help determine the approach of the moment of release of the egg. By the principle of "work" they are identical to those that determine pregnancy. Ovulatory tests show the right time for fertilization in the form of two strips. Tests respond to luteinizing hormone: directly to an increase in its amount. A day and a half before ovulation, the level of this hormone in the female body rises. After the egg is released, it falls. Responding to hormonal changes, ovulatory test strips show either positive or negative result. After monthly tests, it is advisable to do daily by selecting certain time. This method calculation is recognized as the most truthful among the "home" methods.

It is possible to determine the time when the probability of becoming pregnant is highest within one cycle using modern diagnostic methods. To learn about the release of the egg, for example, ultrasound helps. However, this method is used only if there is a need to accurately calculate the date of conception: for example, if, despite all attempts, pregnancy does not occur. After the start of menstruation, ten days are counted, after which the woman begins to go for an ultrasound scan. During diagnostic procedures the follicle is evaluated in dynamics. Based on these data, it is possible to determine the effective period for conception.

However, the growth of the follicle is not always the main indicator of the imminent onset of ovulation. Sometimes the follicle does not rupture, regression occurs. This rarely happens, but you should not exclude the possibility, especially if you have not been able to know the joy of motherhood for a long time. Ultrasound shows the presence of a corpus luteum in the ovary without dominant follicle, free fluid behind the uterus. This indicates that the very long-awaited period has come when the chances of conceiving a baby are high: the body is ready to perform the reproductive function.

Is fertilization possible during menstruation?

During menstruation, pregnancy is unlikely. Especially in the early days. Blood discharge form an unfavorable environment for spermatozoa in the vagina. With menstruation, the level of all reproductive hormones decreases, the endometrium is rejected. Even if the spermatozoon has time to reach its goal, implantation will be prevented copious excretion blood and almost complete renewal of the endometrium, that is, pregnancy will not occur even with successful fertilization.

However, nature loves to present "surprises". This should not be forgotten. Sometimes it seems to a woman that she became pregnant during her period, although in fact the conception occurred before that. Some women simply forget about the ability of spermatozoa to be in a mobile state for up to five days. Fertilization that has occurred during a period that is considered unfavorable often indicates problems with reproductive system: for example, violations hormonal background, delayed ovulation, etc.

Carrying a baby is the most exciting and joyful moment in life.

Pregnancy that occurs directly during the menstrual period is usually fixed at short cycle and long periods. In such a situation, ovulation may fall on the last "red" days. If sexual intercourse occurred at the same time, the likelihood of consequences is high.

Sometimes pregnancy occurs in the previous cycle (as is more often the case in the middle), but the woman, guided by the last menstruation, does not even suspect this. Bloody discharge may appear in the first months of pregnancy due to hormonal disruptions. Unaware of your interesting position", the fair sex thinks that conception occurred during the last sexual intercourse - on critical days.

Conception immediately after the end of menstruation

Can conception happen literally as soon as menstruation is over? Logically, the answer should be negative: the egg has not yet matured, which means that conception is impossible. However medical practice knows many cases when pregnancy occurred immediately after critical days. Women should remember the axiom: the period in which conception is guaranteed not to happen simply does not exist. There is only a time in the cycle when the probability of fertilization is minimum / maximum, but nature can dispose of it in its own way.

Immediately after menstruation, fertilization can occur for a number of reasons. These include:

  • "Disproportion" of the cycle and menstruation: protracted periods with a short cycle;
  • maturation of several eggs in one cycle;
  • ovulation related to hormones.

Although conception can occur at any time, you should not rely on the favor of nature. Conception planning allows you to determine the most favorable period for fertilization in the cycle. This increases the chances of seeing two stripes as soon as possible.

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