Headache from a nervous situation. Causes of headaches from nerves

There is probably no more frequent patient complaint than headaches. They have different nature and forms. The most common of them is tension headache (TTH) - a third of the entire population suffers from this disease. In the majority of patients it occurs in at a young age. The onset of the disease after 50 years of age is rather an exception. Women are affected somewhat more often. According to the international classification of diseases, ICD-10 has code G44.2.

Forms of tension headaches

There are two main forms:

  • Episodic, which almost always owes its appearance to stressful situations of low intensity. It can last literally a few minutes or torment you for up to several days. The pain is moderate and can be relieved with popular medications. These pains do not have a strong impact on the quality of life.
  • The chronic form is constant pain that appears daily, usually bilateral, which is localized in the occipital-frontal part and is associated with spasms of the muscles of the neck and head (lasting more than 2 weeks a month and more than 6 months a year). These are monotonous and quite intense pains.

When there are irreparable long-term stressful situations, the process becomes chronic.

The clinical picture of these two forms is almost the same, and they differ only in their duration.

Signs of HDN

Patients “reward” these pains with a variety of epithets: squeezing and squeezing, tightening and monotonous, dull and mild, moderate and strong. You can often hear such comparisons: “tight like a hoop,” “head in a vice,” “like in a helmet.”

At the same time, there is weakness and fatigue, irritability and nervousness, fast fatiguability. But this pain is not throbbing and does not cause nausea or vomiting. Many patients react acutely to bright light and noise, complain of insomnia, lack of appetite and absent-mindedness.

Some patients receive additional discomfort headdress or combing hair. The pain is excruciating even at night, but physical activity does not increase it. If you feel the muscles of the neck and head, you can feel the compaction.

Types of HDN

Muscle tension headache

This type of pain is most common among the working age population. It is also called psychogenic or idiopathic headache. Of all the types, this type of pain is the most common.

It occurs due to prolonged contraction of the muscles of the neck, face and skull. Accordingly, the volume of blood flow in the vessels decreases, causing muscle tissue to experience oxygen starvation. This causes toxins to accumulate and cause pain. Tense muscles become irritated, a signal is transmitted to the brain - this is the mechanism for the occurrence of headaches.

The main symptoms of tension headaches are:

  • severe tension in the neck, facial and shoulder muscles.
  • dull pain going from the back of the head to the forehead. Her character is never pulsating.
  • a powerful tension is felt in the temples and forehead.

The onset of such pain in old age is atypical.

Headaches due to nervous tension

Very often there are pronounced headaches due to nervous tension. In essence, a person cannot relax. Nervous overload and conflict situations“trigger” pain.

They are characterized by cessation or weakening when distracted from those factors that traumatized the human soul. For example, this happens during a pleasant vacation with friends or a trip to nature, watching a light, relaxing movie.

During examinations, no lesions of the nervous system are detected, and the patient’s life is absolutely not in danger. However, the quality of life from such pain is greatly reduced and the patient needs medical help.

Please note that happy people much less often have such pathologies. Therefore, in cases of muscle and nervous overstrain you need to be able to relax.

This can be done in various ways:

  • do yoga and auto-training;
  • undergo psychotherapy sessions;
  • stand under hot water shower or take a bath with medicinal herbs;
  • give a relaxing neck massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy.

TBI during physical overload

Often such pain appears during physical exertion. This is almost always associated with the performance of a person’s professional duties: long periods of driving a car or working at a computer, eye strain among seamstresses, watchmakers and jewelry makers, assemblers of small electronic parts, etc.

Such workers should take breaks more often, change positions, self-massage problem areas and exercise.

Tension headaches in children

The younger generation suffers from this disease no less often than adults. Its symptoms are the same: compressive pain on both sides, children become irritable and get tired quickly. They are often accompanied by pain in the neck and back, in the joints and heart, getting up or, conversely, falling blood pressure, rapid heartbeat and even fainting.

All this is caused by muscle tension for a long time, when a child’s desk or desk does not fit, does not correspond to his height, he is often in an uncomfortable position (“school” headaches). They can also be caused by physical and mental fatigue, stuffiness in the room, weather disasters, forced starvation.

Causes of the disease

Many reasons have already been described. To this we can add that causal factors become:

  • affective states – depression and anxiety;
  • muscle stress when a person does not move for a long time (strain of the neck, eye and facial muscles);
  • abuse of analgesics or tranquilizers can also cause similar pain;
  • respiratory disorders cause a state of anxiety and, as a result, -. In an unventilated room, people lack fresh air;
  • provoke headache tension can be caused by incorrect posture, uncomfortable sleep, sudden changes in weather;
  • excessive passion for coffee and alcohol;
  • pathology cervical region ridge.

A vegetative crisis can also provoke headaches; you can find out how to stop it correctly by following the link.

Treatment of tension headaches

If such pains often bother you, understand their causes, do not withdraw into yourself and “let go” of stressful situations, i.e. reconsider your lifestyle. Of course, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, and it should consist of two components: relaxation and pharmacological drugs.

If you experience such pain quite often, you need to learn how to relieve it. This can be done by massaging back neck and temples, use the services acupressure and acupuncture.

You can lie down in a dark room with a wet tissue over your eyes or take a relaxing shower. Hypnosis and aerobics, walking and exercise in the pool help well.

How to treat chronic tension headaches is decided only by the attending physician, who is familiar with the course of the disease.

Drug therapy

With very intense and acute attacks non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed (Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, drugs with caffeine and phenobarbital, sometimes tranquilizers).

But we must not forget that by using painkillers for too long, you can get the opposite effect - an overuse headache (that is, these drugs themselves cause it), so you need to be very careful when using medications in the treatment of tension headaches.

Treatment of tension-type headache with traditional medicine

  • You can massage the pain points with lemon oil (for a couple of minutes each) or apply cold water to the back of your head. Very often, massage helps to cope with headaches that arise due to tension.
  • An infusion of thyme herb has a remarkable effect on the functioning of brain vessels and strengthens the nerves (add 5 g of herb to half a liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour). Take it three times a day for a week, then take a break for two weeks.
  • Helps great with treatment of tension-type headache This exercise (by the way, a sagging belly can also be tightened): breathing with the belly - inhale, inflate it, and exhale, retract it. Exhalation lasts twice as long as inhalation. Continue the procedure for 15 minutes.
  • Keep the golden mustache leaf in the refrigerator, then mash it and apply it to your temples for a few minutes. Can be alternated with beet pulp.

Good reviews about the treatment of tension headaches, has next method: with your hands you need to press on the back of your neck to feel the tension in your shoulders, then relax and repeat this several times. This relaxes the muscles and nearby nerve endings.

But you shouldn’t get carried away; you need to remember that only a specialist can decide how to properly relieve an attack of tension-type headache.

Prevention of tension pain

You can prevent them by the following methods:

  • choose optimal mode work and rest;
  • constantly engage in physical therapy;
  • psychotherapy and physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • water procedures and manual therapy;
  • health improvement at resorts;
  • strict adherence to doctor's instructions.

Medications include muscle relaxants and antidepressants, which only your doctor can prescribe.

In conclusion, I would like to wish you more positive emotions: when they prevail over negative ones, headaches become significantly less. Protective brain mechanisms operate.

This good sleep, good mood, absence of resentment and anger in the soul, a state of love and faith in goodness. Take life lightly and naturally, and then there will be much less emotional disruptions and headaches.

This video discusses the problem of tension headaches:

(cephalalgia) is a condition familiar to, perhaps, everyone. According to statistics, this is the most common complaint at the reception. More than 40 diseases are known that are accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the head and neck area. Sometimes they are so strong that the person is unable to carry out daily activities and needs to receive sick leave. Some types of cephalgia are easily removed medicines, others are difficult to give in drug treatment. In any case, the quality of life of such patients is significantly reduced.

According to WHO, 47% of the population regularly experiences headaches, about 90% of adults at least once a year. The prevalence of this disease varies from country to country. Thus, primary headaches associated mainly with stress are suffered in to a greater extent Europeans than residents of developing African countries. significantly more common in women, and cluster headaches, rare (about 0.5%) in general, more often affect men.

Types of headaches: classification

According to the international classification, there are 14 main types of headaches (see table). The first four are considered primary. These are independent diseases, which are based on dysfunction of muscles, nerve trunks or vascular system. The remaining cephalgia are secondary, that is, they are a symptom or complication of another disease, be it organic damage to the brain or disorders in any other system of the body.

Table 1. International classification headaches (2nd edition, 2004) and frequency of occurrence in the population, according to various sources.

Type of headache according to ICHD-2 Population Prevalence
Part I: Primary Headaches
Migraine 5-20%
Tension headache 24-86%
Cluster headache and other trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias 0,1-0,4%
Other primary headaches (cough, associated with physical stress or sexual activity) 3,5%
Part II: Secondary headaches
Headaches associated with head and/or neck trauma
Headaches associated with vascular lesions of the skull and cervical spine About 1%
Headaches associated with extravascular intracranial lesions
Headaches associated with various substances or their cancellation
Headaches associated with infections
Headaches associated with disruption of homeostasis About 1%
Headaches and facial pain associated with disorders of the structures of the skull, neck, eyes, ears, nasal cavity, sinuses, teeth, oral cavity 2,82%
Headaches associated with mental illness 0,24%
Part III: Cranial neuralgias, central and primary facial pain and other headaches
Painful cranial neuropathies and other facial pain 2,67%
Other headaches 5,76%

Why do you get a headache when you're nervous?

The occurrence of (tension headache) and migraine is directly related to stress, physical or emotional overload. These are primary cephalgia, that is, organic lesions it is not observed in the nervous system or other organs, but the patient’s condition may be so severe that daily duties become overwhelming for him.

HDN – classic example stressful condition. Emotional overload in combination with prolonged forced head position (sedentary office work, driving a car) leads to a pathological increase in the tone of the pericranial muscles. In this case, their blood supply is disrupted and muscle soreness occurs. Heredity is more involved in the development of migraine and hormonal disorders, however, in many cases, attacks are triggered precisely by stress.

The treatment of primary cephalgia is carried out by a neurologist. Only he can correctly diagnose, identify causes and predisposing factors. However, if the painful condition is caused by stress, it is necessary to involve a psychotherapist, he will help find the source of emotional stress and control the disease. Reflexologists and physical therapists can help you choose a set of non-drug treatments to reduce emotional stress and eliminate muscle dysfunction.

When to see a doctor

Emergency help is required if:

  • headache appeared suddenly, without reason, against the background of complete health (“thundering”);
  • it is constant and increases in intensity;
  • pain appeared after injury;
  • cephalalgia is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, changes in speech, consciousness, loss of orientation or motor disturbances;
  • strong pain combined with tension in the neck muscles and increased body temperature.

Diagnosis of the causes of headaches

Diagnosis of tension-type headache and migraine, like all primary pains, is based primarily on analysis clinical manifestations, in this case, abuse headache should also be considered as a possible diagnosis. The mechanism of its formation is as follows: constant painful sensations force the patient to take painkillers (). If this happens uncontrollably, over time their effect is dulled, the person is forced to take large doses, which are becoming less and less effective. Sooner or later, a situation arises when pain is constantly present and is only slightly alleviated by analgesics. In this case, they talk about abusive cephalgia.

Table 2. Comparative characteristics clinical picture socially significant species headache.

Clinical sign Migraine HDN MIGB (AGB)
Localization of pain Unilateral, limited to the eye, temple or forehead Bilateral, diffuse in the area of ​​the temples, crown, occiput Unilateral or bilateral, no specific localization
Duration Paroxysmal, duration of paroxysm up to 72 hours Paroxysmal, passes within a day Constant, increases when exposed to provoking factors
Pain intensity The pain is severe, almost unbearable, during an attack the person is unable to work Pain is mild to moderate and does not interfere with daily activities
Weak to moderate, more intense in morning hours Emotional stress, menstruation, hunger, sleep disturbances, alcohol intake Emotional stress, forced uncomfortable posture Long-term use of medications for primary hypertension

To facilitate diagnosis, universal questionnaires are used at the appointment to help systematize clinical data.

Questionnaire scale for conducting a diagnostic conversation:

Characteristic Questions
Time and duration How long ago did the headaches start? Do they occur often? How long does a headache attack usually last? How many times a week can it occur?
Quality of pain Where is the headache located? Are there harbingers? How bad is the pain? How do you feel immediately after the attack?
Provocateurs After what cases does headache worsen? Are there situations when it becomes stronger or, conversely, weaker?
Measures Do you know how to relieve an attack on your own? What is your usual treatment? How much does a headache interfere with your ability to lead your usual active life?
State between pains How quickly do you recover from an attack? How well is your emotional background restored? Does it happen that symptoms remain after an attack?

By preparing answers to the questions listed in advance, you can significantly simplify the diagnostic search for the doctor, but you should not try to make a diagnosis yourself. The specialist takes into account a lot of factors: inspection data and instrumental methods research. The latter are prescribed if a specialist suspects the secondary nature of cephalgia.

Additional research methods

Most often this is an x-ray of the skull in various projections, CT scan or magnetic resonance imaging.

Method name When is it prescribed? What makes it possible to identify
Radiography Previous head injuries Acute traumatic brain injury or post-traumatic headache
Presence of nasal discharge, constant nasal congestion Sinus pain
Crunching and clicking when opening the mouth wide and chewing Temporomandibular joint dysfunction
Neck pain, crunching when moving the head Cervicogenic headaches
CT scan,
Nausea, vomiting, especially in the morning after waking up Tumors, space-occupying lesions of the brain
Impaired sensation or motor function Focal brain lesions, post-stroke conditions

Treatment of nervous headaches

General principles for the treatment of primary headaches:

  • use of medicinal and non-medicinal treatment methods;
  • movement from simple to complex;
  • use of minimal effective doses drugs;
  • detailed information to the patient about his condition and the mechanisms of development of the disease.

An individual treatment regimen should be prescribed by a specialist, based on the diagnosis, taking into account the frequency of attacks and the severity of clinical manifestations. Non-drug treatment methods include physiotherapeutic procedures and sessions with a psychotherapist. Important role normalization of the daily routine, nutrition, rational alternation of physical and mental labor, adequate sleep and elimination of provoking factors play a role. Unfortunately, more often you have to resort to drug therapy.

Drug therapy

Group of drugs Active substance Commercial names
First line therapy
Simple analgesics Ibuprofen "Nurofen"
Paracetamol "Panadol"
Ketorolac "Ketanov", "Ketorol"
Second line therapy
Combination drugs Paracetamol + analgin "Pentalgin"
Paracetamol + diclofenac "Fanigan"
Paracetamol + ibuprofen + caffeine "Tamipul"
Third-line therapy – specific anti-migraine drugs
Serotonergic agents Sumatriptan "Amigrenin", "Sumamigren"
Zolmitriptan "Zomig"
Ergot alkaloids Dihydroergotamine + caffeine "Digidergoth"
Dihydroergotamine "Ditamin"
Ergotamine+propyphenazone+caffeine "Nomigren"
Glucocorticoid derivatives Flumedroxon "Flumedroxon"

In addition to cupping acute pain, interictal treatment is carried out aimed at preventing the occurrence and reducing the frequency of attacks. Experts do not recommend using painkillers without a doctor's prescription. Uncontrolled use of analgesics is a sure way to the development of abusive headaches, damage to the liver and other organs. In order to drug therapy was rational, all means must be used strictly according to indications, and only a doctor can determine them correctly. Effective treatment headache is possible, and the sooner it is started, the more successful and easier it will go.


  1. Headache: classification and diagnosis. Sklyut M.I. Gitkina L.S./Medical news No. 4 – 1999.
  2. V.V.Osipova Modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of migraine, / Bulletin family medicine, No. 2, 2010, pp. 19-24.
  3. I. B. Kutsemelov, G. R. Tabeeva, A. Yu. Skripkin. Clinical and epidemiological analysis chronic forms primary headaches. (according to a population study of the adult population of Rostov-on-Don)

There is hardly at least one person in the world who has never had a headache in his life. Sometimes the pain is frequent and long-lasting, but usually people experience headaches “from overwork,” from time to time. And then doctors diagnose “tension headache.”

What voltage exactly are we talking about? And why do some people get headaches more often than others? Let's try to figure it out.

Tension headaches, according to experts, are the most common form of headache. According to statistics, it accounts for more than 80% of all headache cases. In Europe, 78% of women and 64% of men experience it at least once a year. Other types of headaches are relatively rare.

The good news is that although tension headaches are common, the pain itself is usually relatively mild. Roughly speaking, the head does not “split with pain,” but rather “aches.” However, usually this is enough to seriously ruin a person’s life. For example, Danish doctors found that 12% of those suffering from tension headaches completely lose their ability to work during an attack. Well, if such pain becomes chronic, it is very difficult for a person to live.

Woe from mind

Doctors began to deal with tension headaches only in the second half of the 19th century; before that, it was believed that there were more serious illnesses. To begin with, scientists described the symptoms of the disease: monotonous, dull, pressing pain, which does not have a clear localization, does not increase with physical activity and is not accompanied by nausea. It was not yet possible to find out the cause of the pain, however, in medical articles of the 19th century it was noted that headaches of this type usually occur in people of mental work and people prone to “ mild form hysteria." It turned out that my head hurt from nervous and mental overstrain.

It was proposed to treat headaches in the spirit of that time: a combination of gymnastics, ice baths and taking opium tincture. Now the last method of treatment seems wild, but then many doctors believed in healing power narcotic drugs, for example, almost every pharmacy sold medications containing coca extract as a remedy for asthma.

Significant progress in studying the causes of tension headaches occurred in the 60s of the 20th century. Then scientists suggested that prolonged tension in the muscles of the head and neck leads to a narrowing arterial vessels and spasm of capillaries that supply muscle nutrition. As a result, the muscles are insufficiently supplied with blood, become sluggish and swollen due to the fact that metabolic products accumulate in them. At some point, all of these factors lead to headaches. It turned out that problems arise not because of intense mental work, but because of what accompanies it: static pose when writing, a constantly tense neck, head bent over the desk...

Are all diseases caused by nerves?

The latest research has proven that it is not only about the muscles, but also about the functioning of the central nervous system. It is known that each person has his own threshold for pain sensitivity: one may find a slight pin prick very painful, while another may not even notice it. The suppression of pain sensitivity in the human body is carried out by the antinociceptive system, which consists of the hypothalamus, as well as the structures of the midbrain and medulla oblongata, which direct fibers to nociceptive neurons spinal cord and control their activity. The better this system works, the less people feels pain.

Unfortunately, sometimes the antinociceptive system begins to fail. Typically this is due to emotional stress and excessively intense mental work. For example, in a situation of preparing for an exam nervous system the student may be overloaded, which leads to the fact that the internal defense against pain begins to weaken. The same nerve impulses which come from tension in the muscles of the neck and head, in in good condition they wouldn't give it painful sensations, since they would be blocked by the antinociceptive system. But when it works worse due to overload, a person begins to feel like he has a headache.

How to break the vicious circle

It would seem that everything is clear: we must lead healthy image life, walk more often, get enough sleep, don’t overload yourself with work. But there are two problems. Firstly, in modern conditions It is quite difficult to avoid stress and overload in life. Secondly, having appeared several times, a tension headache begins to literally entangle a person in a web.

When a person has a headache, his mood deteriorates, he becomes less active, more lethargic. Regular pain limits his professional and personal capabilities, violates life plans, which, in turn, leads to additional stress and depression. Formed vicious circle, which leads to tension headaches becoming chronic...

To prevent pain from ruining your life, you must definitely fight it. It is clear that all recommendations regarding maintaining a healthy lifestyle are always relevant. No less important is psychological attitude person: you need to be cheerful, self-confident and optimistic. And of course, if pain occurs, you should not endure it by gritting your teeth, but take immediate action.

In this situation great importance has a fast-acting drug. One of the most effective drugs for headaches is a new generation analgesic “Nalgesin”. Main active ingredient drug - naproxen sodium begins to act within 15 minutes after taking the tablet. An additional advantage of this drug is its long period of action (8-12 hours), so by taking just one tablet in the morning, you can be sure that pain will not ruin your plans until the evening. At the same time, “Nalgesin” will help both from headaches and from other types of pain: menstrual, dental, muscle, back and joint pain.

We invite you to participate in the “Quick Solution” competition on the website http://nalgesin.ru/. Share your own quick solutions to migraines without help medical supplies, vote for the decisions of other participants and receive a prize from the KRKA company - mobile phone, allowing you to quickly find solutions in the modern world.

Also on the site you will find a lot useful information about how to win different kinds pain, a calendar of painful days linked to the weather, as well as an e-consultant that allows you to preliminary diagnostics your discomfort.

In this world you will not find a single person who, in his entire life, has not complained about the occurrence of pain at least once. Moreover, the causes of headaches can be completely different. For some, headaches arise from increased stress (physical or mental), for others - after training, for others - headaches are a symptom of one of the diseases occurring in the body. Even small children, coming home from school, can complain of a severe headache - in in this case it arises from overwork. Often exhausting working conditions lead to nervous tension in a person. In this article we will look at - in what cases does a person experience nervous headaches? How to treat them and what to do when they appear?

Why does my head hurt?

What is a "tension headache"? Why does someone have a headache from nerves, screams, emotional disorders, physical and mental stress, and for some - everything is fine and nothing bothers you?

If we turn to the opinion of experts, most doctors believe that tension headaches are the most common type of pain. For example, if we take all forms of headaches, then tension headaches will be the leader among all - approximately 80 out of 100 people suffer from such unpleasant sensations. In world practice, every second woman and every third man experiences tension headaches at least once a week. Headaches caused by various diseases, are much less common in humans and these cases should be considered separately.

With a tension headache, the head will not hurt excessively, split, or pulsate in the temple area. Most likely, your head will ache a little, which also provokes not very pleasant sensations. Even a slightly sore head can significantly deteriorate daily life person.

It has been proven that when a person has a headache (even a minor one), it leads to the fact that he cannot concentrate on performing normal daily activities. It is difficult to work, read, write and even talk with your interlocutor. If a person does not seek to see a doctor for help with a tension headache, it can develop into chronic stage. Can you imagine how a person feels who has a constant headache without stopping?

Tension headache

Doctors began to deal with headache problems only at the end of the 19th century. Before this, unpleasant sensations in the head area, pulsating and pressing pain, oddly enough, was not considered something serious and worthy of attention.

But, later it turned out that if you do not pay due attention to the problems of headaches, this can lead to quite serious consequences.

To understand whether you actually have a tension headache and not some other form of headache, consider the symptoms of this phenomenon:

  • The headache begins quite abruptly;
  • The pain is characterized as monotonous, pressing, sharp, dull;
  • Unpleasant sensations do not have a clearly defined localization - a person may initially have pain in his temples, then occipital part or the entire circumference of the head;
  • The pain does not intensify during movement or during physical activity;
  • is not observed (most often, with headaches, a person may begin to feel sick or a gag reflex may open).

The risk group for tension headaches includes those people whose professional activities involve constant mental work. Also, people with unstable psyches and neuro-emotional disorders suffer from such headaches. That is, we can conclude that:

Tension headaches arise from increased nervous and mental tension, as well as from disruption of the central nervous system.

Surprising but true!

Even 100 years ago, headaches were eliminated using rather barbaric and outlandish methods. Doctors prescribed patients ice baths, vigorous physical (and extremely exhausting physical exercise), and also opium tincture. Exactly! The drugs were sold in absolutely every pharmacy not only as a remedy for headaches, but also for asthma, cardiovascular disorders etc.

Pain from the mind - or less mental work

At the end of the 20th century, it was found that as a result of prolonged tension in the muscles of the head, as well as the cervical spine, it leads to natural anatomical narrowing arterial and blood vessels. As a result of this phenomenon, a spasm of the capillaries that feed these muscles occurs. What happens next?

Due to spasm of blood vessels, the brain does not receive the required amount of oxygen, as well as blood and other useful material necessary for additional nutrition. Gradually, the muscles weaken, become flabby, lose tone and elasticity, as a result of which they swell. Taken together, this picture painful condition leads to severe headaches.

The risk group for tension headaches includes office workers who keep their neck tense throughout the working day, sit in one position at a desk, and do not perform any unloading physical exercises.

Headache treatment

When a person starts to have a headache, he loses interest in life - he becomes very lethargic, gloomy, his general health worsens significantly. To prevent the occurrence of headaches or at least reduce the frequency of their occurrence, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle (eat right, even in the office; walk more). fresh air; during the working day, take short breaks by getting up from your workplace).

Nalgesin is a fairly effective pain reliever today. It eliminates tension headaches within 15 minutes of administration. Other painkillers may include: , Paracetamol, Nimesulide, Ibuprom, Ibuprofen.

The head contains receptors that act on the brain. Often, after stress, a headache occurs because worries or conflicts only increase the unpleasant sensations. Headaches can occur in all people, but those who have heart problems are more susceptible to them. Unpleasant throbbing pain appears due to overstrain of nerve endings. Can you get a headache if you get too nervous?

Head pain from nerves

Development of the disease

Stress is one of the causes of headaches. The structure of nerve cells consists of long shoots - dendrite and axon. The role of the dendrite is to regenerate pain impulses at the moment of malfunction of the body. The axon sends a signal to the brain.

People who have heart problems also get headaches from stress. The cause may be injury or infection that affects the tissues of the head.

Emotional intensity causes very strong pain.

Types of headaches

Causes of pain

Headaches are mainly caused by mental disorder. Headaches and muscle tension occur due to long-term and chronic stress. Muscle tension can be caused by prolonged sitting or an uncomfortable sleeping position. Chronic headache occurs due to tension in the neck muscles, eye muscles and scalp aponeurosis. The formation of the disease is influenced by:

  • tonic muscle spasm;
  • biochemical shift;
  • spasm of blood vessels, which are responsible for the severity of pain;
  • lack of serotonergic systems;
  • depression;
  • poor functioning of the antinociceptive system.

Head pain causes a lot of discomfort

Symptoms of the disease

Long-term stress has a negative effect on the body. Intensity pain depends on the stage of the disease and individual characteristics person. During a headache, a person cannot concentrate on work.

Noise in the head after stress has a bad effect on all organs, especially the brain. The disease appears in the form the following signs: fluctuations; pinching, bursting.

Nervous tension headaches affect only part of the head. If the volume of the lesion is large, then pain is felt throughout the head. When the blood vessels narrow, nerve cells give a sign of circulatory problems. The disease develops if a person is in a state nervous exhaustion. That is why he feels pain constantly. Pain can appear even with the slightest excitement.


If you have headaches, dizziness after stress, or have suffered a head injury, you should consult a doctor.

During the examination, the patient undergoes a number of procedures, including a session of fundus examination, echoencephalography, analysis cerebrospinal fluid etc. Brain dysfunction leads to frequent appearance pain. Therefore, to establish an accurate diagnosis, you need to undergo an extensive examination. After the examination, a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed.

Echoencephalography - diagnostic method


Exist different ways treating headaches due to stress. The most popular treatment methods are: medicinal method, exercises and gymnastics. Let's take a closer look at each method.

Treatment with medication

Stress can provoke unpleasant sensations in the head. To get rid of pain, you need to take drugs that act on nerve endings(for example, "Pentalgin" or "Fintepsin"). To relieve tension in the head, it is necessary to normalize the emotional background. You can use antidepressants for this. People suffering from hypertension can relieve painful symptoms with medications to lower their blood pressure. To normalize blood circulation in brain cells, antispasmodic drugs are used (for example, “No-shpa” or “Papaverine”). Medicines act on muscles that are tense. When the drug begins to act, the tissues relax. The patient's blood vessels begin to dilate and blood circulation returns to normal.

When taking medications, consult your doctor

Any medications have side effects and contraindications. Therefore, before taking medications, you need to consult a specialist.

Treatment with exercises

You can relieve tension in your head and strengthen your nerves with exercise. All actions in the body are carried out by the nervous system. There is also reverse contact, which stimulates muscles and organs. Therefore, exercise has a good effect not only on the body, but also on the nervous system.

Constant tension in the head appears due to mental overload. In such cases, you can not rush to the pharmacy to buy medicine, but relieve stress yourself. To get rid of headaches after stress, you can take a walk in the fresh air. It is necessary to do regular exercises every day for 10–15 minutes. If you have sedentary work, it is advisable to exercise 2-3 times a day to strengthen muscles. For people who have heart problems, dynamic exercises are useful. During such exercises, the muscles are charged with blood, and the number of open capillaries increases. Gymnastics helps develop your shoulders, arms and legs. Makes the body and posture beautiful, normalizes breathing.

There are several exercises that target the muscles of the face and head. They help treat headaches and tension. It is advisable to do them immediately when the first symptoms of the disease appear. Before performing the exercises, you need to stand facing the mirror to ensure that they are performed correctly. For facial gymnastics there is the following scheme:

  1. Raise your eyebrows and try to relax your facial muscles. It is necessary to make such movements separately with each eyebrow. You can help yourself by holding one eyebrow with your hand.
  2. Close your eyes and bring your pupils to the middle. Next, relax again and return your eyes to their previous position.
  3. Frown your eyebrows, then relax.
  4. Open your mouth wide, then relax, returning it to its previous position.
  5. Open your mouth and move your jaw in one direction or the other.
  6. Wrinkle your nose and relax your facial muscles again.

In addition to such gymnastics, you can make different grimaces. This behavior will help relieve stress when different forms manifestations of stress.

Gymnastics for the neck

When you have a headache from nerves, you can do gymnastics for the neck muscles:

  • You need to point your neck down and stretch it forward, and your chin should touch your chest. Then return to normal state. You need to do the exercise 3-5 times.
  • In a sitting position, tilt your head back. Do this 3-5 times.
  • Rotate your head in different directions. Tilt your head either to the right or to the left shoulder.
  • Do bends 3-5 times.

Neck massage for pain

Folk remedies

Treatment folk remedies You can do it at home, on your own. To do this, a person takes a warm bath, but with the help of special mixtures.

Bath with 100 g added sea ​​salt, 2 tbsp. l. pine extract. You must take a bath for 10 days. Steam 200 g of pine needles in 5 liters of water, keep on fire for 5 minutes. Then strain and pour the broth into the bath. You need to do the procedure before going to bed.

Pine bath relaxes

You can prepare tinctures for internal use.

  1. Half large sheet golden mustache, 75 g grated horseradish, 250 g finely chopped oranges, 150 g sugar and 0.5 liters of red wine. The container with the ingredients is placed on water bath and boil for 1 hour. Then strain well and drink 75 ml 2 hours after eating.
  2. Place 15 g of dried lemon balm in a thermos and pour 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, strain and drink 1-2 tbsp. spoons 5-6 times a day.

Preventive actions

To prevent tinnitus and dizziness at times of stress, several conditions must be met:

  • move more;
  • study physical exercise, they will help improve vascular tone;
  • ignore unpleasant conversations, be less nervous and conflict with people.

Those people who cannot control their emotions are nervous. Nervous tension may be the first step on the path to migraine.


Often after stress a person experiences pain in the head and ears. It can be of a different nature, it all depends on the severity of the disease. If the pain cannot be tolerated, a person should definitely go to the hospital and be examined. The duration and method of treatment depends on the diagnosis itself.

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