An intellectual game to prevent bad habits. Prevention hour: Quiz game "Prevention of bad habits"

Game scenario for the prevention of alcoholism in schoolchildren

For preventive work with children of primary school age, it is most advisable, in our opinion, to use role-playing games. They allow you to master and practice effective behavioral patterns in situations leading to alcohol consumption.

Game lesson on the prevention of alcoholism in primary schoolchildren

-Formulate a stable negative attitude towards alcohol among elementary school students;

-Promotion of healthy lifestyles
– Learning how to behave in different life situations based on personal safety and general culture.

Characters: Musical accompaniment:
KOLOBOK; dance Sport;
GRANDMA; brakedance;

1) All's well that ends well.
2) The first step can be a step into the abyss.
3) Vodka is poison for the soul and body.
4) If you sow an action, you will reap a habit; if you sow a habit, you will reap a destiny!



Scenario for the prevention of alcoholism in schoolchildren:

Presenter (B): Once upon a time we lived in the same village, which is very close to the city of GRANDFATHER, GRANDMOTHER, and their grandson KOLOBOK.
There was a small but remote KOLOBOK. He considered himself completely grown up and independent, but did not react to adults’ comments or snapped at them.

Baba (B): Kolobok! Go to the shop!

Kolobok (K): Go yourself!

Grandfather (D): Grandson! Give me the glasses.

K: You’re not blind, you’ll find it yourself!

B: You can’t walk around Kolobok dirty and unwashed!

K: My face - I want mine, I want it - no!

D: Bad comrades will not bring you any good!

K: My friends, I’ll be friends with whoever I want, whatever I want, I’ll do!

Q: That’s what Kolobok was like!

Think, children, who does this boy remind you of? Do you always obey your parents? don’t you answer them like this Kolobok?

The artists sing in chorus:

One simple fairy tale
Or maybe not a fairy tale,
Or maybe not simple
We want to tell you.
Like Kolobok from home,
From grandmother and grandfather,
Or maybe on the street
Suddenly he decided to run away.
And what happened to him?
Or maybe it didn't happen
Perhaps it happened
Did it suddenly happen?
We'll tell you about this,
Maybe we'll tell you,
Maybe we'll show you
Which is also good!

Q: Today we will show you a fairy tale that you will write with us yourself. And you will also come up with the ending of this fairy tale yourself.


Q: You are modern children! Do you like to play computer games?
So, you can play our fairy tale too?

There is a computer screen in front of you. You see a kolobok and 2 stairs: one leads up, the other goes down.
Which staircase Kolobok will take, choose for yourself! You can control the Kolobok using the keys: YES_NO, FORWARD_BACK.

Level 1. Kolobok and hares.
Kolobok came home from school, tired, and he felt so sad. And then the grandfather and grandmother ask for help with the housework. Kolobok is completely sad!

Bunny. Grandfather, grandmother, mother asked that Kolobok and I come to the bathhouse today!

Grandma: Let's go, Bunny, let's go!

General noise behind the screen, sounds of the steam room.

Hare, Hare, Bunny, Grandfather, Grandmother, Kolobok leave the bathhouse.

Hare: What a heat! I'm thirsty!

Hare: Yes, there’s beer in the can! Drink, dear guests!
(offers to guests)

Bunny and Kolobok: We're thirsty too! Drink!

Hare: But they didn’t take anything for the kids!

Hare: Let them drink beer! Beer is even useful after a bath!

He pours beer for the children, Kolobok holds out his hand for a mug!

STOP! Q: Should Kolobok take a mug or not? To drink beer or not to drink? You have small signal cards. Show the green side if you think that Kolobok can take a mug and drink beer; red - if you can’t take the mug under any circumstances!

The presenter's assistants help determine which stairs Kolobok should take. The presenter moves Kolobok across the computer screen.

Level 2. Kolobok and the Wolf.

The long-awaited New Year holiday has arrived.

K: Grandma! I'll go to the Wolf's party! All our guys gather there! We will celebrate New Year there!

B: Go Kolobok! Just behave well with the Wolf!

Youth party: music is playing, Kolobok, Hares, Wolf, dancers, Fox are on stage. Everyone is dancing and having fun.

Wolf: Pour the champagne quickly, the New Year is coming!

Everyone puts up their glasses, the chimes begin to strike, Kolobok brings the glass to his mouth.

STOP! To drink or not to drink – that is the question?
Voting, movement on the computer screen.

Level 3. Kolobok and Fox.
Grandfather: Kolobok, show me the diary!

K: I won’t show you!

D: Show me, I said!

K: ON, look!

D: So, “2” in Russian, I left the physical education lesson, I was late for mathematics! You will be punished!

K: How tired of you all are! (Runs away)

On stage are the Wolf, the Hares, the Fox.

Fox: (L) Oh, Kolobok has come! Our weakling!

K: Why am I weak?

Dear brother!
You are the most beautiful!
Listen to Lisa.
In our forest they say,
That you're a weakling
You don't drink beer
You break bottles with vodka!
Do you know, dear,
That you won't become an alcoholic
From one glass.
Yes, both from two and from three.
So drink, don't be afraid,
Don't worry about your health

Q: Oh, and the fox is cunning! She called Kolobok a weakling. What do you think, if the Fox offers Kolobok a drink now, will Kolobok agree?

Music. End of the game.

Q: That’s the end of the fairy tale, but whether you’re great or not, now we’ll see!

STAIRWAY UP. Performance of dance couples.

STAIRWAY DOWN. Brakedance. 4 boys dressed all in black, 2 dancing, 2 holding Kolobok. Kolobok tries to break free and run away, but he fails. On the boys' chests there are signs: HANGOVER, ILLNESS, REGENSE OF CONSCIENCE, CONSPECT OF OTHERS.

The music ends, the boys throw a black cloak over Kolobok, hang their signs on him, and defiantly turn away from him. Kolobok cries, but no one comes to his aid.
The artists take a bow.

Kolobok: Guys, now I will read the sentences. If you think that the sentence is talking about something good for you, necessary for your health, then you raise your thumb up and say “WO!” If it is something bad, then you put your thumb down and say “ EVIL!".

The artists interfere and confuse the children.
Listen to your elders? - WHAT!
Snap? – EVIL!
Study with straight A's? - WOW!
Exercise? - WHAT!
Don't have an opinion? – EVIL!
To drink beer? - WHAT!
What about lemonade? - WHAT!
Milk? - WHAT!
Moonshine? – EVIL!
What about washing your face in the morning? -IN!
Hitting girls is EVIL!
DO NOT drink or smoke? - WHAT!
Does vodka poison the body? – EVIL!

Dancers: We repeat in chorus: vodka is poison for the soul and body!

Artists: Drinking alcohol is the last thing!

In chorus: To an invitation to drink vodka, moonshine, beer, we should have one answer - NO! NO! NO!
Presentation of diplomas and assignments from Kolobok to each class.

Class assignments:

Today, together with you, we showed you an excellent fairy tale, but what is a fairy tale without illustrations. Please draw what you remember most about our fairy tale, what you found most important and interesting.

The place for the exhibition of drawings is the entire first floor!


Olga Derevyagina
Legal quest game for the prevention of offenses and crimes

Legal quest game for the prevention of offenses and crimes

Target: prevention of delinquency and crime among teenagers through increasing the level of legal culture of students.


Promotion of healthy lifestyle skills and law-abiding behavior

Developing the ability to distinguish between good and bad actions

Promote the development, formation, strengthening of civic position, negative attitude towards illegal acts

Promote mutual understanding between teenagers and adults

Formation of a holistic view of personal responsibility for offenses and crimes

Event form: quest game

Methods: practical, visual, verbal

Contingent: 5-9 grades


Teams gather in recreation. 5 teams take part in the game (5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade). The jury is made up of school teachers.

The game consists of 5 parts, passing 5 stations.

A social educator tells a parable about a father and son who was constantly rude and insulting to the people around them.

Once upon a time there lived a very hot-tempered and unrestrained young man. And then one day his father gave him a bag of nails and punished him every time he could not control his anger, or did a bad thing - drive one nail into the fence board.

On the first day there were several dozen nails in the board. The next week he learned to control himself, and every day the number of nails hammered into the board began to decrease. The young man realized that it was easier to control his behavior than to drive nails.

Finally the day came when he stopped swearing and doing bad things. He told his father about this and he said that this time every day, when his son manages to restrain himself, he can pull one nail out of the board.

Time passed, and the day came when he could tell his father that there was not a single nail left in the board. Then the father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence:

You did well, but do you see how many holes there are in the board? She will never be the same again. When you commit evil, a scar remains in the souls of the people you offend, just like these holes. And no matter how many times you apologize after this, the scar will remain.

Imagine that the board is your life, and the nails are your bad deeds and words. Everything in this life depends on you, on the actions you take, on how you treat yourself and the people around you.

Guys, you are entering a difficult but interesting age. There are many temptations around. And you must choose the right path! Teenagers may turn to crime for various reasons. From the banal lack of money, upbringing and conditions, to the pursuit of easy money. However, ignorance of the law does not excuse one from responsibility, and a deliberate violation leads to serious consequences.

And today I invite you to go through a quest game. During the game we will try to figure out where in everyday life we ​​exercise our rights, responsibilities and what we are responsible for.”

STATION No. 1 “Citizen of his country”

1. At what age is a person issued a passport? (14 years old)

2. What information about the passport holder is on the page next to the photo? (Full name, gender, date of birth, place of birth).

3. What other information is included in the passport? (military duty, marital status of children, information about a previously issued passport).

4. In what cases can a citizen change his passport? (if you lose your passport or change your last name)

5. What should a citizen do if he has lost his passport?

6. In what situations do people need to present a passport? (when applying for a job, when buying train and plane tickets, money in the savings bank, submitting an application to the registry office).

7. What does the Russian flag look like? (three-color panel. Colors from bottom to top: Red, blue, white)

8. What is depicted on the coat of arms of our country? (double-headed eagle)

9. Who is the president of our country? (V.V. Putin)

STATION No. 2 “Our school”

1. What is the correct name of our school? (“Bey boarding school”)

2. How many days a week do we study at our school? (5 days)

3. How many months a year do they study at our school? (9 months)

4. Who is the director of our school? (Yangulova Ekaterina Vladimirovna)

5. Distribute what are the rights and what are the responsibilities of the students.

Respect teachers (duty).

Free education (rights)

Convenient workplace (rights)

Rest during changes (rights)

Health protection (rights)

Follow the school schedule (duty)

Choose clubs from the section according to your interest (rights)

Exemplary behavior during lessons and breaks (responsibility)

Compliance with safety precautions and traffic rules (duty).

Careful attitude towards school property (duty)

STATION No. 3 “Types of legal liability”

Host: And now I will tell you about the types of legal liability for violations.

There are 4 types of legal liability:

Criminal liability is liability for violation of laws provided for by the Criminal Code. A crime provided for by criminal law is socially dangerous, encroaching on the social system, property, personality, rights and freedoms of citizens, public order (murder, robbery, rape, insults, petty theft, hooliganism).

Administrative liability is applied for violations provided for by the Code of Administrative Offences. Administrative violations include: violation of traffic rules, violation of fire safety.

Disciplinary liability is a violation of labor duties, i.e. violation of labor legislation, for example: being late for work, absenteeism without a good reason.

Civil liability regulates property relations. (damaged item)

Now I will give you tasks, and you try to answer correctly: what type of responsibility does the violation apply to:

1. Torn a classmate’s textbook (Civilian)

2. The appearance of a teenager on the street while drunk (Administrative)

3. Beat up a classmate (Criminal)

4. Committed theft of a mobile phone. (Criminal)

5. Absenteeism, late (Disciplinary)

6. Crossed the road in the wrong place. (Administrative)

7. Broke a window with a ball. (Civil)

8. Used obscene language in a public place. (Administrative)

9. A group of teenagers stored, used and distributed drugs (Criminal)

10. Teenagers wrote obscene words on the walls. (Administrative)

STATION No. 4 "Incident in the Park"

Presenter: The criminal left evidence at the crime scene: shoe prints (posted in the office). You need to find all the evidence; on the back of the tracks you will find information that will help you in the investigation.

Words on the tracks:

everyone is 16 years old (2)

in the park (4)

drinking beer on a bench (6)

let's go for a walk (3)

Vanya's birthday (5)

friends (1)

police officers approached (9)

used obscene language (8)

the boys were making noise (7)

Text: Friends, who are all 16 years old, went for a walk in the park. It was Vanya’s birthday, and the boys were drinking beer on the bench. The boys were noisy and swore obscene language. Police officers approached them.

Questions: Will friends be punished? If yes, for what offenses?

Station No. 5 “Crime Solving”

Presenter: The criminal left evidence at the crime scene: shoe prints (posted in the office). You need to find all the evidence; on the back of the traces you will find information that will help you in investigating the crime.

Words on the tracks:

Vita is 16 years old

ran away from class (2)

went for a walk (3)

met a boy, Gena, from a nearby school (4)

started beating him (5)

Gena suffered severe beatings and a fracture (6)

Vitya took the phone from Gena (7)

Text: Vita is 16 years old, he ran away from class and went for a walk. I met a boy, Gena, from a neighboring school and started beating him. Gena suffered severe beatings and a fracture. Vitya took the phone from Gena.

Is Vitya liable? What type of punishment does he face?

Game “Take care of your health from a young age”

on preventing the use of psychoactive substances by adolescents

compiler – Markova Elena Valentinovna,

social teacher MAOU "Lyceum No. 9" Perm
Explanatory note

But it is impossible to completely protect teenagers from using psychoactive substances in society, so we need to teach them to live safely around those who use them, instill in them the skill of resisting peer pressure and the ability to say “no.” And it is also necessary to conduct educational work among parents on the prevention of substance abuse among teenagers.

The game is designed for students in grades 6 and 7.

formation of a healthy lifestyle


developing the skill of resisting pressure and the ability to withstand the dangers of substance abuse;

formation in children of a value-based, responsible attitude towards their health.

Answers to questions for the game “Take care of your health from a young age.”

Collect a proverb.

  1. Take care of your dress again, and your health from a young age.

  2. Where there is health, there is beauty.

  3. After saying hello with a cigarette, say goodbye wisely.

  4. When tobacco appears, wisdom is removed.

  5. Smoking is harmful to health.

  6. You will be healthy and you will get everything.

  7. You can't buy health - your mind gives it.

  8. If you want to be healthy, toughen up.

  9. Everything is great for a healthy person.

  10. Mind and health are more valuable than anything.

Questions about the dangers of smoking.

1. Which organ, along with the lungs, suffers most from the effects of smoking?
Answer: Heart. Smoking is one of the causes of heart disease.
2. Is it true that exercise reverses the harmful effects of smoking?
Answer: False. Sport in no way neutralizes the harm caused to the body by smoking.
3. Why do teenagers start smoking?
Answer: Many people start smoking in adolescence, out of curiosity or following the example of friends and classmates. Those who have parents and/or close friends who smoke become smokers more often than those in whose environment no one smokes.
4. Is it true that smoking is highly addictive?
Answer: Correct. Smoking creates both physical and psychological addiction, which is one of the reasons why it is so difficult to quit smoking.
5. When smoking, a person inhales the same poisonous gas that is contained in the exhaust gases of a car engine. What is this gas called?
Answer: Carbon monoxide, which combines with red blood cells to reduce the amount of oxygen carried by the blood.
6. Who are called “reluctant smokers”?
Answer: those who are in the company of smokers.
7. What diseases are considered most associated with smoking?
Answer: Chronic smoking is usually accompanied by bronchitis. The respiratory tract and especially the lungs suffer. Chronic irritation of the mucous membrane of the vocal cords affects the timbre of the voice. Carbon monoxide causes oxygen starvation of all cells of the body, which affects the activity of the cardiovascular system and brain.
8. Are there cigarettes that are not harmful?
Answer: no. The composition of the electronic cigarette does not contain carcinogens and tars, but contains nicotine, which is addictive.
9. What are the negative effects of smoking on the female body?
Answer: One of the consequences of smoking for women is deterioration in appearance. A bad habit also has a negative impact on nails and hair, which become weak and brittle due to dehydration. Early gray hair and bad nails are frequent companions of smokers. Smoking is especially dangerous for women, since the health of the unborn child is directly dependent on the health of the mother. These children are more likely to develop diseases.
10. Name a day to stop smoking.
Answer: May 31

Questions about the dangers of alcohol

  1. Why do teenagers start drinking alcohol?
Answer: However, a teenager’s interest in alcohol is not accidental. Some earlier, some later, but the need to try this incomprehensible liquid is born in almost everyone who has entered adolescence. Teenagers want to grow up. And alcohol, whether we like it or not, is for them not only a bright attribute of adult life, but also a kind of catalyst for their own growing up.

  1. Why does a drinking person look older than his age?

With regular consumption of alcoholic beverages, the body quickly “wears out”, internal organs cannot cope with restorative functions, which leads to rapid aging.

3. Can a high concentration of alcohol in his blood cause the death of a person?


Alcohol poisoning occurs when a person drinks large amounts of alcohol in a short time.

As a result, the concentration of alcohol in the blood increases so much that it has a powerful toxic effect and becomes life-threatening.

Alcohol poisoning requires immediate medical attention.

There is an opinion that poisoning occurs only if a person drinks “low-quality” alcohol or alcohol substitutes. However, poisoning can occur when consuming any drinks containing ethanol.

4. Why is drinking alcohol dangerous, especially for children?

Answer: Drinking alcohol during adolescence causes particularly dangerous consequences for the brain, heart disease, muscle degeneration, liver disease: first inflammation, then hepatitis, and then cirrhosis. And the death of a person occurs.

5. Why is drinking beer harmful?

Answer: Beer is harmful to human health. It is especially dangerous for 10-14 year olds, they develop alcohol dependence very quickly, and this disease is especially difficult. Beer removes all vitamins from the body, especially B1; Heart damage occurs, leading to dysfunction of the heart muscles. People who frequently drink beer live 20 years less. They are more likely to have liver disease, hepatitis, brain cells are affected, and their intelligence decreases. There is evidence that microdoses of narcotic drugs are found in beer, which makes a person addicted to this drink, as well as poisonous monoamines and even cadaverine, a cadaverine poison.

6. What is the future for our youth who have bad habits?

Answer: If humanity does not stop, does not begin to think about itself, about its future, then it will doom itself to complete extinction. If measures are not taken to prevent the spread of alcohol, tobacco products, and drugs among young people, if a healthy lifestyle is not promoted, humanity will be left without a future, and, perhaps, in a few decades they will say about our time “they couldn’t stop in time.” "...

7. At what age can you drink alcohol?

Answer: From 21 years of age.

8. How does personality degradation manifest itself?

Answer: Lethargy, passivity, decreased motivation, loss of interests and initiative are noted. Patients become active only when it comes to buying alcohol.

9. What responsibility do teenagers have for drinking alcohol?
Answer: Administrative protocol for parents under Art. 5.35 for failure to fulfill parental responsibilities, discussion of the issue at a meeting of the commission on minors’ affairs, for a teenager registration in the ODN.
10. What problems do teenagers who drink alcohol face?
Answer: The consequences of regular alcohol consumption by adolescents are much more serious and dangerous than alcoholism in adulthood. Because at this time the growth and development of all vital human systems and functions occurs, and the influence of alcohol on these processes will undoubtedly lead to terrible results.

Let us note just a few of these consequences:

There are disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Characterized by liver damage, development of hepatitis, liver cirrhosis.

Disorders of the pancreas (pancreatitis, peritonitis).

Disorders of the cardiovascular system (tachycardia, problems with blood pressure, etc.).

Inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis) develop.

The appearance of various inflammatory diseases in the lungs, bronchi, larynx, nasopharynx (chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, pneumosclerosis, pulmonary tuberculosis).

A decrease in the body's immune defense, which leads to increased susceptibility to infectious diseases.

Alcohol causes irreparable harm to a teenager’s endocrine system.

Various disorders are observed, mainly in the emotional and volitional sphere, social activity declines, work skills fade, healthy ambition and moral qualities suffer. Such emotional disorders as coarseness, explosiveness, carelessness, lack of initiative, and suggestibility come to the fore.

Questions about the dangers of drugs
1. How can you organize your free time?

Answer: Find an activity that you like, attend clubs, sections, play sports, go dancing, etc. Enjoy life. After all, there are so many interesting things in it!

2. How to say NO? Your options.

Answer: Children's options

3. Why is it easier to persuade a person addicted to tobacco and alcohol to try drugs?

Answer: Drugs, alcohol, tobacco are, in essence, substances of the same group that poison the body and cause addiction.

4. In adolescence, addiction can form as a result of a single use of a narcotic substance. Is it so? Why?


Drugs are substances that have a special effect on the entire human body, primarily on his nervous system, mental state, consciousness, and mood. The younger a person is, the faster he becomes completely dependent on the drug.
5. It is known that drugs are an incredibly profitable commodity. Then why are they sometimes given for free?


So that later as many teenagers as possible can be involved in the network and become buyers from whom money can be “pumped.”
6. 1 drug addict attracts up to 10 people. Why does he need this?

Answer: to make money from them.

7. Why do most of those who sell drugs do not use them themselves?

Answer: They know what harmful effects drugs have on the human body; as a rule, they care about their health, like to enjoy life, and only make money from someone else’s misfortune.

8. “For me, life is...” Continue the phrase.

Answer: Children's options

9. What diseases can drug addiction cause?

Answer: Drug addiction can be considered a deadly disease for several reasons.

Firstly, drugs have a toxic effect on the body.

Secondly, they reduce immunity, disrupt the functions of vital organs (heart, liver, pancreas, kidneys)

Thirdly, they make a person vulnerable to infections that are widespread among drug addicts (viral hepatitis, syphilis, HIV, sepsis).

10.Is drug distribution punishable in our country?


Article 230 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for liability for inducing minors to use narcotic and psychotropic drugs in the form of imprisonment for a term of 3 to 8 years. Don't be afraid of those who demand money for drugs. These "sellers" themselves are afraid of publicity! If you give money once, these people will come to you again.

These exercises and games will help participants determine the causes and dangers for a person of such a phenomenon as “addiction,” including dependence on psychoactive substances.

“What is addiction” (20 min.)

Target: identify the level of knowledge of participants; find out how participants define the concept of “addiction”; define addiction.
Materials: sheets of paper, pens for each participant, a sheet of Whatman paper, a marker.
Participants are asked to write down on pieces of paper the associations that arise when they hear the word “addiction.” After that, the participants in a circle say the associations they have written down, and the presenter writes them down on a piece of Whatman paper so that the options are not repeated (options that are repeated can be ticked). As a result of the discussion, the trainer leads the group to the correct definition of the concept of “addiction” and explains its meaning.

"Associations" (15 min.)

Target: determine the level of knowledge of group members. Create the basis for more in-depth work and discussions.
Materials: pens; sheets of paper for each participant.
The whole group must participate in the game. During the game, the group's initial attitude to the problem is determined. The task is given: “name 1-2 words that come to your mind when you hear “drugs”, “drug addiction”, “addiction”. The game can be played in 2 versions - orally or in writing.
Option 1: participants in a circle express 1-2 associations that evoke these words.
Option 2: participants receive a small piece of paper on which they write down their associations to these words.

After this, all these associations are discussed, the reasons for the emergence of such associations are clarified, and the myth of drug addiction in our culture is described based on the associations that have arisen.

"Provocative Theses"

Target: find out whether the topic of drug addiction is relevant for teenagers and assess their basic level of awareness.

Provocative theses:

  • The problem of drug addiction cannot be solved, because... there is no drug-free society.
  • Only people living outside society have problems with drugs.
  • Drug addicts cannot be helped.
  • The police should take more decisive measures against drug addicts.
  • Young people are not informed enough about drugs.
  • Anyone who becomes a drug addict is unlucky.
  • Drugs need to be legalized.
  • Every person tries a drug at least once in their life.
  • Marijuana does not cause addiction.

"Myths" (30 min.)

Target: inform participants, dispel myths.

Materials: signs with the inscriptions "yes" - "no".

Attach signs to opposite walls. Read out the controversial statement, invite participants to stand near one of the signs ("yes" or "no"). Each participant must defend their point of view. After discussion, clarify controversial points (you can use statistical data).


  • Drug addiction is a bad habit.
  • It is enough to inject yourself once and you will become a drug addict.
  • All drug addicts and prostitutes are complete losers.
  • Marijuana is harmless.
  • Drug addiction is incurable.
  • You can't be friends with a drug addict.
  • Everyone has their own addiction.
  • "Pure drugs are harmless."
  • Legalization of drugs will lead to a reduction in crime.
  • It is not the drug itself, but its prohibition that leads to unhappiness.
  • A person has the right to consciously use drugs. This way he does not harm others.
  • The sale of drugs, supervised by doctors, can prevent drug addiction with the least possible losses.

Discussion “My friend is addicted to drugs” (15 min.)

Target: develop several different behavioral strategies that allow you not to enter into a co-dependent relationship with a drug user; provide an opportunity to maintain personal safety and at the same time help a loved one.

The facilitator invites the group to discuss the question “How should you build a relationship with a friend who uses drugs?” Participants express their ideas and thoughts on a given topic. Statements can be discussed and criticized in a correct manner. The main thing is that as a result of the discussion, a strategy is born that will actually work. The facilitator directs the course of the discussion, identifies illogical and discriminatory points, and clarifies whether the group understands individual statements correctly.

"Surprise" (25 min.)

Target: find out and discuss the motives for starting drug use.
Materials: opaque box, carrot.
The presenters place carrots in an opaque box or bag. Participants are told that what is there is “impossible”, “bad”, “forbidden”, without explaining the reasons. The box is placed in the middle of the circle. At the same time, the presenter says that each participant can express himself in relation to this box as he wants.
Usually more than half of the participants express their curiosity and look inside. Everyone is reminded that what is in the box is “bad”, “impossible”, but despite this, many did not want to take it into account.
After this game, it is advisable to present research results that would show the real reasons for starting drug use.

"Family" (45 min.)

Target: take a personal part in solving the problem, find possible exit strategies.
Materials: To make the role-playing game more natural, you can prepare some attributes for family members in advance.
The group is divided into two subgroups. Each subgroup must come up with a family story where someone is suffering from substance abuse. The whole group participates in writing the story and assigning roles. The task of each participant is to find ways to solve the problem and think about how he personally can influence the situation. The group acts out the situation. After this, it is necessary to discuss the most appropriate ways to solve the problem.

"Puppet" (30 min.)

Target: determine how a person can feel when someone controls him, when he is not free.
Participants must split into groups of three. Each trio is given a task: two participants must play the role of a puppeteer - completely control all the movements of the puppet doll, one participant will play the role of the puppet. Each participant must play the role of a doll. For each trio, two chairs are placed at a distance of 1.5-3 meters. The goal of the “puppeteers” is to move the “doll” from one chair to another. At the same time, the person who plays the “doll” should not resist what the “puppeteers” do to him. It is very important that each participant be in the place of the “doll”.
How did the participants feel during the game when they were in the role of a “doll”?
Did they like this feeling, did they feel comfortable?
Did you want to do something yourself?

"Questions" (15 min.)

Target: find out the awareness of the audience, plan an information block. The presenter considers the questions that the participants write down and, based on them, plans an information block for 3 days.
Everyone writes down on a piece of paper the question(s) they would like answered during the workshop. Leaflets with questions are given to the presenter.

Maiburova Valeria Aleksandrovna, educational psychologist of the state government institution of the Komi Republic “Social rehabilitation center for minors in the city of Syktyvkar”

Quiz game: “Prevention of bad habits”

Target: prevention of bad habits.


  1. Promotion of healthy lifestyles;
  2. Deepening children's understanding of bad habits;
  3. Formation of healthy lifestyle skills

Equipment: computer, projector, presentation, material for conducting experiments (ethyl alcohol, chicken egg, 2 sheets of pink paper), video: “How drugs affect the body.”

Expected results:

  1. Students will be informed about the use of surfactants, their effects on humans and the consequences of use;
  2. Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle;
  3. Developing an active life position that excludes the use of drugs and alcohol as a means of escaping life’s problems.

Progress of the lesson:

1). Preparatory stage: The presenter divides the gathered participants (minors aged 7 to 18 years, teachers) into 2 teams. Announces the title of the lesson topic. The facilitator asks the participants to come up with team names and choose a team captain. Then he invites you to pay attention to the screen where the presentation is shown.

“Now you will answer questions that will appear on the screen. You will answer one by one. Each team has 2 questions.

Slide No. 2 Question to team 1: What are the habits? (Team response)

Slide No. 3 Question to team 2: What good habits do you know? (Team responses).

Slide No. 4 Question to the team 1: What are bad habits (Team answers).

Slide No. 4 Question to the team 2: What bad habits do you know (Team answers)

2). Main part.

2.1.Smoking. The presenter demonstrates slide No. 6, distributes a blank sheet of paper to the teams and gives instructions: Now you need to write on this sheet of paper how smoking affects the human body. Allow no more than 5 minutes for the task. After discussion, team No. 2 offers its options. The leader on the board gives the team one point for the correct answer. The other team complements the opponents' answers and also receives points.

2.2 Experiment: The facilitator invites one participant from each team to come up and take part in the experiment. For the experiment you will need 2 pink sheets. The presenter gives one sheet each to the invited participants.

Host: Look at two pieces of pink paper - these are healthy lungs. What will happen to the lungs of those people who smoke? The presenter invites participants to crumple pieces of paper, and then draws their attention to view slide No. 8: “A smoker’s lung becomes flabby, sluggish - like a crumpled sheet. Healthy lungs are like a sheet of uncrumpled paper. Which lungs will be easier to supply the body with oxygen?

The presenter concludes: breathing tobacco smoke is dangerous to your health.

2.3. Alcohol.

Presenter: We continue our lesson. Demonstration of slide number 10.

The next bad habit is drinking alcohol, on your pieces of paper, please write down the harm of alcohol on the body. We also work for no more than 5 minutes.

After writing the answers, the presenter gives the first word to team No. 2. Team #1 completes the other team's answers.

After scoring points, the presenter invites the teams to answer the following questions, which are written on slide No. 12:

  • Have you ever met or communicated with people who drink alcohol?
  • How do such people behave?
  • How do they make you feel?

2.4. Experiment. For the experiment, the presenter breaks a chicken egg into a bowl and says that the structure of our brain resembles the structure of protein. Then the presenter takes out ethyl alcohol and says that alcohol is part of all alcoholic drinks. The presenter pours alcohol into the egg and demonstrates to the participants how the white begins to cook. The same thing happens to our brain when we drink alcohol. Then it begins to cook, to collapse, the more alcohol, the more destruction.

After conducting the experiment, the presenter concludes that alcohol is dangerous to health.

2.5. Drugs. The presenter shows slide number 15 and invites teams to write 3 harmful effects of drug use on the body within 5 minutes. For each answer, the presenter awards a point.

Show 16-17 slides

2.6 The presenter offers to watch a short video about the dangers of drugs “How drugs affect the body.” It is concluded that drugs are the death of humanity.

2.7 Substance abuse. The presenter demonstrates slides 17-19 to inform participants about another harmful habit of substance abuse. After viewing the slides, the presenter concludes: Substance abuse is a poison for human health.

3). Quiz: The presenter asks each team in turn quiz questions and awards a point for the correct answer.


1. What is the main poison of tobacco?


2. In Nice, young men staged a tobacco endurance competition. The young man who smoked more tobacco than others received a special prize. But the winner didn't get it. Why?

He died because smoked 60 cigarettes.

3. What is passive smoking?

This is when a non-smoker is in a room where other people smoke.

4. What are the dangers of smoking to a young growing body?

Leads to growth arrest, emaciation and cell death.

5. What turns yellow in heavy smokers ?


Choose the correct answer.

1. Are there cigarettes that are not harmful?

1) Cigarettes with a filter.

2) Cigarettes with low nicotine content.

3) No. +

2. How many harmful substances are contained in tobacco smoke?

1) 20-30.

2) 200-300.

3) Over 4000. +

3.Who is most dependent on tobacco?

1) For those who started smoking before the age of 20. +

2) Those who started smoking after 20 years.

3) Tobacco addiction is not related to the age at which a person started smoking.

4. What diseases are considered most associated with smoking addiction?

1) Allergy

2) Lung cancer. +

3) Sore throat.

"Alcohol is poison"

1. The disease about which they say: “Voluntary insanity”?


2. What stomach disease occurs when drinking alcohol?

Gastritis, ulcers and stomach cancer.

3. What harm does a drinking pregnant woman do to her unborn child?

Alcohol can lead to physical deformities and cause mental disorders in the child.

4. Can a teenager become an alcoholic from drinking beer?


5. Why can't some people give up alcohol?

Alcohol is addictive, like a drug.

6. Is it true that high-quality alcohol does not cause harm?

No it is not true. Any alcoholic beverages have a negative effect on the body.

Choose the correct answer.

1. By how many years does a person who drinks alcohol shorten his life?

1) For 3-6 years.

2) For 10-20 years. +

3) For 30-50 years.

2. Basically, a family breaks up if the parents:

1) They smoke.

2) They drink. +

3) They don't work.

3. Is it possible to become an alcoholic by drinking only beer?

1) Yes. +

2) No.

3) This is not an alcoholic drink.

4. What usually pushes a teenager to drink alcohol?

1) Having nothing to do. Boredom.

2) Friends, classmates from whom you don’t want to lag behind. +

3) I like the taste.

"No to drugs"

1. What disease are drugs closely associated with?


2. Why is even one-time drug use dangerous?

Psychological dependence arises.

3. What is the behavior of a drug addict after taking a drug?

The person becomes lethargic and lethargic.

5. What is withdrawal?

If the drug does not enter the body within 10 - 12 hours, this leads to a painful condition: the person begins to feel severe pain throughout the body. The body turns into one continuous wound. The drug addicts themselves called this condition brittle.

6. How to translate the word “drug” from Greek?

The word "drug" comes from a Greek verb that means to become numb.

Choose the correct answer.

1. What happens to the physical capabilities of a person who uses drugs?

1) They are rising.

2) They don't change.

3) They go down. +

2. Is it true that in most countries it is fashionable to use drugs?

1) It has never been fashionable. +

2) Very fashionable.

3) Fashion has passed in countries.

3. How does drug use affect the functioning of the heart?

1) Makes your heart beat faster.

2) Slows down its work. +

3) Does not affect.

4. If a person started using drugs at age 15, how much does his life expectancy decrease on average?

1) For 5-6 years.

2) For 7-10 years.

3) For 15 years or more. +

5. Who suffers primarily from the fact that a teenager is a drug addict and why?

1) Street, friends.

2) Family, parents (will do anything for money). +

3) School.

4) Promotion of healthy lifestyle. The presenter invites everyone to read together Slides 22 to 26, the topics of which are: “Why do people start taking surfactants”, “Resolutions for bad habits”, “9 ways to say no”, “Nine commandments of health”.

5) Completion of the lesson. The presenter sums up the lesson and awards the teams with certificates and sweet prizes.

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