What are the tablets made from? Production of effervescent tablets. How it all began

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  • Answer to the question
1. Any powder can be compressed; it is important to choose the technology and press. The solution in each case lies in a compromise between the need to refine the tablet mass or purchase a more powerful and expensive press. I recommend starting as follows. Decide on the size, shape and thickness of the tablets you intend to compress. Prepare your powder to the finishing stage, i.e. mix all the necessary powders into a single tablet mass. Do a hand test, stick your hand into the powder, scoop your powder into your fist and squeeze as hard as possible. Open your palm, if the powder remains in the form of an imprint and a small amount in the form of powder has fallen off, then you can buy the smallest press in terms of force. If the powder has broken up into several large fragments, and the percentage of fine powder on the palm is visually no more than 50%, then your powder needs to be pressed with a press with maximum force, among those that you can find. And the last option, if the powder, after unclenching the fingers, remains in the original state of free-flowing powder, then you need to begin work on mixing binders and adhesive additives into the composition. Then do the hand test again.

2. For some clients, it is easier, but more expensive, to buy the most powerful press model. Other clients want to save money on equipment and are engaged in the technological preparation of powder. In any case, my recommendations are a preliminary check of the powder and subsequent (if necessary) preparation. The maximum pressing force load should not exceed 70% of the indicator specified in the technical specifications. Additives to the powder that improve pressing are listed in the articles on this site.

3. The next problem that usually arises when operating tablet presses is poor powder flow. If your powder has a fine fraction, for example something like flour, and there is visually a lot of air in this powder, then such a powder will simply hang in the hopper of the tablet press. Thereby preventing uniform doses from entering the matrices. There are two solutions - adding additives in the form of larger crystals to the fine powder, which will ensure the movement of the powder in the hopper, the second solution is granulating your powder; you will determine the choice of method - dry or wet based on the composition of your powder. Working with granular powder produces tablets that are more uniform in weight and quality.

4. Powder sticking to the punches and inner walls of the dies. This unfortunate trend is stopping many pill manufacturing companies. The solution may be to dry the powder (check the moisture level of your granules or raw materials). Dry if necessary. This factor can also be influenced by the humidity in the room. The best ways to combat sticking on punches are calcium stearate and magnesium stearate powders. When they are added to any powder, the problem of sticking goes away. It should be added gradually from the minimum dose until the effect occurs. Some get 0.5% by weight. There are cases and applications of 5% sterate. In any case, when mixing powders, you need to understand that a certain powder will give a sticking effect and take this into account at the stage of preparing the mixture. Polishing the punches also helps.

5. Some powders have high abrasive properties and also have aggressive destructive effects. Regular tablet press models come with standard molds. I recommend that everyone treat all parts in contact with the powder with strengthening compounds. There are various electrochemical methods for strengthening steels. This will increase the resource of the tablet press several times.

Questions about pills

You will find answers to all questions related to the production of tablets on the pages of the resource www.site

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Biocad was founded by former banker Dmitry Morozov in 2001. A year ago, Roman Abramovich’s Millhouse fund acquired a controlling stake in it, and Pharmstandard bought another 20% for $100 million. By that time, the company was one of the three largest drug manufacturers in Russia. Its revenue tripled last year, to 8.6 billion rubles. She is currently developing drugs for the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases based on monoclonal antibodies. The drug development process lasts about five years, most of which is spent on clinical trials. It takes 15 years from the idea to the implementation of a medicine.

In total, the company has two production sites, in the Moscow region and the St. Petersburg special economic zone. The Village visited the St. Petersburg plant and learned how the medicines of the future are made there.


drug production

SEZ "St. Petersburg"

Number of employees in St. Petersburg: more than 400

Production site area: 2,000 m2

Several hundred people are working on the creation of a medicine: biologists, doctors, geneticists. Development of biosimilars takes five years. A biosimilar is a biological product that is similar in terms of safety, quality and effectiveness to the original biological drug in an equivalent dosage form.


Drug development begins with the emergence of an idea, which is discussed at a scientific and technical council. All Biocad scientific personnel - more than 300 scientists - participate in the formation and discussion of the idea. Together, they select a target and a method of influencing it to treat or prevent a disease, and form an image of a target therapeutic molecule.

Once the prototype (target profile) of the drug is formed, the process of developing the actual molecule in accordance with the goals begins.

In the laboratory of molecular genetics, genetic constructs are created to obtain human target proteins, which will be used in further work. They collect nucleotide sequences using specially developed programs. They are then passed on to cell technologists, who insert the resulting genetic vectors into mammalian cells to produce the necessary proteins. The resulting proteins are used to create antibody libraries.

An antibody library is a small test tube containing billions of genes for various antibodies, each of which is individual and capable of binding to a specific target.

In order for the library to be targeted and the proportion of antibodies to the selected target in it to be increased, animals, in the main laboratory rats, are injected with a drug of the target protein (immunized) before creating the library and wait for a protective response - this is how they get immune libraries.

High-performance robots are involved in the selection of antibody libraries. They help developers select thousands, hundreds, dozens of molecules from billions and, finally, find a few of the best ones that completely replicate the target profile of the therapeutic molecule.

After selecting the fraction of bacteriophages capable of contacting the selected target, bacteria converted into mini-biofactories for the production of antibodies are used for further selection. Antibody genes from the library are introduced into the cells of a bacterial culture, and each bacterial clone begins to produce an individual antibody.

Researchers study the antibodies produced in individual clones, and after selecting several leading antibodies, the improvement of the resulting molecules begins. Mathematical modeling takes part in this process: bioinformaticians create 3D models and make “predictions” for their further improvement. Bioinformatics predictions are tested using a gene synthesis platform where new ones are created synthetic antibody libraries from which the best candidates are again selected. In this way, scientists obtain molecules that have all the properties specified in the target profile.

Further cell technologists learn to produce selected antibodies in mammalian cells, create optimal schemes for cultivating and feeding producer cells, gradually scaling up developments from small wells in plates to 1000-liter reactors. The leading antibodies produced in large quantities are being studied on animals - small rodents, rabbits, guinea pigs, and non-human apes.


Before entering the production facility, where the components of the future medicine are grown in large devices - bioreactors, each employee must pass through an air shower in which dust particles remain.

A series of sensors and systems monitor and regulate temperature, agitation speed, pH and dissolved oxygen levels to provide the necessary conditions for cell growth. The number and viability of cells is monitored using a microscope or an automatic counter.

After the end of cultivation, the liquid is purified to obtain the target product - this process takes 28–29 days. After purification, the substance of monoclonal antibodies is sent for control and filling into bottles that will be delivered to hospitals and pharmacies.

Photos: Dima Tsyrenshchikov

In conditions of constant crisis and widespread rise in prices for household chemicals, we have to think about the issue of saving, as well as limiting harm to health. After all, it is the chemicals found in various means to maintain cleanliness and restore order that cause indelible damage to our well-being.

Because of all this, many are beginning to think about making dishwasher tablets with their own hands. Reviews from people who have already tried them are almost always positive. Anyone can make tablets - there are materials at hand in almost every home. And the budget savings are significant, while the quality is not inferior to copies purchased in the store.

If you own a dishwasher, then you are familiar with the prices for tablets for them. It appears to contain gold powder or precious metals. So, tired of constant (and not very small) costs, let's try to make tablets at home, using the ingredients that are in any apartment.

What are commercial dishwashing detergents made from?

Any powder or liquid substance for dishes is made using special substances (surfactants) necessary for good foaming. Acid that corrodes fats and water softeners are also added. In addition, bleaches, corrosion removers, fermented substances, brighteners, thickeners and many other chemicals are added that are not always beneficial for the human body.

Each manufacturer competes with another, adding completely unnecessary substances - special gels with supposed protection for glasses and coatings, providing slow dissolution with a gradual release of detergent, etc. You and I pay for all these additives, getting nothing as a result except allergic reactions.

Of course, the composition is indicated on the product packaging, but how many of us get to know it before purchasing? No one, we focus only on advertising and reviews from friends.

And this includes the simplest foaming agents (surfactants) with the addition of enzymes, salts, phosphates, soda and fragrances.

Each manufacturer repeatedly emphasizes that this chemical is harmless. But every person at least once in his life has encountered such an unpleasant problem as allergies. This occurs due to the fact that when combined with each other, all harmless substances begin to react to others and thereby release harmful components.

The most dangerous component is the one that contains chlorine, followed by formaldehyde and phosphate compounds, as well as those containing hydrochloric acid. They are always included in dishwasher detergents and repeated rinsing cannot get rid of them.

Remaining on the surface of the dishes (mind you, well washed), they will enter the body along with food. As they accumulate, they cause enormous harm to health. This significantly reduces immune strength, leads to skin aging, allergies, etc.

Phosphates are very dangerous because they can carry harmful substances into the bloodstream and deliver them to vital organs. And there are additives included in powder and tablet formulations that are absolutely unnecessary. This is, for example, sodium silicate, which “saves” the dishwasher tank (already made of stainless steel) from rust.

So, having familiarized ourselves with the usual means, we conclude that it is best to make tablets for dishwashers with your own hands. Almost any of the substances, except soda, are contained in clothes washing powder. But the goal is the same. Thus, it is worth spending a little time and preparing the detergent yourself.

The use of chemicals in the home "industry"

This recipe, the first on our list, is suitable for almost everyone - the use of surfactants is minimal and cannot seriously affect the well-being of even allergy sufferers. This remedy is very effective and simple. The ingredients for it are sold in pharmacies and household chemical stores, and the third ingredient can be found in any home.

To work you need:

  • Neonol (surfactant) - 30 g. This is an oily liquid substance, colorless or with a yellowish tint. Often used for household needs, in the woodworking industry, and in weaving factories. The substance is quite aggressive; when contacting it, be sure to use protective equipment - gloves and goggles.
  • Sulfanol - 30 g. The main synthetic detergent. Almost the entire world production of household chemicals uses it. It comes in the form of granules - white, yellow or brown, with a slight smell of kerosene. There is a paste-like sulfanol, as well as a solution. Its most important feature is that it is able to combine various substances into a homogeneous mass. It is the emulsifying property that is valuable in the production of do-it-yourself dishwasher tablets with soda. Reviews here are mixed - some are categorically against such products due to the use of neonol. Others consider this type of dishwashing much safer.
  • Baking soda - 900 g.

As is clear from the quantitative ratio, the basis here is soda powder.

Everything is thoroughly mixed in a suitable container and placed in pre-prepared molds for drying.

Don't forget about gloves and glasses - contact of chemicals with your skin and mucous membranes can cause serious health problems.

Vinegar as an ingredient for the production of cleaning tablets

It is also possible to prepare completely safe dishwashing detergents at home. Stock up for production:

  • Magnesia (if it is difficult to buy, then simple table salt will do) - 250 g. It is good for softening water.
  • Soda - 80 g. Removes grease from surfaces.
  • Brown - 100 g. Sold in pharmacies and gardening stores. Capable of disinfecting bacteria and germs.
  • Citric acid, or better yet vinegar, to combine and hold together the dry ingredients.

If desired, add 15 drops of orange or lemon essential oil. The quality of washing will not change, but the smell will be wonderful.

First, mix all the powders very thoroughly, and then add the liquid drop by drop. Carefully mix and grind the resulting mixture, waiting for the reaction between soda and vinegar to complete. Place in molds and dry in the dark for about 1.5 days.

The finished tablets must be stored in an airtight container. It's that simple - use it with pleasure.

DIY dishwasher tablets with baking soda

People who prepare their own detergents agree that the optimal solution is citric acid mixed with soda.

To prepare a test batch of dishwasher tablets with your own hands, take:

  • 1 cup of baking soda;
  • 0.5 glasses of water;
  • 0.5 cups salt;
  • 0.25 cups of citric acid.

First, half a glass of soda powder must be calcined in the oven - 30 minutes, heated to 200 degrees. Be sure to stir, otherwise the baking soda may burn.

After time, take out this powder and mix it with the second half of the soda, citric acid and salt. After thorough grinding, add a little liquid, the composition will give foam. After it settles, add water and stir. Such manipulations are carried out in several stages.

The finished mixture should be very quickly poured into molds, measuring out 1 dessert spoon at a time. Drying is enough for 1 hour, then everything is placed in a dry jar and hermetically sealed.

DIY dishwasher tablets in an ice tray

The following recipe also does not use any hard-to-find ingredients. You just need to take one teaspoon each of soda ash and hydrogen peroxide, mix together - and that’s it. Of course, it is useless to use this product to clean burnt pans and heavy dirt, but it will clean plates, spoons and other small utensils perfectly.

Another option includes washing powder and soda ash in a ratio of 7:1. Plain water is perfect as a connecting link here. After mixing, everything is put into molds.

An excellent tool for making your own dishwasher tablets with soda ash is an ice cube tray. The sizes of the finished tablets are perfect for the dishwasher tank.

Quality of work

Made with your own hands from improvised materials, they do not have superpowers. This is understandable, because they do not contain aggressive chemicals. But during home testing it was proven that they are practically not inferior to simple factory-produced products.

Naturally, the capsule will provide much better washing - it is much more effective and stronger. But when comparing prices for ready-made products and manufactured houses, homemade, of course, wins!

Pros and cons of home remedies

The degree of cleanliness of dishes, as well as the dishwasher tank, depends on the quality of the main detergent contained in the tablets, but not only. Various components also have an important effect - salts are used to make water soft, remove scale and plaque. Rinse aids consolidate the effect of washing. Degreasers prevent a fat layer from settling on the walls of the tank. Deodorants give a pleasant smell, etc.

In order to make tablets for dishwashers with your own hands, such components are not used. Here everything is limited to improvised means purchased for the home.

Factory capsules “dispense” certain products at the right time, starting work at the right time. “Home” remedies cannot do this.

But, in turn, they are made from completely harmless substances, adjusting the quantitative ratio of each ingredient and adapting them to your taste.

You just need to know well how this or that substance works:

  • Excessive dishwashing liquid will cause excessive suds, which is very harmful to the machine.
  • Excess soda will not allow the tablets to dissolve completely and you will get a residue on the dishes.
  • Excess citric acid will damage the plastic parts of the machine.

Store-bought tablets have a perfectly balanced composition that is gentle on both dishes and the dishwasher.

Another disadvantage is the unaesthetic quality of dishwasher tablets made by yourself; their appearance is far from ideal.

If you still decide that home remedies are more suitable for you, then listen to these tips that will make your work easier:

  1. Before choosing a shape, check the dimensions of the tablet compartment. Very large ones simply won’t fit in it.
  2. Some housewives do not want to deal with mixing and forming tablets. Of course, you can skip this step and pour the powder directly into the machine. But remember that it is sprayed over all surfaces of the car and is not completely washed out.
  3. Don't forget about gloves and masks to protect your skin and mucous membranes. Even soda can sometimes cause organ damage.
  4. Do not add too much baking soda - this can lead to poor dissolution of the tablets and, as a result, damage to the dishwasher due to the accumulation of powder in the nozzles.

Using a homemade detergent is perfect for daily dishwashing.

Their composition is absolutely safe for the human body and the state of technology. Don't neglect caring for your dishwasher. Clean it at least once every 1-1.5 months with special products.

Comment on the article "Homeopathy - benefits or quackery?"

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Such a familiar thing as a tablet became widespread relatively recently - at the end of the 19th century. Before this, the usual dosage forms that the pharmacy sold were: mixtures, drops, powders and pills. The latter can be considered the closest relatives of the modern tablet, the production of which is a complex automated process.

Just like in a pharmacy

Any tablet consists of several components that must be combined in a certain proportion into a homogeneous mass. Each of the tablet starting materials is weighed to the nearest milligram per batch of drug, then dissolved, sifted and mixed.

In fact, mixing various ingredients to create a homogeneous mass is not at all easy, since they may differ in density, dispersion, moisture, etc. Pharmaceutical production uses several types of mixing machines. Sometimes this is achieved by vigorously moving the particles of the future tablet in a circle and pushing them against each other. And sometimes mixing is achieved due to the principle of centrifugal force

Birth of a granule

The second stage of production is granulation of the resulting homogeneous mass. This is necessary in order, on the one hand, to prevent the future tablet from delaminating, and on the other, to make it easily soluble in the human body.

Granulation is carried out in two ways: “wet” and “dry”. The first one uses moisturizers: water, syrups, starch solutions, gelatin. After this, the mixture is sent to a device that acts like a sieve with tiny holes. The pureed mass is new granules, dried.

The “dry” principle of granulation is used in cases where the composition of the future tablet preparation includes substances that lose their properties when moistened. This type of granulation can be carried out either by crushing or by clumping pre-compacted powders. As a result, dry honey mushroom granules are checked for shape and size on the “sieve” of the pharmaceutical production line.

During the granulation process, the tablet mass is converted into tiny grains (granules) of the same size, which ultimately simplifies the next production process - tableting (or pressing).

Finding Shape

There are tablets that bypass the granulation process; they are made by direct compression, which significantly reduces the cost of the drug, but unfortunately, is suitable for a very small number of component tablets.

The tablet gets its shape and size using a special machine - a press. Typically, the biconvex “round” has a groove in the center that helps determine the half dose. Some companies print their logo or their patented name on the tablets.

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