Why find a bunch of keys? Positive and neutral interpretations and signs. Theft of property and forces

The key is a fairly small thing that is very easy to lose, but very difficult to find. People who have lost their key are forced to use backup options or make duplicates. But what should a person who has found a lost item do? It is not possible to return it to the owner, and, most likely, it will no longer be relevant. We will consider the interpretation of the sign to find the key in this material.

Our ancestors passed on to us a huge number of different signs associated with lost or found things, various phenomena of the surrounding world. How to interpret a key found on the road? Should you fear trouble or prepare for unexpected joy? And also what to do with the key itself - take it with you or pass it by?

It is noteworthy that the sign of a found key is interpreted differently. In some sources, it indicates great joy, and secondly, it foreshadows trouble. Which interpretation to believe and what to do with the find is your own business. But, of course, everyone who believes in messages from above will be curious to know about the most common explanations for signs.

Folk interpretations of signs

To love luck

According to one version, finding the key means strengthening your love feelings. This interpretation was adhered to by the gypsies. It was necessary to pronounce the words of a special spell before picking up the find. At the same time, it was necessary to imagine your soulmate and visualize how you and she would live happily and harmoniously for the rest of your days.

Then for nine nights the key was placed under the pillow, and during the day it was kept with you all the time. When the specified time had passed, the key should have been hidden in a safe place and not told to anyone about it, as well as about the ritual itself.

The interpretation of the sign described above remains popular today. Representatives of the fair sex resort to it especially often. The magical power of the spell will increase if the key you find is ancient.

Issues found

If we turn to another interpretation of the sign, finding a key means the emergence of various problems in life and is fraught with danger. Perhaps ill-wishers will weave a conspiracy or intrigue against you. Therefore, you should not take the key with you or come into contact with the object in any way - this is the only way you can protect yourself from harm.

But even a key left in place will foreshadow certain life difficulties that will occur in the near future.

If there are scratches or darkening on the key, this especially indicates negative events.

Sign about housing

In another interpretation, the sign of finding a key means that you will soon be faced with the need to change your place of residence.

It could also be a message from above that your home is protected from evil forces. The house keeps you out of trouble. And if some jealous or envious person tries to harm you, the key will reliably close the front door from negative radiation.

Peace and harmony will reign in your family. If the key is very old, this indicates even greater protection of the home.

But if this item is broken, you should be more vigilant, you should be wary of possible theft.

The mystery solved

If you are currently pondering some difficult life task, and then suddenly find the key, this is definitely a sign from above. It is necessary to rinse the item under running water (to cleanse it of foreign negative energy), and then read the spell. Then throughout the day and evening you need to remain silent, and at night hide the key under the pillow and go to bed. You will soon find the right solution.

Found a whole bunch of keys? This indicates the elimination of old and annoying family problems. Relations with distant relatives will improve; if one of the household members is in a quarrel, they will definitely make peace.

Expect an addition to the family

Having a vivid dream about how you find a key, according to a sign, is a very favorable interpretation. Most likely, another member will appear in your family in the near future. This may not be a child, but a person who has come to the family - for example, a daughter-in-law or son-in-law.

Single and unmarried relatives will have an easy and harmonious personal life.

There is also another interpretation of a key found in a dream - it also means moving to a new home or renovating the home in which you currently live.

Cash increase

Most people believe that the found key foreshadows successful changes in life.

Finding a new and shiny key portends a transition to an interesting and well-paid job, as well as a move to spacious housing.

And a rusty key found will attract material wealth into your life. The sign promises quick wealth - receiving an inheritance, gifts, an expensive find. Moreover, the larger the key, the more significant benefits will be revealed to you.

The rusty key is a real talisman of fortune. Many superstitious people advise taking it with you and storing it very carefully. Hide the find in a place where no one can find it. Luck will definitely help you in all areas of activity that at first glance may seem completely impossible.

Walk past a rusty key lying on the road, or give it to another person - in this case, you risk offending “luck” for such a dismissive attitude and she will probably turn away from you for a long time.


We can summarize that there are a huge number of interpretations of the sign about the found key. And each person will be able to establish his own, intuitively feeling which of them is the most correct. But, of course, if you tune in to the positive, you will get exactly that, because our Universe materializes exactly what we believe in and makes it our reality.

In short, every day you have to open and close something without thinking. But in fact, the key is an ancient symbol of the possession of wealth, a powerful sign with which many traditions and rituals were associated.

The key is connected with the subtle world, and if something happens to it by chance, it would be useful to find out what it is for. This object sometimes falls, gets lost, is found - and such phenomena can mean something important.

These are not just empty folk superstitions, but rather serious signs that the universe sends us. And if you are able to notice and understand such signs, you can control your life and better navigate it, especially in future events.

It is important to take care of your keys and treat them with respect, understanding that this is not only a necessary and useful thing, but also a powerful mystical object that can become a talisman.

You can’t throw them anywhere at home or in your bag; you need to give them a special place in the apartment, and put them in a separate pocket in your purse. If something happened, it is not difficult to find out what it means.

1. Losing a key is a nuisance that can cause a lot of problems. But this is a very good omen.

It is believed that losing the key is a symbol of the fact that old boring problems will soon end, liberation from troubles, unhealthy relationships and even illnesses will occur. So if you happen to lose your keys, know that this is for good!

2. And with the found keys everything is a little more complicated. There is the most important sign: finding the key means getting rid of problems quickly. But it's not that simple!

If you find a new key on the road, this means favorable changes in the financial sector; soon your financial difficulties will end. But you should not pick up the key from the road, especially from an intersection.

And if an old, especially beautiful key is found, this is a very good sign that promises a bright streak of life and wonderful changes. You need to pick it up, rinse it at home in running water, hold it over the light of a church candle and ask a higher power for help.

Then you need to put the find under the pillow, and in dreams, according to legend, a solution should come. What to do in a difficult situation!

3. If the keys fall from your hands or from the table, this may portend a quarrel in the family. To prevent this from happening, you need to knock on the table with the key.

And in general, when the keys fall, this is a good reason to once again think about whether you are behaving correctly with your household, whether you are provoking empty conflicts. Maybe you should be more tolerant and resolve all issues peacefully?

4. Breaking a key is a warning that losses or even theft are possible. You need to take care of your property, keep an eye on things, and not be careless. Be careful in transport and crowded places, and check doors when leaving home.

There are signs that tell you what not to do with keys - this mystical and important object. If you follow them, which is not difficult, then life will probably be happier.

  • Keys, as many people know, should not be placed on the table - this is a bad omen that can bring poverty into life. To ensure that you always have enough money, you need to keep your keys in a special place, preferably in a key holder, on a shelf, in a bag, but not on the table.
  • At home, they need to be placed or broadcast in the same place. If you are familiar with searching for keys throughout the apartment, and you often cannot remember where you left them, this is very bad. You need to give them a place and keep them there always.
  • There is a sign for husband and wife - when they come home, they need to hang the keys back quietly so that the husband does not hear. This is a sure sign that family life will be peaceful, and conflicts will cease to arise in the couple.

Believe in good omens and they will come true. Treat beliefs wisely, and let only the most pleasant signs come true in your life!

If you believe folk tales and literary works, armed with the right key, you can get a lot of useful things and even arrange your personal life. A golden key, a key to the apartment where the money is... Or this: “look for the keys of happiness in your hands.” But there are some doors that, not only to open, are not recommended even to look into the keyhole - painfully unpleasant things are hidden behind them. So the key is different. And it’s the same with everyday signs: in one case, the “master key” predicts great success and happiness for you, in another - no less big problems.

Every person has a key in their pocket or purse, or even more than one. From an apartment, a car, a desk drawer with valuable documents. From a safe deposit box. A little closet filled to capacity with old rubbish. Caskets with family jewelry. Some, like fairytale trolls, jingle entire bunches of various keys! And each of the “master keys” has its own energy - depending on how significant the door it opens is for you. Therefore, everything that happens to a treasured item for lovers of superstitions is important.

Despite the fact that the loss of an important key will probably make you quite nervous, in some cases it is a good omen:

  • For the young and unencumbered by marriage, especially girls, it promises changes in their personal lives, from an unexpected interesting acquaintance to a marriage proposal.
  • If troubles have been coming at you from all sides lately, rejoice. It is believed that the missing key opens the door to a new bright streak of life.
  • Another good interpretation: if you “sow” the key, you will receive a lucrative contract or business offer.
  • Those who discovered the loss shortly before any important event should not be nervous. The signs swear: no matter what you have in front of you - a presentation, an interview or submitting documents to a prestigious institute - you will be able to complete your planned task with a bang.
  • Alas, this cannot be said about a married woman. The loss of the keys serves as an unpleasant hint that the lady is a careless housewife and will soon be told about this in plain text. Household chores will start to fall out of your hands, the children will stop obeying, your husband will make claims... It’s worth gathering your strength and putting in order everything that you may have neglected lately, succumbing to fatigue or laziness.
  • It’s a little offensive that at the same time the head of the superstitious family is not reproached for anything, but is only promised a successful move - they say, prepare your pocket for new keys, you won’t need these anymore.
  • The sign has the same meaning for newlyweds on the eve of the wedding. Once the keys are lost, it means that neither the groom nor the bride will return to their father’s house, but will live as a friendly family in a new place.
  • A guy who loses his key on the eve of being drafted into the army risks not returning home after service. But don’t immediately think about the worst-case scenario! In wartime, the omen was indeed considered gloomy, but now it is interpreted somewhat differently. Perhaps the young man will decide to connect his life with the armed forces, or perhaps he will meet his betrothed where he happens to serve, and will no longer want to return home.

People lose their keys all the time

But not all signs are so complacent.

  • Lost keys during a move predict that you will not like your new place very much, but it will no longer be possible to change anything.
  • Are you getting ready for a trip and suddenly find yourself empty in your pocket? Receive a negative forecast for the entire trip: for you personally - the risk of injury on the way, and for the property remaining at home - unwanted interest from robbers.
  • A later version of the belief considers any disappearance of a key to a house, apartment or car to be a warning that scammers are encroaching on your property. Especially if this is not the first time you discover something missing! And it seems that this is not so much a sign as an observation. Indeed, the more keys you left unknown where, the higher the likelihood that they were picked up by someone dishonest.

The found key is one of the most favorable predictions, but do not rush to immediately pick it up from the ground. Like any personal item, such a find is filled with foreign energy, which is not very wise to bring into your home.

  • If a key that has separated from the keychain is found on the road or in the grass, it promises an influx of finances into your wallet and the resolution of difficulties that seemed insurmountable. Keep your nose up! But there is one clarification: the key must be brand new and shiny! Scratched, bent or broken is considered a sign of trouble, although not too big. The exception is a truly old and heavily rusted key. And if it is also decorated with beautiful carvings or curls on the handle, even the most superstitious people are not afraid to take such a gift of fate with them, because according to legend, it is capable of closing the doors to your home to any misfortune!
  • A whole bunch of keys portends getting rid of a heap of problems - everyone will unlock something. And if you have been in a state of conflict with a loved one for a long time, the found connection signals the right time to take the first step towards reconciliation. Your impulse will probably be readily accepted and supported.
  • It is better not to touch a key found at an intersection or in water. Spelled things are usually dumped in such places, hoping to get rid of the problem or even transfer it to someone else. Often a key is placed in water to neutralize negativity, maybe you shouldn’t take someone else’s? It’s up to you to believe or not to believe in the “linings,” but you must agree that holding such a thing in your hands is unpleasant in any case.
  • Finding your own keys, once lost, means starting a new favorable stage of life.

A morning find is fortunate, a night find means difficulties.

In addition to appearance, the time at which the key caught your eye also matters. At dawn or during the day, it symbolizes success in a planned business and many joyful events. Found at dusk, denotes an enemy or problem that will suddenly disappear from your path. And only if you manage to notice a small piece of metal in the darkness of the night, does it warn you of the fatal mistake that you are about to make. Don't make rash decisions, they will cost you dearly.

It's unpleasant to let go of the keys in any case. Especially for a superstitious person!

  • If they fall when you return home, the signs promise serious problems.
  • If you drop when you go outside, beware of trouble with a smaller caliber. There will be no global changes in life, but the business for which you are going on a journey will not be crowned with success. It’s worth putting it aside for a couple of days and thinking it over again.
  • Did your keys fall off the table? In this case, the sound of metal on the floor serves as a warning about a quarrel that is about to break out in the family.

If the bundle keeps falling out of your hands, although you do not complain about coordination and do not suffer from increased fatigue, beware of robbers entering the house.

Without the slightest doubt, give the keys to someone you care about, and willingly accept them yourself! It is believed that receiving such a gift will forever “close” your relationship, be it friendship or love. What’s nice is that these don’t necessarily have to be the keys to a car or personal yacht. A small pendant or keychain will cope with the role of a gift “with a hidden meaning” just as well.

But this sign is twofold. Some believe that a broken key warns of burglars who are targeting your home, and you need to urgently take increased security measures before it is too late. And others believe that there has already been a hacking attempt, but it was not crowned with success, and the uninvited guests left unsalted, which is what the key tells you.

Wherever you leave the key absent-mindedly!

Every now and then we forget something somewhere. Some occasionally, while others with enviable consistency. If you are part of a cheerful group of “confused” people who are always running around the house shouting “where is my wallet, phone, TV remote control,” you can ignore the sign, it has nothing to do with you. In fact, it is absurd to attach special importance to the key if this month you have already managed to lose two pairs of glasses, a glove and a wallet with the last thousand you saved until payday! However, for those who are neat and always know exactly in which pocket what they have, forgotten keys serve as a warning to beware of thieves. Or, in a broader sense, mobilize and be ready to confront some hypothetical troubles that lie ahead.

Out of half a dozen constantly in demand “master keys” hanging on one ring, trouble - for example, breakage or loss - happened to only one? Alas, this event also speaks of a threat to your property from dark personalities. Check the locks and install an alarm in your apartment and car. In any case, you can’t go wrong by protecting yourself from unwanted visitors.

Some keys just want to be turned into a pendant!

There are few things in the world that are so ordinary and widespread and at the same time overgrown with so many legends and signs, like a key. It was dedicated to the gods, worn on the belt as a sign of a special position in society, with its help they cast spells and performed witchcraft rituals... However, in modern times, keys primarily perform the main function: opening and locking locks and doors. Only mysterious signs know whose heart you will be able to unlock by finding a small key on your way!

Portal of magic and sorcerers

Keys can open any door - this symbolic meaning of a small thing is used in folklore and in magical rituals. Signs about keys will help you arrange your personal life, acquire money and avoid danger.

Interpretation of signs about keys

People say: “A correctly used key changes fate.” If a thing was lost or broken, a person considers superstition to be beneficial for his own future.

Signs about keys affect all areas of human life: work and personal relationships. Keys are used to open houses, offices, cars and boxes of secrets. Each master key carries its own energy charge. Signs about keys can warn of danger or foreshadow good events: the context is important, how and when the trouble happened.

It is easier for young people to interpret superstition, because in most cases, problems with a key promise important meetings and negotiations. A lost key is a negative sign for mature, accomplished individuals. It is interpreted according to the time of day and the conditions under which the problem occurred with the thing.

If the keys fall on the street, there will be no problems. It's bad when the loss occurs on the way home. An object falling far away from your home is a warning of a difficult day. Keys that fall near the house do not foretell any terrible problems. Minor troubles predict things falling on the doorstep. The keys are falling loudly - expect bad news. Linked keys enhance the negative meaning of the sign.

Dropping an apartment key means:

  • be late for important meetings and ruin the deal;
  • quarrel with colleagues or superiors;
  • forget important documents at home.

Dropping keys tied together on a table or near a workplace means protracted conflicts. If they ring at the same time, problems will affect the relationships of family members.

Forgetting a fallen thing means loss of attention. Superstition warns: something important is eluding a person. Trouble will come during the period of time in which the fall occurred. Signs promise minor troubles that a person can cope with.

Losing keys is a multifaceted sign that has different interpretations. It is positive for young girls and negative for business people. Losing the keys near the house or in front of the apartment is a sign of long-awaited news. If the day before a person was faced with urgent matters, the problems can be solved in one fell swoop. Losing the keys means changes in your personal life:

  • a successful period begins for the young lady: the girl may meet her beloved or receive an offer to get married;
  • sowing keys - to end the conflict between spouses;
  • For a married woman, loss promises betrayal by her husband;
  • For lovers, loss is a sign of shared happiness; soon the newlyweds will move to a new home.

Lost keys outside a house or apartment are a sign of lost opportunities. Business people can suffer from their own pride and overconfidence. If the keys are missing and lost in the house, illness cannot be avoided: any family member will get sick.

The keys to changes in your personal life are lost

If the master keys were found after a few days, the belief promises a solution to the problems. Found related items are a sign of well-being. For business people, successful searches foretell success in signing a lucrative contract.

A rusty key is a sign of stagnation and problems. There is no need to store old things; it is better to get rid of them. You should be extremely careful with the bundle: if the whole set is lost, you won’t have to wait long for trouble. Losing a ligament when moving means difficult living conditions in a new place.

If you have problems with the door on the road: the key is broken or the key is lost, superstition warns of a high risk of injury or an accident. The property remaining in the house will suffer from an accident or after a raid by robbers. Losing a connection on the eve of important negotiations means failed agreements. People who have lost their new bundle will have to save their property from scammers.

Stolen apartment keys are a real problem. This sign is dangerous for young families. A stolen item foreshadows a series of failures and a test for lovers. A loss that is not found promises business people difficulties with the legal side of agreements. For the family, this belief is a warning about a protracted crisis.

Keys that constantly disappear are a magnet for problems. They need to be changed urgently. There is no point in rejoicing over the return of the theft: the item will no longer be useful. The sign promises constant minor troubles, attracted through a recent theft.

The keys break to warn the owner of the house: if the little thing is damaged, robbers or scammers will encroach on his home. If only one key from a whole bunch is broken, you should pay attention to strengthening security: install an alarm, change the locks and get an armored door.

A broken key is replaced immediately: carrying a chipped item is harmful to the energy of the family. If you do not replace it, there will be a lot of troubles and illnesses. You need to take care of your keys; people say: “A clean key means a clean house.” Damaged master keys are a sign of accumulated negative energy in the house.

Master keys received as a gift are a good sign. The symbol of unity and strength will benefit both young and adult people. The found key is to news from afar. If a bundle is lying on the street, money is expected to arrive. You shouldn’t take the keys with you; you can bypass them and thank fate for the hint.

Folk signs about keys

What you can't keep at home. Keys, Locks - what does it mean? Named in Honor of the Deceased.

Folk signs about the cross

Finding a thing under the door means uninvited guests. Such finds are thrown on the floor and passed over. After this, a general cleaning of the house is carried out, unnecessary rubbish and garbage are removed. Finding a pendant in the shape of a key means quick promotion. A decorative master key attracts new opportunities and prosperity. Found keys, if possible, are returned to the owner: a good deed will bring good luck.


The key is a fairly small thing that is very easy to lose, but very difficult to find. People who have lost their key are forced to use backup options or make duplicates. But what should a person who has found a lost item do? It is not possible to return it to the owner, and, most likely, it will no longer be relevant. We will consider the interpretation of the sign to find the key in this material.

Our ancestors passed on to us a huge number of different signs associated with lost or found things, various phenomena of the surrounding world. How to interpret a key found on the road? Should you fear trouble or prepare for unexpected joy? And also what to do with the key itself - take it with you or pass it by?

It is noteworthy that the sign of a found key is interpreted differently. In some sources, it indicates great joy, and secondly, it foreshadows trouble. Which interpretation to believe and what to do with the find is your own business. But, of course, everyone who believes in messages from above will be curious to know about the most common explanations for signs.

To love luck

According to one version, finding the key means strengthening your love feelings. This interpretation was adhered to by the gypsies. It was necessary to pronounce the words of a special spell before picking up the find. At the same time, it was necessary to imagine your soulmate and visualize how you and she would live happily and harmoniously for the rest of your days.

Then for nine nights the key was placed under the pillow, and during the day it was kept with you all the time. When the specified time had passed, the key should have been hidden in a safe place and not told to anyone about it, as well as about the ritual itself.

The interpretation of the sign described above remains popular today. Representatives of the fair sex resort to it especially often. The magical power of the spell will increase if the key you find is ancient.

If we turn to another interpretation of the sign, finding a key means the emergence of various problems in life and is fraught with danger. Perhaps ill-wishers will weave a conspiracy or intrigue against you. Therefore, you should not take the key with you or come into contact with the object in any way - this is the only way you can protect yourself from harm.

But even a key left in place will foreshadow certain life difficulties that will occur in the near future.

If there are scratches or darkening on the key, this especially indicates negative events.

In another interpretation, the sign of finding a key means that you will soon be faced with the need to change your place of residence.

It could also be a message from above that your home is protected from evil forces. The house keeps you out of trouble. And if some jealous or envious person tries to harm you, the key will reliably close the front door from negative radiation.

Peace and harmony will reign in your family. If the key is very old, this indicates even greater protection of the home.

But if this item is broken, you should be more vigilant, you should be wary of possible theft.

If you are currently pondering some difficult life task, and then suddenly find the key, this is definitely a sign from above. It is necessary to rinse the item under running water (to cleanse it of foreign negative energy), and then read the spell. Then throughout the day and evening you need to remain silent, and at night hide the key under the pillow and go to bed. You will soon find the right solution.

Found a whole bunch of keys? This indicates the elimination of old and annoying family problems. Relations with distant relatives will improve; if one of the household members is in a quarrel, they will definitely make peace.

Having a vivid dream about how you find a key, according to a sign, is a very favorable interpretation. Most likely, another member will appear in your family in the near future. This may not be a child, but a person who has come to the family - for example, a daughter-in-law or son-in-law.

Single and unmarried relatives will have an easy and harmonious personal life.

There is also another interpretation of a key found in a dream - it also means moving to a new home or renovating the home in which you currently live.

Most people believe that the found key foreshadows successful changes in life.

Finding a new and shiny key portends a transition to an interesting and well-paid job, as well as a move to spacious housing.

And a rusty key found will attract material wealth into your life. The sign promises quick wealth - receiving an inheritance, gifts, an expensive find. Moreover, the larger the key, the more significant benefits will be revealed to you.

The rusty key is a real talisman of fortune. Many superstitious people advise taking it with you and storing it very carefully. Hide the find in a place where no one can find it. Luck will definitely help you in all areas of activity that at first glance may seem completely impossible.

Walk past a rusty key lying on the road, or give it to another person - in this case, you risk offending “luck” for such a dismissive attitude and she will probably turn away from you for a long time.

We can summarize that there are a huge number of interpretations of the sign about the found key. And each person will be able to establish his own, intuitively feeling which of them is the most correct. But, of course, if you tune in to the positive, you will get exactly that, because our Universe materializes exactly what we believe in and makes it our reality.

It is known that finding a key is a good omen. You can read about whether it is worth raising it, and about other signs that are associated with such things, in this article.

In the past, the discovery of a metal product almost always foreshadowed great success and profit. In some regions, on the contrary, such an event was considered a bad omen and attributed to such finds the property of attracting bad luck. Keys have always been given special significance. Images of priests with them have survived to this day, symbolizing wisdom, secret knowledge and problem solving. Nowadays, decorative talismans in the form of keys are also popular.

The sign “find the key” has a very clear meaning. She foretells that your problems will soon be solved, a series of troubles will end, and trouble will leave your home.

Even though finding a key is a good omen, you should not pick it up. This is especially true for things that were seen lying at an intersection. It is known that they can be damaged or otherwise negative, which you certainly do not need. They could also be used as a protective talisman, which implies the presence of negativity in it. In any case, some kind of energy is invested in every thing, and if you cannot say what its nature is, you should not pick it up.

You also cannot pick up keys that were found in bodies of water. There is a ritual that allows you to lock away failures. Its implementation involves throwing the key into the water. If you take it for yourself, the problems and failures of the person who performed the ritual will also become yours.

Losing your keys is not the most pleasant thing that can happen to a person, but it is not a bad omen, despite the upcoming troubles, such as changing the locks. That is why many now believe that such a loss predicts only troubles and thefts. It’s easy to justify logically, and it can come true, especially if you don’t change the locks. But still, our ancestors thought differently.

For young girls and boys, losing the keys to the front door promises great luck in their personal lives, the fulfillment of love desires and well-being. For everyone else, this sign promises quick changes in life. The sign does not indicate whether they will be positive or negative, but it will be quite difficult for you to come to terms with them and accept new things. There is an opinion that for a mother such an event foreshadows a loss of control over her children and a worsening of relations with them.

According to some sources, the loss of keys predicts good luck for businessmen, a profitable deal and an increase in profits. You may receive an extremely advantageous offer. But if such losses happen to you regularly, this means theft. It is worth thinking about the safety of your home and personal belongings. The sign has the same meaning if the keys have fallen or if they regularly literally fall out of your hands. Dropping a key means bad luck, and if it was done on purpose, it means a quarrel.

Losing your keys before a trip can be a warning that it will be unsuccessful. Perhaps an accident or other trouble awaits you. There is also a good chance that your home will be burglarized while you are away. It is worth either postponing the trip or taking security measures, especially if you have already lost more than one key.

A loss before an important event, such as an exam, promises that it will be extremely successful. Troubles before an important task often indicate that it will go well. If such an event happened before the wedding, after it or after moving - fortunately in a new place or in marriage. But before moving to a new place of residence, it means that life there will be difficult and unlucky.

A break or crack on the surface of the key warns homeowners that thieves will soon try to profit from your property or have already tried. You should be more careful; it may make sense to ask your neighbors to look after your apartment, especially if you are going on vacation.

If the key rusts, don't be alarmed. This sign promises you monetary profit, an unexpected pleasant surprise or an expensive gift, and sometimes foreshadows the receipt of a large inheritance.

Such items should be stored in a special compartment of the bag, pocket or key holder. They have no place on the table; it attracts quarrels and failures into the house. This means any table - both a coffee table and a dining table, and even one that was purchased specifically to store things that should be in the hallway.

In the old days it was believed that whoever jingled a bunch of keys on Wednesday would go crazy. You can’t whistle on your keys, this can lead to memory loss, and you can’t knock on them, which portends quarrels. In the past, only the owner locked the doors at night. Our ancestors thought that if a woman did this, the spouses would have a quarrel.

A decorative key made of precious metal can be a good talisman if worn around your neck. It symbolizes knowledge and wisdom, as mentioned above. Such talismans help make decisions and develop intuition. Three keys are considered amulets for health, love and financial well-being.

It’s easy to guess that these items are also used to make amulets against thieves. To do this, collect all the old and no longer needed keys around the house and tie them with a red ribbon and a bow. With this bunch you need to go around the house clockwise, making a ringing sound in each corner of the house, and then hang it above the front door. If you choose beautiful decorative objects, you can make not only a talisman, but also a decoration.

The key is placed near the bed at the head of the bed to get rid of nightmares and fear of the dark. Some believe that if placed under the mattress, it will help a man get rid of impotence. In several regions, such things were placed under children's pillows to protect them from evil spirits.

In general, our ancestors had enough experience to say that such signs work great. However, you should not think that if a sign of loss portends good luck for you, then the lock in the house does not need to be changed.

Do you want reliable protection or success in various endeavors? Then take advantage of the talismanic wisdom of the Slavs and the knowledge passed on from generation to generation in ancient Rus'. Break the cycle of failure by learning about the best defenses that work towards your excellence. Read on our website about choosing amulets, amulets and talismans.

The harmony of a magical amulet with your biofield depends on several parameters: individual characteristics and desired goals. Do not forget about the difference between an amulet, a talisman and a talisman. The amulet is always made personally; the talisman and amulet can be purchased. In addition, the talisman attracts positive energy, and the amulet protects against negative energy.

Portal of magic

The key was never an ordinary thing, the meaning of which was not given any significance. On the contrary, in every culture it is a certain symbol to which abilities are attributed, or is considered an omen of certain events. We will talk about signs about keys and their interpretation.

Signs about keys

What does the key symbolize?

Usually, it was from the purpose of the key that different peoples drew inspiration to attribute this or that ability to it. Since it can open doors, it means that it is a means of knowledge, wisdom and even wealth, both spiritual and material. Among other things, according to beliefs, it imparts permissive and limiting power, providing:

  • safety;
  • power;
  • knowledge;
  • liberation;
  • humility;
  • freedom;
  • limitation.

Keys are an invariable attribute of many deities and rituals in different religions. Including in Christianity: some apostles are depicted with keys or even a bunch of them in their hand, on their belt, etc.

Well, in folk superstitions about keys you can find a lot of interpretations regarding what they can promise: from good luck in your personal life to real troubles, because depending on which doors it unlocks, it is saturated with positive or negative energy.

Not only is losing your keys very unpleasant in itself: without them you won’t be able to get into your house, office, unlock your car, safe, etc., but popular wisdom is also ambivalent about this event.

The most common interpretation of the sign about the loss of keys speaks of changes for the better. This is especially true for those people who have previously suffered a series of failures. In this case, the loss is encouraging: a new bright page has been opened for you.

This may also be due to the approaching of a profitable deal or the implementation of a plan. Sometimes this indicates an upcoming move. For unmarried girls, this is a holiday: they should expect quick changes in their personal lives.

By the way, if a couple of days before the wedding the bride or groom lost the keys to the doors of the house, it means that they will live happily ever after.

Unfortunately, there are also less pleasant superstitions associated with the loss of keys. So, there is a sign: for a married woman losing her keys means that household chores will go awry. Scandals will begin with the household, where continuous reproaches will be showered on the hostess. Although, if a woman is wise, she will regard such superstition as a signal that she should understand herself, reconsider some of her actions, etc.

For guys preparing to serve in the army, losing a key threatens that it will never return home. But there is no need to panic. Perhaps the young man will make a successful career in the army, remaining to serve there for a long time, or he will get married at his place of service and also remain in his wife’s homeland.

If the keys are lost during a move, then the new place is unlikely to heal well. The same applies to those who are about to go on a journey: it will not be successful.

Finally, the most realistic sign says: if you lost a key (to a car, apartment, etc.) - change the locks, perhaps it was stolen from you and they are preparing to break into your property.

Finding a key is generally considered a good sign. But not without exceptions, of course.

Popular wisdom believes that stumbling upon someone else's key is a good omen. It means that existing problems will now be quickly resolved, and threats will be passed over. If you happen to find a bunch, it’s just a “jackpot”. Success in financial affairs and long-awaited reconciliation with a loved one await you. Moreover, your step towards renewing relations will be appreciated and accepted.

A rusty key is considered a particularly lucky find, and the older it is, the luckier its new owner will be. It reliably “locks” the door of your house for any misfortunes and envious people.

Finding the key that you yourself lost means that a series of unexpected and favorable events is coming.

Now about the negative significance of the find. If you find an old bent key in an indecent state, let it stay with you. He won't bring anything good.

Signs about keys found at crossroads have witchcraft implications. Most likely, they were spoken to and thrown out at the intersection of roads, which is an old magical rite. By picking up such a key, you will take upon yourself various troubles: illness, failure, damage, etc.

If the master key is found in water (river, lake, swamp, etc.), you should also be careful here. This may be part of a witchcraft ritual, or someone in this way removes negativity from an object.

The signs about keys don’t end there. There are still many, many of them:

  • dropped;
  • fell themselves;
  • forgot the key;
  • placed on the table;
  • given or received as a gift;
  • broken or broke, etc.

and all of them also deserve attention.

Folk signs about keys

When the key falls

Dropping keys most often happens in a hurry, so there is not always time to attach any importance to this. However, superstitions say that if your keys fall under certain circumstances, you need to stop and think about it, because this can be a life-saving warning.

When this happens when you return home, expect major problems. When leaving the apartment, minor troubles will happen; perhaps the business for which you had to leave will simply not work out today.

If the keys connected to each other fall, your plans will also be impossible to come true. If this happens regularly through no fault of yours, i.e. If you do not suffer from a nervous disorder, chronic fatigue, etc., then the threat of illegal entry hangs over the room from which keys are constantly being dropped.

But there is another belief: whenever you drop your keys, you must quickly make a wish. If they fly off the table, clanking loudly on the floor, there will be a quarrel in the house.

Naturally, if the keys given to you or you open a car, apartment or a nice yacht, this is obvious luck! But keys are also made in the form of jewelry (pendants, earrings, pendants, etc.). This is a wonderful gift that symbolizes friendship, strong love and devotion.

In case the key breaks, different signs promise different events. This may be a signal of danger from thieves. But the key may also be trying to “tell” you that a robbery attempt has already been made, but was not successful for the villains.

If the key cannot be found anywhere, then “don’t go to a fortune teller”: it could have been stolen from you on purpose in order to clean out your home, car, office, etc.

Again, when a person is already absent-minded and this is only a small part in the compartment of things that are always lost, then looking for hidden subtext in this event is a waste of time and effort.

Often people carry several keys connected with one ring. In this case, the loss, damage or breakage of only one warns of danger. Moreover, this may be a real threat of property theft or a problem.

They also say that the keys on the table mean a quarrel or lack of money. In any case, first of all, it is unhygienic, because they are lying around everywhere.

When the key suddenly rusts, this is great: expect good news, surprises, gifts.

Never throw your keys: they must have their own place (shelf, hook, for example), where they are quietly placed. By the way, keys that are no longer needed due to the fact that the locks have been changed must be buried in the ground. They no longer have a purpose, their energy is superfluous.

People say that the key is a symbol of new discoveries, prosperity, wisdom and wealth. But we are so accustomed to this seemingly simple item that we often do not attach much importance to situations when it breaks or gets lost.

But in fact, there are many signs that allow you to look into the future. Beliefs will explain what to lose, how to find the keys, and whether it is worth taking back an item you picked up on the street.

The key is a symbol of new discoveries, prosperity, wisdom and wealth

Folk signs

It is known that with the help of this object you can not only open the lock, but also perform a ritual - “lock up” a person’s failures. In the old days, after this ritual, it was customary to throw the enchanted object into a pond. But if someone finds the key in such a place and takes it with him, then he cannot avoid a dark streak in life. For this reason, it is better to avoid such a find.

Other interesting signs about keys that are worth paying attention to have survived to this day.

  1. People say that if you jingle a bunch of keys on Wednesday, you will lose your mind.
  2. Signs also do not recommend whistling into the key - according to popular belief, memory may suffer because of this.
  3. Knocking on the table means causing quarrels.
  4. Only a man should lock the front door at night; if a woman does this, scandals will begin in the family.
  5. A rusting key is a good sign. An unexpected profit, an expensive gift or an inheritance awaits you. In any case, it will be a pleasant surprise.
  6. If you installed a new lock, you should definitely throw away the key to the old one, since it no longer has anything to do with your home and destiny.
  7. You cannot put this item on the windowsill, otherwise you will attract problems and poverty into the house.
  8. If you put it under your pillow at night, you can protect yourself from evil forces in this way.
  9. This item, left under the mattress, will return male health and strength to the spouse.

Signs advise hanging the bundle on a specially designated hook. Moreover, it is advisable to do this as quietly as possible, so that the other half does not hear the keys ringing. In this case, life together will proceed peacefully and calmly.

Using the key you can perform a ritual - “lock” a person’s failures


A small metal object found on the street has long been considered a harbinger of bad luck. But finding the key, according to signs, is a very good omen - this will lead to unexpected joy and resolution of problems. However, it is worth remembering that it is not always possible to take such a find with you.

  • This item is used to cause damage. After such a ritual, he is left at a crossroads. Therefore, if you find a key in such a place, you should not even touch it.
  • Another sign says that finding the key means great luck. Troubles will no longer haunt you, and life will be filled with bright colors.
  • If the key you find looks new, success in the financial sector awaits you. Favorable changes will allow you to forget about need for a long time.
  • Finding a broken or scratched key means a series of minor troubles.
  • If the find is unusual, for example, with carvings, patterns or curls, you can safely take it with you. Such an item can become a real talisman that will “lock” the door to your home in the face of any disaster.
  • I happened to discover a whole bunch of keys - according to the superstition, this promises to get rid of several problems at once, when each of them unlocks one at a time. And if you are in a quarrel with someone, then such a find means that it is time for you to make reconciliation. A sincere step on your part will definitely be appreciated and supported.
  • Finding keys that you yourself have recently lost means that your life will soon change in a favorable way.
  • A beautiful old key picked up on the street will help solve problems. When you arrive home, you should rinse it under running water and then warm it over a lit church candle. At the same time, ask for help and protection from higher powers - your prayer will be heard. Then all that remains is to put the find under the pillow; in a dream, according to the sign, the necessary decision will come to you on how to act in the current situation.

If you found the keys, pay attention to what time of day it happened.

A morning find promises exceptionally joyful events, while an evening find means that troubles will go away on their own. But if you find a key at night, this is a warning. Now you should not make hasty decisions, otherwise you may make a fatal mistake.

The found key looks new - success in the financial sector awaits you

A fall

Often, keys seem to slip through your fingers and fall out of your hands. Most superstitions tend to believe that such a situation portends trouble.

  1. The keys fell at the moment when you were leaving the house - the omen promises a whole heap of minor troubles and sorrows. It is better to postpone the matter for which you left for a couple of days. Otherwise, the plan will not be crowned with success.
  2. If this happens upon returning home, quite major problems are expected.
  3. Dropping a bunch of keys in front of the door - according to the sign, this is a sign of failure, quarrels, misunderstandings in the family and misfortunes in the house.
  4. If a key falls, troubles can be averted by knocking on the table with it.
  5. Keys fall out of your hands regularly - you should be careful. The sign warns that someone is trying to break into your home, and with the worst intentions. Another belief advises you to reconsider your behavior: whether you treat your relatives well, perhaps you yourself always provoke conflict situations.

A loss

The meaning of the sign about the loss of keys is exactly the opposite of the prophecy about their fall. Despite the fact that modern beliefs predict theft in this case and advise urgently changing the locks, the superstitions of our ancestors say the opposite.

  • For young people, this sign promises happiness in their personal lives. Cherished wishes will come true, the couple will experience prosperity and great love.
  • Popular beliefs predict a very successful move for the head of the family. The old keys were lost for a reason: they made room for new ones.
  • If the mother happened to lose the keys to the apartment, then the sign in this case indicates the possibility of losing control over the children.
  • For everyone else, this belief predicts imminent changes. The only thing that is kept silent is what kind of changes should be expected. In any case, you will take the changes hard and will take a long time to get used to them, but you should reconcile yourself and trust fate.
  • If you are going on a trip and discover that your keys are missing, you should postpone it or abandon the trip altogether. If you happen to lose your keys at home, this sign warns of a high probability of major troubles, even an accident.
  • If they mysteriously disappear right before some important event, great luck awaits you. Found missing before the exam - it will be passed successfully, this happened before the wedding - family life will be filled with happiness.
  • But when this item is lost before moving to a new place of residence, the atmosphere in the house will be tense, and life will be difficult and full of failures.
  • Lately you have been haunted by troubles - the loss of your keys promises the beginning of a new bright stage. It is the missing key, according to the sign, that should open the door to a new life.

Lose a bunch

If a married woman loses a bunch, then this is a bad sign. Household chores will literally start to fall out of your hands, relationships with family members will deteriorate. Signs advise you to pull yourself together and not indulge in laziness, then everything will definitely work out.

For people who run their own business, superstitions promise success and prosperity. You will be able to conclude a very profitable deal that will bring considerable profit, in addition, you will be able to establish useful connections, find reliable partners and sign many contracts in the future.

When the key is lost before moving to a new place of residence, the atmosphere in the house will be tense


The key is broken - a sign advises you to beware of intruders. Thieves may try to steal your property, or they have already attempted to do so. For this reason, if you are just getting ready to go on a trip, then you should not leave the apartment unattended.

Ask your neighbors to stop by occasionally and check that everything is okay. And be sure to pay attention to whether the door is locked when you just go out on business.

Folk beliefs can tell a lot about the loss and discovery of keys. But remember, even if the sign promises good luck after you discover the loss, changing the locks will not be superfluous.

Do you think losing or finding a key is a good or bad omen? Beliefs - a folk storehouse of wisdom that has come down to our times from our ancestors - will help you figure out what to do when you fall, lose or find your keys.

Finding the key is a sign

So what does the sign say if you are the key? Many people believe that if you managed to find a metal product, this means that you will soon make a profit. If you have found the key, then you can be sure that your troubles will go away, the black streak will finally end and all problems will begin to resolve themselves.

It is believed that you have found the key to the door to a new life, happy and joyful. However, remember, if you have found the key, you can only look at it and rejoice that your life will now be full of good moments. It is strictly prohibited to touch or lift it.

Superstitions convince us that Under no circumstances should you lift things on the road. Unattended items could be damaged, and if you pick it up, you will become a hostage to a negative program, and the black magician will draw strength from you.

Sometimes the evil eye is removed from some things and thrown away, which again makes them dangerous. In rare cases, finding a key means finding a talisman against black power, since this magical attribute was often used as a talisman. Indeed, since ancient times, this attribute has been a symbol of solving problems, as well as obtaining secret knowledge and wisdom. If the talisman is thrown away or gotten rid of, this means that it contains negative energy.

This also applies to similar things that were found in the water. Since ancient times, a ritual has come down to us, during which it is necessary to transfer all one’s failures and adversities to such an attribute. This allows you to lock the door with problems.

After this, the key must be thrown into a natural reservoir. In this case, if you not only take the item to your home, but even just pick it up, then all the troubles that the previous Valdel resident got rid of will pass on to you.

Of course, this is not a pleasant phenomenon. However, if you trust signs, then such an incident promises only joy for young single people. Rest assured, from now on your personal life will improve, and you will finally meet your soulmate.

For older people, the loss of keys portends various changes. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to say whether they will be pleasant or not. If we talk about businessmen and traders, then the sudden loss of a key will bring them success.

It is possible to conclude a very profitable deal and increase profits. However, a positive interpretation of a sign is only relevant if it is an isolated phenomenon. The constant loss of keys indicates troubles and possible theft. Just dropping the keys is inviting misfortune.

Our ancestors believed that if you drop your keys before a trip, it will not live up to your expectations. Troubles are likely either on the road or at home. But the loss of an attribute before a test or an important performance predicts joy and successful completion of affairs. Lost keys before the wedding indicate that the couple will be happy together.

A broken key indicates that someone tried to rob you or this will happen in the near future. Be as careful as possible.

Are you afraid of a rusty key? Believe me, there is no need to worry. Superstition predicts receiving a large sum of money, pleasant surprises and expensive gifts.

Never place your keys on the table, as you will attract disagreements. This means a coffee table, a dining table, and tables for storing things that are in the hallway.

Our ancestors were sure that if you jingle a bunch of keys often (especially on Wednesdays), you could lose your mind. Whistling on this item is also prohibited; you will earn very little. Constantly banging keys was forbidden; it caused discord in relationships.

Only the oldest man in the house could close the door at night. It was believed that if a woman took on this, the partners would definitely quarrel. If you want to attract wisdom, knowledge into your life, and become more strong-willed and decisive, wear a small key made of silver or gold around your neck.

If you carry three keys, then you will become the owner of 3 powerful amulets: for health, love and prosperity. Using this attribute, you can even get rid of nightmares or other fears. To do this, it was necessary to simply place this little thing at the head of the bed.

Every mother wants to protect her children from evil spirits and negative energy. For this purpose, a small key was also placed under children’s pillows. Also, the ancestors had a very unique way of getting rid of impotence. To do this, you simply had to put the key under the mattress.

Folk signs help make our lives better, warn about possible negative events and good news that you will receive in the near future. Don't ignore the little signs that fate sends, and you can change your life for the better.

Since ancient times, it has been the custom that a found metal object promises a quick solution to complex life problems, good luck, and profit. True, there are regions where the sign was interpreted exactly the opposite, that is, everything should not work out in the best way. The superstition about keys has a special meaning.

The value of the found key

If you find the key, you will soon breathe a sigh of relief; finally, a way out of the difficult situation will be found. It’s as if you’ve picked up the last puzzle and the picture will come together. In some cases, someone else's key in your hands has a negative value.

To correctly interpret a sign, you need to consider all the circumstances under which the event occurred: new, old, your own, someone else’s, etc.

Bunch of keys

We found many keys on one ring - a sign of future successful business. Life's problems will slowly begin to resolve themselves. In your personal life, everything will go well, relationships will become stronger, or you will find happiness and love with a new person.

If you find that one of the keys is broken, then you need to be more careful with acquaintances, or when concluding transactions - deception is possible, or you will become a victim of robbery.

Someone else's or our own

Sometimes it happens that you suddenly discover your own key, which was lost long ago. This is a favorable sign. Your life will soon emerge from the dark period into the light, a new stage will begin, a higher level. We were in a difficult situation, the found key foreshadows a quick favorable outcome, worries will go away, a way out of the impasse will be found.

Found someone's key - changes are ahead. For example, find a good job with a higher salary, change your place of residence, improve your living conditions, get married.

From the apartment

Found the keys to the apartment - good luck. Fate will give you a lucky chance that will open the doors to a bright future.

To know when a sign will come true, remember the time when a valuable item was found. Morning or afternoon - expect changes in 2 or 3 months. Evening or night - in six months.

Found on the road

  • Crossroads. The find was discovered at a road intersection - bad. A person is under the supervision of dark forces, and they can harm him. The crossroads are used to perform rituals, and magical linings are left there. If you pick up an object left by sorcerers, then you are inviting trouble for yourself.
  • Found a key on a flat road, or in the middle of a small street - to good things: a salary increase, reconciliation after a quarrel, a way out of a difficult situation.

Important: do not pick up an object if it promises hardships and troubles. Pass by, no matter how much you like the little thing.

At the entrance

We came across a key on the way to our door - a sign from above. He says that higher powers are protecting you. They reliably protect the house from evil people.

An envious woman has appeared on the horizon, you have long dreamed of getting rid of her. Now, you don’t have to worry, she will soon leave you alone.

From the car

Don’t rush to pick up the car key you find. Often they get rid of it if the vehicle is stolen, or something terrible or illegal has been done with it.

By choosing it, you can miss your bird of happiness and invite disaster. Law enforcement agencies may be interested in you.

Unexpected wealth awaits the one who finds the rusty, unsightly key. The larger the item found, the greater the jackpot you get.

For everything to come true, you need to hide the little thing in the house more reliably.

Old key

In magic, the old means of locking doors are used for spells. They are used to remove the evil eye. If you take such an item for yourself, then the damage will pass on to the new owner.

Old, crumpled things made of metal carry only negativity. Don't bring them into the house, don't pick them up on the street.

broken key

If you come across a broken key, it means trouble. Don't be too upset. The problems won't last long.

Trying to open the door, they broke the key - a warning about danger. Robbers may break into the house. Or maybe they’ve already tried to pick the lock, you just don’t know about it yet.

What to do with found keys

If, according to a sign, good luck should come with the found thing, then put the item in your pocket, wallet, bag. Make sure he is always with you. And then luck will definitely find you.

Before using it as a talisman, you need to process the key and remove other people's energy. There are three types of cleaning:

  • hold under running water;
  • bury in the ground for a day;
  • ignite on fire; It’s good if it’s the fire of a church candle.

Important: a cleaned item can be used as a good luck talisman, amulet, or amulet.

How to neutralize a negative interpretation

If you are afraid of the negativity from a found object brought into the house, do the following.

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