How to quickly cure herpes on the lips, medicines and folk remedies. How to cure herpes on the lips: quick relief methods

Herpes is insidious in that once it enters the body, it remains there forever. A healthy human cell is damaged by integrating a virus into its genetic apparatus. The infection appears mainly on the lips, much less often on other areas of the skin. Manifests itself as fever, itching and painful blisters.

If it is not treated in time, it will spread over an even larger area. Therefore, it is necessary to quickly cure herpes on the lips in order to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms that accompany its appearance. This can be easily done with the help of a doctor who will prescribe the correct treatment in the form of injections, ointments and tablets.

The period of manifestation of herpetic eruptions is conventionally divided into several stages: prodromal period, inflammation, ulceration, scab formation, healing. Characteristics of stages:

  1. During the prodromal period, malaise, unpleasant tingling or tingling, itching, and painful sensation are felt at the site of the upcoming rash. The skin in this area turns red. The duration of this period is one to two days.
  2. The inflammatory process is characterized by its bubbles. There are many of them, up to several dozen. They are quite painful and fill with cloudy serous fluid within a few days.
  3. Ulceration is a very painful process. On the third day, the bubbles begin to open and liquid flows out of them. Ulcers remain in this place, uniting into one weeping surface. On this day, those sick with the virus are most contagious; their temperature may rise.
  4. On days 6–9, a period of scab formation begins, characterized by rapid drying of the ulcers. They are replaced by yellow or brown crusts. If the crust is damaged or cracked, pain occurs and bleeding may occur. These days, the process of formation of healthy skin (epithelialization) takes place under the scabs, so there is no need to remove them to avoid delaying recovery.

The complete healing process lasts 4–5 days. Pigmentation of the skin is observed for some time. After some time it goes away.

If recovery does not begin after this time, you need to visit a dermatologist. This may serve as a signal for other, more serious diseases.

Traditional treatment

It is impossible to completely get rid of the herpes virus. Once infected, a person will be infected for the rest of his life. When exposed to stress, hypothermia, overheating or decreased immunity, herpes becomes active again and goes away only after professional treatment.

When the virus is not active, traditional drug treatment will not work. You need to deal with herpes when the disease reaches the acute stage. In this case, you need to consult an immunologist, who will prescribe drug therapy. It is not allowed to stop herpes on your own.

Medicines suppress the reproduction of the virus, increase immunity and preserve it in areas of infection, and reduce the risk of complications. In case of frequent exacerbations of the disease, a treatment regimen is drawn up for each day, including:

  • Medications against the virus: ointments, tablets.
  • Antiherpetic injections.
  • Medicines to stimulate the immune system - immunomodulators.
  • Vitamin complexes.


They help effectively cope with the external manifestations of herpes. Pharmacies sell a great variety of ointments for every budget. To get rid of herpes on the lips, experts recommend the following topical preparations:

  • Acyclovir.
  • Zovirax.
  • Gerpervir.
  • Vectavir.

All listed ointments are analogues. Their manufacturers are different, as are their prices. The effectiveness of these drugs is approximately the same. The main substance that actively affects the virus in them is acyclovir. It is recognized as the most effective against herpes that appears on the lip. After using it, new bubbles do not appear for a very long time.

Other ointments also help get rid of the virus. For example, Viru-Merz. Within a day after using it, noticeable improvements are visible. The only disadvantage of such ointments is a side effect expressed in acute skin inflammation (dermatitis).


The big disadvantage of external medications is that they only affect the external signs of the disease, which does not exclude new inflammation. In order for the disease to recede for a long time, you need to influence the virus with injections.

Vaccines with antiviral activity are effective in the initial stages of infection. They are of plant origin and based on acyclovir. Some injections act on the virus and inhibit its spread, putting the disease into stable remission. The latter enter the virus cells and inhibit the mechanism of virus development from the inside, penetrating into its cells.

The most popular drugs for injections from these series are Panavir, Laferon, Acyclovir and Gerpevir.


Oral drugs belong to local therapeutic drugs. If you start taking them in the initial phases of the disease, when there are no typical rashes on the lips, this will help prevent the virus. In case of constantly recurring relapses, a course of prophylactic pills is prescribed.

With this treatment, 2 types of drugs are used: antiviral drugs and tablets with an immunotherapeutic effect on the body.

Antiviral medications include:

  • Zovirax - produces an effect in the first stages of the disease, and is also prescribed for prevention.
  • Acyclovir - acts on infections of various localizations.
  • Valtrex – has effective results in the treatment of the herpes virus. It is prescribed both as a therapeutic and as a prophylactic agent.
  • Famvir is considered one of the very effective drugs against the disease. When consumed in the first stage, it can prevent further development of the virus.

Immunomodulatory drugs increase immunity, forcing the body to get rid of the virus on its own. You can limit yourself to taking echinacea tincture, which is sold in pharmacies, but its effect will not be enough to fight herpes. Therefore, pay attention to the following medications:

  • Isoprinosine – it contains the active component inosinpranobex, which eliminates painful manifestations at different stages of the disease.
  • Galavit – removes inflammation and swelling caused by the virus. Doctors recommend its use at the first symptoms.
  • Anaferon is an antiviral drug for both the treatment of herpes and its prevention.

It is known that the earlier the doctor prescribed the pills, the better the result. But there is no need to refuse to take them in the midst of illness.

It has already been proven that anti-viral tablets taken even on the third or fourth day of illness reduce general malaise and speed up the healing process of lip ulcers.

Traditional methods

Don't forget about alternative ways to treat the virus. To combat it, it is possible to use one of the many traditional medicine recipes. But out of all the variety, we can identify a few of the most effective. These are cauterizations and lotions, tinctures/decoctions of medicinal herbs, mumiyo, propolis, as well as the most common products.

Lotions and cauterizations

Celandine, Kalanchoe, and aloe are good for them. The juice of these plants is used in treatment.

To prepare a lotion from celandine, collect its shoots along with leaves, wash, let the water drain and grind in a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass through cheesecloth and leave to settle in a jar for 1 week (cover with a lid and periodically open it slightly to release accumulated gases). After a week you can use the medicine. Soak a cotton swab or gauze in the juice and apply it to the herpes, being careful not to get it on the oral mucosa.

Celandine is poisonous and can cause serious poisoning. Therefore, such lotions must be handled carefully.

Kalanchoe juice is good for removing herpes. It is convenient to apply to the rashes either the juice squeezed out of the leaf pulp, which is used to moisten a napkin, or the leaves themselves, cut lengthwise.

The active substances found in Kalanchoe help to render the virus inert. They dry out the rashes, healing the skin, and after the first application they relieve burning and pain. It is very convenient that you can simply go up to the plant, cut off a piece of pulp and apply it to the herpes.

Useful plant for lotions and aloe. It, like Kalanchoe, is very convenient to use, since the plants are similar in structure and leaf structure. Aloe juice contains substances that help treat the virus: enzymes, creatines, vitamins and amino acids.

Remember that aloe leads to digestive problems, so use lotions very carefully.

Medicinal plants

Chamomile, white wormwood, tansy, calendula and echinacea show maximum activity in eliminating herpes. They make decoctions, tinctures and are taken mainly internally:

  1. Chamomile decoction. Take 3 tablespoons of dry herb and pour half a liter of boiled water. Leave to infuse for 1 hour. Then take it orally, but it is better to apply a moistened cotton pad to the herpes. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties and relieves pain, and also draws out pus, thanks to its disinfecting effects.
  2. White wormwood decoction. Another effective medicine. This plant is found everywhere; you don’t have to buy it at the pharmacy. Just pick a few bushes and dry them. Dry wormwood is brewed in such proportions that you do not feel much bitterness and drink it instead of tea. This way you can get rid of herpes in a week, and it will not bother you for several years.
  3. Tansy. Affects the virus from the inside. Collect tansy at the time of flowering and eat a couple of cones (flowers) before breakfast. You can make a decoction from dry inflorescences: pour 3 tablespoons with a liter of boiling water and cook for about 10 minutes, set aside and let it brew for 45 minutes. Drink the decoction three times a day, three sips each time. For external use, use a richer infusion of tansy twice a day.
  4. Calendula. This plant contains a very large number of elements useful for eliminating the symptoms of herpes. Herbal tincture has a good healing effect. To prepare it, pour 2 tablespoons of dried flowers with one hundred grams of vodka, hide in a dark place to infuse for a couple of weeks. After this time, you can use the tincture both externally and internally three times a day, 20 drops in a glass of water. If you don’t like alcohol tincture, prepare a strong decoction of calendula flowers.
  5. Echinacea. Another medicinal plant that allows you to get rid of herpes quite quickly. Used as a tincture. You can prepare it yourself or buy it at the pharmacy. To make your own, take rubbing alcohol or vodka and dried echinacea flowers. Place flowers in a glass jar and fill with vodka in a ratio of 10:1. Infuse the mixture for 14 days, then strain and use for treatment. The shelf life of this tincture is 2 years. Pour the liquid into a dark glass container and place it in a cool place, or preferably in the refrigerator.

Resin, mumiyo, propolis

These remedies are no less effective for herpes than medicinal herbs. They can be used simultaneously with tinctures and decoctions.

Gum resin or oleoresin is considered in folk medicine to be a remedy that reduces the incidence of the disease several times and significantly shortens its duration. If you start treatment before the blisters appear, then you can completely avoid herpes on the lips. Gum resin is obtained from high-quality uncoated paper by burning it or going to the forest for it.

Propolis tincture in vodka or alcohol quickly gets rid of unpleasant rashes on the lips, which begin to disappear already on the 3rd day of use.

The antiviral properties of mumiyo are also used with great success in the treatment of the virus. This substance, which is very valuable for healing from various diseases, has analgesic, regenerative, antibacterial, antispasmodic and fungicidal properties. You need to dust the area where the herpes rash appears with mumiyo powder several times every day.

Essential oils

With their help, you can effectively and quickly get rid of herpetic rashes. Oils will help you not only avoid this unpleasant sore at home, but will also reduce the considerable costs of tablets and ointments, which have contraindications and some side effects.

The most popular essential oils:

  • fir;
  • tea tree;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • black cumin;
  • bergamot;
  • lavender.

The spectrum of action of oils is very wide. With the beginning of their use, patients become much more energetic and their immunity increases.

Garlic, egg and other edibles

Garlic is an excellent helper in the fight against herpes. Cut the slice in half lengthwise and rub the wet side over the bubbles. Once the garlic juice has dried, apply honey mixed with apple cider vinegar on top.

The second recipe with garlic is no less effective:

  1. Combine 2 tablespoons of yogurt with two chopped cloves of garlic and 1 tsp. instant coffee. Add the same amount of honey and wheat flour.
  2. Mix everything well and use the mixture as needed by applying it to the rash.

Egg with vodka is an original and affordable remedy. It gets rid of the virus for a very long time. Boil an egg, peel it, throw it into a glass and pour vodka on top until the egg is completely covered. Place the mixture in the refrigerator. After three days, eat the egg and drink vodka. Do this 3 times with an interval of 10 days, this will help get rid of the infection.

There are a lot of ways to treat herpes, especially in traditional medicine. But in any case, before starting treatment, you should always consult a specialist - an immunologist. From a professional point of view and with the help of test results, he will be able to choose the right treatment, because the herpes virus is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. Properly selected injections, ointments and tablets will definitely help you.

The appearance of blistering rashes on the lips is provoked by Herpes simplex virus - herpes simplex, type one (HSV-1). About 90% of the planet's inhabitants are infected with it.
The peculiar biological feature of the virus to hide in neurons (nerve cells), most often in nerve ganglia, creates a constant danger of relapse of the infectious process. Periodically, herpes worsens, manifesting itself with external symptoms. Usually it is localized in the same “weak” places for each organism - eyes, oral mucosa, skin. The favorite place for herpes is the nasolabial triangle.

Features of the course of herpes virus infection

Herpes simplex virus type 1 is transmitted from patients with herpes and virus carriers. The pathogenic herpes virus also lurks in various body fluids:

  • discharge from the nasopharynx cavity;
  • moisture from blistering herpetic eruptions;
  • saliva;
  • secreted secretion from the urethra, cervix, vagina;
  • male ejaculate – sperm;
  • urine (urine);
  • tears;
  • blood.

The leading route of transmission of infection is household contact, but airborne transmission of the virus is also possible. The pathogenic microorganism enters through the conjunctiva of the eyes, mucous membranes of the lips, mouth, genitals, and damaged areas of the skin. The risk of herpes infection increases if the mucous membrane is damaged.

A characteristic form of manifestation of the pathology is inflammation of the mucous membranes, skin (herpes of the wings of the nose, lips, face), and the central nervous system. Internal organs may also become infected.

The first contact with a pathogenic microorganism usually occurs in early childhood (up to five years), when the child communicates with the carrier of the virus. The latent phase of the disease is short-lived, lasting from two days to two weeks. After this time, antibodies to the herpetic virus are already detected in the blood.
In almost every person, the initial infection occurs in a latent form. In 85% of those infected for the first time, the disease does not manifest itself in any way by external symptoms. In the rest of the population, the infection manifests itself as a general infectious syndrome. It is characterized by:

  • temperature;
  • loss of appetite, weakness - symptoms of general intoxication;
  • signs of a respiratory infection - runny nose, sore throat, sneezing;
  • inflammation of the oral mucosa - aphthous.

Possible damage to the conjunctiva or cornea. The virus then remains in the body without symptoms, manifesting itself only when the immune system is weakened.
Recurrence of herpes virus infection occurs at any age. The recurrence rate of herpes simplex is quite low. If a “cold” appears on the lips four or more times during the year, that’s a lot. There is reason to think about the state of your immune system.

Since the secondary manifestation of the virus occurs against the background of the presence of antiviral immunoglobulins in the blood, the infection does not pass acutely, but sluggishly. The general infectious syndrome is mild. Relapse usually occurs at a time when the person is sick or the body is in a state of immunodeficiency. Factors influencing the manifestation of herpesvirus may also be:

  • changes in hormonal levels - psycho-emotional stress, menstruation;
  • hypothermia;
  • hyperthermia (overheating);
  • heatstroke;
  • being in an area of ​​increased radiation or solar activity.

Herpetic rashes with a simple virus often appear around the mouth, in the corners of the lips, along their outer contour. Also on the face, inflammation can occur on the forehead, cheeks, ears, and wings of the nose.

A characteristic symptom of the disease is a crowded vesicular rash filled with serous fluid. It develops along with redness and swelling. At the same time, inflammation of the lymph nodes may occur.

How to quickly get rid of herpes on the lip

The body's response to treatment of infection varies from person to person. You definitely won’t be able to get rid of herpes quickly if you are treated only with ointments and creams. Today, there is a uniform view in global clinical practice: topical antiviral drugs (ointments and creams) are prescribed only as adjuncts that only complement the basis of treatment, but are not systemic drugs for therapy.

Only combined treatment of secondary manifestations of the herpes simplex virus is effective and efficient. Only a combination of several medications can quickly and completely localize the source of inflammation of the infection, especially if treatment is started at the stage of precursors of relapse - itching, burning or redness around the lips.
Antiviral medications for herpes simplex virus must be taken orally. The medications prescribed for this condition are listed in Table 1.
Table 1

For Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, it is customary to prescribe acyclovir. This drug is the most effective for the treatment of infectious diseases of this origin. Acyclovir acts in inflamed cells at the molecular level. By integrating into the polynucleotide chain of the DNA of the herpes virus, the substance blocks its synthesis. A standard dose of Acyclovir 200 mg 4 times a day or 400 mg prevents relapse and effectively alleviates severe forms of exacerbation of the disease in 85% of patients.

The oral medications listed in Table 1 should be combined with local antiviral agents. To quickly get rid of herpes on the lips, the form of the drug that is chosen for external treatment also matters. Use cream. Due to its lighter texture, its bioavailability is significantly higher, since the cream is absorbed quickly and completely.

Acyclovir in the form of an ointment has an oily texture. It is absorbed much worse than cream. The ointment leaves an elastic film on the surface of the inflamed area. Attention! If herpetic blisters appear on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth, the use of the cream is not recommended. It is necessary to use ointment.

To quickly cope with an infection, a combined effect of not only antiviral drugs is necessary, but also drugs that strengthen the immune system, since the cause of a relapse of the virus is a decrease in the body’s defenses. Treatment includes the following medications:

  • Viferon rectal suppositories;
  • suppositories, Imunofan spray;
  • tablets, suppositories.

Immunomodulatory drugs of plant origin increase the body's resistance and strengthen the immune system. The juice of the Echinacea purpurea herb acts against fungi, germs and viruses. The drug activates the synthesis of interferon, as it contains a high concentration of polysaccharides. This stimulates the body's immune activity.

Dry purified extract from sea buckthorn leaves is a herbal preparation that has antiviral, antimicrobial, interferon-inducing and immunomodulatory effects.

Vitamin supplements should contain antioxidants - vitamins E, C, rutin. You can take multivitamins, B vitamins, ascorbic acid.

Can herpes be cured in 1 day at home?

It is difficult to cure blistering rashes on the lips quickly - in one day. Once developed, herpes goes through different stages of development: blisters containing serous fluid burst, forming crusts. It takes 7 – 9 days for the virus to go through the relapse cycle. Then a pink spot remains at the site of inflammation, which fades after some time.

However, it is possible to prevent the clinical manifestation of the disease - blistering rashes on the lips. Treatment should begin before the rash occurs, at the initial stage of infection activation, when there is a burning sensation, itching, and pain in the lip area. The site of inflammation must be lubricated with antiviral cream. Early treatment will prevent the development of herpes on the lips.

It is necessary to use a cream or ointment based on the same active ingredient as the tablets that are taken against the virus: for example, acyclovir-based tablets and acyclovir-based cream.

Table 2 lists topical medications for treating herpesvirus.
table 2

Herbal preparations based on St. John's wort and licorice also have an effective effect against viruses. Epigen Labial herbal cream is also used to treat herpetic infections. It significantly shortens the recovery period of mucocutaneous inflammation, as it contains salts of glycyrrhizic acid.
For severe weeping and itching, Epigen cream, Allomedin gel, and interferon in gel form – Viferon – are used.

There is an unconventional way to get rid of herpesvirus on the lips, but it should be used with caution: at the initial signs of infection, heat a spoon in a mug of hot tea and apply it to the inflamed area on the lip. Such manipulations must be done several times. At the end of the procedure, lubricate the site of inflammation with Kalanchoe juice or cream (preferably antiviral). The method is simple and effective. Just be careful not to burn the healthy skin around the inflamed area.

Herpes viral inflammation manifests itself not only as “harmless” blisters on the lips, but also as severe chronic processes that affect not only organs, but also systems.

Herpes simplex virus is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth, genitals, and skin. But Herpes simplex virus can also provoke the development of inflammation of the facial nerve, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, inflammation in the lymph nodes, widespread inflammation of the skin, chronic pneumonia, damage to the heart muscle (myocarditis), and encephalitis.

Residing in neurons, the herpes virus inevitably affects the functioning of both the central and autonomic nervous systems. This leads to a disorder in the synaptic transmission of mediators and an increase in the level of free radicals. At the same time, the risk of developing senile dementia (Alzheimer’s disease) increases in a short period of 3–6 months.
Don't underestimate the danger of infection. Do not self-medicate. If herpes appears frequently, consult your doctor.

International nonproprietary name Trade name of the drug Price Release form Manufacturer
acyclovir Acyclovir 14 rub. Tablets 200 mg, 20 pieces Russia
Acyclovir 24 rub. Cream 5%, 5 grams Russia
Zovirax 560.50 rub. Tablets 200 mg, 25 pieces Great Britain
Zovirax 195 rub. Cream 5%, 5 grams Great Britain
Virolex 253 rub. Tablets 200 mg, 20 pieces Slovenia
Human recombinant interferon α-2b Viferon 303 rub. Suppositories 150000 IU, 10 pieces Russia
Viferon 177.5o rub. Gel 36000 IU, 12 grams Russia

Herpes is stopped in the first 12 hours with hot spoons and ice cubes. Warm and cold compresses destroy viruses and prevent the appearance of rashes. You can use folk remedies, pharmacy gels or ointments. The main thing is to start treatment in a timely manner, before the swelling on the lower or upper lip turns into a blister or ulcer.

First aid

Areas where there is a feeling of swelling or tingling are lubricated with toothpaste. They take mint, fruit-flavored options are too soft and do not cope with viruses. The cosmetic product is applied in a thick layer and left for 10–12 hours. The dried paste is carefully removed with a damp swab so as not to damage the rash. If you treat herpes before bed, in the morning there will be no trace of the swelling left.

The virus is destroyed with hot compresses. Apply an iron spoon to the tingling area and dip it in boiling water for 10–15 minutes. After warming up, you can cauterize the herpes with iodine, but the drug is applied only to the resulting blister, so as not to leave a burn on the lip.

Patients with sensitive skin are advised to replace the spoon with an ice cube. The compress is wrapped in a clean handkerchief, which is ironed before use. The cold lotion is left until it melts. The procedure is repeated after 40 minutes. After ice, lips can be lubricated with antiviral ointment or a folk remedy that will speed up recovery.

The formation is wiped with freshly squeezed lemon juice. The drink destroys infection, reduces swelling and discomfort. Sprinkle the blister with table or crushed sea salt. The spice kills viruses and soothes itching.

Used tea bags are applied to the swollen lip. Tea leaves without flavoring additives and dyes are suitable. The workpiece is squeezed out and cooled to 36–38 degrees. Black and green tea contains phytoncides that soothe itching and stop herpes.

The infected lip is treated with heart drops. Corvalol or Valocordin will do. A cotton swab is soaked in the preparation and the reddened area is moistened 5-6 times a day.

It is recommended to lubricate herpes with earwax, but this folk method can lead to complications of the disease. The discharge contains dirt and bacteria, which reduce local immunity. Only swollen areas are treated with earwax. The product is not applied to blisters and sores.


Herpes lives in the body constantly, but is activated only when immunity decreases. A special diet helps restore the body's protective functions and destroy the infection.

For rashes on the mucous membranes or skin, the patient should drink plenty of fluids. It starts metabolic processes, cleanses and helps the body fight viruses. Distilled water is combined with rosehip decoction. Red fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, which triggers the production of antibodies and improves immunity. A drink made from berries is contraindicated for gastritis and peptic ulcers during an exacerbation.

  • chocolate;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee and strong tea;
  • flour products;
  • fresh bakery;
  • products containing sugar;
  • raisins and fresh grapes, as well as berry juice;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • beans;
  • fat meat;
  • products with gelatin;
  • tomatoes;
  • nuts.

Prohibited foods supply the body with arginine. Citrus fruits are also recommended to be excluded from the diet. They are rich in ascorbic acid, which is necessary to strengthen the immune system, but fruit acids irritate and corrode rashes, slowing down healing. Oranges and lemons are replaced with immunomodulating decoctions of medicinal herbs. The antiviral drink contains:

  • rose hips – 400 g;
  • nettle – 300 g;
  • Rhodiola rosea root – 200 g;
  • hawthorn fruits – 300 g;
  • St. John's wort – 200 g;
  • zamanikhi herb root – 200 g.

The dried raw materials are mixed and ground into powder. The tea leaves are stored in a glass jar or fabric bag. Antiviral tea is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. components and 300 ml of boiling water. Healing plants are steamed with hot water and infused under a lid, wrapping the cup in a towel or scarf.

Herpes will go away in 2-3 days if foods with immunomodulatory properties appear on the menu: ginger root, garlic, wheat germ, brewer's yeast and eggs. Shrimp, mussels, kefir and yogurt without sweeteners and dyes are healthy. You can eat fish, with the exception of flounder. Hard cheese and skim milk, wheat grain dishes, potatoes and greens are allowed. Recovery is accelerated by seaweed, vegetables and soy.

Black tea and coffee are replaced with decoctions of chamomile, mint or calendula. Herbs are rich in phytoncides, antibacterial essential oils and ascorbic acid. They destroy the herpes virus and increase immunity, protecting against relapse of the disease.

Homemade ointments

Folk remedies help remove bubbles in 2–3 days. It is recommended to apply a piece of gauze soaked in saline solution to the infected lip. Take 1 tbsp per glass of warm water. l. spices and stir the medicine until the crystals dissolve.

Herpes ointment is prepared from burnt paper. Newspapers or pages from a book will not work. The paint contains a toxic compound that remains in the ash, penetrates the blood and causes intoxication of the body, further weakening the immune system. Use clean sheets. Pieces of paper are placed in an iron bowl and set on fire, stirring gently with a fork. When they are completely burned and the ashes have cooled, mix a paste of 3 garlic cloves and 15 ml of honey in a separate plate. Add 30 g of paper blank and stir the mass thoroughly. The ointment is applied to swollen areas or rashes and covered with cotton swabs. The product is left until completely dry, the residue is removed with warm water.

Herpes is treated with a paste of instant coffee and wheat or oatmeal:

  • Pour 50 ml of kefir into a bowl, season with 2 crushed garlic cloves.
  • Dissolve 5 g of coffee in a fermented milk drink.
  • Pour 1 tsp. flour and the same amount of liquid honey.

It turns out to be a thin paste. The ointment is applied to the rash with cotton swabs. After drying, the product is removed with damp swabs, and the infected lip is lubricated with pharmaceutical preparations for herpes.

The affected areas of the skin or mucous membranes are treated with beaten chicken or quail egg whites. The product activates the production of antibodies and increases local immunity. You can add a pinch of fine salt to the medicine, because the spice has antiseptic properties.

Herpes is eliminated with dark laundry soap. The workpiece is rubbed and mixed with warm water to form a thick and homogeneous paste. Sometimes peroxide or triple cologne is added to the mixture for disinfection. Soap ointment is applied only to the skin, the mucous membranes are not treated. Leave the homemade medicine for 40–50 minutes and wash off with water. Soap dries out blisters and sores, removes herpes in 3-4 days.

Cold lip balm is made from apple cider vinegar and honey. The products are mixed in equal proportions. Moisten cotton swabs with the liquid mixture and apply to problem areas for 10–20 minutes, 4–6 times a day.

Juices and herbs

Aspen leaves help with itching and tingling. Fresh raw materials are washed and kneaded in a mortar, and the juice is squeezed out. Apply the green liquid to the swollen lip 5–7 times a day until the symptoms of herpes disappear.

Blisters are rubbed with garlic or an onion cut in half. The spicy vegetable releases phytoncides, which disinfect and have anti-inflammatory properties. The procedure is carried out before bedtime so that by the morning the unpleasant smell of the medicine disappears. After onions, the skin is moisturized with zinc ointment. The drug calms inflammation and prevents burns.

Aloe and Kalanchoe can cure herpes in 3 days. The plant is washed, crushed and the juice is squeezed out using gauze. The component is mixed with honey in equal proportions and taken orally, 1 tbsp. l. before lunch and breakfast. Freshly squeezed juice is used to treat blisters and sores. Pieces of peeled aloe or Kalanchoe can be applied to the rashes. The herbal compress is secured to the infected area with a band-aid and removed after 40 minutes. Before using the juice, an allergy test is performed. Apply the component to the skin on the wrist and wait 15 minutes.

An immunomodulatory drink for herpes is prepared from viburnum berries. Fresh fruits, ground in a mortar, are poured with cold water. The ratio of the liquid base and herbal component is 10 to 2. The medicine from viburnum is not boiled, but infused for 4 hours. Drink 100 ml of diluted juice 4 times a day.

Bring 300 ml of whole milk to a boil over low heat. 10 g of birch buds are poured into gauze, tied and dipped into a hot base for 20 minutes. Milk decoction is used externally. Lubricate the blisters or apply cotton swabs soaked in birch medicine to the formations.

Herpes is treated with arnica compresses. Pour 15 g of baskets with 2 cups of boiling water. Fabric pieces are soaked in the infused drink. Warm lotions are left on the infected areas for 40–50 minutes.

Patients who have colds on their lips several times a year will benefit from a medicine made from oleoresin. Resin collected from pine trees is poured into a glass jar and filled with alcohol tincture of calendula. Prepare a balm for herpes for 10 days. The container with the medicine is hidden under the bed or in the closet, but is taken out and shaken daily to mix the components.

Colds are burned with alcohol tincture of propolis. After the procedure, the skin is moisturized with zinc ointment or a special antiviral balm.

Infected skin is wiped with a soda solution. Pour 1 tbsp into a glass of boiling water. l. food additives and stir. Soak a cotton swab in warm liquid and apply it to the reddened area. If a white coating forms, it is advised not to wash it off. Baking soda is an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent that helps stop herpes at the initial stage.

A cotton wool soaked in oil is applied to the formations three times a day. Sea buckthorn, fir, camphor, lemon balm or tea tree are suitable. Essential components have antibacterial properties and soothe irritation. Compresses cauterize the rashes and prevent them from turning into ulcers.

Juices from beet tops, red or green apples and carrots can support immunity. The drinks contain ascorbic acid, minerals and amino acids, which speed up recovery. Juices are mixed in equal proportions and drunk throughout the day. Take 100–150 ml of fruit and vegetable medicine at a time.

Celandine dries out rashes. Take 35 g of raw material per 300 ml of hot water. Strain after 1 hour, soak cotton wool in the infusion and apply to the affected skin.

Herpes is stopped with steam inhalations. Healing plants are added to boiling water:

  • eucalyptus;
  • plantain;
  • sequence;
  • St. John's wort;
  • birch leaves;
  • calendula.

Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes, tilt your face over the pan and cover your head with a large towel or blanket. Steam inhalations disinfect and restore the skin, destroy the source of the virus and prevent the appearance of blisters. The method is used in the first 12 hours after the onset of itching, bloating and tingling sensations. If rashes form on your lip, steam will not help.

Herpes is stopped with butter or ghee. A piece of the dairy product is placed in a bowl and simmered over low heat until the product turns brown. The product is cooled and rubbed into the infected areas with cotton swabs 3-4 times a day.

Pharmacy drugs

The most effective way to get rid of herpes is antiviral ointments. The composition of drugs for external use includes acyclovir. The substance integrates into the virus cell and destroys it, stopping the cold. If you use an ointment or balm in the first 12 hours after itching and tingling occurs, blisters will not form.

Herpes is treated with creams and gels with zinc, as well as Bepanten. You can rub oxolinic ointment, Tsindol, Atsigerpin, Troxevasin and Levomekol into the infected areas. Viru-Merz Serol and Bofanton help. “Zovirax” has proven itself well, it copes with herpes within a day and is suitable even for children.

Colds on the lips are removed with various ointments:

  • Tetracycline;
  • Alpizarinova;
  • Tebrofenova;
  • Hyporamine;
  • Erythromycin.

In advanced cases, patients are prescribed anti-herpes tablets containing acyclovir. The drugs are combined with creams or folk remedies for external use. Colds on the lips can be treated with Famvir, Valaciclovir, and Panavir-gel injections.

The dosage is selected individually. Pregnant women are also prescribed medications for herpes, but only a doctor can prescribe the pills. Self-treatment leads to complications and deterioration of well-being.

The fight against herpes begins in the first hours, when there are no rashes yet, but there is a tingling sensation and itching. A viral disease is treated with diet, folk remedies and pharmaceutical remedies. An integrated approach increases the chances of a quick recovery.

Video: how to prevent and treat herpes

Small, fluid-filled blisters - called "fever" or "fever" - occur in children and adults. The reason is the herpes virus; after 40 years, up to 80% of the population are its carriers. While it is strong, the virus does not manifest itself. But as soon as you become overtired, overcooled, or nervous, you feel itching, burning, and characteristic blisters appear near the lips, eyes, on the wings of the nose, and mucous membranes. Since it is impossible to remove the herpes virus from the body, it is worth starting to treat colds on the lips at home with medications and folk remedies as quickly as possible - in order to get rid of or prevent external manifestations in a short time.

Causes of herpes on the lip

Viruses can only exist in someone else's body. When they penetrate and multiply, symptoms of a specific disease appear.

The group of herpetic viruses includes the causative agents of chickenpox, infectious mononucleosis, CMV infection (cytomegalovirus), and herpes.

Herpes viruses are common among people, here are some of the varieties:

Herpes simplex virus type I. It manifests itself as a cold on the lips, mucous membranes, skin, eyes, and less often on the genitals.

Viral disease type II causes a rash on the genitals.

After chickenpox, immunity is developed.

You remain a carrier of infectious mononucleosis for life.

Cytomegalovirus also remains in the body and hardly manifests itself.

Herpes virus type I enters the body of children and young people from sick people or carriers through household means, through sneezing or sneezing. During the period when reddish blisters appear on the lips and wings of the nose, it is especially easy to become infected from a carrier.

The virus integrates into the genetic apparatus of nerve cells and often does not immediately manifest itself.

During primary infection, the incubation period lasts from 1 to 26 days; the oral cavity is most often affected. The temperature rises to +39..+40C, they hurt. The gums, mucous membranes of the cheeks, palate, and tongue are covered with small bubbles, they burn and tingle. The contents are initially transparent, then become cloudy, break through after 2-3 days, and ulcers form. Salivation is increased, it hurts to eat. Recovery occurs in 1-3 weeks.

In carriers, when immunity decreases, a cold appears on the lip. Treatment eliminates external manifestations, but the herpesvirus remains in the body for life, creating an additional burden on the immune system.

The condition for infection with the second form of a viral disease, as a rule, is the beginning of sexual activity. Antibodies to this variety have been detected in 12% of the US population.

  • Brew 1 tablespoon of boiling water in a glass. sage, leave for 20 minutes, strain.

Rinse your mouth with a medicinal product and apply to affected areas.

Chrysanthemum. The following oral remedy helps with herpes on the lips:

  • Brew a glass of boiling water 1 tsp. chrysanthemum flowers, leave for 40 minutes, strain.

Take 1/4 cup four times a day for home treatment of labial colds.

Vegetable juice. Taking the mixture gives quick results:

  • Prepare juice from three medium-sized carrots, parsley, apple, fresh, leave for one hour.

Take little by little throughout the day.

(callisia). When the first symptoms of herpes appear on the lips, apply cotton wool moistened with alcohol tincture for 10 minutes. After opening the blisters, lubricate the sores twice a day with decoction or juice.

Ointment recipe:

  • Moisten with warm water 1 tsp. calendula flowers, mix them with 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. Vaseline, 1 tsp. golden mustache juice, leave for 24 hours, strain.

Lubricate cold sore lips at night.

. Apply alcohol tincture to problem areas every 2 hours, and after 5-10 minutes apply a nourishing fatty cream.

Ointment from. To quickly cure labial herpes in spring or autumn, prepare the following composition:

  • grind 15g of celandine (with root), pour into a glass, bring to a boil in a water bath, let cool, leave for 14 days in a cool, dark place, strain;
  • heat, add 50g of crushed beeswax, stirring to obtain a homogeneous consistency, strain.

Use ointment to treat herpes when itching or burning appears on the lips, apply to rashes.

The following tincture helps to quickly get rid of labial herpes:

  • Pour 2 tbsp. inflorescences with alcohol, leave in a dark place for a week, strain.

Apply to blisters or sores every hour or two. At the pharmacy, ask for Romazulan solution, which can be used in the same way.

Chamomile infusion:

  • Brew 1/2 cup boiling water 1 tsp. flowers, boil for five minutes, strain.

Apply warm lotions to herpes labialis.

Modified: 02/10/2019

From this article you will learn:

  • herpes virus: types,
  • herpes - symptoms and causes of the disease,
  • how to treat herpes - photos, medications.

What causes herpes?

Herpes, which occurs on the skin of the face, the red border of the lips and the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, is caused by the Herpes Simplex virus (herpes simplex virus).
It should be noted that the so-called herpes simplex is of 2 types -

  • herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) –
    causes damage to the skin of the face, red border of the lips, mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes,
  • Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) – causes so-called genital herpes.

Herpes: photo

What does herpes look like: at the beginning of the disease, you can observe the formation of blisters, which after a few days burst with the formation of erosions. If herpes has formed on the skin or the red border of the lips, then the surface of the erosions becomes covered with crusts. If we are talking about the mucous membrane, then in this case the surface of the erosions becomes covered with a yellowish fibrinous film over time.

Herpes: causes

Where does herpes come from?
Initially, a child is born with immunity to the herpes virus. Specific antibodies to the herpes virus, which the child received with the mother’s blood, gradually disappear from the child’s blood. This occurs approximately within a period of 6 months to 3 years maximum. During this time, the child becomes infected with the virus from his parents, but as long as a high titer of antibodies in the blood remains, clinical manifestations of the disease do not occur.

How is herpes transmitted?

  • through kissing (touching the face to the skin of the face),
  • while eating from one dish or one spoon,
  • when you use someone else's towel for drying,
  • when you use personal items that have been in contact with a person with herpes, or even just a “carrier.”

The most contagious are people with clinical manifestations of herpes. As soon as the blisters dry out, the risk of infection from such a person decreases. However, infection is possible even from a person who does not have any clinical manifestations, but is a carrier of the virus (that is, during contact even with the apparently healthy skin of such a person).

What causes an exacerbation of herpes?

After infection, the herpes virus penetrates nerve cells and spreads along the nerve trunks, through which the virus enters the nerve ganglia, where it will persist throughout life as a dormant infection.

However, when exposed to certain factors (which are described below), the virus is activated and again moves along the nerve trunks to the surface of the skin, where it causes blisters, ulcers and sores. Relapses can occur once a year or twice a year (sometimes more often), depending on the state of the immune system and nervous system.

Factors that cause recurrence of herpes –

  • contact with a person with clinical manifestations of herpes,
  • decreased immunity due to influenza or ARVI,
  • hypothermia,
  • decreased immunity due to HIV, hepatitis, steroid use, chemotherapy,
  • physical fatigue and emotional stress,
  • cuts and scratches of the skin in this place,
  • in women, the predisposing factor is menstrual periods,
  • prolonged exposure to the sun.

Herpes: symptoms

A striking hallmark of herpes is the appearance of a group of blisters filled with liquid. Before they rash, there is always an incubation period (lasting from several hours to a day), when there are no clinical manifestations yet, but the virus has already been activated. During this period, you may experience itching or burning of the affected area of ​​the skin. Further symptoms depend on the location of the rash...

  • Herpes on the red border of the lips (Fig. 7-9) –
    lips and skin around the mouth are the most common localization of herpes. The blisters that appear on the skin and red border of the lips burst and dry out after 2-3 days. The affected surface becomes covered with crusts that last for 7 to 10 days. Under no circumstances should the crusts be peeled off, because... Removing the crusts can also lead to a new outbreak of herpes.
  • Herpes on the skin of the face (Fig. 7-9) –
    foci of herpes can appear on any part of the facial skin, which is usually associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin (scratches, cuts, abrasions). Typical localization is herpes on the cheeks and nose, earlobes, chin, and forehead. The skin around the eyes can also be affected, but we have identified this type of lesion in a separate column.
  • Herpes of the cornea of ​​the eye, skin around the eyes (Fig. 13-15) –
    The herpes simplex virus can spread to one or both eyes, and most often this happens when you spread the virus with unwashed hands that have recently touched herpes-infected skin. Most often, the virus infects the upper layer of the cornea, causing keratitis. Less commonly, the conjunctiva, iris, and retina are affected. Associated rashes may appear on the skin of the eyelids, forehead and nose.

    Symptoms: pain, blurred vision, sensitivity to light in one eye (if one eye is affected), feeling of “sand in the eyes.” It must be borne in mind that eye herpes is very dangerous, and untimely or incorrect treatment can lead not only to dryness of the cornea and the appearance of scars on it, but also to deterioration of vision, constant pain, and even blindness and loss of the eye.

Common Herpes Symptoms
Primary herpes can occur with symptoms similar to influenza or ARVI: fever, muscle pain and even swelling of the cervical lymph nodes. But such acute symptoms are observed only in 10% of all patients.

Herpes: treatment

How to get rid of herpes forever - currently there is no vaccine or drug that would allow you to permanently cope with herpes. After infection, the herpes virus remains forever in the nerve trunks. However, there are special medications that will help reduce healing time, reduce pain, and some can even reduce the risk of recurrence.

Features of the treatment of herpes in children and adults –
herpes - treatment in adults and middle-aged/older children is no different. The choice of medications will depend solely on the severity of the manifestations of herpes and the state of the immune system.

When treating young children, it must be taken into account that it is difficult for them to take tablet medications, including treating the oral mucosa with gel. Therefore, antiviral agents in the form of suppositories are used in young children, for example.

1. Treatment of herpes on the skin and red border of the lips -

Treatment of herpes of this localization is carried out with antiviral drugs:
→ means that are applied to the lesion (creams, gels, ointments),
→ means that are taken orally (tablets),
→ less often by means for intravenous administration.

  • Antiviral creams, ointments and gels
    The most common drug in Russia is antiviral. Preparations based on acyclovir: Acyclovir cream 5% (Russia), Acyclovir ointment 5% (Russia), Zovirax cream (UK), Acyclovir-hexal cream (Germany), Acyclovir-Sandoz cream (Switzerland)…

    Creams and ointments with acyclovir should be applied to the lesion 5 times a day for 7 days (there are no contraindications based on age). It should be noted that the cream form is more preferable to the ointment, because antiviral substances from the cream penetrate the skin a little better than from the ointment. Acyclovir is mainly effective in patients who have only contracted herpes for the first time.

    Disadvantages of drugs based on acyclovir –
    acyclovir is a fairly old drug. Despite its widespread use in pharmacies, this drug is ineffective in approximately 10-30% of patients due to the insensitivity of the virus strains to acyclovir. In addition, the components of the drug penetrate very poorly through the skin to the site of virus reproduction, and acyclovir itself has a very low tropism for the herpes virus.

    Modern antiviral agents in the form of creams –
    These drugs include Fenistil-Pencivir cream based on the antiviral component Penciclovir (Fig. 18). The drug not only has several times greater effectiveness, but also extremely low resistance of virus strains to this drug (about 0.2%). Contained in the composition, cetomacrogol and propylene glycol, facilitate the penetration of active components through dead layers of skin and crusts as much as possible.

Important: tablet preparations, as well as those for intravenous administration, should be prescribed only by a doctor. For patients with a suppressed immune system, it is advisable to use only drugs based on Famciclovir (both for treatment and for the prevention of outbreaks). For patients with normal immunity, tablets based on Valaciclovir can be used (both for treatment and prevention), but monitor the effectiveness of therapy.

2. Treatment of herpes in the oral mucosa -

Treatment of herpetic stomatitis can be carried out at home, but you must be sure of the correct diagnosis. Children are most often susceptible to this localization of herpetic infection, so parents often make a diagnosis on their own and begin the wrong treatment. From experience, we can say that herpetic and aphthous forms of stomatitis are often confused, which are treated in completely different ways.

How to distinguish aphthous form from herpetic form –
with the herpetic form of stomatitis, numerous blisters appear, which burst after 1-2 days, and in their place multiple small erosions appear. In the aphthous form of stomatitis, the cause of which in most cases is an allergic reaction, only 1 erosion appears (maximum two or three), but of a very large size (Fig. 22).

Important: if you find it difficult to make a correct diagnosis, even after reading an article with photographs of different forms of stomatitis (the link to which we provided above), be sure to contact only a dentist. If a child gets sick, there is no point in contacting pediatricians, because... From experience, we can say that pediatricians do not even know that there is not one, but several forms of stomatitis, and that they are treated completely differently. Therefore, you should only call a pediatric dentist from a pediatric dental clinic at your place of residence.

Prevention of herpes –

The best prevention of herpes is the ability to avoid physical contact with a person who has active clinical manifestations of this disease. In addition, you cannot use other people’s personal belongings of a sick person, such as: lipstick or lip balm, dishes, forks/spoons, towels. If one of your family members is sick, everyone should wash their hands regularly with soap.

You should also avoid triggers such as stress or excessive tanning. If you notice that herpes breaks out with enviable regularity precisely after prolonged exposure to the sun, be sure to use sunscreen and special lipstick with protection from ultraviolet radiation. Abrasions and cuts of the skin in the mouth and red border of the lips are one of the predisposing causes of repeated outbreaks of herpes.

If you have damaged your skin or lip rim, treat your skin with antiviral cream for prevention. If you often suffer from colds, consult an immunologist to correct your immune system, and always support your body with vitamin preparations in the autumn-spring period. We hope that our article: Herpes virus symptoms and treatment was useful to you!

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