How to get rid of onion smell from your mouth using folk remedies - simple and quick methods. How to get rid of onion odor from your breath: consider foods, drinks, pharmaceuticals and more


Many people don't eat onions because they don't know how to get rid of onion smell from their breath. And it’s completely in vain, because this vegetable is a recognized leader in terms of benefits for the body.

What are the benefits of onions?

The beneficial and medicinal properties of onions are explained by their rich composition. This vegetable contains:

  • B vitamins. Promote hematopoietic processes and the absorption of iron in the required quantities. They have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, restoring and maintaining neural connections in good shape.
  • Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant.
  • Iron. Present in this vegetable in any form: raw, fried, boiled, stewed.
  • Potassium helps the heart cope with stress, strengthens the heart muscle and activates metabolic processes in the myocardium.
  • Green feathers are rich in carotene (for vision), folic acid (hematopoietic processes), and biotin (an antioxidant that prevents tissue aging).
  • Essential oils act as phytoncides to fight viruses and infections.

Since onions are a vegetable rich in active components, doctors warn about observing consumption standards. Cardiologists advise consuming no more than a quarter of a raw onion per day; consumption of heat-treated onions is not limited. The beneficial qualities are preserved, and the effect of the burning components is neutralized.

You shouldn’t give up a healthy and tasty vegetable because of the smell; it’s better to find the best method of dealing with the unpleasant aroma and know exactly how to eliminate it.

Pharmacy products

There are times when only pharmaceutical products can urgently eliminate the smell of onion from your mouth. These include:

Popular methods

When looking for a way to remove the smell of onions from your mouth, you can easily find the necessary products in your refrigerator, kitchen or garden.

Brushing your teeth is a mandatory procedure after eating dishes containing onions. It is better to use mint or menthol pastes, as they are the best at removing unpleasant odors. If you can't brush your teeth, you can use mint chewing gum. It should be remembered that they are effective as long as they are in the mouth.

Onions are a tasty and healthy vegetable that has a pungent, specific smell. You should not deny yourself the pleasure of eating a vegetable salad with the addition of onions, because there are a huge number of products that can neutralize and mask the unpleasant aroma.

Simple ways to remove onion odor from your mouth

To freshen your breath from onion aroma, use one of the following methods:

  • Brushing your teeth with mint flavored toothpaste. Clean not only your teeth, but also your tongue and the inside of your cheeks.
  • Mouthwash. This remedy will help remove the smell of onion from your mouth, but only for a while.
  • Chewing gum. Chewing gum works well to remove the specific aroma of onions from the mouth. It is ideal if the chewing gum is minty or has a strong fruit flavor.
  • Alcohol. A teaspoon of vodka, cognac or liqueur will freshen your breath.
  • Spices. You can get rid of the onion aftertaste using spices such as vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, cumin, mustard seeds, sage, cardamom. You need to lightly chew the seasoning and then rinse your mouth with water.

Quick Methods

Sometimes there are cases when onion odor from the mouth should be removed as quickly as possible. In such a situation, take a closer look at quick methods to restore fresh breath:

  • Greenery. If you have a sprig of cilantro, parsley, lemon balm or mint on hand, you should eat it, chewing it slowly.
  • Dairy. Wash down the onion dish with a glass of milk or kefir. This will noticeably reduce the unpleasant odor. You can also enjoy yogurt or sour cream.
  • Coffee beans. Take a coffee bean into your mouth and bite it. Chew for a few minutes, spit out and rinse your mouth.
  • Fresh vegetables. A piece of raw potato, zucchini, eggplant or carrot cleanses the mouth well and refreshes.
  • Fresh fruits and berries. Eat a handful of raspberries, an apple or an orange for dessert. It eliminates odor well if you chew a lemon slice or peel.
  • Tea, coffee, fruit juices. Drink green tea with milk or coffee with cream.
  • Nuts. Almonds, pine nuts or walnuts.
  • Seeds.
  • Activated carbon. Chew a few tablets and rinse your mouth.
  • Essential oils. Dilute one or two drops of citrus essential oil in one glass and rinse your mouth.

Folk remedies

Ancestors treated many ailments with fresh onions. To get rid of its unpleasant aftertaste, they used the following folk methods:

Method name



Baking soda with iodine

Dilute one teaspoon of baking soda and two drops of iodine in one glass of water.

Rinse the role after eating.

Humanity has known about the healing properties of onions since ancient times. According to homeopaths and traditional healers, onions take life-giving energy directly from the bowels of the earth. The proverb “onion cures seven ailments” was coined by precisely those people whom onions helped to recover from various diseases. Anyone will immediately remember that onions help with colds. Of course, because it contains many phytoncides and vitamins that strengthen the body and improve immunity. It was the onion and its “brother” garlic that saved sailors going on long voyages from a terrible disease - scurvy.

The list of diseases that succumb to onion “pressure” will take more than one page. This includes hypertension, skin fungus, dermatitis, and kidney stones. Onions are taken orally, added to hair masks, and compresses for damaged skin. But getting rid of the smell of onions on your hands, hair, and mouth is quite difficult. But it is possible.

How to get rid of onion odor from your mouth
Onions are added to many dishes because they give them a spicy and pleasant taste. There are especially a lot of onions in various vegetable vitamin and puff salads (such as the popular “Mimosa”, “Olivier”). Of course, there is nothing wrong if you eat salad with onions in a noisy company, where everyone present has tried the same dish. But what to do when you have a date with your loved one or a business meeting, and you’ve already eaten enough onions? Transfer? Run for chewing gum? No. Don't panic: there are many home remedies that can help you get rid of onion odor from your breath.

Regular parsley will help. Take a bunch of fresh greens from this plant and chew thoroughly. By the way, careless drivers who drank large quantities of alcohol on the eve of the trip also like to chew parsley. Before chewing parsley (or using any other odor-reducing remedy), rinse your mouth to remove any remaining food.

No parsley? Chew walnuts or almonds, maybe pine nuts. Fresh cardamom seeds can also solve a delicate problem. The “sharpness” of the onion smell will be softened by plain milk. Some people advise putting a couple of tablets of an available adsorbent in your mouth - activated carbon, but then on a date you will have to explain why your teeth and tongue have turned black.

If you are at home, thoroughly brush your entire mouth, including your tongue, with peppermint toothpaste. After all, where does the smell come from? It is your bacteria that react with the sulfur compounds in the onion. And most bacteria are hidden on the tongue. A clean tongue means a pleasant breath.

How to get rid of onion smell from hair
Even the pungent smell does not frighten girls who are experiencing hair loss: they make special masks from onions and wait for the results. As a rule, onion hair masks act quickly, causing an intense rush of arterial blood to the scalp, and as a result, the appearance of new, healthy hair. But on the day when you have scheduled cosmetic procedures using onions, try not to go outside or exercise in the gym. And walking in the rain is certainly not recommended - the onion amber emanating from you will immediately overwhelm the aroma of ozone. If the onion smell in your hair is extremely unpleasant, then destroy it with other odorous products. Rinse your hair with water and lemon juice, it will help get rid of the onion smell in your hair. No lemon? Mix half a liter of apple cider vinegar and water. After rinsing your hair in this solution, wash it off with shampoo. You can also massage your scalp with ground coffee, it perfectly absorbs the onion aroma.

To keep the onion smell to a minimum, make a mask from onion juice by squeezing it through cheesecloth. An unpleasant odor should remain on the cake. And you only need to rub onion into the roots; those who apply an onion hair mask over the entire length are mistaken.

How to get rid of the smell of onions ingrained into the skin of your hands
The pungent smell of onions on your hands is a distinctive feature of some “desperate” housewives who like to put onions in almost every dish. But sometimes neither soap, nor dishwashing detergent, nor expensive cream can eliminate the smell on your hands. We have to turn to folk remedies.

Here is a great recipe that will eliminate the smell and provide additional disinfection to your hands! This is vinegar with a concentration of 9%. Soak a cotton swab in it and gently wipe your palms. Fine salt and coffee grounds will also remove the smell, also acting as a hand scrub.

Lemon with an onion aroma is the best lifesaver. It will wash away the aroma from your hair and remove it from your mouth. To prevent your hands from smelling like onions, cut the lemon in half and wipe your hands with the cut.

Often, when preparing food, we are forced to refuse to add onions to this or that dish, since it is difficult to get rid of the unpleasant onion smell, and no “Orbit” will help here! You can achieve the opposite result, and if you have an important meeting or a pleasant date ahead, it will be easier for you to refuse onions or green onions in your food.

But sometimes you really want fresh green onions, especially in the spring, after a winter shortage of greens, or just thinly slice lard with a layer of meat and eat it with fresh black bread as a bite with onions! And any salad without onions seems bland, and during the cold season, onions are the most accessible means of prevention. Therefore, you should not give up this excellent source of phytoncides, and we will tell you how to remove the smell of onions from your mouth.

If you are at home, you can simply brush your teeth thoroughly, not neglecting your toothbrush and tongue, and then drink a glass of milk, which is a good odor absorbent. The following methods will help you remove the unpleasant smell of onions from your mouth not only quickly, but also without leaving a trace. The very first and most common is to rinse your mouth with boiled, chilled water and chew a few parsley leaves.

Coffee beans, which should be chewed and held in the mouth for a few minutes, then rinsed, will also help in the fight against the smell of onions. Perfectly eliminates onion odor from the mouth and cardamom grains. After a delicious salad with onions, chew a couple of grains and you won’t even remember that you ate onions.

But in our opinion, the most pleasant way to eliminate the smell of onions from the mouth is with nuts. Walnuts, pine nuts or almonds. If there are a lot of dishes on your table with added onions, do not eat them last; subsequent meals will also help combat the smell. And for guests you can prepare small canapés with butter and nuts.

Besides, if you know how to make butter and make it at home, then the demand for such sandwiches will be great! Spread a thin layer of butter on thin slices of black bread, sprinkle with crushed nuts, insert skewers and serve. A guest who knows how to remove the smell of onions from his mouth will immediately understand what these exquisite tiny sandwiches are for and will calmly kiss you on the cheek when saying goodbye, without fear of bad breath.

Onions are a very useful product. Its regular inclusion in the diet brings many benefits to the human body. But the vegetable causes an unwanted odor from the mouth after consumption. The reason lies in the chewing process itself. At this point, sulfur compounds are released, which react with the natural bacterial environment of the oral cavity. It is this contact that is the source of the smell, with which it is better not to appear in public, and especially not to communicate with personalities important to you. The problem is completely fixable. There are several excellent ways to help completely get rid of unpleasant sensations in the mouth after eating onions. Let's find out about them in detail.

If your hearty lunch consisted of salad with onions or you ate it as a snack with some dish, and later you have a meeting with business partners, do not be upset. The onion smell can be eliminated quickly and easily using available products and products. Here they are:

  1. Try brushing your teeth with mint paste, paying special attention to your tongue. Brush it thoroughly with the rubber pad found on the back of a modern toothbrush.
  2. Rinse your mouth with warm water, after adding a few drops of lemon, orange or tea tree essential oil.
  3. Chew a slice of fresh lemon and a couple of fresh mint leaves for a few minutes.
  4. The smell of onions can be eliminated by spices with perfectly expressed taste qualities. Among them are cardamom seeds, coffee beans, ground natural coffee. These products must be chewed for several minutes, trying to cover the entire oral cavity with the pulp.
  5. Many foods on hand can be good absorbents. These are milk and walnuts, as well as parsley. You can drink milk immediately after eating onions, and simply chew nuts and parsley.
  6. A good absorbent is regular activated carbon. Just hold one tablet in your mouth for three or four minutes and the unpleasant odor will go away. The tongue and gums, however, will become black, which you can get rid of by rinsing your mouth with warm water and lemon juice.
  7. Fresh herbs do an excellent job of eliminating unwanted odor in the mouth after eating onions. Dill and parsley, a sprig of cilantro or celery will help eliminate discomfort in the oral cavity. These products just need to be chewed slowly - and the smell from the onions will disappear in a matter of seconds. This procedure will leave a dark mark on your tongue, which can be removed with a toothbrush and toothpaste.
  8. Walnuts, almonds or pine nuts will also help eliminate the unpleasant consequences of consuming onions. They should be eaten immediately after eating onions. In this case, the smell will either go away completely or become less strong.
  9. Cinnamon can overcome the smell of onions. The product must be eaten with milk or tea.
  10. Fresh fruits and vegetables can reduce the odor: apple and pineapple, lemon and tangerine. They will not completely eliminate the smell, but will make it less pronounced.
  11. You can get rid of onion aroma by using mouthwash. Although you can only use it at home.
  12. Dairy products minimize the smell of onions: kefir, yogurt and sour cream.
  13. Green tea with the addition of fresh milk or strongly brewed natural coffee eliminates unpleasant sensations in the mouth and unwanted odor.
  14. Tea without sugar, but with natural dark chocolate, also helps to cope with the problem.
  15. In order not to think about how to quickly eliminate bad breath, it is better not to consume this vegetable before important meetings. But if this happens, then take our advice into account. They will help make your breathing easy and pleasant!

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