What is the name of the dog breed in the movie Hachiko? Description of the Japanese Akita Inu breed (from the movie "Hachiko"). How the film "Hachiko" was filmed

Hachiko - famous to everyone faithful dog, who was waiting for the owner at the station even when he died. This story actually happened; it all happened in Japan.

The well-known dog was born on a Japanese farm. The farmer gave the dog to a professor who taught at Tokyo University. He named the dog Hachiko, which means “eighth.” The professor called him that because Hachiko was his eighth dog.

Every day, when the professor went to work, the dog ran after him and remained waiting for him all day at the railway station. It was like this every day. But one day, the professor died at the university from a stroke and did not return from work to the station. Then Hachiko was one and a half years old.

Hachiko was waiting for him in the same place, but did not wait. Hachiko was given to other owners, but he always ran to the place where he usually met his owner and waited. So Hachiko waited for his master for ten years.

Passers-by fed Hachiko. One day, a former student of the professor saw him and wrote about him in the newspaper. When the article was published in Japan's largest print publication, Hachiko became a national example of dedication and devotion. Hachiko had a bronze monument erected at the place where he was waiting for the professor.

During the war, the statue was dismantled, and after the end of the war, the statue was restored.

The dog died at the age of twelve. In Japan, this day was a day of national mourning, and the effigy of Hachiko was given to a Japanese museum.

In Japan, a Japanese film was even made about Hachiko, but it became famous all over the world thanks to the American version, released in 2009.

Gallery: American Akita Inu (25 photos)

History of the breed

This breed originated in the Akita province of Japan. This breed was brought to America after Helen Keller visited Japan. She became the first Akita Inu owner in America.

After the end of World War II, many military personnel brought dogs of this breed with them. Later the American Akita was bred. This breed is very loyal to its owner, is not afraid of anything and is quite friendly.

Description of the breed

Akita Inu is quite big brave dog. She has big head and a powerful stance.

This breed is distinguished by amazing loyalty and devotion. Akita follows his owner everywhere. She is very kind to all family members, but can be wary of strangers.

The Akita Inu must be socialized while still a puppy, otherwise you may end up with an aggressive, frightened animal. An amazing feature of Akita Inus is that they lick themselves like cats. Akitas weigh on average 50 kilograms, females are slightly smaller than males. Height can be up to 70 centimeters.

Character of American Akita Inu

This is very brave and brave dog, very devoted to their owners. Often they show aggression towards other individuals, so for those who already have a dog, the American Akita Inu is not suitable.

These dogs are very active and love spending time with family in which he lives. They are very love to run long distances.

Their upbringing requires the leadership of the owner, since if they are not shown who is boss, they can become disobedient and uncontrollable.


If a family loves their dog very much and pays enough attention to it, then the Akita Inu will feel great and reciprocate the feelings of its owners. Necessarily there should be walks in the air, and it’s best to run.

These dogs are very smart, so a monotonous life is not for them. When an Akita is bored, it may spoil things, bark or whine loudly.

The yard fencing should be sufficient to ensure safety for others as Akita may be aggressive towards strangers. Although Akita is quite treats guests calmly as long as the owners are in the house.

There is no need to leave your Akita alone with your child., since the dog can harm him. It is imperative to explain to the child that the dog cannot be offended, since they can answer for the insults brought.

Breed Features

  • Search good puppy needed from conscientious breeders who monitor the cleanliness and health of dogs
  • The American Akita Inu is very aggressive towards other dogs of the same sex.
  • These dogs can become aggressive, so they need to be socialized as early as possible.
  • They shed quite a lot, so they need to be brushed constantly.
  • There is no need to look Akita in the eyes for a long time, as this can lead to aggression.

Hachiko price

After the American film about the Japanese dog Hachiko was released, the demand for dogs of this breed increased greatly, and therefore their cost increased.

  • Dogs without documents will cost up to 30 thousand rubles
  • With documents and pedigree it can cost up to 100 thousand rubles

You can’t argue with the fact that dogs are the most devoted and loyal creatures to us, especially knowing a lot of stories and examples to confirm this. The story of the legendary dog ​​Hachiko has been making our hearts beat faster for many years. It brings tears to millions of people. What breed of dog did Hachiko have, why was a monument erected to him? We invite you to learn about all this, as well as interesting details of the film about him, with us.

Hachiko is a symbol of devotion and fidelity in Japan.

Hachiko's dog breed is the Akita Inu, which is popular and highly revered in Japan. This ancient breed, bred on the island of Honshu (Akita province). According to historical information, this dog was originally used in hunting bears, so the first name sounded like “Akita Matagi”. Later the breed was used in game hunting and also as a guard dog. This is due, first of all, to the fact that Akita Inu are very loyal dogs, they become strongly attached to their owner and are wary and distrustful of strangers.

For a long time, the breed experienced times of oblivion, but today it has revived unprecedented popularity. And in many ways this merit is due not only to the beauty of the Akita Inu, but also to her character, the special gift of loving a person with all her heart and being faithful to him until death. And although there are many examples of this, the most striking and most famous is the story of Hachiko. Thanks to him, the Akita Inu breed became the personification of devotion and fidelity in Japan, and was also recognized as a national treasure of the country.

Biography of the dog

The stories about Hachiko are not fiction, but real story once living Akita Inu dog. According to historical information and facts, this dog was born in 1923 in the province of Akita on a farm. Since the puppy was the eighth in the litter, he was given the name Hati, which meant eight. The suffix "ko" in Japanese means dependence or attachment. Very soon the puppy ended up in the house of a professor at the University of Tokyo, Hidesaburo Ueno.

The puppy became very attached to his owner, and when he grew up he began to accompany him everywhere. When the professor was leaving Shibuya Station for work in the city in the morning by train, he true friend walked to the platform with him. Then he returned home and, exactly when the train arrived, came back to the platform to meet the owner. This went on for several years, day after day, until one misfortune happened - during a lecture, the professor had an accident. heart attack and he died. Hachiko, as usual, came to the platform at right time, but did not meet his owner among the arriving passengers.

The professor had a heart attack in May 1925. At the time, his dog was only 18 months old.

Further, the history of Hachiko became closely connected with the railway station. Although the professor’s relatives and friends kept trying to pick up the dog, he still ran away and returned to the station every time. Local workers and railway workers knew the dog well, did not chase him, and fed and consoled him in every possible way. Soon stories about Hachiko and reviews of his loyalty spread beyond the Shibuya station; in 1932, many notes and newspaper publications were published about him. But the dog gained fame throughout Japan in 1932, when a popular newspaper published an article about how a devoted dog had been waiting for his owner for seven years.

After the death of the professor, his faithful friend Hachiko spent 9 whole years waiting for his owner at the station until his death in March 1935. But people could not so easily forget the dog and her example of love. Hachiko's remains were cremated and buried in Aoyama Cemetery next to the owner's grave (Tokyo district of Minato-ku). There is also a stuffed dog at the National Science Museum in Ueno. And at Shibuya station itself there is a statue-monument to the faithful Hachiko. Look at the photo and video to see what it looks like (Blinchik TV).

The role of Hachiko in Japanese culture

Hachiko, as the most faithful friend, shocked people so much that he became an integral part of Japanese culture. In addition to the fact that a monument to the dog was erected in the country itself, and a film was made, this story also became public throughout the world. Today, even the dog’s nickname itself is the personification of deep loyalty and devotion.


In 1934, on April 21, at Shibuya Station, a bronze statue-monument of a waiting Akita named Hachiko appeared near the clock. With this gesture, people wanted to honor and celebrate the incredible devotion of a dog to a person. The author of the statue was the sculptor Teru Ando. It is noteworthy that Hachiko himself was present at the opening of the monument and then continued to meet trains near his monument for some time. As today's reviews say, lovers love to meet near the statue of dogs.

Films and cartoons

Of course she is amazing story could not help but be reflected in the cinema. Thus, in 1987, the Japanese film “Istria Hachiko” was released, but few people know it, unlike the Hollywood remake “Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend.” The film by Lasse Hallström and screenwriter Steven Lindsay was released in 2009 and, judging by the reviews, shocked the whole world. Main character Richard Gere called his role as a professor one of the most striking of his entire career.

Filming of the film “Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend” took place in both Japan and the USA, and the dog himself was played by three Akita Inu dogs. It was not indicated which puppies were filmed, but the quality adult dog Akita Inu Laila, Chico and Forest were filmed. For six months, the four-legged actors underwent special training. Also, the image of Hachiko as a loyal friend appeared in the animated series "Futurama" and even in computer game The World Ends with You.

One of the oldest Spitz-type dogs is the Hachiko Akita Inu breed. It is considered a national treasure of Japan and does not lose popularity today. The dog's incredible devotion to his owner and intelligence were immortalized in feature film, and in the 30s of the last century, a monument was erected to the faithful Akita in his hometown.

The breed originated on the Japanese island of Honshu in the Akita province. Local residents used it to hunt large animals and protect their homes.

Several centuries ago there was a cult of the Akita; it was considered a sacred animal and was kept at the court of the emperor.

Later, when Japan became open to foreigners, Akitas began to be actively crossed with other dog breeds. To prevent them from disappearing completely, in the 30s of the last century a law was passed under which Akita Inu were under state protection.

During World War II, the breed practically disappeared, with only a few purebred animals remaining. Japanese dog handlers have done everything to revive the Akita. In 1949, the first dog show was held and the breed was recognized Japanese club dog breeders, and in the 60s the first official standard was developed.

After the release of the remake starring Richard Gere, many became interested in the name of the breed of dog from the film “Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend.” This is how the Akita Inu gained fame outside of Japan.

Description and characteristics of the breed

This is a very cheerful dog that is hard not to fall in love with. He is an excellent guard, always ready to protect the owner and his property. Akita is a sociable and at the same time proud, independent dog.

She has an explosive temperament hidden behind external calm. This shows up well in a game or in times of danger - in a split second a cute teddy bear can turn into a fierce fighter. IN conflict situation Akita rarely uses its teeth. She will never start attacking first; she enters into a fight only when there is an immediate threat.

Akita Inu is a very energetic dog, but it will not run without a goal; it is able to analyze its behavior and make independent decisions.

You can often hear from owners that the dog is impossible to train. She is very intelligent, but independent, with her own will. The dog’s behavior and its desire to learn commands depend only on the owner.

Breed standard Hachiko (Akita Inu)

These are quite large Spitz-shaped dogs with thick hair consisting of 3 layers. Only three colors are allowed: pure white and red or brindle and white. Too long hair, which is found in some representatives of the breed, is considered a deviation from the norm.

In addition to the Japanese type, there is also an American one, slightly different in appearance, since they participated in its breeding german shepherds. For American Akita A black mask is acceptable.

Breed standard:

  • height at the withers: for females - from 59 to 64 cm, for males - from 64 to 70 cm;
  • maximum weight – up to 50 kg;
  • the head is wide with a convex forehead;
  • nose black;
  • the ears are triangular, small, and stick up;
  • eyes walnut color or brown;
  • strong teeth and scissor bite;
  • straight back, wide chest, tucked stomach;
  • the tail is curled over the back;
  • paws are straight and strong.

Akita – rare breed dogs, but in Russia it is easy to find a nursery that breeds them.

When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to the conditions in which it is kept, it must have clean fur, clear eyes. You should ask the breeder for documents about the health of the parents of the baby you like. Animals accepted for breeding must not have hereditary genetic diseases eyes and hip joints.

Purpose and character of the dog

The Japanese Akita Inu breed is distinguished by patience and devotion, treats children well, and will never offend them. Much in a dog's character depends on proper education. The whole family should communicate with the puppy, walk with him, then he will grow up affectionate and sociable.

A dog does not tend to obey; it prefers to feel like an equal with its owner. Shows obedience only out of love for its owner. She is unobtrusive and likes to carefully observe on the sidelines the lives of family members.

Nowadays the dog is not used for hunting, as in ancient times, but now it is a faithful companion. Among the work functions, the Akita copes well with guarding.

The dog must have its own bedding, two bowls (for water and food), and toys. A 1.5 month old puppy is fed 4 times a day, 200 g of food is needed for 1 feeding. WITH three months You can switch to three meals a day, from 6 months - to two meals a day.

An adult animal eats 2 times a day, but can eat 1 time or go on a hunger strike for 2 days. You need to feed your dog after walks to avoid volvulus. There are two feeding options - prepare food yourself or give dry balanced food. One of the bowls should always be filled with fresh water.

When feeding with natural food, follow several rules:

  1. The food is given fresh, slightly warm (about 40 °C).
  2. The main part of the diet is meat, preferably raw frozen beef.
  3. Cereals, fiber and carbohydrates are just as necessary for a dog as meat, but in smaller quantities.
  4. Only sea fish is given, without bones.
  5. You cannot give milk, sour cream, or mix meat and dairy products.
  6. Mineral and vitamin supplements appropriate to the age of the animal are required.

An animal needs 1.5 liters per day natural food. Feeding can be mixed. When feeding dry food, you need to follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

The Akita should see its owner as a leader worthy of respect and honor. This main secret proper upbringing.

When training, you should not try to do it at the same pace as for service breed puppies. It is impossible to teach a dog to perform a complex of commands - “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Stand!” at a distance, this is beyond the power of even an experienced trainer. Only the most trained Akitas necessary commands. Training should not be too long so that the animal does not get tired. When starting to learn a command, they try to ensure its perfect execution, otherwise the dog will think that repetition in the future is not necessary.

Without training and long walks to provide good exercise, the Akita can become difficult to control. The more you walk your dog, the better. The required minimum is 1 hour in the morning and the same amount of time in the evening. If the dog lives outside the city, it is taken out for walks outside the area several times a week in order to accustom it to the outside world.

Akita Inu needs minimal care - no grueling training, frequent bathing, haircuts, or brushing. But due to its character, the breed is suitable only for those people who know how to value independence and can see a friend in a dog.

Four dogs starred in the film Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend. They represented the main character in different stages life. The puppy Hachiko was played by a representative of the subspecies Japanese breed- Sinba Inu. This type of dog is characterized by its miniature size. In adulthood amazing dog Hachiko was played by classic representatives of Japanese dogs. The breed of dog from the movie "Hachiko" is .

The name of the dog breed comes from the area in Japan where the “treasure of the country” was bred - Akita Prefecture.

The history of the film took place in real life. Everything happened in the vicinity of the Japanese railway station Shibuya in the 20-30s of the twentieth century. University professor in Tokyo Hidesaburo Ueno takes into his family a fluffy red puppy, whom he names Hachiko. "Hachi" means "eight" in Japanese. This is a symbol of eternity and constancy. The nickname became symbolic, since the main quality of the dog was endless devotion to its owner.

At the age of 1.5, Hachiko was orphaned because the professor died of a heart attack right at the university. For 9 years, the dog came to the railway station at the same time and waited for his owner. After journalists wrote about the dog, he became a legend and the pride of the Japanese, who built a monument to the animal’s fidelity.

The day of death of the faithful Hachiko was declared mourning throughout the country.

Features of the Japanese dog breed

The Hachiko dog breed is considered the pride of Japan and its national treasure. Despite the fact that American dog breeders managed to breed their own subspecies " Japanese dog", they failed to achieve either external identity or the same wonderful character.

The dog breed from the movie Hachiko began its career as a peasant watchdog, but over time it became a symbol of wealth. For some time it was only possible to keep an Akita Inu imperial family, and for killing this animal there was a severe punishment.

The dog breed from the film “Hachiko” is distinguished not only by its thick hair, slanted eyes and tail curled into a donut. The entire appearance and movements of the animal speak of eastern origin Akita. Proud posture, external calm, restraint - this is a real imperial dog. However, under external mask calmness hides an ardent temperament, which the Akita demonstrates only to its owner and close people.

The breed of dog from the movie "Hachiko" does not require scrupulous care, but you will have to work on the coat. You should not bathe your dog too often - 1-2 times a year. It is enough to comb the coat once a week with a special brush. During the shedding period, brushing should be done daily.

Famous representatives of the Hachiko dog breed

Answering the question “What breed of dog is in the film Hachiko?”, it should be noted that two breeds took part in the filming - a miniature subspecies of the breed - Shinba and three different Akitas. Each dog was treated for six months by one of the best trainers- Boon Narr. He was on the set almost every day.

For different periods Three tailed artists were chosen in Hachiko's life. They were collected from different parts of the country and each of them has an expressive appearance.

“Children and dogs outshine any actor on stage,” says the trainer.

The actors especially fell in love with Leila, who was distinguished by her incredible beauty and intelligence. All the filming participants could not help but fall in love with these dogs for their restraint and incredible charisma.

One of the most famous Akita Inu owners was Russian President V.V. Putin. He showed his dog to journalists in 2011, after which the second wave of popularity of this breed began. However, it is worth remembering that you cannot choose a pet for yourself, chasing fashion, because it is a living creature. requires full care, a quality diet, and most importantly, a real leader who would be involved in raising this strong animal.

How to choose a puppy like Hachiko?

Price per pedigree puppy may vary greatly. If you are satisfied with a dubious deal "from hand", then you can count on $400 or less. However, such a purchase entails risks, so it is better to buy an animal from experienced and reputable breeders, which you can find out about in clubs for Japanese dog lovers.

The name of the Hakito dog breed is on everyone's lips, so scammers often come across. Remember that PET grade puppies (for use as pet) sell for $500 and up. The cost of puppies suitable for further breeding starts from $700, and the price for quality dogs, which will be able to win at exhibitions and competitions, starts from $1,200.

Before you go for a puppy, it is worth studying, which describes the animal’s exterior down to the smallest detail. You can take a specialist with you. Be sure to ask for documents and also look at the Akita's parents.

All puppies in the litter should look the same size. These are cheerful and fluffy strong creatures, from whom you should not expect eastern restraint and calmness at this age. However, puppies should not be aggressive.

The puppy can be kept both in an apartment and in a country house. Caring for him is not difficult, but it is worth remembering that this breed requires long walks a couple of times a day.

Photos of Hachiko and other dogs of this breed

Photos of Hachiko and other beautiful ones will show why the Japanese love this animal so much. These are incredibly beautiful and noble animals that are impossible to fall in love with.

Akita Inu - the famous Hachiko! Akita Inus are very intelligent, friendly and never bark without a reason. You will not find a more calm, loyal and quiet dog. Almost all dog owners of this breed say that it helps fight stress by making the person interacting with it relax. This is probably due to the fact that the breed was bred in Japan, a country of harmony, wisdom and peace.

Japanese Akita Inu breed

Breed characteristics

Due to the lack of a characteristic dog smell and cleanliness, many compare Akita Inu dogs with. Akita Inu are very patient and loyal, not vindictive, and love to tinker with children. Without a doubt, many have seen the film “Hachiko's Most Faithful Friend.” Hachiko was of this exact breed.

Still from the film Hachiko


  • Height – up to 70 cm at the withers (“girls” are slightly lower);
  • Weight – up to 45 kg;
  • The coat is very thick, warm, of medium length;
  • The color is predominantly white and red, but rarely fawn, and closer to black;
  • Muscles are very developed, regular physical activity is required;
  • Life expectancy is up to 12 years.

Since these dogs are characterized hunting instincts, they should be tamed to communicate with other animals and people from puppyhood. If representatives of this breed are not tamed to communicate with other animals, especially of the same breed and gender, they may show aggression towards them in the future. These dogs make good watchdogs.

If you don't expose the dog physical activity, she begins to get sick, becomes more aggressive, destructive, as she needs physical activity.

Despite their devotion and loyalty, Akita Inu have a strong character and willpower, so training such dogs is quite problematic. This breed is best suited for experienced dog breeders, since an ordinary person may not be able to cope with its temper and spoil the animal, causing harm to both himself and the dog.

Akita Inu puppies

You can buy a puppy of this beautiful breed only in a specialized nursery, or from breeders, since only in this case you are guaranteed to get not only a beautiful, but also a healthy friend. The price starts from 30,000 rubles, but in some cases it can be up to 50,000 rubles.


From the moment the dog appears in the house, you should show it who is the owner. This dog has willpower, the owner must match it, otherwise the dog will control the man, and not the man over the dog.

The dog knows who's boss

It should be understood that teaching a dog to obey a person does not mean punishing it or offending it. This should not interfere with your communication with her.

Do not forget that the description given above applies to the breed as a whole, but each dog is individual! You need to find your own approach to each representative of the Akita Inu breed!


The Akita Inu has a soft coat. You need to comb it about once a week.

Akita Inu is not afraid of frost

Dogs of this breed shed a lot, although only for 1-2 weeks twice a year. The wool should not be cut. During shedding periods, it is recommended to groom your dog's coat daily. If the dog lives in a cool climate or indoors, sheds less.

If there is not enough information about the breed, and about dogs in general, then you can visit a good website about dogs, which has a lot useful information about each breed.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

Video report about the Akita Inu breed

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