How to treat a bleeding wound. Aqueous solution of Furacilin. When to see a doctor

How to properly disinfect a wound

If a fresh wound is bleeding, “drown” a napkin with peroxide in it. If there is no blood, choose iodine or brilliant green.

Rest on fresh air is inextricably linked with the danger of getting hurt or burned, so do not go in search of adventure without taking with you an antiseptic - a solution for disinfecting wounds. The fact that a wound needs to be disinfected is generally no secret to anyone, but only a few do it correctly. “Confident” home healers wash wounds with iodine, treat burns with peroxide, or do other stupid things. Not everything is so simple, experts say: each antiseptic has its own purpose. Let's try to figure out what the five most popular of them are suitable for.

We would like to thank pharmacist Vitaly Shevchenko and surgeon Alexander Linchevsky for their assistance in preparing the material.


What is it intended for? For disinfection of superficial (non-bleeding) wounds, for treating skin when not purulent inflammations skin, burns; for treating wound edges.

Pros. It has a resolving effect, due to which it helps with muscle inflammation - myositis and neuralgia (if used in the form iodine mesh). Long lasting disinfecting effect.

Minuses. Many people (especially those with fair hair and skin) are allergic to iodine. Contraindicated in increased function thyroid gland, acne, renal failure, diabetic skin ulcers. If iodine gets into a deep wound, a brown mark will remain in its place. Not suitable for washing wounds, does not stop bleeding.


What is it intended for? For skin disinfection during purulent inflammation of the skin (pyoderma, furunculosis, etc.), burns; for treating wound edges.

Plus. Long lasting disinfecting effect.

Minuses. Not suitable for washing wounds, does not stop bleeding. If it gets into a deep wound, it can leave a mark - a green “tattoo”.


What is it intended for? For disinfection, washing wounds (including deep ones), rinsing oral cavity for stomatitis and sore throat; for douching at gynecological diseases; to stop nosebleeds.

Plus. Helps stop bleeding.

Minus. The disinfecting effect is weak and short-lived.


What is it intended for? For disinfection of superficial (non-bleeding) wounds.

Plus. Strong antiseptic; has a resolving effect, making it effective for relieving swelling during subcutaneous inflammation(felons, mastitis, etc.).

Minuses. Very hot, can cause burns. Not suitable for washing wounds, does not stop bleeding.


What is it intended for? For treating wounds (including deep ones) and burns.

Pros. A very strong and fairly long-lasting disinfecting effect. It acts on most pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases, so chlorhexidine can be used to prevent trichomoniasis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, etc., if you wash the genitals with it and drop a couple of drops into the urethra.

Minuses. Transient dryness and itching of the skin and dermatitis at the site of application are possible. Doesn't stop bleeding.


A simple abrasion: lubricate with your choice of iodine, brilliant green, chlorhexidine or alcohol. Bleeding wound: first rinse with peroxide, then lubricate the edges with iodine or brilliant green, or simply rinse with chlorhexidine, then apply a dry sterile bandage of cotton wool and bandage. For burns and boils: lubricate the skin over the sore spot with iodine, brilliant green or chlorhexidine, then apply a sterile bandage.

An open wound on the body, even the smallest and seemingly insignificant one, must be properly treated. Washing the wound with an antiseptic not only promotes faster healing, but also prevents infection from entering it. It is important to know how and with what you can treat the injured area so as not to cause harm.

Regardless of the location of the wound and its origin, primary treatment is carried out in compliance with certain rules and takes place in several stages:

  • all manipulations are performed with clean hands;
  • wash the damaged area with running water and baby or laundry soap to remove contaminants from it. Water for washing wounds must be warm and always clean;
  • choose an antiseptic that does not burn or irritate already damaged skin;
  • the injured part of the body is placed on flat surface in such a way that she is at rest and there is no pressure on her;
  • If there is a deep wound, you should not pour alcohol antiseptic directly onto the affected area, because this can lead to tissue necrosis;
  • if bleeding is observed, the first step is to stop it, and then begin treatment;
  • delete foreign objects only a doctor can remove the damaged area;
  • Only the edges of the wound are washed with a disinfectant;
  • It is not advisable to apply cotton wool to open damage. Its fibers can stick to the wound, and removing them from there will be extremely difficult and painful;
  • Do not use oil or alcohol solutions for treating the oral cavity or eyes. For these purposes, an aqueous solution is used to wash wounds, which contains antiseptic components;
  • The disinfected area is dried and can be sprinkled with a special powder: Boneacin, crushed Streptocide tablet. Then they cover it with a sterile gauze swab, bandage it or seal it with an adhesive plaster. There are patches on sale with a piece of fabric already impregnated with an antiseptic. So, they kill two birds with one stone: the wound is disinfected and covered.

After providing first aid, you need to monitor the patient’s condition. If during the day his health worsened, his temperature rose, the affected area became inflamed, and chills began, then, most likely, the infection managed to get into the wound, and infection began. In this case you need urgent hospitalization, otherwise there is a possibility of developing sepsis. The doctor will conduct visual inspection and prescribe necessary medications. It could be an ointment water based"Levomekol", "Furagel", "Nitacid" and others. A purulent wound is treated with “Iodopirone”, “Dimephosphon 15%”, “Gentazol” or “Dioxyzol” aerosols. Specialist help is also necessary when there is heavy bleeding.

How to dilute furatsilin for washing wounds

Washing the wound with furatsilin is possible both on the surface of the skin and on the mucous membranes by diluting the tablet in water. The solution does not contain alcohol, so it can be poured directly into the wound. Primary processing furatsilin prevents the development of pathogenic microflora.

Pharmacies sell an already diluted solution, but not everyone remembers it when they replenish their home range of medications. In a household medicine cabinet you will most likely find a blister of tablets. It is advisable to crush it into powder before diluting the furatsilin tablet to wash the wound. This way it will dissolve faster.

To prepare an antiseptic, you need to take 10 tablets and dissolve them in 1 liter of water. Furacilin can be diluted for rinsing in hot water, but after that, the composition needs to be cooled. For 1 tablet take 100 ml of liquid. Wash the damaged area with a cooled solution. To disinfect the oral cavity, rinse with furatsilin. The product can be used to soak a bandage that has dried to a wound, as well as to treat purulent areas.

Washing the wound with hydrogen peroxide

Three percent hydrogen peroxide solution - universal remedy, which is suitable even for infants. The liquid is odorless, transparent in color, and can be poured onto an open wound, but only minor abrasions and cuts. When interacting with the damaged area, the peroxide begins to bubble a little and sting. This is how the disinfection process begins. Atomic oxygen is released, which rids the wound of germs, pus and dead tissue. Despite its versatility, hydrogen peroxide has some contraindications:

  • Do not pour the solution onto deep wounds, because air bubbles can enter the bloodstream and lead to embolism;
  • Peroxide should not be used on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose or eyes;
  • Only a 3% solution is suitable for treating wounds; a more concentrated composition can cause a burn on the skin.

Peroxide soaks dried gauze dressings well.

Saline solution for washing the wound

If you don't have any at hand medicinal product. Saline solution can be used as an antiseptic to wash wounds. Salt has a pronounced absorbent effect. Draws fluid from the wound, simultaneously absorbing harmful microorganisms, pus, eliminating inflammation. Due to the action of salt, damage occurs accelerated exchange liquids, thanks to which they are disinfected and cleaned.

If you use a saline solution and soak the bandages in it, you can quickly remove severe inflammation without using antibiotics.

Ratio of ingredients for cooking saline solution depends on what concentration you want to get:

  • one percent (1%) - take a teaspoon of salt and dilute it in half a liter of water;
  • five percent (5%) - a teaspoon of salt is diluted in one glass of boiled water.

Any type of salt will do: table salt, sea salt, just without adding preservatives or iodine.

Miramistin solution

Miramistin is a modern broad-spectrum antiseptic drug. Suitable for washing open wounds lesions and damage to the mucous membrane. Miramistin perfectly fights various microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, fungi. Can be used for burns.

The solution is colorless and odorless, does not cause a burning sensation when it gets into exposed areas, is hypoallergenic, and does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

Miramistin can also be used to treat the oral cavity for stomatitis, sore throat and pharyngitis, for fungal infections of the nails and skin.

Timely washing of the wound helps to avoid many negative consequences that may occur in case of infection.

First aid for a person who has received open injury, is to immediately stop the bleeding in any possible way.

If the bleeding is minor, simply applying pressure to the vessel will be enough. But if you see that the bleeding does not stop, the blood is bright scarlet in color and flows out under pressure in a pulsating stream, it means that the artery is damaged, and you should apply a tourniquet and immediately send the victim to the hospital. But keep in mind that incorrect application (too tight) can damage blood vessels and nerves and threaten tissue necrosis. A loosely applied tourniquet not only will not help, but can also stimulate increased bleeding (this happens if venous blood flow stops, not arterial).

Press the affected vessel with your finger a centimeter above the wound site, lift the limb and apply a tourniquet above the injury site. Place something soft under the tourniquet.

After 45 minutes, loosen the tourniquet for three minutes to restore blood circulation, then apply it again, but keep in mind that the tourniquet cannot be applied in one place for more than 1.5-2 hours. If there is no help, then the tourniquet is subsequently applied slightly above or below the previous application site.

Please note: in case of damage to the vein (dark red blood flows out slowly), a tourniquet is applied below the wound site.

Next, no less important task- protecting the wound from infection, since this is what can lead to any complications in the future. Be sure to disinfect your hands with alcohol. Before applying a bandage, try to remove dirt, soil and other foreign objects from the surface of the wound, preferably with a piece of cloth, tweezers or a bandage. Just don’t try to pick at an open wound, trying to remove dirt from its deep layers. Leave this mission to the professionals.

The best thing you can do is pour hydrogen peroxide into the wound. After superficially cleaning the wound, treat the skin around the wound with iodine or alcohol. In this case, under no circumstances should iodine be allowed to get into the wound itself - this will cause a burn to the injured tissues and cause unnecessary pain to the injured person.

To apply a bandage, you can use whatever you have on hand - a bandage, pieces of fabric, a scarf - but, of course, clean. If you have an individual package, that’s excellent. When you begin to cover the injury with a sterile bandage, be careful not to accidentally touch open areas with your hands.

If the wound is large and painful, look for some painkiller and give it to the victim. And then try to quickly get him to the nearest medical facility.

A small wound that does not pose a threat to life and health can be taken care of at home, but it is important to observe how it behaves. A few hours after injury, any damage to the skin usually becomes inflamed. This needs to be removed. For the first couple of days, treat the wound with tampons well soaked in a 10% salt solution or hydrogen peroxide. These products disinfect, prevent the growth of bacteria and the outflow of pus, if any, as well as blood clots and dead cells.

After a few days, Vishnevsky ointment and products containing streptocide will not harm. If you see that the wound is clean, you can apply a piece of aloe leaf to it (with the cut facing the wound). Aloe is very good at tightening and healing the skin.

Traditional medicine also advises using crushed plantain leaves or ointment from fresh leaves St. John's wort and sage. To prepare such an ointment, take these in equal parts, chop, and then rub with the internal lard. This product should be kept in the refrigerator.

Antiseptics for treating wounds are available in every home medicine cabinet. But do people always choose the right thing to treat a wound with? It’s not without reason that there are several different solutions, each of which should be used to treat certain wounds and sores. Today we will find out why we need an antiseptic? Let's look at the 9 most popular and inexpensive means and let's look at their differences.

What is an antiseptic?

Let us immediately turn to the Greek translation of the term: anti - against, septikos - putrefactive. And an antiseptic really is any product that can fight bacteria caused by decomposition processes, and also serves to prevent their proliferation.

Antiseptics have been known since ancient times. Embalming of corpses was carried out with means that prevented decay processes, otherwise some finds would not have survived to contemporaries. But antiseptics began to be popularized only in the mid-19th century, when the first tests began. surgical operations using carbolic acid.

By the way! Antiseptics are used not for healing wounds, but specifically for their disinfection, i.e. to destroy infection and prevent inflammation.

Antiseptics today are used not only in medicine, but in other areas as well. For example, in the woodworking industry to impregnate wood to avoid development putrefactive processes. Logs for a bath that will constantly be in a humid environment must be pre-treated with antiseptic impregnations. So, what are the types of antiseptics?

9 best antiseptics

Carbolic acid, which was first used as a body antiseptic, is not used today due to its dangers. Essentially this is harmful phenol, which in large quantities can cause poisoning. But over 150 years, many different antiseptics, answering everyone necessary requirements, namely:

All these requirements in varying degrees Answered by at least 9 antiseptics, which are considered the most effective and affordable.

The antiseptic effect of ethyl alcohol does not last long. As soon as the alcohol evaporates (30-40 seconds), the effect stops. But usually it is enough to destroy the most active microbes. Ethanol is initially used to treat small fresh wounds and cuts, but it cannot be used constantly. Alcohol dries out the skin and frequent use may cause microtrauma. The cost of one bottle of ethanol (100 ml) is small: about 30 rubles.

Aqueous solution of Furacilin

Furacilin belongs to antimicrobial agents wide spectrum. It is used more often in the form of an aqueous solution, although it can also be prepared with alcohol. Water solution Furacilin is good for treating wounds and sores on the mucous membrane: in the mouth, nose, vagina. But it also works great as a skin antiseptic (ulcers, burns).

Furacilin is sold in the form of ready-made solutions (60-70 rubles per 100 ml), tablets that need to be crushed into powder before dissolving (80-90 rubles per 10 pcs.), as well as effervescent self-dissolving tablets (110-120 rubles per 10 pcs. ).

This is a so-called antiseptic-antioxidant, which releases oxygen upon contact with the skin. This is indicated by the bubbles that appear when peroxide is applied to the wound. The more bubbles there are, the more contamination there is. Treating a wound with hydrogen peroxide is very effective on postoperative sutures, since the resulting foam automatically washes away dirt without requiring wiping the wound.

Despite the apparent aggressiveness of hydrogen peroxide, it is a fairly mild antiseptic that can also be used for mucous membranes. For example, you can moisten a cotton swab with it and insert it into the nostril to stop bleeding and treat a damaged vessel. At the same time, it is an excellent drying agent. The cost of a bottle of peroxide (10 ml) is approximately 40 rubles.

Potassium permanganate solution

Has antimicrobial and disinfectant effect, due to the oxidizing ability of manganese. Potassium permanganate is used to treat wounds, ulcers, and burns. But it is important to prepare exactly weak solution, because highly concentrated may cause chemical burn skin.

At home, it is not recommended to use potassium permanganate precisely because of ignorance of the exact concentration for certain wounds and non-compliance with the technique for its preparation. But some water Pink colour suitable, for example, for moistening a dried bandage. In the pharmacy, potassium permanganate is sold in the form of burgundy crystals and is called “Potassium permanganate”. The cost of a five-gram bottle is 60-70 rubles.

Good old antiseptic, which is found in almost every home. To treat wounds, a 5% solution is used, although in some cases it is necessary to dilute it to a less concentrated solution. Iodine is good for treating fresh cuts and shallow wounds.

It is not recommended to use iodine solution to treat wounds received more than 5 days ago, as well as acne, bedsores and thermal burns. Iodine should also be used with caution in people suffering from endocrine diseases. 10 ml of iodine costs only 10-15 rubles.

Or simply green stuff, which is so disliked in the USA, believing that it is toxic. But in Russia this antiseptic is the most popular. There is probably no person who has never encountered greenery. She has excellent antimicrobial effect, but does not damage tissue and does not cause burns, like, for example, iodine. The content of ethyl alcohol in brilliant green makes the antiseptic even more effective for use on both fresh and old wounds.

Brilliant green solution can fight not only gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, but also dangerous Staphylococcus aureus and diphtheria bacillus. Another plus of brilliant green: the ability to stimulate tissue regeneration. And this is the cheapest antiseptic: the cost of a bottle (10 ml) is 10 rubles. Against the backdrop of all the advantages, there is only one disadvantage: rich green color, which takes a very long time to wash off. And in order not to stain yourself and everything around with green paint, you can use not a standard bottle, but a special pencil. It costs 50-60 rubles.

Otherwise, it is called “red green,” although its properties are somewhat different from the properties of a solution of brilliant green. Fukortsin also contains ethanol, there is also boric acid and phenol. Therefore, it must be used with caution.

Fukortsin is used to disinfect wounds, prevent their suppuration and stop the process that has already begun. Suitable for the treatment of purulent and fungal skin diseases. It is used for abrasions, erosive wounds, and acne on the face. The cost of a bottle of Fukortsin (25 ml) is approximately 40 rubles.

Chlorhexidine bigluconate

An antiseptic that can rarely be found in a home medicine cabinet because it is not universal. Chlorhexidine bigluconate (or as it is more simply called - Chlorhexidine) is prescribed by a doctor, and in a certain concentration.

For example, 0.05% is used to gargle and wash the nose, but to treat wounds on the skin, a more concentrated solution is needed: from 0.1 to 0.5%. Chlorhexidine is good for purulent wounds and burns. It is suitable for prevention venereal diseases(a solution of 0.1% can be used to treat the genitals).

Important! For open wounds and mucous membranes, an aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine is used. Alcohol is used by surgeons for wiping hands before operations, processing instruments and devices.

Depending on the concentration of Chlorhexidine, it is able to fight certain types of bacteria and infections. The cost of a bottle of a 0.05% aqueous solution costs less than 10 rubles per 100 ml. Alcohol will cost 10-15 rubles more.

A universal antiseptic that appeared relatively recently and immediately became popular. Its basis is a complex monohydrate. Those who have tried Miramistin once rarely return to other means. He has a very wide range action, perfectly fights infections of the throat, nose, and genital tract, suitable for treating sutures. Another plus is that it is absolutely tasteless and does not sting, even when treating severe and deep wounds.

The disadvantage of Miramistin is its price. This is the most expensive antiseptic previously presented. A 150 ml bottle costs 340-350 rubles. But it is used economically, thanks to the spray nozzle.

There are also antiseptic ointments that also work effectively ( Ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment, Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Levomekol, etc.) and antibacterial powders for wounds (Gentaxan, Baneocin, Streptocide, Xeroform, Galagran).

How to properly treat an open wound

Any wound, even a minor one, requires antiseptic treatment. If your cat scratches you, a hangnail comes off, or you get damaged while shaving, you must treat the wound to avoid infection and the development of gangrene. There are cases when negligent attitude toward oneself led to severe consequences, and, for example, due to a squeezed out and untreated pimple, an infection entered the body.

What should you do if someone is injured while outdoors and needs first aid, but you don’t have a first aid kit on hand? Don’t worry, in fact, the wound can be treated with improvised means. However, it is important to remember that by acting in this way, you risk introducing an infection into the wound, so you need to do everything very carefully. Provide first aid without special means only permissible if the victim is losing a lot of blood and cannot wait for an ambulance to arrive. In this case, you can try to clean and bandage the wound using the cleanest material you can find. Once you have managed to stop the bleeding, you should go to hospital as soon as possible as the wound may become infected or require stitches. Remember, the sooner qualified medical care is provided, the greater the chance that the wound will be healed without complications.


How to treat a wound

    If possible, wash your hands. To prevent bacteria from getting into the wound, it is recommended to handle it with clean hands. If you have the opportunity, be sure to wash your hands with soap and running water. However, if the injury occurs while outdoors, you may not have everything you need to provide first aid and will have to get creative.

    • If you have clean disposable gloves with you, put them on. Use only disposable plastic gloves that were in an intact, unopened package. Do not use previously used regular gloves as they are likely to harbor a lot of bacteria.
    • If you happen to have with you disinfectant for your hands, use it. With its help you will get rid of some of the bacteria on your hands.
  1. Apply pressure to the wound. It is important to stop bleeding as soon as possible, as large blood loss can cause serious complications. If the wound is minor, bleeding can be stopped by applying even slight pressure to the wound. Apply pressure for 10-15 minutes and then inspect the wound. If bleeding still continues, apply pressure again for 10-15 minutes. In this situation, it is advisable to use a sterile bandage or clean cloth, but if you don't have one on hand, use what you can find.

    Once the bleeding has stopped, inspect the wound. Once you have managed to stop the bleeding, carefully examine the wound to assess how serious it is. This must be done to decide whether further medical attention is required. The area around the wound should be pink and there should be normal sensation.

    • Loss of sensation or significant change in skin color are symptoms of a wound infection. If you notice these symptoms, you should seek qualified medical help as soon as possible. Be sure to do this before proceeding! If you leave infected wound Without proper treatment, very serious, even fatal consequences are possible.
  2. Clean the wound as best you can. If there are no symptoms of wound infection, the wound must be thoroughly cleaned to prevent infection from developing. Best fit saline, disinfected water or tap water. Do not use stream water to clean the wound.

    • IN as a last resort You can use tap water. If you are outdoors, you can clean the wound with bottled water. Do not use iodine, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide as they may cause tissue damage.
    • Very carefully pour water onto the wound. Use enough water to wash away dirt, bacteria, and any other foreign debris from the wound, but not so hard that debris goes deeper into the wound.
  3. Dress the wound if possible. Cover the wound with a bandage to prevent the wound from becoming infected. If you have sterile material, then use it. Bandages or gauze from the first aid kit are best. emergency care. If there is nothing else, you can use sterile swabs.

    How to get medical help

    1. Seek medical help as soon as possible. If the wound was treated using improvised means, it should be examined by a doctor as soon as possible. After providing first aid, the victim must be immediately taken to the hospital. Take advantage mobile phone, to call ambulance. If in the area where you are there is no mobile communications, urgently look for a place from where you can make a call. Do everything possible to ensure that the victim receives qualified medical treatment as soon as possible. medical care.

    2. Close the wound with stitches if necessary. At the hospital, the doctor will assess how deep the wound is and whether it needs to be stitched. If necessary, the doctor will clean the wound properly and then apply stitches.

      • If you put stitches on a fresh wound, there will rarely be noticeable scars. This reduces the risk of wound infection.
      • Exist different kinds surgical sutures. How you need to care for them depends on what kind of stitches you received and how many of them. Before leaving the hospital, ask your doctor how to handle sutures and follow all the recommendations given to you.
    3. At the hospital, you should have your wound covered with a bandage. If the doctor decides that you do not need stitches, the wound will be dressed properly. This must be done to protect the wound from infection.

      • You can use an adhesive plaster or bandage to dress the wound. You can also use paper tape, a roll of gauze, or an elastic bandage.
      • Depending on the condition of the wound, the doctor or nurse will decide which dressing material is best to use. In any case, the dressing applied in the hospital will be clean and safe.
    4. Change the bandage at least once a day. The dressing must be changed to prevent infection from developing in the wound. While the wound is healing, the dressing is changed as it becomes dirty and wet. This usually needs to be done at least once a day. If the wound is serious, you may need to change the bandage more often.

      • Before you leave the hospital, your doctor will tell you how to change the bandage correctly. He can also give you the necessary dressing material, or you can buy it at the pharmacy.

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