How to help a cat give birth at home: stimulate protracted labor, facilitate the process. A cat is walking: how to calm an animal during heat using folk remedies A cat during

Puberty in cats it occurs at the age of 7-10 months. A sign that animals are ready to mate and bear offspring is estrus. During this natural process in pets bleeding are not observed. Estrus in cats is accompanied by a change in behavior.

Estrous cycle: what is it?

Veterinarians use this term to refer to physiological changes that occur during the reproductive cycle in animals. The estrous cycle is usually divided into several stages:

  • proestrus (precursor);
  • estrus;
  • metestrus;
  • anestrus.

Proestrus is the first period of estrus in a cat. Its duration ranges from 1 to 4 days. At this time the behavior changes slightly. The pet becomes more affectionate, comes to the owners to be petted, or rolls around on the floor. The first discharge appears, but despite this she does not allow cats near her.

Estrus is the second stage of the estrous cycle. It is impossible to say exactly how long this period lasts, because each cat has an individual duration (from 1 to 1.5 weeks). The onset of estrus can be determined by the behavior of the animal.

A cat during heat becomes inadequate. The sounds it makes can be described as a howl. Another sign of the onset of estrus is the position that the animal takes at the moment when it is stroked. The cat presses the front half of the body to the floor, lifts the back half, and moves the tail to the side. She begins to have clear discharge.

When a cat's sexual arousal begins to subside, metestrus (after-estrus) occurs. The duration of the period is from 2 to 19 days. As a rule, cats become pregnant during metestrus. The pet begins to show aggression towards cats. In some cases, metestrus ends in the development of a false pregnancy.

The final period of the estrous cycle is called anestrus (interestrus). The cat's behavior returns to normal. She calms down, begins to eat normally, and returns to her usual rhythm of life. In the absence of pregnancy, estrus resumes after a certain period of time.

How do you know when estrus starts?

It is not difficult to determine the beginning of this period in an animal. You just need to pay attention to his behavior. Some cats behave aggressively and restlessly during this period. They rush around the corners, unable to find a place for themselves. Someone is trashing your home, marking objects.

The following are the main symptoms of estrus:

  • the animal makes drawn-out and plaintive sounds;
  • rubs against various objects;
  • stops eating;
  • often licks the genitals due to discharge;
  • tries to escape from housing;
  • bends his posture, lying on the floor.

It is recommended to keep the cat indoors during this period. You need to make sure that she doesn’t get out into the street through the doors and windows of an apartment or house. An animal may get lost or injured if it jumps out of a window and falls from a height.

Frequency of estrus

As a rule, an animal's estrus ends with the onset of pregnancy. The gestation period lasts about 2−2.5 months. At this time, the animal is not in heat. They begin after the kittens are born, 3-3.5 months later. If the offspring is stillborn, then estrus begins earlier.

If a cat does not become pregnant, then the intervals between estrus range from 1 to 3 weeks. In some animals they begin earlier, in others later. When cats come into heat and how long it will last depends on a number of factors:

  • physiological characteristics;
  • time of year (sexual activity in cats increases with the onset of spring);
  • features of living conditions;
  • breed (it occurs more often in Siamese and Persian individuals than in Scottish pets or representatives of the British breed).

What to do to stop estrus?

You can prevent estrus in animals by sterilizing them. This procedure involves removing reproductive organs. Sterilization not only eliminates the problems associated with this process, but also prevents the development of dangerous diseases (pyometra, cancer of the mammary glands, ovaries and uterus). Many people are interested in whether it is possible to sterilize a cat during heat. Veterinarians answer that this is not a contraindication.

Sterilization is not the only way. Another option is mating with a cat. Mating will result in pregnancy. As a result, the signs of estrus will disappear. However, they will arise again, but after childbirth. Mating with a cat is a temporary measure.

You can also eliminate the symptoms using hormonal drugs (for example, contrasex, pillcan). They can be purchased at veterinary pharmacies. Experts do not recommend frequently giving hormones to pets. The drugs should be used no more than 1-2 times a year.

How to calm a cat during heat - actual question for pet owners. In order to alleviate the condition of the animal, you can buy the following products:

  1. Cat Baiyun. This drug, intended to correct the behavior of pets, is available in tablet form. You can also find drops on sale. The drug is absolutely safe for animals. The composition includes natural ingredients(oregano, valerian, sweet clover, thyme, St. John's wort, lemon balm, peony roots).
  2. Phospasim. You can give injections or drops. The medicine can alleviate the psychological and emotional state of the cat. The substances that make up fospasim do not accumulate in the body. Thus, the drug does not have a negative effect.
  3. Bach drops. This product contains no artificial additives. The drug calms the animal without depressing it nervous system. The drops have no hypnotic effect.

Any remedy or injection from the above medications calms the cat, but does not help stop the estrus.

What should cat owners be wary of?

If an animal shows signs of estrus, then you should not stuff it with hormonal drugs. These remedies work effectively. However, they cannot be ignored negative impact. Due to the use of drugs, hormonal levels are often disrupted, and this in turn leads to the formation of tumors of the uterus and ovaries at any age.

The first heat in cats can begin at 7 months. In some animals this process occurs much later. In any case, you should not introduce a cat to a cat too early. At a young age, the pet’s body is not yet fully formed. It happens that early pregnancy leads to complications.

The disgusting behavior of a cat during this period can anger any person. But hitting your pet and yelling at it because it meows loudly or marks its home is prohibited. He cannot control himself during this period, but he still feels guilty. If the owner constantly screams, the animal will receive irreparable psychological trauma.

Heat disorders

Some animals show no symptoms of estrus. Veterinarians refer to this condition as “anaphrodisia.” The disease is treated with hormones (folliculin, estrone and choriogonadotropin). The injection is administered intramuscularly. Approximately 1-2 weeks from the moment the first injection was given, the pets go into heat.

Prolonged estrus is another disorder that can be detected in a cat at any age. It is characterized by an increase in the duration of estrus (over 21 days). To determine the cause, specialists conduct diagnostics to exclude ovarian pathology. Treatment to alleviate the pet's condition consists of giving an injection and subcutaneous injection of gestagens and estrogens.

Epilepsy pretty rare disease in cats, and the underlying causes of seizures have not yet been found. Luckily, there are ways to control your cat's seizures with medication. You can also keep your cat in a safe and nurturing environment by protecting it from harm and modifying its lifestyle in certain ways.


Protect your cat from injury during an attack

    Move any objects that your cat might hit during a seizure. To reduce the chance that your cat will injure herself, look around for things she can scratch instead of herself. Try moving objects away from the cat instead of picking her up and moving her to an area where there are no dangerous things. Touching irritates the cat, and in its neurologically sensitive state, the attack may intensify or increase its duration.

    • For example, if your cat has a seizure near a sharp table leg, place a pillow between the animal and the object as protection instead of lifting your pet.
  1. Do not touch the cat during a seizure. During a seizure, the animal is not aware of what is happening around it. She lies on her side, slurps her jaws, paddles and shakes her paws, and can also lose control of her body. bladder and intestines. In this state, the cat has no conscious control over its actions, and it can easily bite or scratch anyone who touches it. The only exception is that a cat can be picked up if there is a risk of falling, which is described in Step 4 of this section.

    • Do not put your fingers near your cat's mouth because she may bite them and will not let go until she regains consciousness.
  2. Eliminate any external irritants. Ask all other people to leave the room. It is quite normal to cry when you see your beloved cat having a fit, but this will not help the animal. To reduce the number of irritants around your cat:

    • Turn off the TV or radio.
    • Turn off the electric lamps.
    • Close the curtains.
    • Avoid the temptation to talk and calm your pet. Unfortunately, this is another form of irritant and you will likely cause it more harm than good unless she is in danger of falling (which is described in the next step).
  3. Move the cat to safe place if there is a risk of falling. Although you should try to avoid moving or touching your cat during a seizure, the exception is if there is a risk of the cat injuring itself.

    • For example, if your cat has a seizure while standing on the ledge of a high window, use a duvet cover or a large, thick towel and remove the cat. Hopefully these steps will help protect you from accidental bites and scratches.
    • Carry the cat, wrapped in a towel, to a safe place, such as an open, flat area, and place her gently on the floor. Make sure her head is not covered with a towel so she can breathe and then get out of it
  4. After an attack, contact your veterinarian. The average seizure lasts two to three minutes, and you should keep your cat safe during this time. Once your pet is awake, keep him indoors to prevent him from wandering outside and call your veterinarian for further advice. If this is the cat's first seizure, you need to be thoroughly checked and have blood tests done to identify the main causes of the seizure.

    • Your veterinarian will help Full description animal attack. To this end, try to mark the beginning and end of the seizure.
    • If you have your phone handy, videotape the attack so your veterinarian can observe it first-person.

    Control seizures with medications

    1. Use phenobarbital to prevent seizures. Most antiseizure medications marketed for dogs are either ineffective or toxic for cats. However, phenobarbital has been shown in practice to be effective and safe. The medications work to keep your cat from having seizures.

      • Phenobarbital is available in tablet or syrup form and is usually prescribed two and in some cases three times a day.
      • The starting dose of phenobarbital is 1 or 2 mg per kilogram, twice daily. Thus, an average-sized cat requires 1.7 ml or 15 mg/ml phenobarbital syrup twice daily.
      • Some cats metabolize phenobarbital unusually quickly, in which case the recommended dosage is three times daily.
    2. Give your cat diazepam to prevent status epilepticus. Epistatuses, or groups of seizures, occur because the first seizure makes a path to the brain that is easy for the next one to follow. Diazepam reduces brain activity, making it harder for the electrical impulses associated with a seizure to trigger a response in the brain.

      • After an attack, the easiest way to take diazepam is rectal suppositories, or suspensions that are quickly absorbed into your cat's rectal mucosa. The dose for one cat is one 5 mg syringe.
    3. There are side effects and risks associated with taking these medications. The following side effects appear immediately: sedation, increased appetite and thirst. The sedative effect should wear off after a few days as your cat's body adjusts to the new medication.

      • If sedative effect does not go away after a couple of days, call your veterinarian immediately.
    4. Do not give these drugs to cats with liver disease. Phenobarbital is deactivated by the liver and should never be given to cats with liver disease. Due to the fact that the cat's body has a reduced ability to metabolize phenobarbital, the drug can accumulate in the body and become toxic. If your cat is poisoned by this substance, he will appear too calm, have trouble walking, or act like he's on drugs.

      • Diazepam is considered a controversial drug because in rare cases it can cause fatal liver failure. This is a peculiar reaction, and, in other words, scientists have not fully figured out why this happens.

    Change your lifestyle

  5. Since cats are carnivores, it can be argued that they cannot adapt to wheat in the diet, and are thus more prone to forming gluten antibodies. If your cat is healthy, on the other hand, if you put her on a complete, balanced, gluten-free diet with low content carbohydrates and high content squirrel, it won't cause her any harm.
  6. Get new veterinarian appointments for your cat every three months. If your cat is having seizures and takes necessary medications, you should bring her to the veterinarian more often than a healthy animal. It is especially important to have your veterinarian take blood tests to check and ensure that the liver is handling the medications well.


  • In a minority of cases, seizures continue despite treatment with anticonvulsants. The only way– increase the dose of phenobarbital, however, in some cases cats are resistant to treatment, and increasing the dose increases the risk of intoxication.
  • If this is the case with your cat, a compromise will need to be reached where the frequency of the attacks will decrease and they will occur more quickly, although they will not completely disappear.

He's in heat natural process, which does not require human intervention. The only thing a pet owner should do is monitor its condition and, if any deviations from the norm are observed, immediately contact a veterinarian. Care and care is what your pet needs during this difficult time for her.

What happens in the body during estrus? Cat behavior

Discharge in a cat during heat

Estrus or scientifically estrus consists of three stages. An owner who is poorly versed in this matter will most likely not be able to determine at what stage of estrus his pet is at. But there are several signs that allow you to accurately determine the beginning of this process and better days for mating.

How many days does a cat go into heat? Duration of estrus in cats. Misconceptions about pregnancy

The amount of estrus and its duration depend on individual factors. For example, the following factors influence how long it will last:

It is best to sterilize a cat that has no breeding value. Watching your pet suffer is extremely irresponsible. But it’s better to forget about sterilization during estrus, if there’s no reason medical indications. It is better to wait until the heat is over and only then take your cat to the vet.

The normal cycle duration is three weeks. The time between them is sometimes six months or several days. If estrus is observed rarely or lasts longer than normal, then you should consult a specialist, as this may be a symptom of a disease. Cats that give birth once every year and a half start estrus later than those that give birth at least once. And the statement that, having given birth once, the cat will be healthier, is a misconception. Quite the contrary, after this the cat goes into heat much more often, which is why she constantly has to endure all the “delights” of this process. In addition, it has a bad effect on the health of the female.

Beginning of puberty

It is not so difficult to determine when a cat's first heat will begin. Usually this period begins for them from five months to twelve months of age. Estrus begins when the cat's body has almost reached maturity (physiological), and body weight reaches about seventy percent of body weight adult cat. Estrus may occur earlier if, in addition to the cat, there is a male in the house or the female is of an oriental breed.

A cat should not be allowed to mate during her very first heat. It is necessary to wait for at least the fourth, otherwise early matings can only worsen the cat’s health.

How many times more often do nulliparous females go into heat than those who have given birth?

The first time a cat goes into heat is around ten months of age. A cat that has given birth will come into heat every three months than a female that has not given birth (she will come into heat every three weeks). Discharge after childbirth (first) appears after about a month.

Every cat owner needs to know that from the age of nine months she can begin to go into heat. At this time, the cat begins to develop an unstable emotional state, in which it literally demands the cat with its behavior. How do you know that your beloved purr is in heat, and how can you help your cat during such a difficult period for her at home? You can learn about this and the behavior of a cat during heat by reading our article.

A cat is in heat - when does it happen and how long does it last?

Average cat maturation period begins at six months of age. This period depends on the breed of the animal:

  1. Light-boned cats, which include Orientals, Siamese, Cornish Rex and other breeds, mature at 4-8 months of age.
  2. Kurilian bobtails, Scots, and Britons, which have medium bones, mature in 8–12 months.
  3. Large cats (Maine Coons, Siberians) mature later - at 10–18 months.

The period of sexual activity in both male and female cats occurs in autumn and spring. Wherein sexual activity directly depends on the length of daylight hours. On short days, activity is reduced, and when daylight hours begin to increase, the animal’s activity also increases. However, this pattern is not always observed in pets, since they live mainly under artificial light.

The duration of estrus varies in cats. In the absence of a cat it lasts from 10 to 15 days. In the presence of a male, estrus passes in 5–7 days. In some cats, one heat cycle can smoothly transition into another. This condition is called nymphomania, and it occurs in 10–12% of pets.

However, how incessant sexual activity, and a delay in estrus is a reason to take the animal to the veterinarian. The causes of cycle disruption may be various diseases. The risk of their development is especially high if the cat long time don't mix with a cat.

How does a female feel during estrus?

Estrus or estrus occurs in three periods. The furry pet experiences each stage in its own way:

  1. Proestrus. initial stage lasts about three days. At this time, hormones are released that prepare the animal’s body for mating and fertilization. These days, the cat walks with its knees bent, rubs against its owner’s legs and demands his attention. From time to time he begins to behave restlessly. She is not yet ready to mate, and therefore vehemently rejects the cat.
  2. Estrus. This is the most good period for mating animals. The female begins to actively invite the male. She is literally shaking from the inability to realize her instinct. The pet is experiencing real agony. Therefore, at this time you should not scold your pet under any circumstances. The period lasts about a week.
  3. Interestrus or meestrus. The stage lasts from two to ten days. If at this time a cat is brought together with a cat, then after ovulation sexual activity quickly decreases and disappears completely. After this, females begin to treat males aggressively. If ovulation occurs without fertilization, then the cat may experience false pregnancy. If there was no mating, the cycle will soon begin again.
  4. Anestrus. The animal returns to normal life and begins to experience sexual rest. This period usually occurs during the winter months.

Cat behavior during heat

Behavior of each individual during sexual activity individually. But basically the behavior of females during estrus is approximately the same:

All of these symptoms may appear one at a time or simultaneously. Some of them may not be observed at all. Some cats go into heat without any symptoms at all.

How to calm your furry pet?

At home, you can try a cat during heat calm down without using any medicines . The most important thing you can do to help the purr during this difficult period for her is to show her more tenderness and care. Just pick her up more often, stroke her, comb her, talk to her. Such simple manipulations will relieve tension and calm your pet at least a little.

Warm and soft bedding

Cats appreciate comfort at any time and at any emotional state . And during estrus, they especially prefer something soft and warm. To calm your cat down, you can offer her a soft and warm pillow, a heating pad, or even just a heated bag.

Calm down for a long time furry pet A warm bath will help. Afterwards, she will be busy licking the fur, which will reduce tension and stress levels.

Isolation from cats

During heat the presence of male cats is very exciting for the female. Therefore, to prevent pregnancy, she should not be allowed outside. Windows and doors must be closed. If there is also a cat living in the house, it is recommended to give it to friends for a while.

Games and entertainment

Games will help distract the cat from sexual hunting, since during this period hers is increasing physical activity . The pet’s energy is overflowing, so at night she begins to scream, calling for the cat. To eliminate night “concerts,” the female literally needs to be forced to play during the day. To do this, you can buy or make new toys or even play with it yourself. Having played enough during the day, the kitty will sleep peacefully all night.

Using herbal infusions:

Infusions of thyme, chamomile or natural mint, of course, will not completely rid the animal of sexual desire, but they will significantly reduce activity. Moreover, these herbs do not have side effects and are inexpensive.

Medications for cats during estrus

If no action and your concern doesn't help, then you can alleviate your pet’s condition with the help of special sedatives. Currently, there are three main groups, which include drops, tablets and injections.

Drops and tinctures

Most often, experts recommend using the following drops:

  • "Stop stress";
  • "Suprastin";
  • "Anti-stress";
  • "Cat Baiyun".

All of them are made from herbs. With their help you can normalize the nervous system and relieve stress. The drops are quite harmless, however, they long-term use can lead to decreased immunity and disruption of the nervous system.


Contraceptives have a short-term effect, regulate the frequency of rutting occurrence and reduce sexual desire. The most popular and effective tablets are:

  • "Perlutex";
  • "Anti-sex";
  • "The ex";
  • "CounterSex";
  • "Stop-intimate";
  • "Sex barrier";
  • "Gestrenol".

TO similar drugs The cat's body is able to adapt quickly. Therefore, the remedy that helped last time next heat may become useless.


Hormone injections are the most effective and, at the same time, the most dangerous method. Long-acting contraceptives relieve symptoms for six months or more. The most common of them are: Depo-Provera and Covinan. After their use, you may experience side effects in the form of weight gain, lethargy, swelling of the mammary glands, purulent inflammation genital organs, ovarian cysts, pyometritis. Experienced specialists prescribe such drugs only to those individuals who, for some reason, cannot undergo sterilization.

The use of drops and tablets for estrus

It is recommended to use the drugs strictly following the instructions supplied with them. Before use It is advisable to consult a veterinarian, since the animal may be allergic to any component included in the drug.

Drops during heat Take 3-4 times a day, prescribing no more than 2 ml of tincture per day. The course of treatment is usually no more than 7 days per month. Drops can be administered into the cat's mouth using a syringe or spoon, or added to milk.

Dosage of tablets "CounterSex" depends on the body weight of the female. One tablet is intended for 5 kg of weight. The course of treatment is no more than 5 days. Reception should begin at the first signs of sexual heat.

During a cat's heat, it is important to remember that this condition is a real stress for her body. At this time, the animal does not give an account of its behavior and actions. That's why You can’t scold or punish your furry pet. You just need to be patient, kind and caring. In any case, if the owners do not plan offspring from their cat, then it is better to sterilize it. In this case, the pet’s health will be out of danger, and its owners will be able to live in peace.

Cats become sexually mature at 8-12 months, cats of the Siamese-Oriental and Asian breed groups a little earlier - at 5-7 months, large breeds ripen later.

How to calm a cat during heat at home? Let's look at what estrus is and the behavior of a cat in its different phases.

The reproductive cycle or estrus consists of 4 phases:

  1. Proesterus– the beginning of estrus, lasts 1-2 days, accompanied by increased appetite and anxiety, she calls the cat with low sounds and is especially affectionate with the owner, the genitals swell slightly.
  2. Esterus– estrus itself, the stage of sexual receptivity, lasts 4-6 days, is accompanied by wild screams, wallowing on the floor; if you hold the cat by the scruff of the neck, it will lift its pelvis up, move its tail to the side and move its hind legs; mating with a male cat at this point will lead to fertilization.
  3. Methesterus– lasts 7-14 days, during this phase the cat drives the cat away from itself.
  4. Anesterus– the phase of sexual rest, in cats of the northern hemisphere that live on the street and are not influenced by artificial lighting, lasts from November to January.

The duration of the phases is individual, in addition, the signs of one phase may overlap another.

If you do not plan to breed, having an unsterilized cat you will have to listen to her cries every month for 5-7 days, and maybe more often, since the frequency and duration of estrus depends on hormonal levels: Siamese and Orientals often go into heat again after a week.

The round-the-clock screams of a cat in heat will not allow you to get enough sleep and will create difficulties in relations with your neighbors. In addition, many cats in heat begin to mark their territory like cats, leaving small puddles of urine wherever they can get it.

The easiest way to calm a cat is through sterilization surgery. If this is not possible, you will have to resort to other methods.

There are quite a lot of drugs on sale in veterinary pharmacies to reduce the sexual activity of cats, but some of them are ineffective, and some are simply harmful, as they lead to further thickening of the endometrium, and then to pyometra - fatal disease for cats if it is not treated, and recurring if the cat is not bred after treatment.

The only way out is sterilization.

If estrus has already occurred and kittens are not planned, you can use several methodsto help the cat:

  1. Distract in any way - with a game, especially before bedtime, a physically tired cat will temporarily forget about its desires.
  2. Reduce the amount of food, however, a hungry cat can also scream loudly.
  3. Give valerian tea instead of water; for some cats it has a calming effect.
  4. Bathe her at night - while she dries and licks herself, you won’t hear any screams.

Petting the cat during this period or trying to console her with words is useless; she will only demand more attention and scream louder. You should not touch the back of the body, as this stimulates sexual desire.

Medicinal ways to stop heat

The course of estrus can be stopped or alleviated with the help of medical and veterinary medications.

If a cat is walking and there is no cat nearby, suitable breed or color, a good result will be obtained by using simple antihistamines non-long-acting (allergy tablets) - Diphenhydramine, Fenkarol, Tavegil, ¼ tablet an hour before bedtime, this will guarantee a restful sleep.

There is also a group of special veterinary contraceptives for cats:

  1. "Cowinan"-injections based on polygestone (an analogue of progesterone), as a result of the injection the cat enters a state when it does not enter into sexual heat.
  2. Depot "Promon"- an American drug, the active substance of which is used in gynecology, therefore it has been well studied, and is used for breeding cats when it is necessary to skip several heats. The advantage of the drug is the thinning of the endometrium, which reduces the risk of endometritis and pyometra, and lasts for 6...9 months.
  3. Depot "Provera"- a drug similar action With high content active substance, has an antitumor effect.
  4. "Perlutex"hormonal drug Danish production of a similar composition, but not in injections, but in tablets, which makes it easier to use.

No need to repeat that everything veterinary drugs should be used as directed by a physician and in accordance with the instructions.

Prevention measures

Prevention of unplanned mating and unwanted pregnancy your cat consists of only 2 points:

  1. Reduce sexual activity naturally, reducing daylight hours for the cat. Unfortunately, in a city apartment, isolating an animal from artificial light is difficult or even impossible.
  2. Perform castration surgery on your cat; in this case, she will be spared the natural instinct to find a partner, and you will be spared problems with kittens. In addition, castration makes cats more affectionate and extends their life expectancy.


Cat sterilization modern methods is done through a tiny incision near the thigh, which reduces the duration post-operative care, and the risks of complications, does not leave ugly scars.

The cost of the operation is approximately equal to the cost of a year's course of contraceptives. If you have no desire to look for “kind hands” for your kittens, listen to your pet’s nocturnal screams and neighbors’ complaints, just make an appointment with a veterinarian.

Happiness is guaranteed for you and your cat.

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