How to properly raise a dachshund puppy. Raising a dachshund puppy. How to prepare for the arrival of a dachshund puppy at home

A dog is an animal accustomed to living in a pack. Therefore, the main task of a person when he takes home four-legged friend- show who is boss in the house. The dog must clearly understand that there is only one leader in the house, and it must obey him unquestioningly and follow all commands. If you indulge a dog in its desires and do not give it proper education, it will not only not obey a person, but will also try to subjugate him to its will.

Dachshund Training Basics

Training and education of dachshunds should begin as early as possible, almost from the moment they are born. Dachshunds are much smarter than their relatives, and if you delay training, you can waste valuable time.

First of all, it is necessary to build the dog’s training based on its unconditioned reflexes. When the puppy is one month old, you can proceed directly to the development of conditioned reflexes of the animal.

There are several rules that will help the owner find the answer to the question of how to raise a dachshund:

  1. The command must be spoken before the owner shows what needs to be done. For example, with the command “Sit!” you must first say and then press your hand on the dog.
  2. An unconditioned reflex must follow the execution conditioned reflex. For example, it is not allowed to distract the animal from carrying out a command and treat it with a treat, or not wait for the command to be completed. The dog will understand that he is receiving praise for nothing, and will not listen in the future. Or she will begin to follow the command after she has been treated.
  3. It is important that the dog is not distracted by anything during the first stages of training. All her attention should be concentrated on following the owner’s instructions.
  4. Commands should always be pronounced the same way. You need to understand that training a dachshund is quite labor-intensive and requires a lot of concentration from a person, as well as from a dog. The command must be clearly formulated and pronounced in an even tone so that the puppy can remember the sound of the word, the tone of pronunciation and the owner’s facial expressions. The simplest change in the form of a word can confuse a puppy.

Where to start education?

How to train a dachshund? Before you begin to directly train your pet, he must develop principles of education.

These include:

  • teaching the dog its name;
  • training to use a collar and leash;
  • to the toilet;
  • to the street.

If training a dachshund can be postponed for a while, then education should begin almost from the first days the puppy is born. Dachshunds are very smart dogs, and in the absence of proper upbringing measures, they will begin to behave to please their desires, thereby developing such qualities as disobedience and arrogance. Therefore, you need to find a timely answer to the question of how to raise a dachshund.

Accustoming to a nickname

The puppy remembers its name quickly enough. In order to accustom your dog to a nickname, you need to take a treat and gently call the puppy. As soon as he sees and hears the owner's voice, he will immediately run up. For this you need to praise him and give him a treat. The same should be repeated while in another room. You need to call your puppy in a calm tone. If he made a mistake or misbehaved, there is no need to angrily shout out his nickname. You should say the command: “Ugh!” or “You can’t!”

Collar and leash training

A dachshund puppy can be trained to wear a collar from about 2 months of age. Like any other dog, she will try to take it off, constantly itch, and get nervous. Gradually this will pass and she will get used to wearing a collar. It is important that it is soft and does not cause discomfort puppy.

As for the leash, first of all, it should be of high quality and light, especially pay attention to the carabiner. You shouldn't buy a harness for your dachshund, it doesn't need it. As a rule, dachshunds have difficulty adapting to walking on a leash, but a treat will help the owner with this too. You need to lightly pull the dog by the leash while giving it a treat. Over time, she will understand that walking on a leash is quite common.

If your dachshund starts playing with the leash, you should immediately wean him off it with the commands “Ugh!” or “You can’t!” She must understand that the leash is not a toy, but a means of control.

Toilet training a puppy

Up to 3 months, puppies usually go to the toilet in a diaper. After they reach the age of 3 months, litter box training begins. It is best to fence off the space for the puppy so that only a bowl, a bed and a tray are in front of his eyes. After he has visited the toilet, you must praise him and treat him, and later, noticing that the pet wants to go to the toilet, tell him the command “Walk!” Gradually he will get used to it. This command will help the owner in the future when he walks the dachshund on the street.

Up to 8 months, puppies go to the toilet much more often. If you need to train your dog to go to the toilet only outside, watch him closely and run out of the house every time he wants to. Be sure to praise and treat when all the work is done.

Sometimes dogs walk for a long time, but don’t want to go to the toilet. To do this, it was necessary to accustom her to the command “Walk!”, so that when this word was pronounced by the owner, the dachshund would immediately go to the toilet.

Street training

After everything is done necessary vaccinations, the dachshund can be introduced to the street. You should choose a quiet, deserted place for your first walk. Most likely, the first time she will get scared, start whining, asking to be held and go home. You need to calm your pet and pet it. After some time, you can introduce him to other dogs.

Basic command training

After the basic basics of education have been mastered, you can proceed directly to teaching your dachshund commands. There may be several of them, but they will be clearly rehearsed. As a rule, dachshund training begins at home.

Command “Come to me!”

This command assumes that when pronounced by the owner, the dog must immediately approach him. After successfully completing the task, a treat must follow. With good results at home, dachshund training can be transferred to the street, where there are many more distractions.

If the dog does not come when the command is given, you need to pretend that you are leaving. The puppy will definitely start to catch up. You can use a roulette leash, which will help you pull him up by force if your puppy is disobedient. Only after this you need to praise him.

Team "Ugh!" ("It is forbidden!")

This command is very important, since puppies are curious creatures and at any convenient moment they strive to eat, steal, chew, etc. In case of any undesirable behavior of the dog, you need to tell it in a serious tone, “Ugh!” or “You can’t!”, and pull the leash. If the puppy is not on a leash at this time, you need to hit him lightly. The dog's action must be brought to automaticity.

Team "Place!"

This command should be pronounced as seriously as possible, since puppies cannot sit still and are unlikely to carry it out the first time. Each time the command is executed, you need to reward the dog with a treat. If the puppy runs away, you must constantly bring it back on the spot and repeat the command.

Command “Show your teeth!”

The team is intended for those dogs who will attend exhibitions. In order to teach a dachshund this command, you need to sit it to your left, squeeze its jaw with both hands and lift its lips. If the command is repeated regularly, the dog will get used to it and will not experience discomfort.

The command “Sit!”

To perform this, the puppy needs to demonstrate the treat, while raising it high above his head. The dog will have to sit down to get it. There is another option: when raising the treat above the dog's head, you should lightly press on the place where the tail begins. After completing the exercise, you should praise your pet and treat it to a well-deserved catch.

The command “Lie down!”

In the same way as when performing the command “Sit!”, you need to pick up a treat. IN in this case it should not be raised, but rather lowered so that the dog has to lie down. The dog must spend in supine position a few seconds to consolidate the exercise. To do this, you should put your hand on the dachshund's back and try to hold it. Only after this can she be treated.


The dog must obey all commands immediately and without hesitation. To do this, you need to regularly conduct classes with her at home, and, if necessary, study useful literature. Thus, before demonstrating the pet’s skills on the street, the owner is obliged to find out as much information as possible about how to train a dachshund at home.

Many owners wonder how to teach a dachshund commands without giving it a treat? The dog must understand when it performs tasks correctly and when it does not. In this case, the treat serves as a kind of confirmation of the correctness of her actions.

Thus, training a dachshund is a very responsible activity. A mandatory requirement for the owner is restraint and tolerance towards his pet. There is no need to take your anger out on him if he doesn’t do something. As a rule, it is not the animals that are to blame, not the right approach person to them.


From our video you will learn how to cultivate discipline in your pet.

Dachshunds are a fairly independent and independent breed, whose representatives always prefer to make decisions on their own. Therefore, training a dachshund at home is a task that requires patience, a competent approach and, of course, love for the animal.

Proper training is very important for puppies of all breeds

  • start training your dachshund as a puppy - then there is Great chance that your efforts will be crowned with success;
  • you will need a lot of patience - you will have to go through the same commands many times to consolidate their execution. Regularity and the right approach are what you will need for training your dachshund puppy to bear fruit;
  • Don't forget that your dog is not a child, but an animal. Therefore, she largely lives in the present moment and her instincts. Remember that this is a pack animal that must recognize you as a leader. If this does not happen, the dog will become the leader, and then your task will become impossible;

During training, the dog must recognize you as the leader.
  • your pet will need physical exercise in sufficient quantity. Just taking the dog out for half an hour is not good. The dachshund is an active animal that needs frequent and regular walks. If you don't give them the opportunity to spend their energy naturally, problems with behavior and obedience will begin;
  • remember that this is a rather smart breed - do not be manipulated and do not show your weak spots. Before you train your dachshund at home, learn how to behave psychological framework- it is very important.

Dachshunds are a very smart breed, making them easy to train.

Now to summarize - be patient, consistent and reasonable. Try to find with an animal mutual language, don’t follow his lead and give him enough physical activity.

Training diary

To questions about when is the best time to start parenting, the answer is simple - the sooner the better. In the first year of life, you need to provide your pet with caring care, surround it with affection and care, and let it know that you consider it a friend and family member. The baby should feel that he is protected and safe with you.

At this time, try not to expose your baby to stress, do not create situations that could frighten him. Unpleasant emotions can greatly harm a dog and leave a negative mark for life.

If a dachshund sits locked up for a long time, then all its energy will be directed towards damaging furniture and property.
  • 1 month is the period when puppies begin to actively move, respond to sound, play and learn the world. At this time, your task is simply to protect him from negativity and stress;
  • Two months is the time when the baby can be weaned from its mother and moved to another place of residence;
  • 2 – 3 months – you can begin to master the simplest commands, for example “Sit”, “Stand”, “Come to me”. Be patient, do not shout or force the baby - let everything happen naturally. Try to make training enjoyable for your pet - praise and encourage him. Do not scream or hit the animal - if it gnaws on something, just take it away with a firm “No!”;
  • 3 – 4 months – at this time small dachshunds try to take a leadership position. You must show that you are the leader, and you must not allow any hesitation, otherwise the dog will not recognize you as its owner;

The dog must have a properly balanced diet, otherwise the dog may gain excess weight
  • 4 – 7 months – walks become longer and longer, your pet sees more and more strangers. At the same time, it is important to teach him not to be afraid of the outside world and to behave well.
  • 7 – 9 months – during this period, males and females behave differently. Males try to defend their leadership position and often behave quite aggressively. How your relationship will turn out depends on your firmness. Females go through puberty and their first estrus. At the same time, it is important to protect them from various kinds stress so as not to spoil your character;
  • 9 months – 1 year – dogs become more and more mature and balanced. They are capable of more complex training and are capable of more serious learning.

Training adult dachshunds

Games are great for initial stage training

Adult dogs older than one year are trained differently than puppies - two fundamental incentives are used:

  • encouragement - with voice, touch and treats;
  • punishment - by voice or action.

In what proportions and with what dynamics these stimuli should be used depends on the dog’s character, so it’s up to you to decide.

The voice pronounces gentle words with calm intonations. If you want to give more emotional praise, save it for the end of the workout. Try to end each lesson on a positive note - this is very important.

Touch encouragement is a pat or pat on the back. Do not stroke the animal's head and try to use touch as an additional incentive for vocal praise.

Treats are given during the learning process when learning new commands. Do not use treats outside of class - they should be firmly established as a consequence of success. Carry treats in a small plastic bag and give them out with verbal praise or touch.

As a punishment, simply say “No” in a calm voice without using the animal's name. If you do not achieve submission, shake the dog by the collar and release it. Under no circumstances should you hit the dog, strangle it with a leash, or torture it. If you see that something is going wrong, just stop and continue later.


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Raising a Dachshund puppy is a very important process that should never be neglected. There are six main periods in the development of a puppy from birth to puberty.

Each of them is important and in each of them a person must control the development of the cheek, carefully monitor possible deviations from the norm and correct them in a timely manner.

The first period lasts two weeks from the moment of birth and is called the vegetative period. At this time, the connection between the puppy and its mother is not yet interrupted. Its behavior is regulated by innate stimuli and reflexes. Eyes and ear canals The puppy's teeth are closed, but the senses of smell and touch are already working, helping him get to the source of food - the mother's nipples. The most amazing thing is that puppies, who still have no experience and receive almost no information about the world around them, apparently dream, that is, they have a phase of so-called paradoxical, or rapid sleep, during which processes in the brain take place just like when you are awake.

Puppies quickly move their limbs, moving under their closed eyelids eyeballs, they whine and bark. They seem to dream about hunting: tracking, pursuing and capturing prey. The brain processes information received not experimentally, but genetically, and begins a kind of preparation of the body for future activities, on which the survival of the individual in nature depends.

The second period lasts from the second to the fourth week. It is called transitional. Eyes and ear canals open. The sense of smell develops. The puppy begins to receive information about the outside world. He already knows the smells of his place, brothers and sisters. At this age, puppies respond to positive stimuli by wagging their tail. The mother now not only takes care of the puppies, but also begins to play with them, teaching them behavioral skills. At this age, it is necessary to begin preparing the puppy for contact with humans, accustoming it to affection and hands.

The third period is called the formation period. It lasts from the fourth to the seventh week. Dachshund puppies go to self-catering. At this time, a person must take care of them. He feeds the puppies, provides security and acts as a teacher and educator. Dachshund puppies are naturally eager to learn. A person gradually teaches them to maintain cleanliness, accustoms them to the place. But the main task of the owner during this period is to establish strong contact with the puppies, based on trust and voluntary submission of the dog to the owner.

The fourth period for the formation of the character of the dachshund and its relationship with the owner is unparalleled in importance. The time from the eighth to the twelfth week is the period of socialization. All omissions in raising a puppy made now will cause major problems during the period of puberty and maturation of the dog. This is the time for the puppy to recognize itself as a member of the pack and to claim leadership. The puppy learns to defend its interests and obey, its place on the hierarchical ladder is established. The owner’s task is to impose his leadership on the puppy without harsh pressure, if possible with his mind and not force. Due to the nature of the dachshund, it is necessary for the owner to punish the puppy as little as possible during the period of socialization, and in the future.

Any education and training ultimately comes down to a policy of carrots and sticks. But when working with a dachshund, the number of “carrots” should be predominant. Dachshund needs approval. It is easier to educate and train her, not by punishing her for wrong actions, but by vigorously approving and encouraging correct and desirable actions. During the period of socialization, the owner must begin work with the dachshund on mastering the obedience course. Dachshunds are extremely intelligent and power-hungry and will try to dominate a pack of dogs and humans. By acting gently but persistently, get yourself recognized as the leader.

The fifth period, lasting from 13 to 24 weeks, is called the period of subordination. This time corresponds to the transition period in children and creates the same problems for adults as it does for the owner of puppies. If during the period of socialization the owner lost the initiative or made serious mistakes in education, then the dachshund will take revenge on him by disobeying. But a properly raised dachshund will try to show “who’s boss.” She does not obey commands, ignores her owner, and can respond to punishment with aggression or run away. As with teenagers, with dachshunds during the period of establishing subordination, reasonable severity is required in combination with the maximum load on them with new information, work, training, and walks.

Finally, the sixth period of a puppy’s growth is puberty. It lasts from 7 to 15 months. At this time, huge changes occur in the dog's body. Her behavior begins to be controlled by sex hormones. Bitches go into their first heat, males begin to raise their legs when urinating and mark their territory. When they meet, the males are already distrustful of each other. The instinct of possessing territory and a female pushes them to fights or less violent, but just as fraught with troubles, showdowns. Males exhibit a peculiarity, due to which many prefer to keep bitches: if there is a choice between obeying the owner and courting the “lady,” they choose the latter. They need to be closely monitored, as even the most well-mannered can run away when they smell a bitch in heat. The owner’s task during this period is to consolidate his dominant position, persistently continue training, but at the same time be sensitive to changes in the dog’s mood. She has already formed as a person, and her wishes must be respected, giving her the opportunity to be in solitude or communicate with the owner when she herself wants it.

Raising a dachshund as a future one pet in general, it is similar to raising any other dog, of course, taking into account the characteristics of the breed. If you want to have working dog, With early age achieve obedience, always strive for mutual contact and cooperation with her. Dachshunds descended from working parents have very strong hunting instincts. They strive to climb into any pipe, dig holes, and excitedly run after other animals.

It is important to immediately begin to manage these instincts. The dachshund must firmly understand that it is forbidden to hunt cats, poultry, and other dogs. From childhood, she should get used to chasing the animal only on command or when launched into a hole. If a dachshund puppy is afraid of the dark, confined space, he must be carefully taught to go first into a dark room, then into small short pipes made from newspapers, cardboard or other improvised materials, then encouraged to examine various holes during a walk. Of course, at the same time they make sure that the dog does not get into trouble or get stuck somewhere, otherwise such training will forever discourage it from hunting in a hole.

Dachshund is one of the few small breeds dogs that deserve respect. Don't judge her by just how funny she is. appearance. This small but well-built dog is very capricious and cunning. She needs to be controlled and educated, despite her size.

What does it mean to raise a dachshund? How to raise her, this baby? Now we will describe in detail the most important points.

Who is a dachshund?

This hunting dog. On German it's called a Daxhund, which translates to "badger dog." It was bred to hunt burrowing animals. Aggressive, willful, able to persistently achieve its goal, the dachshund accompanied its owner on a hunt. And, as a rule, they did not return without prey.

The breed gained fame in the late 80s of the 19th century. At that time, 54 individuals were registered in Germany, ideally suited to the zootechnical requirements of those times. It was from them that the breed began to spread throughout the world. If previously these animals were available only to a narrow circle of people, those who love hunting, then today dachshunds are wonderful companions.

Breed Features

Before we talk about the peculiarities of raising a dachshund, we will highlight its most striking external feature.

Long body and short legs give the breed a funny look. Some call their pet a tram, others call it a sausage with legs. This is all very nice, but in fact, the dachshund has a very long spine when compared to the overall proportions of the legs and body.

Why is this bad? Possible pinching nerve endings. And this leads to loss of control over your own body. Most often suffer hind legs. A healthy and active animal turns into a disabled person. Below we will provide tips on how to avoid such injuries.

What can you say about character traits? Animals are very capricious. And in the absence of proper education, the dachshund becomes completely uncontrollable and aggressive. How to raise a wayward pet? The answer to this question is presented in the “Training” subsection.

Dachshund care

A dachshund puppy appeared at home. Raising and caring for him is a responsible task. Like any other puppy, he needs his owner's attention and care.

What is caring for a small pet? First of all, it is regular and proper feeding, walks and training, despite their size and age. The puppy will grow up and turn into an uncontrollable, hysterical dog. Does the owner need this?

Where does it all begin? From food and walks. Let's take a closer look at this issue:

  • Very young puppies are fed 6 times a day, every three hours. This continues until 3 months of age. Then the pet is transferred to 5 meals a day. Upon reaching 4 months, feeding is introduced 4 times a day. This continues for up to six months. Then, from 6 to 9 months, the puppy eats 3 times a day. And after 9 months he is transferred to 2 meals a day.
  • The puppy does not go for walks until the second vaccination. This must be remembered. Because the baby doesn’t really have any immunity yet, and on the street you can “catch” anything. The second vaccination is given when the pet is 56 days old.
  • After each walk, the baby's paws and belly are washed.
  • There is simply no need to bathe your dog completely. Once or twice a year will be enough. If the animal is very dirty, you can wash it with dry shampoo for dogs.
  • Brush your long-haired dachshund several times a week. Short hair will be enough similar procedure no more than once a month.
  • Claws are trimmed as they grow. It is advisable to carry out this manipulation in a veterinary clinic.
  • Vaccinations are given at 28 and 56 days. The first vaccination is given by the breeder, the second by the owner. The pet is then vaccinated annually. They make him complex vaccination, which includes the rabies vaccine.
  • A pet should have a daily routine; this is the basis of education. Everything must be consistent.

How to raise a puppy?

Raising a Dachshund puppy, like any other, begins with a sequence of actions. Golden rules for the owner that will help raise an excellent dog:

  • If the owner once said “no”, it’s forever. You cannot ban today and allow tomorrow. The animal will simply cease to understand the owner.
  • Hitting a puppy is unacceptable. As well as shouting at him. The most optimal punishment is to shake him by the scruff of the neck when caught at the crime scene.
  • Must not be frequent use braking commands. These include: “no”, “cannot” and “ugh”.
  • We do not feed the dog from the table, thereby reinforcing its unwanted behavior, expressed in begging. And we do not allow the animal to pick up anything from the ground on the street.
  • Walking and feeding are always carried out at the same time. In the morning, let’s say at seven o’clock, they took the baby out for a walk. At half past eight they fed us. And so every day. Even on weekends and the first of January.
  • You can start training your baby at the age of 2-3 months. For an inexperienced owner It is better to seek help from a dog handler.
  • Half of the training is based on contact with the dog. How to achieve this? Your own consistent actions, the ability to reinforce the animal in a timely manner and play, of course.
  • You shouldn't just pet your puppy. Only because the owner’s soul demands it. The pet should receive affection in doses and for some merit.
  • A completed command must be rewarded little pet. This could be a toy or a treat.

So, once again we draw the main conclusions: consistency in actions, regular play and encouragement right actions.

Toilet training is also education

Everything is already clear with raising a dachshund, but how to teach a baby to go to the toilet only in a diaper? For wipe it off" Business Cards“No one wants to be all over the apartment.

It's simple. As soon as we see that the puppy wants to go to the toilet, we carefully take him and put him on the diaper. If you do your business, we give you something tasty for it. After several times of this reinforcement, the puppy will understand that he should only go to the toilet in one place.

How do you know when your pet needs to have a bowel movement? The puppy begins to fuss, mark time and sit down. Particularly impatient people may start whining. If we notice all these signs, then we rather put him on a diaper.

Dachshund character

The upbringing and character of a dachshund are closely related to each other. To raise and train such a pet, you need a lot of patience.

What are the main character traits?

  • Waywardness. These dogs love to have things their own way. Ignoring the owner’s prohibitions, or pretending that they did not hear him.
  • Excessive hysteria. Alas, modern dachshunds have this character trait. They bark angrily and snap if they don't like something. How to wean yourself from such a habit? Lightly slap the face when the pet tries to snap back. He will understand in two or three times that he cannot behave like that.
  • Aggression. Do you know the situation when you are walking down the street, and an owner with a dachshund passes by, and the dog, bursting into angry barks, tries to attack? This is due to lack of education and higher level energy.
  • Devotion. There is no other dog as loyal as a well-bred dachshund. These animals are desperately brave and will fight for their owner until their last breath.
  • Mobility and playfulness. Lovers of running and walking, dachshunds make excellent companions for lovers active image life.

Representatives of the breed have one, but big, drawback. They don't know the stop sign in nutrition. They will eat until the feeder is empty. And then they’ll ask for more. There is no need to feel sorry for a hungry and unhappy dog ​​by slipping it tasty morsels. Dachshunds are very prone to obesity. This significantly shortens their lifespan. By the way, these dogs live 15-17 years.


Now let's get acquainted with the rules of training and raising a dachshund. How to train such a wayward pet?

As mentioned above, everything starts from an early age; a clear sequence of actions is required from the owner. Master general course Any dog ​​is capable of training (obedience). The dachshund, with its natural intelligence, is no exception.

First of all, the owner needs to understand how to act. For example, we want to teach a dog the “sit” command. To do this, take a treat from right hand and raise it above the dog’s head, slightly moving your hand behind its head. Your pet will need to sit up to see the treat. As soon as the dachshund sits down, we immediately give him the yummy food and add conditioned stimulus- the command “sit”.

In our case, a treat is a motivation for the pet. And the dog realizes on its own that it needs to sit down in order to get what it wants.

The rest of the commands are also processed.

Male or female?

Which one should you choose? Is raising a boy dachshund more difficult than raising a girl? Hardly. Both are willful and stubborn.

The bitch is more affectionate, but cunning to the point of impossibility. The male is straightforward and may try to challenge the palm in relations with the owner. But as soon as you explain to him who is boss in the house, he immediately understands. The bitch will strive by any means to prove that she is the most important person here.

The disadvantage of males is that when they sense a female in heat, they lose their heads. Bitches estrus twice a year; estrus lasts 21-23 days. During this period, she needs constant supervision during walks, and under no circumstances should she be let off the leash.

Once again about diseases

We have already mentioned the disproportionately long spine of the Dachshund. And we already know what the consequences of pinched nerve endings are. How to avoid this?

  • Until 7-9 months, the puppy should not be allowed to go down the steps. Carry it in your arms if you have to walk up the stairs.
  • Sofas and armchairs the strictest prohibition. It's not just about raising a dachshund, but also the fact that jumping off a dachshund can seriously injure a dog.
  • Can't be allowed little puppy run a lot.


The article provided information about such a breed of dog as the dachshund. The features of her character are described, possible diseases, but most importantly, they paid Special attention raising a dachshund and training this dog.

What else can you add to finish? Doing everything systematically necessary requirements in relation to the pet, the owner will give him a long and happy life.

Breed characteristics

Dachshund - hunting burrowing dog- was developed in Germany in the 16th century. There are 3 varieties of the breed:

  • standard - height up to 27 cm;
  • dwarf - up to 21 cm;
  • rabbit - up to 15 cm.

According to the current standard description of the breed, it is a squat dog with a long body, well-developed muscles and strong, curved front legs. The length of her body is almost twice the height at the withers. The head with a narrow muzzle is set proudly on a high neck, the jaws are strong, the gaze is attentive.

These dogs are short-haired, long-haired or wire-haired, and come in red, fawn, black and brown and tan colors.

By the end of the 19th century, the intelligence, good nature, funny appearance and excellent working qualities of this born hunter brought her popularity throughout the world. But the potential owner should prepare for raising a dachshund , because this breed is characterized by stubbornness, a tendency to accept independent decisions and a healthy competitive spirit.

Basics training a dachshund: gentleness and perseverance

Before you bring your dachshund into the house, you need to make shoes, wires, and small objects inaccessible. Puppy dachshunds chew everything in a row, and the best option There will be special chewing toys for him, purchased at a pet store.

Training a dachshund at home begin immediately after her appearance in the family. At the age of 2 to 3 months, a puppy begins to lay the foundations of a relationship with its owner. . Raising a dachshund should be calm, patient and persistent. Smart and active dog must learn to obey a person, otherwise she will feel like a “leader” and will strive to dominate the “pack” consisting of the owner and his household. Training a dachshund puppy begins with accustoming to a place, to a leash, to performing natural needs during a walk. Before the age of six months it is necessary teach dachshund commands “Come to me”, “Fu”, “Next”, calmly walking at the owner’s left leg.

If raising a dachshund puppy was responsible from the very beginning , then the teenage period, which lasts from approximately 7 to 15 months, will bring a minimum of problems to the owner and his pet. During this difficult time, the dog may show disobedience, sometimes even aggression. The owner must be patient and continue tirelessly train a dachshund. At home it is necessary to strictly control its hunting instincts. The dog must know that hunting cats and poultry is strictly prohibited, and that it can only begin to chase anyone on command.

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