How to make fish soup at home. Ukha recipe, step-by-step preparation. Ear recipe with photo. Delicious salmon soup video recipe

For avid fishermen and just hobbyists fish dishes There is always one pressing question - how to prepare a delicious fish soup from various fish so that it is pleasant to both the eye and the stomach.

It is not necessary to cook the fish soup over a fire, in a special pot near the river. Fans of fish soup want to enjoy it not only during seasonal fishing, but at any time of the year, regardless of whether there is an opportunity to fish with a fishing rod or not.

Undoubtedly, fish soup cooked over a fire seems tastier and more aromatic than at home in a pan on gas. But it is quite possible to prepare an equally attractive fish soup at home.

There are many various recipes from fish products, but the first place is rightfully occupied, of course, by the ear. If you ask the average person which fish dish is the most important, undoubtedly, the majority will give an affirmative answer in favor of fish soup.

In modern cuisine, there are two types of decoctions - meat and fish. Meat broth is usually called “broth”, fish broth is called “ukha”. So how can you prepare a delicious fish soup with broth at home? First you need to highlight the main stages of preparation.

Step 1: Choose the right fish

In order to receive delicious broth with fat, and not a pitiful semblance of fish soup, first of all, a lot depends on the fish itself. The fish should be fresh, with an elastic, dense carcass that instantly recovers when pressed; the meat should be tender and have sufficient stickiness.

Delicious fish soup can come from both river and sea ​​fish. From crucian carp, perch, carp, ruffe, pike perch, pike, carp, as well as from “red” fish (salmon, salmon, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon).

The fish soup will have a unique taste if you mix several types of fish, ideally two or more. This will give the dish an unforgettable aroma and will please the taste of any gourmet. To make the soup rich and authentic, do not regret adding more fish compared to water. The more fish, the tastier the broth will be.

Stage 2: Spices and vegetables

What would fish soup be without adding vegetables and spices to it? They are needed precisely to emphasize the taste of the fish, and not to drown it out. Therefore, it is better not to overdo it with adding them. Traditionally, potatoes, millet and onions are added to the fish soup. And also carrots, a few bay leaves and black peppercorns. According to your wishes and taste preferences, you can add those spices that you like and want to add appropriately.

There are a huge number of recipes on the Internet and in books. proper preparation fish soup Each chef cooks it differently. However, you should remember that you don’t need to add a lot of ingredients to it, because it will lose its taste.

Vegetables are cut into large pieces; you can chop them if desired. The onion should be cut into two parts for better juice release. Big fish cut into several parts: small into two parts, or not cut at all.

Abroad as additional ingredients add spices and spices inherent to a given nation. This could be onions, sprigs of dill, lemon slices, etc.

Stage 3: the art of cooking

To obtain a light fish broth with aroma and richness without a strong fish smell, you need to cook it over low heat with the lid open. Skim off the foam after boiling and bring to readiness over low heat. Do not let the broth boil, otherwise the broth will turn out dark and cloudy.

You should put the fish in a vegetable broth, and not just in water, and be sure to ensure that it is not overcooked. Fish caught at sea is boiled for 8 to 12 minutes. Fish caught in freshwater reservoirs is cooked for no more than 7-20 minutes.

It is advisable to add sea ​​salt, if it is not there, then any one that is at hand will do. If desired, you can add a piece of butter and let it sit covered for at least 10 minutes.

  • if the fish is small and has a lot of bones, then the broth should be strained;
  • The fins and head give the fish soup a special taste;
  • from unpleasant odor You can get rid of fish by sprinkling it with lemon;
  • an unpeeled onion will give the broth a beautiful color;
  • fresh herbs always go well with fish.

Recipe for delicious homemade fish soup

  • onion head - 1 piece;
  • medium sized carrots - 1 piece;
  • laurel leaf - 2 pieces;
  • black peppercorns - 6 pcs.;
  • water - 3 l;
  • fish (optional) - 1 kg;
  • celery or parsley - 1 root;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • greens - several branches;
  • spices - to taste.

  • Pour water into a saucepan; when the water boils, add peeled and cut into large cubes potatoes and an unpeeled onion, cut in half;
  • After 10-15 minutes, put chopped celery or parsley root and carrots, cut into large pieces or just in half, into a container with boiling water;
  • Cook for about 10 minutes;
  • While everything is cooking, at this time we prepare the fish. We clean it well, gut it and cut it into pieces;
  • After the expiration date, add spices, pepper, fish to the pan;
  • Bring to final readiness for another 15-20 minutes. On low heat;
  • Remove the celery Bay leaf and boiled onions;
  • Add salt and pepper to taste;
  • Let stand for about 10 minutes with the lid on. After the fish soup has steeped, place the fish on a plate, pour broth on top and serve with bread and herbs.

The most delicious fish soup


  • fish (salmon head) - 1 piece;
  • sea ​​bass (without head) - 1 carcass;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • dill - 1 bunch;
  • green onions - 1 bunch;
  • bulb onions ( the average size) - 2 - 3 pieces;
  • potatoes (medium size) - 5 -6 pieces;
  • fresh tomatoes - 3 pieces;
  • bay leaf - 3 - 4 pieces;
  • allspice (peas) - to taste;
  • ground white pepper - to taste;

The most delicious soup. Step by step recipe

  1. Pour water into a large saucepan (about half its volume) and throw our fish into it.
  2. Advice: to make the fish soup very tasty and rich, I recommend cooking it from the head of the fish. And the salmon head is also very meaty and tasty, so it makes excellent fish soup.
  3. The fish must first be prepared. We carefully clean the head from any remaining scales, rinse it well under running water and remove the gills. If the gills are not removed, the broth will be cloudy and bitter. A small carcass of sea bass (without the head), also cleaned of scales, washed well (especially inside) and cut into pieces.
  4. Place thick stems of herbs (dill and parsley) in a saucepan, cover with a lid and let it boil.
  5. When the fish is cooked a little, remove the pan from the heat and remove the fish head and green stems to a separate plate. We leave only the fragrant fish broth with pieces of perch.
  6. Peel the onions, chop them fairly large (into 6-8 pieces) and fry them in a completely dry frying pan until browned. (We imitate roasting over a fire).
  7. Place the pan with fish broth on the fire and add the peeled and chopped potatoes.
  8. Then add the onion to the pan.
  9. We also fry the spices in a dry frying pan: bay leaves and allspice peas (several peas). When the leaves and peppercorns darken, add them to the pan with the fish soup.
  10. Add ground white pepper to your taste. But the more common ground black pepper also works great.
  11. We continue to cook our homemade fish soup until the potatoes are ready. When the potatoes become soft, we can consider that the soup is almost ready.
  12. Now fry the coarsely chopped fresh tomatoes until browned. The tomatoes need to be tossed in at the end of cooking so they retain their shape and vibrant flavor (which is what I love most about this fish soup recipe). If tomatoes are overcooked, they will become soft and lose their fresh taste and color.
  13. Place the finished tomatoes in a saucepan.
  14. Cover the pan with rich fish soup, tomatoes and potatoes with a lid.
  15. Turn off the heat and leave to brew for 10-15 minutes.
  16. In the meantime, prepare the greens.
  17. Finely chop the green onions, parsley and dill leaves.
  18. We do not throw the chopped greens into the pan, but place them in portions on a plate with the fish soup. This way she won't lose hers bright color and great aroma.
  19. If you have meat in the fish head (as in my case), then we clean it from the bones and put it in plates with the fish soup.
  20. Pour the delicious fish soup with potatoes and tomatoes into portioned plates, sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve.

It turns out very tasty if the fish soup is served hot: with fresh bread or pita bread. It turns out rich, aromatic and bright. Pieces of fish in a light broth with vegetables, a subtle hint of smoke - delicious. Be sure to prepare fish soup with potatoes and tomatoes in your kitchen. The “Very Tasty” website team wishes you bon appetit.

How to cook delicious fish soup?

Connoisseurs of Russian cuisine claim that only the fish soup that is cooked over a fire, in a smoky, battered pot, soaked in smoke and the free wind, can be considered real. This fish soup should be eaten slowly, with a glass of iced vodka and a friendly conversation.

However, not all fish soup lovers are ready for this delicious dish go fishing or hiking. They prefer to cook it at home. With a certain amount of culinary skill, the dish turns out to be no worse than one prepared in field conditions.

Chefs claim that preparing a delicious fish soup is a real culinary art. It can be prepared from different varieties of fish, each of which gives it its own unique taste and aroma.

Dish of sea fish

A wonderful fish treat marine species can be prepared at home.

The following are well suited for this recipe:

As a result, what will be cooked on the stove is not fish soup at all, but an ordinary fish soup. For the same reason, it is not recommended to mix river and sea fish in one dish. The most important thing for fish soup is the broth. It is this that forms the basis of the dish.

To prepare it at home, you need to properly cut and cook the fish:

  • first you need to clean it of scales;
  • Next you need to decapitate it and remove the gills;
  • then the fish should be thoroughly cleaned of its entrails;
  • Next you need to cut off all types of fins from it and cut off the tail.

After the cutting process is completed, you can start cooking the broth:

  1. The entrails can be thrown away without regret, and the fish head, fins, tail and milk should be placed in a suitable container and filled with water. After waiting until the water boils, you need to reduce the temperature and cook the broth for about a quarter of an hour. In this case, the foam formed during the boiling process does not need to be removed.
  2. Remove all cooked parts of the fish from the resulting broth and cool it slightly.
  3. Cut the pre-cleaned fish into pieces, and then peel and finely chop a few potatoes.
  4. Place the pieces of fish meat along with the potatoes into the cooled broth and cook over medium heat until full readiness potatoes.
  5. About 10 minutes before the end of cooking, the fish soup should be seasoned with one peeled onion, a couple of bay leaves and a small amount of black peppercorns.
  6. To prevent the fish from overcooking, it is recommended to add salt to the dish only when it is removed from the stove.

A few secrets

To prepare a tasty and rich fish soup at home, you need to follow professional advice from chefs and use their little secrets:

  • The only way to add spice to your ear is with black pepper. Red is not suitable for these purposes;
  • If you want fish soup, but there are no fish heads or tails, you can cook broth from unpeeled shrimp. Boiled shrimp should be placed in a deep container, poured with the resulting broth, generously salted, seasoned with pepper and various spices and allowed to stand for a little less than half an hour. The broth can be considered ready. Next, the shrimp should be peeled and returned to the fish soup or eaten as a separate dish;
  • some original recipes involve adding diced tomatoes to the broth. Thanks to this, the dish acquires a pink tint and acquires a sour taste;
  • if you cook millet or rice in broth, instead of fish soup, the result will be fish soup, since the taste of the cereal will prevail over all others.

Dish of river fish

The most popular basis for fish soup has long been considered pike or perch. But at home it is possible to prepare a dish not only from these fish, but also from ruffs, burbot, and other species river fish.

Such a fish soup may well be a prefabricated fish soup, but in this case it should be cooked in stages.

Small fish are boiled without bothering with cleaning and gutting. Some old recipes recommend the use of gauze in which to wrap the fish when boiling, so that it does not turn the broth into a fishy mess. But modern chefs advise using a colander.

Boiled small fish You can throw it away or feed it to cats. Add to the boiled broth boiled water to the required volume and put pike, pike perch, large perch or burbot cut into pieces into it.

When you hear the word from your ear, your mouth immediately starts flowing and your appetite appears. Anyone who has been fishing knows what fish soup is. fresh air with smoke by the fire. Ukha smells like fresh, just caught fish, and fish smells like the river.

Today we’ll look at different options for preparing delicious and simple fish soup. The fish soup recipes below can be cooked over a fire or at home. The choice is yours.

Classic - rich soup recipe (2 options)

The most delicious fish soup comes from fish different breeds, welded together.

Option 1:

Clean, gut, and rinse fresh fish (pike perch, pike, large perch, ruff). Remove the fillet, first from the bones, then from the skin. Cut out and remove the gills from the head.

Then put in a saucepan: heads (without gills), bones and skin. Fill cold water, add parsley roots, onion, bay leaf, peppercorns, salt and cook over low heat, carefully skimming off the foam for about 1 hour to form a broth. The broth should have a good strong taste.

Then strain the broth and add fish fillets, cut into portions, into it. Remove the cooked fish from the fish soup with a slotted spoon and strain the broth.

Before serving, place pieces of fish into plates, pour in strained broth, sprinkle with finely chopped dill or parsley.

Option 2:

The same fish (as in option 1), also clean and rinse. Pour cold water over: heads (without gills), bones, skin, salt and cook for 1 hour without spices.

Then strain the broth and add chopped onion and parsley root and cook for 15 minutes.

Then put the prepared pieces of fish, bay leaf, peppercorns into the broth and cook over low heat for 15 - 20 minutes, removing the foam.

When serving the fish soup, add dill. The difference between option 1 and option 2 is in the cooking, but the result is the same - fish in broth.

Pike soup video recipe

The soup turns out tasty, rich and appetizing.

How to cook fish soup - with tomatoes

Clean the fish and rinse well. Cut into pieces, put in a saucepan, add cold water and bring to a boil.

When the water boils, add 2-3 whole tomatoes. Boil for 3 minutes, remove and remove the skin. Crush, squeeze out the juice and pour it back into the ear.

By the way, some housewives cut tomatoes into pieces. After some time, the tomatoes are caught, mashed, the skin is separated, and the resulting red liquid is poured back into the saucepan with the fish soup. Thus, the entire ear turns out to be red.

Then put bay leaf, peppercorns to taste, and salt into a saucepan. Cook the fish soup until done.

Before serving, add finely chopped greens.

Ukha recipe - from pollock and hake

In a saucepan, boil chopped pieces of pollock (or hake) fillet with salt. When cooked, remove them to a plate.

Then put potatoes, cut into slices, carrots, onions, peppers, bay leaves into the broth and cook until tender.

After this, place the fish fillets cut into pieces into a saucepan and cook together for 15 - 20 minutes.

Before serving, sprinkle with dill or parsley.

How to cook fish soup - with millet

This method of preparing fish soup contains millet = 100 grams and any large fish.

Clean the fish from scales, gut it, rinse, add water, salt and cook the broth.

Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into cubes.

Peel and chop the carrots and parsley root.

Add potatoes, carrots, parsley root, chopped onion, bay leaf to the boiling broth.

Rinse the millet and put it in the ear 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

Sprinkle with herbs and serve.

How to cook fish soup - with lemon

Gut the small fish, rinse, add water, cook the broth and strain it.

Clean large fish, gut them, cut into pieces, add peppercorns, add broth and cook until the fish is cooked.

Peel and cut the potatoes and carrots (carrots into thin strips, potatoes into cubes).

Pour the broth over the vegetables, put on low heat and cook, periodically skimming off the foam.

Peel the lemon and cut into slices.

Peel the onion, chop, fry in oil and add along with the bay leaf to the soup 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Season the soup with salt and pepper to taste.

Before serving, garnish with chopped parsley and add lemon slices.

Sea fish soup recipe

The taste of sea fish soup depends on chemical composition and specific properties of fish. Good broth obtained from sea fish such as mackerel, sardines, and catfish.

When cooking trout and sturgeon, do not add aromatic vegetables so as not to drown out the pleasant taste and aroma of the fish.

The prepared fish (cleaned, gutted, without gills, cut into pieces) is placed in a saucepan, filled with cold water, salt, chopped parsley or celery roots, sliced ​​onion are added, covered with a lid, and brought to a boil.

Remove the foam periodically and cook at low boil for 25 - 30 minutes. After which the pieces of fish are removed, and the head and fins are boiled for another 15 - 20 minutes.

Strain the broth. Add diced potatoes, grated carrots, finely chopped onion, peppercorns, bay leaf, salt to taste. Place the previously removed large pieces of fish here and cook for another 20 minutes.

Cut the lemon into slices and add to the fish soup before serving.

The specific smell and taste can be weakened by adding pickled cucumber peels to the broth.

Recipe for soup with seaweed

Boil fresh seaweed (300 grams) for 30 minutes in large quantities water and then rinse quickly with cold water.

Potatoes (300 grams) cut into strips.

Finely chop onion (100 grams).

Chop carrots (100 grams) into strips or slices and saute for vegetable oil along with onions.

Cut the fish (600 grams) into portions, combine with potatoes and, pour boiling water, boil for 7 - 8 minutes.

Add prepared seaweed and vegetables, cook until tender.

Shortly before the end of cooking, add bay leaves and peppercorns, salt to taste.

When serving, season with sour cream and crushed garlic.

Delicious salmon soup video recipe

Dishes of fish soup are always a satisfying addition to our daily diet. Ukha has long been known to everyone and its popularity does not need to be proven. Therefore, enjoy your meal and eat it for your health.

Of course, the most delicious fish soup comes from freshly caught fish. And it’s best to cook it right there on the fire. But, unfortunately, this does not always work out. And it doesn’t matter, now we’ll tell you how to properly cook fish soup at home.

How to cook fish soup at home?


  • pike perch (head, tail, fins);
  • potatoes – 200 g;
  • onion – 130 g;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • carrots – 200 g;
  • small – 1 piece;
  • salt;


Pour 2 liters of water into the pan, add a little salt, and add spices. Black and allspice, cloves, coriander and bay leaves work well. Cut the peeled carrots into semicircles, peel the onion and cut the top crosswise approximately 1 cm deep. Place onions, carrots, and whole root celery. Boil for a quarter of an hour, and then add the diced potatoes. When the onion is cooked, remove it from the pan. Boil the potatoes for about 10 minutes, and then add the washed head, tail, and fins of the pike perch. Cook for about 20 minutes over low heat. Then crush the fish soup with chopped herbs and let it brew for 10 minutes.

How to cook delicious fish soup from salmon ridges?


  • salmon ridges – 500 g;
  • onion – 120 g;
  • potatoes – 300 g;
  • salt;
  • carrots – 170 g;
  • Bay leaf;
  • greenery;
  • pepper.


Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes. Finely chop the onion. Cut the carrots into circles. Finely chop the greens. Place potatoes, onions and carrots in a saucepan and fill it all with cold water. Cook until done for about 20 minutes. When the vegetables are almost ready, add the salmon backbones. Cut into pieces, then add salt and pepper, add a bay leaf and cook for a quarter of an hour. At the end, add the chopped herbs, turn off the heat and let the fish soup brew under the lid.

How to cook tasty fish soup at home from river fish?


  • water – 3 liters;
  • onion – 200 g;
  • river fish – 2 kg;
  • carrots – 180 g;
  • potatoes – 400 g;
  • vodka – 30 ml;
  • allspice peas – 4 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • freshly ground pepper;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • greenery.


Wash the fish, clean it, gut it and remove the gills. If the fish used is large, then cut it into pieces, and if it is small, then you can leave it whole. Place about 1/3 of the fish in a pan and fill it with cold water. After boiling, carefully remove all the foam, add another 1/3 of the fish and raw peeled onion. Cook at low boil for 15 minutes, also skim off the foam. Then add the remaining fish and let it boil again. Salt the fish soup, cook for about 20 minutes, skim off the foam. Remove the fish and onions from the broth with a slotted spoon. Strain the broth through cheesecloth. Place on the fire again and let it boil. Add diced potatoes, thinly sliced ​​carrots, bay leaves, and peppercorns into the broth and cook for about 15 minutes at a low simmer. Then add fish fillet, pour in vodka. After another 2 minutes, add chopped dill, pepper and salt to taste. Turn off the stove, let the fish soup brew and serve it to the table after 15-20 minutes.



I cut the potatoes into large cubes, the carrots into circles. Finely chop the onion. We wash the fish well, remove scales and cut into portions. Boil water, place prepared vegetables, fish, bay leaf and allspice into it. Bring all this to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for about half an hour over low heat. Then add salt and pepper to taste. Serve the fish soup to the table, sprinkled with chopped dill.

There is an opinion that the method of preparation correct fish soup Only true fishermen know. However, modern housewives already know all the culinary secrets, and they are ready to delight their households with the most different options this kind of soup. Using heads or carcasses of mackerel, crucian carp, silver carp, sturgeon, you can constantly obtain the new kind fish soup

How does a fish soup recipe differ from fish soup?

It is worth distinguishing between dishes such as fish soup and fish soup. In the first case, this is a first course using salmon, chum salmon, cod or any other fish. In addition, you can prepare the soup with the addition of cereals, vegetables, seasonings, cream and other things. If in everyday life people often confuse these dishes, then good restaurants strictly distinguish between recipes, because the original unique taste fish soup is a piece of the culture of the Russian people.

A traditional dish of Russian cuisine is usually prepared from fresh or live fish (sometimes from nature). It produces a rich, sticky broth. Often river fish soup is prepared using small ruffs, perches or bream, after which pieces of the main species are added to the broth: pike, pike perch or burbot. The classic cooking method involves the use of river inhabitants, but with fresh sea trout, coho salmon or pollock, you also get a tasty and original dish.

How to cook fish soup

Real ear should be transparent, aromatic, rich. An unpleasant fishy taste or overcooked pieces are unacceptable for this dish. In addition to the main component, onions, potatoes, sometimes carrots and millet are added. You should be careful with seasonings so as not to interrupt the aroma and specific taste of the main ingredient. The cooking time will depend on the main ingredient (8-15 minutes if the fish is sea, 20-30 minutes if it is river fish). It is recommended to serve the fish soup with rice cakes, black bread or kulebyaka. The boiled pieces are evenly divided among plates.

From salmon

Red fish soup is very tender in taste and festive. For preparation you will need the following products:

  • soup set (head, ridge, fins, tail);
  • fillet – 300 g;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • dill, basil, celery (root);
  • tomato – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.

How to cook fish soup:

  1. All parts of the soup set are washed well, the gills are removed from the head, and the broth is set to boil.
  2. Add chopped carrots, herbs, and seasonings to the container after the broth boils.
  3. Keep on the stove for half an hour and strain.
  4. Add pieces of salmon.
  5. Cook for 10 minutes.
  6. Peel and cut the potatoes, finely chop the onion and tomato.
  7. Add all ingredients to the pan.
  8. Wait 15 minutes.
  9. It is recommended to leave for 20 minutes before serving.

Classic ear

There are many new recipes for this unique dish, but the main way to cook fish soup is not forgotten by modern cooks. To do this you will need the following products:

  • fresh perch – 1 kg;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • vodka – 50-80 ml;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes – 5 pcs.;
  • oil – 1 spoon.

How to cook fish soup:

  1. Potatoes, peeled and chopped, and onions in peels are added to boiling water.
  2. Wait 25 minutes.
  3. Chop carrots with root parsley and add to potatoes.
  4. Cook for 10 minutes.
  5. While the vegetables are cooking, you can do the fish (clean, cut).
  6. Add spices, salt, and pieces of perch to the pan.
  7. Wait 15 minutes.
  8. Add vodka and insist.

From pink salmon

There is another simple recipe using pink salmon. To prepare the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • soup set (parts of pink salmon: tail, head, fins);
  • pink salmon – 300 g;
  • potatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • oil – 1 spoon.

How to cook:

  1. Cook the broth from the soup set with spices.
  2. Strain the liquid, add chopped potatoes.
  3. Cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Add prepared pieces of pink salmon.
  5. Chop the onion and carrots, fry, add to the pan.
  6. When it boils, turn it off.
  7. Leave for 20 minutes before serving.

Pike perch fish soup

This dish will decorate your everyday or festive table. For cooking you will need the following products:

  • fish – 500 g;
  • potatoes – 5-6 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • butter– 50 g;
  • lemon – ½ part;
  • spices.

Cooking steps:

  1. They clean the fish, cut off the head, fins, tail, and divide it into two parts. The fillet is sprinkled with lemon juice.
  2. Boil broth from the head and fins of pike perch (place the parts in a cauldron or pan, add water, boil for 30 minutes).
  3. Wash and cut vegetables.
  4. Carrots are fried.
  5. Strain the broth.
  6. Add vegetables.
  7. Boil as much as necessary for the components to be ready. (The boiling should not be too intense).
  8. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, add pike perch fillet, cut into several pieces.

From river fish

What products will be needed:

  • fresh fish – 1 kg;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • cereals (millet, rice) – 50 g.

How to cook:

  1. Small fish are cleaned, gutted, and boiled for 20 minutes.
  2. Strain the broth.
  3. Large fish are cleaned and cut into pieces.
  4. Vegetables are peeled and finely chopped.
  5. Add pieces of fish, cereals and vegetables to the broth.
  6. Cook for 25 minutes.


What you need for the recipe:

  • chicken for soup – ½ part;
  • small fish – 0.8 kg;
  • pike – 0.5 kg;
  • carp – 0.5 kg;
  • vodka – 50 ml;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • milk – 0.3 l.;
  • flour – 1 tbsp.

How to cook:

  1. Boiled chicken bouillon, filter, add small fish.
  2. Boil until the fish is cooked. Strain.
  3. The carcasses of pike and carp are cleaned, cut into pieces, and boiled.
  4. ½ cup of broth is cooled, mixed with whipped chicken protein, add to the pan. (This is necessary to clear the broth and make it transparent).
  5. Slice the potatoes.
  6. Carrots and onions are chopped and sautéed.
  7. Add all ingredients to the soup and cook.
  8. Pour in vodka when the royal ear is ready.

Video: how to cook fish soup at home and over a fire

Triple, double, royal, fisherman's or rural - there are a lot of recipes for preparing this traditional dish. Many people fell in love with fish soup for its specific aroma and unique taste, which is difficult to compare with anything else. However, the most best recipe This soup is prepared over a fire. If you know how to cook fish soup correctly, you can regularly delight your family with this wonderful dish. The videos below will help housewives understand how to cook fish soup at home and over the fire.

Carp soup

How to cook fish soup from a catfish head at home

Recipe for fish soup on the fire

Cooking red fish soup

Tsar's ear

Delicious homemade food always puts you at ease and leaves pleasant memories. Not a single restaurant in the world can boast of such delicious and soulful food as our home kitchen and the golden hands of the hostess.

Incredibly delicious gourmet fish soup can be prepared at home. Why exquisite? — Because this is not an ordinary canned soup, but a real first course, imbued with a delicate fish taste and aroma. To prepare this fish soup, you can use the most “unnecessary” parts of the fish: the head and tail.

I present to your attention my recipe homemade fish soup, whom her husband and even her little daughter love so much. With detailed step by step recipe with a photo, you can easily prepare this dish at home using the most simple ingredients and your love.

For the preparation, I used the head and tail of river salmon, but this does not mean that you cannot cook broth from pike or carp. My fish was quite fatty, but this is not a necessary factor affecting the taste of the soup. By following all the cooking rules, you can easily achieve an excellent result in any case.

You can cook a delicious fish soup from the head and tail of a fish.

Ukha recipe, step-by-step preparation. Ear recipe with photo

To prepare homemade fish soup you will need:

  • Head and tail of a fish. (Carp, silver carp, pelengas, salmon, etc.)
  • Bow (1 piece)
  • Carrots (1 piece)
  • Potatoes (7-8 small pieces)
  • Rice (2-3 tablespoons)
  • Greens (to taste)
  • Pepper (ground black, black peas, white and a mixture of peppers)
  • Bay leaf
  • Sunflower oil for frying

kit necessary ingredients for cooking fish soup

Stages of work:

  • Wash the fish parts under running water and place in a pan filled 2/3 with water. We don't add salt! The time for salt will come. Here it is not important for us to give taste to the head and tail, but it is important to “pull out” all the taste and nutrients. Cook the broth for 1 hour over low heat. At this time add rice warm water in a separate bowl
  • Place a few eggs on the stove to cook in a separate saucepan.
  • After the broth has boiled, you need to carefully remove the fish parts into a separate bowl. Be sure to strain the broth through a culinary sieve or cheesecloth into another container. We thoroughly wash the pan from scale and “rags” left after a long cooking of the fish. There's no way to avoid them
  • Pour the strained broth into a clean saucepan
  • Meanwhile, cut the carrots and onions into small cubes
  • For aesthetic pleasure, it is best to cut vegetables into cubes rather than grate them. But these are the preferences of every housewife. Fry chopped carrots and onions in sunflower oil for 15 minutes until the onions are golden brown.

preparing food, cutting vegetables for fish soup

Put the broth on the fire. When it boils, add the prepared roast and potatoes cut into small cubes (all for the same aesthetic pleasure).

preparing frying soup

Reduce the heat on the stove and at this time carefully disassemble the parts of the fish into meat. Be sure that in the head and tail you will find a sufficient amount of meat that will decorate and enrich your dish. At the same time, add salt (a level tablespoon), bay leaf, a few peppercorns and other spices (here you can use the spices you like).

The following cooking steps:

  • Add the “caught” fish meat and the already brewed, swollen rice to the pan. Stir and cook the soup for another 20 minutes
  • We leave the ear to rest for 15-20 minutes. After the time has passed, add greens (fresh or frozen) to the saucepan.
  • We serve the dish. Be sure to put half of the boiled meat on the plate. hard eggs, which goes very well with fish and incredibly enhances the taste of your fish soup
  • Let's have fun!

adding roast to broth

picking meat from bones

set of necessary spices

ready dish garnished with half a boiled chicken egg

Homemade fish soup, cooking features

This recipe is amazing in its simplicity and taste qualities. You can make this dish very easily and add variety to the table for your beloved household members. Please your loved ones with a truly home-made and delicious dish, unlike all the others, and it will quickly become indispensable in your family on weekdays and holidays!

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