How to choose a dog carrier and which option is better to buy? Carrying bag for dogs The most comfortable and largest carrier for dogs

You need to choose based on the size of the dog and the type of travel. If you have a small, decorative dog and you like to “go out beautifully,” then pay attention to the ladies’ bags for dogs from Dezzie. Here are some of the models of such dog carriers.

Dog carriers for air travel

With air travel, everything is much more complicated. Each airline has its own requirements for transporting dogs. Therefore, before the flight, it is better to call and clarify the requirements for transporting animals. Therefore, to choose carrying needs to be approached more carefully. Many airlines allow dogs to be brought into the cabin as hand luggage. This depends, first of all, on the size of the carrier itself. Carrying should be small enough to fit in front of your seat, the inter-seat size depends on the type of aircraft and the airline itself.

If you have large dog and, accordingly, a large carrier, then you will have to put the carrier in the luggage compartment. Modern airlines treat passengers with animals very well. If you comply with all the requirements for transporting dogs, then no problems will arise. You will be able to pick up the dog immediately after landing.

Here are some carriers that you can buy in our store website

Backpack carrier
Pet carrier in the form of a backpack, manufactured by Trixie (Germany). Dog weight up to 5 kg

Cage carrier DOG RESIDENCE
Two entrances: from the end and from the side. Suitable for road transport and for permanent installation in an apartment.

Backpack carrier for cats
  • nylon
  • size: 44 x 30 x 21 cm
  • Weight Limit 8kg
  • production: Germany

  • Stefanplast Carrying Gulliver
    IATA is the standard for the international transport of animals by car, train, plane, or ship. If you are going on a trip with your pet, this item is simply necessary for you.

    Dezzie dog bag
    Stylish bag- carrying bright turquoise color. Decorated with a satin bow. There is a convenient handle and strap for carrying on the shoulder.

    Carrying SHERPA
    Carrying TROTTER 1 Size: 49*33*30 cm. Material: plastic. Color: blue, red, brown. Equipped with a handle for easy transportation.

    Plastic carriers
    In our market you can find plastic carriers for sale only from foreign manufacturers. The main and leading in quality are Stefanplast (Italy), Savic (Belgium) and Trixie (Germany).

    The carriers from these manufacturers are approximately the same in quality and principle. You can see more details in the figure below.
    A - holder and place for things, ventilation;
    B - five blocking holders;
    C - hygienic mat;
    D - chrome door with lock.

    There are carriers different sizes. The largest ones have the ability to attach wheels for transportation. There are plastic feeders and drinkers inside. You can equip the carrier with a mattress or absorbent diaper.

    All carriers are collapsible, but can be sold either assembled or disassembled. They can easily pack up when you're not using them. Convenient and reliable assembly and disassembly in the design of the above brands is their main advantage over others.

    Wheels for carriers are sold separately, because... Sometimes they break, well, there’s nothing you can do about it - rarely, but it happens. In addition, these carriers are recommended for transportation on airplanes, both from our companies and foreign ones.

    When choosing a carrier in the store, remember that moving is always stressful for an animal. Therefore, the carrier should be free, it should be possible to move around, curl up. The ability to see what is happening on the road. And don’t forget to put your pet’s favorite toy and soft, warm bedding in the carrier.

    Dear customers! In our store you can always buy what you need pet carrier. We will deliver it to your apartment for free. We have an excellent selection of carriers and reasonable prices. Carrying usually delivered assembled, intended for transportation, but if you wish, the courier will collect it for you for a simple human thank you! Enjoy the shopping!

    A dog carrier bag performs several functions: first of all, as a leash, it does not allow the animal to move independently and limits its freedom, which is very important in many situations. Secondly, it protects surrounding people from bites, and goods from damage. Thirdly, small dogs feel more comfortable and protected in carriers.

    Before choosing a dog carrier, weigh the animal if you are not sure that it weighs less than five kilograms. Even if you think that your pet is small in size and needs a bag, but it weighs more, there is no need to buy a carrier. Most likely, he will feel cramped and uncomfortable in it, and it will be difficult for you to carry it. This dog requires a leash and muzzle when transported.

    When choosing a carrier, look at what material it is made of. There are plastic carriers, but calmer and smaller cats are often transported in them, although this option is also suitable for dogs, but only for the summer. In winter, it is advisable to choose a soft carrier bag for your dog. On the outside it should be a natural fabric that allows air to pass through well, and on the inside it should be a synthetic material that will not tear from the dog’s claws and teeth. There should be a soft lining at the bottom. Do not choose metal bags: they are heavy, and the animal will feel uncomfortable and hard on metal, in addition, this material gets very hot in the heat.

    Make sure your pet has enough space in the carrier. The dog should lie down, stand up and sit freely, and if your pet’s character is curious and restless, you can choose a bag bigger size.

    What to look for when choosing

    If you choose a rigid carrier, make sure that the doors work well and the latches close tightly so that the dog cannot jump out on his own. The carrier should also close well with straps or zippers.

    Choose a model that is comfortable to wear - with several handles, for example, short and long over the shoulder. The straps should be strong and wide, the material of the bag should not get dirty. It is convenient if there is a large pocket on the outside of the carrier in which you can put the things your dog needs: a leash, a muzzle, toys.

    Very convenient are backpack carriers that are suitable for the smallest dogs, and carriers on wheels that can transport larger pets. When choosing a model, pay attention to its design last: comfort for the pet, ease of carrying and its safety should come first.

    Dog carrier was named to us by the breeder among others. Carrying will be needed for comfortable transporting a dog in a car and train, and also for visits dog shows - she told us.

    We quickly found out that our dog loves to ride, so he sits quietly on the floor (fortunately, we have a small family and a spacious car), and at first we did not plan to visit exhibitions at all. It is for these reasons that we ignored this request and did not buy a carrier for the dog.

    We returned to the question of the need to purchase it only when we had planned traveling by car abroad. It turned out that when crossing the border, as well as in the European Union countries, the dog It is prohibited to move freely around the vehicle interior. ABOUT should not be carried exclusively.

    We have a small dog, so choosing a carrier for him was not difficult for us. Today I want to tell you some points on how to choose a carrier for your dog, and also tell you how to properly train your dog to use a carrier.

    How to choose a dog carrier?

    There are carriers soft(for example, fabric in the format of bags) and hard(for example, plastic ones in the shape of “chests”).

    If you have small dog, and you choose a carrier to, for example, carry it on the bus, most likely you will like it better soft carrying. Firstly, it is lighter, secondly, the dog will be more comfortable in it, and thirdly, the empty soft carrier is very compact.

    If the dog is larger and heavier, and travel is planned over long distances, it will be more convenient rigid carrying. Once again I would like to draw your attention to the fact that - tough plastic carrier is mandatory not only when transporting a dog in a car abroad, but also on a train and on an airplane! Without such a carrier, your dog simply will not be allowed on the train or on the plane.

    If you have to carry a carrier with your dog inside, it would be more advisable to choose the option on wheels And with retractable handle(like a suitcase) to make it easier to roll and/or shoulder strap(to make it easier to carry and not occupy your hands).

    The carrier needs to be selected exactly the size of the dog. The dog must be able stand inside carrying to full height without bending. However, it is not worth making large increases in the width and length of the animal. If the carrier has excess reserve, when braking or turning while moving, the dog will “drag” against the carrier. In a correctly selected carrier, the dog, when positioned, occupies the main volume of the “room”, leaving no space for unnecessary “maneuvers”, but only so that it can turn around inside.

    A carrier that is properly sized for your dog

    Matching the size of the dog and the carrier

    Comfortable placement of the dog in the carrier

    Let me give you a short review of our SAVIC Trotter 3 carrier.

    Dog carrier Savic Trotter 3 and our boy

    As you can see, it is plastic and collapsible. Made in Belgium. We bought it for 2600 rubles. The plastic is of high quality - light, but durable, and has no foreign odor.
    This line of SAVIC dog carriers comes in three models:
    SAVIC Trotter 1 is the smallest, it measures 49*33*30 cm.
    SAVIC Trotter 2 is medium, its overall dimensions are 56*37.5*33 cm.
    Our SAVIC Trotter 3 carrier is the largest in this line and has approximate dimensions of 60*40*39 cm. The manufacturer recommends using it for puppies and small breed dogs with a maximum weight of no more than 10 kg.

    Savic Trotter 3 Dog Carrier Label

    Markings on the Savic Trotter 3 dog carrier

    It has a handle on top, which is needed more for moving an empty carrier and is not very convenient for use when the dog is inside. Intuitively, this handle does not seem durable to me, although we still have it in good working order and have not broken.

    When folded, the handle is hidden flush with the carrying lid into the round recess on it. Ventilation holes around the perimeter of the carrier allow you to have enough air inside for the dog to breathe comfortably.

    This carrier consists of three main parts - a tray, a lid and a door.

    Savic Trotter 3 dog carrier disassembled

    Upper and Bottom part The carriers are connected to each other using eight reliable latches.

    The door is installed in the required position using 4 fasteners - 2 on top and 2 on bottom.

    The door can be locked or, conversely, removed completely.

    The carrier door fastenings are in the “closed” position

    The carrier door fastenings are in the “open” position

    The carrier door fastenings are in the “open” position

    It is very convenient that the SAVIC dog carrier has the ability to set the door opening in the desired direction using fasteners.

    How to train a dog to carry?

    Just a couple of years ago, I believed that a carrier was like a prison for a dog, and that it infringed on the animal’s freedom of movement. But after analyzing our dog’s attitude towards the carrier and ease of use, I reconsidered my attitude towards it.

    It didn't take us long to persuade the dog. The guy immediately realized that the thing his, and it is very comfortable. I laid his favorite soft feather bed inside, and he immediately realized that this was his “corner of solitude,” his “den.” To reinforce the behavioral response, we praised him when he came in and settled inside, and sometimes even rewarded him with a treat.

    Treat a dog in a carrier (according to at least, at the training stage) is necessary in exactly the same way as for a dog that is. That is, you cannot disturb her, stroke her, or touch her. categorically!

    I recommend removing the door first so that your dog can get in and out of the carrier freely. After some time, you need to secure the door so that the dog can open it independently and get inside. We periodically change the direction the door opens. I believe that this provides additional training for the dog's intelligence and alertness.

    If suddenly at the stage of training to carry your dog there are difficulties and he does not want to be inside it confined space, try to start small - disassemble the carrier, leaving only the bottom tray. Place a comfortable bedding inside and let the carrier act as a bed for a while. When the dog gets used to the pallet, attach the roof and let the dog get used to it gradually. And only then start hanging the door.

    When the dog becomes comfortable being inside, you can begin to try closing the door for a short time. Stay close to the locked dog and praise it. Increase the amount of time your dog is locked up gradually.

    What is good and convenient about carrying?

    As it turned out in practice, the carrier has nothing in common with prison and isolation (of course, if used wisely and in compliance with the measures).

      Carrying provides a lot of advantages for both the dog and the owners; I’ll try to briefly list them:
    • the dog is allowed to travel on trains, planes, and ships only in a carrier;
    • It is prohibited to cross the border of the European Union when traveling by car without carrying it;
    • many hotels (especially abroad) require a carrier when checking in with pets;
    • in the apartment the dog receives an additional “corner of privacy” for which it feels a genetic need;
    • during dog shows, a carrier allows the dog to calm down, and the owner to take a little break from his dog and even get away if necessary, which cannot be done without a carrier;
    • in a carrier it is easier and more convenient to accustom your dog to traveling in a car - it will not be “dragged” around the cabin while driving, it will not stain your interior with its dirty paws (you can throw a special “duty” bedding in the carrier);
    • in a carrier you can isolate the dog when necessary - for example, if people come to visit you who do not like or are afraid of dogs, etc.
    • and you will never see such a picture:

    A dog in the car, left without a carrier.

    To travel with your Chihuahua you will need a carrier bag. You can use it not only in your car for a trip to visit - when transporting small dogs on a plane or train, having a bag for the animal is a necessary condition. You need to choose an accessory responsibly. Read this article to learn how to choose the right quality carrier for your Chihuahua.

    While walking in the yard or visiting, you can carry your Chihuahua in your arms. When following the usual route, the dog behaves calmly. But in public places she may get scared large cluster people she doesn't know or loud sounds. In this case, she will start barking loudly, maybe even bite someone or run away altogether.

    Such inappropriate behavior of your pet will most likely cause discontent among passers-by, which will become a problem for you. And the sudden escape of the baby will result in stress.

    When a Chihuahua is in such a house, everyone feels comfortable: her, you, and those around her. With a dog in a carrier bag, you can safely go to a doctor’s appointment, travel on public transport, or go shopping. Even at home, during general cleaning, you can put your pet in a bag so that it doesn’t get in the way.

    Material for bags

    Carrying bags for toy dogs can be made from different materials. But there is always the option to order or sew a bag yourself from any material you like.

    Leather carriers, of course, are very beautiful and look prestigious. Leather is durable, but it cannot get wet, so it is not suitable for rainy periods. In hot weather, a Chihuahua will feel stuffy in a leather bag. And caring for such a carrier is not easy.

    Faux leather bags are not durable and should also not be worn in rain or snow. They are not suitable for dogs in the hot season. These carriers require careful care and use special means to remove dirt will quickly render the leatherette unusable.

    Combined carriers made of leather and leatherette have the same properties as bags made entirely of such materials.

    In the summer, you won’t find a better plastic bag for a Chihuahua. This carrier has many small holes on the sides or two windows, which promotes air circulation. The bag is suitable for walking in the rain. Caring for it is simple - just wipe the carrier with a damp cloth when it gets dirty.

    Nylon bags have a number of advantages. They are wear-resistant, waterproof, sun rays will not fade. It is very easy to keep nylon carriers clean - just wash them from time to time.

    Seasonal bags

    For each season there is a separate type of carrying bag:

    • winter;
    • summer;
    • demi-season.

    Winter type

    Such a bag should be insulated so that in the cold the Chihuahua does not freeze in it and feels comfortable. Therefore, this carrier is made of dense, soft, waterproof material. Perhaps with elements of fur.

    To make your pet comfortable, the size of the bag must be selected generously. After all, in winter you will wear decorative dog in a warm jumpsuit. It will create additional volume.

    The internal volume of the carry will also be reduced by a soft bedding, which can be purchased if the bag model does not seem insulated enough to you.

    Summer type

    This type of bag is very light. The carrying material should not be dense so that the Chihuahua can breathe freely. Such a house must have windows on the sides for air circulation.

    A pleasant bonus for any buyer will be a wide selection of colors for such carriers.

    Demi-season type

    Autumn-spring models of carrying bags should not only be insulated, but also made of water-repellent material. The bottom of such carriers is waterproof - this is a prerequisite.

    Types of bags

    There are several types of bags for Chihuahuas:

    • soft carrying;
    • container;
    • backpack;
    • tent.

    Soft carry

    The most common type, which should have a hard bottom and soft walls. The shape of the carrier is either rectangular or with curves on the sides. This bag has a mesh window and an entrance door.

    Some models of soft carriers have a hole with convenient attachments for the Chihuahua's head. The holding devices are located inside the carrier. Thus, the pet always has the opportunity to look the world. This is very convenient, because dogs of this breed are naturally curious.

    The varied designs of these bags will please any picky buyer. You can choose a carrier for a boy or a girl, for a puppy or an adult Chihuahua. There are also a lot of colors.

    There are models in which there are two divisions. One is for the animal itself, while in the other you can put the necessary small items for caring for the dog, which will come in handy during a walk or trip.


    If you are going on a long trip, then it is best to purchase a container carrier for your Chihuahua. It is made of plastic and in such a house the pet can not only sleep in comfort, but also easily get up and spin around. This is very important for the dog during a long trip.

    A secure plastic container has windows or many small holes so your Chihuahua can see the outside world.

    If you are expecting a flight, then the carrier should be high enough. There should be at least ten centimeters from the Chihuahua's head to the ceiling of the container.


    This bag's design resembles a kangaroo for infants. There are two options for carrying a backpack.

    The first type is classic. In this case, the owner of the Chihuahua carries it on his back. This is very convenient if you are expecting a long trip with excess luggage that requires your hands free.

    The second type of backpack is worn from the front. A very comfortable option: your pet is always in sight. The dog will always feel safe being close to its owner.

    Mostly nylon backpacks are sold, the material of which is very strong. To prevent the shape of the carrier from changing, causing discomfort to the dog, special plastic sheets are inserted on the sides. Each model is equipped with buttons, snaps or hooks. But the most practical carrying option is a backpack with zippers.

    These backpacks have a hole. It can be either on the side or at the top. If there is no mesh in the window, then the Chihuahua must be fastened with special internal straps.

    For variety and savings, many manufacturers sell double carriers - a regular carrier bag can easily and quickly be transformed into a backpack.


    This type of carrier is made mainly for exhibitions. So if your Chihuahua is planning a show career, be sure to purchase a tent. It is convenient to take with you, as it is very light and does not take up much space. Typically, tents are made of waterproof material. The tent can also be used for outdoor trips.

    When the dog is inside the house, it will not be disturbed by exhibition visitors. For complete comfort for your pet, the volume of the tent allows you to place bowls of food and clean water in it.

    Choosing the right one

    In order not to make a mistake when choosing a bag, you need to first pay attention to some details.

    Firstly, the safety of any carrying must be at its best. See if the bag is sewn firmly - whether it will support your pet. The carrying handles should also be durable.

    Secondly, the dog should have room in the portable house. If the Chihuahua cannot stretch to its full height, then a long trip will become torture for it. The carrier must also have a hole through which the pet can breathe air and see everything that is happening around.

    Thirdly, inside any bag there should be a strong carabiner for the leash, so that when you fasten the dog, you can prevent it from escaping.

    Fourthly, pay attention to the bottom of the portable house for the Chihuahua - it should be waterproof.

    If you have a long trip ahead of you, choose a carrier with long and durable handles. It is advisable that they have foam rubber sewn into them for your added comfort. And to keep your Chihuahua comfortable during the trip, you can place a soft mattress at the bottom of the bag.

    If you are a fan of glamorous dog bags, then avoid choosing carriers that have rhinestones or bows close to the opening. Otherwise, the pet may chew off decorative details, thereby ruining appearance bags.

    Consider your pet's personality when choosing a bag. If your Chihuahua is a fidget, then the size of the carrier should be sufficient for its outdoor games. If your pet has a calm temperament, then choose a bag according to its size. Most likely he will sleep the whole way. For curious dogs, be sure to choose a carrier with a hole for the head.

    If you are planning to fly, then you will have to choose a carrier for your Chihuahua according to the IATA (International Air Transport Association) standard.

    Always buy baby carriers from specialized stores. It is easy to run into low-quality goods in the markets.

    Have you already chosen a carrier? Which one?

    From time to time, all dog owners need to transport their pet. You might want to take your miniature toy terrier for a walk or take your St. Bernard to the vet.

    In order for the trip to be comfortable for both the owner and the animal, it should be done in advance. Choosing the right carrier depends on the breed, temperament of the dog and the purpose of the transport.

    One of the most popular products is textile bags for carrying small dogs. As a rule, dogs are prohibited from entering public places; owners are forced to leave their pets outside. In order not to make your pet worry, you can purchase a stylish textile handbag. It will especially appeal to beautiful ladies. Outwardly, it looks like a women's accessory, but inside everything is arranged so that your pet feels comfortable. Usually these bags have a special hole so that the dog can stick his head out and observe his surroundings. Another option for miniature pets is a special backpack carrier for dogs. Such backpacks are usually made from practical nylon with a special window. The main advantage of the backpack is that the owner remains hands free.

    If you have a medium or large breed or you have a long trip ahead, then a miniature handbag, of course, will not suit you.

    Carryings differ in four main parameters:

    1. Material. Fabric and leather bags can differ in insulation: summer, winter or demi-season. It is more practical to buy a dog carrier made of non-staining material that can be washed in washing machine. Check that inner part was made of durable synthetic material that can withstand your pet's claws and teeth. The bottom should be hard with a foam insert (the bag will sometimes have to be placed on the ground; if the bottom is thin, the dog may freeze). For long-term transportation or transportation on a train or plane, you should buy a plastic carrier or a metal cage. Plastic carriers are usually collapsible. So storing them in the apartment will not take up much space. They are more comfortable for long trips because you can place a drinking bowl, feeder and a special rug in them.

    2. Size. When choosing the size of the carrier, you should be guided not only by the size of the pet, but also by its temperament. A dog with a calm nature will suit a compact bag in which he will be tightly surrounded completely. A more active pet will need more space, where he can sit, stand, turn around. Do not forget that in the cold season you will need to insulate the carrier.

    3. Fasteners, belts, locks. Fasteners in the form of a zipper are more convenient and practical: unfastening them is easier and faster, but for aesthetic reasons, bags are often sewn with buttons or snaps. To make it comfortable for you to carry your pet, make sure that the bag has 3 straps: 2 short and 1 wide long for carrying on the shoulder. When it comes to plastic and iron cages, it is important that they have a strong lock.

    4. Additional accessories. If you transport your dog in a bag, take care of a special carabiner for securing it to the collar so that your pet does not accidentally jump out of the bag. It is advisable that the carrier has a spacious external pocket where you can put a collar, leash, muzzle and other small items. For plastic carriers, you can purchase wheels, a shoulder strap, a feeder, a drinking bowl and a comfortable mattress.

    You can choose and buy a dog carrier that suits your pet in our online store “ZooFriend”.

    Once you have set your dog filter, go to the Cages, Carriers and Accessories section.
