How to drive evil spirits out of your home. Exorcising evil spirits from the house

People have believed in the existence of evil spirits since ancient times. They associated troubles and problems in life with the manifestation of demons, spirits, witches, brownies and other entities. This explains the presence of various legends and rituals associated with the interaction of people and different creatures.

What is evil spirits?

This term refers to various entities and otherworldly forces that can harm a person. People began to believe in different brownies and kikimoras because they could not scientifically explain many phenomena in life, for example, the forces of nature or death. It is believed that evil spirits, demons and various entities can exist both among people and in the other world.

Does evil spirit exist?

Scientists have been trying for many years to prove or disprove the existence of otherworldly forces. Many legends that have frightened people for a long time have been explained, but there remain about 10% of cases of manifestations of otherworldly forces that remain unexplained. The fact that evil spirits exist is evidenced by a huge number of people who have observed its manifestations, for example, some see shadows, others hear sounds and even watch how objects move. They confirm the existence of the forces of evil and esotericism.

Where do evil spirits live?

Since there are many representatives of evil forces, the information that they operate in different areas is understandable. Evil spirits appear in the apartment and this includes mostly brownies and spirits. There are entities that manifest themselves only in a certain place, for example, in water, in a forest, and so on. There is an assumption that many representatives of evil spirits live in parallel worlds with which a person can interact, and not even of his own free will.

How to recognize evil spirits?

Over the years, a description of numerous signs indicating the presence of dark forces has accumulated.

  1. Dogs and cats sense evil spirits well; they can concentrate their gaze in a place where nothing is happening in real life. For unknown reasons, their hair may rise, and animals also make different sounds. All this indicates the presence of some entities nearby.
  2. There is a certain test to determine whether there are “invisible residents” in a house. To do this, you need to take a church candle, light it and walk with it to all corners of the house, moving clockwise. The presence of entities is indicated by the appearance of flashes, crackles, fumes, and so on.
  3. There are many rituals on how to see evil spirits, and many of them involve the use of a mirror, and you can also do meditation for this purpose.
  4. Signs of the presence of dark forces in the house include strange smells, sounds, and so on. In most cases, they manifest themselves after sunset.
  5. If evil spirits have possessed a person, then his behavior will begin to change and mood swings are often observed.

Evil spirits - types

In order to establish at least some order among representatives of the dark forces, different entities were divided into certain groups according to a number of characteristics. For those who are interested in what kind of evil spirits there are, it is worth knowing about the existence of main groups: spirits, vampires, ghosts, demons, various creatures in the flesh, that is, those who really live on earth and can be killed, and others.

Forest evil spirits

There are many legends that describe how people died in the forest, encountering various entities, and among them the following can be distinguished:

Swamp Evil

In the legends of almost all nations, a swamp is considered an unclean place where several entities live:

Household evil spirits

In ancient times, the Slavs believed that various entities lived in their houses that could cause harm.

How to fight evil spirits?

To get rid of different entities, you can use traditional techniques:

  1. A nail or knife must be inserted into the place where the evil spirit has manifested itself.
  2. An aspen branch is hung above the front door, which will ward off representatives of dark forces.
  3. If you are interested in what evil spirits are afraid of, then it is recommended to have birch branches in your house, blessed for Trinity. They don’t like chalk either; it’s not for nothing that in ancient times they whitewashed walls with it, thereby creating invisible energy protection.
  4. Crosses that need to be drawn on the walls outside and inside, using a church candle purchased on Maundy Thursday, will protect against evil. On this church holiday, it is recommended to fumigate your house with juniper, wild rosemary or heather.
  5. At Epiphany, you need to bring water from the church and carefully sprinkle the yard and house with it.

How to expel evil spirits from your home?

There are many different rituals aimed at cleansing the house of various evil spirits, so the following options can be given as an example:

  1. You need to bring holy water from the church and mix it with regular tap liquid in a ratio of 1:5. Sprinkle all the walls in the house with it, paying special attention to the corners. During this, it is important to repeat any prayer, for example, “Our Father.” In addition, you need to wash the floors with this water, and pour out the dirty water at the intersection, saying conspiracy No. 1. The rag should also be left there. When walking home, do not turn around and do not talk to anyone.
  2. Another simple way to remove evil spirits from your home involves using salt. It is necessary to start the ritual in the evening, when the sun is no longer shining. In your left hand, take a handful of regular salt, preferably coarsely ground. Slowly walk around the entire house, alternately saying “Our Father” and then conspiracy No. 2. Salt will absorb all negativity and cleanse spaces, so you need to pour it out at a crossroads away from your home. The ritual will work if repeated three days in a row.

How to expel evil spirits from a person?

When a person is possessed by an entity, his life begins to deteriorate and his well-being suffers. There are different rituals on how to drive out evil spirits, but the church ritual is considered the most effective. The ceremony can only be performed by clergy who have certain permission. For example, there are church courses for training exorcists. They are needed so that the priest can distinguish possession from a manifestation of schizophrenia, correctly carry out the ritual and cleanse the person from the demon.

The ritual can last several days, during which the clergyman reads prayers, washes the possessed person with sacred water and baptizes him. If the essence in a person is strong, then it will save itself in every possible way, so often the victim must be fixed on the bed so that she does not injure herself and others. There are known cases when several entities “lived” in people at once.

Evil spirits in Slavic mythology

Many representatives of the legends that were popular among the Slavs have already been mentioned, but there are other entities that cause fear among people.

Evil in the Bible

The Holy Scriptures do not use the word “evil spirits,” but this does not mean that there are no representatives of dark forces in the book. Fallen angels - Satan's main assistants - are the main opponents of the forces of good. Devils and demons, which believers and even clergy themselves often talk about, are prominent representatives of the dark side. Hellish evil spirits in people's lives manifest themselves in different forms, for example, in the form of goblins, brownies, vampires, and so on.

Books about evil spirits

Various entities, demons, other worlds, all this is often used by authors of fiction. Many stories about evil spirits have become cult favorites, and among the most popular works are the following:

  1. “Night Watch” by S. Lukyanenko. A legendary novel that is based on the eternal confrontation between the forces of good and evil.
  2. “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka” N. Gogol. A classic in which one of the main figures is the most popular representative of evil spirits - the devil.
  3. “The Master and Margarita” M. Bulgakov. This book describes many representatives of dark forces, and even Satan himself.

Evil spirits can choose as their habitat both the soul or body of a person, and his home. At the same time, the person himself may not understand what is happening in him and around him, because otherworldly entities can be so cunning. To exorcise evil spirits or dark energies, it is recommended to seek help from the Church. There is a special Christian ritual for expelling a demon from a person, this ritual is called exorcism. Only monks do this. If you want to deal with evil spirits yourself, then use the following tips.

Prayers for protection and exorcism

First rule: caution. The disturbed evil spirits will be very indignant and can move straight into your body. Be sure to use symbols of faith when performing the ritual. Baptized Christians are recommended to have a baptismal cross on their body (the one in which you were baptized). If you don’t already have one, then wear the symbol of faith illuminated in the Temple.

Be sure to use prayers. “Our Father” must be learned by heart. And have Psalm 90 copied by hand with you. This prayer is aimed at fighting all evil spirits. Before performing the banishing ritual, be sure to read both prayers.

Ritual of exorcism from the house

To prevent evil spirits from settling in the house, it is recommended to hang the “Trinity” Icon opposite the front door. She will protect your abode from all kinds of mobs. And a bad person won’t knock on your house. On Maundy Thursday (before dawn) you need to pick up this Icon and light a church candle. Walk around the house clockwise, continuously reading “Our Father”, crossing all the corners and windows. When you reach the threshold, read the “Trinity” prayer three times (don’t put out the candle). Then throw the cinder away (Since the candle has collected all the negativity, it must be thrown away so that no one will find it. The best way is to destroy it in a fire, only behind the walls of the house).

If you feel that unclean forces are still present at home, then the described procedure can be repeated every Thursday. Do this until you feel that the house has become bright and light. To be in this is real happiness!

Expelling evil spirits with chicken eggs

Ordinary chicken eggs will help drive out evil spirits from any room. They also perform a ritual of cleansing a person from negative energy (for example). The procedure is simple. Determine what exactly you want to clean. Buy fresh eggs (preferably from a domestic hen). It is very important that the cleaning tool (eggs) is not chilled. There is no need to put them in the refrigerator.

Take the egg in your left hand and roll around the room clockwise. The egg should move in circles (also clockwise). The entire surface must be treated as thoroughly as possible. If you come across pieces of furniture that cannot be moved, then roll them in. This way you will be sure that you have exorcised evil spirits from all corners. At the same time, the prayer is continuously read: “Protection from evil spirits,” “On the softening of evil hearts,” “Psalm 90,” “Our Father.” Read without interruption in the order listed. Throw out an egg every fifteen minutes and take a new one.

Please note that despite its simplicity, the ritual of exorcism will require a lot of dedication from you. Don't stop, even if you are very tired. The entire area must be processed. You won't be able to completely rid your house the first time. The ritual of expulsion will have to be repeated at least three times (preferably seven). You yourself will feel when it takes a little energy to perform actions, which means the house has been cleansed.

Repeat frequency: once a week. It is not worth expelling evil spirits more often; you may lose your strength completely. And remember that the best defense is the symbols of faith. Be sure to bring home the Icons. Let them hang openly on the wall, protecting your home! And daily reading of the Lord's Prayer will guarantee this protection.

Have you ever wondered why in some houses you feel cozy and good, - the white magician Grigory VORON began a conversation with the M-N columnist, - while others are oppressive and depressing, you always go to them reluctantly, you feel constant discomfort there Are you trying to get home as soon as possible? And when you return, you feel tired and unwell. It seems that the owners are pleasant to you, and the food is delicious, and they try to please you in everything, but something is not right.

And this happens more often than we would like...

This happens because in any house, in addition to the given energy dictated by the earth’s crust, there is always its own internal energy information structure. Energy lines, like a web, envelop the home. Some of them are good, others are evil. And the mood of the house depends on which ones are “woven in” more.

This means that the comfort of a home is primarily related to the energies that inhabit it? Where do they come from?

Such energies arise from previous owners, from your quarrels, from the emotions that you experience for each other, from people who visited you. Every day and every hour we, without knowing it, are under the influence of invisible forces, sometimes friendly and sometimes hostile. Moreover, we ourselves constantly influence the world around us. Every movement, thought, feeling has a power that we don’t even think about. This is how we create the environment around ourselves in which we have to live. And if your house is boring, bad, difficult, sad, if scandals break out in it every now and then, will you really feel good and comfortable in it, can it be considered a real home? Whatever energy message goes out into space from us is what we receive in response.

Well, what if everything seems fine? By what signs can you tell whether a house is sick or healthy?

In an apartment where the energy is positive, spilled water dries out more slowly, cut flowers do not wither for a long time, metal objects feel cool to the touch, and wooden objects are slightly warm. In positive zones there is always an even and strong candle flame, in negative zones the candle smokes, its flame is flickering and weak. In places where negative information accumulates, the radio receiver receives short waves better, a silver coin thrown on the floor rings dully or barely rings, milk sours faster and hot water cools down, salt dissolves more vigorously in water, and butter melts before our eyes. In a neglected, dirty apartment, people are more likely to get sick, quarrel and feel discomfort. In order for the house to be filled with favorable energies and then be able to reflect unfavorable ones, you need to build your own microcosm in it.


As soon as bad luck begins to haunt you, you feel uncomfortable in the house, start cleaning it. The most ordinary cleaning is an act of cleansing that can be done daily. General cleaning is practically a renewal of the entire energy field of the apartment. And if something is bothering you in your home, then spring is the time to start life with a clean slate. It is not for nothing that in Rus', general cleaning has long been timed to coincide with the most important holiday for Orthodox Christians - Easter, Easter Sunday. They prepared for Easter starting from Maundy or Maundy Thursday, before Easter they put things in order in both villages and cities - they cleaned, washed and cleaned every house, swept the courtyards, straightened fences, painted gates and benches, planted flowers in front of the windows. In the North and central Russia, juniper branches were burned to fumigate homes and barns. Healing juniper smoke protects humans and domestic animals from evil spirits and diseases. Our great-great-grandfathers and great-great-grandmothers already knew then how to restore positive energy at home.

But Easter purity is festive, ritual...

So who prevents a person who is uncomfortable in his own home from starting with her? Should you take a mop and a rag and put things in order in your life before the holiday? As they say, trash in the house is trash in the head. Clean the house. Get into the farthest corners and rake out all the dirt. Physical dirt always implies energetic dirt. Wash windows, mirrors, all plumbing fixtures, sinks, central heating radiators. Everything needs to be polished to a shine, since it is precisely such things that serve as a source of pollution to the energy of the house. And get used to washing them until they shine every week - say, every Thursday. Gather your courage and get rid of all unnecessary, old, broken things. Check everything, and if you haven’t used something for more than a year, you can safely throw it away. It is unlikely that you will ever need it. First of all, the trash can should be blessed with chipped and cracked dishes and mirrors with even minor defects. Every crack or chip emits very powerful negative energy. There is an opinion that the well-being of the home disappears through cracked dishes.

The apartment seems to have been cleaned. What then? Are we ready to celebrate Easter yet?

After washing the floors and airing, wash yourself. Wet your face and hands with holy water and let it dry on your skin. On the eve of Good Friday, Christ's disciples washed their teacher's feet. Therefore, the Thursday before Easter is called Clean. It is believed that pouring water on such a day brings health, wealth and beauty. Among the people, it was celebrated by the custom of cleansing with water - swimming in an ice hole, river, lake. Our ancestors bathed before sunrise; they said that a raven bathes its children on such a day.

The candle light is one of the symbols of Easter. How to clean your house with a candle?

The birth of fire has been surrounded by mystery since ancient times. To protect the home, they walked around the house and premises with livestock with a candle. From the front door, clockwise, you need to go around the entire house from the inside, including the bathroom and toilet, without missing a single corner, with a candle in your hand. Read “Our Father” and at the same time cross all corners, doors, beds, resting places and windows three times with a candle. Then melt the incense in a spoon on the stove and walk around the house with the smoking spoon, doing everything the same as with a candle. When the incense in the spoon cools down and does not smoke, it should be heated again and the consecration of the house should continue from the place where the spoon stopped smoking. Hide the spoon - it will come in handy more than once. Now take holy water and, again going around the house clockwise, spray (you can use a brush) three times all the corners, beds, windows, resting places, entrance doors, saying each time: “In the name of the Father” - the first sprinkling, “and the Son” - second sprinkling, “and the Holy Spirit. Amen!" - third spraying. After this procedure, the apartment is cleaned very well. At night, light a church candle in each room and repeat this for three nights in a row. You can also fumigate the rooms with a dry twig of St. John's wort, thistle and heather. Often one such ritual is enough to completely cleanse the biofield of an apartment. But it can only be done after general cleaning. If it does not help immediately, the entire procedure can be repeated two or three times within a month. For a long time, your apartment will be absolutely clean, unless you introduce dirt yourself due to a quarrel with your family or your own sad mood.

And here I am sitting in such a clean house, guests came, looked askance and ruined everything.

Unpleasant guests or people who secretly dislike you really leave a negative mark behind them. Therefore, after any guests leave, it is better to immediately wash the floors and ventilate the apartment. I advise you to do the same after a quarrel with your family. It is better not to let guests into children's rooms and into their own bedrooms. If you do not have a separate living room, then in addition to washing the floors, after they leave, you need to bathe the children and take a shower yourself. By the way, animals - especially cats, canaries, flowers - for example, geraniums, willow branches in a vase or sunflowers under the windows, are good at repelling energy attacks and defusing the atmosphere in the house. Be sure to listen to the bells ringing on Easter. The ringing of bells also drives away dark forces from us.

There is a popular belief that you cannot give anything from home to anyone on Easter, otherwise there will be grief in the family. And anyone who asks for something is probably a witch.

Not only on Easter, but also on other major holidays, for example, the Annunciation, Christmas or before Epiphany, you should not give anything from home to strangers. On such days, people knowledgeable in black magic can really do a lot of dirty tricks with the things they take from you. However, as you understand, if someone asks you for something on such days, it is not at all necessary that he is going to spoil you. Maybe he really needs sugar for the cake or an egg for the dough! But it’s better to play it safe and not give anything to strangers on such days.

Yes, you can’t give it. Should I take it?

It's better not to take it. Someone else's thing always carries a powerful energy charge from its former owner. And if the energy is negative, another unfavorable source will appear in your home.

Yes, we have a lot to do before Christ’s Sunday...

The Resurrection of Christ is the most joyful and solemn event for Christians. On Maundy Thursday, every Orthodox person strives to cleanse himself spiritually, take communion, and receive the sacrament. On the same day, eggs are painted for the Easter table. Candles are lit, the house and icons are decorated with flowers. All the evening of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday in the homes of Orthodox Christians before, and even now, they bake Easter cakes and make Easter, and then consecrate them. During Holy Week it was customary to do good deeds. It was believed that good deeds done in favor of people deprived by fate help remove sin from the soul. On Bright Sunday after Matins, the custom was to christen yourself - to kiss your family and friends three times. And it was impossible to refuse a kiss to anyone. The Easter holiday is unthinkable without eggs. They can be either real, colored with coffee, tea, beet juice and simply food coloring, or chocolate, sugar, marzipan... At least one of the colored eggs should be saved until the next Easter table, because it has the wonderful property of never spoiling . It is believed that the shell from an Easter egg should not be thrown out the window onto the street - after all, during the entire Bright Week, Christ and the Apostles walk on the earth and you can get into it.

You didn’t even realize it, but in fact, most of the sudden problems that appear in your family can be associated with the evil eye or damage to the house. In the worst cases, this may be due to the fact that evil spirits have “settled” in the house.

Such phenomena are very dangerous, since in most cases they lead to death, serious illness, divorce and poverty. Today I will show you how to get rid of it and how to recognize it. I also advise skeptics to read the Conspiracy, because it has no reverse consequences and relates exclusively to white magic. I assure you that if you start having spontaneous problems, they will disappear instantly.

How to recognize?

“You need to know that any evil spirit will do mischief and actively show its aggression when the residents of the house are as vulnerable as possible. In such an unprotected state we are in a dream. You should pay attention to disturbing, scary dreams or abnormal movements or sounds in the house at night,” said Yana Pasynkova.

“For most people, evil spirits are mythical mermaids, demons or devils. But in reality this is far from the case. Otherworldly forces, manifesting themselves in real life, can bring a lot of troubles and misfortune. Pets are great at reading information – they behave strangely or aggressively,” the psychic added.

According to the clairvoyant, if you feel something is wrong, you should take a church candle and walk around the apartment three times with prayer. This will help neutralize the negative influence of otherworldly forces.

How to get rid of evil spirits

This magical ritual must be performed in the evening, when it is already dark outside. Take a handful of regular salt in your left hand, preferably coarsely ground, and slowly walk around the whole house. During this, read prayers and a conspiracy: “Let everything bad, dark, witchcraft go into this salt: illnesses, curses, misfortunes, and leave my home forever.” Next, you should pour the salt used for the ritual onto the road, away from your home. The ritual must be repeated three evenings in a row.

To get rid of evil spirits, you can also use herbs. Poppy or weeping grass is best. The above herbs should be placed in front of the threshold. If you use poppy, it must be wild. Pre-bless it and scatter it throughout the house.

To prevent evil spirits from disturbing you and your family, you can make yourself a talisman. A pillow made of herbs that will ward off evil spirits can be a good amulet. Take the leaves of thyme, birch, mint, plantain, and cornflower flowers and place them inside the pillow you made. It will not only protect you while you sleep, but will also calm your nervous system, because no one will disturb your sleep.

Conspiracy to get rid of the unclean

Eternal God, deliver us from the captivity of the devil, deliver Thy servant (name) from every action of unclean spirits - and let them depart from the soul and body, from Thy servant (name), and let them not abide, lurk in him, or on attacking him, but may You, in Your name, flee from the creation of Your hands, may You, the Only Begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ and the Life-giving Cross, and Your Holy and Life-giving Spirit, may He be cleansed from every devilish action, slander, may He live reverently and righteously, and piously, worthy and life-giving mysteries, You are the only begotten Son and the Lord our God, Jesus Christ, with whom art thou blessed and glorified, with the most holy and good and life-giving Spirit, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Let them run away and retreat from this house and from this place!

And as you enter into every journey and journey, in eating and drinking, from the servant of God (name) - every devilish situation and sorcery, magical action by sprinkling prayer and sowing water, by sprinkling, all the devilish powers will disappear. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The plot must be repeated 3 times with an interval of 3 minutes.

Every evening you need to light a new candle, even if the old one has not burned out yet. When all 30 candles are used, collect them in one place and keep them in the house always, do not throw them away. Hide it in a secluded place.

I am sure that everything will work out for you!

How nice it is to come home after a hard day at work, take a shower and relax peacefully all evening in front of the TV. But, unfortunately, there are times when you don’t even want to go home. There is a feeling of heaviness and oppressiveness within the walls of one’s home. I don’t want to do anything at all and as a result depression sets in. All this is a sure sign that evil spirits have settled in your house and are not allowing you to live in peace.

In order to get rid of this scourge, perform the following ritual. You will need five church candles, which need to be placed on the table in a semicircle. In this case, the open side of this semicircle should face west. In the center of the semicircle of candles you need to place a crystal rosette with holy water. This is ideal! But if there is no crystal, then you can take an ordinary bowl, but be sure to use a new one. Prepare seven new knives in advance. When you buy knives, don’t take change. At sunset, light the candles clockwise. Now take each knife in turn and cut the water in the bowl with it while you read the plot. Seven knives - read the plot seven times. “There are seven knives, they are seven watchmen, seven damask servants, these knives guard my comfort. I will go up to the damask knives and tell them in a pleasant voice: remove fear and contempt, persecution from people. Take my sorrows, take my sorrows, take my troubles into pieces, cut them all, don’t let them back into my house. Amen".

After you read the spell for each knife, place them in the corners of the room in which you are performing the ritual, place one knife to the front door, the other to the window and the last knife under the table, approximately under a bowl of water. The knives need to be inserted so that they stand straight. If you are sorry to spoil the parquet and window sill, then place planks in advance on the indicated places into which you can stick knives. Having arranged the knives, turn to the window, look at the sunset and read the following conspiracy: “I drive out from this house all evil spirits, every unclean spirit in the name of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, the life-giving cross, the cruel grass, the prayers of the Saints, I send away the prince of hell. Take your unclean spirit out of my dwelling and give it back again to the old owner, take everything into your former hands, let's all go into the black depths, imprison the unclean spirit forever in the black depths with three iron keys, three damask locks, and seal it with three Solomon seals, and imprison his three curses of the Lord. Come, dark night, and take the black spirit, beyond the black swamps, beyond the black forests, into the black darkness. Amen".

As soon as you say the last word, extinguish the central candle with two fingers of your right hand, and leave the rest to burn out until the end. Go to bed. In the morning, when you wake up first thing, go to the table, take a bowl of water and throw the water out the window, while saying: “Don’t come back to me again.” Keep the central candle in a safe place... If you ever have to repeat this ritual, then place this candle again in the central place.

More ways to get rid of evil spirits from your home.

There are many ways to do this, choose the one you like best, either with prayers or with conspiracies.

If one method does not work and after the cleansing ritual you feel the presence of evil spirits in the house, do not despair, get down to business again and again, use ancient conspiracies and powerful prayers that people have used for many centuries to protect their home and expel them from it. unclean spirit.
To get rid of werewolves, ghosts and other evil spirits, some traditional techniques are recommended:

Stick a nail or knife into the place where evil spirits appear;
Find the place in the floor of the wooden flooring where the knot was, draw a triangle around it with your ring finger and step on this place with your left foot;
Draw a triangle around the “knot” in the floorboard (such recesses can also be found in old wooden frames on windows) with the tip of a knife and stick the knife into the middle of the triangle.
An aspen branch suspended above the threshold of the front door will not allow energy vampires into your home. Even a dry and winter one, placed in the bedroom, will save you from nightmares.
It is good to keep birch branches in the house, blessed for Trinity. They also help against evil spirits.
You should not sleep with the windows open from 12 to 3 am. At this time, the unclean are aggressive. Or drive four needles into the vents in the corners and pull the thread crosswise.
When going to bed, cross yourself, pillows and bed three times and read the prayer “Alive in Help.”
Crosses drawn (accumulated) outside and inside with a candle from the church that you held in your hands on Maundy Thursday will protect you and your home well from the unclean.
Chalk protects against evil spirits. It’s not for nothing that in the old days the walls were whitewashed with chalk, which created a certain protective background. Try it, the unclean don't like chalk. And wallpapering homes creates a favorable environment for them.
Cats and dogs sense the unclean well. The dog's hair rises on the back of its neck and it begins to bark at the place where the unclean ones are. And cats sometimes even leave the house.
On Maundy Thursday, a house or apartment can be fumigated with juniper, wild rosemary or heather. This will also protect and drive out the unclean from your home.
Buckthorn branches, consecrated in the church on Trinity Sunday, hung over the doors and windows of your home, will also protect you and your home from evil spirits.
On Epiphany, January 19, bless the water in the church and sprinkle it on your yard and apartment or house. By doing this you will also protect yourself from evil spirits.
You can knead the batter using blessed Epiphany water and use it to draw crosses above the front door (outside and inside the apartment). This will also protect you and your home from the tricks of evil, unkind people.

Don’t be afraid to throw away or donate things that you don’t like that have been given to you. After all, it is your property and you can do whatever you want with it. But if, nevertheless, an unloved gift remains in a visible place and often catches your eye, then you are simply accumulating negative impressions in your mind. But don’t try to deceive yourself and just hide this gift in a closet, in an attic chest or in a basement. The proverb: “out of sight, out of mind” will not work here. By hiding unnecessary things in closets and on the mezzanine, you risk creating a problem in one area or another of your life. Chi energy simply does not want to flow through places where unnecessary trash is located.

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