What cats can participate in exhibitions. Participation of a cat in an exhibition: how to properly prepare a pet so that it takes its rightful place. Virus protection: mandatory vaccinations

9. Participation of cats in exhibitions

It is useful for the owner of a purebred kitten to have some understanding of this type of activity, such as exhibition activities. It is gradually gaining more and more popularity not only abroad, but also in our country, and the profession of a cat breeder, which not so long ago seemed strange and unusual, today no longer surprises anyone.

Often people specifically buy high-breed show-class kittens so that in the future their pets can take part in prestigious exhibitions, take prizes and win awards. But much more often, owners spontaneously become involved in exhibition activities. It happens that an accidental victory causes sports excitement and inspires hope for further success.

It is impossible to argue with the statement that the first victory of a pet, even at an ordinary regional exhibition, not to mention prestigious international shows, is an unusually bright impression for its owner. It is difficult to disagree with the fact that it is very pleasant to realize that you are the owner of a magnificent show cat.

However, at the time of purchasing a kitten, it is quite difficult to predict its future fate. Even the most experienced breeder cannot confidently guarantee an excellent show career for the kitten for sale. In order to avoid possible disappointments, before you decide to put your pet in the ring, you need to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of this type of activity and make sure that both the owner and his pet are really ready for this. At the same time, it is very important not to overestimate the cat’s capabilities, because owners blinded by love are often prone to this.

It is important to remember that a hobby such as exhibition activity, as a rule, is not cheap and requires the animal owner to invest considerable funds. In this regard, he should first of all think about his financial capabilities. And of course, there can be no question of exhibiting a cat at an exhibition without having an idea of ​​the breed standards, registration rules and the requirements and conditions of a particular felinological organization.

In addition, you must be prepared to devote a lot of time and do everything possible so that the pet can show itself in front of the masses of people in all its glory. Poor exhibition preparation can result in a purebred animal not receiving a high title or being nominated for “Best in show”.

Unfortunately, many cat owners do not know how to prepare an animal for an exhibition, so complaints against experts at such events are not uncommon. In this chapter, an attempt will be made to reveal all the secrets of this difficult art - preparing a purebred cat for an exhibition. You can also get more detailed advice on the pre-show preparation of your pet from reputable felinological organizations: cat lovers clubs, breeding centers, where they will provide information about private grooming specialists involved (of course, for a monetary reward) in preparing cats for the show.

Health status, physiology and conditioning

The owner of a purebred show kitten must accustom the pet to the company of strangers from early childhood. Fear or aggression caused by noise and the presence of a large number of people will undoubtedly negatively affect the animal's assessment.

Of course, it will be very difficult for a person who does not have experience in this area to assess the exhibition condition of a pet. Therefore, in any case, it is worth consulting a breeder or veterinarian and asking him all the questions you have. As a rule, breeders themselves are interested in the exhibition career of their charges, which, undoubtedly, greatly facilitates the tasks of the owners.

Only after you are finally convinced that the kitten ideally corresponds to the standard of its breed, has no defects and is in good physical shape (there is no need to say that the latter condition is mandatory for participation in exhibitions), can you start preparing the pet for the upcoming exhibition in the ring .

The appearance of a purebred cat largely depends on its state of health.

It is necessary to protect your pet from receiving injuries of varying severity (scratches, abrasions, bites, fractures, etc.), since this may negatively affect the grade given to him at the competition.

Having discovered obvious traces of minor injuries on the animal’s body, members of the exhibition committee will probably reduce its points for condition (maximum score - 5 points), but disqualification is not excluded. More significant injuries that lead to irreversible changes in the cat’s appearance (serious injuries to the eyes, ears, broken tail, etc.) will put an end to the exhibition career of a purebred pet, however, it will be able to participate in breeding.

If the owner is a member of a reputable felinological organization and wants to use his injured pet for breeding work, then he will have to demonstrate his merits at an exhibition held at the club level, where the animal will be given the necessary breeding assessment. The management of the breeding commission and the organizing committee of the club exhibition may require a medical report on the origin of the pet’s defects, and the owner is obliged to provide them with such a document.

Often the reason for the violation of the exhibition condition of representatives of the cat family is the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands located at the base of the tail and inflammation of their ducts. To avoid such troubles, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the skin at the base of the cat’s tail: at the slightest contamination, wash the area where the ducts are located, and when the first signs of inflammation appear in the animal, seek help from a veterinarian.

The cause of disruption of the normal activity of the sebaceous glands may be a metabolic disorder in the body. The doctor will advise what to do in this case; the owner will probably have to change the living conditions of the pet, its feeding regime and the composition of the daily diet, and also pay attention to the breeding load.

When planning your pet's participation in an exhibition, you should remember that a pregnant cat can be appreciated by an expert only if the signs of her pregnancy are outwardly invisible (up to 4 weeks). A lactating (nursing) cat can take part in exhibitions, however, if its mammary glands are enlarged and the hair around the nipples is darkened or worn out, the exhibition expert will certainly reduce the overall rating. Therefore, there is no point in claiming a high title.

Estrus cannot be considered a serious obstacle to participation in the exhibition. However, when including a pet in the list of exhibited animals, do not forget that in this state the cat is characterized by excessive excitability and nervousness. Probably, in this case, the owner will have to contact the members of the exhibition committee with a request to show his cat independently (without the help of stewards) even before the examination begins.

It should be remembered that the smell of a cat ready for mating is very exciting for males, so you should try to place your pet so that its exhibition cage is located away from the males’ cages.

Well-mannered cat

Shedding in cats is a seasonal change in coat and is a natural condition. However, pets living in city apartments with central heating can shed all year round, albeit with varying degrees of intensity, and it is very difficult to predict in what form they will appear before the exhibition committee. Nevertheless, daily observations of your pet will reveal such features as the duration of its molting and the rate of growth of new fur in shed areas.

Particular attention should be paid to the sequence in which the change of different types of hair in an animal occurs (integumentary, guard, undercoat), and also try to remember at what stage of molting the pet loses its decorative hair. Thanks to such knowledge, the owner will be able to determine, even at the beginning of molting, whether his pet is able to acquire the necessary shape by the beginning of the next exhibition.

As a rule, cats shed unevenly, which deteriorates their appearance; a consequence of seasonal molting may be a distortion of the typical texture of the coat, in other words, during this period the animal’s coat appears coarse, hard and even dry.

Shedding also negatively affects the color: cats with a uniform coat color (with the exception of white) lose the uniformity of color, tabbies lose the clarity of the pattern, smoky cats lose the contrast of multi-colored areas, and due to the loss of part of the undercoat in some areas, the “smoke” itself. Shaded cats, chinchillas and cameos become a little darker, the coloring of the tips of the hair (tipping) loses its uniformity, and a pattern appears on the paws and body.

According to the WCF standard, when determining the winner at shows, they take into account, among other indicators, the condition of the cat, that is, its readiness to participate in the exhibition and grooming. An animal can claim first place only if, with all other ideal indicators, it has clean fur and a neat appearance.

Shedding has the most serious consequences for smoky-colored cats, chinchillas and cameos, which have a contrasting white or golden undercoat. Color defects caused by loss of undercoat will usually result in a lower grade at the show.

Sometimes seasonal molting can become too intense and prolonged. This indicates serious deviations in the animal’s health, for example, the development of liver diseases, dysbiosis, hormonal disorders, etc. Sometimes the cause of prolonged shedding can be a lack of vitamins in the pet’s diet, but before you start using fortified supplements, laboratory tests should be done.

Repeated winner

At exhibitions, special requirements are placed on the fatness of cats: their ribs and dorsal vertebrae should be palpable, but not clearly visible; characteristic fat deposits are necessary only in those areas that give the breed specificity; excess weight and fat deposits in the abdominal area are undesirable.

Serious deviations in the fatness of the animals should be avoided, since in the month remaining before the exhibition (and it is at this time that owners of purebred cats usually remember the shortcomings of their pets), it is unlikely that it will be possible to return them to the desired shape. Of course, if the daily diet is reduced, the cat will lose a lot of weight, but it will take at least 40–50 days to restore the elasticity of the sagging and stretched skin in the places where the fat deposits have disappeared. In addition, by putting your pet on a strict diet, the owner may get a completely different result. So, the pet’s face will lose weight, but the folds on the stomach will remain, or the cheeks will remain, and the stomach will tighten to such an extent that the body will not meet the accepted standard. Often, starvation diets lead to metabolic disorders and the development of dysbiosis.

In connection with the above reasons, measures to reduce your pet’s weight should be taken at least 40 days before the next exhibition. If this is done later, then you should not try to achieve the desired effect in any way; all efforts will only lead to the animal acquiring a number of diseases.

The daily intake should be reduced gradually; The most painless way to lose weight for a cat is to replace part of the meat food with boiled vegetables (carrots, beets) and steamed bran.

If the animal is accustomed to commercially produced dry food, you can use low-calorie food such as Slim S-37 from Royal Canin or Hill's Science Plan Light from Hill's. The owner should not give the pet previously unused dry food in the last weeks before the exhibition, since even high-quality products may cause an allergic reaction. In the pre-exhibition period, the animal should move more; for this it is necessary to provide it with physical activity, for example, keep it busy with fun games.

Sometimes cats or females participating in an exhibition may be undernourished. The most likely reasons for this are nutritional imbalances, health problems, and increased levels of sex hormones (the latter is typical for young animals).

To eliminate such a deficiency (lack of weight), you need to carefully analyze your pet’s daily diet, evaluate the feeding pattern and, if necessary, make adjustments. If the animal eats only dry food, you should purchase one in the store that promotes weight gain - “Fit F-32” and “Sensible S-33” from Royal Canin, “Hill’s Science Plan Maintenance” from Hill’s, etc.

If changes in feeding are ineffective, you should consult a veterinary clinic. The cat will probably have to be tested for dysbiosis (this is the most common cause of weight loss), helminthiasis and the level of digestive enzymes.

If the cause of insufficient nutrition is a high level of sex hormones in the animal’s body, it is worth considering whether it is necessary to engage in its exhibition career at this time. Wouldn't it be better to use a mature male or female for breeding?

Peculiarities of cat behavior at exhibitions

Any demonstration in front of a large crowd of unfamiliar people and animals is very stressful for the cat. A pet that is not used to trusting people and quickly adapting to a new environment will not be able to perform well at an exhibition, so the sooner the owner begins to develop in him such qualities as trust and contact, the more successful his exhibition career will develop.

To accustom an animal to a person, you need to try to pick it up as often as possible, and you can start doing this when the kitten is still feeding on its mother’s milk. If a pet spent its childhood in a nursery enclosure and had little contact with people, it will most likely be shy and unsociable, and the owner will have to make every effort to accustom the animal to people.

Today in pet stores you can buy all kinds of hair care products for cats of various colors: tinting and lightening shampoos, conditioners, sprays for raising hair, as well as products for evening out tone and intensifying color. However, you should not use new products immediately before the exhibition; you need to check their effect on individual parts of your pet’s body in advance.

Quite often, stewards and exhibition experts (sometimes owners) become the object of aggression from furry “models”. As a rule, the reason for such behavior is fear of unfamiliar surroundings and people (this is a kind of defensive reaction), as well as unknown irritating odors. Aggression due to the second reason is more typical for males; it is almost impossible to make any adjustments to their behavior.

To prevent a change of environment from becoming a huge shock for your pet, you should take him for walks more often (you can simply hold the animal in your arms and walk down the street), or take him out to the country. Such changes will teach the cat to adapt to new conditions; a similar result can be achieved by starting to show your pet at exhibitions from childhood. Through early participation in exhibition events, the animal also learns to behave correctly in the hands of a steward or owner during a show. For each breed there is a special “demonstrative” pose: usually the animal is held in the arms, supporting the hind legs with one and the front legs with the other; At this time, the pet should be in a somewhat collected (grouped) position and not show any signs of anxiety.

It is possible to reduce the severity of the reaction to a stressful situation and improve the animal’s adaptive abilities with the help of special medications, for example immunostimulants (immunofan, SGOL - homogenized serum enriched with lactates, etc.).

You should not give animals tranquilizers intended for humans (diphenhydramine, etc.), since the reaction to them in cats is completely different than in humans. Animals become overly excitable, they experience excessive salivation, and sometimes breathing problems.

General requirements for pre-exhibition preparation

After pre-show preparation (show grooming), the cat must meet the following requirements:

Cleanliness of coat and skin;

Cleanliness of the ears;

Cleanliness of the organs of vision and the areas around the eyes, the absence of discharge from the eyes and traces of them (yellow or brownish spots on the fur);

Cleanliness of the area around the anus.

In order for the animal to meet the requirements, it must be completely or partially washed before exhibition. Some owners of purebred cats make big mistakes by starting to groom their pet immediately on the day of the exhibition, washing it with toilet soap or shampoo, or using low-quality products for grooming. The result of such actions can be exactly the opposite of what was expected - the animal may develop dandruff, an allergic reaction, or the breed-specific coat texture may be disrupted.

Hygienic procedures when preparing for an exhibition are simply necessary

You should try to use only special detergents produced by companies with a good reputation (for example, Shows, Jean Pierre Hari, etc.) to care for your cat’s fur. However, we should not forget that even shampoos from well-known manufacturers can cause an individual allergic reaction in a pet. Therefore, when planning to use this or that detergent in exhibition grooming for the first time, it is worth testing it first (20–30 days before the exhibition) on certain parts of the pet’s body, for example on the paws or tail, to make sure there is no allergic reaction and to evaluate the quality of the washed fur .

When preparing your pet for an exhibition, special attention should be paid to problem areas - the outer surface of the base of the tail, where the ducts of the sebaceous glands open; the inner surface and lower part of the limbs; areas around the eyes and mouth; anus and adjacent area.

Problem areas on the tail and paws of an animal can be brought into proper condition using shampoos used during normal washing. Sometimes, to whiten these areas, dishwashing detergents with a pH-neutral reaction are used that do not irritate the skin of the hands. However, it is best to use special cosmetics with a whitening effect, such as Iraise Ring 5 and 8 in 1, to remove fat, yellowness and tear tracks from cat fur.

As a rule, healthy animals have clean ears, but wax can still accumulate in them. To remove it, you can use a cotton swab, but you cannot use any medications (boric acid, anti-mite drugs), as they can irritate the delicate skin inside the ear.

It is best to clean your pet's ears the day before the show, but it would be a good idea to take a look inside your cat's ears a few weeks before the event. If you find black spots, dried crusts or any discharge there, you should immediately contact a veterinarian; Perhaps the pet has become infected with ear mites or has developed an inflammatory process.

Often at exhibitions special techniques are used to improve the appearance of pets. So, in order to make the head appear more round and the ears smaller, remove the tassels from the ears. They are cut with small scissors, holding the tip of the ear between the thumb and forefinger. Ears that are too large can also be visually reduced by slightly fluffing the hair on the top of the head. The neck will look more massive if the hair is backcombed, and the tail will appear shorter if the hairs at the tip are plucked.

Some cat owners dye their pet's fur to give it a more dramatic look. Carrying out this procedure before the exhibition is strictly prohibited. The judges will easily detect traces of dye and the animal will be immediately disqualified.

A cat's favorite activity is sharpening its claws

Another mandatory element of show grooming is nail trimming. This procedure is carried out the day before the exhibition using special nail clippers or manicure clippers. It is not recommended to use sharpened nail scissors to trim cat's claws, as the animal's claw may crack or split lengthwise. Typically the claw is cut down 2-3mm, being careful not to cut into any blood vessels and only removing dead (clear) tissue at the tip.

Features of preparation

There are many known ways to prepare cats for an exhibition, and there is no universal method among them. The fact is that all cats are distinguished by characteristic hereditary characteristics (in particular, the structure of their fur), exhibit individual allergic reactions, and the conditions under which they are kept can be very different. And you should not use a new method of grooming, praised by someone, a few days before the exhibition; you must first check whether the pet is allergic to the products and drugs used in the preparation process.

Armed with a metal comb with rounded teeth, you need to comb the animal’s fur, slowly running it through the fur several times against the direction of hair growth; on the sides and belly, perform the procedure along the fur. You should comb the armpit areas with special care, since hair falls off here much more often. If there is no special need, the tail should not be touched, but if you have to comb it, you must act very carefully, but in no case against the hair.

Each cat breed is beautiful and attractive in its own way.

After combing the coat, you need to collect the combed hairs using a bristle massage brush or a comb with large metal teeth. In recent years, breeders are increasingly refusing to use the so-called slicker brush - a comb with frequent, small, curved metal teeth, since it causes pain to long-haired pets.

Exhibition grooming involves, in addition to combing, also washing the coat. This is a very important undertaking. Some cat owners prefer regular bathing using special cat shampoos, while others get by with dry washing.

Routine washing is most often carried out a week before the exhibition or the night immediately before the exhibition. Some owners prefer to bathe 2 times: 2 weeks before the exhibition and 2 days before it, then by this time the wool has time to acquire vibrant shine and strength.

Testing cat shampoo should be done in advance so that there are no unpleasant surprises before the exhibition.

Shampoo for pre-show bathing is selected according to color:

As a rule, regular washing requires a lot of time, since the wool should be soaped and washed 3-5 times. This should be done carefully, especially in areas such as the tail, paws, and chest. Finally, conditioner or a special fluffer is applied to the animal’s fur. After this, the animal should be thoroughly rinsed with water (you can use a weak solution of vinegar), wipe dry and dry with a hairdryer, not forgetting to comb the outer hairs and undercoat as usual during drying. By leaving the animal wet, the owner risks getting himself extra work, since the fur of a long-haired cat will certainly become matted.

The advantage of dry bathing is that the procedure does not require much time: cleansing powder or dry shampoo is evenly distributed throughout the animal’s fur, rubbed into the skin and hair roots, and the residue is removed with a massage brush.

In the UK, according to established tradition, each color of a long-haired cat is considered a separate breed, therefore, slightly different requirements are imposed on multi-colored animals participating in exhibitions. Nevertheless, one of the main criteria for assessing cats of different colors are standards.

Often, cat owners use all kinds of conditioners and sprays when caring for their pets. After treatment with such products, the animal’s fur must be combed with a massage bristle brush.

If your pet does develop tangles, you must first carefully untangle them with your hands and then comb them in the direction of hair growth. Only as a last resort should you take up the scissors; in this case, the pet is unlikely to win a prize at the exhibition, since the fur will take a long time to grow back.

To stimulate hair growth, you can introduce fortified supplements containing biotin, taurine, sulfur and other microelements into your pet’s diet. But it should be borne in mind that under the influence of biotin-rich preparations, the growing fur changes the color tone, and this negatively affects the entire color of the pet.

If there is not much time left before the exhibition, and your pet’s fur grows very slowly, you can use proven vitamin complexes that do not cause an allergic reaction and do not disrupt the natural vitamin balance in the animal’s body.


You can also stimulate hair growth with the help of special preparations applied directly to the skin and outer hair of the cat. Such an activating agent is often special sprays that are used after molting.

Bleaching of the fur around the eyes begins 1-2 weeks before the exhibition. Eyes are cleansed using paper napkins. When purchasing a drug, it is advisable to ask the seller about the rules of use.

Bleach is selected individually for each cat, because its effect is different for different animals. It should also be remembered that it is impossible to achieve an effect with these drugs in a short period of time. So the procedure should begin long before the exhibition, but it is better to try to prevent the appearance of discharge in the cat. To do this, you should take better care of your eyes, and also remember to powder the fur surrounding your eyes so that it absorbs less tear fluid.

If you care for the hair around the eyes on a daily basis, it is recommended to use an aqueous solution of boric acid for this purpose (1 teaspoon of acid per 1 glass of boiled water). Using bleach every day is not very beneficial for fur hairs, since they become degreased and become porous, and in addition, accidental contact with the eye can cause damage.

Before you start cleaning the fur around your cat's eyes with a boric acid solution, you need to wipe them with a soft white cloth to keep the eyes dry. For cleaning, it is better to use special small napkins - one for each centimeter of fur. Gradually remove stains from the hairs around the eyes and dry them with a soft cloth.

If irritation of the mucous membrane occurs during cleansing of the stains, you need to drop any anti-inflammatory drops into your eyes.

Sometimes at exhibitions a cat squints its eyes in fear. To prevent this from happening during the examination, you can drop Visine drops into your eyes 15 minutes before the examination. Some owners trim their cats' eyelashes before a show to make their eyes appear larger. But this can be harmful to your pet, increasing the risk of infection entering his eyes.

It is advisable to begin final exhibition preparations 7–10 days before the start of the exhibition. First, you should do trimming - pluck out the hair tufts on the ears and remove coarse outer hairs. The tassels located on the tips of the ears of Persians and Siberians are usually plucked with fingers, trying to give them a neat, well-groomed appearance.

The champion is resting

Coarse, long, hard, thick, outer hair on the back, pelvic area and tail of the pet, clearly different from the main mass of fur, is removed with tweezers. In solid-colored and tortoiseshell cats, it is recommended to pluck, in addition to coarse and hard hairs, also white hairs that have lost pigmentation; In cats with patterns, the outer hair should not be touched. You should not trim if the animal sheds or needs to remove a large amount of outer hair.

The final stage of preparation

Final preparation should be carried out directly on the day of the exhibition, preferably in the morning. It consists of refreshing the wool before the show so that it plays and shines. The main way to achieve this result is through frequent brushing. However, other means are used, individual for each color.

For white colors, it is recommended to treat the entire length of the coat with Eclat or any liquid powder. In this case, you should comb the cat until the fur is completely dry. You can also use dry powder, but you should try not to leave it on the fur so that it does not fall off the cat when showing it to the experts. When powdering, it is necessary to carefully shade dark or dirty areas. To do this, use a small natural bristle brush. After applying the powder to the coat, carefully comb out the excess or blow it off with a hairdryer. Finally, “Protein” spray or “Eclat” should be applied to the wool, this will give it shine. Sprays should be sprayed from a distance of at least 30 cm.

Flowers for the winner

On the coat of light-colored cats, it is recommended to first apply Shows conditioner (others can cause discoloration of the coat, significantly darkening it), and then white powder (dry or liquid), the excess of which is then removed by careful combing. You can use tinting powders, but do not forget that the combination of their tone with the shade of the fur of each specific animal can give an unpredictable color effect. 1-2 hours before the show, you can spray the fur with Show or Protein spray.

Cats with intense and patterned coat colors (black, red, tortoiseshell, golden, tabby) should not be powdered, even with tinting powders. It is better to use antistatic agents that fluff up the fur, as well as aerosols that add brightness to the color and contrast to the stripes of marbled cats. These are air conditioners such as “NV-plus” or “Eclat”.

Red cats can be treated with small amounts of white powder or dry shampoo. The powder is also used to prepare cats of merle colors. In this case, certain artistic abilities will be required. Light areas should be treated with white powder to make them appear even lighter. Dark places with insufficient color need to be carefully darkened further. Black marbled cats can be lightly powdered with red color powder so that a slight red tint appears and the color shade is not too cold.

To prevent your cat from feeling anxious when being picked up, you need to do it correctly. An adult animal should be supported with one hand under the body from behind, and pressed with the other, placing the hand between the front legs. You can grab the kitten by the scruff of the neck and support the body from below. Under no circumstances should you pick up a cat by its paws or tail, as this can make it angry and cause aggression.

The chin should be lightened if it is too dark, and vice versa, darkened if it is too light. To do this, you can use powder that matches the color tone.

The final touch of show grooming is show combing. It involves a particularly thorough combing of a powdered or antistatic-treated animal against the grain. The purpose of this procedure is to fluff up or lift the cat's fur. This procedure is carried out using a combined massage brush with metal teeth and natural bristles; you can also use a metal comb and a massage brush in turn. The fur of pets with tabby (patterned) colors is not fluffed; on the contrary, it is lightly smoothed with a massage brush to make the pattern brighter and clearer. For greater effect, it is recommended to comb the fur of long-haired cats several times throughout the exhibition.

After the exhibition you can relax

During the show, you can use a few tricks to present your pets in the best possible way. For example, cats that are not very fluffy should be turned to face the audience, and the animal should be seated so that its body is grouped and its tail is directed towards the experts.

Very fluffy cats are shown turned in three quarters of a turn, and the tail is laid in a ring. Marbled cats must be shown sideways in order to show off their bright colors to the audience in all their glory. The exotic can be placed on your hand and shown with its back so that the contrast of its color becomes more noticeable.

After the exhibition, it is necessary to give the cat a bath in order to wash off all the preparations with which the fur was coated in preparation for the show. Otherwise, when licking, he may swallow substances harmful to him, which will lead to serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as food poisoning.

Preparing kittens (up to 6 months of age)

Kittens up to 6 months of age have a different coat from that of an adult animal, so there are some peculiarities in their preparation for an exhibition.

Antistatic agents must not be used. If the kitten’s fur is highly electrified, then it is permissible to use “Shows” spray, which is applied first to the person’s hands, and only then can the kitten be stroked with wet hands.

The kitten has very soft fur behind the ears and on the chest, so dry shampoo or powder should only be applied to the back and belly, after which the excess should be carefully combed out.

Before showing it, you need to wipe the kitten’s eyes and, if necessary, drop some Visine.

Preparing shorthair cats

Short-haired cats are prepared for an exhibition in almost the same way as long-haired ones: they are washed and their fur is treated using special products (cat shampoos, conditioners, sprays), but these procedures are performed much less frequently: dry bathing once every 3-4 weeks, and regular – once every 2–4 months.

After washing the pets, comb them with a metal comb with rounded teeth according to the usual pattern: first against the hair, and when reaching the sides and belly, in the direction of hair growth. Particular attention should be paid to the axillary areas; the tail should not be combed unless absolutely necessary; if you have to do this, then only in the direction of hair growth.

Some cats go for a swim on their own

The short-haired wool does not tangle because it is dense, however, the animals are not able to independently care for it and remove dying hairs. You will have to spend 3-4 evenings a week brushing your pet. It is recommended to use a massage brush with natural bristles or a metal comb with medium-sized teeth for this procedure.

The kitten's pedigree must be collected from the seller, and the baby must be registered in your name at the club. Copies of documents are left to the former owner. In addition, it is necessary to find out whether the animal has been vaccinated against panleukopenia and enteritis (dangerous feline diseases), and, if necessary, vaccinate it as quickly as possible.

To stimulate hair growth in cats and remove the effects of lacrimation, the same products are used as for long-haired cats - fortified supplements, sprays, eye drops and ointments.

Direct exhibition preparation of cats begins 7–10 days before the start of the exhibition: trimming and water procedures are carried out in the same areas as for long-haired cats. In the morning, on the day of the exhibition, the pets' fur is treated with powder, but it is used in small quantities. Then, combing with a metal comb and a massage brush against the grain, the animal is brought into proper condition. If the undercoat is well developed, the pet's coat will look amazing, otherwise it will be impossible to raise the coat.

The kitten needs a cozy home

Pre-show preparation of cats of different colors

Persian cats of different colors are prepared differently for an exhibition. Washing with liquid shampoo and combing while drying are done as usual, but at different times.

It is advisable to bathe cats of dark and intense colors (black, chocolate, smoky variations, black and brown tabby, tortoiseshell) 7-10 days before the exhibition; bicolors, chinchillas and light color-points - 2-3 days before exhibition events; and lightened and contrasting cats (blue, cream, silver tabby), dark color-points (sil-, chocolate- and blue-) and cameo-colored cats - 4-5 days before the exhibition.

It is better to wash white cats in the evening, on the eve of the exhibition, and dry them with a hairdryer, using talc or a special powder that absorbs excess moisture and removes traces of fat from the coat. The powder is usually rubbed into the hair roots and then combed out with a massage brush. It is better to treat the fur of dark-colored cats with cherry laurel water rather than powder; After this procedure, the animals are combed with a massage brush so that each hair is separated from the body.

For all cats, regardless of color, trimming is carried out: for solid cats, light hairs on the withers, back, along the tail and on the paws are plucked, for bicolor cats, white hairs in colored spots are removed, and for chinchillas and silver shaded cats, a few dark and coarse or covering hairs dyed to the base. However, when carrying out trimming, you should remember that this procedure should be performed if the animal is not in the molting stage.

Cats colored in cold colors (blue, black) are contraindicated from sunbathing before the exhibition, as this can lead to fading of the fur and the appearance of brown and rusty spots on it. You should also not put a blanket or overalls on shedding color-points: while this will benefit Siamese and other short-haired color-points, for long-haired pets, dressing in warm material can greatly affect the quality of the coat.

A daily 10-minute massage can be an effective prevention of many diseases that occur in old cats. It is better to carry it out when the cat is relaxed: first you should massage the head, neck and paws, and then move on to the ears (they should be gently rubbed with your hands, starting from the base to the very tips). During the procedure, you should try not to touch the spine and areas where the trachea passes.

White cats

Cats of this color are very expensive, which is explained by the difficulty of breeding them, since it is not always possible to breed white kittens if one of the parents does not have this color. It is undesirable to cross two white individuals, because the kittens may have pathologies (for example, deafness).

White wool requires especially careful care. It is often very important for such cats to properly organize their toilet. Here you can use special backfills that do not stain the paws.

An equally important point in caring for white cats is caring for the eyes and the hair around the eyes. Every day you need to wipe your eyes with sterile gauze. In case of strong discharge, treat as conjunctivitis, with antibiotic drops.

If your cat's fur is very fluffy, then small hairs can easily get into the eyes, which causes irritation. It is necessary to monitor and remove them in time. With constant eye care during the exhibition, no problems will arise and the white pet will look just great. There will be no urgent need to clean the face, chest and front legs of dark stains.

Blue cats

This color is highly prized at shows as it is rarely seen in its pure form. Often representatives of the blue color have a number of shortcomings that significantly reduce their rating at exhibitions. The main disadvantages are the darkened color, as a result of which the cats look simply gray, and the unevenly distributed color of the coat, which is why the color does not have a bluish tint on all parts of the body. These cats usually have a darker back.

Blue cats have very fine and fluffy fur. It requires much more careful care than the coat of cats of other colors. These cats should be brushed and powdered daily.

The color quality of a blue pet is also affected by nutrition. To prevent its fur from darkening with age, it is recommended not to feed the cat oatmeal or seafood from childhood. Vitamins high in biotin should also not be given.

Before the exhibition, a blue cat should be washed 2-3 days in advance, and then thoroughly powdered and combed every day so that there are no tangled areas. Just before the show, you need to treat the wool with an antistatic agent and comb it thoroughly, placing it almost vertically.

If your cat's back is darkened, you can proceed as follows. 2 months before the exhibition, all guard hair, which is usually darker than the undercoat, must be removed.

In addition, do not forget that a blue cat should have dark orange eyes, and the more intense the color, the higher the cat will be rated. The nose and paw pads should be dark gray. If the Persian does not meet these requirements, then he will not see victory.

Cream cats

Solid cream colors are highly prized at the show. The presence of stripes or white undercoat will result in a lower score. Cream cats have fur that is particularly soft and thick. Therefore, she needs careful care: more frequent washing and combing.

As mentioned above, you should not use lightening shampoos while preparing for an exhibition. To even out the color, it is better to pluck the guard hair, which is usually darker and even striped. This procedure should begin long before the start of the exhibition. During the exhibition itself, cream cats should be thoroughly powdered with white powder and combed.

The cream color may change with age, so their owners, as well as owners of blue cats, are advised to exclude oatmeal, seafood and vitamins containing biotin from the kittens’ diet. These products can have a bad effect on coat color.

Red cats

Red colors are very popular. A lot of representatives of this color participate in exhibitions, creating tough competition and strict selection. As a result, even an insignificant detail can cause a decrease in the expert’s assessment. Such little things include too light an undercoat, black spots on the nose and lips, as well as the presence of white hairs in the coat.

Slight striping on the legs and face will not affect the score, but will significantly reduce the chance of winning. A solid brown shade of fur is also not welcome.

To make the color more uniform, you can resort to a little trick. To do this, after bathing, the cat’s fur must be rinsed with a decoction of onion peels. In this case, thoroughly rinse off any remaining dye. The coat itself will look more well-groomed and shiny after this procedure. When the wool is dry, it should be sprinkled with white powder.

It is not recommended to use dyes, otherwise the animal will be disqualified. To correct color imperfections, you should trim and shade certain areas with powder. But you must try not to have too much powder on the fur during the show, otherwise the judges may remove the animal from examination.

Black Cats

The black color delights all cat lovers. It looks very impressive and luxurious. Accordingly, the requirements for these animals are very high. For example, the presence of white hairs or gray undercoat significantly reduces the score, and white spots lead to disqualification.

Raising a purebred black cat is not easy. Often kittens of this color have a light undercoat. Only at the age of 1.5 years can it be determined whether the color is completely black. For this reason, judges are not too strict with kittens, but a very strict selection is made among adult animals. Only animals with impeccable color are allowed for breeding.

To improve the color of a black cat's coat, it is recommended to add substances to the diet that enhance the color intensity. These are foods such as seaweed, seafood containing vitamins, and oatmeal.

Under no circumstances should you use shampoos with clarifying agents. It is best to buy bottles marked “for black animals.” It is not recommended to powder your pet with ordinary powder and dry shampoos, as they leave behind light marks. If this procedure is still necessary, then you can use talc mixed with finely ground activated carbon for this purpose. The same mixture can be used to shade lightened areas.

If there are white hairs, they should be plucked. Light undercoat should also be removed if possible.

You need to start raising a kitten as early as possible

Necessary accessories

When preparing for an exhibition with your male cat, you need to put the following items in your bag:

Accessories for the interior design of the cage - bedding and draperies that will cover the cage on three sides (this is done so that the pet is less nervous about the presence of unfamiliar cats nearby). In cases where animals are allowed to stay in their own cages at an exhibition, use a special cage box with opaque side walls;

A disinfectant intended for treating cages and hands, and wipes for disinfection;

A set of combs: a combined massage brush with natural bristles and round metal teeth, a metal comb;

Cosmetics – powder or talc, a means to remove traces of tears, etc.;

Paper tissues or sterile cotton swabs for cleaning eyes and eye drops;

Cotton swabs for cleaning ears;

Gauze or paper napkins;

Pet's favorite toys;

Tray or tray for cat litter;

A saucer for water and a plate for food.

You should stock up on water and dry or canned food; an anxious pet may not need food and drink at the show, but it’s still worth taking care of. The owner must also bring food and drinks for himself, because he will have to spend a lot of time away from home, next to his pet.

You should not forget to take with you your pet’s pedigree (or a copy of the pedigree), certificates confirming the animal’s participation in various exhibitions and championships (or copies thereof), a veterinary passport or medical certificates, a receipt for payment for the examination carried out at the exhibition and a club membership card (if any). available).

Exhibition ethics

Before showing your pet at an exhibition, you need to register it with the event organizer. The exhibition schedule is published in official printed publications and on the Internet on information sites. To find out about all the rules and conditions of the exhibition, you should call the organizers or contact them by email.

Applications for participation in the exhibition are usually submitted 4 weeks before the start of the exhibition; the application form indicates the exact data on the animal and its owner (to avoid inaccuracies, it is better to fill out the sheet in block letters): the name of the exhibited animal and its parents, breed, color, gender, pedigree, date of birth, exhibition class; the club the cat owner belongs to; Contact phone numbers; ratings that the owner expects when exhibiting his pet.

If before the day of the exhibition the data has changed (for example, the class of the pet has changed or it has been transferred to a different color), the members of the exhibition committee should be warned about the need to make changes to the evaluation sheets, and this must be done before the examination begins.

The application process should be taken very seriously, since the requirements of the exhibition organizers in this regard are very strict. Any, even the most insignificant, inaccuracy, which will certainly be discovered by experts, is grounds for disqualification.

The completed application must be mailed along with the application fee. It is best to register as early as possible (registration usually starts 4 weeks before the event) because the number of places is limited and the organizers have every right to exclude latecomers from participating in the exhibition. When all these requirements are met, a representative of the organization will inform the participant when and where the exhibition will take place. Having found out this, you can start preparing your pet for the event. To ensure your pet looks great and is in excellent condition on the big day, it is recommended to start all the necessary preparations several weeks before the exhibition.

There must be water in the cage, because when an animal is agitated, its body becomes dehydrated. If a cat is at an exhibition for the first time, she may refuse food and water and not go to the toilet due to extreme stress. This should not worry the pet owner too much.

When submitting an application to participate in an exhibition of a felinological organization of which the cat owner is not a member, you must first try to find out whether the declared experts are licensed and where the exhibition is registered. In addition, you should find out whether titles received from experts of another felinological society are counted in your home club.

It is also worth asking the organizers of the exhibition whether it is allowed to leave animals in their cages; if not, then you should try to find out the size and design of the exhibition cages, this will allow you to stock up on draperies of the required size.

The next thing you need to do to participate in the exhibition is to pay for it. In addition, you should clarify what time the exhibition will be held and what documents you need to have with you.

On the day on which the exhibition is scheduled, you must arrive at the exhibition hall and register. This procedure is usually carried out from 8 to 10 am and is mandatory for all exhibitors. It is best to arrive at the exhibition a few hours before the start. Firstly, the pet must adapt to the change in environment; and secondly, you need to have time to undergo a veterinary examination. Before the start of the event, a specialist carefully assesses the physical condition of each animal. As has been stated many times, cats with any signs of disease are not allowed to exhibit. In this case, the owner is issued a certificate detailing the reasons for disqualification.

Usually at international shows there is a manager who presents each cat to the judges in turn. At the same time, experts have every right to refuse to examine aggressive animals that do not allow themselves to be handled.

A veterinary inspection carried out at registration is an integral part of many exhibitions. Even when applying for participation in the exhibition, the owner must be informed about the cost of veterinarian services and the need to have a veterinary passport of the pet or certificates of vaccination against certain diseases. Often, organizing committees provide owners of exhibiting animals with instructions that list all the requirements for exhibition participants, and sign an agreement to comply with them.

When registering, you must also check the correctness of the data about the cat included in the exhibition catalog (a schedule for evaluating the various classes will also be given here). If you notice an error, you must immediately inform the members of the organizing committee so that they have time to make changes before the examination begins. Without doing this, the owner risks depriving his pet of the awards and points he honestly earned.

If the cat successfully passes the veterinary examination, its owner receives a pass and a tag with the exhibition cage number, after which he takes his place in the showroom. Usually all cages are pre-disinfected, but as a precaution it is still worth subjecting the cage to additional sanitary treatment. To do this, you need to wipe the cage with alcohol, or a chlorhexidine solution, or other disinfectants.

Then you need to equip the cage with all the previously prepared accessories: install a tray with litter for the toilet, put down bedding, put a bowl of water. It is important to choose a bedding color that will favorably highlight the color of the pet you are presenting.

As a precaution, you can fence the cage with glass or transparent plastic so that your pet does not get infected from anyone. People who come to the exhibition should not be allowed to touch the cat with their hands - they can transfer the infection from another cat.

After all these preparations, you can place the cat in a cage and start decorating its temporary home. Often, kitten owners are allowed to decorate cages with curtains, pillows, etc., and at some shows in the United States, participants are even awarded special prizes for the most beautiful cage.

An exhibition is an event where everything is imbued with a festive atmosphere, so not only the pet should look great, but also its owner. He should try to dress appropriately for the occasion and should never wear a tracksuit, no matter how nice it may be.

You should not be late for registration on the day of the exhibition, otherwise the pet will not be allowed by the members of the exhibition committee to be examined.

If you decide to seriously engage in breeding cats of a particular breed, you should try to avoid unplanned matings and remember that purebred cats should give birth no more than once every 8 months. You need to take a serious approach to selecting a pair, this will prevent the occurrence of any genetic diseases in the offspring. The key to success in breeding work will also be the transition of the pet to a balanced diet, as well as timely vaccination.

During the examination, animal owners are required to leave the exhibition hall. Each felinological organization has its own judging systems, and understanding them can sometimes be difficult. However, there are some general rules that all clubs, without exception, are subject to.

First of all, the examination must be carried out anonymously. The judge can evaluate the animal only according to the data recorded in the evaluation sheets, which, in turn, are compiled on the basis of the parameters specified in the applications. He has no other information.

Exhibitors themselves do not have the right to change the data contained in the evaluation sheets. If, for example, the breed was indicated incorrectly, the animal is assessed according to the declared breed, and nothing else. Often the judge's assessment seems unfair to the owner, but he has no right to challenge it. But in this situation, the expert is obliged to provide explanations and justify his decision. If the participant is still dissatisfied, he can show the kitten to the judge of another club.

In the case when the evaluation of an animal is carried out in an open judge's ring (the owner himself brings the pet to the table for examination and observes the actions of the experts), one must try not to approach the expert's table, as this may interfere with his work. You should not ask many questions and do not comment on the actions of the commission members. If you still cannot do without asking questions, you should try to speak in a low voice so as not to scare your pet. You should not talk to the judge if he himself does not take the initiative; the fact is that attempts to find out the rating or get words of approval from an expert for your pet can be perceived as pressure on a member of the judging committee.

If stewards are involved in the examination, you can refuse their services (for example, in the case where the animal is overly excited or aggressive towards strangers), but at the same time ask members of the exhibition committee to independently show your pet at the exhibition, and not necessarily the owner will receive consent.

Members of the commission carefully examine all competitors, make their comments on the score sheets and vote, after which they make a final decision. Experts select the best animal in each group.

Upon completion of the examination, the cats are returned to their owners. In addition, participants are given evaluation sheets and diplomas, which contain information such as the animal’s name, breed, color, class in which it was exhibited, and rating.

Incorrect behavior towards experts, members of the exhibition committee, stewards and other exhibitors may serve as grounds for removing the animal from examination and removing the owner and his pet from the exhibition.

Cats that score “Excellent” are eligible to compete in the “Best in Show” competition held at the end of the event.

A commission of experts selects the best cat in each breed group from among the winners. Finally, animals awarded the honorary title of “Best in Show” compete for the title of “Best of the Best” in their class.

The “Best in Show” competition is the final part of any exhibition. As a rule, the methodology for carrying it out has been worked out to the smallest detail, although here, too, each felinological organization establishes its own special rules.

When announcing the awarded title at the “Best in Show” competition, the presenter should not mention the cat’s name or the name of its owner. When presenting an animal, he can only provide the information contained in the evaluation sheet, namely breed, color and sex.

Naturally, some complaints may arise regarding the work of the exhibition committee. For example, a steward untimely called someone’s pet for examination, the organizing committee did not inform about the replacement of a previously announced expert, or the exhibition secretariat made errors in the evaluation sheet. The owner has the right to appeal directly to the committee members or to bring complaints to their attention through the Chief Steward.

Members of the exhibition committee must do everything possible to correct mistakes made through their fault. In the event that the examination is completed and it is not possible to correct the situation, the exhibition is obliged to apologize to the exhibitor and return the money spent on registration.

A mistake made through the fault of the owner of the exhibited cat removes all responsibility from the exhibition committee, and the registration fee is not refunded.

In case of disagreement with the actions of members of the exhibition committee and dissatisfaction of claims, the cat owner has the right to write a written appeal to the disciplinary commission of the felinological organization in which the exhibition is being held is registered.

Sometimes at exhibitions situations arise when the cat owner makes claims against the expert. However, it should be noted that the expert assessment is not discussed and is not subject to correction. It is not recommended to express complaints either to the judge or to members of the exhibition committee, who can only help by providing accurate information about the expert’s competence in judging a particular breed of cat.

And yet, if the owner is not satisfied with the work of the expert and believes that the assessment given to his pet is unfair (the assessment sheet does not provide a clear justification for the deprivation of the title or the description and assessment do not meet the generally accepted breed standard), and the judge’s behavior towards the owner himself and his pet was incorrect, he can file a complaint with the disciplinary commission of the felinological organization that issued the expert’s license. Please remember to attach a copy of the score sheet to your written application.

Exhibition classes

As a rule, at specialized exhibitions of purebred cats, issues of breeding work are resolved: animals are assessed in accordance with the standards of their breed, and the scores obtained indicate the possibility of their use as purebreds in breeding.

The right to participate in breeding work is usually given to cats that have received the “excellent – ​​CAC (Champion)” rating and cats that have received the “very good” rating; all other pets are classified as ordinary domestic cats. Purebred pets receive a breeding assessment only when they reach 10 months of age and begin to show in the open class. Consequently, participation in the exhibition of kittens up to 10 months is voluntary, and after this age limit it is mandatory for pets intended for breeding.

Kittens can be presented at exhibitions in a special class

Judging is entrusted to judges of the club category (have the right to give the highest mark - “excellent”) and judges of the international category (can award the titles CAC (Champion), CAP (Premier), CACIB (International Champion), CAPIB (International Premier), CAGCIB (International Grand Champion), CAGPIB (International Grand Premier), etc.). The category of judging determines how long a pet's name will remain in the breeding plan of the club of which its owner is a member. Thus, the assessment of an international judge is retained for 2 years, and a local expert – for 1 year. In the first case, the animal is allowed to be mated 4 times, in the second - only two. Champions and higher title holders do not need proof of grade.

At the end of the exhibition, the owner of each exhibited animal is given an evaluation sheet with information about the examination performed, the assessment, the judge’s signature and a stamp (seal), as well as a diploma of the exhibition, which indicates its exact name, date and location. These documents are of great importance for the pet’s further participation in international exhibitions.

Each animal is exhibited in competitions, usually in its own class according to age, gender, coat color, and then competes for the right to be called the best representative of the breed. In this regard, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on exhibition classes.

Different countries have their own classifications. For example, in the United States of America, pets aged 4 to 8 months are included in the kitten class, and animals that have passed the 8-month mark compete equally with adult cats in the open class. To earn the title of champion, an animal must earn a certain number of prize ribbons or points, and then again achieve a certain number of points to become a grand champion. Some registration associations provide a higher gradation of titles: Master Grand Champion, Supreme Grand Champion, etc. There are also classes for castrati and domestic cats.

In accordance with the rules of the international organization WCF, there are 20 exhibition classes, the first 4 of which are honorary.

Class 1. World Champion. Exhibitors compete for the titles "Winner of Breed" or "Best in Show", and with a score of 98 points they receive an Honorable Mention.

Class 2. World Premier. Exhibitors compete for the titles “Breed Winner among Neutered Dogs” or “Best in Show among Neutered Dogs”; with a score of 98 points, they receive an Honorable Mention.

Class 3. Grand Champion of Europe. Exhibited cats compete for the title of "World Champion". At three international WCF exhibitions held in different countries, one of which must be on another continent, they need to obtain a CACM from three experts, and they need to score 98 points on the examination.

Animals in this class are sorted by sex, breed and color numbers and compete for the title of "Breed Winner" or "Best in Show".

Class 4. Grand Premier of Europe. Exhibitors compete for the title "World Premier". At three international WCF exhibitions held in different countries, one of which is located on another continent, they must obtain a CAPM from three experts and score at least 98 points on the examination.

Animals in this class are divided by gender, breed number and color, after which they compete for the title “Breed Winner among Neutered” or “Best in Show among Neutered”.

Class 5. Champion of Europe. Cats of this class compete for the title “Grand Champion of Europe”. At three international WCF shows held in three countries, they must obtain GCACE from three experts and score 97 points on the examination.

Animals in this class are sorted by gender, breed number and color, after which they compete for the title “Winner of Breed” or “Best in Show”.

Class 6. Premier of Europe. Exhibitors compete for the title of "European Grand Premier". At three international WCF exhibitions held in three different countries, they need to obtain GCAPE from three experts and score 97 points on the examination.

Class 7. Grand International Champion. Exhibitors in this class compete for the title “European Champion”. At three international WCF exhibitions they need to obtain CACE from three different experts and score 97 points on the examination.

Class 8. Grand International Premier. Cats of this class compete for the title “European Premier”. At three international WCF exhibitions held in three different countries, they need to obtain a CAPE from three experts and score 97 points on the examination.

Class 9. International Champion. Exhibitors compete for the title of “International Grand Champion”. At three international WCF exhibitions in two different countries, they need to obtain CAGCI from three experts and 97 points in the examination.

Animals are sorted by gender, breed number and color, after which they compete for the title of “Breed Winner” or “Best in Show”.

Class 10. International Premier. Cats of this class compete for the title “International Grand Premier”. At three international WCF exhibitions in two different countries, they need to obtain CAGPI from three different experts and score 97 points on the examination.

Animals are sorted by gender, breed and color numbers and compete for the title of "Breed Neuter Winner" or "Best in Show Neuter".

Class 11. Champion. Exhibitors compete for the title of "International Champion". At three international WGF shows in two different countries, they must obtain GACIB from three experts and score 95 points on the examination.

Class 12. Premier. Cats of this class compete for the title “International Premier”. At three international WCF exhibitions in two different countries, they need to obtain GAPIB from three experts and score 95 points in the examination.

Animals are sorted by sex, breed number and color, after which they compete for the title of “Breed Winner among Neutered Dogs” or “Best in Show among Neutered Dogs.”

Class 13. Open class, from 10 months (open class). Exhibitors compete for the title "Champion". At three international or national WCF exhibitions they need to receive CAC from three experts and score 93 points in the examination.

Animals are sorted by gender, breed and color numbers and compete for the title of "Breed Winner" or "Best in Show".

Class 14. Neuter class, from 10 months (neuter class). Exhibitors compete for the title "Premier". At three international or national WGF shows, they must obtain a CAP from three different experts and score 93 points on the examination.

Animals are sorted by gender, breed and color numbers and compete for the title of "Breed Neuter Winner" or "Best in Show Neuter".

Class 15. Young class, 6–10 months (junior class). By the time the exhibition begins, exhibitors must be at least 6, but not older than 10 months, and data about them must be available in the main or experimental stud book of a registered felinological organization.

Animals are sorted by sex, breed number and color, and they compete for the title “Breed Winner among Young People 6-10 Months” or “Best in Show among Young People 6-10 Months”.

Class 16. Kitten class, 3–6 months (kitten class). By the beginning of the exhibition, exhibitors must reach 3 months of age, but not exceed the 6-month mark. Information about them must be entered in the main or experimental studbook of a registered felinological organization.

Animals are sorted by gender, breed number and color, and they compete for the title of “Breed Winner for Kittens 3-6 Months” or “Best in Show for Kittens 3-6 Months”.

Class 17. Litter class, 10–13 weeks (litter class). The age of exhibitors at the beginning of the exhibition is not younger than 10, but not older than 13 weeks (3 months). Information about them must be available in the main or experimental studbook of a registered felinological organization.

Animals are sorted by gender, breed number and color, after which they compete for the title of “Best Litter” in their breed group.

Class 18. Novice class. In this class, in an open breed, pets at least 6 months old can be exhibited. The beginners' exhibition is held in its own organization under the control of the national breeding commission; the experts are given the reasons why the cat is exhibited in this class. To be registered in the breed, an animal must receive an “excellent” rating, which must then be signed by two international WCF experts. You can only exhibit once in the beginner class.

Class 19. Color definition class. Exhibitors are exhibited from 3 months of age to determine color. They are given a score without assigning a classification.

Class 20. Pet cat class. Cats that do not belong to any breed are exhibited here. A beautiful, well-groomed pet can receive the “Best Domestic Cat in Show” prize.

A cat is allowed for breeding if it has the CAC title (champion). The higher the title of the cats, the more valuable the kittens obtained from them are valued.

The culmination of the festival is Best in Show (BIS). At this show, all breed groups are compared and the best representatives present at this exhibition are selected. The winners are awarded cups and prizes. After this show, the cats are awarded diplomas with the grades they received at the show.

Your first exhibition

Preparation for the first exhibition

You have made an important and, of course, the right decision and purchased a purebred kitten. Congratulations, both you and the breeder in particular, and felinology in general, will benefit from this. When purchasing a kitten, the breeder must explain to you what the breeding prospects are for your baby: either he will be a pet, or a sire, or a star of exhibitions, which will significantly affect his price.

So, you have purchased an exhibition class kitten (breed and show class). Your kitten must have excellent health, both physical and mental, have no genetic or phenotypic defects, and have a good pedigree. When deciding to participate in exhibitions, you must clearly understand that you are incurring certain material costs and obligations. When raising a show animal, it requires more attention than a pet.

What you need to pay attention to

1. The animal must be properly raised, without defects in physical development.

To do this, you need a properly balanced diet (including super premium food from companies such as Acana, Orijen, Jams, Eukanuba, Brit, Bosch, Royal Canin, etc.); physical exercise; daily grooming. Grooming is the care of a kitten, which involves caring for the cat’s fur, eyes, ears, claws and, in general, the appearance. The amount of time spent on grooming depends on the cat's breed.

2. You must pay attention to the mental development of your kitten.

What is meant: The kitten should not show aggression towards people or be afraid of them. At the show, a calm, friendly cat arouses everyone's admiration (especially the judges). The kitten should be comfortable traveling in a car and in a portable cage (you will appreciate this when traveling to an exhibition, especially to another city). The kitten should be more or less calm about the presence of other cats and not panic or become aggressive. The sooner you start showing your kitten, the calmer it will behave at subsequent shows (the same applies to traveling in a transport crate). Encourage the kitten to communicate with other people, take it out to visit quiet companies, and visit relatives. Find him a playmate, preferably his brother or sister, or a clean, calm neighbor's cat.

3. Veterinary care.

Your kitten should have a permanent veterinarian who monitors it from the moment it arrives with you. The kitten must be dewormed and vaccinated against viral diseases and rabies.

4. You need to decide which club your kitten will belong to.

To do this, visit several exhibitions, because The face of the club is its exhibitions. This is a grandiose spectacle and show, and not a get-together in a dark corner.

So, you are fully prepared for the exhibition. Your kitten is properly raised, friendly, vaccinated, and belongs to a club.

It is better to hold the first exhibition in your city and your club. Exhibitions are planned in advance, check with the club for their dates, follow the news on the club’s website. Typically, exhibitions begin to be announced 1.5 - 2 months before the date.

To participate in the exhibition, you need to submit an application for participation in the exhibition and pay the exhibitor fee at least 2-3 weeks in advance.

You need sew curtains and a pillow into an exhibition cage, the dimensions of which will be confirmed with the exhibition organizers.

It is better to sew curtains from opaque, easy-to-wash fabric. In my practice, I noticed that the most universal color is blue.

You can buy your own exhibition tent and accessories for the exhibition in advance (a compact folding toilet tray to match the color of the tent, a deck chair for the tent, etc.)

Nowadays there are many different models of exhibition tents on sale (price range 1,500 - 10,000 rubles)

For example, in an online store www.sturdiproducts.ru you can purchase very beautiful and high-quality exhibition tents and premium carriers from a famous American brand SturdiProducts:

On the Russian pet goods market there are many budget models of exhibition tents from the Russian manufacturer - Ladioli LLC, Maloyaroslavets: www.ladioli.rf

A Russian-made exhibition tent can be ordered in advance at the club before the exhibition (then it will cost much less than in retail) , or buy it yourself at a pet store. Using your own tent is convenient for you and safe for your cat.

About vaccinations:The cat must have veterinary passport with vaccination marks against rabies and viral diseases. The “validity” of rabies and antiviral vaccinations is 1 year. After vaccination, a quarantine period of AT LEAST 3 weeks must be maintained before the exhibition.

A three-week quarantine after any vaccination is not a whim of veterinarians and exhibition organizers, but a necessity. Vaccination is not a “health shot”, but a serious provocation of the immune system. An animal that has not been quarantined, whose immunity has been weakened by vaccination, can become seriously ill and even die due to the stress of the exhibition! DO NOT RISK IT! GET ALL NECESSARY VACCINATIONS IN ADVANCE!

If you are going to an exhibition in another city, then you will need to take it from your state. vet. clinic certificate form No. 1. It is issued according to a veterinary passport with vaccinations, after examining the cat. This certificate is valid for 5 days.

Basic rules of show grooming for all cat breeds

To the exhibition you need to take with you:

— documents for the animal (veterinary passport, copies of pedigree and title certificates);
- money;
- curtains and bedding for the cage / your own exhibition tent;
— toilet, litter, garbage bags;
- bowls for food and water;
— drinking water;
— food;
— care items (wipes, disinfectant, comb, powder, cotton pads, etc.);
- pen, paper, tape, scissors, pins.

So, you're at the exhibition...

There is a lot of fuss at the exhibition, you are worried, your actions:

— choose the place you like in the exhibition hall (not at the entrance, not in a draft);
- take the cat, money and documents and go to registration. Check that all information about your cat, your data, and show class are stated correctly in the catalog. Pay for participation in the exhibition, if you have not done so in advance, or confirm payment; Receive at registration the exhibition catalog and your catalog number (the exhibition number is issued in TWO copies, one must be attached to the exhibition cage, the second must be hung on YOURSELF so that the stewards and organizers of the exhibition can always find you).
go through veterinary control; Keep the veterinarian's coupon until the end of the exhibition.
— after veterinary control and registration, arrange your exhibition space. Attach curtains to the cage, an exhibition catalog number, place a toilet in the cage and prepare the cat for the exhibition. Make sure the cat won't escape from the cage. Talk to the cat, pet it, calm it down;
— try not to leave the cage for a long time and do not leave the cat unattended. If you are leaving, ask your neighbors to look after the cat;

About the examination...

- when you are called for an examination (your number is announced into the microphone or a steward calls you), take the cat for examination, asking the steward which expert you were called to see. Now at exhibitions using the WCF system, both the best and show cats are shown by the owners themselves.

For an objective assessment of the animal, judging must be anonymous, i.e. the judge only knows your cat's show number. Therefore, if you start telling the judge about who and in what famous nursery you bought your cat, etc., this will be a violation of the show rules.

You can ask the judge any questions you have about the cat.(without specifications indicating its origin).

In exceptional cases (for example, when a judge doubts the color of a cat) AFTER JUDGING, it is allowed for the judge to familiarize himself with the pedigree of the animal he has judged.

Precautionary measures at the exhibition

— I advise you to inject or drip a drop of the drug “Fosprenil” into your nose the day before the exhibition and directly during the exhibition, after consulting with your veterinarian;
treat the cage with a disinfectant solution and let it dry before hanging the curtains;
do not allow anyone to touch the animal except a veterinarian, steward and expert;
Avoid contact with other cats;
— do not give your cat antidepressant drugs, especially human ones (including valerian), the reaction can be unpredictable.

Please review the exhibition catalogue, read the exhibition rules and adhere to them.

The general rule is that title diplomas and evaluation sheets are issued only after the end of the exhibition, when the “best in show” competition ends. You cannot leave the exhibition without permission before it ends.

If you notice an error in writing information about your cat, contact the secretariat, the sooner the better. If you have any problems or questions, it is better to contact the exhibition organizers rather than solve them yourself.

DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER ON THE SECOND DAY OF THE EXHIBITION! (if you participate both days). There is no need to undergo veterinary control on the second day.

If you haven’t been called for an examination for a long time, go to the owners of cats of the same breed as yours and find out whether their animals have been sued. If you have been sued, go URGENTLY to the secretariat and to the exhibition organizers and find out why you were not invited to the examination, otherwise you risk being left without an exhibition assessment! Because If by this time the judge has already completed the examination of all the animals, made comparisons, assigned titles and nominations and submitted the protocols to the secretariat, he has no right to judge you separately. It is possible that you were on the list of absentees by mistake, or did not hear when your number was announced, and the stewards could not find you, etc. BE CAREFUL!

A few words about exhibition classes. Depending on the age and rules of the system under which you are exhibiting, your cat at the exhibition belongs to a certain exhibition class.

Exhibition classes (in the WCF system)

Liter-classlitter of kittens from 10 weeks to 3 months, at least 3 animals. The entire litter is evaluated as a whole.

Kitten class3-6 months(a nomination for the “Best in Show” competition is carried out among all kittens exhibited in this class, and then the “Best Kitten in the Show” is selected without division by gender).

Young class
6-10 months(similar to the kitten class, the “Best young animal in the show” is selected at the competition. The score obtained in this class (for cats only) can be recognized only for one mating as a “divorce”).

Open classfrom 10 months The animal is fighting for the CAC title(candidate for Champion) and receives a breeding assessment (i.e., having received an expert assessment of the cat not lower than “very good”, and the cat not lower than “excellent”, the animal can be used in the breeding program).

When obtaining any title, competition may arise between animals of the same breed, sex, color and exhibition class. For example, several British shorthair blue cats claim the CAC title and then the CAC title (candidate for champion) and the excellent I rating are given to the best of them, and the rest receive the excellent rating and, accordingly, places 2, 3, etc. up to 5th place, subsequent animals receive a rating of “excellent” without a place, followed by a rating of “very good” or “good” depending on compliance with the breed standard. Such competition is natural and, if you win, pleasant. Having received three CAC titles from 2 different experts at 2 shows, your cat becomes the champion of the breed for that season and is forever assigned this title. Receiving the title Champion for an animal gives the right to lifelong breeding, and the prefix Ch is added to the name of your animal (for example Ch. Ruaztec Pablo Picasso of Nostalgie).

Champion classyour cat is vying for the CACIB title(international champion) from 3 different experts in 2 different regions.

International Champions Classyour cat is vying for the CAGCIB title(Grand International Champion) from 3 different experts in 2 regions at 3 different exhibitions.

Great international champion class
your cat is vying for the CACE title(European champion) from 3 different experts in 3 countries at 3 different exhibitions.

European Champions Classyour cat is vying for a CAGCE title(Grand European Champion) from 3 different experts in 3 countries at 3 different exhibitions.

Grand European Champion Classthe cat claims the CASM title(world champion), from 3 different judges in 3 countries at 3 shows on 2 continents.

World Champion Class, Honor Class— the cat is automatically nominated for the “Best in Show” competition without passing an examination.

If your animal is of a wonderful type, in good condition and well prepared for the exhibition, then in addition to receiving a title, it can go to competition “Best in Show” - the best at the exhibition (to receive a nomination for best - “nom bis”).

The exhibition organizers announce the numbers of the participants who received nominations into the microphone after the end of the judging, or the steward will bring you a piece of paper with your number and the inscription “nom bis”. Be careful! You can find out if your animal is nominated for best at the exhibition secretariat.

Best in Show is the finale of the exhibition, when in a solemn atmosphere a panel of judges selects the winners of the exhibition and presents awards and gifts.

First make a choice best litter exhibitions (litter-class), best kitten exhibitions (kitten), best young animal exhibitions (junior), best domestic cat exhibitions (Household pet), best castrated animal exhibitions (Neuter).

Adult cats are divided into groups:

- short-haired group,
- semi-longhair group,
- long-haired group,
- Siamese-oriental group.

In each group, the best male and female cat are selected and then compared with each other., Thus, the best representative in each group is chosen, the loser receives the titleBest shorthair (semi-longhair, longhair, Siamese-oriental) of the opposite sex (Best opposite sex).

The four winners in groups are compared with each other and placed in places:

— best of the best 4;
— best of the best 3;
— best of the Best 2;
- Best of the Best.

If the judges disagree, a draw is made. If there is no competition in one of the groups, the only representative automatically becomes the winner. If, for some reason, your cat did not receive a title or did not make it to the Best in Show competition, do not be discouraged, this can happen to anyone. Judges are people too, they have a subjective view of each cat breed. And since the judge's opinion is not discussed, do not put yourself in an awkward position by proving that your animal is the best. For every cat lover, his cat is the best. Go for it, you will be lucky at another exhibition, because... The factor of bad luck is also present.

I wish you and your cat good luck at the show!

Based on materials: zoolife.com.ua felicity-club.ru

Cups, bright rosettes, diplomas and crowd applause are so attractive! I want to show off the beauty of my favorite, communicate with like-minded people, and recharge with a lot of positive impressions. But how to prepare a cat for an exhibition, how to get to the event and what to do once in the exhibition pavilion?

Before you think about how to get to a cat show, you should make sure your pet is ready to visit such a crowded place. There is no point in wasting time on grooming and travel if the cat is shy, aggressive and has never left the apartment. The socialization of the future starlet begins from a very early age. An unsociable, shy cat, surrounded by a crowd, a cacophony of alien smells and deafening sounds, will experience extreme stress. How can you participate in a cat show if the contestant hisses, scratches the expert and bristles her fur from fear? Most likely, such a cat will be disqualified or given the lowest score. As a result, money and time are wasted, the cat is stressed, and the owner is upset.

If a pet cannot tolerate the touch of others, does not tolerate a stranger touching its head, looking into its ears and eyes, touching its tail and paws, there is no need to subject its nervous system to such a load. There are online cat shows - a kind of amateur beauty contests for those owners who, for whatever reason, do not want to burden themselves with long trips. Of course, the titles and titles awarded to competitors are not recognized by official feline systems. But because of this fact, an online cat show does not lose its attractiveness for amateurs, because positive emotions do not depend on the presence or absence of a stamped diploma.


So, how to get to a cat show? The easiest way is to contact the breeder from whom you purchased the kitten. If this is not possible, you need to call your local club or go to the WCF website to find out the schedule. You can choose another system, but most exhibitions in Russia and neighboring countries are held by WCF - World Cat Federation.

Now all that remains is to choose a date, not forgetting to clarify the details: the address of the pavilion, the start time, whether a tent will be needed for the cat exhibition or whether the organizers will provide cages for the participants to house the animals, how the fee can be paid. Usually the organizers provide the account number to which the transfer needs to be made. In addition, you can pay for participation in a local club. If you are interested in how much a cat show costs, check this point in advance. As a rule, the amount ranges from 800 to 2000 rubles, depending on the rank of the event. Typically, the exhibitor fee can be paid directly on the day of the exhibition, which should also be inquired about in advance.

Since only registered competitors can participate in the cat show, you will need to provide the organizers with some information: age, breed, gender, color, etc. If you communicate by phone, the operator will ask all the necessary questions. If you fill out an application in writing, simply check the pedigree and enter the data as it is written in the document, without distorting the nickname, color, etc. Now your pet is registered, his and your data will be included in the catalog.

In addition to personal data, at the registration stage you need to select a class. According to the WCF system, there are more than twenty classes: kittens, juniors, open class, international champion and so on. If this is your first cat show, and your pet is already ten months old, you need to enroll in an open class. This means that the cat will compete for the title “Champion” with other animals of the same breed and sex, but she can only get it (close) by receiving three CACs from three different experts at three different exhibitions (CAC - Candidate for Champion).

Bringing beauty

Since you need to prepare your cat for an exhibition one hundred percent, be sure to find out exactly how your pet’s coat should look. To do this, call the breeder or visit the breed forum. In general: long-haired cats are bathed the day before the event, short-haired cats a week before. Long-haired cats should have fluffy, airy hair without waves (if this is not a feature of the breed). Short-haired cats have a smooth, shiny coat, with no bristling hairs.

What to take with you?

Below is a rough list of what you need for a cat show:

  • veterinary passport (all vaccinations must be done no less than a month and no more than a year before the date of administration);
  • certificate Form No. 1, if the exhibition is not taking place in your hometown;
  • a copy of the pedigree, for kittens a copy of the metrics;
  • a receipt for payment of the fee or money if the fee is paid on the day of the exhibition;
  • owner's passport and a couple of copies;
  • disinfectant, combs, scissors, hair clips, lotion, powder and everything you need for the finishing touch;
  • cat bed or mattress, disposable diapers, cotton pads, sanitary napkins, toilet paper;
  • filler, bags, scoop, tray;
  • water, usual food, treats, bowls, a couple of teasers;
  • food and drink for yourself, a small folding chair, a notepad, pins or tape, a pen.

For all cat lovers who are not professional cat breeders, cat shows are mostly cultural events. Here you can chat about your favorites and watch the best representatives of different breeds competing for various nominations. On the other hand, a cat show is an important zootechnical event that helps breeders choose a worthy candidate for breeding work. In addition, receiving an award in one of the categories will be recognition of the skill and professional qualities of the breeder.

At the exhibition, each representative of his breed is assessed - defects are identified and traits that meet modern standards are determined. Such selection is necessary primarily for the development of new breeds and the consolidation of certain distinctive characteristics in them. Having looked at the cats of professional breeders, their lover himself may feel the desire to take part in one of the exhibitions. In addition, such events help you evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your pets and take appropriate measures.

How to prepare for a cat show

Like any event, any cat show has its own regulations and rules for participation in it. By following the rules of the cat show, you can at least avoid embarrassment and look at what is happening from the point of view of the participant. Before participating in it, you should begin preparation, and first of all psychological, because for the cat what is happening can become very stressful.

A kitten or an adult cat should be trained in advance to the presence of strangers. Aggression or fear expressed at the exhibition may have a negative impact on the score received.

Of course, by the time of the event, the cat must undergo a veterinary examination and be vaccinated in accordance with existing standards. It is highly advisable to have with you a veterinary passport with notes on all vaccinations, as well as a certificate in Form No. 1, which can be obtained from the veterinarian. clinic. The animal must be washed and its claws put in perfect order. Particular attention should be paid to the ears, which some owners easily forget about.

During the exhibition, the pet will be in a cage - its size will be confirmed with the event organizers. You need to buy or sew special curtains and a pillow in advance. You should also take toys, toiletries and combs with you.

The cat should not be fed in the morning, otherwise an unpleasant embarrassment may occur during the exhibition. At small events, it is possible to clean up your pet by washing and drying it. If the competition has an international, or at least national, scale, no one will delay its holding for the sake of one careless participant.

With rare exceptions, such exhibitions are free. A cat show, the price for participation in which is determined by the organizer, is an event that will help both a novice breeder and the owner of a rare pet who wants to satisfy his ambition. There is no need to argue and think too long - usually the participation fee must be paid several weeks before the start of the exhibition.

Behavior at a cat show

Having fully prepared and not forgetting any of his things or documents, the cat owner comes to the exhibition, where for the first time he is faced with the need to comply with the rules of participation in it. First of all, you need to register. In some cases, the participation fee is paid at the time of registration. After this, the participant will be given a catalog and the number under which his pet is present in it. One of the numbers is attached to the cage with the cat, the second is worn on yourself, as on its owner. In the catalog you can read about the features of a particular exhibition - often they describe the regulations for its holding and additional rules established by the organizers.

The cage with the cat can be placed in a place predetermined for this number. If you have a choice, it is better to choose something away from the entrance and open windows.

The second stage after registration is passing veterinary control, where the documents and certificates you take with you will be useful. The ticket received at the control is retained until the end of the exhibition.

As soon as the cat’s turn has come for the judges to evaluate, the owner with the pet in a cage approaches the named expert. At the same time, when answering questions, you cannot report its origin, because this may be considered a violation of the anonymity of the judging. Only after its completion can you answer specific questions about the cattery and the cat’s pedigree.

personal demonstration of cats of various breeds in order to evaluate their exterior and select the best for participation in purebred breeding. V.K. also allow cat owners to exchange experiences in keeping and breeding these beautiful animals; they are of great aesthetic value. charge. The first V.C. took place in 1871 in London, its organizer was the artist Harrison Bayer, a great lover of cats. The exhibition featured St. 170 cats various breeds and colors. The success of the V.K. was so significant that since then it has become an annual event. The popularity of this event grew rapidly, and already in 1873 VK began to be held in almost all cities of Great Britain. Clubs for cat lovers were created in the country, many of which still exist today. (GCCF - The Governing Council of Cat Fanciers of Great Britain is one of the most authoritative clubs in the world.) In the USA, the first V.C. took place in 1895 (New York), in Germany in 1924 (Nuremberg), in France in 1924 (Paris).
The first horse show in Russia was held in 1987 (Moscow, Bitsa equestrian complex), on the initiative of the Fauna society of animal lovers. This exhibition was visited by approx. 10 thousand people, served as an incentive for the creation of cat lovers' clubs in the country. With their appearance, exhibitions became regular and are held annually from September to June (on weekends).
To participate in the exhibition, the cat owner must submit an application form to the exhibition committee and pay the costs associated with the examination. After examining the cat, the vet. doctor at the exhibition and on the basis of a certificate from the veterinarian. hospital about the state of its health, the absence of helminths and the presence of necessary vaccinations (the period for obtaining a certificate is no more than 2 days before the opening of the exhibition), the cat is registered and given an exhibition number. Animals with signs of the disease, as well as pregnant cats within their term. і months are not allowed for display. Each cat is allocated a thoroughly disinfected cage. Considering that most cats do not tolerate unusual surroundings well (they begin to get nervous and often become aggressive), the cat owner should strive to create conditions of maximum comfort for his pet at the exhibition. A comfortable soft mattress should be laid on the bottom of the cage, the walls should be draped with beautiful curtains, which should serve not only as decoration for the cage, but also to isolate the exhibited animals from each other, and, if necessary, from visitors. The cat must have drinking and eating utensils and a litter tray.
Cats participating in the exhibition are divided into 4 groups: long-haired; semi-long- or medium-haired; short-haired; Siamese and Oriental, which are distinguished from short-haired breeds and are evaluated separately. Each group of cats is assessed by its own judge, a highly qualified specialist. Within the group, animals are divided by breed, color, gender, age and acquired titles. Within each breed and color there are traces. exhibition classes: European champions; European premieres; international grand champions; international grand premieres; international champions; international premieres; Champions; premieres; open class (from 1 month and older); class of castrated animals; young animals (6 months); kittens (3-6 months); beginners; domestic cats. In each class, the winners receive respectively. title. Thus, cats that win the open class receive the title “Candidate for Champion” or “Premier”; triple confirmation of this title at exhibitions gives the right to receive a “Champion” certificate and move to the corresponding category. Class. Track. The title “International Champion” is awarded only to those awarded the title “International Premier” three times, and one of them must be received at a foreign exhibition.
There are several options for organizing and conducting examinations of cats at exhibitions. In most cases, judges are located in a specially designated room - the “judging room”, where “Stuarts” bring animals for examination in accordance with their serial number in the catalog. According to the rules of the so-called. American ring, the judge walks through the exhibition hall and examines the cats directly in the cage; if necessary, the animal is taken out of the cage and examined on the table. At small exhibitions or in the absence of cages, which is usually the case in newly created clubs, the examination is carried out only on the table. A brief description of the exterior, indicating the advantages and disadvantages of the animal, is included in the evaluation sheet. After comparing the actual data with the official breed standard, the judge gives a comprehensive assessment of the cat’s exterior (if it fully complies with the standard, it amounts to 10 points, the judge’s assessment is not subject to appeal). If there are several for this breed group. judges, then set Wed. grade. “Excellent” are awarded to cats that score 88 points; “very good” - 76-87 points, “good” - 61-75 points; “satisfactory” - 46-6 points. Only cats rated at least “good” are selected for breeding, and only cats rated “excellent” are selected.
Preparing cats for an exhibition. The nature of preparing cats for an exhibition is largely determined by the breed. Some (Siamese and Oriental) value a slender figure, others (European Shorthair), on the contrary, value power and majesty of appearance. In both cases, long before the exhibition, it is necessary to regulate the cat's nutrition, remembering that an overly thin cat, as well as one that is too well-fed, will not be able to qualify for high scores on the VK. A correctly chosen diet greatly affects the condition of the coat (thickness, shine), the quality of which is an important indicator not only for long-haired, but also for short-haired cats, such as Russian Blue, Siamese, Oriental. Long-haired cats (especially white ones) for several. days before the exhibition, it is necessary to wash and comb properly, using powder (talc). The powder is carefully combed out so that no traces of it are visible during the examination. Dyeing cats' fur (for any purpose) is unacceptable. The cat's ears and corners of the eyes should be clean.

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