What remedies will help stop uterine bleeding? Review of hemostatic drugs for uterine bleeding

Uterine bleeding is a symptom of many gynecological diseases (chronic inflammation of the appendages, uterine tumor, etc.), interrupted pregnancy (incipient miscarriage), as well as blood disease, accompanied by a violation of blood clotting. Bleeding can be scanty or profuse. Heavy bleeding can lead to a life-threatening condition: a drop in blood pressure, a sharp decrease in hemoglobin, etc. In these cases, you must call an ambulance. Before the doctor arrives, place the patient in bed without a pillow and place an ice pack or cold water on the lower abdomen.

Uterine bleeding may coincide with menstruation. Moreover, in some cases it begins on time, but is more abundant than usual, and is accompanied by the release of blood clots; in other cases, the amount of blood lost remains the same, but the duration of the period of bleeding during menstruation increases (up to 10-12 days or more), and the intervals between menstruation are significantly shortened. Uterine bleeding may also appear during the intermenstrual period; this creates the impression of the erratic nature of menstruation. Sometimes uterine bleeding is preceded by a more or less prolonged delay in menstruation, not related to pregnancy. All of the listed causes of bleeding can be observed at all age periods of a woman’s life. They are signs of various diseases. In these cases, you need to consult a gynecologist. Effective treatment is possible only with early recognition of the true cause of the disease. The appearance of spotting several years after the cessation of menstruation is also a reason for immediately contacting a gynecologist and may be a sign of cancer.

How to stop uterine bleeding

Below are effective home remedies for treating urinary bleeding that do not interfere with regular medical treatment. Therefore, we recommend using folk remedies for the treatment of uterine bleeding, together with collections of medicinal herbs and plants.

  • Orange
    In order to stop uterine bleeding, you need to boil the peeled peels of 6 - 7 oranges in 1.5 liters of water until 0.5 liters of decoction remains. Add sugar to the resulting broth to taste. Take 4 teaspoons 3 times a day.
  • Infusion of cucumber lashes
    You can use an infusion of cucumber vines collected after harvesting cucumbers with great therapeutic effect. Finely chop the grass, wash it off the soil with cold water; Boil 50 - 100 g of herb in 0.5 liters of water. Take half a glass 3 times a day. In the very first days, the bleeding will stop and improvement will occur. Take for uterine, intestinal, hemorrhoidal, wound, etc. bleeding. Bed rest for 3 days.
  • Stinging nettle
    • In case of bleeding, pour 1 tablespoon of dried nettle leaves with a glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. over low heat, cool, strain. Drink a tablespoon 4 - 5 times a day.
    • Nettle extract (pharmaceutical preparation). Take 30 - 40 drops per 30 minutes. before meals in 1/4 glass of water to prevent uterine bleeding.
  • Infusion of common yarrow herb
    • Pour two teaspoons of dry herb into 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day before meals. Use for gastric, intestinal, uterine, pulmonary, hemorrhoidal, nasal and wound bleeding.
    • Brew yarrow herb as tea, without dosage, and drink 1 glass 3 times a day as a hemostatic agent for uterine bleeding.
    • A decoction of yarrow herb. Pour one tablespoon of herb into 1 glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Drink 1/3 glass 2-3 times a day before meals. Infusions and decoctions are used as a hemostatic agent and accelerate blood clotting during external and internal bleeding (uterine bleeding from inflammatory processes and fibroids, intestinal, hemorrhoidal).
  • Infusion of water pepper herb
    Pour one tablespoon of chopped herbs into 1 cup of boiling water and let it brew. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Use for painful menstruation, uterine bleeding and after childbirth as a hemostatic agent.
  • Infusion of knotweed herb (knotweed)
    Pour 7-2 tablespoons of herb into 1 glass of hot boiled water, heat in a sealed container in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes. at room temperature, strain, squeeze out the remainder; Top up the infusion with boiled water to the original volume. Store in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Drink 1/2 - 1/3 glass 2 - 3 times a day before meals. Use as a hemostatic agent for uterine bleeding after childbirth, for uterine bleeding after abortion, as a diuretic, a drug that dissolves kidney and liver stones and prevents the formation of urinary stones.
  • Viburnum common
    • Squeeze the juice of viburnum berries through a thick linen cloth, mix with sugar (2 kg of sugar per 1 liter of juice). Take 2-3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day with water.
    • Infuse dried berries in a thermos at the rate of 3-4 tablespoons of berries per half-liter thermos - the daily norm.
    • Liquid extract take 25 - 30 drops per day; Viburnum berries can be used as a decoction.
    • An alcoholic extract of viburnum bark is prescribed for uterine bleeding, menstrual irregularities, and threatened abortion.

      Collect the bark in early spring according to the usual harvesting rules and air dry. The dry bark tubes are greenish-gray on the outside, their insides are light with reddish spots and stripes. No contraindications were found.

  • Cinquefoil erecta (galangal)
    Prepare a decoction at the rate of 2 teaspoons of chopped rhizome per 1 glass of water. Boil for 75 - 20 minutes, add to the original volume. Take 1 - 2 tablespoons 3 - 4 times a day before meals. Recommended for inflammation of the stomach and intestines, accompanied by acute and chronic diarrhea; with various bleeding - gynecological, pulmonary. For external use, prepare a decoction 2-3 times more concentrated than for internal use. The decoction is widely used in the form of compresses and lotions for bruises and weeping wounds.

    In gynecology it is used for douching for leucorrhoea. There are no known contraindications.

  • Shepherd's Purse
    • Pour one tablespoon of dry herb with a glass of boiling water, leave, covered, for 1 hour, strain. Take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.
    • The decoction, thickened to half the original volume, take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
    • Fresh juice, half diluted with water, take 1 tablespoon or 30 - 50 drops per spoon of water 3 times a day.

      Use as an astringent and hemostatic agent for uterine, pulmonary and renal bleeding.

    • Recommendation of Bulgarian traditional medicine. Prepare an infusion at the rate of 3 tablespoons of herbs per 2 cups of boiling water (infuse in a thermos); This is the daily norm. Used for hypertension and atherosclerosis. The leaves are added to salads in spring. Infusion of shepherd's purse herb treats diarrhea, gout and rheumatism; It is used as a hemostatic for uterine bleeding. Contraindications: pregnancy, thrombophlebitis.
  • Siberian pine (cedar)
    In case of excessive uterine bleeding, use the following remedy: steam 1 glass of nut shells for 2 - 3 hours in 1 liter of water. Take 100 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals. In Siberia, a decoction and vodka tincture of pine nut shells is used for rheumatism.
  • White nettle (deaf nettle)
    Pour one tablespoon of flowering tops or flowers with a glass of boiling water. Leave, wrapped, for 30 minutes. Strain, take half a glass 4-3 times a day for uterine, pulmonary, renal and nasal bleeding.
  • Highlander
    Pour one tablespoon of herb into 0.5 liters of boiling water; leave, wrapped, for 1 hour, strain; This is the daily norm. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for bleeding. In folk medicine, knotweed is known as the “hemorrhoids herb.” It is used for hemorrhoids, as well as for uterine and gastrointestinal bleeding. Systematic use helps treat chronic constipation. Contraindications: pregnancy.
  • Angelica silica
    Pour a tablespoon of dried angelica herb into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain, take half a glass over 15 minutes. before meals 3-4 times a day, for bleeding, bronchial asthma. Angelica increases the secretion of gastric juice and blood clotting, therefore it is considered harmful for persons who have suffered a myocardial infarction; Harmful for thrombosis and for patients with high acidity of gastric juice.
  • Egg whites with citric acid
    Take a mixture of fresh egg whites, mix well with half a teaspoon of citric acid and drink the mixture. If necessary, repeat treatment. Use for heavy, prolonged bleeding in women.
  • Clove leaf decoction
    Take 150 - 200 leaves and pour 1 glass of boiling water; prepare a decoction; drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. This decoction can be evaporated in an oven to half the volume and drunk 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Use for weakness of the uterus, uterine bleeding, especially with uterine atony.
  • Decoction of corn columns with silks
    Take 10 g of stalks with stigmas and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Prepare a decoction. Take 1 tablespoon every 3 hours. Use for women's diseases as a hemostatic, sedative, diuretic and choleretic agent.
  • Infusion of barberry root
    Drink 30 drops 2-3 times a day for atonic uterine bleeding.
  • Decoction and powder of cat's paw herb
    • Use the powder of this plant 1 - 3 g every hour until the bleeding stops.
    • Decoction of cat's paw herb. Take 10 or 20 g of herb and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Prepare a decoction. Take 1 tablespoon every hour to an hour and a half until the bleeding stops. Use for hemoptysis and uterine bleeding.

    In folk medicine, decoction or powder of cat's paw herb is widely used, especially for postpartum bleeding or excessive menstruation, as well as for hematemesis.

  • Tripartite sequence
    Take 10 g of herb trifid and pour a glass of water at room temperature; Boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, strain, cool. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day for uterine bleeding and inflammation of the genitals.
  • blue cyanosis
    Take 6 g of blue cyanosis roots and pour a glass of water at room temperature; boil in a water bath for 30 minutes, cool, strain. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day for uterine bleeding.
  • Horsetail and shepherd's purse
    Take 2 teaspoons each of shepherd's purse grass and horsetail, mix. Pour the mixture with 3 glasses of water at room temperature. Leave for 8 hours, strain. Take half a glass 3 times a day.
  • Medieval doctors wrote: in order to stop uterine bleeding, the surest remedy is unripe oranges, boiled in the peel.
  • It is beneficial to drink peppermint tea with rowan juice several times a day.
  • “With this disease, it is very useful to eat blackthorn berries, or viburnum, or rowan berries, or fresh pears, or sour apples, wherever available, if there is no constipation.” (“Russian common people’s medical book”).

Medicinal herbs and mixtures for douching for uterine bleeding

Vaginal douching is used only as prescribed by a doctor for chronic inflammatory disease of the female genital organs.

For douching, you should use warm (37 - 39°C), always boiled water, to which you should add the remedy recommended by your doctor. Douching should be done while lying on your back, legs bent and hips spread apart; place a bedpan under the buttocks. Raise the Esmarch mug above the vessel no more than 1 m so that the liquid pressure is not excessive. Before inserting the tip, release the air from the tube. It is necessary to ensure that air does not enter the vagina even after the procedure is completed. For this purpose, a clamp should be placed on the tube until the mug is completely emptied. The tip is inserted into the vagina inward and backward to a depth of 5-6 cm. The liquid is injected for 10 - 15 minutes; The current speed can be adjusted using the clamp. After vaginal douching, you need to lie down. It is not recommended to douche during pregnancy, the postpartum period, or after an abortion, as the procedure can cause bleeding and aggravate the inflammatory process.

  • Liquid extract from the roots of Bergenia thickifolia
    Pour three full tablespoons of crushed roots into 1 cup of boiling water, evaporate to half the volume. To douche the vagina, take 1 tablespoon of bergenia extract per 1 liter of water. Pour in the extract in such an amount that the entire cervix is ​​washed. Hold this liquid for 10 - 15 minutes. Do this every day until the pain goes away and the bleeding stops. The result is visible after 2 - 3 weeks, sometimes earlier. Use for uterine bleeding with cervical erosion, especially for leucorrhoea.
  • Rhodiola rosea
    Prepare a decoction of radiola rosea root (golden root) in a ratio of 1:10, cool, strain. Use for rinsing.
  • Yarrow herb
    Prepare an infusion of yarrow herb in a ratio of 7:70, cool, strain. Use for rinsing.
  • Mistletoe branches and yarrow grass - 1 part each, small periwinkle and horsetail grass - 5 parts each. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, prepare a light decoction, cool, and strain. Use for rinsing.
  • Herbs: yarrow, peppermint, oak bark, nettle leaves - 1 tablespoon each, mistletoe branches - 1.5 tablespoons. Mix everything, pour 1 liter of water at room temperature, boil for 20 minutes, cool, strain. Use for rinsing.

What is uterine bleeding?

Uterine bleeding is the discharge of blood from the uterus. Most often it is a serious symptom of diseases of the female body. Any uterine bleeding should be diagnosed in time, and the woman should receive medical assistance. Ignoring such a symptom leads to serious consequences, including death. It is important to know that normal uterine bleeding includes only menstruation, which lasts up to 5 days, with stable breaks of 28 days. All other bleeding is pathological and requires medical supervision.

Menstruation (menstruation) is the only physiologically normal type of uterine bleeding. Typically, its duration is from three to five days, and the interval between menstruation (menstrual cycle) normally lasts from 21 to 35 days. Most often, the first couple of days of menstruation the discharge is not abundant, the next two days intensify and finally become scanty again; blood loss these days should be no more than 80 ml. Otherwise, iron deficiency anemia develops.

In healthy women, menstruation is painless. In case of pain, weakness and dizziness, a woman should consult a doctor.

The onset of menstruation usually occurs at 11–15 years of age and lasts until the end of the reproductive period (menopause). During pregnancy and breastfeeding, there is no menstruation, but this phenomenon is temporary.

It is important to remember that the early appearance of spotting in girls (up to 10 years), as well as in women after menopause (45–55 years), is an alarming sign of serious illness.

Sometimes spotting in the middle of the cycle (10–15 days after the end of menstruation) can become a variant of the norm. They are caused by hormonal fluctuations after ovulation: the walls of the uterine vessels become excessively permeable, so vaginal discharge may contain blood. Such discharge should not last more than two days. Sometimes the cause of bleeding is an inflammatory process, so a woman should definitely consult a gynecologist.

A variant of the norm is also implantation bleeding, which occurs as a result of the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall. This process occurs a week after conception.

Why are uterine bleeding dangerous?

Uterine bleeding has the ability to grow quickly, not stop for a long time and is difficult to stop.

Therefore, depending on what type of bleeding a woman has, it can be dangerous with consequences such as:

    With moderate but regular blood loss, anemia of varying severity may develop. It begins if the volume of blood released is 80 ml. Although in such conditions there is no direct threat to a woman’s life, however, this process cannot be left without attention.

    Large blood losses can be caused by immediate heavy bleeding that is difficult to stop. Most often, surgery is required to replace lost blood and remove the uterus.

    Danger of progression of the underlying disease. In this case, we are talking about small blood losses, which the woman does not pay attention to and does not seek medical help. In this case, even a small amount of blood loss can ultimately lead to either profuse bleeding or to the fact that the disease that caused it becomes advanced.

    The danger of bleeding in pregnant or postpartum women is that it can result in shock. The intensity and severity of this condition is determined by the fact that the uterus is not able to fully contract and stop blood loss on its own.

There are many reasons that can cause uterine bleeding. In order to systematize them, it is necessary to understand that the caused blood loss can be a disruption in organ systems, as well as disorders in the sexual sphere.

Extragenital causes of uterine bleeding, that is, those caused by disturbances in the functioning of non-genital organs, include:

    Some infectious diseases are: sepsis, typhoid fever, influenza, measles.

    Diseases of the hematopoietic system are: hemophilia, hemorrhagic vasculi, low levels of vitamin C and K, etc.

    Cirrhosis of the liver.

    Prolapse of the urethra.

    Disturbances in the activity of the cardiovascular system, for example, hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.

    Decreased functionality of the thyroid gland.

The causes of uterine bleeding are genital, in turn, may be associated with a woman carrying a child.

During pregnancy, the following causes of bleeding from the uterus are identified:

    Ectopic pregnancy.

    Pathologies of the ovum.

    The presence of a scar on the uterus.

    Placenta previa, low location or early abruption.

    Various processes of destruction of uterine tissue.

    Uterine rupture during labor.

    Trauma to the birth canal (vagina or vulva).

    Infringement or retention of the departed placenta.


    Trophablastic disease.

    Uterine fibroids.



Genital bleeding can occur in a woman who is not carrying a child. The reasons causing them include:

    Discirculatory bleeding, which, in turn, can be climacteric, reproductive and juvenile.

    Tumors of the ovaries or uterus, which are both benign and malignant, for example, fibroids.

    Adenomyosis, characterized by the penetration of the uterine mucosa into its wall.

    Rupture of the cyst or rupture of the ovary itself.

    Any trauma to the uterus.

    Diseases that are inflammatory in nature, these include cervicitis, vaginitis, endometritis, erosion, endocervicosis.

    Damage to the external genitalia.

    Taking preoral contraceptives.

    Sexual violence.

Uterine bleeding during menopause

It is a mistake to believe that during menopause a woman does not have discharge. However, even during premenopause, she needs to pay attention to their nature and quantity. Sometimes menstruation may be absent for several months, and sometimes it may occur regularly. This is due to the fact that ovulation has different frequencies, and hormone levels also fluctuate. Such changes are considered normal and should not cause concern to a woman.

The following should alert her and become a reason to see a doctor:

    Excessive bleeding that hygiene products cannot cope with.

    Discharge accompanied by clots.

    Bleeding that occurs between periods.

    Bleeding lasts longer than three days than usual.

Such uterine bleeding should not be left during menopause, because it may indicate a hormonal imbalance, polyps or uterine fibroids, endocrine disorders, ovarian tumors and other serious diseases.

Uterine bleeding due to hormonal imbalance

Uterine bleeding can occur in a woman due to a hormonal imbalance that occurs in the body. This problem is relevant for representatives of the fairer sex at any age. This happens when the amount of hormones is disrupted or when their ratio changes.

Hormonal imbalance can be caused by a number of reasons:

    Disorders occur due to the fact that the brain incorrectly regulates their production, for example, in pathologies of the pituitary gland.

    Sometimes bleeding occurs due to pathology of the gonads. This can occur due to inflammatory processes in the ovaries, tumors, cysts.

    Chronic fatigue syndrome, especially aggravated by fasting and exhaustion of the body, can also cause bleeding.

    Severe hormonal disturbances occur during a girl’s puberty, during pregnancy and after childbirth, and after abortion.

    Sometimes hereditary predisposition and taking certain hormonal pills can have an effect.

    Prolonged bleeding can develop against the background of a medical abortion, which has recently been gaining momentum in popularity.

An individual approach is required to treat bleeding caused by hormonal imbalances. It will depend on the reason that caused the bleeding from the uterus.

Uterine bleeding after cesarean section

After a cesarean section, the woman should be under medical supervision. Most often, bleeding lasts slightly longer than after natural childbirth. This is due to the fact that a scar forms on the uterus, which makes it difficult for it to contract. Normally, bleeding stops completely after a couple of months. If it continues, then the woman needs to report this problem to the doctor.

The cause of pathological bleeding after surgery is most often hemostasis. Therefore, to eliminate this problem, doctors must carefully but thoroughly scrape out the walls of the uterus. If the bleeding cannot be stopped, extirpation is required.

If the bleeding is hypotonic, it is not always possible to stop it, since it occurs after the uterus begins to contract. Excessive blood loss can lead to hypotonic shock. It is necessary to replenish blood supplies through transfusion and manual examination of the uterus in order to detect possible remnants of the placenta, determine the contractile function of the uterus and determine the existing rupture.

The critical measure that doctors take to save a woman’s life is removal of the uterus. This method is used if bleeding after a cesarean section cannot be stopped by other means (electrical stimulation of the uterus, ligation of blood vessels, administration of uterotonics).

Types of pathological uterine bleeding

Gynecologists divide uterine bleeding into many types. But there are those that occur most often:

    Juvenile bleeding. They are characteristic of the onset of puberty in a girl. They can be triggered by a number of factors, for example, frequent illness, increased physical activity, poor nutrition, etc. Depending on the amount of blood lost, such bleeding can lead to anemia of varying severity.

    Profuse uterine bleeding should be discussed if it is not accompanied by pain. In this case, the volume of fluid lost may vary. There are many reasons, it could be a previous abortion, vaginal infections, taking hormonal medications, etc.

    Acyclic bleeding is characterized by the fact that it appears in the intervals between menstrual cycles. It can be caused by fibroids, cysts, endometriosis and other pathologies. If acyclic bleeding is observed regularly, then a doctor’s consultation is necessary. Although this type is not always a symptom of any pathology.

    Anovulatory bleeding is typical for women who have entered menopause and for adolescents going through puberty. It is caused by the fact that the maturation of follicles and the production of progesterone are disrupted in the absence of ovulation. This species is dangerous because without treatment it can provoke the development of malignant tumors.

    Dysfunctional uterine bleeding occurs when the functioning of the ovaries is disrupted. A distinctive feature is that it occurs after menstruation has been absent for a long time, and the blood loss is profuse.

    Hypotonic bleeding occurs due to low myometrial tone, after an abortion, etc. It most often appears after childbirth.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding includes those associated with disruption of the production of sex hormones produced by the endocrine glands. They can appear at almost any age, both during puberty and menopause, and during the reproductive period of a woman’s life. This pathology is widespread.

This type of bleeding is expressed by the fact that the period of menstruation lengthens, and the amount of fluid lost increases. Without treatment, it always leads to the development of anemia. The main feature is a prolonged absence of menstruation, sometimes up to six months, and then the occurrence of bleeding of varying strength.

Dysfunctional bleeding can be ovulatory (worried by women of reproductive age) and anovulatory (more often occurs in adolescents and premenopausal women). Cycle disturbances in this case are expressed in heavy and irregular periods, with long (more than 35 days) and short-term (less than 21 days) intervals, in the absence of periods for more than six months.

Treatment tactics depend on the patient’s age and the presence of concomitant pathologies. It can be either medicinal or surgical. However, in adolescence, surgery is used only in emergency cases. Conservative therapy consists of taking hormones. If dysfunctional uterine bleeding is left untreated, it can lead to infertility, miscarriages, chronic anemia, endometrial cancer, shock and even death.

Atonic uterine bleeding

Atonic bleeding is characterized by the fact that it occurs when the uterus becomes unable to contract. The absence of contractility in obstetric practice is called Kuveler's uterus. A characteristic feature of atonic bleeding is zero tone and a similar reaction to the administration of uterotonics.

When it is not possible to stop the bleeding with the help of specialized drugs, a thick suture is placed on the posterior lip of the cervix, and clamps are additionally applied to compress the uterine artery.

If these methods are ineffective and the blood loss cannot be stopped, then they are considered as preparation for surgery to remove the uterus. Blood loss of 1200 ml is considered massive. Before completely removing the uterus, attempts are made to ligate the vessels using the Tsitsishvili method, electrical stimulation (this method is becoming less and less popular, and doctors are gradually abandoning it), and acupuncture. It is important to constantly replenish lost blood reserves.

This type is characterized by decreased myometrial tone. Such bleeding occurs when the fertilized egg is retained in the uterine cavity, during separation of the placenta, after its release. The reason lies in uterine hypotension after childbirth, when contractions occur rarely and are spontaneous. The critical degree of this condition is called atony, when contractions are completely absent.

The primary tasks facing doctors are:

    Stop bleeding as quickly as possible.

    Replenishment of the BCC deficit.

    Avoiding blood loss of more than 1200 ml.

    Monitoring blood pressure and preventing it from falling to a critical level.

Treatment is aimed at restoring uterine motor function as quickly as possible. If there are remnants of the fertilized egg, it must be removed either by hand or with a curette. When hypotonic bleeding occurs after childbirth, it is necessary to squeeze out the placenta as quickly as possible; if this does not work, then it is removed manually. Most often, it is the removal of the placenta that helps restore the motor function of the uterus. If necessary, perform a gentle massage on the fist.

The administration of pituitrin or oxytocin is indicated as medications. In some cases, applying a bubble containing ice to the abdomen or irritating the uterus with ether is effective. For this purpose, a moistened tampon is inserted into the posterior vaginal fornix. If hypotension does not respond to this therapy, then measures characteristic of uterine atony are taken.

Acyclic uterine bleeding

Acyclic uterine bleeding is called metrorrhagia. It is not associated with the menstrual cycle, which occurs normally, and is characterized by a complete absence of any periodicity.

This condition can occur suddenly and be associated with a woman’s pregnancy, with an incomplete abortion, with placenta previa, with the development of an ectopic pregnancy, with retention of part of the placenta, etc.

Acyclic bleeding, if a woman does not carry a child, can be observed with pathologies such as uterine fibroids and benign tumors. If the tumor is malignant, then metrorrhagia is observed at the stage of its disintegration.

It is not possible to describe the intensity of blood loss, since the discharge can be spotting, copious, with or without admixtures of blood clots.

It is important for women in menopause to pay close attention to acyclic bleeding, both at its initial stage and several years later, after the cessation of constant menstruation. In no case should they be perceived as renewed ovulation. Metrorrhagia in this period requires careful study, as they are often signs of a malignant process, for example, sarcoma.

Breakthrough uterine bleeding

Breakthrough uterine bleeding develops against the background of hormonal disturbances. They are characterized by an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone. Sometimes bleeding of this type occurs while a woman is taking oral contraceptives. In this case, breakthrough bleeding is an adaptation reaction to the drug. If, after taking the prescribed medication, bleeding occurs that does not correspond to the menstrual cycle, you should consult your doctor about adjusting the dose or replacing the medication.

Breakthrough bleeding can also occur when the uterine wall is damaged by the coil. This cannot be ignored; the spiral must be removed immediately.

Most often, blood loss during breakthrough bleeding is insignificant, however, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed.

Anovulatory uterine bleeding

These bleedings occur between menstruation, their causes are varied, including they may be a manifestation of a disease. Most often, anovulatory bleeding is long lasting, lasting more than 10 days, and is acyclic in nature. Women suffer such blood loss either during the decline of reproductive function or during its formation.

This bleeding is also called single-phase; during its opening, the corpus luteum does not form, the development of the follicle occurs with disturbances, and ovulation is absent.

This bleeding can be hyperestrogenic, when the follicle matures, but does not rupture, and hypoestrogenic, when several follicles mature, but they do not mature completely.

Rarely, anovular uterine bleeding is observed during the reproductive period of a woman’s life. Similar phenomena are associated with disruptions in the functioning of the hypophosotropic zone, after suffering stress, poisoning, and infections.

Among teenagers, according to statistics, this type of bleeding is quite common. Such disorders account for up to 12% of all gynecological diseases. In this case, the decisive factor may be poor nutrition, mental trauma, and physiological overload.

Discirculatory uterine bleeding

The occurrence of dyscirculatory uterine bleeding is caused by dysfunction of the ovaries. Sometimes the trigger is external factors such as viral infections, stress, etc. Blood loss is not great and is observed after menstruation has been absent for a long time.

Women often observe the presence of clots in uterine bleeding. Most often, doctors explain their appearance by the fact that the uterus underwent certain anomalies during intrauterine development. Therefore, the blood stagnates in its cavity, forming clots.

Most often, menstruation causes more pronounced discomfort in such women, especially when it occurs with increased hormonal levels. Sometimes it is precisely this congenital anomaly that can cause increased bleeding and the presence of numerous clots in the discharge.

In addition to the fact that anomalies are congenital, they can be acquired during life. Such phenomena are associated with a woman’s professional characteristics and the abuse of bad habits. Often during menstruation with blood clots, women experience severe cutting pain. In order to exclude the presence of a pathological process, it is important to consult a gynecologist.

Sometimes hormonal imbalances can also lead to the formation of clots. To clarify the cause, you need to undergo a series of tests, including thyroid hormones and adrenal hormones, and examine the levels of progesterone and estrogen.

The presence of clots, severe pain in the lower abdomen, heavy blood loss during menstruation, acyclic mini-bleeding - all this most often indicates endometriosis. Such a diagnosis is established after a thorough diagnosis and requires appropriate treatment.

Sometimes the cause may be poor blood clotting and some complications that arise after childbirth.

Uterine bleeding during pregnancy

The most common causes of uterine bleeding during pregnancy are miscarriage, diseases of the uterus, ectopic pregnancy and damage to the placenta.

A miscarriage is accompanied by severe cramping pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding is intense, the color of the blood ranges from bright scarlet to dark. During an ectopic pregnancy, bleeding is accompanied by a deterioration in general condition, malaise, nausea, vomiting, sweating and fainting. The blood is dark in color and usually comes out with clots.

Damage to the blood vessels of the cervix during pregnancy can occur during sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination. Such bleeding is usually not profuse and does not last long.

If the placenta is damaged or previa, uterine bleeding may occur in the second or third trimester. The bleeding is usually very heavy. It poses a serious threat to the life and health of the expectant mother and her child.

It should be remembered that uterine bleeding in pregnant women is very dangerous, so a woman should definitely call a medical team who will provide her with urgent assistance.

First aid for uterine bleeding is to call an ambulance as quickly as possible. This is especially true when a woman is carrying a child, her blood loss is profuse, and her condition worsens sharply. In this case, every minute counts. If it is not possible to call a medical team, then you need to take the woman to the hospital on your own.

Any uterine bleeding is a serious threat to life and health, so the response must be appropriate.

In case of dysfunctional bleeding, it is strictly forbidden to apply a hot or warm heating pad to the abdomen, douche with any composition, take a bath, or use drugs that promote uterine contraction.

A woman can be helped independently, at home until the ambulance arrives, in the following ways:

    The woman must be placed in bed, preferably on her back, and her legs placed on some kind of elevation. To do this, you can place a pillow or a cushion from a blanket. In this way, it will be possible to maintain the patient’s consciousness, especially if the blood loss is significant.

    You need to apply something cold to your stomach. If you don’t have a heating pad on hand, you can wrap the ice in regular cloth. You can replace ice with an ordinary bottle filled with cold water. Cold exposure time is up to 15 minutes, then a break of 5 minutes. This will achieve vasoconstriction, which means slightly reducing bleeding.

    A woman needs to be given water. Since it is not possible to install an IV at home, the patient should be offered plenty of fluids. Plain water and sweet tea will do. This will contribute to the loss of fluid along with the blood, glucose will provide nutrition to the nerve cells of the brain.

You should be extremely careful when taking medications, especially if a woman is carrying a child. Before taking them, you should definitely consult your doctor, but sometimes it happens that this option is not available. Therefore, it is necessary to know the names of hemostatic agents and their minimum dosage. These include Vikasol (taken 3 times a day, at a dosage of 0.015 g), ascorbic acid (maximum daily dose 1 g), Dition (take 4 times a day, at a dosage of 0.25), calcium gluconate (1 tablet up to 4 times a day). day). Before use, it is important to remember that all medications have side effects.

How to stop uterine bleeding?

When the ambulance team arrives at the scene, its actions will be as follows:

    A bubble containing ice is placed on the woman's stomach.

    If the bleeding is profuse, then the woman should be taken to the car on a stretcher.

    Hospitalization of the patient with transfer directly to a specialist.

    Administration of a solution of magnesium sulfate, if there is a threat or beginning of a miscarriage. Or if a spontaneous abortion occurs, the woman is injected intravenously with calcium chloride and ascorbic acid diluted in glucose. An injection of Etamzilat may be given.

Doctors in the hospital use hormonal drugs to stop bleeding, if the woman has not given birth yet, she does not suspect the presence of a tumor. Hormonal drugs include Jeannine Regulon, etc. On the first day, an increased dose is given (up to 6 tablets), in subsequent days one less tablet, bringing it to 1 piece. Sometimes gestogens are used, but it can be used only in the absence of severe anemia.

Hemostatic agents can also be used, for example, Dicynon, Vikasol, Ascorutin, Aminocaproic acid.

Sometimes surgical intervention is used, such as uterine curettage (an effective method of stopping blood loss), cryosurgery (a method without contraindications), laser removal of the endometrium (used in those women who do not plan to have more children).

Treatment of uterine bleeding largely depends on its causes and the age of the patient.

Adolescents are most often prescribed drugs that contract the uterus, drugs that stop bleeding and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It is also recommended to take vitamins, herbal medicine, and, less often, hormonal medications that regulate the menstrual cycle. Women of reproductive age are prescribed hormonal drugs, and sometimes undergo surgical operations (for fibroids, endometriosis of the uterus, etc.). After menopause, uterine bleeding most often indicates oncological pathologies of the uterus and ovaries, so treatment requires predominantly surgical intervention, including removal of the uterus and its appendages.

In treatment, the most important thing is to timely diagnose the causes of bleeding, so sick women should seek medical help without delay.

Uterine bleeding occurs in women of all ages. They can be a sign of gynecological disease and extragenital pathology, open during a threatened miscarriage or during termination of an ectopic pregnancy. This is a dangerous condition that requires emergency care, so you first need to think about how to stop uterine bleeding.

Causes of uterine bleeding

There are various factors that cause uterine bleeding. This also depends on age, since at different periods of life, the factors that provoke the development of bleeding are varied.

Common causes of uterine bleeding are:

  • Problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland– in the presence of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, the likelihood of symptoms of uterine bleeding increases.
  • Hormonal imbalances. The most common cause of bleeding in women at a young age and after 40. When hormones are normal, progesterone and estrogen are in optimal balance, blood loss during menstruation is often negligible. If a violation occurs, uterine bleeding occurs.
  • Diseases of the circulatory system. When the level of platelets decreases, as well as during a blood disorder, there is a risk of bleeding.
  • Uterine fibroids. Particularly heavy bleeding begins with internal fibroids, then the only way out is surgery.
  • Adenomyosis. A disease in which the inner and muscular layers of the uterus grow together; menstruation during the disease is painful, prolonged and severe, as the menstrual area increases significantly.
  • Polyps. They are benign formations, often occurring in women of childbearing age. When there are many of them and large sizes, they need to be removed, since they are the cause of uterine bleeding and pain during menstruation.
  • Ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, premature placental abruption. Similar consequences during pregnancy have become quite common. During any bleeding during pregnancy, a woman should immediately call a doctor, as bleeding threatens the health of the baby and mother.
  • Malignant formations organs of the genitourinary system. The most serious cause of likely bleeding, regardless of the location of the tumor, during any bleeding, cancer must first be ruled out.
  • Breakthrough bleeding of the uterus. The reason is directly related to the use of intrauterine contraceptives. In particular, the likelihood of bleeding increases if you take contraceptives and anticoagulants at the same time. There are minor ones at the beginning of using contraceptives.

In what cases is uterine bleeding considered normal?

  1. Physiological uterine bleeding is considered only menstruation. They last from 3 to 5 days, the interval between the old and new cycles is 21-35 days. Total blood loss during the process reaches 50-80 ml. If it is higher than the specified norm, then there is a risk that iron deficiency anemia will appear.

    Menstruation should occur without pain. They start at 11-15 years old. The function lasts throughout the entire reproductive period, stopping during pregnancy, childbirth and lactation. Menstrual function ends at approximately the age of 45-55 years.

  2. Bloody issues in the middle of menstruation are considered normal. They occur due to sharp fluctuations in the amount of hormones during ovulation, leading to an increase in the permeability of the walls of the uterine vessels. But in certain situations, the occurrence of such discharge in the middle of the cycle indicates the manifestation of hormonal disorders or that inflammation of the uterus has begun, therefore, when characteristic discharge initially appears, you should consult a specialist to rule out this disease.
  3. One more An almost normal type of vaginal discharge that is not associated with menstruation is implantation bleeding, which appears on the 7th day after conception. The reason is the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall, during which the structure of the uterine mucosa is partially destroyed, which leads to the appearance of insignificant discharge.

Types of pathological uterine bleeding

Experts divide these bleedings into a large number of varieties.

But there are some that are more common:

  • It is typical for acyclic that it occurs in the middle of menstrual cycles. It is caused by symptoms such as fibroids, cysts, endometriosis of the uterus and other pathologies. If it happens constantly, you should consult your doctor.
  • Juvenile bleeding. Characteristic at the beginning of puberty. They are caused by a number of circumstances, for example, persistent illnesses, high physical activity, and poor diet. Depending on blood loss, they lead to anemia of varying severity.
  • Profuse uterine bleeding It is quite dangerous when it is accompanied by pain. In such a situation, the amount of blood loss varies. The reasons may include abortion, vaginal infections, and the use of hormonal drugs.
  • Anovulatory bleeding characteristic of women who have reached menopause and adolescents who are going through puberty. This is due to the fact that the maturation of follicles and the production of progesterone are impaired when ovulation is absent. If left untreated, it provokes the occurrence of malignant neoplasms.
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding occurs when the functioning of the ovaries is impaired. It differs in that it appears when the menstrual cycle has been absent for a long period, and blood loss is quite severe.
  • Hypotonic bleeding occurs due to weak myometrial tone after abortion. Often happens after childbirth.
  • Sometimes women may experience bleeding clots from the uterus. Experts characterize their occurrence by the fact that the uterus undergoes certain anomalies during intrauterine development. Therefore, the blood stagnates inside, forming clots.

Symptoms of uterine bleeding

The main symptom of this pathology is vaginal discharge.

Uterine bleeding has the following characteristics:

  1. The number of discharges increases. During uterine bleeding, the concentration of blood loss increases and amounts to more than 80 ml.
  2. The duration of bleeding increases. Lasts over a week.
  3. Failures in the regularity of discharge - menstruation lasts approximately 21-35 days. Deviation from this norm indicates bleeding.
  4. Bleeding after sexual intercourse.
  5. Bleeding in postmenopause.

The following are signs of uterine bleeding:

  • Menorrhagia– excessive and prolonged menstruation (more than a week), their regularity does not change.
  • Metrorrhagia- inconsistent discharge. They appear mostly in the middle of the cycle and are not very intense.
  • Menometrorrhagia– prolonged and inconsistent bleeding.
  • Polymenorrhea– menstruation that appears more often than after 21 days.

In addition to the above, due to large blood losses, a characteristic sign of such symptoms is iron deficiency anemia. She is accompanied by weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, and pale skin.


Uterine bleeding is characterized by its ability to increase and not stop for a long period of time and is difficult to stop.

Therefore, depending on the type of bleeding, the following complications can be dangerous:

  • Moderate but constant blood loss may cause anemia of varying severity. Occurs if the loss content reaches 80 ml. In this condition, there is no direct threat to health, but it is worth paying attention to.
  • Severe blood loss caused by one-time heavy bleeding that is difficult to stop. In the vast majority of cases, surgery is needed to replace the blood and remove the uterus.
  • The danger of subsequent development of the disease. Here we talk about small blood losses, which are not emphasized. In this case, minor blood loss leads to profuse bleeding, or to the fact that the disease that provoked it will progress to a severe stage.
  • Bleeding of the uterus during pregnancy or in women who are in the postpartum period, it is quite dangerous and consists in the fact that there is a high risk of transformation into a state of shock. The intensity and severity of this condition is due to the fact that the uterus cannot contract properly and stop the bleeding itself.

First aid for bleeding

Emergency care for bleeding is to immediately call an ambulance. In particular, this is important when a woman is pregnant, her blood loss is severe, and her condition worsens significantly. In such a situation, every minute is important. When it is not possible to call doctors, you should take the patient to the hospital on your own.

Any bleeding of the uterus poses a significant threat to life, so appropriate actions must be taken.

During dysfunctional bleeding, it is prohibited to apply a hot or warm heating pad to the abdominal area, douche, take baths, or use drugs that help contract the uterus.

On her own, at home before the doctors arrive, a woman should carry out the following manipulations:

How to stop bleeding?

When the ambulance arrives, its actions are as follows:

  1. A bubble containing ice should be placed in the abdominal area.
  2. When heavy bleeding begins, the woman should be carried to the car on a stretcher.
  3. Hospitalize the patient and then transfer her to a doctor.
  4. Administration of magnesium sulfate solution if there is a risk of miscarriage. If there is a spontaneous abortion, calcium chloride and ascorbic acid are introduced into the woman’s body, which are diluted in glucose.

Hormonal drugs are Zhannine, Regulon, etc. On the first day, an increased dose is given, then one less tablet, reaching 1 piece. There are cases when gestogens are used, but they are used only if there is no severe anemia.

Sometimes they use drugs that stop bleeding, for example, Dicynon, Vikasol, Ascorutin, Aminocaproic acid.

There are situations when surgery is necessary, for example, curettage of the uterus (a fairly effective way to stop bleeding), cryodisruption (a method without any precautions), laser removal of the endometrium (used in women who do not plan a future pregnancy).


It would be advisable to start drug treatment, using in combination the usual and harmless means:

  • Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid has an excellent effect on blood vessels, ensuring that bleeding stops anywhere. However, this remedy can only be used with the proper dosage: you need to take quite impressive doses - at least 1 gram of the product per day.
  • Vikasol. The medication, which should be used 1 tablet 3 times a day, helps stop uterine bleeding with the help of vitamin K, which has an excellent effect on blood clotting.
  • Dicynone. Effectively stops bleeding, the drug has a good effect on the vascular and coagulation system when taking 3-4 tablets per day.

In many cases, the combined use of folk recipes and medications helps to reduce the amount of blood loss or completely stop uterine bleeding.

Folk remedies

As folk remedies for the treatment of uterine bleeding, decoctions and extracts of yarrow, water pepper, shepherd's purse, nettle, raspberry leaves and other plants are used.

The most famous recipes:

The use of traditional recipes is allowed only after receiving the recommendations of a specialist, since uterine bleeding is considered a symptom of various diseases, often quite dangerous. Therefore, it is quite important to identify the source of this condition and begin therapy as soon as possible.

What should you not do if bleeding occurs?

Uterine bleeding is a dangerous signal about problems in the female body. And you should respond to it appropriately. First you need to wait for an ambulance or find out the recommendations of a specialist.

Only a specialist can properly assess the condition, since there are a huge number of factors that can provoke uterine bleeding and only clinical practice makes it possible to fully consider the problem.

It is prohibited during bleeding:

  • Apply a warm heating pad to the body;
  • Perform douching;
  • Take a bath in a warm bath;
  • Use medications that contract the uterus without the advice of a specialist.


  • Activities that strengthen the body: proper work and rest schedule, proper nutrition, absence of stress and negative emotions.
  • Use first time 1-2 months of anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • For the first time 1-2 months of using drugs that stop bleeding.
  • Hormonal therapy. The approximate duration of therapy is from 3 months to six months. The weak effectiveness of such treatment indicates an incorrectly diagnosed cause of bleeding or incorrect selection of the drug or its dosage, susceptibility, or early cessation of therapy.
  • Vitamin complex: vitamin C 1 g. per day starting from the 16th day of the cycle, for 10 days; folic acid 1 tablet. per day from the 5th day of the cycle for 10 days; tocopherol acetate for 2 months, multivitamin and mineral products that contain iron and zinc.
  • Facilities, which calm and stabilize the nervous system.
  • Beneficial enough physical education, fitness, swimming, jogging, yoga, dancing affect the body.

The danger of uterine bleeding is great; it quickly intensifies and may not stop for a long time. The family finds itself in a difficult situation if it is far from the city, in the country, and the question of how to stop uterine bleeding at home needs to be resolved here and now.

It’s good if there are elderly women in the village who have knowledge of herbal medicine, they will be able to help brew the necessary herbs, which are usually collected in the summer and stored in the house, under the right drying conditions so that the herbs retain all their healing power.

Often dried herbs work better than freshly picked ones, but when you have no choice, any plants suitable for hemostatic action are used, because it is urgent to stop the bleeding before it leads to serious complications.

The consequences of uterine bleeding are severe:

  • Anemia develops if more than 80 ml of blood is lost. There is no threat to health yet, but the situation cannot be left without attention;
  • when a lot of blood is lost and the bleeding becomes severe, it is difficult to stop, surgical intervention is required, followed by a blood transfusion to replenish the lost volume to normal;
  • if the bleeding is severe, the underlying disease may worsen. If a woman is unable to see a doctor, even a small loss of blood causes profuse bleeding, and the disease becomes chronic;
  • bleeding in pregnant women is dangerous, it can cause premature birth; Bleeding in women in the postpartum stage is dangerous - in both cases it often leads to shock. Its severity is due to the inability to fully reduce and independently stop blood loss.

The first and main aid is to urgently call an ambulance. In the meantime, doctors are traveling to a distant village, we urgently need to find out from older women how to stop uterine bleeding at home using traditional methods, and use village medicine recipes.

Uterine bleeding of any cause seriously threatens a woman’s health, so the treatment that is available according to the situation must be prompt.

Regardless of the reasons for the bleeding, the woman should be placed on her back, on a hard bed, with her legs raised so that they are on some kind of elevation - pillows, bolsters made of blankets.

In this position, a person’s consciousness is preserved, especially when the blood loss is large. You need to put something cold on your stomach.

Frozen water in a plastic bottle, just frozen food works well. They need to be wrapped in a towel, kept on their stomach for 15 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. Cold causes blood vessels to constrict and blood flows significantly less.

A woman should be given plenty of water and weakly brewed sweet black or green tea. This will become an analogue of a hospital IV. You can drink plain water, herbal decoctions and tinctures. This will replenish fluid loss, and the glucose from their sugar will nourish the nerve cells of the brain. Usually a woman knows what to do in such situations, she knows the cause of the bleeding, and most often she will find the necessary pills in her first aid kit or cosmetic bag. But they should be taken only as prescribed by the doctor if the woman has regular bleeding.

After 50 years, women know how to stop uterine bleeding at home during menopause. For this, medications prescribed by a doctor and herbal decoctions are used. However, you need to be very careful when drinking medicine and herbal tea together: herbs sometimes have greater healing power than medicine, and in order not to enhance the effect of the pills, you need to take one or the other.

During menopause, a woman should know the symptoms of bleeding, the properties of discharge, and be able to dose the same Vikasol.

Many women drink Ascorbic acid, if the gastrointestinal tract allows, calcium gluconate. But medications must be prescribed by a doctor in suitable dosages.

Bleeding during menopause indicates:

  • about a malfunction in the production and functions of hormones;
  • about the growth of fibroids;
  • about endocrine disorders;
  • about ovarian tumors;
  • about the presence of polyps;
  • about other serious diseases.

Therefore, women of Balzac age are usually savvy in matters of their gynecological health, and know how to stop uterine bleeding at home with endometriosis, if they have such a chronic disease.

What grows everywhere in the village and is constantly trampled underfoot is a valuable medicinal plant. These are Knotweed, Shepherd's purse, Yarrow, Nettle.

Plants that are well known to everyone and, in terms of their medicinal effects, constitute the “female” group of herbs. Wash the top leaves of the plants well, not a lot, 2-3 at a time will be enough, take the white inflorescences from the Shepherd's Purse and pour boiling water in a half-liter jar. After half an hour the medicine is ready. This is a complex herbal tea that you should drink if you don’t have medicine at hand.

Yarrow and Knotweed relieve inflammation, Nettle and Shepherd's Purse stop bleeding. With this tea, which a woman will drink 2-3 sips every hour, you can calmly wait for the ambulance to arrive, or drive to the nearest hospital in your car, lying in the back seat. And behind the wheel is a caring husband.

When a woman is registered with a gynecologist for uterine fibroids, she also knows how to stop uterine bleeding at home with fibroids. Among the herbs for making tea using the same recipe, you can take Water Pepper, Cat's Paws, Knotweed, Nettle. Their hemostatic properties will help you wait for medical help, without which, in principle, at least one uterine bleeding is unlikely to occur.

The set of components contained in herbs strengthens the walls of blood vessels, makes the blood more viscous, as a result, blood pressure, already reduced, may slightly decrease, not only due to uterine, but also possibly due to. This point must also be carefully monitored, and the woman must be given warm coffee with milk or a caffeine tablet in a timely manner.

It turns out that a woman should know how to behave if uterine bleeding occurs somewhere far from home, on a trip, in nature, in the countryside. And how to stop uterine bleeding at home, there are reviews on many resources, where women share their own sad experiences, and where you can find unexpectedly interesting recipes from old grandmother’s notebooks.

It is a very serious sign, which often indicates the occurrence of a dangerous gynecological pathology. A woman is advised to consult a doctor immediately, but sometimes this is not possible. Therefore, the question of how to stop uterine bleeding at home becomes paramount.

The main symptoms indicating the occurrence of a serious pathological process include:

  • copious bleeding;
  • too long period of menstruation;
  • cycle failure;
  • opening of bleeding after sexual intercourse;
  • bleeding during menopause.

In the absence of pathology, blood is released in an amount of 50-80 milliliters. If the uterus secretes a larger volume of blood, this indicates the occurrence of a dangerous pathological process. This indicator is determined by the need to replace hygiene products in a period of time from 30 to 120 minutes.

Normal bleeding in the absence of pathology lasts for seven days. The anomalous process takes much longer. On average, the menstrual cycle lasts slightly longer than 30 days. If a woman has a disease, this period can be extended or reduced.

Due to severe pain, the young lady cannot do her usual activities. There is a fear that even slight movement will increase bleeding. The skin turns pale, the woman feels very weak. There is dizziness, and sometimes fainting occurs.

How you can help

If uterine bleeding continues for a very long time, there is a risk of losing a large volume of fluid. Against this background, a woman can fall into a coma or die. Therefore, it is very important to know how to stop uterine bleeding at home.

Before the doctor arrives, you need to do the following:

  • apply a cold compress to the lower abdomen;
  • take a horizontal position, bend your limbs at the knees and lift them slightly;
  • drink as much quality liquid as possible.

It is recommended to place a pillow or small cushion under your feet. It is advisable to drink strong, sweetened tea or chilled boiled water. Drinking sweet tea helps replenish glucose balance. Sweet tea can be alternated with rosehip infusion. This drink helps improve blood clotting. Mineral water, juices and sweet carbonated drinks should not be given. In addition, a woman should avoid sudden movements as much as possible.

What medications can you take?

You need to drink anything with great caution. Young ladies expecting the birth of a child should take special care. But bleeding from endometriosis can only be stopped with medications. With this anomaly, the following technique helps:

  • Dicinona;
  • Diferelina;
  • Alfita-8;
  • Tranexam;
  • Vikasola.

A woman may be prescribed medications that contract the uterus. Ergometrine, Contrical and Oxytocin are usually relevant. Taking these medications helps normalize the muscle layer and uterine muscles.

Medicines, such as folic acid, vitamins B and C, help strengthen the walls of blood vessels. For this purpose, the patient is prescribed calcium gluconate. Taking this medicine helps improve blood clotting.

If endometriosis is severely advanced, the woman is prescribed hormonal medications. Novinet, Duphaston, Danazol and Zoladex are usually recommended. For uterine bleeding, aminocaproic acid is prescribed. This medicine stops spontaneous thrombotic dissolution. Against this background, the intensity of bleeding gradually normalizes. The intake of aminocaproic acid should be strictly controlled by a doctor. The medicine is prescribed intravenously or orally.

Traditional medicine methods

How are bleeding treated? Some herbs help stop uterine bleeding. Before using them, you should consult a doctor. Otherwise, the symptoms may only get worse. It is very important to remember that folk remedies are an auxiliary method. Hemostatic herbs for uterine bleeding should be used simultaneously with medications.

  • nettle;
  • burdock or large burdock;
  • yarrow;
  • burnet.

What is the best way to stop the bleeding? It all depends on the reason that provoked its abundant release.

Use of burnet

To stop uterine bleeding, many doctors recommend using burnet. Preparing a decoction to stop bleeding is quite simple. To prepare a medicinal product, you need to use the roots and rhizomes of a medicinal plant. It is advisable to collect the plant in the fall.

Next, it needs to be thoroughly washed and dried. Then the root of the plant needs to be crushed, pour 200 milliliters of boiling water and boil for half an hour. After this, the broth must be cooled and filtered thoroughly.

You need to take the medicine one tablespoon, at least five times a day. You can use already prepared extract of this plant. It is recommended to take 30-50 drops three to four times a day.

Burnet has a huge amount of useful substances. This medicinal herb contains vitamins and tannins.

Uses of nettle

Nettle has been actively used in folk medicine since ancient times. This healing plant helps to safely stop even severe uterine bleeding. The preparation of the remedy is very simple.

Dry nettle in an amount of 10 grams is brewed with 200 milliliters of hot water. Then the brewed nettle is boiled over low heat for ten to fifteen minutes. Next, the broth is infused and carefully filtered. It is recommended to take the remedy for 24 hours. It is advisable to drink this medicine at least five times, 10 milliliters each.

Nettle is of particular benefit during inflammatory processes. The prepared decoction is recommended for use for polyps in the uterus.

Application of burdock

A person who is interested in herbs for uterine bleeding should pay attention to such a healing plant as burdock. It is used for a variety of gynecological pathologies. Burdock is especially valuable for its roots, from which healing juice is prepared. It consists of:

  • tannins;
  • proteins;
  • essential oils;
  • amino acids;
  • minerals;
  • microelements.

Burdock is often used to treat bleeding caused by uterine fibroids. To prepare the healing remedy, you need to grind the dried burdock to a powdery state and pour 1/2 liters of boiling water.

After this, the product must be infused for ten to twelve hours. You need to drink 100 milliliters of burdock juice, at least three times a day. Duration of therapy is 1 month. Then it is recommended to take a two-week break and resume the course.

Uses of yarrow

A woman interested in which herbs to use for uterine bleeding should pay attention to yarrow. This herb is recommended to be brewed as tea. You should drink this tea when heavy bleeding stops.

To prepare the product, pour 1 tablespoon of herb with 1 glass of hot boiled water and leave for 60 minutes. It is recommended to take the product 30 minutes before meals. It is recommended to drink 1/2 cup of yarrow tea.

What not to do

In case of uterine bleeding, warming procedures are strictly prohibited. You should not place a heating pad on your stomach, as this accelerates inflammatory processes.

In addition, you should not resort to vaginal douching. This procedure may only increase bleeding. Hot baths are not allowed. It is strictly forbidden to take any medications, including medicinal herbs.


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