What kind of feces is submitted for analysis? Why submit stool for analysis? Features of the procedure for suspected various diseases

A scatological examination or coprogram is a mandatory type of diagnosis, which is carried out on a newborn baby, an adult, and prescribed during pregnancy.

Using a coprogram you can determine:

  1. manifestations of gastrointestinal tract diseases,
  2. disturbances in the functioning of the biliary tract, liver,
  3. the presence of helminths and worm eggs,
  4. inflammatory processes, viruses and infections in the body,
  5. study the intestinal microflora.

In order for the coprogram to show reliable results, you need to know exactly how to correctly submit feces for analysis, the conditions for its collection and the timing of transfer to the laboratory.

What does a coprogram show?

There are several types of stool examination. If the indicators are false, you often have to undergo the examination again. To avoid this situation, it is better to check with your doctor in advance about the purpose of the test and the rules for preparing for it.

Diagnostics using a coprogram is carried out as a mandatory analysis upon entry to work, during an annual medical examination, and routine examinations of the health status of newborn children.

Stool analysis: preparation

The doctor must warn the patient about the scatological examination a week before the scheduled scat test. This will be enough time to prepare.

If a general stool test gives a false positive or negative result, a repeat examination is prescribed. Another type of coprogram is also used, the occult blood test. The rules for submitting material for diagnostics are slightly different.

Before testing stool for occult blood, you need to know what you can’t eat and exclude from your diet:

  1. green vegetables and fruits,
  2. meat, as well as liver,
  3. seafood, fish,
  4. eggs,
  5. legumes,
  6. alcohol,
  7. Coffee and tea.

It takes 14 days to prepare for a bacteriological examination for dysbacteriosis, 3 days for a coprogram, and 7 days for an occult blood test. This should also be taken into account. Do not forget that human bowel movements are an indicator of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the entire digestive system as a whole.

Diet before donating stool

Traditionally, before carrying out a coprogram, they suggest limiting yourself in food and using the Schmidt diet. It is filled with nutritious proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Duration – 4 days. It is recommended immediately before taking a stool test.

Let us consider in detail what is included in the diet menu of the famous Schmidt:

  • milk. Quantity per day - no more than 1.5 liters,
  • 3 eggs. Must be cooked soft-boiled
  • minced meat. For the whole day - 125 grams,
  • mashed potatoes – 200 grams,
  • oatmeal decoction. Accepted once. Quantity – 40 grams,
  • oil,
  • White bread.

All these products must be distributed over 5 meals. The daily amount of calories should not exceed 2250. But this is still a gentle option on how to prepare for the coprogram test.

The next diet, according to Pevzner, is more filling, which is something people with gastrointestinal problems often complain about. Calorie content per day reaches 3250.

Let's look at the detailed menu according to Pevzner:

  1. Bread is allowed both white and black. 400 grams each,
  2. meat. Must be whole and fried. Per day - 250 grams,
  3. oil. Sunflower or butter. No more than 100 grams,
  4. refined sugar – 40 grams,
  5. porridge. Choice of buckwheat or rice,
  6. fried potato,
  7. cabbage. Pickled or in the form of a salad,
  8. compote. Fresh drink made from dried fruits
  9. apples.

The Institute of Nutrition, which, based on the above examples, taking into account all their shortcomings for people suffering from intestinal obstruction and frequent constipation, has compiled its preparatory menu for stool analysis.

Special test diet before coprogram:

  • first breakfast. Buckwheat – 60 grams, butter – 10 grams, soft-boiled egg. A glass of tea. Additionally, a little milk is allowed - 50 ml,
  • lunch. A glass of tea. Add milk - 50 ml, butter - 10 grams,
  • dinner. Meaty, hearty borscht in broth. Serving: 50 grams of cabbage, 25 grams of beets and carrots. For garnish – 200 grams of fried potatoes, 150 grams of meat, fresh cabbage – 100 grams. It is recommended to drink fresh compote. As an option, only brewed from dried fruits - 1 glass or tea and 30 grams of crackers,
  • dinner. Rice porridge – 50 grams, meat – 100 grams, tea.

The daily dose of bread is up to 200 grams. It is allowed to use both white wheat and black. Sugar is allowed to consume no more than 60 grams. The duration of this diet is about 5 days before the coprogram passes.

Everyone knows that you should purchase in advance from the pharmacy a special container with a small spatula inside, which facilitates the process of collecting feces for coprogram.

But few people know that there are also general rules for collecting feces:

  1. urinate beforehand. Avoid contact between urine and bowel movements,
  2. collect stool in a special container. The amount of feces should not exceed 1/3 of the laboratory glassware,
  3. when analyzing for dysbacteriosis, feces are selected from the total mass only with a dark, unnatural tint.

If it is possible to carry out the process of defecation not into the toilet, but into the vessel, the resulting material will give more accurate results. Beforehand, the utensils for defecation must be disinfected and rinsed well with water.

How to collect feces from a baby

A newborn baby does not require special preparation before undergoing coprogram. His diet consists of dairy products, which cannot be replaced.

The problem remains how to collect feces from a baby carefully and correctly:

  • use a gauze diaper at night. Make it yourself and heat-treat it with an iron. Use a diaper if your baby is sleeping soundly,
  • Collection of material is possible the night before. Do a little gymnastics with your child. Massage the abdomen, stroking the area around the navel in a circular motion. Bend your baby's legs at the knees and try to pull them towards the tummy.

Place the resulting feces in a special container. If the child has loose stools, carefully transfer the composition from the oilcloth into the test tube.

You cannot collect feces from a baby after using a regular diaper filled with gel.

Stool coprogram: how to pass it correctly

Laboratory diagnostics are usually carried out in the morning, so it is better to submit materials for research immediately. The coprogram includes several types of analyzes. Therefore, for each of them there are individual rules for storing and donating feces.

If you did everything correctly, expect a response.

How many days will it take for the stool test to be ready?

In the laboratory, you can get results in 1-2 days from employees or your doctor. In some private clinics such an examination may take 5-6 days.


Why do you need stool diagnostics?

Many people wonder what a stool test is, and why is it needed, and is it possible to detect serious diseases through such diagnostics? The analysis is carried out in order to study the state of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and the digestive system as a whole.

In its normal state, feces have an amorphous consistency and consist mainly of the remains of foods consumed by humans. In a healthy person, only food residues are visible in the feces, since the stomach does not always completely digest all the food.

The presence of inclusions such as blood, mucus, or changes in the color and consistency of stool is a good reason to seek help from specialists. Usually, to identify the true cause of the disease, doctors suggest taking stool for analysis.

In medicine, such an analysis is called a coprogram. This research method requires special preparation, and also allows you to identify the exact cause of the following stable conditions: feeling of nausea, open vomiting; blood in feces; flatulence; belching, accompanied by an unpleasant odor and aftertaste; painful symptoms in the stomach; dysbiosis.

Coprogram as a research method carefully studies the components of stool and gives an objective assessment of the patient’s health status. Thanks to the results of the coprogram, the specialist will be able not only to find out about the cause of the disease and make an accurate diagnosis, but also to prescribe an adequate treatment method.


Stool analysis for scatology: what is it?

Coprology analysis, or simply coprogram, is the laboratory study of fragments of human feces. The main objective of the study is to assess the condition of the digestive organs. The coprogram allows you to determine:

In other words, a coprogram is a comprehensive analysis of stool, with the help of which it is possible to reliably assess the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and identify possible pathologies. Such indicators as the results of diagnosing the physical properties of feces based on macroscopic and microscopic, as well as chemical studies, are taken into account.

Chemical analysis is carried out for:

  • determining the reaction of feces to the acid-base balance (pH), occult blood, identifying soluble proteins (Tribulet-Vishnyakov reaction);
  • tracking bile pigments.
  • Important indicators of microscopic examination are:
  • remains of digested food fragments (detritus);
  • the presence of muscle fibers and connective tissues, fragments of fiber, starch in the feces;
    detection of fatty acids and neutral fats;
  • ratio of elements of the intestinal mucosa;
  • bacteria, etc.

Normally, stool tests are taken at least once a year. Typically, the adult population undergoes testing as part of a medical examination, when applying for a job or registering for sanatorium treatment. Children are required to undergo scatology when entering educational and preschool institutions, and even to obtain a certificate for the swimming pool.

An unscheduled analysis can be prescribed when:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hemorrhoids and anal fissures;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • poisoning;
  • suspected helminthiasis or giardiasis;
  • diarrhea of ​​unknown origin;
  • lactose intolerance in children;
  • preparation for surgical operations, etc.

A coprogram is often rarely prescribed as an isolated study, but mainly serves as an additional, and at the same time very informative, diagnostic method.

What does a coprogram show?

After you have taken a stool test for coprogram, you can find out what it shows from your doctor. The result takes from one to several days to be prepared. Independently deciphering a stool analysis for a coprogram can be difficult. What do the research results show?

In an adult

A stool coprogram analysis, the decoding of which is usually given in the plate in the photo on a laboratory form, normally looks something like this in an adult:

Although the test requires about 20 grams of feces, the patient should pay attention to the approximate daily amount of excrement. Usually 200-500 g are excreted per day. If this figure is higher, there may be diseases such as ulcerative colitis, enteritis, colon cancer, etc. Lack of feces is a possible symptom of ulcers, colitis, myxedema, anorexia and etc.

The consistency of stool may vary normally, but only slightly. A good indicator is average density. Thickness of stool is a symptom of constipation and lack of fluid, and thinness is a symptom of dysbiosis or intestinal infection.

The color of stool is an important indicator for coprogram. Entering the intestines with bile, the special pigment bilirubin breaks down into stercobilin. The latter provides the brown fecal color. Discoloration is a symptom of certain intestinal problems, such as:

  • a light yellow tint occurs when eating milk and milk-based products, while bright yellow is a symptom of diarrhea caused by infection or indigestion;
  • dark brown feces occur both with the abuse of meat food and with the presence of stones in the bile ducts;
  • black stool is possible due to foods rich in iron (and when taking iron with medication), or due to bleeding in the stomach or intestines;
  • a green tint may be due to a lack of bile;
  • red stool is a sign of either a diet with a predominance of coloring foods, or internal bleeding;
  • Colorless stool occurs when the supply of stercobilin is disrupted, which indicates problems with the gallbladder or cirrhosis of the liver, as well as a whole list of other diseases.

The smell is also assessed: a specific fecal smell is normal, which is provided by the presence of volatile substances produced by intestinal bacteria. A sour smell may indicate a high content of fatty acids, and a sharp putrid odor may indicate poisoning or rotting in the intestines.

Impurities visible in feces with the naked eye are also studied:

  • undigested food lumps indicate gastritis or indigestion, although some foods (nuts, seeds, tomato peels, etc.) in the fecal matter are normal;
  • mucus indicates inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, infections and ulcerative colitis;
  • fat – symptoms of impaired pancreatic function;
  • blood indicates internal intestinal bleeding or hemorrhoids;
  • pus impurities occur during inflammatory processes.

The coprogram-norm does not show nonspecific impurities. There shouldn't be any protein either. Its presence can be caused by chronic inflammation or dysbiosis. And there should be no pure bilirubin in the fecal material for research. If it is detected, the function of the gallbladder is most likely impaired.

The study of intestinal microflora allows us to determine whether the digestive processes are proceeding normally and whether there are any infectious diseases. Microflora (microbiota) consists of microorganisms that live in the gastrointestinal tract in symbiosis with humans. On average, the intestines are inhabited by about 50 trillion bacteria, and feces are approximately 60% composed of microorganisms. Almost 95% of microflora are beneficial bacteria, the remaining 5% are pathogens. When this balance is disturbed, dysbiosis begins.

The child has

A child's coprogram, in general, differs slightly from an adult's. Of course, it is worth making a “discount” for age-related digestive characteristics. Normally, children's alkaline reaction is neutral or slightly alkaline pH 6-8. Detritus is also present moderately in the coprogram (what this is is discussed above). The iodophilic flora in a child’s coprogram is also different from that of an adult. It appears in feces when the number of beneficial microorganisms decreases and pathogenic flora increases. In the case where in adults even a slight deviation from this balance may indicate a disturbance in the state and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, in children this is not necessarily the case. If the child feels well and diarrhea is sporadic, there is no reason to worry.

In a baby

The coprogram of children in the first year of life is somewhat different even from a normal child’s. This is especially true for the presence of bilirubin: in infants its presence in feces is normal. At the same time, the baby's stool has a green tint - these are features of the formation of intestinal microflora and milk nutrition. In small quantities, fecal matter may contain fatty acids, soaps, muscle fibers, mucus and white blood cells. The acidity of infant stool is slightly alkaline (pH 4.5-6).

Coprogram: how to take it correctly

Submitting feces for scatology does not require special preparation. But some rules for the purity of the result are worth following:

  1. You cannot donate stool while taking antibiotics, at least a week after they are stopped;
  2. You should stick to a diet low in fat and coloring foods for a couple of days before analysis;
  3. refuse sorbents on the eve of stool collection;
  4. reschedule the test if you are menstruating.

Feces are delivered relatively “fresh”, no more than 8-10 hours of storage. It is allowed to hand over the evening harvest the next morning, but it should be stored overnight in an airtight container in a cool place.

How to collect feces for coprogram

Before performing a “control” bowel movement for analysis, you should not wash yourself - water and soap will destroy possible traces of pinworms. It is recommended to empty the bladder - the presence of urine in the stool will “smear” the test result.

The toilet or defecation container must be clean. After the intestines are emptied, a little is collected from different parts of the “pile.” Ideally, they use a medicine jar - it has a spoon for collection, and the jar itself meets all sanitary and hygienic standards. If it is not prohibited in the clinic, a small glass jar or, for example, a penicillin tube with a tight lid, previously disinfected with boiling water, will also do.

Feces from children are taken from the potty if the baby is accustomed to it. It is worth making sure in advance that the baby urinates, only then do they collect material for research. The pot is pre-washed and treated with boiling water.

For infants, it is better to collect the analysis from a diaper previously spread under the bottom. Diapers are not very suitable as a “reservoir” for biomaterial, since they mix feces with urine.

How long does a stool test take?

After the stool is passed, you will have to wait a couple of days - that’s how long it takes to prepare the analysis. Sometimes it takes up to 5 days. In paid laboratories, as a rule, the waiting time is reduced.

Feces are not just waste products. Despite the disdain for feces, which is inherent in us at the genetic level, it is a valuable material for diagnosing health. Laboratory tests of stool allow timely diagnosis of a huge number of diseases! And although now you know what a coprogram is, what kind of analysis it is and why it is taken, and you can familiarize yourself with the decoding of the results obtained in your hands, it is safer to entrust the reading of the tablet to a specialist.


Any medical procedure must be carried out in accordance with certain rules, on compliance with which its effectiveness depends. Intramuscular injections are made under aseptic conditions to avoid infection, tablets are taken in accordance with treatment regimens to prevent drug overdose, and so on. For some reason, patients believe that all these subtleties should be known and followed by medical staff, but they do not concern patients. The only rule known to most is that blood must be donated on an empty stomach. However, even submitting stool for examination is carried out after some preparation and in accordance with a number of important instructions.

Five general rules for donating stool

1.​ The sample obtained for analysis must be obtained as a result of spontaneous bowel movements, that is, without enemas or taking laxatives. The first ones are prohibited to be carried out less than 2 days before the study, the second - less than 2-3 days. Otherwise, the contents pass through the intestines faster, which disrupts the composition of the stool, which should have formed under natural conditions. For example, undigested food residues, fats, starch and other components may be found in the coprogram, based on the presence of which a specialist has reason to suspect, for example, pancreatitis.

However, some researchers note that a sample obtained using laxatives sometimes better demonstrates the presence of Giardia: they are washed out of the duodenum and quickly enter the feces, without having time to modify and die in the underlying parts of the digestive tract.

2.​ The fresher the stool sample, the better. Optimally, 4-6 hours should pass from donating stool to the moment it gets to the laboratory. This is not an absolute criterion, it’s just that over time the composition of the stool, primarily microbiological, may change, which can affect the results.

Unfortunately, laboratories for receiving tests are only open during certain hours in the morning. Most medical institutions see them from 8 to 10 am. This makes the task somewhat difficult, because there are people who are used to going to the toilet only in the evening, and some children cannot be forced to sit on the potty after waking up with any force or tricks. What to do? If time is pressing, you can experiment and try to endure the next bowel movement until the morning; if that doesn’t work, hand in the latest possible evening portion and take it in immediately after the laboratory opens. Even such a sample is better than nothing.

3. Before donating stool, you should follow a proper healthy diet for 2-3 days, do not eat too many foods that cause gas, diarrhea or constipation. You should also avoid eating beets and other foods that can affect the color of your stool.

4. If possible, on the eve of sample collection, you should stop taking certain medications: activated carbon (gives stool a black color), bismuth (also affects color), rectal suppositories (change its composition), pilocarpine (affects peristalsis). Also, within 2 days before donating stool, you should not conduct X-ray contrast studies of the digestive organs (barium passage, irrigoscopy): barium sulfate, which patients take, gives the stool a white color and disrupts its composition.

5. It is advisable for women during menstruation to avoid donating feces. If this is necessary, you should use a swab to prevent blood from getting into the sample.

From theory to practice

Let's hope that all the rules outlined above are clear, simple and will be taken into account. Now let’s decide what the stool collection procedure itself should look like.

Before collection, you must first urinate and thoroughly wash the perineum with warm water and soap, and then dry well. It is highly undesirable for both urine and water to get into the sample. Many people neglect hygiene, believing that feces in themselves are “dirty”, and excess microbes from the surface of the skin will definitely not harm the results. However, along with germs, chemical components from linen and clothing can get into the stool, so it is better to pay sufficient attention to this point.

You need to defecate in a dry, clean container, for example, a bedpan or, if the patient is a child, a potty. What to do if there is no vessel at home, as in most families? Some “hand over” feces into the toilet, if its design allows it, and then take the sample from there. However, this is undesirable, since the cleanliness of the toilet is not ideal. You can offer an alternative - stretch cling film over the toilet seat, comfortably do your business on it and collect a sample; many people do just that.

The sample is collected in a clean, sealed container, glass or plastic. By volume you need to take about a teaspoon of feces. Then the dishes are sealed and taken to the laboratory.

Special instructions when taking certain tests

Before taking a stool occult blood test, you must avoid foods containing iron, primarily meat and offal, for 3-4 days before the test. Also, at this time, invasive interventions on the gastrointestinal tract (gastroscopy, colonoscopy) are not performed, and on the day before the analysis you should even stop brushing your teeth. A highly sensitive chemical reaction can give a false positive answer if it detects components of destroyed blood (including simple iron) in the stool.

A stool sample intended for testing for dysbacteriosis (intestinal group) must be collected not just in clean, but in sterile containers. Microbes from contaminated walls can enter the sample and affect the results.

When collecting feces for worm eggs, it is better to make the sample a little larger in volume than it should be, and collect it from several places, rather than taking it “in one block.”

If you are about to undergo a stool test, make sure that you have prepared for the test properly and have not violated any of the listed rules. And, even if compliance with them seems difficult and dreary to you, do not forget that this is the key to obtaining the right results, that is, you are acting in your own interests.

PS: Read also “Analysis of stool for dysbacteriosis: explanation”, “Analysis of stool for carbohydrates”

In contact with


The first thing your doctor will do if you contact him with complaints of digestive problems will be to give you a referral for a general stool test. The study of physical, chemical and microscopic indicators of feces provides the most complete picture of the state of the digestive system as a whole and each organ separately. Next, we will look at what kind of “Stool coprogram” analysis this is, why it is so informative, how to take it and how to decipher the results of the study?

Feces are the end product of human activity. Incoming food travels a long way from the oral cavity to the large intestine, where it is formed in feces. In each of the departments and organs of the digestive tract, a number of complex biochemical reactions are observed, knowing which a specialist, even by the appearance of feces, can tell a lot about the digestive ability of each organ of the gastrointestinal tract and existing pathologies.

After all, excrement contains undigested food debris and fiber, water and metabolic products, bacteria and fragments of epithelium from various parts of the intestine, coloring fecal pigments, blood, enzymes, digestive juices and much more.

Stool analysis is prescribed as part of a general diagnostic study to detect diseases:

  • stomach in acute or chronic stage;
  • any part of the intestine;
  • liver;
  • gallbladder and its ducts;
  • pancreas;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • dysbacteriosis.

A stool examination is prescribed if there is a suspicion of:

  • hemorrhoids and anal fissures;
  • chronic constipation and Crohn's disease;
  • colitis and ulcers;
  • polyps in the large intestine;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • pancreatitis and cirrhosis of the liver;
  • anemia and amoebic dysentery.

And this is not the entire list of diseases that are not only diagnosed, but also observed during general therapy.

Typically, at the first visit, the patient complains of pain in the abdomen, constipation or diarrhea, excessive gas formation and bloating, cramps, colic, blood and mucus in the stool.

To quickly identify the pathogen in case of poisoning, a general stool analysis is also prescribed.

In children, such diagnostics are carried out in case of allergic reactions, suspicion of helminths, or any other digestive disorders.

How to prepare for a stool test

Preparation for submitting stool for coprogram takes several days. It is not particularly difficult, but if you want to get accurate results, you still need to follow some simple rules. Then the laboratory will be able to see the most accurate picture of the state of the digestive tract.

Preparatory measures are, first of all, following a special diet aimed at cleansing the intestines. Feces should be free of food and dietary fiber.

The diet should be balanced and consist of a ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

For these purposes, two diets have been developed and are most often used.

Pevzner's diet

Provides for the consumption of up to 3 thousand kilocalories per day. The diet is allowed to include:

  • bread made from rye or wheat flour;
  • meat, boiled or fried;
  • porridge made from rice or buckwheat;
  • butter;
  • potatoes, cooked any way you like;
  • fresh apples.

Diet according to Schmidt

Here, fewer daily calories are allowed - only 2400. And the products are mainly dairy, including eggs and butter. The following is also allowed:

Meals are fractional, in small portions, 5-6 times a day.

Often stool tests need to be done quickly. In this case, at least 24 hours before collecting feces, you must not drink alcoholic beverages, tea or coffee.

What is strictly prohibited before the examination

If you are having a stool occult blood test:

  1. Eliminate green vegetables, meat and fish products, tomatoes and chicken eggs in any form from your diet. Their remains may show a false positive result.
  2. Do not take medications that contain iron.

It should be remembered that during the menstrual cycle it is necessary to wait with the diagnosis, as after a colonoscopy or x-ray using a contrast agent.

How to properly collect feces for coprogram

A few simple tips on how to correctly submit feces for coprogram will increase the chances of diagnostic accuracy:

  1. Prepare a pot or any convenient container.
  2. In the morning after urinating, empty there.
  3. It is better to use a disposable container to collect stool. It is inexpensive, sold at any pharmacy and equipped with a special spatula, which is very convenient for collecting feces.
  4. The container must be new, clean, dry and have a tight lid.
  5. If the biomaterial is collected the night before because you don’t expect it in the morning, then it should be stored in the refrigerator. Shelf life - maximum 10 hours, no more.
  6. The excrement for worm eggs must still be warm to obtain accurate data, so they must be taken to the laboratory immediately.
  7. Material for bacteriological examination is taken in the laboratory with a special instrument. This is done by a laboratory assistant.
  8. The amount of feces for research should not exceed the volume of a teaspoon, this is quite enough.
  9. If you suffer from long-term constipation, try colon massage.
  10. If this does not help, then you will have to do an enema and collect solid pieces from the water.

Sometimes for analysis it is necessary to collect feces during the day. In this case, you need to store the already collected material in the refrigerator.

How to collect material for analysis in children

If a child has already learned to use a potty, then it will be quite easy to do, just like an adult.

Just a few rules for accurate analysis:

  1. Wash the pot thoroughly with baby soap and pour boiling water over it. Do not use cleaning products containing chemicals.
  2. 48 hours before the collection, stop taking medications prescribed by your doctor.
  3. Bathe your child daily and clean him after each bowel movement.
  4. If feces are collected for the presence of pinworms or other helminths, then it should not be washed away; their larvae are located in the perineal area. By washing them off, you can get a false negative result.

Stool collection from infants

Collecting feces from a newborn has its own characteristics. If he is breastfed, then the mother must also follow a certain diet for several days:

  • exclude from the diet foods that cause allergies - eggs, oranges, chocolates, as well as fried, fatty, smoked and pickled foods;
  • do not drink alcohol, do not smoke;
  • give preference to meat dishes and steamed vegetables, oatmeal and rice porridge, light soups with vegetable broths.

It is best to collect feces from a diaper. If this is not possible, then take it from above without touching the surface.

If the stool is too loose, place an oilcloth under the baby's bottom, and only then collect the feces from it.

If constipated, give a light massage or insert a gas tube.

In infants, stool coprogram is often the most informative analysis, the results of which are sufficient to verify that the child has dysbiosis.

In older children, it is also accompanied by the detection of helminths - pinworms or worms.

Where to do a stool test for coprogram and how long to wait for the results

Today, such an analysis can be done not only at the local clinic. There are many specialized laboratories and clinical centers where you can go with or without a doctor's referral. One of them is the Invitro laboratory, where coprogram or coproctology are presented, which, in essence, are the same stool analysis.

The maximum duration of the study is 6 days, but usually it is 1-2 days, the price is 500 rubles. How much analysis is done depends on the specific medical center.

A form is issued with the results of micro-, macro- and chemical studies, which are deciphered by the doctor.

Before going anywhere, ask about the timing, price, and reviews of other patients.

Decoding coprogram in adults

Macroscopic analysis of stool allows you to determine:

  • general state of appearance;
  • volume;
  • shape;
  • density and consistency;
  • color;
  • smell;
  • the presence of streaks of blood, mucus, pus, helminths, undigested food;
  • stones from the bile ducts, intestines or pancreas.

The normal range of stool examined visually should show the following results:

  • Brown color;
  • dense, formed consistency;
  • specific smell of feces;
  • without impurities.

Although food eaten the day before the test or medications taken may change the appearance of stool, small deviations from the norm are considered acceptable.

Deviations from the norm in the color of feces

  1. Light- in case of liver failure or blockage of the bile ducts;
  2. Colorless- cirrhosis, hepatitis, problems with the gallbladder and ducts, adhesions, inflammation.
  3. Black- black currant, cherry, rowan, bleeding in the stomach or duodenum, cirrhosis of the liver, blockage of the splenic vein, taking medications with bismuth or iron.
  4. Brown, dark- eating meat, the breakdown of tumors or the passage of stones from the gallbladder.
  5. Reds- blood is released from the rectum or colon.
  6. Greens in the form of pea soup - for typhoid fever.
  7. Yellow, bright- senna herb, fermentation process in the intestines, diarrhea.
  8. Yellow, light- excessive consumption of milk or dairy products

Deviations from the norm in consistency, density, quantity in adults

  1. Feces that are too dense- liquid is absorbed through the intestinal walls in large quantities, constipation.
  2. Liquid form- mucus content, inflammatory processes, high peristalsis.
  3. Gel-like appearance speaks of possible chronic pancreatitis.
  4. Foamy feces are caused by fermentation in the stomach.
  5. Large, voluminous excrement- disturbances in the digestion of food, its long stay in the thick section. Associated with poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, tumors, diverticulosis.
  6. Small, sheep, feces- spasms, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, ulcers, fasting.
  7. Thin tape- stenosis of the rectum, the presence of neoplasms.
  8. Unformed stool- enzymatic deficiency, problems associated with the digestion and absorption of food.
  9. A small amount of feces is associated with constipation, colitis, and ulcerative conditions.

Deviations from the norm in the smell of feces

  1. Too weak - taking a large amount of plant products during the diet, constipation.
  2. Strengthened - with diarrhea, meat diet.
  3. Fetid, pungent - rotting processes in the intestines.
  4. Sourish - with a high fat content.

Presence of impurities in stool

Norm and deviations in chemical research

After the macroscopic, visual examination, the laboratory assistant conducts a chemical examination of the excrement.

  • acid-base balance;
  • occult blood according to the Gregerson reaction;
  • bilirubin content;
  • soluble protein;
  • stercobilin;
  • soluble mucus.

Acid-base environment

The norm is from 6.87 to 7.64, neutral or slightly alkaline.

From 5.49 to 6.79 - acidic, the absorption of fatty acids in the intestines is impaired.

Less than 5.49 - sharply acidic, fermentation occurs in the intestines, a reaction to lactose.

From 7.72 to 8.53 - alkaline, fermentation of proteins due to the abuse of meat products.

From 8.55 - sharply alkaline, rotting processes in the thick and sometimes in the thin sections.

Gregerson occult blood test

Often the presence of blood cannot be determined visually or even using a microscope. The chemical method allows you to recognize red blood cells, the hidden content of which indicates:

Often the analysis is false positive due to improper preparation: meat and fish, sausages in the diet, medications with iron that the patient did not stop taking, injury to the gums when brushing teeth, donating feces during menstruation.

Normally it should not be detected.

A positive reaction is inflammatory processes in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract:

Acute pancreatitis is usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, pain under the ribs, bloating, gas, and a sharp foul odor of feces.

Soluble protein also says:

  • o the presence of dysbacteriosis;
  • chronic congenital inflammation of the small intestine, in which it does not accept the vegetable protein of cereals, celiac disease.

Its appearance in the feces of a newborn who is breastfed is considered normal. This substance gives stool a greenish or brown color and ideally appears in them only as breakdown products, for example, stercobilin. Otherwise indicates:

  • diarrhea;
  • dysbacteriosis in advanced severe form;
  • acute gastroenteritis.


The breakdown product of bilirubin is found in bile and a small amount is excreted along with it from the duodenum.

The norm is 75 to 100 mg of this substance per 100 g of feces.

Reduced content with:

  • impaired functioning of the spleen, excessive functions;
  • intoxication in case of poisoning with medications or poisons, in which the breakdown of red blood cells occurs.
  • pathology of the pancreas;
  • stones in the bile ducts;
  • presence of hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

Stool analysis for coprogram: microscopic examination

Shows how well the food consumed is digested.

What reveals norms and deviations

Muscle fibers- remnants of undigested meat dishes. Normally, altered fibers are present. An unchanged appearance indicates a pathology of the pancreas, in which an insufficient amount of digestive juice is produced or its composition changes. As a result, food is not digested or digested poorly.

This may also mean:

  • diarrhea;
  • processes of rotting or fermentation in the intestines.

Connective tissue fibers- residues of meat products are normally absent. The presence indicates:

  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • pancreatitis, insufficient production of enzymes.

Plant fibers- Fiber can be soluble or insoluble.

Insoluble is excreted in feces in the form of peels of fruits and vegetables, grain shells, and legumes. This is the norm and promotes the removal of toxins, waste, and the rapid movement of waste products through the intestines.

Starch- normally absent, completely recycled. Detection in the form of grains indicates increased peristalsis, too rapid movement of the food bolus, high absorption, lack of enzymes and is caused by:

Iodophilic flora- causes fermentation in the intestines. Determined by staining with iodine and the acidity of feces from 5 to 6.5. Indicates a violation of the microflora, the presence of pathogenic microorganisms that interfere with the digestion of food.

Neutral fat- with a healthy gastrointestinal tract, it is absorbed almost completely, so it is not included in the study. Excess indicates problems with the pancreas, blockage of its ducts and pathologies of the duodenum caused by:

  • insufficient bile production;
  • problems with intestinal absorption;
  • disruption of the synthesis of the digestive enzyme lipase.

Detritus- a mixture of digested food with bacteria and epithelial cells. Normally it should be present in excrement. Low levels are associated with digestive disorders and inflammatory processes in the intestinal mucosa, especially if blood or mucus is present.

Leukocytes- Normally, they are not detected during analysis in a healthy person. The presence indicates pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • intestinal oncology;
  • polyps;
  • ulcers and colitis
  • Crohn's disease;
  • proctitis and paraproctitis;
  • intestinal tuberculosis;
  • helminthic infestation, etc.

Red blood cells- are not normally contained. The presence indicates bleeding into the gastrointestinal tract from other internal organs.

Fat, fatty acids, salts of these acids- normally absent. An increased content indicates insufficient bile synthesis, pancreatic diseases, and diarrhea.

Ammonia- normal content is from 20 to 40 mol/kg. Deviation towards increase - inflammatory processes and rotting of food debris in the intestines.

Pathogenic microorganisms- normally, dysentery bacillus, trichomonas, lamblia and balantidia are absent.

Worm eggs, yeast, fungi, pathogenic bacteria- talk about the presence of helminthic infestation or candidiasis.

Coprogram: deciphering the norm for adults in the table:

Features of decoding coprograms in children

Analysis of stool for scatology in children is not much different from that in adults. Although there are some differences, especially in newborns and babies under one year old. This is due to the characteristics of age and nutrition - immature gastrointestinal tract, breast or artificial feeding:

  • pH norm is acidic or slightly alkaline from 6 to 6.7;
  • pH is acidic in children under three months of age;
  • bilirubin in feces up to 3 months is normal, after this age only stercobilin should be observed in feces;
  • an alkaline environment is a sign of disturbances in food digestion processes;
  • protein - inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • The volume of feces depends on nutrition. But an increase or decrease may indicate dysfunction of the pancreas;
  • color and consistency - the norm is their change depending on the food consumed;
  • stool test for occult blood is positive - bleeding due to peptic ulcer;
  • plant fiber and starch - disturbances in the small intestine;
  • yeast fungi - dysbacteriosis, candidiasis.

Coprogram in children: deciphering the norm in the table:

Coprogram, also called stool analysis, is one of the studies that help in diagnosing the condition of the human digestive system. Fecal analysis makes it possible to identify problems at the initial stage that may occur not only with the organs of the digestive system, but with the pancreas, liver, and gall bladder.

During the procedure, it is possible to determine the qualitative composition of feces, which makes it possible to obtain accurate information about the state of the digestive system and especially the intestines.

Feces are the end product of food digestion, which is formed as it passes through all structures of the digestive tract. Thus, it contains complete information about the state of the digestive system.

The composition of feces includes:

  • A huge number of bacteria. Normally, human feces consist of 75% bacteria.
  • Undigested food remains are usually present in minute proportions.
  • Slime.
  • Pigments that give stool a specific color.
  • A small number of cells lining the intestines.

If the patient has a disease of the digestive system, then the coprogram shows a deviation from the norm of a certain component of the stool, by which one can judge the problem and its location.

How to take a stool test

In order for the coprogram results to be not only informative, but also correct, the patient must follow certain rules for collecting stool for analysis and preparation rules.

A few days before the control stool collection, you will have to adhere to a certain diet:

  • Meat and fish dishes are excluded from the diet.
  • Green vegetables.
  • Tomatoes and beets.
  • The use of certain medications is excluded.

At the same time, to prepare for the analysis, you need to switch to consuming vegetable purees, preferably potatoes. In addition, cereals, dairy products, and a small amount of fruit are recommended.

Immediately before collecting stool, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the genitals and anus. Women should not collect stool during their menstrual cycle.

If certain medical procedures were performed, such as a barium examination of the digestive system or an enema before a colonoscopy, then stool collection for coprograms can be performed no earlier than 48 hours after the examination.

Let's define a few more strict rules for collecting stool:

  • Feces for analysis must be obtained from spontaneous bowel movements, that is, defecation should not be forced. Thus, the use of laxatives that accelerate bowel movements is excluded, since their use affects the quality of stool.
  • There should be no admixtures of urine or menstrual blood in the stool.
  • The stool is collected in a special, sterile container, which must be filled to 30%. One teaspoon of stool is enough for analysis.
  • The material is sent to the laboratory for analysis during the day.

What can be revealed using a coprogram

In the process of decoding the coprogram, the doctor has the opportunity to detect a specific disease. This may be indicated by changes in stool parameters. Let's define the main diseases that the analysis reveals.

Gallstone disease, which is characterized not only by the appearance of stones in the bile ducts, but also by a violation of the outflow of bile into the intestines. If the outflow of bile is impaired, the development of jaundice can be diagnosed. Analysis of stool in this sense is indicative, since the stool becomes a whitish clay color, as they are also designated. This change is due to the fact that the stool lacks the pigment stercobilin, which gives the stool the familiar brown tint.

Another disease that is also reflected in stool analysis is a stomach or duodenal ulcer. This moment can be determined in the stool by the presence of blood, which means that the ulcer is bleeding. In this case, the feces become black.

Varicose veins of the esophagus - with this problem, blood enters the intestines, and the stool becomes black, just like with an ulcer.

It should be noted that the appearance of blood in the stool can be caused by a fairly large number of problems, for example, dysentery, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and ulcerative colitis. And they can be identified immediately by the fact that defecation is accompanied by pain.

Chronic pancreatitis always occurs against the background of an inability to digest all proteins, carbohydrates and fats. With this disease, the patient's stool acquires a sharp putrefactive odor, and a large amount of undigested food debris can be observed in the stool.

Dysbacteriosis. With this disease, absolutely all digestive processes are disrupted, the stool becomes liquid with a pungent and unpleasant odor.

As can be seen from the list, each of the diseases that can be determined by the coprogram belongs to the category of serious pathologies that require immediate treatment.

In case of disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, the specialist prescribes a general stool analysis - a coprogram. It is aimed at the chemical, physical and microscopic study of excrement. Chyme (digestive gruel) passes through the entire gastrointestinal tract and is already formed into excrement in the large intestine. As food gruel moves through the digestive system, substances are broken down and absorbed. The composition of excrement can indicate digestive disorders. The coprogram is prescribed for diagnosing many diseases.

The coprogram allows you to diagnose diseases such as dysbacteriosis, colitis, inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, malabsorption of substances; disruption of the secretory function of the stomach, pancreas and intestines.

Indications for use

Indications for examining stool for coprogram are:

Analysis of excrement for coprogram is prescribed for any abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive system.

In children, this analysis can identify problems such as:

  • Lactose deficiency.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Intestinal lesions (inflammatory and infectious).
  • Cystic fibrosis.

After examining the stool, a specialist can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

How to submit?

No special preparation is required to take the test, but in order for the results to be correct, you should give up meat products, foods containing dyes (beets, tomatoes), and red fish for several days. With these products, stool occult blood tests may give an incorrect result.

You also need to stop taking medications: antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, any laxatives, iron-containing drugs.

You should also avoid enemas, the use of rectal suppositories, and any procedures through the anus.

Women should not be tested for coprogram during menstruation. If a person has bleeding hemorrhoids, then stool collection should also be postponed.

It is best to collect stool from the morning portion. If you donate excrement from the evening portion, you need to store it in the refrigerator for no longer than 10 hours. Excrement must be collected in a special container or glass jar. The container for depositing excrement must be clean. 15 grams of feces is enough for analysis.

How to take the test correctly:

  1. Defecation should be natural.
  2. During defecation, urine and genital discharge should not be allowed to enter.
  3. Using a special spatula, scoop the excrement into the container. It is advisable to collect feces from three different areas of stool.
  4. Close the container and sign.

How to collect stool from infants and children

Feces from an infant are collected whenever possible, since it is impossible to control bowel movements. It is not advisable to collect excrement from a diaper. To do this, it is better to use a clean baby diaper or oilcloth.

If an infant suffers from constipation, you can massage the stomach or use a gas tube. Wash your hands thoroughly before collecting excrement.

Things are a little better with older children. If your child uses a potty, wash it thoroughly before defecation. Be careful not to get urine into your excrement.

If a stool test involves testing for occult blood, then it is recommended to exclude the same foods as for adults.

Remember that some foods and medications may affect test results.

The result after submitting excrement will be ready within 1-2 days. A form is issued containing the research data. The analysis data is deciphered by the doctor, based on which he can draw a conclusion about disorders in the digestive system.

Decoding the coprogram

Some diseases can be diagnosed by appearance, color, density, and smell. Thanks to macroscopic examinations, blood, mucus, pus, gall and intestinal stones, and worms can be found in excrement.

Microscopic examination determines the digestibility of food. A chemical study determines acidity, bilirubin, protein, occult blood, soluble mucus.


A stool test is considered normal if it contains no protein. If protein is found in the stool, this indicates that there is an inflammatory process in the digestive tract. Protein in excrement is detected in cases of cancer, ulcers, and proctitis.


Blood in the stool indicates the presence of a bleeding duodenal or stomach ulcer. When food passes through, the mucous membrane, which has tumors, is damaged and blood flows from it. Helminths can also damage the mucous membrane. By testing stool for occult blood, tumors can be diagnosed at an early stage.

Stercobilin. The pigment gives excrement a brown color. The normal amount of formation of the substance is from 75 to 350 mg per day. If the level of stercobilin increases, then pigment production decreases. This is due to blockage of the bile ducts by stones. To confirm the diagnosis, you need to undergo a gallbladder examination.


The detection of bilirubin in excrement indicates an accelerated process of food passage. With an accelerated process, bilirubin does not have time to convert into stercobilin. The presence of bilirubin in stool indicates the presence of dysbacteriosis or acute gastroenteritis.


The mucus produced by cells performs a protective function. If there is increased mucus secretion, this indicates inflammatory changes in the intestines. Mucus in the stool is present in infectious colitis, dysentery, etc.

Iodophilic flora.

Iodophilic flora indicates that the intestinal microflora is disturbed. Disturbance of the intestinal microflora can occur due to dysbacteriosis.


Detritus is the destroyed material of intestinal epithelial cells. If there are problems associated with poor digestion of food, then the amount of detritus in the stool will be small.

Neutral fat.

A stool test is considered normal if there is no neutral fat in the stool. If all digestive organs are functioning normally, then fat digestibility is 90%. The presence of neutral fat in the stool indicates that there is a problem in the production of bile and absorption in the intestines.

Muscle fibers.

The presence of muscle fibers in excrement indicates that the formation of digestive juice is reduced. Meat food is not completely digested and the fiber remains unchanged. When the digestive tract is normal, the fibers change. This deviation indicates the presence of pancreatitis.


The analysis is considered normal if starch is not detected. The presence of starch indicates rapid movement of feces. The presence of starch indicates chronic pancreatitis or malabsorption.


Under normal conditions, the soap content in excrement should be in small quantities. If there is an increase in soap levels, this indicates digestive insufficiency in the stomach and small intestine. An increased soap content indicates pancreatitis or gallstone disease.


The presence of leukocytes in the stool indicates an inflammatory process in the digestive tract. The analysis is considered normal if no leukocytes were detected.

Fatty acid.

If the digestive system is functioning normally, then there are no fatty acids. The presence of fatty acids may indicate insufficient bile supply, rapid passage of food, or an inactive digestive enzyme.

Plant fiber.

Plant fiber is divided into two types:

  1. Soluble fibers (polysaccharides and pectin). If these substances are not present in excrement, this is normal. And the presence of soluble fibers indicates that hydrochloric acid is supplied in insufficient quantities.
  2. Insoluble fibers (hulls of grains, skin of fruits). These insoluble fibers help remove cholesterol, toxins, and undigested nutrients. Helps move food through the digestive tract. The presence and amount of insoluble fiber in feces indicates the nature of the diet.

Connective tissue fibers.

Connective tissue fibers are the remains of undigested food of animal origin. During normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of connective tissue fibers in excrement should be absent. If the presence of fibers is detected, this indicates a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice or a lack of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of meat foods. In diseases such as gastritis and pancreatitis, connective tissue fibers are present in the stool.


The normal ammonia content is considered to be from 20 to 40 mol/kg. If the ammonia content exceeds the norm, this indicates a process of rotting in the intestines. This occurs during a period of increased protein production as a result of inflammation of the intestinal walls. In order to accurately determine the diagnosis, additional studies are prescribed.

Pathological and conditionally pathological microorganisms.

The presence of such microorganisms indicates intestinal diseases. In case of dysbacteriosis, stool analysis for coprogram indicates the presence of conditionally pathological and pathological microorganisms.

The fecal reaction indicator can be anything. It depends only on the nature of the food taken.

Decoding coprograms in children

When deciphering a stool analysis for coprogram in a child, the main indicators are the same as in an adult. But there are several features.

A neutral or slightly alkaline reaction is normal in most children. Infants most often have an acidic reaction. This speaks about the peculiarities of nutrition.

Until a child reaches three months of age, when breastfeeding, the presence of bilirubin in the stool is normal. After the child reaches three months, only stercobilin should be present in the excrement.

Important: in order to prevent infection of all family members, it is necessary to submit biomaterial in the form of feces for analysis to those who have small children, pets in the house, as well as those who like to frequently swim in natural reservoirs, garden, and eat Japanese cuisine in the form of raw fish, etc. It is worth knowing that the consequences of damage to the body by helminthic infestation can be the most severe, including damage to the central nervous system and death if you neglect your health.

Preparing for the test

If the reader is interested in how to donate stool and how much stool is needed to carry out an accurate analysis, then first of all it is necessary to understand that in order to obtain reliable results, you must first prepare for collecting biomaterial. In general, the collection rules here are very simple:

Important: if medications cannot be stopped, then you should notify your doctor or laboratory assistant about this when taking the test. By the way, it is not advisable for women during menstruation to submit biomaterial for analysis in order to avoid menstrual blood getting into the biomass.

Rules for taking a stool test

Those who are interested in how much stool needs to be collected for analysis and what are the rules for collecting biomaterial will be interested in the information below. Thus, the collection of feces will be considered correct if the following rules are observed:

  • Before you understand how much feces you need for analysis, you need to purchase a special sterile container for collecting biomass. It can be bought at a pharmacy. Conveniently, such a container for stool analysis has a special spatula for collecting feces and an adhesive sticker on which patient data can be applied. It is not recommended to use glass jars and matchboxes for collecting feces.
  • Biomass is collected after voluntary defecation in the morning or evening. In this case, it is forbidden to use laxatives to provoke stool. It is also prohibited to collect biomaterial after an enema or the use of rectal suppositories. In this case, the result may be distorted.
  • It is better to empty yourself into a clean and dry container without any admixtures of detergents, disinfectants and cleaning agents.
  • Before defecation, it is advisable to urinate so as not to mix feces with urine. It is also undesirable for secretions from the genital organs to enter the biomass.
  • It is not advisable to wash yourself before emptying, especially if feces are collected in the morning.
  • If the stool was collected the evening before, the test can be stored in a sterile container in the refrigerator for no more than 8 hours. However, the ideal option is to donate biomaterial immediately after defecation (1-2 hours).

Important: if the biomaterial is submitted for detection of amoebas or lamblia in the body, then it must be collected immediately after defecation and delivered to the laboratory while still warm within the first hour. At the same time, freezing or, conversely, heating the mass is prohibited.

  • In answer to the question of how much stool is needed for testing in an adult or child, it is worth knowing that it is enough to collect 2/3 of a sterile container. If you use a simple glass jar, you can collect 1-2 teaspoons of feces.
  • You need to collect biomass from three different sides of the formed sausage. From the front (what came out first), from the back (in the last feces) and from the sides of the mass. This will allow you to get the most reliable result.
  • On a special sticker they write the patient’s name and indicate the date and time of collection of the biomaterial. The sticker is pasted onto the container and the mass is sent for analysis.

Important: if the reader is interested in how long it takes to perform a stool analysis, then it is worth knowing that the result, as a rule, is ready on the same day in the evening or the next day. The maximum period for obtaining results during analysis is 3-4 days, taking into account weekends in the clinic/laboratory.

What is a coprogram?

Important: correctly submit feces for coprogram only in warm form.

Research results

  • Roundworms;
  • Pinworms;
  • Liver or cat fluke;
  • Whipworm;
  • Wide tapeworm;
  • Pork or bovine tapeworm;
  • Schistosoma;
  • Amoeba or Giardia (protozoa).

Unfortunately, worms are detected in many children and adults.

Doctors continue to recommend that it is important to periodically take feces for worm eggs to the laboratory, even for preventive purposes. How to prepare for research, how much material can and should be collected, how to store it – we’ll look at it in more detail in this article.

How to prepare for the test?

Defecation is a specific process. The intestines are not always emptied on time. In this case, storing stool for testing is considered a pressing issue for many people. Delivery tank. culture analysis is especially difficult at times of constipation, which happens in the case of infection with helminthic infestations.

Irregular bowel movements suggest storing stool in the refrigerator, but each type of analysis has its own standards.

The preparatory process is:

  • in reviewing your diet;
  • excluding foods that cause stomach upset (beets, cabbage, pickled and pickled cucumbers, sweet and flour baked goods);
  • excluding taking laxatives, antibiotics, vitamins and potent drugs 3-4 days before the test.

Delayed bowel movements lead to bloating and heartburn. It is not always possible to give patients a stool test on time.

The herbal drug successfully relieves inflammation, cleanses the body, neutralizes pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Analysis container

Today, matchboxes and other paper containers are a thing of the past. Laboratory technicians do not accept such containers, and they are not considered sterile.

The ideal packaging is plastic or glass. They do not need to be sterilized and simply rinsed with running water under the tap. If the container is used second-hand, then you need to pour boiling water over it or rinse it well using detergent, and then rinse. Next, wipe it dry, stick a tag with your name and date, and take it to the laboratory.

You can purchase a container for such purposes at a pharmacy.

So, the ideal container capacity for storing stool analysis:

  • plastic containers;
  • glass containers that every housewife has in her home.

Non-sterile dishes with accumulations of microorganisms on the walls can lead to distortion of the analysis, so you must first wash them well, treat them with laundry soap, pour boiling water over them, and cover with a lid.

The procedure for collecting stool to detect worm eggs

How to collect stool and get tested for a child?

Approximately 7 days before stool collection, in order to get more reliable results:

  1. You should not give your child medications or other products that can lead to weakened intestinal motility and diarrhea.
  2. It is advisable to avoid prolonged constipation.

The stool test should not contain particles of urine, blood, or water. To test for worm eggs in a child, 1 tsp is enough. feces.

Let’s say that the mass is taken with a clean spoon from the baby’s diaper, and the structure of the feces can be absolutely any. This does not play a special role for laboratory technicians. The main thing is that the container is sterile. The ideal dishes are plastic or glass. A matchbox is not considered a sterile container.

I didn't expect such an effect. The body was restored, even the skin became smooth and even, the stool returned to normal. I'm very happy with this result."

What to do if you are constipated?

You cannot give any suppositories or enemas or take laxative pills on the eve of the test. Constipation due to helminthiasis is a familiar phenomenon, so you need to take care of collecting bowel movements in advance.

For constipation, you can go one of 3 ways:

  • In the evening, have a light dinner by preparing the Panicle salad;
  • postpone the study until the next day;
  • store the analysis on the middle shelf in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer due to the destruction of biomaterial at low temperatures.

Feces cannot be stored for a long time. The recommended time is no more than 10 hours before the test. It is best to carry fresh feces taken in the morning. Taking into account the fact that the analysis is carried out within 24 hours, the patient can return to receive the results the very next day when submitting stool in the morning.

  1. Packaging for storing feces - fiberglass containers. You can buy it at the pharmacy in the form of an elongated cylinder.
  2. It is not advisable to store feces for a long time and in an open form. Pathogenic microorganisms quickly settle in the container, so it is advisable not to use used containers and store them with feces for more than 8-10 hours.

How long can tests for eggworms be stored?

It is best not to delay and quickly take the analysis to the laboratory. It is advisable to take it in the morning for 2-3 hours. If this does not work out, you can store it in the refrigerator for up to 8 hours in an airtight and sealed container.

If it is impossible to deliver the material to the laboratory on time, it is best to postpone the test to the next day. As a rule, the test for worm eggs is done within 24 hours, and the result can be obtained the very next day.

Attention! It is not advisable to store a stool test for helminth eggs for more than 10 hours. As a result, you can get an incorrect, fictitious result.

Where to take it and how long to wait?

The analysis is given:

  • to the laboratory;
  • a polyclinic at your place of residence upon a doctor’s referral;
  • private clinics, but, of course, for a fee.

One day is allotted for studying the material when it is submitted to the laboratory at the place of residence and upon referral from a doctor. When taking the analysis to private specialists, the waiting time for the result may take about 5 o'clock.

Conducting research

It is necessary to prepare in advance, i.e. 6-7 days in advance:

  • review the diet by excluding spicy, fried, fatty foods and including sour milk;
  • adjust the intestines to daily bowel movements;
  • When taking a stool test from a baby, you need to introduce new foods into the diet a few days before collecting stool;
  • collect stool in a clean, dry container. It doesn’t matter what it is: a potty, a basin, a bedpan, a diaper.

If it is not possible to collect stool in a timely manner due to constipation, then you should consult a doctor and discuss this issue. The study is usually carried out in the morning, as soon as the stool reaches the laboratory.

In case of performing an enema with constant constipation, it is advisable to collect stool only after 2 days.

Attention! Approximately a day before the analysis, the use of laxatives, suppositories, sorbents, activated carbon, Enterosgel, Polysorb for the purpose of treatment should be discontinued.

Where to go for results?

Usually the doctor issues a referral for a stool test to be taken to a laboratory. The patient needs to come to the attending physician for the result the next day.

When taking an analysis to a private laboratory, you should show up for the result:

  • to an infectious disease specialist, therapist, gastroenterologist for adults;
  • pediatrician when collecting stool from a child.

It is possible to retest stool if a questionable analysis is issued.


Microscopic examination of the biomaterial involves applying a thin smear to a piece of glass and, after staining, examining the composition of the feces under a microscope for the presence of worm eggs.

If there are no helminthic infestations in the stool of a healthy person, then when the result is issued, the mark “not detected” is placed on the form. Although this is not a fact that infection did not occur due to the inconsistency of helminth egg laying.

A scatological examination or coprogram is a mandatory type of diagnosis, which is carried out on a newborn baby, an adult, and prescribed during pregnancy.

Using a coprogram you can determine:

  1. manifestations of gastrointestinal tract diseases;
  2. disturbances in the functioning of the biliary tract and liver;
  3. the presence of helminths and worm eggs;
  4. inflammatory processes, viruses and infections in the body;
  5. study the intestinal microflora.

In order for the coprogram to show reliable results, you need to know exactly how to correctly submit feces for analysis, the conditions for its collection and the timing of transfer to the laboratory.

What does a coprogram show?

There are several types of stool examination. If the indicators are false, you often have to undergo the examination again. To avoid this situation, it is better to check with your doctor in advance about the purpose of the test and the rules for preparing for it.

Let's look at the main types of coprogram:

Diagnostics using a coprogram is carried out as a mandatory analysis upon entry to work, during an annual medical examination, and routine examinations of the health status of newborn children.

Stool analysis: preparation

The doctor must warn the patient about the scatological examination a week before the scheduled scat test. This will be enough time to prepare.

What you should absolutely not do before a stool test:

If a general stool test gives a false positive or negative result, a repeat examination is prescribed. Another type of coprogram is also used, the occult blood test. The rules for submitting material for diagnostics are slightly different.

Before testing stool for occult blood, you need to know what you can’t eat and exclude from your diet:

  1. green vegetables and fruits;
  2. meat, as well as liver;
  3. seafood, fish;
  4. eggs;
  5. legumes;
  6. alcohol;
  7. Coffee and tea.

It takes 14 days to prepare for a bacteriological examination for dysbacteriosis, 3 days for a coprogram, and 7 days for an occult blood test. This should also be taken into account. Do not forget that human bowel movements are an indicator of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the entire digestive system as a whole.

Diet before donating stool

Traditionally, before carrying out a coprogram, they suggest limiting yourself in food and using the Schmidt diet. It is filled with nutritious proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Duration – 4 days. It is recommended immediately before taking a stool test.

Let us consider in detail what is included in the diet menu of the famous Schmidt:

  • milk. Amount per day - no more than 1.5 liters;
  • 3 eggs. Must be cooked soft-boiled;
  • minced meat. For the whole day - 125 grams;
  • mashed potatoes – 200 grams;
  • oatmeal decoction. Accepted once. Quantity – 40 grams;
  • oil;
  • White bread.

All these products must be distributed over 5 meals. The daily amount of calories should not exceed 2250. But this is still a gentle option on how to prepare for the coprogram test.

The next diet, according to Pevzner, is more filling, which is something people with gastrointestinal problems often complain about. Calorie content per day reaches 3250.

Let's look at the detailed menu according to Pevzner:

  1. Bread is allowed both white and black. 400 grams each;
  2. meat. Must be whole and fried. Per day - 250 grams;
  3. oil. Sunflower or butter. No more than 100 grams;
  4. refined sugar – 40 grams;
  5. porridge. Choice of buckwheat or rice;
  6. fried potato;
  7. cabbage. Pickled or in the form of salad;
  8. compote. A fresh drink made from dried fruits;
  9. apples.

The Institute of Nutrition, which, based on the above examples, taking into account all their shortcomings for people suffering from intestinal obstruction and frequent constipation, has compiled its preparatory menu for stool analysis.

Special test diet before coprogram:

  • first breakfast. Buckwheat – 60 grams, butter – 10 grams, soft-boiled egg. A glass of tea. Additionally, a little milk is allowed - 50 ml;
  • lunch. A glass of tea. Add milk - 50 ml, butter - 10 grams;
  • dinner. Meaty, hearty borscht in broth. Serving: 50 grams of cabbage, 25 grams of beets and carrots. For garnish – 200 grams of fried potatoes, 150 grams of meat, fresh cabbage – 100 grams. It is recommended to drink fresh compote. As an option, only brewed from dried fruits - 1 glass or tea and 30 grams of crackers;
  • dinner. Rice porridge – 50 grams, meat – 100 grams, tea.

The daily dose of bread is up to 200 grams. It is allowed to use both white wheat and black. Sugar is allowed to consume no more than 60 grams. The duration of this diet is about 5 days before the coprogram passes.

How to collect feces for coprogram

Everyone knows that you should purchase in advance from the pharmacy a special container with a small spatula inside, which facilitates the process of collecting feces for coprogram.

But few people know that there are also general rules for collecting feces:

  1. urinate beforehand. Avoid interaction between urine and bowel movements;
  2. collect stool in a special container. The amount of feces should not exceed 1/3 of the laboratory glassware;
  3. when analyzing for dysbacteriosis, feces are selected from the total mass only with a dark, unnatural tint.

If it is possible to carry out the process of defecation not into the toilet, but into the vessel, the resulting material will give more accurate results. Beforehand, the utensils for defecation must be disinfected and rinsed well with water.

How to collect feces from a baby

A newborn baby does not require special preparation before undergoing coprogram. His diet consists of dairy products, which cannot be replaced.

The problem remains how to collect feces from a baby carefully and correctly:

  • use a gauze diaper at night. Make it yourself and heat-treat it with an iron. Use a diaper if your baby has a calm, deep sleep;
  • Collection of material is possible the night before. Do a little gymnastics with your child. Massage the abdomen, stroking the area around the navel in a circular motion. Bend your baby's legs at the knees and try to pull them towards the tummy.

Place the resulting feces in a special container. If the child has loose stools, carefully transfer the composition from the oilcloth into the test tube.

You cannot collect feces from a baby after using a regular diaper filled with gel.

Stool coprogram: how to pass it correctly

Laboratory diagnostics are usually carried out in the morning, so it is better to submit materials for research immediately. The coprogram includes several types of analyzes. Therefore, for each of them there are individual rules for storing and donating feces.

How to submit and prepare material to pass the coprogram:

If you did everything correctly, expect a response.

How many days will it take for the stool test to be ready?

In the laboratory, you can get results in 1-2 days from employees or your doctor. In some private clinics such an examination may take 5-6 days.

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