What dry food is best for angelfish. Leopold angelfish Pterophyllum leopoldi. Plant foods in the diet

Feeding angelfish is a very delicate issue. On the one hand, these fish are unpretentious and happily eat many organic and dry foods. On the other hand, poor quality or not very suitable food can cause various troubles. In addition, fish should not be underfed or overfed: such abuse or neglect of feeding can cause stress or illness in the fish.

General notes

How many times should I feed the angelfish? This is often asked not only by novice breeders, but also by aquarium professionals.

It must be remembered that the fish has a very small stomach, and one or two feedings is the maximum for it; other options will be disastrous. Underfeeding will lead to dystrophy, and overfeeding will lead to serious violations Gastrointestinal tract. Besides, it's too large number feed pollutes water.

The fry can be fed three times a day as their growing bodies require more food. WITH three months can be switched to feeding twice a day, and then - at your discretion: either once or twice a day.

Feeding angelfish with organic food

Like many other cichlids, angelfish love organic food. Alas, it is not always available from breeders. In addition, you must be careful with it, because it can provoke the development bacterial infection. Frozen food is the way out. For ice cream, you can buy daphnia, cyclops, bloodworms, and carriage. But you can’t freeze the tubifex: after defrosting, all that remains is a liquid pulp. Of course, you should not give spoiled food - there is a risk of ruining the health of the fish.

Organic food can be given once a day - this is enough to get the necessary nutrients.

Dry food for angelfish

Now on the shelves of pet stores there are many options for dry granular food for angelfish. In this balanced diet there are necessary useful substances- vitamins, micro and macroelements. Angelfish happily eat dry flakes, which, by the way, are better than granulated food because they pollute the aquarium less.

Feeding the fish should occur once or twice a day so that the angelfish maintains its health and cheerful disposition. You can feed your pets both dry and granular food. That's all!

In the ponds of South America overgrown with dense plants, a small fish was born and gradually acquired a rather bizarre shape. The unusual inhabitant gradually became a real decoration of reservoirs, which is why she received beautiful name: "angelfish", which translates as winged leaf.

Aquarium decoration – angel fish

In Europe, the small angelfish received the name “angel”, and also became a fairly popular inhabitant of aquariums among Europeans. Such popularity of these fish is explained not only by their exotic shape and color. It is known that the majority aquarium fish They do not live long: no more than two years, however, the angelfish is considered a long-liver, living in aquariums for up to 10 years (with special care, this period can last up to 20 years). The lifespan of an angelfish directly depends on the aquarist and his professionalism. Despite the fact that this fish is a non-capricious species, it also requires proper care and a qualified approach to creating living conditions. Aquarists should not forget that this exotic baby is a native of the Southern Continent, accustomed to living in an environment with dense vegetation. Therefore, the first condition that helps increase the life expectancy of angelfish in an aquarium is their maintenance in a properly organized habitat.

It is not difficult to care for these fish; the main thing is to observe a number of conditions for their comfortable stay in the aquarium:

  • saturation of the underwater environment with the necessary flora to create conditions close to natural;
  • organization proper nutrition in compliance with the basic principles and dosage regimen;
  • optimal proximity of a small angelfish with other inhabitants of the aquarium world.

How many other representatives there will be in the aquarium depends on the volume of the water pool.

Angelfish feels great in dense thickets of underwater flora, as its flat body allows it to easily move between plants. However, we should not forget that free space for this motley baby is vital, especially if the owner wants to grow a larger angelfish. IN normal conditions this aquarium fish grows up to 15 centimeters in length, while retaining the potential to reach 26 centimeters in length. Those who are interested in large angelfish need to make sure that the aquarium is large enough - up to 100 liters. At the same time, the height of this water house should be about 50 centimeters.

The water temperature in the aquarium plays an important role in creating comfort for angelfish. In principle, it is considered acceptable within a considerable range, however, for a comfortable state, angelfish need a water temperature of 22 to 26 degrees. At the same time, experienced aquarists are sure that these fish feel good when the temperature in the aquarium drops to 18 degrees, and even live for some time without problems in an aquatic environment with this temperature.


Angelfish has a reputation for being undemanding and unpretentious fish. In addition to the fact that she does not place excessive demands on her owner regarding the creation of living conditions, she is also absolutely picky in her diet. Solving the problem of what to feed the angelfish is usually not difficult: this fish willingly eats both dry and live food. In order to correctly determine the appropriate food for angelfish, it is worth remembering the specifics of the fish’s body. Since its body has a flat shape, it is difficult for it to get food from the bottom, so the most suitable food for angelfish is considered to be food that stays on the surface of the water for a long time. The approaches to choosing live food are standard - this fish eats bloodworms, tubifex, and any other live food without harming its health. Some experts prefer to feed these fish with chopped seafood: shrimp, mussel meat.

It is recommended to follow the feeding regimen for angelfish the same as for most other aquarium fish: 2-3 times a day. At the same time, proper care of fish in an aquarium involves one fasting day a week: on this day the fish are not fed. It is not recommended to feed angelfish more than three times a day, as this will inevitably lead to obesity. Food should be given as much as the fish eat, without increasing the dosage, since uneaten food will pollute the water in the aquarium.

Breeding angelfish

It is believed that angelfish are ready to reproduce by 10 years of age. Keeping these fish in the same aquarium during the preparation period for spawning can create a number of problems. Both the male and the female will do everything possible to protect the territory with the laid eggs, which will lead to conflicts between the inhabitants of the aquarium.

It is worth keeping a close eye on angelfish, as they conduct
quite a clear and complex period of preparation for spawning. Careful care of the aquarium will allow you not to miss this important period and timely transfer the fish to another temporary housing with a volume of up to 80 liters. The water in it should be warm, the aquarium can be equipped with large-leaved plants to create optimal conditions for spawning. After a few days, the fry appear in the water, after which the parents should be separated from the babies. Small angelfish live in a separate aquatic environment until they grow up and become stronger, feeding on ciliates or “live dust”. It is recommended to feed babies as much as adults are fed: up to 3 times a day.

Creating an Optimal Living Environment

There is an opinion among experienced aquarists that the angelfish is a rather peaceful inhabitant of the aquarium. However, its peacefulness has limits: its ability to get along with other inhabitants lies in the fact that the angelfish occupies a certain territory in the aquarium and tries to drive away the rest of the aquatic inhabitants from there. For this colorful fish, it is advisable to organize several special zones in the aquarium:

  1. It is worth planting several plants with wide leaves in different corners of the aquarium. This technique will significantly reduce the level of conflict in the water monastery.
  2. The interior of the aquarium is complemented with mini-caves, large stones, and driftwood. This will allow the angelfish to find shelter without harming the other inhabitants.
  3. The central part of the aquarium should be left as free as possible to create conditions for the free movement of fish.
  4. Variegated fish are quite shy: they get scared bright light, sudden outbreaks, so it is advisable to distribute plants floating on the surface throughout the aquarium. This will create an additional darkening effect, making keeping the fish more comfortable.

Most often, the angelfish takes up space near the feeder, and therefore drives away all the fish that are smaller in size, and can even eat very small ones. Angelfish and large fish live quite peacefully together, since the motley fish cannot drive them away from the feeder, and therefore does not conflict with them. It is advisable to breed many angelfish in one aquarium, which very quickly break into pairs and begin to “redivide” the territory near the feeder. While they “share the territory”, the rest of the inhabitants of the aquarium have unhindered access to the feeder.

Angelfish (lat. Pterophyllum scalare) is a large, voracious fish, hungry for fry and shrimp, but beautiful and with interesting behavior. A tall, laterally compressed body, varied colors, fairly large sizes, and accessibility, all this made it one of the most common and popular fish, kept by almost every aquarist.

The angelfish fish is very beautiful and unusual, popular both among experienced aquarists and beginners. In nature, they are camouflaged in color, with black stripes running along their silver body. Although there are changes there too, fish without stripes, completely black and other options. But it is precisely this tendency to change that aquarists use to breed new, brighter species. There are now many different types: black, marble, blue, koi, green angel, red devil, marble, diamond and others.

Despite the unusual body shape, they belong to the same species as cichlids. It can be very tall and reach 15 cm in length. It is moderately difficult to keep, but the angelfish needs a spacious aquarium so that it can swim without problems. The minimum volume is 150 liters, but if you keep a couple or groups, then from 200 liters. How long do angelfish live? They live in an aquarium for quite a long time, 5 years or more.

Angelfish can be kept in general aquarium, but do not forget that these are cichlids, and it is not advisable to keep very small fish with them.

The angelfish fish was first described by Schultz in 1823. It was first brought to Europe in 1920, and bred in the USA in 1930. Although the fish that are sold now are called ordinary, they already differ very significantly from the fish that live in nature. It lives in bodies of water with slow currents. South America: The fish is native to the central Amazon and its tributaries in Peru, Brazil and eastern Ecuador.

In nature, they live in areas with few plants, where they feed on juveniles, insects, invertebrates and vegetation.

At the moment there are three species in the genus: the common Pterophyllum scalare, the altum angelfish Pterophyllum altum and Leopold angelfish Pterophyllum leopoldi. At the moment, it is quite difficult to understand which species is now the most common in the aquarium hobby, since crossing has played a role.

Differences between species Let's consider each of the wild forms of angelfish:

Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare)

Probably the majority of common angelfish sold today are of the this species. Traditionally considered the most unpretentious and easy to breed.

Common angelfish caught in the wild

Leopold Angelfish Pterophyllum leopoldi

Rarely found, very similar to the common angelfish, but its dark spots somewhat lighter, and there are a couple of black stripes on the body, and one on the dorsal fin, but not extending onto the body

Angelfish altum Pterophyllum altum

Or Orinoco angelfish, this is the most big fish Of all three species, it can be one and a half times larger than the usual angelfish and grow up to 40 cm in size. It is also characteristic abrupt transition between the forehead and mouth, forming a depression. There are red dots on the fins. For many years this species could not be bred in captivity, but in recent years It was possible to obtain fry from the Altum angelfish, and it appeared on sale along with individuals caught in the wild.

Angelfish Altum or Orinoco Altum in nature and in the aquarium, although the video is in English, but it’s worth a look:


Angelfish living in nature have a silvery body with dark stripes. The body is laterally compressed, with large fins and a pointed head. Long thin rays may develop on the caudal fin of mature fish. This shape helps them camouflage among roots and plants. This is why the wild form has vertical colors. dark stripes. Angelfish are omnivores; in nature they ambush fry, small fish and invertebrates. Average duration life 12-15 years.

Difficulty in content


What to feed? Angelfish are omnivores; they eat any type of food in an aquarium: live, frozen and artificial. The basis of feeding can be high-quality flakes, and additionally give live and frozen food: tubifex, bloodworms, brine shrimp, and coretra. It is important to know two things, they are gluttons and cannot be overfed, no matter how much they ask. And give bloodworms very carefully, and it is better to refuse it altogether. A slight overfeeding of bloodworms, and the angelfish begins to bloat, so much so that pink bubbles stick out from the anal bladder. It is much safer to feed with branded food, since it is now of high quality.

Angelfish can pick off tender plants, although not often. They regularly tear off the tops of my eleocharis and tear off the moss from the snags. In this case, you can add it to your diet.

Discus and angelfish in a huge aquarium, Amazon biotope:

Angelfish is enough unpretentious fish and can live more than 10 years if provided with suitable conditions. Due to their shape, tall aquariums with a volume of at least 120 liters are preferred. However, if you are going to keep several of these beautiful fish, it is better to get an aquarium of 200-250 liters or more. Another benefit of buying a spacious aquarium is that the parents feel calmer in it and do not eat their eggs as often.

Aquarium fish angelfish should be kept in warm water, at a water temperature in the aquarium of 25-27C. In nature, they live in slightly acidic, fairly soft water, but now they adapt well to a variety of conditions and parameters. The decor in the aquarium can be anything, but preferably without sharp edges that could injure the fish.

Angelfish can pluck tender plants, but not very severely. In my case, they persistently eat Eleocharis, although they are never hungry and regularly eat food with herbal ingredients. And they defeated the attempt to attach moss to a snag very easily. Regularly plucking Java moss one branch at a time. It is difficult to say why they behave this way, but, apparently, out of boredom and a voracious appetite. It is advisable to plant plants with wide leaves in the aquarium, such as nymphs or Amazons; they like to lay eggs on such leaves.

Body structure aquarium angelfish It is not adapted to swimming in strong currents, and filtration in the aquarium should be moderate. A large flow of water causes stress and slows down the growth of fish as they spend energy fighting it. It is wise to use an external filter and supply water through a flute or an internal one and spray the flow. Weekly water changes are required, about 20% of the volume.

Compatibility with other fish

Angelfish can be kept in a community aquarium, but you need to remember that it is still a cichlid, and it can be somewhat aggressive towards small fish. The same goes for fry and shrimp, they are magnificent and insatiable hunters, in my aquarium they wiped out countless hordes of neocardian shrimp. They stay together when young, but adult fish split into pairs and become territorial. A little shy, may be afraid sudden movements, sounds and lights.

Who can keep cichlids with? With large and medium-sized fish, it is advisable to avoid very small ones, such as and, although they live wonderfully with me. You definitely need to avoid barbs and preferably any barbs other than cherry ones. In my practice, a flock of Sumatran barbs did not touch the angelfish at all, and the flock almost destroyed their fins within a day. Although you think it should be the other way around. Fins can also gnaw,

Reproduction in an aquarium

Angelfish form a stable, monogamous pair, and they actively spawn in a common aquarium, but it is quite difficult to preserve eggs. As a rule, eggs are deposited on vertical surfaces: a piece of driftwood, a flat sheet, even on glass in an aquarium. For reproduction they are often placed special devices either cones, or a piece of plastic pipe, or a ceramic pipe.
Like all cichlids, angelfish have developed care for their offspring. Reproduction is not easy spawning, the parents take care of the eggs, and when the fry hatch, they continue to care for them until they swim.

Since angelfish choose a mate for themselves, then best way To get such a pair is to buy six or more fish and raise them until they decide. Very often, the aquarist only learns about the beginning of spawning when he sees eggs in one corner and all the inhabitants of the aquarium in another. But, if you are careful, you can see a couple that is preparing to breed. They stick together, drive away other fish, and guard a secluded corner in the aquarium.

Angelfish usually reach sexual maturity at 8-12 months, and can spawn every 7-10 days if taken from them. Spawning begins with the couple choosing a place and beginning to methodically clean it. The female then lays a chain of eggs, and the male immediately fertilizes them. This continues until all the eggs (sometimes several hundred) have been laid; the angelfish eggs are quite large and light in color.

The parents take care of the eggs, fan them with their fins, and eat dead or unfertilized eggs (they turn white). After a few days, the eggs hatch, but the larvae remain attached to the surface. At this time, the larva does not eat yet; it consumes the contents of the yolk sac. After about another week, she becomes a fry and begins to swim freely. You can feed angelfish fry. Millions of angelfish fry have been raised on Artemia naupiliums, so this is the optimal choice. They need to be fed three to four times a day, portions of which they can eat in two to three minutes.

In an aquarium with fry, it is better to use an internal filter with a sponge and without a lid, as it provides sufficient filtration, but does not suck the fry inside. The purity of the water is as important as regular feeding; it is because of the accumulated harmful substances that the fry most often die.

Aquarists often ask why angelfish eat their eggs? This can be due to stress when they spawn in a common aquarium and are distracted by other fish, or in young couples who are still inexperienced.

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