How many dogs live - mongrels, duration. Life span of dogs. Average dog life expectancy by breed


Cur- of course, not a breed. This is a community of dogs, which includes crossbreeds of numerous breeds, including high-born ones. Because the mutts are so different from each other in size, color, character. But they all have one thing in common - gratitude.

Difficult fate taught them to appreciate human participation much more than other arrogant, thoroughbred dogs reclining on pillows.

If we continue the comparative statistics, it is interesting to know how many years mongrel dogs live? Based on physiological capabilities, it can be argued that their life expectancy is the same as that of all other dogs - an average of 9 to 12 years.

Centenarians live up to 20 years if they live in good conditions and eat normally.

But the point is that good conditions Not every mongrel is honored. The name itself suggests that she is destined to live more often in the yard than in the house. And this means one thing: unlimited access to garbage containers, landfills, uncontrolled contact with sick animals.

The most common canine disease- plague. For the disease, one contact is enough. Domestic dogs are vaccinated against this infection several times, but this, of course, does not shine for the cur. The result is not long in coming. It is rare that a yard dog survives to old age.

Of course, not only homeless dogs get sick and die. Pets are at risk just as much, and they live no more than the average age of cur dogs. They can pick up the same distemper or deadly tick while walking.

Unless, of course, they are not vaccinated on time. Puppies and young dogs, regardless of breed, get sick especially quickly.

By the way, the age of the dog is a very interesting point. Previously, it was accepted to calculate the age of a dog, in comparison with a human, from a ratio of 1: 7. However, a more or less careful study of the issue allows us to disagree with such arithmetic. It is wrong to assume that one year old dogs corresponds to the age of seven human.

A seven-year-old child is a fool, while a one-year-old dog enters sexual maturity and can already give offspring, as well as serve the owner. It turns out that the age ratio should be at least 1:14. But this is only in the first period. Further, the gradation changes in the direction of decrease. A twenty-year-old long-lived dog is equated to a person of a very respectable age, approximately 85-86 years old.

There is a statement that the life expectancy of a dog directly depends on its size. It is believed that small dogs live longer than large ones. From the same considerations, it is concluded how many years on average mongrel dogs live. As already mentioned, mongrels are mestizos from different breeds.

And external data, health, life expectancy, and intellectual characteristics of the dog depend on what genes they receive from their parents.

Canine intelligence is a topic for a separate discussion. In this matter, it is impossible to say which dog is the smartest and which is not. We have all seen lazy, naughty and poorly trained dogs of a good breed - and smart, loyal mutts with talking eyes. And this did not depend on the height or beauty of the dog.

Another mongrel, a large spotted dog, was distinguished by refined tastes: he squeamishly picked out onions from food with his fingernail, as children do, and when tulips bloomed in the yard, he came up and sniffed each flower in turn.

Alas, both dogs died tragically: the first was shot during a dog wedding, the second died of distemper. And each of them was mourned by the household no less than the most expensive thoroughbred specimen.

How did Boyarsky sing there in the cartoon about the musketeers? "I'm outbred - this is a minus, but I love you - this is a plus." No one could say better about the mongrels.

The longevity of a beloved pet is the main concern of any pet owner. In our article, we will try to find out how many years a dog can live, as well as how to help your pet always stay healthy and prolong a dog's age.

Average life expectancy of various breeds

The life expectancy of a dog directly depends on its breed, and therefore, size. How long do dogs live? It has been proven that life expectancy small breeds slightly higher than in animals large breeds. So, the average life expectancy of small, Yorkshire Terrier, etc.) is between 12 and 17 years old. At the same time, the life expectancy of dogs of large breeds is on average somewhat less - from 10 to 14 years.

In addition, representatives of these breed groups also age faster. So, the average life expectancy of dogs is displayed in the tables below.

small breeds

Medium breeds

Large breeds

German Shepherd13
Croatian Shepherd14
Irish wolfhound6
Caucasian Shepherd Dog10
Central asian shepherd dog13
German dog8
Greek Shepherd13
st bernard9
catalan sheepdog12

What affects the life expectancy of dogs

A huge number of factors affect the lifespan of any organism. These include both the internal resources of the body, due to heredity, and external factors, which in this case dictated by the conditions of the animal. Next, we will talk in detail about each of these groups.


Unfortunately, the high mortality rate and the presence of hereditary diseases can significantly shorten the life of your pet. It is for this reason that competent breeders strictly monitor the selection of individuals involved in breeding.

It is undesirable to allow the birth of puppies from closely related ties. But sometimes closely related ties allowed for the purpose of breeding or preserving the breed. It is important to note that if you are adopting a pet from a shelter, things are a little different here. Poor heredity does not have such a strong effect on the life expectancy of mongrels.

The fact is that the difficult living conditions on the open spaces of city streets are replacing an artificial selection of breeders. Thus, the offspring of only very resistant individuals survive, which remain as a result of natural selection. Besides, a large number of mixed different breed blood also has positive impact on the lifespan of these pets.

Conditions of detention

It's no secret that living conditions have a huge impact on the animal's body. It is no coincidence that the life of a stray dog ​​is several times shorter than that of pets growing at home. Cold, lack of constant nutrition, injuries - all this has pernicious influence for the life of a stray dog. Therefore, if you want to get a dog, then consider whether to pay attention to the breed of the pet or give preference to the mongrel.

How many years do mutt dogs live? On average, these babies live, with good care, about 20 years. At the same time, the life expectancy of mongrels on the streets of the city does not exceed 3 years.

What do you think affects the lifespan of a dog the most?

How to prolong the life of your beloved pet

In order for your pet to live a long and happy life, the owner needs to take care not only of timely medical care, but also about proper nutrition and favorable psychological climate. In addition, there are several other important items that can extend the age of your pet. We will talk about each of them further.


Remember healthy eating- the key to the longevity of your dog. Obtaining and assimilation of a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and various trace elements is very important for the formation of cells and the functioning of the body as a whole. Some caring owners give dogs maintenance drugs throughout their lives: vitamins, micro and macro elements. This undoubtedly affects the length of the dog's age.

If you prefer to feed your pet prepared feed(already included right balance nutrients), then choose food exclusively holistic or super-premium. Only these feeds are made from natural meat, which is so necessary for the predator for health and longevity. Average duration the life of dogs receiving a balanced diet, significantly exceeds this figure for the rest.

Feeding regimen also affects the life of pets. It is important that feeding is portioned and strictly limited. Only by following these rules, you can avoid obesity, which is so detrimental to the lives of especially older dogs.

From the video "How many dogs live" you will learn a lot of interesting things about the age of your pets.


An important point in caring for an animal at home is the observance of hygiene standards. Brush and bathe your pet regularly. Keep his utensils, toys, and other utensils clean. In addition, very important physical exercise. It is necessary to take the dog outside not only in order for it to go out of need. Walks - important point not only physical, but also psychological comfort of the pet.


Visit your veterinarian regularly. This will help prevent the animal from developing chronic diseases. An annual vaccination is also required. Remember, any disease infectious nature can not only shorten the life of your pet, but also instantly kill him.

Another important point of care is the castration of dogs that are not involved in breeding. When a man “out of solidarity” refuses to perform this operation on his dog, he simply shortens the life of the pet. The fact is that the uncontrolled release of hormones has a depressing effect on the psyche and the functioning of the brain of the animal as a whole. In addition, drugs used to curb the natural instincts of the animal adversely affect the entire body of the dog.

Favorable psychological environment

Dogs are naturally very attached to humans. If you and your pet are true friends for each other, then this will help him live much longer. Spend more free time with your pet, play together, take long walks.

If necessary, try not to leave the animal in an unfamiliar environment. Support your pet at the veterinary clinic. Remember, your dog's health and life are directly dependent on the effort you put in to maintain them.

Video "Feed and longevity of pets"

To always have a faithful, sympathetic friend nearby, take a puppy for yourself. Perceive together the world learn to love. You will experience moments of delight and happiness more than once, you do not have to be afraid of the pain of loss in advance.

Yes, the age of a dog is not so long by human standards, but this is not a reason to abandon a pet. The main thing is to make sure that the animal lives the time allotted to it fully and happily. Every day lived with your pet should give the owner bright memories from the consciousness of what he did for shaggy friend everything he could.

Average lifespan of dogs at home

It is impossible to apply average figures to each specific animal. Although cynologists claim that, on average, they live for about 12 years.

A variety of circumstances affect the longevity factor of dogs. We note the main points:

  1. Vitality is much dependent on the breed. Breeders for dog lovers have developed unnatural features in some breeds regarding the size or deliberate decorativeness of animals. These factors, of course, affect the greater propensity of some dogs to diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and immune systems.
  2. Even more important in determining how long a pet will live is the factor of heredity. If the puppy's parents have reached a respectable age, then he, too, will live a long time in this world. And this gives hope to lovers of large dogs or bulldogs: not all of them are doomed to a short existence. But if the breeder is concerned only with the number of offspring and does not take into account the degree of deterioration of the body of his pet, then the age of such a dog will be much shorter than the average indicators of its breed.
  3. The quality of life of the animal affects how long a four-legged pet lives. If the owner constantly takes care of the physical and mental health pupil, protects him from stress, provides the necessary loads, then it is really possible to increase the life of the dog for several years.

Fighting breeds, great danes live less, but huskies, hounds, dachshunds are long-lived.

You can't discount heredity. The age of the Australian Shepherd is defined as 12-18 years. But there is a case when the dog Blue lived without one month to 29 years. All his life, like his parents, he helped the shepherds in grazing cattle. genetic predisposition, constant physical activity, staying on fresh air and the owner's care worked wonders.

In many ways, the length of the dog's eyelid depends on the conditions of existence of the animal. If the owner knows about the predisposition of his pet to certain diseases, then he can eliminate irritants or, with the help of medications, reduce their effect on the animal's body. Constant physical activity, healthy nutrition barks the hope that the dog's age will be long, regardless of the characteristics of the breed and the game of heredity.

How long do mutts live

There is a point of view that outbred dogs live longer than purebreds, that they are healthier and smarter, but this is a myth.

Firstly, the habitat of homeless dogs shortens their life span. The fact that the strongest puppies survive despite rain, frost and cold does not guarantee that they will live long. Constant deprivation will very soon leave its negative mark on even the strongest organism.

Secondly, mutts are much closer to their purebred kin than to independent wolves. But even if this were not so, then the average life expectancy of wolves is still the same 12 years.

Yes, some mongrels are more independent, they have less propensity for training, like purebreds. But if you pick up on the street outbred puppy, surround him with attention, love, care, then, turning into an adult, he will not differ from noble dogs.

The only factor that can positively affect the longevity of mongrels is that natural reproduction contributes to the culling of pathologies.

How old are shepherd dogs

If you look at the averages, then shepherd dogs live a little longer than other dogs. The life expectancy of German Shepherds is usually 10-14 years. Although there are cases when individual individuals reached 20 years.

And here caucasian shepherd dogs live up to 10 years. That is, the viability of these thoroughbred service dogs is not out of the average.

It must be remembered that shepherds are service dogs. They need to be taken vigorous activity in which the inclinations of each species could be fully revealed. Use some dogs in protection, others in search and rescue of people, shepherds will bring joy to others. Required loads and correct mode nutrition is the key to a long and happy life for shepherds.


Average longevity of individual breeds

Factors affecting life span

Certain factors affect the life expectancy of dogs:

  • physical development;
  • whether the animal performs loads appropriate to its age and breed;
  • complete rest;
  • enriched useful substances, balanced diet;
  • sufficient communication, attention.

All these quality indicators of life are 100% dependent on the owner. From how he takes care of his pet, the animal's resistance to stress and various diseases is formed.

A balanced diet from birth lays the foundation for a pet's physical health for life. future life and even old age. Feed old dog you need soft food so that there are no problems with teeth and swallowing.

In old age, animals may suffer various diseases, most often it is a deterioration in hearing, vision, malfunctions in the activity of the urinary system.

Another problem that can significantly reduce the age of any animal is overweight. Its excess adversely affects the health of the pet, affecting the cardiovascular system and the bone frame. It is necessary to control the weight of the animal, especially in old age.

Regular medical examinations, vaccinations, timely contact with veterinary clinic in case of any problems - this is what will support the pet in the right shape. Constant care for a pet throughout life can significantly increase its life cycle.

How long do purebred animals live

According to veterinary experts, there is a clear relationship between belonging to the breed and the years measured by the animal. It has been scientifically proven that the smaller the dog, the longer its life.

The viability of the representatives various breeds is different. This is due to human selection activities. With the derivation of certain standards, some features are formed and fixed in dogs, most often unnatural.

Breeding is fraught with complications, which are expressed in hereditary diseases:

  1. Chihuahua. These cute little creatures are genetically prone to medial dislocations. kneecaps, elbow joints, to various dysplasias.
  2. Dachshund. Natural hunters, with a funny long body on short legs, pay with their health for such a body structure. hereditary pathology Dachshunds have diseases of the intervertebral discs.
  3. Shar-Pei. Not only in this breed of dog, but in all pets with skin folds, entropion disease is common, which is essentially a torsion of the eyelid.
  4. Rottweilers. Strong, brave, fearless, smart. But they are also susceptible to hereditary diseases - aortic stenosis, Rottweiler leukoencephalopathy, follicular lipidosis.
  5. Pikinese. This ancient breed differs in a special structure of the eyes, for which it suffers from a tendency to eversion of the eyelids, cataracts, corneal ulcers.

Each breed has its own Achilles' heel - flat-faced dogs have problems with respiratory system, with skin without wool - often suffer from allergies, large pets are often diagnosed with diseases of the joints and bones.

Breeders allow various situations that affect the life expectancy of dogs:

  • closely related crosses;
  • exclusion of the factor of natural selection;
  • often the priority is the appearance of the offspring, and not health;
  • the life span of the progenitors of the offspring is not taken into account.

Dogs of breeds that are less subject to selection changes live the longest, medium in size, without features appearance. These are terriers, shepherds, huskies.

Great importance has a long-livers in the family. If the pet's parents have lived to a ripe old age, then he has every chance of long life. If we talk about numbers, then on average, dogs live about 12 years.

long-lived dogs

Despite the statistics and calculations, nature never ceases to amaze, the Guinness Book of Records confirms this. On its pages there is data on long-lived dogs that have survived the prescribed age by more than two times.

It is impossible to answer exactly how long domestic dogs live. Life expectancy is an individual value and depends on many factors: breed, genetic characteristics, quality of maintenance and feeding, conditions external environment. There are average data that The life expectancy of dogs ranges from 10-13 years. There is information recorded in the Guinness Book of Records that a shepherd dog has lived in Australia for more than 28 years.

Breeds such as dachshund, terriers, lapdogs, small, dwarf and toy poodle, may live 15-17 years. Experts attribute this phenomenon to the fact that small-sized animals adapt more easily to external conditions, their genetic system is not overloaded, and they are less susceptible to hereditary diseases.

Large breeds live on average 10-12 years. The aging of a massive pet begins according to the observation of specialists after 6 years.

Representatives of such giant breeds as Argentine Mastiff, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, Neopolitan Mastiff, Bullmastiff, Newfoundland and others, unfortunately, do not differ in longevity - life expectancy does not exceed 8-10 years.

Zoologists believe that large dogs grow old and die earlier than their miniature relatives due to the fact that their body is highly susceptible to growth hormone. Increasing the mass from birth to puberty by almost 50 times, large breeds are subject to the rapid accumulation of free radicals in the body, leading to aging of cells and tissues.

Spayed dogs live much longer than sexually active counterparts. The reasons lie in the following:

  • in a sterilized female, the risk of premature death due to the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth is negated;
  • in castrated males, a decrease in the incidence of organs is noted urogenital area;
  • the percentage of development of pyometra, oncological pathology in the uterus and mammary glands decreases significantly;
  • their behavior changes: the dog becomes more attached to a person, does not take part in aggressive “showdowns” and fights during sexual hunting, which significantly reduces the risk of death from injuries and bites.

The life expectancy of operated pets is on average 1-1.5 years longer than unsterilized relatives.

How long do dogs live depending on the breed:

Breed average life expectancy

an average of about 13 years;


some individuals are able to live up to 20 years of age.

However, with housing maintenance in conditions of unfavorable environmental conditions major cities life expectancy of dogs can be significantly reduced - up to 12-15 years;

Bigley at least 16 years old, but lovers of the breed believe that no more than 15 years. Obviously, the longevity of the breed is directly dependent on factors such as nutrition and early detection genetic diseases;
Sheepdogs up to 14 years old, one year less on average lives belgian shepherd- 13 years old, German - up to 12 years old, Caucasian - up to 10 years old;
Akita Inu no more than 15 years, while the dog age of males is much shorter than that of females;
Toy Terrier 12-14 years old, but with proper care and attention they can live for more than 15 years;
Rottweiler 9-12 years old;
Boxer 11 years;
Pekingese 20 years, if the conditions of detention are ideal. In most cases, the average life expectancy of this breed is 12-14 years;

life expectancy in this case will be influenced by many factors. We can say with confidence that the age of animals living on the street is much shorter than their outbred relatives, who were sheltered by new owners.

Homeless mongrels die from diseases, under the wheels of cars, in a fight with other animals.

Life expectancy for dog cancer determined by many factors:

    • tumor type,
    • process stage,
    • the age of the animal
    • comorbidities,
    • well-chosen treatment.

Modern veterinary medicine has a sufficient arsenal of both surgical methods getting rid of the disease, and chemotherapy approaches. Extends the life of a sick pet and application laser methods treatment. In a number of cases it is possible even for several years, in neglected cases it takes months.

An animal infected with the rabies virus, not only poses a danger to humans, but is itself doomed to death. hidden period viral infection can last from a few days to one year. With the development of expressed clinical signs days count. As a rule, the dog dies in 5-12 days.

Diseases that can shorten the life of a pet: oncology, kidney failure, heart defects, leukemia, immunodeficiency, canine distemper, tuberculosis, echinococcosis.

Read more in our article on how long dogs live.

Read in this article

General data, how long dogs live at home

Many owners, looking at their fluffy and mischievous puppies, wonder how long dogs live at home. Households want the four-legged family member to please with their presence for a long time, every day filling a person’s life with beauty, peace and joy.

Answer exact figure even the most competent specialist and expert cynologist will not be able to answer such a question. The life expectancy of a furry pet is an individual value and depends on many factors:

  • breed,
  • genetic traits
  • quality of maintenance and feeding,
  • environmental conditions.

However, there are average data, according to which the life expectancy of dogs ranges from 10-13 years. There are among the four-legged pets and long-lived champions. So, there is information listed in the Guinness Book of Records that a shepherd dog has lived in Australia for more than 28 years.

Many cynologists and dog lovers, not unreasonably, believe that the years lived by a pet are directly dependent on the breed and size.


Having opted for a small animal, owners want to know how long small dogs live at home. Long-term observations of representatives of miniature breeds give reason to believe that it is among them that centenarians should be looked for.

Breeds such as dachshund, terriers, lapdogs, small, pygmy and toy poodles can live in a house with an owner for a long life in dog terms - 15-17 years. Experts attribute this phenomenon to the fact that small-sized animals adapt more easily to external conditions, their genetic system is not overloaded, and they are less susceptible to hereditary diseases.

toy poodle


Having opted for a puppy of a large breed, the owner must understand that the life expectancy of such an individual will not be significant by dog ​​standards - 10-12 years. The aging of a massive pet begins according to the observation of specialists after 6 years.

Representatives of such giant breeds as the Argentine Mastiff, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, Neopolitan Mastiff, Bullmastiff, Newfoundland and others, unfortunately, do not differ in longevity. The average life expectancy of representatives of these breeds does not exceed 8-10 years.

Newfoundland and Argentine Mastiff

Zoological scientists believe that large dogs age and die earlier than their miniature relatives due to the fact that their body is highly susceptible to growth hormone. Increasing the mass from birth to puberty by almost 50 times, large breeds are subject to the rapid accumulation of free radicals in the body, leading to aging of cells and tissues.

Thus, complex selection work with large individuals left a negative imprint on the life expectancy of the giants of the canine tribe.


Thinking about an operation to remove the reproductive organs and gonads in dogs, the owner is also interested in the question - how long do sterilized dogs live at home.

For many years of practice in carrying out operations for sterilization or castration of animals, both domestic and foreign veterinary specialists are unanimous in the opinion that such individuals live much longer than their sexually active counterparts. Experienced dog breeders and doctors attribute this dynamic to a number of factors.

First of all, in a sterilized female, the risk of premature death due to the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth is negated. In castrated males, there is a decrease in the incidence of the genitourinary organs. The percentage of development, oncological pathology in the uterus and mammary glands in females undergoing surgery decreases significantly.

In addition, sterilization of animals changes their behavior. The dog becomes more attached to the person, does not take part in aggressive "showdowns" and fights during sexual hunting. This greatly reduces the risk of the animal dying from injury and bites. More obedient sterilized individuals are less likely to get into traffic accidents.

According to veterinary specialists, the life expectancy of operated pets is on average 1-1.5 years longer than that of unsterilized relatives. This scientific fact speaks in favor of a surgical method for controlling sexual behavior in animals.

How long do dogs live by breed?

For many years of keeping, experienced dog breeders have come to the conclusion that the life expectancy of four-legged family members is directly dependent on their breed.


Residents of megacities are increasingly choosing miniature breeds as furry companions and want to know how long they live chihuahua dogs at home. According to the observation of experienced cynologists, on average, pets of this breed live for about 13 years. Dogs have a nervous temperament, which is often the cause of the development of problems with cardiovascular system and causes the death of the animal.


IN Lately One of the most popular breeds is the Husky. Owners who decide to own adorable puppy with unusual blue eyes, should have an idea of ​​how long husky dogs live at home. Representatives of this hardy and cheerful breed are considered to be long-livers in the world of furry friends.

Some individuals are able to live up to 20 years of age. However, according to veterinary specialists and experienced dog breeders, when living in an apartment in an unfavorable ecological situation in large cities, the life expectancy of dogs can be significantly reduced. According to the observation of cynologists, the average duration of husky pets is 12-15 years.


There is no consensus among experienced dog breeders about how long Beagle dogs live at home. Foreign breeders consider this breed to be long-lived dogs and take at least 16 years for their age. Domestic lovers and connoisseurs of these cheerful and sociable dogs believe that their average life expectancy is no more than 15 years.

Obviously, the longevity of the breed is directly dependent on factors such as nutrition and early detection of genetic diseases.


Among the shepherd dogs, the Australian can be considered long-livers. Her life expectancy is 14 years. A Belgian Shepherd lives a year less on average - 13 years. The owners of the popular german shepherd are often interested in how long dogs live at home. The average life expectancy of a German Shepherd, according to cynologists, is 12 years. Even less - 10 years lives a larger breed - the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

Akita Inu

The breed of oriental blood Akita Inu has an average life expectancy of no more than 15 years. At the same time, the canine age of males is much shorter than that of females.

Toy Terrier

Popular in metropolitan areas miniature breed the toy terrier is able to please its household members for 12-14 years. Miniature creatures with proper care and attention can live for more than 15 years.


A miniature representative of the Pekingese breed can live to a very advanced age - 20 years, if the conditions of detention are ideal. In most cases, the average life expectancy of individuals of this breed is 12-14 years.


Not a single specialist will undertake to answer unambiguously the question - how long mongrel dogs live at home. Life expectancy in this case will be influenced by many factors. We can say with confidence that the age of animals living on the street is much shorter than their outbred relatives, who were sheltered by new owners. Homeless mongrels die from diseases, under the wheels of cars, in a fight with other animals.

Watch this video about how long dogs of different breeds live on average:

How long can an animal live if diagnosed with cancer?

Hearing from a veterinary specialist such a difficult diagnosis as oncological disease, the owner wants to know how long the pet will live. Life expectancy in this situation is determined by many factors: the type of tumor, the stage of the process, the age of the animal, concomitant diseases, and well-chosen treatment.

Modern veterinary medicine has a sufficient arsenal of both surgical methods for getting rid of the disease and chemotherapeutic approaches. Prolongs the life of a sick pet and the use of laser treatments. In some cases, it is possible to extend the dog's age and significantly improve the quality of life for several years. In advanced cases, the bill goes for months.

Chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer in dogs

How long do dogs infected with rabies live?

An animal infected with a virus is not only a danger to humans, but is itself doomed to death. The latent period of a viral infection can last from several days to one year. With the development of pronounced clinical signs, days count. As a rule, the dog dies in 5-12 days.

Diseases that can shorten the life of a pet

Diseases have a huge impact on life expectancy. In addition to oncological ailments, the days of a four-legged family member are significantly reduced by kidney failure, leukemia, and immunodeficiency. The greatest danger is infectious diseases- a plague of carnivores,.

The life expectancy of dogs is largely determined by their breed, conditions of detention. Small animals live longer - up to 15-17 years. Large individuals delight households of 8-12 years old with their presence. This feature should be considered when choosing a breed.

The life expectancy of four-legged pets is influenced by the presence of a particular pathology. Oncological diseases, heart defects, infectious diseases significantly reduce the life of a furry friend.

When buying a dog, we, as a rule, do not think about how many years dogs live, paying attention to the cute muzzle, coat, color and smart eyes. But this can be an important, and sometimes decisive factor. After all, a dog is not just faithful companion. This is a guard and assistant in household chores. We will try to talk about how long dogs of different breeds live on average and how you can extend their life.

Unfortunately, the life span of dogs is relatively short. It is also known that dogs of large breeds live less than small dogs. A dog whose weight in adulthood exceeds 26 kg, and whose height is 60 centimeters, can be safely attributed to large breeds. From the table, we can roughly find out how long do big dogs live.

Breed Lifespan
in years
Alaskan Malamute 8
english mastiff 6
afghan hound 13
Belgian Shepherd 12
Boxer 10
Dogue de Bordeaux 8,5
bullmastiff 8,5
Weinmaraner 10
Greyhound 13
doberman 10
Deutsch drathaar 12
Irish wolfhound 6
Caucasian Shepherd Dog 9
Cane Corso 10
Neapolitan Mastiff 8
German Shepherd 10
German dog 8
Newfoundland 7
Rottweiler 10
Giant Schnauzer 11
Russian greyhound 10
st bernard 9
Tosa Inu 10
Central asian shepherd dog
tibetan mastiff 8
Turkish kangal 12
scottish setter 11
Airedale 11
South Russian Shepherd Dog 10

Medium size dogs is the largest group. It contains about 200 breeds. The characteristics of this group are as follows: weight - from 13 to 25 kilograms, height at the withers 40-57 cm. Such breeds, on average, live longer than their large counterparts.

Breed Lifespan
in years
australian shepherd 13
Akitainu 9
american bulldog 9
Amstaff 12
English bulldog 9
english setter 11
Basenji 15
basset hound 13
bullterer 13
Dalmatian 13
Golden retriever 12
irish setter 12
Karelo-Finnish Laika 10
Karelian bear 10
Keeshond 14
Kerry blue terrier 14
Collie 12
Labrador 12
Standard schnauzer 14
pit bull terrier 14
Pointer 13
Russianpe Gayhound 13
samoyed husky 15
Siberian Husky 12
Whippet 14
pharaoh hound 13
Hovawart 12
Chauchau 13
sharpei 11
Jagdterrier 13

Small breed dogs categorized according to size following groups: toi (height up to 28 cm at the withers), dwarfs (below 35 cm) and small (below 45 cm). The weight of such dogs does not exceed 10 kilograms.

Breed Lifespan
in years
Australian Silky Terrier 15
american cocker spaniel 14
English Cocker Spaniel 12
Affenpinscher 12
beaveryork 15
Beagle 15
Bichon Frize 15
border terrier 14
Italian greyhound 15
Yorkshire Terrier 15
Cairn Terrier 13
Chinese Crested 10
Maltese 14
Pug 12
Pekingese 13
Russian spaniel 13
scotch terrier 12
Dachshund 13
Fox terrier 13
French Bulldog 11
Chihuahua 13
sheltie 13
Spitz 15
Japanese Chin 16

However, it should be noted that weight and height are not the only factors that affect a dog's lifespan. There are exceptions to any rule. The age of your pet can vary greatly, as it depends on a huge number of external and internal factors. The way of life, diet, physical activity of your pet has a huge impact.

What affects the life expectancy of dogs

Mutts suffer from hereditary diseases much less than purebred dogs

If your dog was well fed, outdoors, regularly examined by a veterinarian, kept at a comfortable temperature and clean in his youth, his health will not cause you any special problems in adulthood.

How long do outbred dogs live - mongrels? Studies have shown - they have a clear advantage over purebred dogs in health. After all, their intelligence, health, height, weight and other characteristics are the result of mixing the characteristics of several types. Wherein hereditary diseases characteristic of a particular breed are not inherent in them.

Of course, all this applies to domestic dogs that have an owner, a home and appropriate care. Street dogs, unfortunately, are under the influence of constant stress factors: weather, food quality, diet, lack of veterinary care. All this significantly reduces the life of such animals.

How to extend the life of a four-legged friend

Take care of your dog and he will live a long, happy life.

If you want your pet to feel comfortable, follow these simple guidelines:

  • First of all, it is worth taking care of a competent, diverse and balanced diet. Don't forget your vitamin and mineral supplements.
  • It is also worth controlling the weight of the pet, because its excess is often the cause of heart failure. vascular diseases and skeletal problems.
  • Mode. For wellness dog needs to be led active image life. Even before you get a puppy, consider whether you can provide sufficient physical activity or whether you should opt for a dog with a calmer temperament.
  • The cleanliness of the premises and the hygiene of the dog itself is an important component of its health.
  • Favorable microclimate in the family. If peace and tranquility reign in the family, stressful situations do not undermine the mental and physical health pet.
  • Veterinary care throughout your pet's life. Many problems and diseases in the advanced age of the animal will be possible, if not avoided, then reduce their catastrophic impact if they are detected on early stage. Do not neglect preventive examinations, vaccinations, cleaning of tartar.
  • Try to minimize the possibility of accidents as well. Proper dog walking will prevent the possibility of poisoning or accidents. Restricting access to wires and cables will protect your pet from electric shock.

Thus, acquiring a dog, you should pay attention to the breed and the conditions of detention that are characteristic of it. This will allow not only to know in advance how long your four-legged friend will live, but also to take measures to extend this period. Let your dog please you with excellent health and wonderful mood for as long as possible. After all, this is a guarantee of your longevity and well-being.

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