Miniature poodle: description of the breed, character, care features. Active and good-natured miniature poodle Miniature poodle and toy poodle difference

If the poodle did not exist, it would have to be invented. There is no funnier, smarter, more loyal creature in the world. This applies to all poodles, but especially toy poodles. The concentration of useful and admirable qualities per 5 kg of live weight is simply amazing. At the same time, it does not shed, is compact, does not cause allergies, only positive emotions. Yes! And one more thing - he is very cute!

Family: poodle

Place of origin: France and Germany are still arguing between themselves.

Breed Features: one of the oldest breeds of decorative dogs, used in hunting waterfowl and game birds.

Average male size: height at withers – 28-38 cm, weight – maximum 8 kg.

Average female size: height at withers – 28-35 cm, weight – 4-8 kg.

Miniature Poodle – price:

  • show class - 15,000 rubles;
  • breed class – 10,000 rubles;
  • pet class – 7000 rub.

Other names: No

Dogs related to miniature poodles: not entirely proven, but there is a version that the poodle was obtained by crossing ancient breeds - a sheep poodle and a water dog. Both breeds were used in waterfowl hunting.

Advantages and difficulties of the breed


  • Very clean.
  • They do not shed, do not smell, do not cause allergies.
  • Active, mobile.

Important: This quality can also turn into a disadvantage for sedentary people who are not inclined to take daily walks.

  • Smart and savvy. They are easy to train. This breed of dog is adored by circus performers and is considered first in terms of its ability to train.

Difficulties: There is none of them.

One can only note distrust of strangers, jealousy and rancor. But in some situations, these qualities can become, on the contrary, an advantage.

Important: young miniature poodles are very addicted in nature and, while chasing a cat or a ball, they can lose their sense of reality and run out onto the roadway and get run over. Therefore, there is no need to let this little creature off the leash in places with heavy traffic.

Characteristics of the Miniature Poodle breed

The miniature poodle is full of advantages. He is extremely smart. His intelligence knows no bounds. He understands the owner at a glance, is attuned to his wave, feels the slightest changes in mood and knows how to empathize like no one else.

These qualities of the dwarf poodle - intelligence and devotion - have become an important factor in the extraordinary popularity of this breed.

This is where the advantages of this breed just begin. The Miniature Poodle is a clean dog and terribly cute. It can even be mistaken for a plush toy if it is motionless. But he is very rarely motionless. And all because the baby is inquisitive and playful.

He is also very peaceful, but at the same time vigilant. This ringing watchman may not bite the thief, but he will scare him away with his ringing bark. He is always on the alert, especially when the owner is nearby.

And being close to the owner for this dog is the greatest happiness. He devotes everything to him and does everything in the name of his Master: he runs after the ball, walks on his hind legs, endures intricate haircuts and wears bows.

The miniature poodle is a delicate nature. Still would! With such intelligence! He has a fragile mental structure, which affects his health. The baby can get a stomach ulcer if he is very upset about something. There are cases where poodles fell ill with gastritis because their owner abandoned them for a long time. Without it, they eat poorly, get bored and suffer.

They are also born artists and love to work for the public. And vanity is also very characteristic of them.

Miniature poodles have been observed to be jealous and vindictive, and distrustful of strangers.

But all this is mere trifle compared to the treasure of talents and virtues that this little curly-haired creature with a big and loving heart possesses.

Miniature Poodle photo

Caring for a Miniature Poodle


Loves walks and outdoor games. Until old age he retains this feature. Very active and playful. He needs physical activity, without it he gets bored and sad.


A poodle needs to be cut once every two months, washed once a week, and brushed regularly. Their soft fur tends to mat and thus cause discomfort to the little ones.

The toy poodle does not have an undercoat. That’s why it freezes at sub-zero temperatures. In winter, the baby needs to be dressed for walks.

Particular attention should be paid to the ears, especially after water treatments. They need to be cleaned regularly and the fur on the inside trimmed.

Nails are trimmed once a week. Teeth are brushed daily.


You can feed both dry food and regular food. This is the dog breeder's choice. But it is important to consider that the transition from one type of food to another should be made gradually.

When eating homemade food, you need to diversify your baby’s diet as much as possible. Toy poodles are inquisitive by nature, and therefore eagerly try new food, especially if it comes from the hands of their beloved owner.

A miniature poodle's daily diet should include boiled meat (cut into small pieces). Young dogs can also be given raw meat, but only beef and also finely chopped or in the form of minced meat.

The meat diet should be varied with boiled fish, porridge, and cottage cheese.

Miniature poodles love fruit, and therefore they will not refuse an apple or banana, watermelon or melon.

Attention! Miniature poodles have a sweet tooth. But they are absolutely not allowed to eat sweets because of their predisposition to digestive problems and weak teeth.


All poodles, including dwarf ones, have weak points - teeth, eyes, ears, stomach. Teeth should be brushed daily to remove plaque and to prevent the formation of tartar. Do not give sweets and starchy foods to avoid caries.

To prevent conjunctivitis, use daily wiping of the eyes with a cotton pad moistened with boiled water or tea infusion.

Allergies and diabetes are common in miniature poodles. Their prevention is proper nutrition.

The lifespan of a miniature poodle is 12-15 years.

Video about the miniature poodle

History of the breed

The first mention of the dwarf poodle dates back to the 15th century. But, despite the popularity of this breed, no one has worked on its standards and selection for a very long time. Until the end of the 19th century, when the British drew attention to this shortcoming and wrote a standard for the “poodle” breed. After this, the dwarf poodle was recognized internationally as an independent breed of decorative dogs.

In Germany, poodles were used to hunt waterfowl. Nimble and fast dogs brought shot game from the water to their owner.

Fact: The word "poodle" comes from the German verb "paddeln" - "to splash" or from the noun "pfundelhund" - "water dog". The poodle really loves water and swims well, without hesitation rushing into the water after its beloved owner.

In France, poodles found a more elegant use - at the royal court. The fashion for beautiful dogs included in the royal retinue quickly spread to the French, and then the entire European, nobility.

In Russia, dwarf poodles appeared along with the fashion for everything French - in the 18th century. But with the advent of the revolution, which destroyed the nobility as a class, poodles quickly disappeared in the country of the Soviets. There was no one to breed them.

Interest in this breed was revived in Russia in the 20th century.

Miniature Poodles and Celebrities

Many celebrities have been shown to have a soft spot for this dog breed. The silver dwarf poodle did not get off Muslim Magomayev’s lap while he was giving a television interview. From all the habits of the curly-haired baby, it was noticeable that the place of the “youngest” of this four-legged pet in the family of famous singers was irrevocably given.

The historical fact - Beethoven kept a miniature poodle - is supported by documents. The composer dedicated “Elegy” to him, saddened by the loss of his pet.

Winston Churchill was devoted to his toy poodle, Rufus, and Rufus was devoted to Churchill.

S. Marshak, A. Kuprin, I. Goethe confessed their love for the poodle in a poetic and literary way. Rembrandt and Durer painted this breed. And not only them.

Breed standard

General form

This is a compact animal with regular proportions and a weight of 4 to 8 kg. The height at the withers of an adult dwarf poodle is 28-35 cm. The poodle's coat is wavy or curly, depending on the type of coat (there are corded and curly).

The eyes are brown, smart, attentive. The look of a dwarf poodle is concentrated, lively, reflecting his rich inner world and subtle mental organization.

The poodle is very agile, light, fast and jumping.


There are five color shades of the poodle in general and the dwarf poodle in particular:

  • gray or silver,
  • apricot,
  • black,
  • white,
  • brown.


It has clear outlines, a high, proud landing. The size of the head of a miniature poodle is not massive and proportional to the body. The nose is slightly pointed, high, black or brown, depending on the color of the dog's coat.

The muzzle of a poodle in profile has a characteristic shape and a rectilinear outline. The undereyes are not convex, flat. The cheekbones are not particularly prominent. The chewing muscles are not very developed.

Long, hanging, flat, rounded at the ends and flaring in the middle. When uncut, the ears of a toy poodle are covered with wavy, thick hair.

The correct ear length is checked by pulling the tip forward. If the ear reaches the corner of the dog's lips, then there is a chance to get an excellent mark at the exhibition when assessing the breed's exterior.


The poodle's tail is attached high at the level of the rump. It is docked to a third of its length.


The front legs are straight and parallel, slender, long and muscular. The foot is compact. The toes are positioned perpendicular to the dense foot.

The hind legs have strong, muscular thighs. Rear view - parallel.

Important: All proportions and conformation features of a miniature poodle correspond to a regular poodle, without any signs of dwarfism.

Indoor decorative breed. Smart, cheerful, harmoniously built, the dog, with curly hair, resembles a small sheep playfully frolicking on the grass. Despite the fact that today poodles are increasingly giving up their homes on sofas, ottomans and armchairs to Yorkies, pugs and toy terriers, they still remain one of the most popular and smart dogs in the world, and all thanks to their compact size and good adaptability to any conditions and boundless love for the owner.

Description of the Miniature Poodle breed and FCI standard

  1. Country of origin: France.
  2. Use: companion.
  3. FCI classification: Group 9. Companion dogs. Section 2. Poodle. No operational tests.
  4. General appearance: An elegant, harmoniously built breed with a characteristic curly or corded coat.
  5. Important proportions:
  • The length of the muzzle is almost equal to 9/10 of the length of the skull.
  • The length of the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers.
  • The height at the withers is almost equal to the height of the croup.
  • The distance from the ground to the elbows is 5/9 of the height at the withers.
  • Behavior/Character: smart, active, loyal and cheerful dog. Easy to learn.
  • Head: refined, proportional to the body. The head is elongated, well sculpted, and should not look heavy or too delicate.
    • Skull: when viewed from above, it appears oval along the longitudinal axis, slightly convex in profile. The longitudinal axes are slightly divergent. The width of the skull is less than half the length of the head. The brow ridges are moderately pronounced and covered with long hair.
    • Frontal groove: wide between the eyes, narrowing towards a very well defined occipital protuberance. (In miniature poodles, the nuchal protuberance may be less pronounced.)
    • Stop (Move from forehead to muzzle): slightly expressed.
  • Nose: the nose is well developed, vertical when viewed in profile, the nostrils are well open. Black, white and gray poodles have a black nose; for brown ones - brown; Poodles with apricot and red hair have a brown or black nose.
  • Muzzle: The upper profile is straight. The length of the muzzle is almost 9/10 of the length of the skull. The lateral bones of the lower jaw are located almost parallel. The muzzle is strong. The lower profile is formed by the jaw, not the lower edge of the upper lip.
  • Lips: moderately developed, dry, of medium thickness. The upper lip lies on the lower lip without overlapping it. Black, white and gray poodles have black lips. The brown ones have brown; in apricot and red poodles - brown, more or less dark, or black. The angle of the lip is not pronounced.
  • Jaws/Teeth: regular scissor bite, upper row closely overlapping the lower. The teeth are strong.
  • Cheekbones: the muscles of the cheeks are not protruding, tightly adjacent to the bones of the skull. The infraorbital region is well carved and little filled. The cheek bones protrude slightly.
  • Eyes: almond-shaped, located at the level of the transition from the forehead to the muzzle, slightly slanted. The eyes are black or dark brown. Dark amber eye color is acceptable for brown poodles.
  • Eyelids: Black, white and gray poodles have black eyelid edges, brown poodles have brown edges. Apricots and reds have brown or black eyelids.
  • Photo of a miniature poodle wearing a hat

  • Ears: Quite long, falling along the cheeks. The base is located on the continuation of the line emanating from the top of the nose and passing just below the outer corner of the eyelid. Flat, widening from the base, the tips are rounded, covered with long, wavy hair. The ear flap reaches the corners of the lips.
  • Neck: strong, slightly convex nape line, medium length, good proportions, without dewlap. The length is slightly less than the length of the head. The Miniature Poodle carries its head high and proud. The neck is oval in cross section.
  • Body: The body is slightly longer than the height at the withers.
  • Withers: moderately expressed.
  • Back: short, harmoniously contoured, straight, strong. The withers and croup should be almost at the same height.
  • Loin: strong, muscular.
  • Croup: rounded but not sloping.
  • Chest: deep, reaching to the elbows. Width 2/3 depth. In large poodles, the circumference of the chest, measured behind the shoulder blades, should exceed the height at the withers by at least 10 cm. The ribs are oval.
  • Underline/Belly: fit, without undermining (like a greyhound).
  • Tail: Set high, level with the waist. We can allow it to be long or shortened by one third or half of the natural length. When calm, the tail is lowered. In motion it rushes obliquely upward.
  • Photo of a tan miniature poodle

  • Forelegs: straight, parallel, with good muscles and bones. The distance measured from the corner of the elbow to the ground should be slightly longer than the distance from the corner of the elbow to the withers.
    • Shoulders: obliquely lying, well muscled; The shoulder blade forms an angle of about 110° with the shoulder.
    • Shoulder: The length of the shoulder corresponds to the length of the shoulder blade.
    • Wrist: continuation of the line of the forearm.
    • Pastern: strong, almost straight when viewed from the side.
    • Forelegs: small, closed, forming a short oval. The toes are arched, the paw pads are hard and thick. The nails are black on black and gray poodles, and black or tan on brown poodles. White poodles have claws that are horn-colored or vary in pigmentation, including black. Apricot and red poodles have brown or black nails.
  • Hind limbs: When viewed from behind, they are placed parallel. The muscles are well developed and clearly defined. The knee joint is quite pronounced. The angles of articulation of the hip, knee and hock joints should be well defined.
    • Hips: strong, with well-developed muscles.
    • Hocks: fairly short, vertical. A poodle should be born without dewclaws.
    • Hind feet: small, closed, forming a short oval. The toes are arched, the paw pads are hard and thick. The nails are black on black and gray poodles, and black or tan on brown poodles. White poodles' claws can be horn-colored or of varying pigmentation, even black. Apricot and red poodles have brown or black nails.

  • Movement: springy, light gait.
  • Skin: elastic, without signs of dampness, pigmented. In black, brown, grey, apricot and red poodles, the pigmentation should match the coat color. For white poodles, you should aim for silver colored skin.
  • Coat:
    • Poodle with curly hair: Abundant, fine, fluffy texture, in good curl, elastic and resistant to hand pressure. The coat should be very thick, abundant, of uniform length, forming proportionate curls.
    • Corded Poodle: A profuse coat of fine texture, fluffy and dense, forming characteristic cords of equal length, which must be a minimum of 20 cm in length.
  • Miniature Poodle Height:
    • Height at the withers: 28 - 35 cm. The miniature poodle should be a reduced miniature poodle and, if possible, maintain the same proportions, excluding any signs of dwarfism.
  • Disadvantages: Each deviation from the above-mentioned requirements of the standard must be considered as a defect, the assessment of which must be established in exact proportion to the degree of deviation.
    • Carp-shaped or sunken back
    • Tail set too low
    • Excessively nervous behavior
    • Teeth: the absence of two P1s is not taken into account
    • Absence of one or two symmetrically located P2
    • The absence of M3 is not taken into account
  • Serious disadvantages:
    • Partially depigmented nose
    • Pointed muzzle
    • Spotted face
    • The bridge of the nose with a hump
    • Teeth: absence of two asymmetrically located P2
    • Eyes too big, too deep set, not dark enough
    • Ears too short
    • Beveled croup
    • Tail thrown over the back
    • Too straight angles of the hind limbs
    • Smooth and stretched movements
    • Poor, or limp, or harsh coat
    • Indeterminate or unevenly distributed color on the body: black-gray or gray-white, faded apricot (red), cream, beige in browns or too dark brown
  • Disqualifying faults:
    • Aggression or cowardice
    • Completely unpigmented nose
    • Insufficiently pronounced type, especially of the head
    • Overshot or undershot
    • Teeth: missing one incisor or one canine or one carnassial
    • Absence of one P3 or one P4
    • Absence of three or more premolars (except P1)
    • Tailless or naturally short-tailed
    • Dewclaws or signs of their removal on the hind legs
    • Mixed coat color
    • White spots or white fur on the paws
    • Dogs with a height of more than 62 cm for large dogs or less than 23 cm for toy dogs
    • Dogs with signs of dwarfism: an apple-shaped head, an unpronounced occipital protuberance, a pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle, protruding eyes, a too short or upturned muzzle, a shortened lower jaw, an unpronounced sloping chin
    • Almost invisible frontal groove
    • Toys have too light a frame
    • Tail in a ring, the end of which falls on the back or croup

    Any dog ​​showing physical abnormalities or behavioral disturbances must be disqualified.

    Note: Males must have two apparently normally developed testes that are completely contained in the scrotum.

    • Solid wool: black, white, brown, grey, apricot and red.
    • Brown color: not weakened, quite dark, uniform and warm color. Beige and lighter shades are not desirable.
    • Gray: uniform, not weakened, not close to black, not whitish.
    • Apricot: uniform, without transition to fawn, sand or red.
    • Red: The entire coat should be of a uniform color, with no tendency towards apricot.

    Pigmentation: Eyelids, nose, lips, gums, palate, natural orifices, scrotum and paw pads should be well pigmented.

    Poodle - companion dog. It has an amazing ability to fit into the society around it and acquire exactly those behavioral characteristics that are most interesting to its owner. The Pudelek will happily go fishing with his fisherman owner, run along the paths of the park, play with a ball with his athlete owner, or maybe stroll sedately along the boulevard in the company of his elderly owners.

    It doesn’t matter what size your favorite poodle is, royal or toy, they can accurately determine the owner’s mood when he is sad and sad. The four-legged “psychologist” is right there, begins to lick and feel sorry for your loved one, and life is seen in a completely different light.

    Gets along well with children, loves to play and frolic with them. He is highly trainable, but polite and careful in communication, he demands no less respect for himself, and only then does he try to please his owner and demonstrate the wonders of obedience and training. Toy poodles are non-aggressive and tolerant of other dogs and animals living in the house.

    When strangers appear, they begin to bark and try to protect their owner and his family from “uninvited guests,” and only after making sure that nothing threatens their loved ones will they begin to hospitably communicate with guests, lick everyone, “love” everyone and, of course, allow stroke yourself.

    Among poodles, there are often disobedient individuals who snarl and growl at their owner. When encountering such an example, one should not rush to condemn the breed as a whole.

    This kind of behavior is the fruit improper upbringing. At one time, the owner used brute force in the process of raising the animal or, on the contrary, spoiled his pet too much and allowed him everything. As a result, the poodle took the place of the leader, and the owner was assigned only the role of an ordinary member of his pack.

    Miniature Poodle care and maintenance

    Photo of a miniature poodle with different colors


    The Miniature Poodle has a thick, curly coat.

    There are two types of wool.

    1. Curly hair is thick, elastic, forms curls, and abundantly covers the entire body.
    2. Corded wool type- thick, abundant cover, fluffy wool forms cords of at least 20 cm.

    The peculiarities of the poodle's coat represent a problem for some, but for others it is a marvelous embodiment of their “hairdressing” fantasies. Owners who keep a dwarf poodle “for the hobby” can transform their pet at least every month, giving it a wide variety of shapes and hairstyles using scissors and a comb. In the summer heat, you can trim your four-legged ward's head, which will not affect the quality of the coat in any way.

    The photo shows a miniature poodle standing in nature

    The big advantage of poodle hair is that it does not shed, and does not cause allergies. Although this fact causes a wave of mistrust among many citizens, especially owners of short-haired dogs, who at one time, when purchasing a dog, hoped that it would produce less hair.

    The most important requirement for a miniature poodle's coat is that it must always be clean.


    Bathe the dog two to three times a month, or as it gets dirty. The more regularly you carry out the bath procedure, the less time it takes: the hair does not have time to get tangled and tangled. In addition, all poodles are big fans of splashing in ponds. The path to natural bathing areas is prohibited except for exhibition animals, since it is possible that after such a bath the dog will become covered in tangles.


    In the photo there are two miniature poodles on the paving stones

    You should brush your pet every day; this procedure will not take much time, 5 - 10 minutes, but both you and your pet will enjoy the interaction. Combing is also useful because it promotes blood supply to the skin and replaces massage. When caring for a miniature poodle, it is better to use professional cosmetics. There are many brands, so it will not be difficult to choose for each dog what is right for him. By regularly bathing your dog with properly selected cosmetics, you can forget about combing your pet from wash to wash.


    Healthy eyes of a miniature poodle are shiny, without streaks (tear marks are a little more noticeable on white individuals), and do not water. It is enough to inspect the eyes and rinse with warm water or weakly brewed black tea. In case of redness, tearing, severe souring of the dog’s eyes, immediately contact your veterinarian. It is better not to self-medicate.


    The weak point of the poodle is its drooping ears. The ventilation in them is not very good; the water that gets in during bathing does not go away. To prevent otitis media and other ear problems from accompanying the dog throughout its life, the owner must carefully monitor the hygiene of his four-legged friend’s ears. Inspect your dog's ears regularly; there should be no unpleasant odor, excess wax, or strange fluid coming out; if you notice such symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately.

    The poodle sometimes has problems with the anal glands, the cleaning of which, if such a problem has ever arisen, will need to be carried out regularly, most conveniently while washing the dog.

    Claws and paws

    Be sure to regularly inspect the condition of your poodle's paws and claws. Even if the pet leads an active lifestyle, its claws must be trimmed with a special nail clipper 1-2 times a month. Afterwards, go through it with a file to remove burrs and smooth out the sharp ends of the claws. Always remember about the fifth toe on the front paws, it is short and does not erase the claw at all. Wash paws after walks, inspect for damage and cracks.

    As a rule, toy poodles that are properly cared for are healthy and long-lived: for many in the breed, 12 years old is far from old.

    Training a Miniature Poodle

    It's no secret that all representatives of the poodle breed have a high level of intelligence, and dwarf poodles are no exception.

    They perfectly remember those actions, the meaning of which is clear to them. One word or gesture is enough for the pet to clearly do what is asked of it. At the same time, the poodle is not distracted by people and other dogs.

    The highest reward for a dog is the praise of its owner. But if your pet doesn’t see the meaning of the command, it will be very difficult to teach it to carry it out.

    Impatient owners often make the mistake of subjecting their pet to harsh training and then jumping to conclusions about the dog’s stupidity and stubbornness. The poodle will very quickly get tired of the monotonous and thoughtless execution of commands, and he may simply refuse to work.

    Photo of a miniature poodle in the garden

    Representatives of this breed are excellent at mastering such entertaining types of training as:

    • agility (a competition in which the dog is guided by the owner through an obstacle course)
    • freestyle (pet dancing to music)
    • flyball (a flying ball, a team or individual competition for dogs. The pet must catch the ball released from a special machine and quickly bring it to the owner. The game resembles a relay race)

    “Vain” dogs of this breed love and appreciate when they are admired, be it a victory in the show ring, a sports competition, or demonstrating tricks in front of house guests. There is also an opposite point of view: a poodle does not need to be trained at all, especially its “miniature” varieties, so as not to suppress its free personality.

    But if you want to buy a dwarf poodle, remember that without training and education, even the smallest and seemingly harmless dog can become uncontrollable and cause a lot of trouble to the owner and others.

    Miniature Poodle food

    Photo of a fluffy miniature poodle

    What to feed a miniature poodle - home-cooked food or ready-made food - each owner decides for himself.

    The main condition is not to make a sudden transition from one type of feeding to another.

    When you just adopted your baby from a breeder, for the first few days you feed him the food he is used to in order to avoid digestive problems. If you are planning to accustom your puppy to feeding finished industrial products, do not be lazy to consult a veterinarian about the quality of food and which of them is best suited specifically for your pet.

    List of natural products that can be used to prepare food for a miniature poodle:

    1. Meat - beef, turkey, chicken, lamb.
    2. Cereals - buckwheat, rice.
    3. Sea fish without bones (river fish is not allowed)
    4. Any vegetables, except potatoes and legumes (they cause bloating)
    5. Fermented milk products
    6. Eggs (preferably quail) and offal - no more than 2 times a week.
    7. Vegetable oil, sunflower and corn (especially in winter).
    8. Fruits (apples, banana)
    9. Honey on the tip of a spoon as a treat.
    10. Chocolate, cakes, cookies are not allowed.

    It is better to consult a veterinarian about introducing mineral supplements and vitamins into your animal’s diet. The pet's diet must be adjusted if it suffers from food allergies, urolithiasis, kidney or liver failure, and so on. Feeding weakened, old, pregnant and lactating dogs also requires correction.

    Nutrition according to all the rules is the key to the health of your four-legged ward.

    Diseases of the Miniature Poodle

    • progressive retinal atrophy
    • epilepsy
    • deafness
    • allergy
    • diabetes
    • heart diseases
    • early gray hair (common in brown poodles)
    • autoimmune hemolytic anemia
    • excessive tearing
    • ear infections

    Photo of a miniature poodle

    Miniature poodle video

    Back in the 19th century, thanks to the Swiss dog handler Paul Shaitlin, people knew that the poodle was an almost ideal dog. She is incredibly beautiful, playful and kind, and can live in a family with children and other animals, with whom she enjoys playing.

    Due to its good qualities, the dwarf variety of dogs of this breed is becoming very popular today. A miniature poodle can be kept in a small apartment; it will not introduce any unpleasant odor or fur into it.

    Breed standard

    Do not know what to feed one month old puppies? about useful and healthy nutrition for puppies.

    Dog howling is a very irritating phenomenon. find out and how to calm your pet.

    Historical information about the breed

    History records the first facts about the miniature poodle in Tibet. With the help of sailors, dogs of this breed came to Africa, and then to Europe, where they became quite popular.

    In Germany, this breed was considered a hunting breed and was used to deliver killed game from the water to its owner. The French considered these intelligent animals worthy of kings, in whose courts they were kept. It was customary for people of higher social status to own a miniature poodle.

    Description of the Miniature Poodle breed

    Dogs of this breed are distinguished by the color of their coat into several varieties: black, white, apricot, silver, harlequin. They have no distinctive features and differ only in color, but the black miniature poodle is especially popular among lovers. The fur of these animals is soft, but if not properly cared for it can become coarse and form clumps.

    Miniature poodles are also distinguished by their coat type. It can be curly or corded. In the latter case, the wool is thick and fluffy, forming cords reaching a length of 20 cm.


    The miniature poodle is a pet. He tends to become attached to his owner, accepting his habits and lifestyle. For him, a walk is a time to frolic with his owner, and not with other animals. The toy poodle can become jealous when the owner pays more attention to other pets, but with adequate behavior he gets along well with other pets.

    Animal sizes

    The size of the miniature poodle allows it to be kept in small apartments; it adapts well to any habitat. In this case, you need to walk the dog regularly and a lot, because it has a high need for active games.

    Puppies and teenagers love to bark, which can cause inconvenience, but as the animal grows older, this habit disappears.

    Ability to get along with children and other pets

    A pet of this breed is good with children, but sometimes their uncontrolled behavior or excessive attention can develop neurosis in the dog. The child should not be allowed to bother the dog too often. But you cannot leave your pet completely unattended - this is fraught with the development of destructive behavior.

    In the company of strangers, dwarf poodles can behave distrustfully and warily; if necessary, they will zealously protect their owner.

    Miniature Poodle care and maintenance

    Dogs of this breed need careful care and keeping clean. The poodle needs to be washed and cut regularly, as well as combed. If this is not done on time, the pet’s fur will cause him a lot of inconvenience and even pain. A haircut is required, but its shape is not particularly important and plays only an aesthetic role.

    It is imperative to dress your pet during the winter months.

    You should also keep your dog's ears clean. They are hanging and therefore poorly ventilated. Ears should be cleaned regularly using disinfectants. Particular attention should be paid to this after swimming in bodies of water, as water can flow into the ears and remain there.

    Your pet's claws need to be trimmed once a week. This should be done very carefully using special devices.

    You should also brush your animal's teeth.


    The health and beauty of a pet of this breed also depends on its nutrition. Dry food or home-cooked food - the owner must make this choice himself. However, there is no need to suddenly change one type of nutrition to another. It is imperative to choose high-quality dry food; you need to ask a specialist about this.

    If you decide to feed your pet homemade meals, remember that your toy poodle’s diet should consist of a variety of foods:

    • The meat should be boiled and cut into small slices. Only beef can be given raw. You can diversify your meat diet with boiled sea fish.
    • Porridges are mandatory - buckwheat, rice, oatmeal.
    • Give your pet raw vegetables more often, but do not feed him potatoes and legumes, otherwise the dog may have digestive problems. You need to include fruits in your diet: apples and bananas.
    • During the cold season, be sure to season your pet’s food with vegetable oil.
    • Sweets are contraindicated for a dog of this breed; only honey is allowed, and then no more than a quarter of a teaspoon.


    Toy poodles may suffer from ear and eye diseases and premature gray hair. These dogs also have epilepsy, allergies and even diabetes.


    These intelligent dogs are highly trainable, and this applies to any variety of breed, be it a silver or black toy poodle. If the owner behaves cruelly or too softly, the dog can become aggressive and disobedient. When training your pet, it is imperative that you praise him and encourage his achievements.

    The toy poodle breed has virtually no disadvantages. Being a long-haired dog, it does not shed and does not have an unpleasant odor, which makes it possible to keep it in any premises. Caring for a miniature poodle requires special attention, and training will not be a problem.

    The poodle is rightfully considered one of the most intelligent representatives of the extensive canine family. For many decades, representatives of the breed have been shining in the circus arena, amusing and surprising the audience. The toy poodle is no exception. This small, cute, smart and funny dog ​​wins the hearts of animal lovers.

    Description of the breed

    The Miniature Poodle embodies the dream of dog lovers about an intelligent, beautiful and playful family dog. Thanks to the well-known lion haircut, which gives the poodle a glamorous appearance, it is considered the dog of the beau monde world. Many people don’t even realize that the breed was originally created for hunting. Nature has endowed the poodle not only with external attractiveness and a good-natured character, but also with courage and the ability to stand up for itself.


    The miniature poodle, despite its small size, has a harmonious physique. The average height of an adult dog is 30 cm and weight is 5 kg, the girl weighs a little less. The dog's head is proportional to the body, oval in shape and tapers towards the nose. The animal's forehead is not wide and smoothly transitions into the muzzle, which has a regular, well-defined shape.

    The nose with open nostrils is clearly visible. Its color, as the breed description says, matches the color of the animal and can be brown or black. The Toy Poodle's eyes are almond-shaped and set at an angle. They come in dark brown or black. The animal's ears are long and rounded at the ends.

    The head and body of the animal are connected by a strong, short neck. The dog's chest is medium-sized, slightly convex at the top, and the belly is tucked in. The tail is set high and can be docked. The legs are straight and muscular, and the paws are dense and rounded.


    The coat for dogs of the Miniature Poodle breed is their pride and main distinguishing feature. The breed standard defines 2 types of coat for dogs: curly and corded. Curly hair curls into beautiful flowing curls. The curls have almost the same length and, as they grow, they turn from curls into waves.

    Corded wool consists of 20-centimeter hairs that are formed into cords. The toy poodle's coat is thick, soft, and resembles human hair. It consists of long guard hair and soft undercoat. The animal's fur is odorless and sheds little.


    According to the breed standard, the coat of a Miniature Poodle should have an even color without transitions from one color to another. There are six official poodle color types. These are black, white, apricot, red, brown and silver. Let's look at them in more detail.


    The white color of Miniature Poodles is the most popular. Interestingly, white Miniature Poodle puppies are often born with cream or orange inclusions on the chest, legs, and ears. With age, the spots disappear and they become snow-white. The eyes of the “whites” are brown, and the nose, claws and eye rims are black.


    Black coat color for the Miniature Poodle is a classic. The ideal color for an animal of this species is deep black without any inclusions or shades. The nose, claws and eye rims of the Black Miniature Poodle are black and the eyes are brown. It is believed that representatives of this type have the highest class wool among the representatives of the breed.


    The silver color of the Miniature Poodle is established within 2 years. Puppies of this type are born black and gradually, starting from the head and paws, become lighter. Starting from the second month of the animal's life, a silver-gray color should be visible. These dogs are characterized by dark brown eyes, black nose, eye rims and charcoal colored claws.


    The Brown Miniature Poodle is also called the Chocolate Poodle. The reason for this is the dark brown color of the animal’s fur without shades of black, cream or light brown. The Poodle's nose is dark brown, and its nails and eye rims are brown or black. The eyes of a representative of the “sweet” color are dark brown or amber in color.


    The Apricot Poodle is characterized by fur of all shades of apricot color. The tone of the animal’s fur is even, without inclusions, and the ears are somewhat darker than the rest of the “fur coat.” Puppies are born dark apricot and lighten with age. It happens that the color of their coat becomes cream. The nose, claws and eye rims of dogs are brown or black, and the eyes are brown.


    The look suggests a mahogany or dark apricot colored coat. With age, the fur coat may become lighter in color. Dogs have brown eyes and a black or brown nose. The claws are dark brown or black, and the eye rims are brown.

    Other colors

    The color of an animal's coat is established over several years and depends on nutrition, intensity of the sun's rays and care. Thanks to the incessant work of breeders conducting intra-breed matings, many non-standard colors of poodles have been bred. Some of them are officially recognized, some remain unrecognized. Let's look at these colors.


    The harlequin color is a combination of white and black. About 60% of the coat is white. The head and ears of the animal are black. There are also several black areas on the back. The dog's eyes are dark brown, and his nose, lips, claws and eye rims are black.

    Black and tan

    The main color of this color occupies 80% of the animal’s entire coat. It can be not only black, but also brown, red or silver. Tan marks are located on the eyebrows, paws, muzzle, chest and along the edges of the ears. Black Poodles have tan colors that range from red, brown, gray, cream, and orange. Brown and red dogs have apricot, and silver dogs have cream and gray.

    Brindle and sable

    A miniature poodle's brindle coat suggests stripes on either a dark or light coat. The pattern is visible even if the animal is cut short. Representatives of the sable breed are characterized by a light brown coat, the tips of which are shaded dark brown or black. The black tips of the fur are especially noticeable on a poodle's ears.

    Silver beige and coffee with milk

    It happens that puppies born brown over time lighten and become silver with a beige tint. These dogs are characterized by dark amber colored eyes and a black nose. The color of coffee with milk is close in color to silver-beige, and differs only in shade. The coat of this color is a mixture of apricot, cream and chocolate colors.

    Two tone, merle and splash

    Two-colored Miniature Poodles are characterized by a white coat with randomly colored areas. Any stain color is allowed. Splash color is wool of any color, half of which is occupied by unevenly scattered white spots. The merle, or merle, color is uncommon and is characterized by small spots that contrast with the main color of the animal's coat.


    When characterizing the Miniature Poodle, first of all it should be noted that it is a very smart and easy to train dog. Poodle puppies easily remember their names and quickly get used to the way of life of the family in which they live. According to owners' reviews, dogs are easy to teach funny tricks that they will happily demonstrate to guests at home. The only “but”: being extremely gentle and touchy animals, dogs cannot tolerate shouting or cruel treatment.

    Friendliness is the main character of the toy poodle. This little dog will gladly keep company with the children with whom he lives in the house. He will become their friend and an active participant in the games, but only on the condition that he will not be offended. If there are other animals in the house, the poodle will certainly find a common language with them, but with the same condition of being treated well.

    The hunting past of the breed makes itself felt to this day. Despite its small stature, the character of the Miniature Poodle contains guard inclinations. If uninvited guests have entered the house, the dog can scare them with its loud barking. When the Miniature Poodle sees that its owner is in danger, he fearlessly rushes at the enemy, protecting his friend.

    Intelligence and unobtrusiveness are another character trait of the pet. The dog senses the mood of the owner - he will never pester him at the wrong time. He has fun with the owner and is sad with him. We must not forget about communication with your pet: dogs do not tolerate loneliness well. They worry, feel sad and whine when they are left without company for a long time.

    The character traits of the Miniature Poodle are such that it is perfect for both active people and a person who loves a quiet life. The dog will happily accompany its owner during a morning run or a long walk. With the same pleasure, the dog will sit with the owner of the house and listen to his stories. The versatility of the Miniature Poodle and its small size have made this breed extremely popular.

    Grooming a poodle will make it easier to care for its coat, so it is recommended to cut your dog’s hair once every 2 months. You can trim your pet at home yourself, or you can contact a professional groomer. It all depends on the type and complexity of the haircut. Each owner chooses the type of haircut at his own discretion. The most popular is the lion style, in which the dog’s mane, “boots” and a pompom on the tail are left. For those who do not want to cut their pet's hair this way, it is recommended to simply trim the overgrown hair evenly.

    The Miniature Poodle is a dog that loves cleanliness, so it is recommended to bathe it once a week. The animal should be washed with special shampoos and conditioners suitable for this type of coat. You should take care of both your Miniature Poodle's ears and teeth: they should be cleaned and examined regularly. The dog needs special clothes that are worn for walks in cold weather.


    The Miniature Poodle's diet should be balanced. In no case should you include fatty foods in your diet: a dog’s weak liver reacts instantly. The main part of the Miniature Poodle's diet consists of meat products. The dog should be fed frozen beef or lamb.

    Offal is good for your dog, but it should be boiled before eating. Once or twice a week, the dog should be fed boiled sea fish. The menu includes fermented milk products: cottage cheese or kefir. Don't forget to give your pet semi-liquid cereals and wholemeal bread. To saturate the animal's body with vitamins and minerals, the dog must be fed vegetables.

    The easiest way to achieve a balanced diet is ready-made industrial animal feed. High-quality professional food contains all the necessary components for proper nutrition of your pet. The product must be suitable for the animal’s age and breed. Do not exceed the dosage set by the food manufacturer.


    The lifespan of a Miniature Poodle depends on the conditions in which it lives, proper feeding and the presence of chronic diseases. On average it is 16 years. There are a number of diseases characteristic of dogs of this breed:

    1. Ear diseases of an infectious nature.
    2. Deafness in one or both ears (due to ear diseases or congenital).
    3. Diabetes (caused by obesity, old age or genetic predisposition).
    4. Retinal atrophy (gradually leading to cataracts).
    5. Tendency to cardiovascular diseases.
    6. Hypothyroidism (cause - dysfunction of the thyroid gland). The first signs of the disease: excess weight, hunger, skin problems.

    Buying a puppy

    Before purchasing a Miniature Poodle, you need to weigh the pros and cons of such a decision. From the moment the puppy crosses the threshold of the house, the life of its inhabitants will change. You will have to include caring for your dog into your usual daily routine. It will take time to walk and raise the dog, to prepare a diet and go to the veterinarian.

    To purchase a puppy, it is advisable to contact a specialized nursery, where they will issue documents for the dog, show its parents, and familiarize them with the rules of keeping. How much does a Miniature Poodle puppy cost? The price depends on the class of the dog and the reputation of the breeder. As for the average cost, it starts from $100 and can reach several thousand for elite show puppies.

    Update: October 2017

    • practically do not shed, do not cause allergies, do not have a dog smell;
    • They are suitable for living in an apartment;
    • have a fairly strong immune system and are resistant to infections;
    • graceful, energetic, agile, playful;
    • obedient, well trained;
    • have a soft and sensitive character;
    • very attentive to the owners;
    • love frequent long walks;
    • excellent athletes, demonstrating amazing agility in competitions.

    Brief characteristics of the breed

    How is a miniature poodle different from a miniature poodle?
    The small (or medium) is larger than the dwarf, the height at the withers is up to 35-45 cm. It is more hardy, but less mobile than the dwarf.
    Is it true that poodles do not shed and do not have the characteristic dog smell?

    Indeed, they do not leave fur behind and are perfect for keeping in an apartment. The hair, of course, falls out, but in small quantities, and remains on the poodle. Regular care, including washing and cutting, can remove it.

    The poodle does not smell like a dog due to inactive sebaceous glands. Its fur will have an odor depending on the conditions of its detention. Please note that the sebaceous glands do not work well only in purebred individuals.

    Can dog fur cause allergies?
    This is the most suitable dog for those who suffer from allergies. To prevent allergens from accumulating, you will need to wash your pet once every day. in 10-14 days. It is recommended to use special hypoallergenic cosmetics.
    Is it difficult to train?
    No. This is the easiest breed to train. These are the dogs that most often take part in circus performances. They love to learn, they like to bring joy to their owner.
    Who are they suitable for?
    Most suitable for people leading a measured lifestyle, pensioners, children over 7 years old, due to the characteristics of the animal’s intelligence and temperament.
    Who is better to choose: a girl or a boy?

    Males are more temperamental. Bitches have a calm character and are more attached to their owner.

    There are some differences in care: you will have to walk a male dog longer, as he tends to mark his territory. The bitch goes into heat twice a year, and then you will only have to walk her on a leash, away from other dogs.

    If you plan to take part in exhibitions, it is better to take a male, since females lose their shape after giving birth and lactation for several months.

    Who is this dog breed not suitable for?
    Homebodies, quiet people who love silence, as well as very young children. Because of the child’s mischief, the dog may experience stress or will not tolerate it calmly.

    Advantages of the breed

    1. They have an original appearance and lively temperament.
    2. They are not aggressive towards cats or other dogs, they are playful, and are suitable for any family.
    3. Its small size allows you to keep a dog even in a small apartment.
    4. They don’t shed, don’t smell like dog, and don’t cause allergies.
    5. These are loyal, very easy-going pets that get along well with children.
    6. Very smart. In terms of intelligence, they are in 2nd place (collies are in 1st place).
    7. They are extremely trainable.
    8. The characteristics of the Miniature Poodle breed include good guarding qualities. “Dwarves” are wary of strangers and bark in defense of their owner and their own territory.

    Disadvantages, difficulties in care

    1. Nervous, excitable. They tend to bark a lot and for a long time, especially at a young age. Any sounds can become an irritant.
    2. Some representatives of this breed are timid and fearful.
    3. They may react sharply to loud voices and emotional tension in the family. Animals tolerate stress very poorly, which can cause gastrointestinal disorders and nervousness.
    4. The pet cannot be left alone for a long time; it cannot stand loneliness and suffers from lack of attention.
    5. The coat requires special care; it needs to be combed and trimmed regularly. In addition, the animal must be washed frequently.
    6. A disadvantage for calm people who love silence may be the mobility of the pet. “Dwarves” are almost always constantly on the move, running, jumping, and playing a lot.
    7. Since these dogs need to move a lot, walking should be intense (at least 1 hour a day). If physical activity is not enough, the pet will bark a lot, chew things, and may become aggressive.

    Photo of a miniature poodle

    Character, behavioral characteristics

    Dwarf (miniature) poodles are quite hardy, cheerful, and playful. They are very active, sociable, and love attention. Loneliness is destructive for them. These dogs are very sensitive and require careful handling and delicacy.

    Learning abilities

    Sociable, easy to learn. They are very demanding of attention and accept any manifestations of it, including training, with joy. Dogs of this breed are very smart, they understand everything perfectly and can quickly master many commands. It should be borne in mind that harsh training is unacceptable; the poodle requires a polite attitude.

    It is very important to start training in a timely manner, since the pet quickly develops such a character trait as perseverance. He will often act in his own way, this behavior will be very difficult to change.

    Attitude towards the owner, strangers, other animals

    These dogs have very developed empathy - the ability to empathize, they subtly sense the mood of the owner. This is a true companion, quickly acquiring those behavioral characteristics that are more interesting to the owner.

    The Miniature Poodle will be a good friend for children over 7 years old, as they love to play. However, if the child is overly aggressive, there is a risk that the animal will develop mental health problems. This breed is not suitable for small children.

    "Dwarf" can sometimes be jealous of the owner of other pets. He is more comfortable in the company of people than in the company of animals. Sometimes he shows fear and caution towards strangers, but not aggression, but he can bark at strangers. The dog will always react to any noise outside the door by barking.


    • Bathing: at least 1 p.m. per month or as pollution occurs. If the procedure is regular, it will take less time, since the hair will not roll off. Before bathing, place cotton swabs in the dog’s ear canals, which must first be moistened with petroleum jelly.
    • Combing with a stiff brush: daily. It replaces massage and improves blood circulation.
    • Haircut: at the groomer or at home (using a clipper) - at least 1 p.m. at 2 months
    • Ear care: regular examination. If you notice discharge or an unpleasant odor, you should take the dog to the veterinarian.
    • Eyes: examination, rinsing with warm water, weakly brewed tea. The following symptoms require contacting a veterinarian: tearing, redness, signs of souring.
    • Teeth: keeping clean, dental cleaning.
    • Paws: wash after every walk. Inspect for cracks and damage.
    • Nail care: trimming with a nail clipper 1-2 times a month. followed by filing.
    • Vaccinations: the main one is against plague and parvovirus at the age of 6-8 weeks. Revaccination – after 2-3 weeks. In 10 days before vaccination – deworming, flea and tick treatment. The injection is given only to healthy puppies. If the dog has been ill with something, it can be vaccinated no earlier than after 12-14 days. after recovery. After vaccination, the puppy must be protected from hypothermia; walking is allowed only after 10-12 days.

    A haircut

    Grooming your toy poodle can be done at home. Place the dog on the table. For a dog to stand still, it must be on a leash. If this is your first haircut, show the clipper to the animal and let him sniff it. Then simply turn on the device without starting the procedure so that the dog can get used to the unfamiliar object and stop being afraid.

    Head and neck haircut

    1. With one hand, grab the dog by the muzzle, and with the other hand, fold one ear back. While holding the dog, clip the hair with a clipper, drawing a line from the curled ear to the nose, then from the ear to the corner of the eye.
    2. Trim the fur on the cheek, then above the eye, under the eye.
    3. Lift the dog's head up and trim the hair on the neck.
    4. Cut the dog's hair on the other side in the same way.

    Paw trimming

    1. Grasp the dog's paw with your left hand, with your thumb on top. Trim the fur.
    2. Then you need to remove it from your fingers. Make the dog bend its paw at the ankle. Trim off the fur between the fingertips.

    Tail cut

    1. When cutting the tail, the clipper should move from its base to the end. Leave a pompom at the end of the tail.
    2. Trim the fur between the hind legs, first lifting the animal's tail.

    Belly haircut

    1. Place the dog on its hind legs, holding it by its front legs. Trim it by pointing the clipper from the navel down the inner thighs to where the fur begins to thicken.
    2. Trim the belly, lifting the dog's paws one at a time.

    Popular haircuts

    To achieve a certain haircut, do not remove hair on certain parts of the body.

    1. "A lion". Trim the back of the body to the level of the ribs. Trim the fur on the face, tail, and paws. Leave the pom-poms on the ankles and tail.
    2. "Modern". Trim the hair on the face, back (from the withers), and croup. No need for paws. Hair of 1 cm in length is left on the belly and sides.
    3. "Bikini". The dog should have short hair all over its body. Pompoms are left on the ankles and the tip of the tail.


    Most often identified:

    • tearfulness,
    • ear infections,
    • otitis,
    • deafness,
    • epilepsy,
    • retinal atrophy,
    • heart disorders,
    • autoimmune anemia,
    • diabetes,
    • dental problems.

    Miniature poodles have a genetic predisposition to narrowed nasal passages. As a result, breathing becomes difficult, wheezing and snoring appear. The problem is eliminated surgically. A defect such as a “cleft palate” (cleft of the hard palate) is often identified.

    Due to lop ears, animals are prone to ear diseases (inflammation, ear mite damage). Be sure to ensure that when bathing your pet, no water gets into its ear canals. If this happens, remove it carefully.

    To prevent tartar, you need to regularly brush your animal’s teeth using special food and treats. To prevent your pet from developing any pathologies of the cardiovascular system, try not to expose him to stress. Any stress, including psycho-emotional, should be moderate.

    A veterinary first aid kit is a must. It should contain:

    • thermometer+vaseline,
    • cotton wool,
    • bandage,
    • syringe,
    • tweezers,
    • eye pipettes,
    • rubber tourniquet, hemostatic.

    You will also need disinfectants:

    • hydrogen peroxide,
    • chlorhexidine,
    • brilliant green,
    • streptocid.

    Additionally purchased:

    • antispasmodics, painkillers - “No-shpa”;
    • antihelminthics - “Azinox”, “Prazid”;
    • anti-tick products - “Bars”, “Dana”, etc.;
    • cardiac - valerian drops, caffeine;
    • remedies for poisoning - activated carbon (Polyphepan, Enterosgel), castor oil, Glauber's salt.

    Puppies: selection and care

    Before choosing a dwarf (miniature) poodle puppy, it is recommended to study the description of the breed. To buy a purebred dog, of course, it is better to contact breeders. Color does not affect the quality of the animal, but the difficulty of care depends on it.

    The white dog is very photogenic, but it is more difficult to care for. Whitening shampoos will be needed to remove yellow spots, especially where the coat gets particularly dirty (paws, ears). Less hassle with caring for brown and black dogs.

    The white coat may have a slightly creamy tint, which fades with age. However, if the color is apricot or darker, most likely the dog will remain that way. Silver puppies may be black at birth; the silver color appears starting at 6-8 weeks of age.

    Do not forget that this is a companion dog, so you need to choose it taking into account your lifestyle and temperament. When examining all the puppies, it is not necessary to give preference to the most active one. An active and lively dog ​​is not suitable for those who like leisurely walks. In this case, it is better to choose a calmer one.

    When inspecting, pay attention to the following points:

    • the eyes should not become sour or watery;
    • there should be no rash on the skin;
    • if the tail is dirty, the fur under it is stuck together, then the dog has digestive problems;
    • The inside of the ears should be odorless and without any signs of ear mites.


    In the first 4 months, the puppy requires more careful care. The optimal air temperature in the room should not be less than 16-18 ºС. The pet needs to be allocated a place - a clean, bright space in the room (not in the kitchen or bathroom), drafts are unacceptable. You can’t place bedding near a battery either. List of required items:

    • slicker,
    • a comb with long, but not very frequent teeth,
    • hair clipper,
    • shampoo,
    • hair dryer,
    • nail clipper, file.

    Walking: required for harmonious growth and development. Movement helps the body become stronger. A puppy under 3 months old has not yet strengthened his back, and it is harmful for him to move up stairs. You have to carry him outside in your arms. If you are planning a long walk, you should go out no earlier than an hour after feeding.

    Important: these dogs have almost no undercoat and do not tolerate cold well. You need to walk with your puppy at a fast pace; active games will help you warm up. It is recommended to purchase clothes for walking. In order for a dog to adapt to the cold, you need to walk it for 3-4 days. per day for 20-30 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 30-40 minutes. If your pet shows signs of freezing (trembling, clenching its paws), you need to return home.

    • Bathing: 1 time per week.
    • Combing: daily.
    • Haircut: at least 1 p.m. at 2 months

    Feeding a Miniature Poodle

    Age 8-10 weeks.

    Feeding frequency: 4-5 r. a day, at the same time.

    Ready-made food is given in accordance with the instructions indicated on the packaging. No other food can be fed.

    Natural food. During the day you need to alternate between meat and dairy feeding.

    Meat: Boil rice, buckwheat. Finely chop the raw meat and scald it with boiling water. You can boil it first. Mix the porridge with meat in a ratio of 1 to 2. Add a small amount of grated apple (or carrots) and sunflower oil. Instead, you can add a little vitamin-mineral mixture (according to the information on the package).

    Dairy: Fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir), raw or boiled egg yolk. It is allowed to add a small amount of porridge (buckwheat, rice), chopped fruit (banana, apple). The puppy is not allowed milk.

    Age 10 weeks. - 4 months

    • Feeding frequency: by the age of 4 months. gradually reduce to 3. If your dog asks to eat between feedings, it means he is not getting enough. In this case, feed her 4 times. in a day.
    • The composition of the diet is similar.

    Age from 4 months. up to six months

    • Ready-made feed. Replaced from Puppy to Junior. This should be done gradually, following the manufacturer's instructions.
    • Natural food. Some of the meat can be replaced with offal or boiled fish (sea fish), after removing the bones.

    Age 6 months - 1 year.

    • Feeding frequency: 3-4 r. in a day.
    • Ready-made feed. After changing the incisors, switch your pet to adult food.
    • Natural food. The composition of the diet is the same. The amount of feed is determined individually, experimentally. The volume of food is calculated in such a way that the dog eats everything without leaving a trace, but does not overeat.

    Age from 1 year

    • Feeding frequency: 3 times. in a day.
    • Ready-made food: in accordance with the instructions on the packaging.
    • Natural food. The diet of a miniature poodle under the age of 1.5 years should contain mainly meat - 2/3 parts. For a pet over 1.5 years old, the amount of meat is reduced to 1/3, porridge, and other food is increased to 2/3.

    Absolutely forbidden:

    1. Force feed.
    2. Prepare porridge from semolina and whole oatmeal.
    3. Give sweets, bread, whole milk, sausages, small bones, smoked meats.
    4. Add spices (pepper, etc.) to food.
    5. Include legumes in the menu.
    6. Allow him to pick up tidbits from the floor.
    7. Keep on a leash.
    8. Fence off the pet's area.
    9. Hit, raise your voice, because the dog becomes cowardly.

    Raising a puppy

    Remove items that your puppy might chew on. Instead, there should be toys on the floor: balls, branches, etc. The dog must know and flawlessly follow the commands:

    • “stop!”, “come to me!”, neglect can lead to disastrous consequences (for example, a dog can get hit by a car by running out onto the roadway);
    • “ugh!”, the command will help teach your pet not to pick up food on the street.

    If you plan to participate in exhibitions in the future, you need to teach your pet:

    • be calm when examining your teeth;
    • show yourself in motion (prancing light gait while maintaining beautiful posture, perky mood, confidence);
    • stand correctly (head raised high, hind legs slightly back, tail positioned up obliquely).


    Usage Companion dog
    Appearance Proportionally built, with curly or corded coat.
    Temperament, behavior Active, combining dignity, elegance, attentive, obedient. Loyal, capable of training.
    • Skull: oval.
    • Nose: large. In black, silver, and white poodles it is black, in brown poodles it is brown. Apricots have any color.
    • Muzzle: not pointed.
    • Lips: moderately developed. Black, silver, and white poodles are black, while brown poodles are brown. Apricots have any color.
    • Teeth: vertical, even.
    • Eyes: have an almond-shaped cut. Black, silver, apricot, white, and poodles have dark brown or black eyes; brown ones have dark amber eyes.
    • Ears: long, of medium thickness, widening at the bottom, rounded at the ends.
    • Neck: medium length, the same as the length of the head or slightly less.
    • Back: short, has a smooth line. The height at the withers almost coincides with the height at the rump.
    • Chest: Moderate in size, with the front end set fairly high.
    • Tail: If the dog has curly hair, the tail must be docked, leaving 1/2-1/3 of the length. In dogs with corded hair, it is allowed to leave the tail undocked.
    • Front: have strong bones, good muscles, but look graceful.
    • Shoulders: The length of the shoulders and shoulder blades are the same.
    • Hind legs: well muscled.
    • Hocks: Flexed (as viewed from the side)
    • Metatarsus: located vertically. The presence of a dewclaw on the hind legs is excluded.
    • Paws: small. The fingers have a swimming membrane.
    Gait Springy and light
    Wool Curly: dense, thick, curled, elastic.
    Corded: thinner, forms cords with a length of 20 cm.
    Color Solid color, 5 colors: black, brown, white, apricot, silver (without transitions, spots, or other marks).
    A haircut
    • “Modern”: the wool is shortened or laid out.
    • “Lion”: leave a “mane”, a “pompom” on the tail, “cuffs” on the paws.
    • "English": similar to the "Lion" cut, but hair should be left on the hind legs.

    If a poodle has a haircut different from those specified in the standard, it will not be allowed to participate in the exhibition or undergo examination.

    Historical reference

    This breed is one of the oldest. Images of dogs resembling a poodle have been found on the walls of Egyptian tombs dating back to the 1st century BC. e. Initially, the animals were intended for hunting waterfowl.

    Many historians believe that the birthplace of the poodle is Germany. However, they appeared as a separate breed in France. It is believed that the word "poodle" comes from the German Paddeln ("splash in a puddle") or from Pfundelhund - "water dog". In France, this breed is called Caniche (“duck dog”). There is a version that the ancestor was the North African barbet, according to other sources - European water dogs.

    Large poodles were used to hunt waterfowl, small poodles were used to search for truffles. Representatives of the wealthy classes kept miniature dogs in their homes. Varieties of the breed are believed to have appeared around the 1400s. It is believed that this was due to the unusual cleanliness of the animals, as well as the lack of odor and undercoat. Miniature and toy poodles are obtained by mating small individuals. Most likely the stimulus was the fashion for boudoir dogs.

    The breed was brought to Russia at the end of the 16th century, when gun hunting gained popularity. However, the dwarf poodle appeared in our country only in the late 60s of the 20th century. Black “dwarfs” are more popular.

    In England, the first representative of this breed was registered in the Kennel Club in 1874, in America - in 1886. In the USA, they were quite rare until the 40s of the 20th century, but already in the mid-50s they became 1st in popularity. place.

    Today this breed is decorative. Representatives of large varieties (large or royal) are used in protective guard service and for hunting waterfowl. In South Africa (Hillcrest) there is a farm where animals are trained to accompany the deaf.

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