Chinese musk ointment for hemorrhoids: reviews and prices. The use of Chinese ointment in the treatment of hemorrhoids: how effective is it and is it worth using?

Hemorrhoids are one of the most unpleasant ailments, accompanied by discomfort. At the slightest sign of the disease, you need to seek help from a proctologist.

Hemorrhoids are very amenable to therapeutic treatment if the disease has not gone beyond the initial stage of its development.

At advanced stages, the nodes become greatly enlarged, and therefore the pain becomes permanent.

To solve the problem, you will have to undergo surgery and completely change your usual lifestyle and diet.

Today there are many known ways to relieve unpleasant symptoms; one of the popular drugs is Chinese ointment for hemorrhoids, which contains musk. It will be discussed in this article.

About musky Chinese ointment

The substance musk has unique medicinal properties that can improve microcirculation in tissues, relieve inflammation and remove pain and swelling.

Musk ointment for hemorrhoids helps enhance cell restoration processes, accelerating the healing of wounds and ulcers.

This substance becomes available by extracting it from the glands of animals. This is how natural musk is made. Substances that are similar to it are also obtained from medicinal plants. The ointment contains artificial musk, which has an effectiveness similar to that of the natural substance.

Do not think that if the drug is made in China, then musky ointment for hemorrhoids will be of dubious quality.

This stereotype is not appropriate in this case. China has long been able to establish itself in the pharmaceutical field as one of the leaders in the production of effective methods for treating hemorrhoids, as well as many other common ailments in modern times.

A little history

If we plunge into history, we can note the fact that Eastern wisdom in the production of medicines has always been indispensable throughout the world.

The preparations included medicinal herbs and various components. Ointments and creams made by the Chinese can be used to eliminate diseases and can also be used on the face and body.

Chinese ointment against hemorrhoids has undergone not a single study in domestic laboratories.

Experiments were conducted in the capital of the Russian Federation, where 500 people took part. Each of them had hemorrhoid pathology in different forms.

The results were surprising. It turned out that 70 percent of those participating in the experiment felt better within a couple of days.

Those people who suffered from advanced forms of hemorrhoids noted that they felt relief about 14 days after using the Chinese remedy for this pathology.

If we take into account the research data, we can conclude that musky ointment for hemorrhoids has a really great effect. Such an effect can relieve anyone from illness!


Chinese ointment for hemorrhoids includes:

  • Lanolin;
  • Artificial musk;
  • Calamine;
  • Petrolatum;
  • Bezoar;
  • Sodium tetraborate.

In terms of external characteristics, the drug is a light-colored mass with a pleasant aroma, which is somewhat reminiscent of a vegetable one.

Product in the amount of 10 g. is in a tube made of plastic. It closes with a lid with a screw thread.

The product kit includes plastic tips for intrarectal administration. Those. they are introduced into the lumen of the rectum.

The ointment and accessories are placed in a cardboard box. It will also contain instructions for use. The product can be stored for 3 years exclusively in a dark place where there is no humidity.

Therapeutic effect

Some people are in no hurry to go to a proctologist with the problem of hemorrhoids. There are many reasons for this.

For example, some people prefer to self-medicate, others are sure that the problem will need to be solved surgically, and therefore they are very afraid.

If you do not come to see a doctor on time, the problem of hemorrhoids will develop into an advanced stage. Its consequences are dire.

The problem will definitely need to be solved surgically, and then in the best case, because one of the terrible consequences of one’s irresponsibility towards one’s own health can be oncology.

It very quickly relieves inflammation, improves tissue condition, relieving swelling and promotes speedy healing.

The healing property is due to microcirculation, helping to reduce blood flow to the affected organ.

Capillary blood flow helps reduce the intensity of inflammation, suppress the exudative phase, enhancing the formation of new cells that replace the dead.

The Chinese remedy relieves swelling, relieves pain, cools and relieves itching. It is for this reason that musky ointment for hemorrhoids is very popular among patients, proctologists and specialists.

In the first minutes of use, it relieves the symptoms of the disease as quickly as possible. But that's not all!

The drug is able to increase the immune response, using an additional anti-inflammatory effect.

The product can provide a hemostatic agent, reduce bleeding, remove cracks in the anus and restore the condition of hemorrhoids. Blood flow is possible if the function of the capillary walls decreases, as well as their excessive fragility.

Thanks to its antiseptic properties, Chinese musk healing ointment helps cleanse the body of microflora that provokes inflammation. After all, it harms the nodes, forming cracks on them and infecting them.

And another equally important property of the product is that the anti-hemorrhoid ointment from China helps eliminate the problem of stagnation in the veins in the pelvic and rectal organs. Hemorrhoids will be significantly smaller in size.


Side effects include the occurrence of contact or allergic dermatitis.

This phenomenon occurs in cases of individual intolerance to the composition of Chinese ointment.

The natural composition does not provide for negative consequences, but it is recommended to use the product during lactation and pregnancy, not forgetting about precautions.

It is better to check your body for an allergic reaction before constantly using the ointment.

Indications for use of the product

Chinese traditional medicine is known throughout the world. Reviews about it are extremely positive.

Fame came to her due to the introduction of ancient recipes, as well as the use of natural ingredients for them.

Chinese ointment for eliminating the problem of hemorrhoids has passed all the studies successfully, and therefore experts prescribe it as therapy against the disease.

You can use musky Chinese remedy in the following cases:

  • eczema;
  • inflammation in the anus;
  • blood clot formation;
  • hemorrhoids of any type.

How to use the product

According to reviews of people who have used Chinese musk ointment, the relief effect occurs immediately after applying it to the affected area.

It continues for a long time. In this case, there is a reduction in hemorrhoidal cones and elimination of pain.

The ointment helps dry the wound, has astringent properties, and eliminates bleeding.

So, before using the product, be sure to read the instructions.

After studying it carefully, you will learn that you can use the tool in accordance with the algorithm proposed below:

  1. cleanse the intestines;
  2. rinse the anorectal area with water and blot with a napkin;
  3. Apply the ointment in a thin layer to the skin;
  4. remain in a lying position for 30 minutes.

You need to use the product 2 times a day: in the morning and before bed.

In case of diagnosing internal hemorrhoids in a patient, you need to use the tip that comes with the Chinese drug.

You need to put it on a tube and insert it into the rectum. One portion of the product should not exceed 0.5 g.

It is important to carefully remove the tip and apply gauze to the anus, which is best folded in a couple of layers. The procedure is also performed 2 times a day. The course of treatment is a week or two.

How to avoid falling for a fake

It is better to buy a Chinese musk remedy at a pharmacy or on the manufacturer’s official website.

There are negative reviews on the Internet from people who used non-original ointment.

To avoid being one of them, you need to follow the recommendations below:

  1. check the bottle and insert. If there are no instructions, you have a fake in your hands.
  2. The price cannot be lower than on the manufacturer's website. In this case, you may encounter a non-original product.


Of course, just using ointment for inflamed hemorrhoids is not enough. It is important to visit a doctor and not self-medicate.

You can get rid of hemorrhoids at home on your own if you do everything the doctor says. Otherwise, disastrous consequences cannot be avoided.

If you saw blood on the toilet paper after a bowel movement, woke up in the morning with the thought that you were worried about the bumps that had appeared and are tired of suffering from every trip to the toilet, then you should not hesitate to visit the doctor.

The proctologist will examine your condition and determine the correct course of treatment. You should not count on a miracle, because only a doctor can help solve the problem.

  1. You need to give up smoking, alcoholic drinks, and soda.
  2. It is worth excluding salty and spicy foods from your diet.
  3. If possible, remove fatty and heavily fried dishes from the menu.
  4. It is better to include steamed, stewed or boiled food in your diet;
  5. You can't overeat.
  6. You need to eat vegetables and fruits, cereals.
  7. Instead of coffee, it is better to drink freshly squeezed juices, weak teas and homemade compotes.
  8. You can’t sit on the couch and wait for the problem to solve itself. You need to be active, walk more, start jogging in the morning or do exercises.

If you follow a healthy diet and physical activity, the results of using musk ointment will be even better, so it is better not to neglect the advice of specialists.

Risk group

Many categories of people are susceptible to the development of hemorrhoids, which in the future, if left untreated, can develop into rectal cancer, namely:

  • Leading a sedentary lifestyle. Office workers sit for 8-10 hours at the computer, which negatively affects their health;
  • smokers and alcoholics;
  • suffering from constipation;
  • athletes, loaders and weightlifters. Those. all those who frequently and for a long time strain their abdominal muscles;
  • Another risk category is people with poor heredity.

To prevent hemorrhoids from interfering with your enjoyment of life, you need to find an effective remedy that alleviates the symptoms and eliminates the disease.

Analogues of Chinese ointment with musk

Today, an analogue of ointment for hemorrhoids from China can be called the drug “Huatuo”. The compositions of the products are very similar.

It is also produced in China. Only “Huato” is produced in a 25 g tube.

Advantages of the product

Treatment of hemorrhoids with a special ointment from China with musk is accompanied by a lot of advantages:

  • acts both internally and externally;
  • includes safe and useful components;
  • relieves unpleasant symptoms and treats illness;
  • has a quick effect;
  • produced on the basis of ancient oriental recipes, but modern technologies are used to produce the product;
  • does not stain underwear.

All this will be possible if you purchase a high-quality proven ointment. The composition and expiration date must be written on the packaging.

Only in this case will it be possible to protect yourself from negative effects and disappointment with the product.

Summing up

Knowing what the Chinese remedy is - musk ointment against hemorrhoids, you can form a personal opinion about it.

Doctors are of the opinion that this is a truly effective remedy, but for it to be effective, you should lead a healthy lifestyle and undergo regular examinations.

Self-medication has never brought positive results, and therefore you should not expect a miracle, it will not lead to anything good.

Only a doctor can improve the condition of your body, eliminating the delicate problem of hemorrhoids.

Useful video

They cause a lot of problems. However, the problem is so intimate that not every patient wants to see a doctor. In this case, online resources offer such a miracle cure as Chinese ointment for hemorrhoids.

A person’s desire to get rid of negative symptoms as soon as possible is quite natural, but you still don’t want to give an impressive amount of money for a “pig in a poke.”

Websites distributing the drug are replete with numerous positive reviews from former patients, laudatory notes from proctologists and promises from the manufacturer to get rid of hemorrhoids in just one use. It sounds tempting, but you need to figure out how true this information is.

Is the drug trustworthy?

To understand what a drug is, you must first seek clarification from its official medical guide.

However, in the case of Chinese antihemorrhoidal ointment, this rule is quite difficult to implement in practice.

The instructions for the drug are not publicly available, so one has to judge the beneficial qualities solely from information from the websites of the product’s distributors.

  • Thesis No. 1.“Chinese medicine is considered very effective. Example - . This is true, since the medicines made by Chinese healers are based on ancient recipes and the use of natural products. However, the “Star” balm given as an example has nothing to do with Chinese medicine, since it was made by Vietnamese scientists.
  • Thesis No. 2.“The drug has been studied and shown to be highly effective.” The seller’s website notes that an experiment was conducted in Moscow clinics with half a thousand participants. The results were impressive, since in 70% of patients the signs of the disease disappeared within a few days. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find reliable information about this study; you just have to take my word for it (whether it’s worth doing is up to you to decide).
  • Thesis No. 3.“The medicine is recommended by proctologists.” Indeed, on the sellers’ websites there are reviews of proctology specialists, but it was not possible to find other information about these doctors. There is every reason to believe that such laudatory reviews were left by “proctologists” who do not exist in reality.
  • Thesis No. 4.“The drug has all the certificates.” Unfortunately, it was not possible to review these certificates. However, it is likely that they do exist.
  • Thesis No. 5.“The composition of the medication is completely natural.” This is true, judging by the stated composition, the Chinese medicine contains exclusively natural ingredients that can be useful for varicose hemorrhoidal veins.
  • Thesis No. 6.“The drug will cure hemorrhoids forever in a few days.” This is an absolutely wrongful statement, since it is impossible to cure anal varicose veins with just one external remedy. In addition, declaring complete victory over proctological disease is, at least, unprofessional, since hemorrhoids are a multi-level and polyetiological pathology.

Thus, the thesis information that is on the websites of sellers of the miracle drug does not correspond to reality in some situations.

In addition, the product costs about 1000 rubles on websites (with a 50% discount). This makes many patients treat the claimed highest efficiency and even uniqueness with a fair amount of skepticism.

Other online stores offer the same drug for 300 rubles. Such a price range is even more alarming and makes us take a closer look at Chinese antihemorrhoidal ointment.

Composition and features of the drug

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The product is sold in plastic 10-gram tubes. In addition to the drug itself, the package also contains three applicators for insertion into the anal canal.

Chinese ointment for varicose hemorrhoidal veins is a combined remedy, that is, it contains several active ingredients:

  1. Musk. This component is produced by the internal glands of some animals. It contains fatty acids, various aromatic and hormonal substances, wax, etc. The musk component relieves inflammation, improves capillary and venous blood flow, and eliminates blood stagnation in the rectal canal area.
  2. Bezoar. This substance also reduces the severity of the inflammatory process, has a bactericidal effect, helps relieve spastic reactions and reduce the intensity of pain.
  3. Pearl. This ingredient accelerates bleeding cessation due to rapid granulation of the wound surface. In addition, the substance has an astringent effect, which prevents further bleeding.
  4. Calamine. This zinc compound creates a special film on damaged areas that prevents pathogens from penetrating into the hemorrhoid. The ingredient also has an astringent, enveloping effect, absorbing fluid released as a result of injury to the rectal mucosa.
  5. Borneol. Accelerates the regeneration of damaged areas of the rectal canal, actively destroys pathogenic bacteria of the streptococcal and staphylococcal groups, and reduces inflammation.
  6. Amber. Helps improve regenerative processes in tissues by accelerating the synthesis of protein compounds, blood circulation in damaged areas, and reducing congestion in the rectum.
  7. Borax. It is a powerful antimicrobial drug, helps prevent infection by pathogenic microorganisms and destroys bacteria and viruses that have already penetrated the rectum.

Additional ingredients that make up the ointment base of the product are yellow petroleum jelly, natural wool wax and dimethyl sulfoxide.

According to the sellers of the medicine, the components of the drug enhance the effect of each other, which provides an increased therapeutic effect of the Chinese ointment in the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease.

Chinese hemorrhoid cream or Bezornil?

Thus, musky Chinese ointment is a natural medicine that contains highly effective anti-hemorrhoidal ingredients.

However, it is important to understand that this drug is almost 100% identical to the composition.

Bezornil has passed all the necessary tests and is found safe for all categories of patients.

You don't need to order it online.

Claimed benefits of the product

Sellers of the miracle cure talk about multiple healing effects. So, when using the drug to treat external or internal hemorrhoids can be found:

  • significant relief after the first application of the drug;
  • immediate relief of pain and itching sensations;
  • reduction of the inflammatory process;
  • reduction of swelling of cavernous formations;
  • reducing the size of hemorrhoidal cones of any location;
  • healing of damaged areas;
  • stopping bleeding from venous and capillary vessels;
  • restoration of damaged tissues;
  • prevention of infection (pronounced antiviral and antibacterial effect);
  • drying damaged areas and forming a protective film;
  • improvement of microcirculation in the rectal area;
  • strengthening the blood vessels of the rectal canal.

Distributors of the drug claim that such therapeutic effects are felt after the first use. And after 7-14 days you can forget about hemorrhoidal disease forever.

Indications and contraindications

Varicose veins are sometimes combined with other proctological problems. The combination of natural ingredients allows the drug to fight other pathological processes localized in the anorectal area.

To the main indications of Chinese ointment include the following conditions:

  • any stage of hemorrhoidal disease;
  • external hemorrhoids;
  • rectal cavernous formations;
  • eczematous lesions of the anus;
  • rectal fissures and bleeding.

Like any other medication, Chinese ointment has certain contraindications. Despite the presence of exclusively natural ingredients, the drug can cause harm if used without taking into account the prohibitions and restrictions.

Thus, the medication is prohibited for use if the patient has conditions such as:

  • intolerance to one or more ingredients;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding (there is no data on the harmlessness of the drug during these periods);
  • childhood.

According to reviews, the medication is well tolerated, causing virtually no undesirable consequences.

If undesirable consequences occur, you should immediately stop using the ointment and contact your doctor to prescribe another external antihemorrhoidal agent.

Instructions for use

The method of using Chinese musk ointment is practically no different from the use of certified pharmaceutical products intended for the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease.

The application algorithm includes next steps:

  1. You should first empty your bowels naturally or do a cleansing enema. These hygiene procedures are necessary so that the ointment can have a full effect on the body.
  2. It is also necessary to wash the anorectal area with soapy water and blot the area with a soft towel.
  3. For better absorption of the ointment, the patient should take the most comfortable position - lie on his side, pull his lower limbs towards his stomach.
  4. After preliminary steps, a small amount of the drug must be applied to the affected external hemorrhoids.
  5. After application, it is better to lie down for 30-40 minutes in the same position so that the ingredients of the medicine have time to be completely absorbed.

If the ointment is used to treat internal hemorrhoids, then the special applicators included in the kit should be used. The device is attached to the tube, and its tip is inserted into the anus (the patient must take the position indicated above).

You should gently press the drug so that a small amount of ointment comes out and remove the applicator. After which a dry cloth is applied to the anal canal, and the person remains in the same position for 30 minutes.

You need to use the medicine 2 times a day: in the morning and evening. According to the manufacturers, 1-2 weeks are enough to completely cure hemorrhoidal disease.

Ointments for hemorrhoids, containing Chinese ingredients and created according to Tibetan recipes, are considered effective medications that show high healing properties.

However, in addition to the unique medicinal qualities of the drug, the manufacturer also reminds you of the need to follow certain rules of behavior and lifestyle changes.

For the medication to be more effective, it is important to adhere to the following principles:

  • you should avoid eating spicy, salty, fried, canned, smoked and pickled foods;
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages that do not combine well with this medicine;
  • It is important to include in your diet foods that speed up the digestive tract. These include fruits enriched with fiber, fermented milk products containing beneficial bifidobacteria necessary for the restoration of intestinal microflora. These products prevent constipation;
  • food should be prepared properly. Thus, ointment manufacturers advise against frying, smoking and pickling foods. It is better to boil and stew vegetables and meat dishes, and eat fruits raw (steaming is considered the most useful method).

Chinese red ointment for hemorrhoids

Chinese ointment for hemorrhoids

A lot of help will help prevent hemorrhoids and reduce the severity of their manifestations. Walking or special exercises strengthen the vascular walls and eliminate congestion in the rectum.

Thus, the opinion about the drug is ambiguous. On the one hand, the medication is completely natural and contains substances with pronounced antihemorrhoidal properties.

At the first symptoms of hemorrhoids and varicose veins, you should not delay treatment; over time, the disease begins to progress and enter the most severe stage. Protracted illness threatens serious complications, which subsequently require surgical intervention.

Chinese musk ointment is a real panacea for hemorrhoids; you can get rid of a serious illness in a short time.

Benefits of musk ointment for hemorrhoids

Medicinal products from the Middle Kingdom have always been based on natural ingredients and plant extracts. The perfection of Chinese ointments and creams significantly surpasses European medicine; they are especially popular in Russia. Moscow doctors conducted clinical studies in 2 private clinics and the results amazed the specialists. More than 85% of patients suffering from hemorrhoids experienced significant improvement in just one week of use.

During the research, it turned out that Chinese musk ointment for hemorrhoids is an effective remedy and has various advantages:

  • Quickly eliminates sharp pain, burning and itching;
  • Relieves inflammation and swelling of hemorrhoids, prevents the formation of neoplasms and tumors in the rectum;
  • It has a bactericidal and wound-healing effect, eliminates bleeding ulcers and abrasions;
  • Chinese ointment for hemorrhoids perfectly renews the affected tissues in the pelvic organs;
  • Improves blood flow and strengthens blood vessels;
  • The drug helps with external and internal hemorrhoids, removes anal eczema and old fissures;
  • Provides a quick therapeutic effect - for non-advanced forms of the disease, 2 weeks of use is sufficient.

Composition of Chinese musk ointment

Ointment with musk for hemorrhoids has an exclusively natural composition and is a safe preparation:

  • Musk – eliminates inflammation and congestion in the anus;
  • Bezoar – relieves spasms and relieves pain;
  • Pearls – removes bleeding;
  • Calamine – creates a protective antimicrobial film, heals ulcers and cracks;
  • Borax – prevents the penetration of various viruses and microbes;
  • Borneol – regenerates damaged tissues;
  • Amber – develops biosynthesis, improves blood flow.

In addition to the above components, the composition includes auxiliary elements Vaseline and lanolin.

How to use musk ointment for hemorrhoids

Before you start using the remedy, it is advisable to carry out hygiene procedures. For external hemorrhoids, apply a thin layer of the drug to the affected area, preferably before a night's rest. You can apply the ointment during the day in small quantities, but it is quickly absorbed and does not stain your laundry. For internal hemorrhoids, you need to place one of the nozzles (included with the ointment) on the tip of the tube, insert it carefully and squeeze out a small amount. You don’t need to squeeze out a lot of ointment, it’s better to squeeze out a little 3-4 times a day. Proctologists recommend a course of treatment with musk ointment in combination from 1-3 weeks (5-15 pieces) to obtain a faster and higher-quality therapeutic effect.

It is possible to successfully use this ointment for varicose veins - apply a thin layer 1-2 times a day to problem areas. In this case, it is recommended to alternate the use of ointment with.

Release form: 10 g tube, instructions for use in Russian.

Various diseases of the rectum limit movement as much as possible and prevent you from enjoying a full life. Don’t endure the pain, buy musky ointment for hemorrhoids in the Chinese Pharmacy online store at an affordable price and on favorable terms.

For hemorrhoids, Chinese ointment based on musk is an effective and efficient drug that allows you to get rid of the symptoms of the disease in a short time. The product is made in accordance with the traditions of traditional Chinese medicine.

The manufacturer claims that the herbal medicine has many advantages over medications available on the market today. It is noted that musky ointment for hemorrhoids eliminates not only negative symptoms, but can also cure chronic hemorrhoids. But is it?

The health safety and effectiveness of hemorrhoid ointment has been confirmed by numerous clinical studies. The product has passed all the required tests and received quality certificates.

So, let's look at what Chinese red ointment for hemorrhoids is, what is its composition, mechanism of action, contraindications? We will also find out where to buy and how much the drug costs?

Chinese medicine for hemorrhoids: indications for use

Chinese musky ointment for hemorrhoids is intended to combat hemorrhoidal disease, regardless of its stage. Doctors recommend a remedy for the treatment of internal and external forms of proctological disease.

According to doctors, the drug can be used as a preventive measure to prevent the development of exacerbation of the pathology. In addition, it can be used by people at risk.

These include older people, people leading a sedentary lifestyle, women while pregnant, etc.

Medical indications for use of the drug:

  • Hidden and external forms of pathology.
  • Discharge of blood from the anus.
  • Inflammatory processes in the rectum.
  • Anal fissures.
  • Thrombosis of pathological cones.
  • Rectal eczema.
  • Nodes falling out.

Chinese musk ointment for hemorrhoids is characterized by a natural composition; it does not contain toxic and harmful components that can cause harm to health. Therefore, the drug is suitable for the treatment of all patients, regardless of age and medical history.

A good result is obtained by a topical agent during the rehabilitation period after mechanical removal of hemorrhoids.

Properties and characteristics of the medicine

Before moving on to the properties of the drug, let’s find out where to buy the drug, is it sold in pharmacies? If you need musky ointment for hemorrhoids, you won’t be able to buy it at the pharmacy. It is sold exclusively on the manufacturer's official website.

Hemorrhoid ointments made in China are effective and certified preparations that differ in their composition of plant origin. Scientists have developed a unique medicine aimed at combating the symptoms and causes of proctological disease.

Many people are suspicious of Chinese products, believing that the product is of poor quality or is completely fake. But the opinion of proctologists is that this product is a breakthrough in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

The balm is characterized by curative effects:

  1. Kills pathogenic microflora.
  2. Relieves painful sensations.
  3. Dries out the skin.
  4. Promotes rapid healing of anal fissures.
  5. Stops bleeding.
  6. Relieves swelling.
  7. Fights inflammation.
  8. Prevents the formation of blood clots.

Chinese musk ointment for hemorrhoids has different reviews, in particular from patients. Some indicate effectiveness, others note the absence of any therapeutic result.

If you need Chinese musk ointment for hemorrhoids, you can buy it in a specialized online store. The official manufacturer provides quality certificates and other documents for review. The price of the drug is 1690 rubles.

Regular use of ointment for hemorrhoids improves local immune status, improves blood flow, and eliminates congestion.

What does it contain?

As noted, Chinese red ointment for hemorrhoids has a herbal composition. The main active ingredients are musk, calamine, borax, pearls, amber, and bezoar stone.

Musk is an odorous substance produced by the internal glands of animals. Contains fatty acids and wax steroid compounds. Helps improve barrier functions, strengthens the immune system, normalizes blood circulation.

The bezoar is characterized by a disinfecting effect, relieves pain, and relieves swelling. Hemorrhoid ointment with musk contains calamine, a component that creates a protective film that prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms and accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues.


  • Pearls have an astringent effect and stop bleeding.
  • Amber strengthens blood vessels due to the biosynthesis of protein substances at the cellular level. Eliminates stagnation, improves local blood circulation.
  • Borneol accelerates the healing process of tissues, stops inflammatory processes, and fights bacteria.

The auxiliary ingredients are: petroleum jelly, lanolin and dimethyl sulfoxide, which help fight the symptoms: pain, inflammation, bleeding.

The Chinese remedy for hemorrhoids has a synergistic effect, that is, all components of the medicine enhance and prolong the effects of each other, as a result of which the effectiveness of therapy increases.

Instructions for use

To obtain the required therapeutic effect, Chinese ointments are used according to the instructions that come with the drug. Before applying the medication to the affected area, you must empty your intestines.

This can be done naturally by going to the toilet for a long time or doing a herbal micro-enema. After hygiene measures are carried out, the anal area is washed with cool water and wiped dry with a towel.

Wear gloves, squeeze out a small amount and apply to the affected area. To allow the active components of the product to be absorbed, it is recommended to refrain from going to the toilet for 30 minutes after use.

In order for the treatment of proctological pathology to give the required result, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules during therapy, in particular, you need to change your menu and lifestyle.

Doctors advise:

  • Limit consumption of alcohol and soda.
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects.
  • To live an active lifestyle.
  • Avoid spicy, salty and spicy foods.

Treatment with ointments based on Chinese medicine recipes is carried out along with taking medications recommended by the attending physician. To eradicate pathology, therapy must be comprehensive.

Musk ointment for the treatment of anal ailments– an effective modern drug using natural ingredients in its composition. The product is a unique combination of ancient knowledge of Chinese doctors, innovative technologies, and modern achievements. The product has a natural composition and has a quick effect. After application to the affected area, relief comes very quickly - pain, burning, itching subside.

Chinese medicine has ancient roots. It is based on the use of natural ingredients with healing powers. The drug is produced according to a special recipe, the effectiveness of which has been proven over the years. Hemorrhoid ointment is a completely safe product with no side effects. The product is suitable for the treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids, has a pleasant smell, light texture, is well absorbed, and does not leave greasy marks on linen.

Indications for use

Hemorrhoids are a common and delicate problem that occurs in people of different ages and genders.. It is very important to start therapy in a timely manner to prevent complications. Hemorrhoids are a dangerous disease that can lead to serious complications if it is not addressed in time.

The disease occurs due to varicose veins of the rectum and is often accompanied by inflammation of the anus. Hemorrhoids can be external, internal and combined.

By cooperating with us, you are guaranteed to receive an original product from the manufacturer. The quality and safety of the drug are confirmed by relevant documentation.

Attention! All materials published on our website are protected by copyright. When re-publishing, attribution and a link to the original source are required.

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