When to call an ambulance. In what cases do they call an ambulance: symptoms of illness, high temperature, heart disease and other reasons, rules for calling and standards for ambulance arrival

On October 15, 2017, Soviet and Russian actor Dmitry Maryanov died on the way to the hospital. According to the actor’s friends, Maryanov lost consciousness at a dacha in the Moscow region, where he was relaxing. Friends called ambulance but she didn't come by technical reasons. The actor was taken in a private car, accompanied by police, to the hospital, but the doctors were powerless.

According to preliminary information, the cause of the actor’s death was a detached blood clot.

In emergency situations, when a person requires urgent medical care, every minute is important, and a promptly called doctor can save a life.

How to call an ambulance from a landline phone?

If you see that one of the people is feeling bad and needs urgent medical assistance, don't pass by. To call an ambulance medical care from a landline phone, dial "03".

How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone?

If you don't have a landline phone at hand, call "103". The call for any communication will be free.

It is useful to remember the number " 112" is a single emergency number for all telecom operators. After calling this number, act in accordance with the operator's voice instructions cellular communication. You can call “112” for help if there are no funds in your account and your SIM card is blocked.

I got through, what next?

The main thing is don't panic. After contacting the dispatcher, clearly answer all his questions about the patient’s condition and his whereabouts. This is important so that doctors can quickly and efficiently reach the victim and provide him with the necessary assistance.

Remember that answering questions is mandatory. The operator asks questions not because he has nothing better to do, but because it is his direct responsibility. You shouldn’t snap at the ambulance dispatcher and demand that the doctors come “urgently and quickly.” Having learned all the necessary data, the dispatcher will record everything and send help to you.

In what cases may a call be rejected?

An ambulance will not arrive if the patient has previously been seen by a doctor, the diagnosis is known, and the prognosis is positive. Also, your call will be refused if you ask the emergency doctors to perform some simple procedure (for example, to give an injection). Ambulance doctors do not come to relieve alcohol and drug intoxication.

Emergency physicians do not provide dental treatment.

The ambulance does not issue certificates of incapacity for work and reports on the state of health; for this you need to go to the hospital.

Remember that ambulances do not transport the dead.

My challenge was accepted. How soon will the doctors arrive?

The ambulance's arrival time will depend on what type of call you are making. Calls are divided into three types: emergency, urgent and urgent.

TO emergency calls ambulance teams include: road accidents with victims, loss of consciousness, extensive burns, deep and extensive wounds, acute disorders breathing, etc.

TO urgent calls Ambulance teams include: heart attack, asthma attack, bleeding, childbirth, sharp deterioration the patient’s health status (if it is impossible to clarify the reason for the request), etc.

TO urgent calls ambulance teams include: allergies, abdominal pain, back pain, chest, inappropriate behavior, renal colic, vomit, heat(if the temperature is not reduced by medications), food poisoning and etc.

Ideally, the ambulance should arrive within 15 minutes.

My challenge was not accepted. What to do?

If your call relates to urgent reasons and there is a threat to the health and life of the patient, then your call must be accepted. If doctors fail to provide assistance, they are held criminally liable. This is evidenced by the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: article 124 “Failure to provide assistance to a patient” and article 125 “Leaving in danger”.

If they refuse to send you help, then call the police ( "02" or "102). Police officers must immediately contact the ambulance.

It happens that the ambulance does not directly refuse to go to the patient, but send mobile team The dispatcher is in no hurry. In this case, call the ambulance number yourself and remind the health workers that delay is tantamount to failure to provide assistance to the patient and leaving them in danger - Art. 124 and 125 of the Criminal Code (this means a criminal record and up to three years in prison). If it doesn't help, call the police.

Remember that everyone who is on the territory of Russia has the right to ambulance if they find themselves in a condition that requires urgent medical intervention(Article 39 of the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens).

It is worth noting that dispatcher failures are now rare. This is due to the fact that all telephone conversations at substations are recorded, and therefore the culprit will definitely not be able to escape punishment.

Cellular communications are developing rapidly, everything more people are abandoning landline wired telephones, switching to mobile devices communications. Mobile phone is the most common means of communication. In an emergency, it can save lives. But, if you need to call an ambulance from a mobile phone, do not rely on the two-digit number 03 memorized from childhood. Currently mobile connection emergency services are contacted via three-digit numbers.

This publication will tell you how to call an ambulance with cell phone, how to correctly dial a number from various cellular operators: MTS, Megafon, Tele2, U-tel, Beeline, Motiv and Skylink.

How to call an ambulance from a cell phone through the unified rescue service: number “112”

Now calling an ambulance from a mobile phone using 03 is impossible, because GSM standards do not support double-digit numbers. In Russia there is a single rescue service, which you can call by dialing “112”. It is supported by both cellular operators and landline phones. The combination of numbers 112 makes it possible to quickly reach an operator, who, in turn, will redirect the call to the rescue area closest to the victim.

What if the phone does not have a SIM card or is it locked by a SIM card? What to do then? Don't know how to dial an ambulance number? Everything is very simple, dial 112- they will answer you! This is a very big plus of the unified rescue service. This number operates not only in the territory Russian Federation: regardless of the place of registration and residence of the subscriber, it is also valid in all countries that are members of the European Union.

Emergency calls from mobile operators

I provide complete emergency dial numbers of leading cellular operators, taken from official sources.

Ambulance phone number: how to call an ambulance from a cell/mobile phone

Calling emergency services from the mobile operator MTS

  • 101 - Emergency rescue service.
  • 102 - Police.
  • 103 - Ambulance.
  • 104 - Gas service.

Beeline emergency numbers

Emergency call numbers of mobile operator Megafon

  • 010 - Call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fire department.
  • 020 - Call the police.
  • 030 - Call an ambulance.
  • 040 - Call emergency gas service.

Rules for dialing emergency telephone numbers from the Tele2 operator

Tele 2 numbers may vary depending on the service region.

  • 01* or 010 or 101 - Rescue service, fire service.
  • 02* or 020 or 102 - Police Service, Anti-Terror Service.
  • 03* or 030 or 103 - Emergency medical service.
  • 04* or 040 or 104 - Emergency gas network service.

Remember that calls to these numbers are free.

In a shock situation, when you need an emergency ambulance call to the scene, if you have forgotten how to dial the correct number from your cellular operator, memorize one single number 112 – telephone number of the Unified Rescue Service. When you call the answering machine, you will be given voice instructions for further actions.

You will need to dial the extension number:

  • 1 – fire department,
  • 2 – police,
  • 3 – ambulance,
  • 4 – gas.

After which you will be redirected to the appropriate service.

Telephone numbers for calling an ambulance from a mobile phone: call directly

A quick way to call an ambulance from a mobile phone is to call directly, using numbers that are different for each operator. To avoid confusion, always have these numbers at hand and save them in your phone.

Call an ambulance using the numbers depending on mobile operator you can do this:

  1. Megafon, MTS, U-tel and Tele2 - dial 030;
  2. Beeline - call 003;
  3. Motive and Skylink - dial 903.

Is it possible to call an ambulance from a cell phone with a zero balance?

It is unrealistic to constantly monitor your mobile phone account, and funds run out unexpectedly. How to call the rescue service if you have a zero or negative balance? Often a person’s life depends on how quickly a doctor arrives. If you find yourself in a tragic situation or next to a person who is feeling unwell, feel free to dial the numbers 1-1-2 and follow the prompts of the dispatcher or system. The call is free for all operators registered in Russia. Failure to comply with the law is punishable by strict administrative measures.

You can call the emergency service 112 even if there are no funds in your account, or your SIM card is lost or blocked. With a minimum network level, dial the combination 911, and then select option 3 in the answering system, after which you will be connected to the operator. Single phone emergency rescue service operates throughout the Russian Federation. When you call the doctors, explain the current situation clearly and accurately indicate your location so that the emergency team can quickly get to the bottom of the problem.

After the conversation, the doctor must inform that the call has been accepted and indicate the time of the call. If medical worker refuses to accept an application, for example, because of the person’s age or for another reason, then feel free to call the police, since the paramedic falls under Art. 124. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Failure to provide assistance to a patient entails appropriate punishment by the medical worker.

Video: how to dial an ambulance from a cell phone

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Officials said: in 30% of cases people call an ambulance in vain. However, there are other figures: only 20% of people go to an ambulance at the first signs of a heart attack or stroke, when even a minute of delay can cost their lives.

“In my opinion, the cases when an ambulance is not required are not 30%, but 80%,” I am sure Chairman of the independent trade union "Feldsher.ru" ambulance paramedic Dmitry Belyakov. - An ambulance should be called only in one case - when it comes to the life and death of a person, it does not matter whether on the street or in an apartment, that is, when there are obvious signs of a sudden illness that threatens the life and health of a person. For example, severe chest pain, impaired movement, impaired consciousness, breathing and other vital important functions. This direct reading in order to call an emergency service - an ambulance. In all other cases, you need to call your local doctor or as a last resort emergency room This is a medical service that belongs to the clinic. When sharp increase pressure, severe headache, high temperature, a doctor from the clinic comes to your home around the clock and prescribes treatment or gives medications.”

Called - wait

“There was an incident recently,” continues Dmitry Belyakov. - The girl, having quarreled with her boyfriend, told him that she had cut her wrists and sent a photo to prove it. The young man called an ambulance. Needless to say, we came in vain. Another example: a passer-by called us to a drunk sleeping on a bench, and he went home. I would like to remind our readers that this is a violation of the law. If you called an ambulance and left the victim alone, this can be regarded as a failure to provide assistance. Such actions may be subject to criminal prosecution. Therefore, they called an ambulance - stand and wait.

And be sure to clearly answer the dispatcher’s questions about what happened, what the symptoms are, what assistance has already been provided. Then doctors will be able to decide which team to send (there are general teams - medical or paramedic, pediatric, intensive care, psychiatric with the appropriate composition of doctors and equipment. - Ed.). In real life, a typical dialogue between an ambulance dispatcher and a patient is something like this: “What happened?” - "I feel bad". - “And how does this manifest itself?” - “You know better, you are doctors.”

By the way, now the ambulance is obliged to take the patient to the nearest hospital, regardless of the borders of the region. Excuses like “you are registered in another region, go to your place for treatment” are unacceptable. If five years ago one region refused to give money to another for the treatment of “its” patient, now a system of a single off-budget compulsory medical insurance fund has been introduced, which redistributes financial resources depending on need. Simply put, the money follows the patient wherever he goes.

Call an ambulance if:

  • Man lost consciousness
  • You feel an acute lack of air
  • You experience severe chest pain, burning and squeezing in the chest (signs of a heart attack)
  • In case of severe injury, severe poisoning, burn, accident
  • Sudden unbearable pain appeared
  • There is weakness and numbness in both the arm and leg, slurred speech, sudden loss vision, gait disturbance (signs of stroke)
  • Bleeding lasts longer than 10 minutes
  • Labor begins or there is a threat of miscarriage
  • Mental disorders have arisen, and the patient’s actions pose a danger to himself or others

Expert opinion

President of the National Agency for Patient Safety and Independent Expertise, Dr. medical sciences Alexey Starchenko:

If there is no emergency medical care, it is not organized in the area as a class, an ambulance goes to the patient in any case. Arrival time is 20 minutes, no matter whether it is a heart attack or a broken leg. Moving a patient from an apartment to medical institution called medical evacuation. For her proper organization The doctor or ambulance paramedic answers. By definition, there can be no reproaches to patients from doctors (such as “Why did they call you? They could have come to the hospital themselves”). Reproach is possible only when the doctor prescribes treatment and the patient does not comply with it. In all other cases, this is a violation of current legislation.

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