Colostrum liquid instructions for use. Colostrum direct from LR. Source of nutrients

Colostrum is colostrum in English. Colostrum is secreted from a woman’s mammary glands in the last days of pregnancy and the first days after childbirth. It, unlike breast milk, has a thicker consistency. Colostrum contains a high concentration of nutrients. This is due to the fact that the baby's stomach is too small immediately after birth. It holds only a few tens of milliliters of food.

Application in sports nutrition

There are many supplements for athletes that contain colostrum. This is usually cow's colostrum. It is assumed that taking dietary supplements can improve strength or build muscle.

This is unlikely. Perhaps colostrum can be used as a source of protein. But this is hardly advisable, given the higher price compared to whey protein.

Children suffer from infectious diseases much more often than adults. They have immature immunity. Therefore, caring mothers are trying in every possible way to strengthen it. One way is to take dietary supplements containing colostrum.

Unfortunately, using it will get you nowhere. After birth, a baby's digestive system develops quickly. Therefore, all immunoglobulins that enter there with cow's milk or colostrum are quickly destroyed in the intestines.

Let's look at the main supplements containing colostrum, which are used in sports nutrition, as well as to strengthen the immune system in children and adults. They are not cheap. A month of taking such funds costs 1000-3000 rubles.

Kolosrum Direct liquid

The additive is available in liquid form. Colostrum Direct costs 2,000 rubles per 125 ml bottle. Take the drug for 15 days, 8 ml per day.

It is proposed to be used to stimulate the immune system and treat ARVI, influenza, gastritis, and diarrhea of ​​any origin. It is assumed that liquid Colostrum increases strength, treats autoimmune diseases, and destroys any infections, including HIV.

Colostrum NPS, like most supplements from this company, is intended for the treatment of all diseases. The dietary supplement supposedly stimulates the immune system, improves skin condition, normalizes blood sugar, destroys fungi and viruses, treats cancer, and restores damaged body tissues. Price – 870 rubles for 60 capsules of 500 mg.

Additional components:

  • Astragalus membranaceus;
  • shiitake;
  • maitake mushroom.

Colostrum plus costs 2,655 rubles for 60 capsules of 680 mg. The product is a source of transferrin, immunoglobulin and polyproline.

Used to strengthen the immune system, increase the body's energy reserves, and normalize the endocrine system. It is assumed that Colostrum plus protects a person from any bacterial and viral infections.

A dietary supplement from the Argo company containing colostrum is called Colostrum TSN. Price – 800 rubles for 60 capsules.

The list of diseases that this supplement allegedly treats is huge. These are inflammatory processes of any localization, all autoimmune diseases, peptic ulcers, benign tumors, diabetes, and even pathologies such as AIDS and cancer. TSN colostrum supposedly strengthens the immune system, promotes weight loss, energizes, heals wounds, etc.

Colostrum Essence is available in packs of 60 capsules. Dosage – 400 mg. The product is positioned as a source of vitamins, minerals, immunoglobulins, cytokines, and lactoferrin.

The supplement is used in cases of reduced immunity. It is recommended to take it for a course of at least 2 months.

Colostrum Essence cream is produced under the same brand. It costs 600 rubles for 200 ml. It is believed that this nourishing cream saturates skin cells with useful substances and accelerates its regeneration, making it elastic and firm.

The Now Foods Colostrum supplement costs 1,800 rubles for 90 capsules of 500 mg. It is used to stimulate the immune system. It is assumed that this effect is ensured by the presence of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, polysaccharides, probiotics and immune system factors in the dietary supplement.

Additional substances included:

  • olive leaf extract;
  • arabinogalactan from larch;
  • astragalus;
  • Eleutherococcus

It is assumed that Colostrum Now Foods can be taken for frequent acute respiratory viral infections, allergic diseases, inflammatory processes of the urinary system, and respiratory tract infections.

Instructions for use

Most supplements containing colostrum in capsules are taken one or two times a day. The course of treatment usually lasts 1 month. Some manufacturers recommend taking dietary supplements for 2-3 months. There are also supplements designed for continuous long-term use.

All of them have no contraindications, with the exception of the standard set of pregnancy, lactation and individual intolerance. There are no side effects. In children, most dietary supplements based on colostrum are approved for use.

Doctor's review

Taking colostrum is completely useless for both adults and children (except for the neonatal period), for a number of reasons:

Colostrum components are not digestible. Most of the beneficial properties are explained by the presence of immune factors, cytokines, immunoglobulins, etc. in colostrum. All these substances are of protein origin. Therefore, they cannot be absorbed in a mature digestive system. Immunoglobulins will be broken down by intestinal and pancreatic enzymes in the same way as any protein food.

Immunoglobulins do not prevent infections. Most people use dietary supplements that supposedly strengthen the immune system not for therapeutic purposes, but for preventive purposes. That is, they drink them to avoid infectious disease in the future. But immunoglobulins are substances that destroy existing infections. They do not enhance the body's defenses. To provide immunity against infection for a long time, immunoglobulins must be produced in one's own body, and not come from outside.

Immunoglobulins are specific proteins. They do not destroy all types of infections. Immunoglobulins are synthesized in response to the penetration of specific antigens into the body. For example, antibodies may be produced against the rubella virus, gonorrhea or bovine tapeworm. The child, constantly consuming colostrum and breast milk, is protected in the first months of life from those infections that the mother had. If you consume colostrum in the form of a dietary supplement, this will protect you only from those infections that a cow once had (colostrum in most supplements is of cow origin).

Possible benefits of taking colostrum

It is possible that colostrum in adequate dosages can be used to treat some infections. Humans and cows have several common infectious diseases. Colostrum may well contain immunoglobulins against E. coli, clostridia, rotavirus, Shigella Flexner and several types of staphylococcus.

This list only includes intestinal infections. Why? The reason is stated above. Antibodies cannot be absorbed into the bloodstream due to their breakdown by the mature digestive system. Accordingly, if they can act anywhere, it is perhaps in the intestines. But even there the chances that colostrum will work are minimal, because:

  • Intestinal infections affect the large intestine, and immunoglobulins are destroyed before they reach it - in the small intestine.
  • It is far from a fact that the cow from which colostrum was obtained for the production of dietary supplements at one time suffered from shigellosis or rotavirus infections.

Perhaps the use of colostrum is a promising direction in the medicine of the future, but not the present. If cows are infected with certain infections, and then colostrum is obtained from them, and if a good method of delivering colostrum to the human colon is developed, then it will be possible to treat some diseases in this way. But for now there is no point in this. Most of the listed infections are quite successfully destroyed by antibiotics or go away on their own after a few days, without any treatment.

Colostrum is colostrum - a unique liquid in its beneficial properties. Colostrum is secreted by pregnant women and nursing mothers. Colostrum is capable of producing females not only in humans, but also in animals. Colostrum is an invaluable complex of vitamins, minerals, and substances that form the immune system in children and strengthen and activate the body’s defenses in adults.

Colostrum - what is it?

Colostrum has a number of properties necessary for the normal development of a child and is a particularly valuable product for children.

Colostrum saturates the newborn’s body with nutrients and unique elements that protect the baby from harmful bacteria and microorganisms. In a baby, DNA molecules are actively synthesized, organs and systems intensively develop and grow.
For an adult, a unique product is no less important, since it has the ability to significantly strengthen the body’s immune forces and activate the defense system. These abilities allow a person to get rid of many existing disorders and pathologies, prevent the occurrence of many diseases, and rejuvenate the body.

Colostrum is a unique concentrate made from natural colostrum, preserving all the necessary substances and elements. To produce the product, cow's colostrum is taken, which has properties similar to women's.

Composition of the drug

The biological supplement consists of 100% natural substances. The active component is cow colostrum, obtained during the first hours after calving (it is this liquid that contains the maximum amount of unique substances). Special processing allows you to fully preserve the beneficial characteristics of the milk liquid. Colostrum increases the level of the body's immune defense, regulates hormonal levels, stabilizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and prevents natural aging.

The composition of the multifunctional substance includes:

  • Interferons that actively resist viral infections;
  • Immunoglobulins (A, D, E, M, G) – antibodies that provide protection to the body from pathogenic bacteria, allergens, microorganisms;
  • Leukocytes, which are cells that resist toxins and poisons, prevent the formation and development of cancer cells, strengthen the immune system;
  • Polysaccharides are substances that ensure the production of elements involved in the formation of immunity;
  • Unique hormones of “joy and happiness” - endorphins;
  • Interleukin, which stimulates the functions of immune cells, prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes;
  • Oligosaccharides – have a beneficial effect on the functioning and condition of the intestines, promote the development of beneficial intestinal bacteria;
  • Lysozyme. Prevents the proliferation of pathological microorganisms;
  • Lactoferrin is an element with powerful antibacterial properties;
  • Nucleotides that are involved in DNA synthesis;
  • Polypeptides are substances that have a stimulating and regenerating effect on cells. Thanks to their actions, the processes of healing and tissue restoration from damage are accelerated;
  • Phospholipids. Participate in the synthesis of fats, remove harmful cholesterol;
  • Vitamin and mineral complex.

The main components of colostrum activate the immune system, helping it to effectively resist pathological processes, degenerative tissue changes, and infectious lesions. Increased immune activity helps prevent the formation and development of cancer cells and the occurrence of tumor formations. The use of colostrum greatly enhances the body's defenses and develops immunity to a huge number of diseases.

Positive effects of colostrum on the human body

Taking colostrum helps:

  • Activation of the body's defenses;
  • Increases resistance to various diseases and infections;
  • Strengthening nerve cells, stabilizing the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • Improving bowel function;
  • Providing the body with energy, increasing performance;
  • Cellular renewal;
  • Restoration of the most important functions of organs and systems;
  • Normalization of metabolic processes;
  • Rapid healing of wounds, injuries, herbs of various nature and severity;
  • Improving the condition and quality of the skin;
  • Minimizing recovery time;
  • Adequate development and growth of the child, in accordance with age indicators;
  • Active removal of processed products, waste, and toxins from the body.

Use for prevention and treatment

Colostrum is effective as a prophylactic for preventing seasonal diseases and strengthening the immunity of children. Taking the drug is possible only after consultation with your doctor. By taking colostrum, a child will be able to cope with an infectious lesion, an acute respiratory infection, many times faster. The drug improves well-being, strengthens the immune system, without significant side effects.

By increasing immunity in an adult, colostrum allows you to cope with a number of diseases and prevent many pathologies and disorders:

  • Reduces the risk of spreading infection in arthritis;
  • In case of detected oncological formations, it allows to suppress the growth of degenerated cells;
  • Stops the development of bronchopulmonary diseases, alleviates symptoms;
  • By accelerating metabolic processes, it helps to significantly reduce weight, without side effects (loss of strength, sagging skin, deterioration of skin condition);
  • In case of allergic reactions, it relieves symptoms and helps eliminate allergens;
  • Normalizes the state of the nervous system, helps in the treatment of central nervous system disorders;
  • Stabilizes hormonal balance;
  • Actively promotes cell regeneration and renewal, thereby inhibiting the aging process;
  • Colostrum is effective in the treatment of mycosis, generative lesions, and thrush.

Rules for taking the drug

The substance is made in the form of capsules, tablets, and powder. Powder forms are absorbed faster than capsule or tablet forms.

The recommended dose of the drug is 1-2 capsules. The drug is taken up to 3 times a day (the dosage and amount of administration are determined by the attending physician). Colostrum should be consumed 30 minutes before meals. The powder form is diluted in any liquid (water, juice, tea).

The dietary supplement with colostrum should be stored in a cool and dry place, out of the reach of children. Recommended storage temperature = 20-25C.

It is necessary to consult before taking a dietary supplement if:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • The presence of chronic diseases;
  • Taking medications.

Colostrum should be taken with caution in elderly patients and persons under 18 years of age.

Important! Persons with lactose, casein, and gluten intolerance should definitely consult a therapist. Uncontrolled consumption of colostrum in this group of people can provoke allergic reactions.

Review of Colostrum Reviews

Most of the iherb website consumers were satisfied with the effect of colostrum on the immune system. Many clients noted increased resistance to viral diseases during periods of seasonal exacerbation: a significant part of buyers avoided infection, clients who started taking colostrum during an illness noted a rapid relief of symptoms and an acceleration of recovery time.

A number of clients noted a significant increase in energy, vigor, and good mood. The number of negative emotional states has decreased and resistance to stress has increased. Buyers noted that they had a desire to lead an active lifestyle - for this they had the strength and energy.

Positive reviews were left by mothers whose children have low levels of immune defense and are susceptible to constant colds and respiratory diseases. Taking colostrum (under the supervision of a pediatrician) has significantly reduced the number of remissions, children have become more active and cheerful (without hyperactivity), memory and perception have improved, the course of respiratory diseases is easier, the recovery period is shorter ( -i-vosstanavlivaet-immunitet).

Customers were satisfied with the beneficial effects of colostrum on the condition of the skin: the skin cleared, became more elastic, toned, moisturized and youthful. Many women have been pleased to note a significant weight loss while taking colostrum. Due to accelerated metabolism, weight loss occurred gradually, while there was no sagging of the skin, and cellulite disappeared. Customers were able to lose weight, achieving a toned and firm body without special physical exercise.

Several buyers were dissatisfied because they did not notice significant changes in the quality of life and health.

Select and buy colostrum: instructions

If you are tired of an endless series of diseases, if you feel constant fatigue, lack of energy and strength, pay attention to colostrum. How to choose and where to buy a proven dietary supplement, without artificial additives and chemicals? The selection of the drug should be carried out on trusted sites and online stores that sell exclusively original products.

One of these sites, which has proven itself to be the best among a huge number of connoisseurs of a healthy lifestyle, is iHerb. Here you can choose the optimal product for yourself, without doubting its quality, at the most affordable price.

To make the right choice, pay attention to products that have been tested by many buyers who were satisfied with its results and quality:

  • Symbiotics, ColostrumPlus, orange cream flavor, 120 chewable tablets (price RUB 1,075.06). The product contains a large amount of concentrated natural colostrum. The positive effect of which is enhanced by the inclusion of immunoglobulins, which provide high-quality protection against pathogenic microorganisms, viral attacks, bacteriological lesions, and allergens.
  • California Gold Nutrition, Colostrum, 7.05 oz (200 g) (price RUB 1,144.48). The powder form allows colostrum to be absorbed faster. This allows you to accelerate the positive effects of colostrum on your body: you can strengthen the body’s immune defense, form passive immunity to infectious lesions and viral attacks, and prevent the formation and development of cancer cells.

Colostrum will be of particular benefit to anyone who wants to lose weight without side effects (decreased energy, fatigue, negative emotional background, sagging skin, deterioration in the color and condition of facial skin). You can get rid of extra pounds without following a strict diet or exhausting yourself with hard workouts.

If you want to get a huge boost of energy and not be afraid of seasonal diseases and age-related changes, buy colostrum! The drug will help you maintain health, youth, and activity for many years.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Colostrum (colostrum) is mother's milk that begins to be produced from the last days of pregnancy, and during the first week after the birth of a child in humans and all mammals. The composition of colostrum is very different from the mother's milk that the baby is fed throughout breastfeeding. Dietary supplements usually use cow colostrum. Colostrum is a complex preparation with an immunomodulatory effect, created on the basis of cow colostrum. Colostrum preparations are usually a product of network companies that distribute various biological supplements. Colostrum (colostrum) helps restore immunity and develop resistance to colds; it is also a natural source of essential substances to restore, support and activate the immune system.

Colostrum: composition and release form

Colostrum is usually available in capsules, which are packaged in jars of 60-90 capsules each. It has a special composition, which includes various unique components and various immunoactive substances. These include:
- proteins that protect the human body from various foreign elements (bacteria, molds, viruses, allergies) and are called immunoglobulins;
- carriers of immune information, transfer factor molecules that teach the body to fight infections that enter it;
- lactoferrin, an antiviral antibacterial element with antioxidant properties;
- cytokines that can activate the synthesis of immunoglobulins and strengthen the immune system, as well as having anti-inflammatory and antitumor functions;
- interleukin, an element responsible for protecting the body from all kinds of inflammatory processes;
- endorphins, designed to protect the body from stress;
- growth factors on which the proper growth and development of children depends, as well as tissue renewal and slowing down the aging process of the body;
- amino acids are a kind of building material for protein structures and muscle fibers;
- nucleotides involved in DNA synthesis, development and renewal of body cells.

Colostrum: properties and functions

Colostrum has strong immunomodulatory properties and particularly affects the body in conditions of immunodeficiency and autoimmune conditions. The immunoregulatory properties that appear make it possible to provide rejuvenating and regenerative effects on the human body. Colostrum contains many biologically active substances that are not found in milk and are not found in any other product.
Colostrum is recommended for use in the following cases:
- general healing effect for the immune system;
- restoration of intestinal and stomach function;
- the ability of the drug to restore and renew brain cells;
- beneficial effects on the nervous system;
- improving emotional tone;
- increasing efficiency;
- normalization of metabolic processes;
- the ability to protect the body from various infections and diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive system, diabetes, allergies;
- ability to restore liver cells;
- the ability to heal wounds and burns in a shorter time;
- the ability to cleanse the body and slow down the aging process.

Colostrum: instructions for use

These drugs have a very wide spectrum of action. Colostrum instructions for use recommends taking it for cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune disorders, endocrine, infectious diseases, oncology, as well as primary and secondary immunodeficiencies.

Colostrum is recommended for use as a source of substances to support immunity. It is recognized as a unique concentrate of immunoactive factors and nutrients that have a general strengthening effect on the body.

Colostrum NSP is recommended to be taken 30 minutes before meals. In order to achieve a better effect, the drug can be used together with a multivitamin complex. The required dose of Colostrum Ir for adults is 1 capsule 4 times a day, and for children 1 capsule 1 – 3 times a day.

Colostrum reviews, about which you can read quite positive, still have its contraindications - it should be taken only after consultation with a doctor familiar with the medical history. Contraindications to taking the drug are associated with hypersensitivity to any of its components, and there is also a risk of allergies to large proteins - immunoglobulins, caseins, etc. The drug is also contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Colostrum: price and sale

You can buy Colostrum either in a pharmacy or online in our store, since we are a representative of companies producing colostrum preparations. Colostrum NSP is available for sale, the price of which is 1072 rubles for 60 capsules, Supercolostrum Now Foods 90 capsules and Colostrum Plus Altera Holding 60 capsules. The only necessary condition for the purchase of these drugs is the mandatory provision of the buyer with an appropriate certificate confirming the quality of the product. The risk of purchasing a counterfeit in various pharmacies is quite high, and therefore it is necessary to take appropriate measures to avoid deception.

Colostrum and Transfer Factor

Colostrum and Transfer Factor are drugs that have so much in common that they can be conditionally called “relatives”. Their distinctive feature is that both of these drugs contain peptide molecules transfer factors, which are carriers of human immune memory. The unique composition and concentrate of bovine colostrum distinguish these two drugs from other immunomodulators known today. Despite the existing general characteristics, the drug Colostrum is much weaker in its action than Transfer Factor, which has superiority in providing a healing effect on the human body. The fact is that in order to produce Transfer Factor,
The latest nanotechnologies are used, which consist of ultramembrane filtration of colostrum, during which it is possible to “cut off” inappropriate immunoglobulins, which pose a danger to humans in case of their high concentration. In order to obtain 1 kg of pure transfer factor, about 50 kilograms of colostrum must be passed through ultramembrane filtration. It turns out that 50 kilograms of colostrum contain only 2% of immune molecules transfer factors, which are released using ultramembrane filtration technology patented by 4life. The production of Colostrum does not imply achieving the same result, therefore these immunoglobulins are present in the drug, which affects the number of capsules that a person can take over a certain period of time. Namely, daily intake is limited to 4 - mu capsules. Such rather small doses of transfer factor molecules do not allow achieving the desired effect, and increasing the dose threatens an overdose of large proteins with all the ensuing problems. Unlike Colostrum, the Transfer Factor drug contains transfer factor molecules (having a total molecular weight of 5KD) in its pure form does not have such restrictions and can be taken in any quantity without fear of side effects, allergic reactions and overdoses. Since the drug is “purified” of “heavy” immunoglobulins, the effect of taking this drug is incomparably higher than from taking Colostrum or any other drug based on it.

Colostrum is a medicinal product obtained from cow colostrum. Colostrum contains numerous immune and growth factors as well as the essential nutrients trypsins and protease inhibitors, which protect it from destruction in the gastrointestinal tract.

Colostrum from LR – Certified quality.

The only colostrum product on the market that has received the SGS Institut Fresenius quality seal.

Colostrum from LR is the only colostrum product on the market that has received the SGS Institut Fresenius quality seal.

For Colostrum products from LR, only the remaining milk from cows from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, obtained in the first 12 hours, is used. Colostrum can be taken by children from 6 months. The most convenient form of release for children: Pearls.

Directions for use and doses

Adults: 1 capsule 3 times a day with meals. Duration of treatment: 1 month.

Colostrum composition

The composition of Colostrum is very rich in active substances that affect the immune system. Many companies are involved in the production of drugs, including Colostrum NSP, most often these are gelatin capsules, 60-120 capsules per jar. The weight of one capsule is usually 100-200 mg. they include the following components:

  • cytokines, immunoactive cells responsible for signaling and activating the production of immunoglobulins in the blood.
  • immunoglobulins, specific protein formations produced by the immune system in response to an immune event.
  • endorphins, specific formations whose activities are aimed at reducing the negative effects of stress on the body, are responsible for various growth factors, etc.
  • transfer factors, cells responsible for the transfer of immune information and profiling of immune cells.
  • lactophedrine, proteins contained in colostrum that have antioxidant properties.

Colostrum: instructions for use

The indications of colostrum, due to its multiple effects on the body, also cover a wide range of diseases. These include infectious and traumatic diseases, diseases affecting the endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular systems, various types of cancer, complex immunodeficiencies and much more.

Colostrum contraindications:

  • having a tendency to allergies
  • undesirable during pregnancy and lactation
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug

Colostrum: functions and properties

Colostrum in its pure form has been used for many millennia. It gained such popularity due to its properties to help with very complex immunodeficiency conditions, strengthening and restoring weak immunity. Colostrum also works well for autoimmune diseases. The rejuvenating properties of colostrum are well known; it effectively affects the body's ability to regenerate tissue, which affects the overall rejuvenation of the body. Among the large list of Colostrum functions, everyone will find something for themselves:

  • Colostrum reduces stress levels in the body
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • increases general immunoresistance
  • promotes nerve cell renewal
  • improves brain function
  • restores metabolism
  • increases resistance to various types of viruses and bacteria
  • improves liver function through cell regeneration
  • promotes rapid tissue restoration resulting from burns, injuries, cuts, etc.
  • improves the functioning of cells that remove waste products from the body
  • thanks to the properties of antioxidants, minimizes aging

Applications: Colostrum (based on Prummer 2007 and Kelly 2003):

1. Colostrum provides direct protection:

  • for all colds (ARVI)
  • for gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa)
  • for diseases accompanied by loose stools.

2. Colostrum strengthens the immune system:

  • when the body is weakened after illness or treatment (for example, minor side effects during chemotherapy)
  • with increased stress on the body, for example in winter, in stressful situations, during sports, when working with sick people (increased stress in sports and professional activities).

3. Colostrum regulates the immune system:

  • for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, intestinal mycosis, infectious diarrhea)
  • with allergies, sensitivity to allergens decreases
  • for autoimmune diseases (rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, AIDS).

4. Due to the content of growth factors, Colostrum improves the condition of the body in terms of:

  • improving performance in sports naturally (improving lipid metabolism, improving muscle tissue regeneration)
  • regeneration and formation of tissues (cartilage and bone tissue)
  • stimulation of collagen synthesis in the skin (“anti-aging effect”).


The PRP in colostrum may work as a thyroid regulatory substance. Improvement or disappearance of the symptomatology of both allergies and autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, myasthenia gravis) has been demonstrated. PRP inhibits the overproduction of lymphocytes and T cells and reduces the main symptoms of allergies and autoimmune diseases: pain, swelling and inflammation.


Altered immunity may be a hidden cause of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. For example, a type of chlamydia has been associated with the formation of arterial plaque in over 79% of patients with heart disease. In a recent article, N.E.J. of Medicine (36) concluded that heart disease results from immune insitization to cardiac antigens. Colostrum PRP may play an important role in reversing heart disease, as has been the case with allergies and autoimmune diseases. Additionally, IgF-1 and GH in colostrum may lower LDL cholesterol while increasing HDL cholesterol concentrations. Colostrum growth factors provide correction and regeneration of the heart muscle and regeneration of new blood vessels for coronary circulation.


THE BENEFITS OF CYTOKINES IN THE TREATMENT OF CANCER were first announced in 1985 in a book on the fight against cancer by S. Rosenberg. Since that time, the same cytokines found in colostrum (interlikins 1,6,10, interferon G and lymphokine) have been the only ones most studied in cancer treatment research. Colostrum lactalbumin (was found to be able to cause selective death of cancer cells without affecting surrounding non-cancerous cells). Lactoferrin has also already been reported as a factor with anticancer activity. The mixture of immune factors in colostrum and growth factors may inhibit the spread of cancer cells. If viruses are linked to either the initiation or spread of cancer, then colostrum may be one of the best ways to prevent the disease from occurring in the first place.


Juvenile diabetes (type 1, insulin-dependent) is believed to be caused by an autoimmune mechanism, and may be caused by an allergic reaction to the protein GHD. Colostrum contains several factors that can relieve this and other allergies. Colostrum LgF-1 can be associated with both insulin and LgF-1 receptors, found in all cells. A 1990 study in patients showed that LgF-1 stimulates glucose utilization, effectively reversing acute hyperglycemia and reducing diabetic dependence on type II insulin.


LgF-1 programs are necessary for the body to metabolize fat into energy through a special cycle. As we age, the body produces less LgF-1. Inadequate levels are associated with an increased incidence of type II diabetes and difficulty losing weight despite adequate nutrition and exercise. Colostrum provides a good source of KgF-1 as a complementary treatment for successful weight loss.


Excessive exercise and athletic competition can temporarily suppress the immune system, reducing the number of T lymphocytes and NK cells. Therefore, athletes are more susceptible to developing infections and chronic fatigue syndrome. Many of the immune factors in colostrum can help greatly, reducing the number and severity of infections caused by both physical and emotional stress.


One of the main benefits of colostrum is the increase in the efficient functioning of the gastrointestinal tract due to the many immune boosters that control clinical tract infections. Colostrum growth factors also play an important role in keeping the gastric mucosa closed and impermeable to toxins. This is evidenced by the ability of colostrum to control chronic diarrhea caused by intestinal inflammation caused by dysbiosis. Healing gastric syndrome reduces the toxic load and helps reverse many allergic and autoimmune conditions. For healthy people or athletes, adding colostrum increases the efficiency of the stomach's absorption of amino acids and carbohydrate fuels. More nutrients become absorbed by muscle cells and other vital tissues and organs.


Some components of colostrum stimulate wound healing. Nucleotides, IgF, LgF and KgF-1 stimulate skin cell growth and repair by direct action on DNA and RNA. These growth factors promote the healing of tissue damaged by ulcers, trauma, burns, surgery, or inflammatory diseases. The tissues that are favorably affected by the healing properties of colostrum are skin, cartilage, bones and nerve cells. Powdered colostrum can be used topically for conditions such as gingivitis, allergic mouth, mouth ulcers, cuts, abrasions, and burns.

The LR company produces the drug Colostrum in three forms:

Guarantee that there are no residual antibiotic by-products; Recommended dosage: 2 tablets per day (with liquid).

With practical measuring spoon; a particularly tasty alternative to traditional capsules; Guaranteed no residual antibiotic by-products - can be added to muesli or yoghurt (especially suitable for children) - recommended dosage - 1 time per day 2 g.

100% pure colostrum (liquid) without additives; low-fat and does not contain casein (protein); not pasteurized: guaranteed quality - gentle cold processing; Recommended dosage: 8 ml daily.

The first colostrum products to receive a quality certificate from SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS.
LR sets the highest quality standards for itself and its products. Therefore, LR colostrum has been awarded a quality certificate from SGS.INSTITUT FRESENIUS - one of the most independent and thorough certification bodies. SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS comprehensively controls the quality of the products and the entire production process.

Where to buy colostrum (compact, direct, pearls) LR?

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