Beautiful quotes about evening lake spring. Spring. Observational aphorisms about spring

Why, one might ask, does spring always happen in nature and never in ourselves? How nice it would be to take it and, if I may say so, bloom somewhere in April-May.

Emil Azhar “Darling”

Summer is just an unfulfilled promise of spring, a fake instead of those warm, blissful nights you dream of in April.

Francis Fitzgerald

Autumn and spring are the most profitable seasons for sellers of funeral supplies: more people die than in summer and winter; in the fall - because a person’s strength dries up, in the spring - because they awaken and devour the weakened body, like a too thick wick on a skinny candle.

Erich Maria Remarque

Whatever you say, spring is the most beautiful time for love, autumn is the best time to achieve the goal of your desires.

Søren Kierkegaard

I'm afraid of February - the painful transition from a frightening winter to an inspiring spring.

Elchin Safarli

There is a sign behind early spring - Alas, a short summer is coming!

William Shakespeare

Just as stars adorn the sky on clear nights, and flowers adorn green meadows in spring, so sparkles of wit adorn pleasant conversations.

Giovanni Boccaccio

Autumn is the second spring, when every leaf is a flower.

Albert Camus

The end of spring does not mean that summer has begun.

Martha Ketro

The landscape with snow-shrouded trees was replaced by a gentle watercolor of spring.

Arthur Golden

And there will be a long winter... Look, across the river Autumn is quietly dying, waving its yellow hand. The wet aspens are crying, Grandfather Arbat is crying, Blue Russia is crying, Turning into falling leaves. And, crushing the snowdrifts, the Sun will splash through the spring... And the winter will be great - Only twilight and snow.

Yuri Vizbor

If there were no winter, spring would not seem so beautiful to us; if there were no poverty, wealth would not be so desirable.

Anna Bradstreet

Mentally change winter to spring and fall in love.

Elchin Safarli

I like spring, but it's too young. I like summer, but it's too arrogant. Therefore, most of all I love autumn, when the leaves turn a little yellow, their shades are brighter, the colors are richer, and everything takes on a touch of sadness and foreboding of death. Her golden wealth speaks not of the inexperience of spring, not of the power of summer, but of the maturity and benevolent wisdom of approaching old age. Autumn knows about the boundaries of life and is full of contentment. From the awareness of these boundaries, from the richness of experience, a symphony of color arises, its abundance, where green speaks of life and strength, orange of golden satisfaction, and purple of humility and death.

Lin Yutang

Autumn is in the human soul. Like spring, summer, any season, any weather. And therefore, someone with joy and a premonition of cleansing will offer their hands to the same rain, while another will frown heavily, sweep away their sadness into a random stream and pull their cloak tighter. The weather is ours, and the rain... it just comes. Devoid of shades of good and evil, joy and sadness, the rain falls through our souls.

Spring has always been a symbol of birth and renewal. During this period, all living things wake up, and everything we are used to takes on a new color.

Warm rays of the sun, early morning bird songs, the rustle of young grass and the sound of the river - all this is associated with spring.

Quotes from Russian poets about spring

Russian poets have always felt the energy and vitality of the seasons. Typically, spring was a time of new beginnings and inspiration for them. This time of year evoked a storm of emotions and passions in people, which poets splashed out on paper.

"Spring is the only revolution in this world..."

F.I. Tyutchev

"Spring is calling you to the village,
It's time for warmth, flowers, work,
It's time for inspired celebrations
And seductive nights.
To the fields, friends! Hurry, hurry..."

A.S. Pushkin

"Spring doesn't look like joy."

S.A. Yesenin

“Oh, spring without end and without end—a dream without end and without end!”

A.A. Block

“Let life bring happiness to people - there is spring in my soul of love.”

A.A. Block

“Like the first ray of spring is bright! What dreams descend in it! How captivating you are, a gift of flaming spring!”

A.A. Fet

“Spring and grief are not enough: I washed myself in the snow and only became blush in defiance of the enemy.” Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev

Spring is coming, spring is coming - and on quiet, warm May days, a ruddy, bright round dance crowds cheerfully behind it.".

F. Tyutchev.

Quotes about spring from Russian writers

Spring has also become symbolic in the works of Russian writers. For them it was not so important whether it was sunny or cloudy outside, what was happening around them and what was expected of them. The atmosphere of spring and new life filled their souls, lifted their spirits and allowed them to renounce the whole world and be alone with their thoughts, a piece of paper and a pen.

“In the spring, when the ground thaws, people also seem to become softer.”

M. Gorky

"Spring is a time of plans and assumptions."

L.N. Tolstoy

“Sometimes something doesn’t go well, it turns out badly, and at the same time you feel something good. You remember the good things and you understand: it’s spring.”

M.M. Prishvin

“Meanwhile, spring came, beautiful, friendly, without the expectations and deceptions of spring, one of those rare springs that plants, animals and people enjoy together.”

L.N. Tolstoy

Quotes about spring from foreign writers

Like all people, foreign writers enjoyed the spring days. Some wrote about life, some about themselves, and some simply dreamed. But every line written was saturated with the aroma of spring.

"Spring is a real rebirth, a piece of immortality."

G.D. Thoreau

"In the depths of your hopes and desires lies a silent knowledge of the beyond; and like seeds sleeping under the snow, your heart dreams of spring."

Jubran Hamil Jubran

“The beauty of spring is known only in winter, and, sitting by the stove, you compose the best May songs.”

Heinrich Heine

“Judge your health by how you enjoy the morning and spring.”

Henry David Thoreau

“But spring is just around the corner. In spring he always becomes naughty and craves something new.”

Erich Maria Remarque

“Only now it suddenly dawned on me that in a week and a half spring will come. And by spring everything is always incredibly fabulous, you can ask any schizophrenic.”

Miguel Grace

"... in the spring everyone becomes handsome if he rushes to meet his dream."

Stephen King

Quotes about spring from movies

Where else, if not in the movies, can you feel the atmosphere of spring at any time of the year? Blooming tulips, loving couples and chirping birds - what's not a spring fairy tale?

“This is the spoiled May, this is the sorcerer May, blowing his fresh fan!”

From the movie "12 Chairs"

"And in the spring I don’t believe in misfortunes
And I’m not afraid of drizzling drops.
And in the spring different animals molt,
Only a sunbeam does not shed."

From the movie "Once More About Love"

Quotes about spring from contemporaries

Spring is a period of inspiration for every person. Not everyone can write down, remember or formulate their feelings. And those who succeed should say: “thank you.” Thank you for the wonderful lines and good mood.

“Perhaps I have never met such a daring and unpredictable woman as Spring Weather.”

Anna Sevostyanova

"Spring. I have goosebumps in my stomach: either falling in love or having diarrhea."

Igor Yagupov

“Spring! Who doesn’t love it! The most seedy, lousy little darling in the spring brightens up, becomes kinder, and hopes for something of his own.”

Tatiana Tolstaya

Spring is a time of dreams, inspiration and of course love! Spring is so beautiful that you simply cannot remain silent about it. We offer you a selection of beautiful quotes and aphorisms, cool sayings and statuses about spring. Add them to your pages and get in the spring mood.

Spring, like a woman, either comes suddenly or makes you wait. In spring, not only nature comes to life, but also feelings. In spring, everyone is overcome by love. In spring, more than ever, you want to talk about your feelings and soar on the wings of love. Spring comes regardless of whether the snow has melted or not. In the soul, spring comes at the end of February, even cats can confirm this.

Spring is the time of miniskirts and stilettos. No woman will miss the opportunity to show off her figure and attract the attention of men. But for those who didn’t deny themselves anything for the New Year holidays, spring is a kind of “Will I fit in or won’t I fit into my favorite dress” marathon.

It's impossible not to love spring. It gives life and hope for happiness, but what can I say, spring is happiness. Spring amazes with its beauty. There is nothing more beautiful than realizing that life is buzzing around you. You wake up in the morning and see how the leaves have blossomed on the trees overnight; you go home from work and realize that the birds have already returned from the south. By the way, about work... In the spring it just seems superfluous! It’s probably not for nothing that there are many spring holidays and weekends.

While spring blooms on this planet,
And the beauty of green groves is in bloom,
And the mercy of God is given to everyone in the world,
Let these beauties bloom for us too!

Spring is the only revolution in this world worthy of being taken seriously, the only one that at least always succeeds.

Waiting for spring is like waiting for heaven.

The brightest of all springs is the one in the soul.

Live with peace. Come spring, and the flowers bloom themselves.

Make plans for the year in the spring, plans for the day - in the morning.

Spring is a time of year when it is very good to start something new.

Quotes about spring and love

Spring is blooming more and more, making the human heart tremble.

Spring... it always smells persistently of love...

Spring has arrived, shining with magic. It is possible to compare her with a deity. Hurry to breathe, hurry to hug her, accept your love from her lips...

Spring is a light cocktail of thoughts in the head, with a barely audible light and tart note of hope... for love.

May this spring be bright and happy for everyone, in the arms of your loved one.

Love is a disease that has new symptoms every time, but they always appear in the spring!

A sign of spring - if your palm itches, perhaps a love line is forming on it.

Spring has come, and with it love... the mind is on vacation!

Cool Quotes

Spring is like a woman. She just spends a long time putting on makeup and choosing a nice outfit. And when he comes, his presence will make at least one person a little happier.

Either it’s spring, or there really is something in you...

People who helped spring come and ate snow! Why did you eat the asphalt along with the snow?

Spring, do you even know that it should be warm and clear, and not with heaps of snow, water and mud?

Nothing brightens up spring more than a weekend away during the May holidays!

Early in the morning I woke up from sleep,
A fierce spring is raging outside...

Spring... Girls solve the problem: How to put a miniskirt on a maxi-butt and put on high boots on crooked legs...

Statuses about spring

Spring! It became warm. On the street, two types of originals were identified. The former still wear down jackets, while the latter are already in T-shirts and shorts.

Well, that's it, girls, spring has come. It's time to do sports: walking in stiletto heels, shooting with your eyes and jumping over goats.

March, stop thinking you're January!

I know why spring doesn’t come... because not everyone has lost weight yet!

Nothing irritates spring more than winter!

It's getting warmer and warmer outside... The computer turns on less and less often... Here it is, the vaccine against the Internet - SPRING!

Spring has come, I’m too lazy to study, I’m sitting at my desk like a deer.

Spring is the most wonderful time of the year. She inspires everyone with bright feelings, love and tenderness. In spring, everything is beautiful without exception: the warm rays of the sun, the primroses, and the spring thunderstorm. When spring comes, you want to shout about your feelings and desire to live!

beautiful, meaningful quotes about spring, short and not very long, collected in this article. Descriptions of spring nature, sayings of great people, words and aphorisms of writers.

“In the spring, when the ground thaws, people also seem to become softer.” Maksim Gorky.

“Joyful, young, both in heaven and on earth, and in the heart of man.”

“Where spring weaves patterned carpets.” Hans Christian Andersen Danish

“But trust in spring. A genius will rush through her.” Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet

“Spring is the only revolution in this world.” Fedor Tyutchev

“Spring is the solvent of winter.” Louis Jerzy Kern.

“You, of course, know what it is? It's spring fever. That's what it's called. And if you’ve already picked it up, you want it - you don’t even know what exactly it is - but you want it so much that your heart just aches.” Mark Twain.

“Every year something in you dies as the leaves fall from the trees and their bare branches sway helplessly in the wind in the cold winter light. But you know that spring will definitely come, just as you are sure that the frozen river will be free of ice again. But when the cold rains poured down without ceasing and killed the spring, it seemed as if a young life had been ruined for nothing.” Ernest Hemingway.

“The beauty of spring is known only in winter, and, sitting by the stove, you compose the best May songs.” Heinrich Heine.

“I’m sleeping - she’s alone above me. That which people call spring, I call loneliness.” Anna Akhmatova.

“Judge your health by how you enjoy the morning and spring.” Henry David Thoreau.

“He who hesitates to plow in the spring, counting on someone else’s help, will sow in the Epiphany frosts.” Nikolay Vekshin.

“And with small deeds you can earn God’s mercy. The bird rejoices in the spring, and the baby rejoices in the mother. Don’t forget the good things that you can do, and what you can’t do, learn.”Vladimir Monomakh

“If there were no winter, spring would not seem so beautiful to us; if there were no poverty, wealth would not be so desirable.” Anna Bradstreet.

“If people knew how to live in inextricable spiritual and physical unity with nature, all their ages and even death itself would be imprinted with the charm of beauty, like spring, summer, autumn and winter.” Arseny Arkadyevich Golenishchev-Kutuzov

“No matter how angry you are in February, don’t frown in spring.” - Ukrainian proverb.

“- Dili-dili-don-don! - from thin willow branches, from long earrings, ringing drops fell onto the ground, onto the crisp ice.” Alexander Sergeevich Barkov “Spring the Magician”.

“In the middle of Lent, a strong thaw occurred. The snow quickly began to melt, and water appeared everywhere. The approach of spring in the village made an extraordinary, irritating impression on me. I felt a special kind of excitement that I had never experienced before... and followed every step of spring.

The muddy thawed patches became wider and longer, the lake in the grove filled fuller, and, passing through the fence, water was already visible between the cabbage beds in our garden. I noticed everything accurately and carefully, and every step of spring was celebrated as a victory!” Sergey Aksakov.

“Spring is not just a time of flowering, it is a time of hope, of awakening of the spirit.” Thomas Foster.

“Judge your health by how you enjoy the morning and spring.” Henry David Thoreau.

“Love does not add to spring, spring is a difficult test for love, a great rival to it.” Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva

“Love has its own laws of development, its own ages, like flowers, like human life. It has its own luxurious spring, its own hot summer, and finally, autumn, which for some is warm, bright and fertile, for others cold and barren.” Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky.

Praise be to the one who heard the breath of the gardens in the spring, Knew the fragrance of roses and the nightingale's call at night. Kamol

“I want to do to you what spring does to cherry trees.” Pablo Neruda

“In every winter there is spring, and behind the veil of night there is a smile of early morning.” Gibran Khalil Gibran, Lebanese artist, poet and writer

“Spring is a time of plans and assumptions.” Lev Tolstoy.

“Spring is a time of madness, only by surrendering to which is it possible to fully enjoy happiness. Even if it’s the most fleeting…” Elchin Safarli.

“Spring is a time of year when it’s very good to start something new.” Haruki Murakami.

"Spring is a real miracle." Jenny Downham.

“Spring is a real rebirth, a piece of immortality.” Henry David Thoreau

“Spring was early. The snow has melted from the fields. They turn green in winter. It's so good to be in the field! The air is filled with the songs of the lark. Fresh sap moves in the branches and stems. The sun warms the thicket and fields. The remaining snow is melting in the forest and ravine. Beetles are buzzing. The river has entered its banks. It’s a wonderful time - spring!” Grigorovich Dmitry Vasilievich.

Spring brings with it love, and love brings with it: “How much happiness, how much torment!” Chekhov Anton Pavlovich.

Spring is when the whole planet is in flowers, a miracle given to us by God to feel and see paradise during our lifetime. Victor Grutsenko.

“Spring, long delayed by the cold, suddenly began in all its glory, and life began to play everywhere.”

“In spring, even a boot whispers something tender in your ear.” Emil Krotky.

“It’s spring again. No sooner had the sunset played out than the east began to blush. The echo began to play like summer. Waiting for brighter days again!”

“The golden years of childhood, the rosy dreams of childhood, They fly like dashing whirlwinds, Like the days of fleeting spring!” Ales Zvonak

When in the spring our eyes are accidentally attracted to leaves, young and tender, like the fingers of forest goddesses, the soul is filled with delight. Rabindranath Tagore

“No matter how hard people tried, having gathered several hundred thousand in one small place, to disfigure the land on which they huddled, no matter how they stoned the ground so that nothing would grow on it, no matter how they cleared away all the growing grass, no matter how they smoked coal and oil, no matter how they trimmed the trees and drove out all the animals and birds, spring was spring even in the city.” Lev Tolstoy. "Resurrection".

A young man is like spring, a middle-aged man is like summer, and an old man is like autumn, rich in his impressions. Jan Protasevich

“It’s quite spring outside. The pavements are covered with a brown mess, on which future paths are already beginning to appear; roofs and sidewalks are dry; On the floor of fences, through last year’s rotten grass, tender, young greenery breaks through...” Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

“You cannot say to spring: “Come immediately and last as long as necessary.” One can only say: “Come, shower me with the grace of hope and stay with me as long as possible.” Paulo Coelho.

“From the children’s spring sounds in the city, as well as from the bird cries in the forests, my shabby clothes suddenly fell off with melancholy and flu. At the first rays of spring, a real tramp really often throws his rags along the road...” Mikhail Prishvin.

"Spring came. Hasty streams gurgled along the wet streets. Everything became brighter than in winter: houses, fences, people’s clothes, the sky, and the sun. The May sun makes you squint your eyes, it’s so bright. And in a special way it gently warms, as if stroking everyone. Smells fill the entire forest.

In the spring forest you can breathe easily and freely. And the short, but such a gentle and joyful song of the robin began to ring. If you listen to it, you can make out the familiar words: “Glory, glory all around! “The young, green forest whistles and shimmers in every way...”

“I am subdued by your power, spring sorceress, by the first major rain, the first roar of Perun.” Ales Zvonak

“I love our winter, long and persistent. You can't wait for Lent to arrive, and with it the first signs of spring. But what a magic our spring is with its suddenness, its luxurious power! Chaikovsky

“The snow has not yet melted from the ground, but spring is already asking for the soul. If you have ever recovered from a serious illness, then you know the blissful state when you freeze with vague premonitions and smile for no reason. Apparently, nature is now experiencing the same state. The ground is cold, the mud and snow squish underfoot, but everything around is so cheerful, affectionate, and welcoming!” “In the Spring” Chekhov A. P.

Morning is the spring of the day.

“In life, spring, summer, autumn and winter alternate, and each season is different: spring is a time of joy and prosperity; summer is a time of strength and lush flowering; autumn - abundant fertility, and winter - maturity. Samuel Smiles.

“The sun warmed, the grass, coming to life, grew and turned green everywhere it was not scraped off, not only on the lawns of the boulevards, but also between the slabs of stones, and birches, poplars, bird cherry blossomed their sticky and odorous leaves, lindens inflated their bursting buds; jackdaws, sparrows and pigeons were already happily preparing their nests in spring, and flies were buzzing near the walls, warmed by the sun. The plants, birds, insects, and children were cheerful. But people - big, grown people - did not stop deceiving and torturing themselves and each other. People believed that what was sacred and important was not this spring morning, not this beauty of God’s world, given for the good of all beings - a beauty conducive to peace, harmony and love, but what was sacred and important was what they themselves invented in order to rule over each other friend."
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy "Resurrection".

This section contains quotes about spring that are beautiful, meaningful, short and not very long. statements of great people, words and aphorisms of Russian and foreign writers about the approach of spring.

It is in the spring that people suddenly notice how immorally four-legged animals behave on the street, although animals engage in mating all year round. Stas Yankovsky

And on a spring day an old stump dreams of a young birch tree... A.V. Ivanov

Spring time is full of romance: men are hunted with the help of red lipstick, men attract ladies with the red color of their ties. Gennady Moskvin

The off-season is a profitable period for the funeral business; so many people die neither in summer nor in winter. Autumn is the time when vital forces run out; in spring, on the contrary, there are too many of them, they simply destroy the exhausted body, like an overly dense wick of a thin candle.

Some ladies are in bloom, others are only at the bud stage. Harry Simanovich

This is the first time I have experienced such a difficult and sad spring. For me, three Februarys in a row would be better.

In the spring, changes for the better happen to us, people are renewed. Tulebaev Dauyrzhan

With the arrival of spring, we will laugh at the winter cold, and will happily finish off the last of the frail snow.
Yuri Tatarkin

Read the continuation of the best aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

Spring. The hell has opened... Stepan Balakin

Or maybe erotic dreams are the secret weapon of spring? Valery Kazanzhants

In March, when the cats start screaming, the cats begin to scratch their souls. Elena Sirenka

Thank you, spring, for beautiful legs!

Spring has come, the roads are floating! Igor Krasnovsky

Spring in Moscow: the snowdrifts are melting faster than we are driving. Elena Ermolova

I'm wounded to death every spring

Waiting for spring is like waiting for heaven.

Spring... breaks hearts, beats in everyone's heart...

Do you think spring will start soon? - I think March 1st. - Good forecast... But, indeed, the first day of spring.

Spring will show who ate how much in winter.

And again the light. You are my fourth April, you continue to burn, you continue to pull you into your network. I just need to take off, forget about everything, just catch up, follow you to nowhere

Spring was not invented to catch spring colds. Elena Ermolova

Spring came! And I got into it again!

The landscape with snow-shrouded trees was replaced by a gentle watercolor of spring.

Spring: rooks arrive, grabbers fly away. Elena Ermolova

Eternal spring in solitary confinement...

What kind of stupid time of year is it when someone wears boots with fur and someone wears ballet shoes, damn it?

And also because we really wanted to! M-f ‘Amazing Barrel’

Red eggs, ruddy faces, pink light... Well, how can you not be resurrected! Valery Krasovsky

Spring will come - then we will perk up. And as we perk up, we will live fully perked up. Yuri Tatarkin

All living things die to fertilize the soil and give birth to new life... This is life, Lana. Dawn is the killer of the night, but who can hate him for that?

It's because it's spring, that's why it appeared!

Spring arrived on time.

Spring is in full swing. So, summer is coming. And behind it is autumn, autumn melancholy - and so far until spring! Elena Ermolova

Everywhere was full of creeping small fry, not yet fully awakened from a long winter hibernation, they darted in all directions and got to know each other again. Tove Jansson

For those who have a gardening mind, the real troubles begin in the spring. Yuri Tatarkin

Spring exacerbation occurs even in stupid people.

In spring, the weather changes as often as the mood of a pregnant beautiful courtesan.

According to information leaked from the depths of the Hydrometeorological Center, there will be no spring this year, but next year there will be two. Moreover, the second spring will come instead of summer. Yuri Tatarkin

Spring pours into our hearts through the trees of parks and divine alleys. Valery Kazanzhants

And this new spring will not return to us everything that we have lost...

Spring is the time to fall in love, summer is the time to love, autumn is the time to break up, winter is the time to suffer...

Spring is a time of year when it is very good to start something new.

Spring has come, penguins have flown in from the south. Shilov Misha

We are creatures of spring, you and me. K-f ‘Death suits her’

Spring has come - emaciated moths are feasting in the closets. Yuri Tatarkin

Spring is approaching every day. Perhaps it is worth going out to meet her. Yuri Tatarkin

Spring is a time of madness, only by surrendering to which is it possible to fully enjoy happiness. Even if it’s the most fleeting...

The earth is afraid of spring. The ice melts, breaking the veins. The kidneys strain and burst - this is pain... this is childbirth. The old, which has not had time to become obsolete, clashes with the young, which has not yet had time to enter into force...

The happiness he clung to stopped; This April day froze forever, and somewhere, on another plane, the movement of days continued, urban spring, rural summer - vague streams that barely touched it.

I can’t imagine anything more optimistic than chatting about the weather in the spring. As if what lies ahead is not the summer heat, but at least the beginning of a new Golden Era, when people will fraternize with the spirits of the elements, and it will immediately become clear that there is no need to be sad, grow old and die, all this is no longer relevant, unfashionable, relics of the past, difficult, but the legacy of the old regime is easily overcome... Max Fry. complaint book

There are signs of a revolutionary situation: the earth does not want to live in the old way, the snow cannot. Elena Ermolova

Unfortunately, this spring will not give us back what we screwed up!

When the apple and pear trees bloom, there are so many Katyushas around that no wife can save you. Georgy Alexandrov

February is always full of hope. February is almost spring! And in spring absolutely anything is possible.

The best prevention against a runny nose in the spring is to move to a place of residence closer to the middle of the Sahara Desert. Yuri Tatarkin

When it's spring, then, of course. Then, of course, you start waiting for summer. Yuri Tatarkin

The spring of water has arrived. The path is difficult because of the spring waters. Elena Ermolova

Spring justifies stupidity. After all, in order to bear fruit, you must bloom, and you cannot bloom without blooming. Elena Ermolova

Spring is around the corner, but no one knows which one Alexander Tsitkin

Winter is a good thing when it’s real winter - with ice on the rivers, hail, sleet, bitter frosts, blizzards and everything else, but spring is no good - continuous rain, mud, slush, one word - melancholy, and soon it would end. - Mark Twain. The Tom Sawyer Conspiracy

Waiting for spring helps to endure winter. Silovan Ramishvili

the season of bloody feet from awesome shoes has begun

Spring is a time of year when you can feel like a complete idiot and smile stupidly for no reason. Moreover, on completely legal grounds. Yuri Tatarkin

Oh, how I long for spring! How I want to inhale the smell of fresh leaves! But on the other hand, corpses decompose more slowly in autumn and winter...

It's always like that with the April air. It is filled with the unspoken promise of who knows what. Usually, by the end of May it becomes clear that this was a normal seasonal hormonal imbalance in the body. But until the end of May I will probably remain a gullible fool. It is foolish to deny yourself such pleasure.

Winter may make spring late, but it won’t stop it. Silovan Ramishvili

The streets have noticeably become more dressed and dull!

It's even somehow inconvenient. Soon the birds will arrive from the south, but we have a complete mess here: the fields are in the mud, and the trees are not yet decorated with leaves. Yuri Tatarkin

In March, Amurs practice archery on cats. Unknown

Didn't manage to start a new life on the first of January? Start with March... Spring is another chance.

Spring is when the whole planet is in flowers, a miracle given to us by God to feel and see paradise during our lifetime. Victor Grutsenko

One day in the spring, autumn suddenly came.

Spring blows away roofs, and not just snowy ones...

Spring for people is just an excuse. So, unlike animals, all year round. New Day Sunrise

A girl runs through the city barefoot, A girl doesn’t notice traffic lights and wires, A girl walks through trolleybuses and trees, And the world becomes colorful - it’s Spring...

Spring doesn’t make any discounts on age - everyone gets a portion of extra stupidity in their heads. Yuri Tatarkin

A month until spring. I'm looking forward to it the most.

The feeling of spring, the feeling of youth and awakening love, does not remember parents, children, or friends. Before setting a berry, the flower gains strength and greedily absorbs heat, moisture, light, without caring about anyone or sharing it with anyone. Spring stands alone with the whole world and thinks only of itself.

The seagull will not fly, there will be no spring Kazakh proverbs and sayings

Spring is the time for avatars with glasses.

Ah, spring, what a romantic time!.. Everyone is happy, smiling, and happy... Flowers in the hands of friends, love reigns all around! M-f 'Timon and Pumbaa'

Spring has come, and the snow has melted, as usual. Judging by the amount of dog excrement that appeared, there are many more animals of this species in the city than people. Yuri Tatarkin

Spring is the season of hope. /AGG Unknown

Until winter leaves, spring will not come. Silovan Ramishvili

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