Shrimp fried in butter in a frying pan. Fried Garlic Shrimp Recipes

Today I will tell you how to fry shrimp in a frying pan with garlic and soy sauce at home, so that you can pamper your loved ones with a restaurant delicacy at a relatively low cost.

It’s hard to overestimate how delicious shrimp fried in soy sauce with garlic turns out. Easily digestible protein and a minimum of calories make fried shrimp with garlic and soy sauce a favorite dish of guests on the menu of Mediterranean restaurants.

Of course, you won’t be able to save much money, because the large shrimp that are required for the recipe are expensive in themselves. But, if you consider that in restaurants there is a 300% markup on the finished dish, it’s still worth learning how to properly fry shrimp at home.

So, how to fry shrimp in a frying pan with garlic and soy sauce - a recipe with step-by-step photos at your service. The dish turns out tender, juicy and very aromatic. Garlic and soy sauce give it a piquant flavor, and lemon juice adds a slight sourness.


  • 500 gr. large boiled frozen shrimp,
  • ½ lemon or lime
  • 1 tbsp. soy sauce,
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic,
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
  • ground pepper (optional).

How to fry shrimp in a frying pan:

First you need to prepare the shrimp. For this dish, it is best to use a larger type of shrimp. They taste better, and the dish with them turns out much more appetizing. Defrost the shrimp at room temperature, or pour boiling water over it and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Then free the shrimp from the shell, tear off the head and intestinal vein, but do not touch the tail. This way, fried shrimp with garlic in soy sauce will look more appetizing and will also be more convenient to eat.

Cut the garlic into pieces, not very finely. Heat a frying pan with two tablespoons of vegetable oil and pour garlic into it. Fry it lightly over high heat, then add the shrimp.

Fry over medium heat until done. If you don’t know how long to fry shrimp in a frying pan, figure that it will take you about 5 minutes. Do not keep them on the fire for too long, otherwise they will become tough. Then turn off the heat and drizzle the shrimp with lemon or lime juice and soy sauce.

Transfer the fried garlic shrimp in soy sauce to a plate. Sprinkle with pepper if you like spicy dishes. Garnish with parsley and lemon or lime wedges. Eat the shrimp immediately while they are still warm.

I wish you bon appetit!

The first step is to defrost the main product. To do this, place the shrimp on a plate in advance and leave at room temperature for 20 minutes. To avoid wasting time on this, simply transfer the shrimp from the freezer to the refrigerator the day before cooking.

I have pink shrimp, they are already boiled, so you don’t need to cook them for a long time. To add a piquant taste and aroma, you must marinate the seafood. To do this, simply place the future delicacy on a plate and pour a mixture of soy sauce, honey and olive oil on top. If the shell is thick, you can use a pinch of sea salt for the marinade so that the tender meat does not turn out bland. Then sprinkle everything with finely chopped garlic, ginger and herbs. Finally, squeeze in lemon juice (1-2 tsp) and turn the shrimp several times so that the marinade soaks them well. Marinate for 10-15 minutes. Spicy lovers can add finely chopped chili pepper.

Heat the grill pan high and place the shrimp on it. Fry each for literally 2-3 minutes on both sides, brushing the marinade on top.

Immediately transfer the finished shrimp fried with garlic and soy sauce to a serving plate. The finished dish can be supplemented with fresh herbs and a slice of lemon.

Fried shrimp – dish “ real jam“! The recipes provided in this article are suitable for execution at home, right in the frying pan. The result is a quick, tasty and healthy delicacy that can be served as an appetizer, for example, with non-alcoholic foamy drinks or wine. Cooking seafood is not difficult, and the result will be juicy and flavorful.

Shrimp are also served with green salads, bread and original sauces.

  • How to Pan Fry Shrimp - The Basics
  • You can cook shrimp fresh or frozen. To fry, it is not necessary to defrost the shrimp, only if there are large pieces of ice on the meat. Having melted, they will create an excess of water in which the shrimp will boil, stew, but not fry. Shrimp meat is fried and boiled in shell
  • To fry shell-on shrimp, it is best to use a warm rather than hot pan and olive or butter to prevent moisture escaping from the shrimp when it touches the oil. splash in all directions. Butter and olive oil do not produce a strong flavor, so they are preferred for shrimp dishes. Although, in the absence of such, they also take odorless vegetable ones.
  • Fry over medium heat for just a few minutes until browned, while adding ingredients for taste. You can add wine, lemon juice, add herbs, garlic, green onions. Also at the end they add salt and season with spices.

How to fry shrimp with garlic in a frying pan

Recipe ingredients:

  • Frozen shrimp – 2 kg.
  • Garlic – 1 head.
  • Olive oil – 30 g.
  • Salt – 2 tbsp.
  • Lemon – 2 pcs.

Cooking process:

  • Frozen shrimp in the shell are thrown into the pan until the moisture evaporates.
  • After the moisture has evaporated, add olive oil, along with salt and lemon juice. Within 3 min. shrimp are stirred in a frying pan.
  • As a result, the juice and oil that the shrimp are full, give gravy. After the shrimp are fried, garlic is squeezed into the dish. After cooling, the dish is ready.

How to fry shrimp in a frying pan with ginger

Recipe ingredients:

  • Frozen shrimp – 1 kg.
  • Ginger root – 20 g.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 30 g.
  • Soy sauce - to taste.

Cooking process:

  • The shrimp will defrost naturally. Do not rinse meat under hot water, as this will cause the product to lose all its beneficial properties. The meat will cook without the shell. Therefore, it is important to clean it first.
  • Shrimp are cleaned like this: first the head is torn off, then the intestines running along the back. To do this, you need to cut the meat at the head along the back. After cleaning the entire shell, the meat is washed under running water and is ready for further processing.
    The ginger root is washed, peeled, and cut into 5 mm slices. The garlic is peeled and divided lengthwise into several parts.
  • Odorless vegetable oil is heated in a frying pan, soy sauce and garlic are added there. After frying the ingredients, you should remove them to a separate plate and fry the ginger in vegetable oil.
  • Next, the browned ginger is added to the garlic. The shrimp are fried until golden brown. Before serving, use lemon juice to taste.

How to fry shrimp in a frying pan with onions in sauce

Recipe ingredients:

  • Frozen peeled shrimp – 1 kg.
  • Green onion – 100 g.
  • Cream – 200 ml.
  • Garlic – 20 g.
  • Soy sauce - to taste.
  • Vegetable oil – 30 g.

Cooking process:

  • Peeled shrimp are pre-defrosted. Green onions are finely chopped. Oil is poured into a frying pan, green onions are fried along with shrimp.
  • Use medium heat for frying, add garlic and soy sauce. Cooking time up to 15 minutes. with checking, at the very end the most important ingredient for a delicious sauce is poured out - cream. There is no need to boil them, just heat them for 1-2 minutes.

Boiled shrimp can be easily replaced with fried ones without spoiling the taste. During cooking, it is important not to dry out the seafood. Shrimp cook quickly, in just a couple of minutes. If you overcook the shrimp meat, it will turn out tough and rubbery.

Basic rules will help a novice cook get a delicious dish and delight his household with culinary novelties.

Shrimp is a delicious seafood that can be prepared into a unique delicacy in a dozen different ways. Each of them gives sea crayfish meat a special taste. We are used to boiling them in a pan with salt and bay leaf, and sprinkling with lemon juice when serving. If you're tired of this recipe and want to try something new, learn how to fry shrimp in a pan. In recent years, many chefs have appreciated this cooking method and widely use it in practice. If you are interested, study this topic in more detail.

Pan fried shrimp recipes

With a kilogram of sea crayfish and a simple frying pan, you can create a real culinary masterpiece. Despite the fact that the cooking process seems extremely simple and obvious, there are many ways to add variety. Below are the most common recipes used by simple housewives, connoisseurs of gourmet dishes and professional chefs in elite restaurants. Take them into service to surprise your household and guests with your treats at festive feasts.

King prawns with garlic and soy sauce

  • An excellent dish that is perfect as an appetizer for any table. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:
  • Atlantic king shrimp – 1200 g;
  • ginger root – 25 g;
  • garlic cloves – 3 pcs.;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice – 20 g;

soy sauce, vegetable oil - to taste.

  1. Write down how to fry shrimp in a pan with garlic:
  2. Thaw the sea crayfish, remove their shells and tails.
  3. Using longitudinal cuts, divide each clove of garlic into several parts.
  4. Heat a frying pan over medium heat with a little oil and soy sauce.
  5. Add the garlic and wait until the aroma appears, remove it.
  6. You need to do the same with ginger: put it in a frying pan for a few minutes, and then, after the aroma appears, remove it.
  7. Place the shrimp in the prepared aromatic sauce and reduce the gas on the stove to low. Fry until they curl. Stir the contents of the pan from time to time to prevent burning.
  8. Before serving, the appetizer must be cooled and sprinkled with lemon juice. For the beauty of serving, you can add a small amount of herbs. Dill is often used in high-end restaurants.

Tiger prawns in garlic cream sauce

The taste of tiger shrimp is beyond description. They are wonderful in any form. But you, as a cook, should know that there is no limit to perfection. Knowing how to cook shrimp deliciously, you will be able to impress everyone who has a chance to taste them. If this prospect interests you, grab a pen and paper and get ready to take notes. So, to prepare this dish you will need the following:

  • large tiger shrimps – 900 g;
  • green onion – 110-130 g;
  • cream – 220-240 g;
  • garlic cloves – 5 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - half a dessert spoon;
  • sunflower/olive oil - to taste;
  • salt, pepper - in minimal quantities.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Place shrimp in a preheated frying pan with soy sauce and a little oil.
  2. Add finely chopped onion, cover and fry over high heat for 5 minutes.
  3. Stir the contents of the pan every 30-40 seconds and gradually add the garlic pressed through a press.
  4. Reduce the heat on the burner to medium and continue to fry until all the liquid has evaporated.
  5. By this time the sea crayfish will be golden brown. All you have to do is add cream to it and heat it over low heat.
  6. In 5-7 minutes the dish will be ready to serve.

How to fry frozen shrimp in the shell

Shrimp fried in the shell looks very unusual. You can say the same about the taste of this dish. The cooking process cannot be called complicated. The main thing is to clearly know how long to fry the shrimp so that they fall apart. So, if you are ready to try, write down the list of required ingredients:

  • frozen shrimp in medium-sized shells – 800 g;
  • butter – 120-130 g;
  • fresh tomatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • pepper, salt, spicy/hot spices - to taste.

Step-by-step cooking process:

  1. Place a dry frying pan on a medium-high heat burner. Wait until it gets hot enough.
  2. Place frozen shrimp in shells, de-headed, on it.
  3. Fry, stirring constantly. Periodically drain the defrosting liquid.
  4. When there is no water left, place the grated garlic and butter, divided into small pieces, into the frying pan.
  5. Fry for 5 minutes and then add salt and spices to your taste.
  6. In another 5 minutes the dish will be ready. It is recommended to serve with spicy fresh tomato sauce.

How to cook with lemon and spices for beer

Fried sea crayfish are an excellent snack for beer! Tasty and healthy meat will be an excellent addition to a bottle of light. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • shrimp without shells – 1200 g;
  • small lemon – 1 pc.;
  • garlic cloves – 2 pcs.;
  • sunflower/olive oil – 40 g;
  • black pepper, salt, herbs, spices - in moderation.

How to cook:

  1. Thaw the sea crayfish and drain them in a colander. Wait for the water to drain.
  2. Cut the lemon into small slices.
  3. Heat the oil over medium heat and then add the shrimp to it.
  4. Cover with a lid and fry for 5 minutes.
  5. Reduce the heat on the burner to low, and then add lemon, pepper, salt, grated garlic and lemon wedges to the pan.
  6. Cover with a lid and set aside for 5 minutes.
  7. During this time, the shells will turn rosy. Transfer the contents of the pan to a plate and sprinkle with herbs.
  8. Best served with hot sauce.


In circles of high connoisseurs of gourmet food, this dish is known as tempura shrimp. An incomparable recipe will help you reveal your culinary talent in all its glory. The dish is easy to prepare and goes well with red wine. When you prepare tempura, it will look even more attractive and appetizing than in the photo! If you are interested, write down the list of required ingredients:

  • tiger shrimps – 400 g;
  • flour – 120-130 g;
  • water cooled to a temperature of 2°C – 200 ml;
  • soy sauce – 35-40 g;
  • wasabi (at your discretion) – 5 g;
  • sunflower/olive oil – 30 g;
  • bread crumbs – 50 g.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We clean the shrimp from heads and shells, but leave the tails.
  2. We make longitudinal cuts on the backs of the sea crayfish. We take out the intestines with waste.
  3. On the reverse side (on the stomach), we make cuts every 7-8 millimeters so that the meat does not curl inward.
  4. Turn the shrimp with their backs towards you. Along the entire length of the longitudinal cuts through which we removed the intestines, we make transverse diagonal notches. Be careful not to accidentally cut the meat in half.
  5. Dredge shrimp in flour.
  6. Place a small amount of flour in water and mix lightly. You should end up with a mass similar to pancake batter.
  7. Dip the shrimp into the batter so that the tails remain on the surface.
  8. While the meat is cooling, heat the oil in a frying pan.
  9. We take one crayfish out of the water, quickly dip it in bread crumbs, and place it in the frying pan. We perform similar actions for the rest. Frying time – 40 seconds. Due to the sharp temperature change, an excellent crispy crust will be obtained.
  10. Place the meat on a plate. Serve with soy sauce and wasabi.

Do you love shrimp as much as most of the population of our country adore them? This is such a popular type of seafood that it seems as if other shellfish do not exist at all. Although the love for them is completely justified: the recipes for preparing them take very little time, but they bring a lot of pleasure.

How to fry shrimp in a frying pan

Shrimp are a truly universal product: they can be boiled, baked, grilled, added to pilaf or salads, or served with noodles. Although this type of crustacean tastes best when fried. At home, you can fry shrimp in several ways: in a frying pan or in a slow cooker, in the oven. The dish will always turn out delicious, cook quickly, and look beautiful and appetizing.

If you want the shrimp to have a rich, bright taste, you need to prepare the marinade in advance. To do this, you will have to mix several types of sauce with garlic and lemon, or marinate seafood in wine. Conventional marinade additives in the form of table vinegar or beer are not suitable for tender shrimp meat. When there are no suitable sauces in the kitchen, it is better to simply season seafood with oregano, rosemary, thyme, parsley or sauté in batter.

Fried Shrimp Recipe

Various recipes for preparing this product can be found in the kitchens of almost all countries of the world. Thais, for example, prefer to serve seafood with exotic fruits: coconut, mango or avocado. The Spaniards add shellfish to rice or sauce, often cooked with vegetables. The Germans, on the contrary, consider this type of meat too tender to fry separately, so they always make batter for shrimp. You can find any combination of flavors on the Russian table. Try all the options and find your recipe for fried shrimp in a frying pan.

With garlic

Cooking time: 15 min.
Calorie content of the dish: 256.1 kcal.
Purpose: quick snack.
Cuisine: Russian.

This version of the dish has everything you need - garlic, hot peppers, aromatic herbs and spices. However, instead of cooking the seafood separately and serving it in a garlic sauce, it will gradually infuse all the flavors as it cooks in this spicy mixture. Garnish the finished dish with finely chopped parsley, lemon slices or lettuce leaves.


  • shrimp (large) – 20 pcs.;
  • chili – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • lime – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. We remove the entrails, remove the shell, and transfer to a clean container.
  2. Press the garlic through a press or finely chop it with a knife and add it to the seafood.
  3. Place the frying pan on a large burner.
  4. Grind the hot peppers while the oil heats up.
  5. Sauté the pepper in oil for 1-2 minutes, then add the rest of the ingredients and finish cooking.
  6. Sprinkle shrimp with garlic and butter before serving and sprinkle with lime juice.

In soy sauce

Number of servings: for 3 persons.
Calorie content of the dish: 249.5 kcal.
Purpose: snack.
Cuisine: Russian.
Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Have you ever tried smoked shrimp? If not, then try making something similar in your own kitchen. All you need is a few drops of soy sauce and a mixture of frying oils. This recipe can be prepared either from frozen, peeled seafood or chilled in the shell. The appetizer is best served with new potatoes and a light salad.


  • seafood – 700 g;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 70 g;
  • olive oil – 70 g;
  • soy sauce – 5 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Add soy sauce to the cleaned seafood, season with spices and mix. Let it marinate.
  2. Heat a mixture of oils in a frying pan. Sauté seafood in it for about 2 minutes.
  3. Mix fried shrimp in soy sauce with slightly cooled onions.


Cooking time: 20 min.
Number of servings: for two people.
Calorie content of the dish: 236 kcal.
Purpose: snack.
Cuisine: Italian.
Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The main task of the batter is to retain the juice of the product inside, to soak and saturate the meat well with it, so shrimp are often cooked in flour batter, breaded with breadcrumbs or oatmeal. This recipe is somewhat different from traditional versions in that the breading here is sesame seeds, and the prepared sea crustaceans are sprinkled with a spicy sauce with ginger.


  • king or large Argentine shrimp – 10 pcs.;
  • sesame – ¼ tbsp.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar – 50 g;
  • fresh ginger – 1 cm from the root;
  • chili – 1 pc.;
  • apple cider vinegar – ½ tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. In a thick-bottomed saucepan, mix sugar, pieces of ginger, chopped chili, and apple cider vinegar.
  2. Put the mixture on the fire and let it boil.
  3. Let's cleanse the sea inhabitants from their shells.
  4. Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the whites with a whisk.
  5. Dip the shrimp first in the egg mixture and then roll in the sesame seeds.
  6. Fry in hot oil for 10-15 seconds.
  7. Before serving, pour the cooled hot sauce over the battered fried shrimp.

Fried king prawns – recipe

Cooking time: 10 minutes
Number of servings: for 2 persons
Calorie content of the dish: 279.2 kcal.
Purpose: snack.
Cuisine: Thai.
Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you have already been to Thailand, you have already tried shrimp skewers cooked with sweet fruits. This dish has not yet left any tourist indifferent, so many are trying in every possible way to find out the recipe from the locals. In order to understand how to prepare such a snack, you don’t have to travel that far; the following recipe will tell you everything.


  • king prawns – 15 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Teriyaki sauce – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • mango – 200 g;
  • coconut flakes - 1/3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Press the peeled garlic and finely chop the onion.
  2. In a preheated frying pan, fry the onion until translucent, add garlic and your favorite spices.
  3. Pour teriyaki sauce into the pan, add a little lemon juice and seafood.
  4. Cut the mango pulp into small cubes, add to the seafood and cook covered.
  5. Then remove the lid and let the moisture evaporate slightly.
  6. Sprinkle fried king prawns with coconut before serving.


Cooking time: 17 minutes.
Number of servings: for 4 persons.
Calorie content of the dish: 236.7 kcal.
Purpose: snack.
Cuisine: Spanish.
Difficulty of preparation: easy.

How to fry tiger prawns in a frying pan? This question worries many novice cooks, because seafood is expensive, and spoiling it takes a few minutes. In practice, there is nothing too complicated in preparation: you can simply peel the shells from the crustaceans and stew them in wine for a few minutes. Just don’t forget to add a little garlic or hot spices for a spicy taste.


  • tiger shrimps – 1 kg;
  • garlic – 6 cloves;
  • dry white wine – ½ tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Sauté pre-cleaned seafood in olive oil.
  2. Add garlic passed through a press to the clams and continue frying for a few more minutes.
  3. Pour dry white wine into the pan, season everything with spices and simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Before removing the pan from the stove, open the lid and let the liquid evaporate.

In a frying pan in a shell

Cooking time: 20 minutes
Number of servings: for 4 people.
Calorie content of the dish: 273.6 kcal.
Purpose: snack.
Cuisine: Russian.

Unpeeled fried garlic shrimp are an ideal quick appetizer for dinner or an addition to any side dish. Thanks to the fact that there is no need to fuss with the shell for a long time, preparing such a dish is a pleasure: defrost the seafood, fry it a little, pour in any sauce and bring it to readiness under the lid. It will turn out even better than in complex recipes.


  • seafood – 1 kg;
  • soy sauce – 1 tbsp.;
  • ketchup – ½ tbsp.;
  • garlic – 4 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the defrosted clams in a frying pan and fry until white.
  2. When the seafood is slightly dry, add the sauce and sauté for 3 minutes.
  3. After the liquid has evaporated by half, pour ketchup into the pan, add garlic, and season the seafood with spices.
  4. Let the ingredients simmer in their own juices for a while under the lid.

For beer

Cooking time: 35 minutes.
Number of servings: for 2 people.
Calorie content of the dish: 201 kcal.
Purpose: snack.
Cuisine: Indian.
Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Does your husband like to watch exciting football matches with a glass of light beer? Pamper your spouse with an unusual oriental snack, because fried shrimp come from southern India. Even if you have never tried this dish before, this recipe with photos will explain step by step how to prepare it correctly: marinate, fry and what sauce to make. As an additional snack, sea creatures can be served with cheese baked in breadcrumbs.


  • seafood – 500 g;
  • cherry – 150 g;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • paprika, curry and other spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the stem from the tomatoes, wash them and cut into small cubes.
  2. Finely chop the garlic, mix it with tomatoes, add spices.
  3. Add the peeled crustaceans to the spicy marinade and set the bowl aside.
  4. Place seafood in a frying pan and fry on all sides.
  5. Serve fried shrimp with beer along with garlic and soy sauce.

In creamy sauce

Cooking time: 15 minutes.
Number of servings: for 3 people.
Calorie content of the dish: 230.6 kcal
Purpose: snack.
Cuisine: Russian.
Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Seafood cooked in a delicate cream sauce with subtle hints of garlic can be a separate appetizer, main course or addition to a side dish of rice. This recipe will be highly appreciated even by those who do not particularly like seafood. Learn how to cook shrimp with creamy sauce and be sure to delight your family or friends with them for dinner.


  • frozen seafood – 800 g;
  • medium fat cream – 1 and ½ tbsp.;
  • garlic – 5 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Fry salted and peppered sea crustaceans until golden brown.
  2. Pass the garlic through a press, add it and other spices to the cream.
  3. Simmer the sauce over low heat for about 5 minutes.
  4. Pour the hot gravy into the pan. Simmer the seafood under the lid for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Serve fried shrimp in sauce with lemon, light salad or rice.

With honey

Cooking time: 15 min.
Number of servings: 2.
Calorie content of the dish: 259.6 kcal.
Purpose: light snack.
Cuisine: Georgian.
Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Many people mistakenly assume that Georgians only know how to cook meat, but in reality this nation also knows better than others how to deliciously fry shrimp. This Georgian dish perfectly combines hot sauce, sweet honey and garlic, creating a perfect harmony of taste. Intrigued? Then quickly find out how to prepare such a snack and get down to business.


  • frozen crustaceans – 450 g;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • green pistachios – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Tabasco sauce – 3 drops.

Cooking method:

  1. Cook peeled and chopped onions and garlic in oil for 3 minutes.
  2. Dilute the honey with warm water and pour this mixture over the seafood.
  3. Place the shrimp in the pan with the onions, stir and cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Mix seafood and vegetables with sauces. Close the roasting pan with a lid and let the products soak in all the aromas for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Before serving, sprinkle fried shrimp with honey with pistachios.

With vegetables

Cooking time: 20 minutes.
Number of servings: for 2-3 people.
Calorie content of the dish: 198.5 kcal.
Purpose: light dinner.
Cuisine: Chinese.
Difficulty of preparation: easy.

How to cook shrimp in a frying pan in a spicy sauce so that the dish turns out satisfying, but moderately high in calories? Try adding some of your favorite vegetables to your seafood, such as cauliflower, plump tomatoes and bell peppers. This is how the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun prepare sea crustaceans. Remember that the Chinese do not like fried foods and long fuss over the stove, so all vegetables must be cooked quickly. A wok pan is ideal for this.


  • frozen seafood – 450 g;
  • broccoli – 1 small head;
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes – 1-2 pcs.;
  • hot chili sauce – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • lime – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. In a wok pan, heat the oil along with herbs and spices.
  2. Fry seafood in aromatic oil until fragrant.
  3. Cut the tomatoes and peppers into cubes, finely chop the onion, and divide the cabbage into inflorescences.
  4. Sauté the vegetables until tender in a separate frying pan.
  5. Add the clams to the vegetable mixture and pour over the sauce mixture.
  6. Simmer all ingredients for no more than 5 minutes.
  7. Just before serving, sprinkle fried shrimp with vegetables with lime juice.

  • You need to choose only those seafood that have a curled tail and an even color. A straight tail, black spots on the shell and head are signs that the crustaceans were sick.
  • Before frying shrimp, you need to remove the shell from them. It will be much easier to do this if you first pour boiling water over them.
  • It is always better to fry seafood on high gas. This trick helps keep the meat juicy and tender in texture.


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