Who is smarter than dogs and cats? Cats versus dogs: scientists argue who is smarter. Differences in social intelligence

Who is smarter - a cat or a dog? Whose intelligence is more developed, whose mental abilities are more diverse? Over the past few years, many studies have been conducted on this issue. What conclusion did the scientists come to?

Most fans of the cat family believe that cats are smarter than dogs. This is evidenced by differences in the cerebral cortex: cats have twice as many neurons as dogs. The latter have to constantly follow the owner, faithfully carrying out his instructions, while cats are self-sufficient.

Representatives of the cat family have much better developed sensorimotor intellectual abilities. This means that they are more sensitive and precise in their movements; if necessary, such animals can hunt large individuals relative to their own size.

Successful hunting is the goal of life for such pets. That is why even domestic animals living within four walls are constantly training: chasing toys, playfully attacking a person - all this indicates the instinctive honing of the hunter's skills.

Rational intelligence is another characteristic feature of furry pets. Cats can be smart in those things that are truly useful to them, and completely dull in those matters that do not interest them. Such selectivity speaks of creative intelligence (the so-called reproductive intelligence is found in dogs, which simply mechanically reproduce previously learned information).

Features of intelligence in cats

In terms of observation and attentiveness, the cat has practically no competitors. You can be convinced of this simply by observing how your furry pet behaves in an unfamiliar environment: the animal first of all carefully explores the new space for itself and inspects all the corners. At the same time, it will be impossible to distract him from his studies. The cat will quickly find safe areas and a warm place to rest and sleep. In this situation, the dog will be less observant and cautious.

What is curiosity? Seeing an unfamiliar object for the first time, the cat silently creeps up to it, sniffs it, and only after that touches it with its paw with its claws extended. Having made sure that the item is safe, the pet will turn away from it and is unlikely to be interested in it later. It is precisely this kind of cautious curiosity that a dog lacks, and this quality does not destroy the animal, but contributes to full survival in unfamiliar conditions.

Both cats and dogs can easily remember their names, and cats can follow a few simple, carefully memorized commands (for example, going to the toilet in the same place). Are representatives of the cat family able to use the information received in their own interests? A few years ago, it was believed that only monkeys, who in their intelligence are as close as possible to humans, possess such abilities. It soon became clear that cats also have such abilities. They can get food for themselves in places inaccessible from a human point of view, and, if necessary, demonstrate a creative approach to finding their way out of the labyrinth.

Differences in social intelligence

But social intellectual abilities are much better developed in dogs. These animals prefer to hunt in packs, because in order to successfully catch prey, it is important for them to communicate with each other. At the same time, during the hunting process, the roles of the members of the pack are clearly distributed.

Dogs understand people much better, because humans are also social creatures. That is why these animals, especially if they are specially trained, can carry out up to hundreds of different commands.

Who has the better memory?

Who is smarter - cats or dogs and why? Some believe that cats have a much better developed memory, because they are the ones who are able to take offense at a person for a long time, as well as show their dissatisfaction and resentment in various ways. However, here again, lovers of these animals make a mistake.

Canadian scientists conducted an interesting study: in front of two animal representatives, they hid delicious food in one of the boxes (there were four boxes). The dog remembered exactly where the treat was and could easily find it even after a few minutes, while other animals forgot about it almost immediately. The conclusion suggests itself.

However, these pets' good memory does not extend to all situations. Other researchers conducted an equally interesting experiment in which animals were asked to find a treat in a fairly large maze. It turned out that rats and wolves orient themselves in space much better, which means that the possibilities of dogs are not unlimited. There is one note here: as soon as the four-legged friend has seen how the owner solves a certain problem in one way or another, he can remember the algorithm and cope with the task on his own.

What is the secret of dogs' genius?

The secret of such intelligence in dogs is their ability to fully interact with people. Unlike other animals, they can accurately read and guess human gestures. Every owner of such an animal has at least once helped him find his favorite toy, simply by pointing in the direction in which it is located.

So whose mind is more developed? If we rely only on the above research results, we can conclude that dogs are superior to cats in intelligence. However, this conclusion is not entirely true, because each type of pet is considered the best in one area or another. What one species cannot boast of is easily given to other living beings.

Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. dogs have a well-developed memory;
  2. dogs are better able to interact with people;
  3. cats are more precise in their movements and better able to hunt alone and survive in general.

Most animal fans are sure that cats are much smarter than dogs. They prove this by the fact that cats have twice as many neurons in their cerebral cortex. Dogs relentlessly follow their owner wherever he goes, while cats are completely self-sufficient. Moreover, sometimes it seems that cats consider themselves real kings of nature, the rulers of this planet, in contrast to simple-minded dogs.

However, recent studies have shown interesting results, based on which we can conclude that dogs do have hidden genius. Dogs are able to understand about a hundred different commands that they associate with various actions or objects. Other animals have the same abilities, for example, parrots, dolphins, and some species of monkeys. But the main difference between dogs and other animals is how they learn words.

Consider a little experiment: if you show a young child red and blue cubes, and then ask him to give a cube of azure color rather than a red one, he will most likely give the blue one. The child deduces that azure probably means a shade of blue, since you are asking for a cube of a different color than red.

Juliana Kaminsky, a scientist from the University of Portsmouth in the UK, conducted a similar experiment with the dog Rico in 2004. The dog knew the names of almost a hundred different things. She was offered 8 different objects, 7 of which she already knew by their names. The researchers asked Rico to bring the toy, the name of which she did not yet know. And although the dog heard a new word for the first time, she concluded that it was about a new toy that she had not seen before. The experiment was repeated several times with other dogs. Based on these studies, it was concluded that only dogs have this interesting, “human” feature.

However, some people believe that a cat's memory is better than that of a dog, since cats are capable of being offended by their owners for a long time, and also actively demonstrate their dissatisfaction with something. But here animal lovers are wrong again.

Canadian researchers from the University of Moncton conducted a scientific experiment: right in front of dogs and cats, scientists hid a treat in one of four boxes. The dogs remembered where the treat was and could find it even after four minutes, while the cats forgot about it after just a minute.

However, good dog memory does not apply to all areas. Researchers from the University of Western Ontario conducted an experiment in which dogs had to find a treat in a maze. Similar experiments have already been carried out with rats, and they far outperformed dogs. Even wolves, which are considered the closest genetic relatives of dogs, are much better at navigation. But there is one correction here: as Hungarian researchers noted, as soon as dogs see how a person solves such a problem, they remember and could cope with such a task themselves. Thus, the secret of canine genius is their ability to interact with humans.

For example, these "social" skills of dogs are manifested in the dogs' ability to read human gestures. Every owner has at least once helped his pet find a toy, simply by pointing in the direction where it might be. No other animal is capable of understanding our gestures so clearly.

What happens, who is smarter - cats or dogs? Strictly speaking, based on the above facts, we can say that dogs are superior to cats in intelligence. However, this will be a rather rough conclusion, since Every species of living being is created to be the best in completely different areas. What one species does not succeed in, another can do with ease and ease.. As for cats, perhaps their intelligence is already manifested in the fact that they ignore stupid games and simply do not give reason to doubt their ingenuity.

Dogs have twice as many neurons as cats in their cerebral cortex, the area responsible for thinking, planning and complex behavior, scientists have found. The results of the work were published in the journal Frontiers in Neuroanatomy .

“In this study, we wanted to compare different species of predators and find out how the number of neurons in their brains correlates with its size,” the researchers explain.

A predatory lifestyle is one of the factors believed to contribute to the development of an animal's intelligence, the authors of the work write. High intelligence is required to outsmart prey.

One way to characterize an animal's intelligence is to determine the encephalization coefficient, the ratio of brain mass to the animal's body mass. However, although it provides a rough estimate of an animal's intelligence and can be used to identify trends and potential in different species, it does not provide an accurate picture of intelligence.

“I believe that the total number of neurons in an animal’s brain, especially in the cortex, determines the richness of its intellectual abilities and the ability to predict events based on past experience,” explains professor of psychology and biology Suzana Herculano-Ouzel, one of the study’s authors.

Scientists compared the brains of several species of animals - ferrets, mongooses, cats, dogs, hyenas, lions and brown bears. As it turns out, dogs have about 530 million neurons in their cerebral cortex, while cats have only 250 million (for comparison, there are about 16 billion neurons in the human cerebral cortex). According to the researchers, the number of neurons in this area determines the animal's ability to draw conclusions based on past experience.

"Our discovery suggests that dogs are biologically adapted to much more complex mental processes than cats,"

However, according to scientists, cats are probably not stupid, they are just more difficult to study. So, at the beginning of 2017, Japanese scientists came to the conclusion that cats are no more stupid than dogs - they are able to remember what happens to them and, if necessary, retrieve the necessary information from memory.

The researchers also found that the number of neurons in the brains of predators does not exceed the number of neurons in herbivores, as they initially assumed. This hypothesis arose from the assumption that a predatory lifestyle requires greater intelligence from the animal. However, the number of neurons in herbivores and carnivores of similar sizes turned out to be approximately the same. Probably, in the process of evolution, herbivores had to put in no less mental effort in search of a safe place where they could hide from predators.

Brown bears turned out to be the least intellectually gifted. Although their brains were 10 times larger than a cat's, they had about the same number of neurons.

And in general, the larger the animal, the fewer neurons it had in its brain - for example, the golden retriever had more of them than hyenas or lions.

Hunting requires a lot of energy, especially for large predators, and the intervals between successful hunts are unpredictable. Therefore, large predators, such as lions, rest most of the time. The brain is the most energy-consuming organ, and these costs increase in proportion to the number of neurons.

“Eating meat largely solves the problem of providing energy. However, it is clear that predators are forced to maintain a delicate balance between body size and brain performance,”

- scientists explain.

The researchers also disputed the widespread belief that domestication contributed to the stupefaction of animals - ferrets, cats and dogs were not much different from their wild relatives, mongooses, lions and hyenas, in terms of the number of neurons.

And researchers recognized the raccoon as the most “brainy” animal - despite its modest size, the number of neurons in its cerebral cortex turned out to be almost the same as in dogs. According to the researchers' calculations, the density of neurons in the brain of raccoons is approximately the same as that of primates.

There are many tests that allow you to evaluate a person’s mental development, but one can hardly talk seriously about measuring the intelligence of a pet. Especially if we are talking about a cat - an independent, self-sufficient and, in a sense, elusive creature. Many cat lovers are confident in the extraordinary intellectual abilities of their pets, but there is also a whole army of cat owners who do not consider cats too smart, but still adore these purring creatures. You can analyze which cat breeds are more likely than others to deserve admiring reviews of their intelligence, and on this basis try to build a rating of the “smartest” breeds.

Rating of the smartest cat breeds

They say that a cat is smart, but a dog is simply loyal. It looks like science is ready to refute this claim.

Scientists from Vanderbilt University in the USA decided to find out who is smarter - dogs or cats. They compared the neurons of the animals and learned that there are twice as many of them in the cerebral cortex of dogs... There are approximately 530 million neurons in the cerebral cortex of dogs, while in cats there are about 250 million. Scientists are confident that it is the number of neurons in the cerebral cortex that influences an animal’s ability to draw conclusions based on its own experience. For example, humans have about 16 billion.

Scientists have found out who is smarter - dogs and cats


The question of who is smarter: a cat or a dog has been worrying people for a long time

But if you compare cats not with dogs, but with each other, then the intelligence of some individuals is truly amazing. Therefore, we present ten breeds, among which, judging by the reviews of the owners, the most common are “smart and clever”.

Let us emphasize: this is a non-scientific study. We did not try to determine which breed is smarter, nor did we assign them a place. Each of the named breeds has every reason to be considered “primus inter pares” - first among equals.

Norwegian Forest (Skogkatter)

This cat, from our point of view, has two main advantages necessary for a pet:

  1. The “author” of the Norwegian Forest cat is nature itself; these cats were not bred by people by crossing representatives of different breeds or artificially fixing random mutations. Such animals always have good health, they are organic and natural.
  2. Despite their name, Norwegian Forest cats are absolutely domestic cats; they have lived among people for many centuries and have long managed to adapt socially.

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a true Scandinavian miracle

Once upon a time, these predators lived in the Scandinavian forests, where, according to one version, they came from Turkey in the 16th century (a “Scandinavian” version of the Turkish Angora), according to another, they were brought even earlier by the Vikings from Scotland. However, as the forests populated, wild cats gradually took root on farms, where they earned the reputation of being excellent hunters of mice and even rats, and therefore quickly found a common language with people.

Once upon a time these cats really lived in the forests

Skogcat is a fairly large animal; an adult cat weighs from 5 to 9 kg.

Externally, the Norwegian Forest cat is very similar to the Siberian cat, as well as the Maine Coon. The main feature is a very thick double coat with a dense, water-repellent undercoat (Skogcats have always been excellent fishermen) and long guard hairs hanging down the sides.

In the Norwegian forest you can’t do without such a fur coat

Almost all Skogcat owners speak enthusiastically about both the character of their pets and their mental abilities. These cats are brave and independent, but also intelligent, friendly and affectionate. They understand perfectly what is wanted from them, easily remember the “rules of the game” and follow them with discipline. They do not show causeless aggression, but they do not treat obsessive tenderness well. First in such a situation there is a warning hiss (“a shot in the air”), but if the hint was not perceived, it will be followed by a more intelligible explanation of the state of affairs using teeth and claws.

Maine Coon

Everything that has been said about the benefits of the Skogcat fully applies to the Maine Coon - a raccoon cat from the northeastern state of Maine, USA.

Maine Coon is a large cat from North America

Legends call the ancestors of these giants the raccoon (because of the striped tail) and the North American lynx (because of the tufts on the ears), but in reality the Maine Coon is the original North American cat, like the Skogcat, which found its way into human habitation many centuries ago.

By the way, the mythical relationship between the Maine Coon and the raccoon in the light of the topic of our research looks especially curious, considering that, according to the above-mentioned scientific studies, in the cerebral cortex of a raccoon there are almost as many neurons as in a dog, and in their density a raccoon can rival even with a monkey. Although a raccoon, according to scientists, could not “crossbreed” with a cat, it is still surprising that the cat, in whose veins supposedly raccoon blood flows, is almost unanimously considered by its owners to be one of the smartest!

The raccoon is the mythical ancestor of the Maine Coon, one of the smartest animals in the world

Maine Coons are much larger than their Norwegian counterparts, the weight of males ranges from 7 to 10 kg, otherwise the appearance of these animals is very similar. In terms of mental abilities, Maine coon cats are distinguished by:

  • a penchant for thoughtful contemplation;
  • consistency and logic in actions;
  • intelligence;
  • excellent memory;
  • the ability to distinguish the owner’s intonations and even his facial expressions (in tests of cat intelligence, it is assessed as “aerobatics”);
  • willingness not only to understand, but also to carry out commands (also rare for a cat).

Friendly Maine Coons very easily find a common language with all family members and, as the owners note, they are happy to babysit children, while demonstrating a serious attitude to business and great responsibility.

Maine Coons are great with children


The Siberian is another wild northern cat that became domesticated a long time ago. The external similarity of Siberians with Norwegians and Maines is so great that felinologists are forced to compile special comparative tables to distinguish one breed from another.

The Siberian cat is very similar in appearance to the Norwegian Forest cat.

But we don’t need these subtleties. It is enough to know that we are talking about the so-called “forest-type cats.” They do not have clear breed characteristics precisely because humans have nothing to do with the creation of these breeds.

Siberian cats are smaller in size than Maine Coons, but are quite comparable to Skogcats. Like their European and North American counterparts, Siberians are distinguished by their large, muscular bodies and thick, double-coated fur that adorns their necks in a huge collar.

Lush and thick wool is a mandatory attribute of life in Siberia

As a rule, these cats have a lively mind and learn easily and with pleasure. They like games that require them to solve some kind of riddle (find an object, get out of a maze, etc.) or learn a new trick.

However, like Norwegian Foresters, Siberians highly value their independence and do not tolerate excessive coddling. And such a cat will easily exchange the opportunity to hunt in nature for communication with its “dearly beloved” owner.


The one who doesn't need a person at all is the Bengal cat.

Unlike the three breeds described above, this one was bred artificially, and a real wild predator took part in its “creation” - the Asian leopard cat (living, among other regions, in Bengal, a historical territory in South Asia, hence the name of the breed).

The wild ancestor of the Bengal cat is the Asian leopard cat

Bengals are stunningly beautiful medium-sized cats, with a strong, athletic body and smooth, characteristic leopard-colored fur that plays in the sun.

Of course, all domestic cats were once wild, but the ancestors of Bengals, even if only along one line, had practically no experience of communicating with people, much less living with them. This circumstance, no matter what breeders say about the friendliness and affection of their pets, is very clearly reflected in their character.

The leopard color of Bengals can be golden or silver.

If a Siberian or Norwegian cat tries to get away from obsessive affection or with a dissatisfied hiss to explain the inadmissibility of such an attitude towards itself, then the Bengal can easily do without all these unnecessary conventions. We are not talking about inadequate, unmotivated aggression; it’s just that ideas about what behavior is normal can differ greatly between humans and wild animals.

Bengals don't really like to be cuddled.

Bengal cats, of course, have high intelligence (there is no way to hunt without this!), however, these animals are more likely to direct their mental abilities to expand their own space and get what they want (the ability to open doors, windows, cabinets or, say, a refrigerator) than to accomplish some commands that a strange two-legged creature for some reason is trying to teach them.

Once, a woman who had a Bengal lived with her bought an Abyssinian kitten from me. The owner said that this is a very active and smart animal, but completely wild in character. It wasn’t that the cat attacked people, no, she simply ignored them. And the household so wanted a pet that would come up, look into your eyes, jump on your lap and generally show your love in some way! Nothing like this could be expected from a Bengal cat.


But Abyssinians will willingly devote all their mental abilities to their loved one!

Abyssins are absolute extroverts

The history of this breed is shrouded in mystery, but apparently no one bred it on purpose. Abyssinia is the old name of Ethiopia, although, most likely, the ancestors of Abyssinian cats were still brought from somewhere in Southeast Asia or, possibly, South America, where pumas live - the only wild member of the cat family who has a ticked color, a kind of “calling card” of the Abyssinians.

The ticked color of the puma is exactly the same as that of the Abyssinian cat

What's important is this. Abyssins became domesticated a long time ago; in any case, at the world's first cat exhibition, held in London in 1871, this breed was already presented.

No matter how beautiful Abyssinian cats are, their main feature is still their character. Despite the obvious resemblance to the puma, there is nothing wild about the Abyssinians. These are full-fledged companions! It seems that their whole being is “trained” for living together with a person. And even the independence so characteristic of cats is not at all inherent in this breed. All Abyssinian owners unanimously say that their pets happily and willingly participate in all household chores, just to be with their beloved owner.

Abi always follows his owner with his tail

When my daughter takes her adoring Abyssinian in her arms, the animal’s gaze becomes misty, and the look on its face - you can’t believe it! - the thought is quite clearly readable: look and envy, God has paid attention to me! It’s not difficult for a daughter to teach her “friend” any commands: the cat grabs everything on the fly, remembers it once and for all and willingly demonstrates its skills, sincerely rejoicing that the owner is happy. One caveat. Love and devotion are meant for one person only. The attitude towards the rest is polite and friendly, they say, a friend of my friend is my friend. This is in the presence of the hostess. When our daughter leaves and we come to feed her little girl, at best she mercifully allows herself to be petted, and if she’s not in the mood - an eloquent hiss: go away, I don’t like you! If the intelligence of an animal is determined by its ability to convey its feelings and desires to a person, then for me Abyssinian cats are definitely the smartest.

Abyssinian cats are good at communicating their feelings to humans.


The history of these long-legged blue-eyed beauties, unlike many other breeds, is well known. The Siamese cat's homeland is Thailand, which was called Siam until the mid-20th century. In 1884, these animals were first imported into Great Britain, and there is a rather funny story associated with this circumstance.

The Siamese cat came to Europe from Thailand

At the court of the Siamese monarchs there lived very beautiful cats, which were considered a national treasure and could not only be exported outside the country, but even belong to someone who was not a member of the august dynasty.

And so, in the oriental way, the cunning Thai King Rama V presented the British representative with several of these cats as a gift and even allowed him to take them home with him. Cats instantly became popular, first in Britain, and then throughout Europe, they were called Siamese and, of course, as befits a “royal animal,” they were very expensive. And only several decades later it turned out that under the guise of precious cats of the Kao-Mani breed, which are very rarely found today, the British were given ordinary aboriginal animals, quite accessible to almost anyone.

The true precious royal cat of Siam is called kao-mani

Yet this historical anecdote does not make the Siamese cat any less interesting. These animals are distinguished by good health, they are proportionally built, athletic and graceful.

Siamese cats are very active

In addition, Siamese cats are rightfully considered one of the smartest breeds. Their high intelligence is noted by almost all owners. Having barely become acquainted with these amazing creatures, the British were amazed by their ability to walk on a leash, like dogs, perform various commands (for example, fetch objects in their teeth) and acrobatic tricks, even a backflip.

Many people think that Siamese cats are angry and aggressive, but this is not true at all. The breed is distinguished by incredible activity and perseverance, and it is these traits that sometimes force the animal to do things that do not delight the owners. A resourceful mind and excellent powers of observation allow Siamese to detect weaknesses in people’s behavior and use them for their own purposes, using any methods for this - from open blackmail to roundabout maneuvers.

However, in a strong, balanced and, very importantly, consistent owner, the Siamese cat will readily recognize the leader and will respect and love him all his life.


The Balinese cat is a long-haired version of the Siamese, a very beautiful animal, in character and temperament almost no different from its long-haired relative.

Balinese - long-haired Siamese cat

Incredible activity, playfulness and sociability give the Balinese the reputation of being very intelligent creatures. It's simple: a cat that warms its sides on a radiator all day long looks a little stupid. When a pet’s eyes sparkle with genuine interest in everything that happens around it, when the animal is constantly captivated by something, its natural intelligence is much more noticeable.

An interested look always seems meaningful


The British cat is perhaps one of the most popular breeds in the post-Soviet space. It is very easy to identify by its massive, broad-boned body, thick plush fur and round head with characteristic cheeks.

It is difficult to confuse a British cat with another breed

The character of these animals is quite consistent with the country of origin (the British are indeed aboriginal cats that have lived for many centuries in the territory of the United Kingdom). The breed is characterized by restraint, equanimity and even a certain stiffness. You should not try to grab such a cat in your arms or pester it with unceremonious affection. However, the Briton will most likely respond to such behavior not with an aggressive hiss, much less use his teeth and claws, but will simply walk away with dignity, having first showered the impudent person with an icy look full of contempt.

The British don't like to be picked up unceremoniously.

If active Abyssinians and Siamese acquire new skills, so to speak, by trial and error, then the British learn by observation. Their principle is measure twice, cut once. But this approach gives its results: you will not have time to understand how your pet learned to open doors or turn on and off the light. It is only important that the cat itself needs such a skill; training it, forcing it to indulge the whims of the owner, is completely useless.

The British learn by watching

As you know, the main thing for an Englishman is not to lose self-esteem. Look into the eyes of a British cat and you will understand: this is a true child of his country!


Hairless cats do not exist in nature. Lack of fur is a strange mutation that sometimes manifests itself in the form of the birth of a naked kitten in an ordinary domestic cat, doomed to soon die from the cold.

Canadian Sphynx - a cat from another planet

People (first Canadians, then French, Americans and Russians) found this unusual appearance interesting, and they not only allowed the unfortunate creatures to survive, but, through long and not always successful experiments, fixed this mutation, thus creating a new breed. Actually, not even one, but three: today it is customary to distinguish between the Canadian, Don and St. Petersburg sphinxes.

Photo gallery: types of sphinxes

The Canadian Sphynx is the first recognized breed of hairless cats. Petersburg Sphynxes, or Peterbalds, are bred on the basis of the Don cats, but differ somewhat from them
The Don Sphynx has a narrower head shape

It is difficult to deceive nature. A Sphinx in the house is always a problem. The lack of hair makes these cats freeze in winter and in the off-season, and in summer they instantly burn in the sun, as soon as they settle down to warm themselves by the window. For this reason, many owners note that their pets spend almost their entire lives hiding under a blanket, only coming out to desperately demand food (the increased metabolism necessary to maintain the temperature of a body unprotected by fur creates a constant feeling of hunger).

Sphinxes are cold almost all the time

Yes, sphinxes can be affectionate. As soon as the owner takes a comfortable sitting or lying position, the cat immediately settles down at his side. But, as my friend subtly noted, in such moments she clearly reads in the eyes of her pet: I hate you, but you are warm.

With such a life, it is difficult for sphinxes to demonstrate to people the wonders of intelligence. And yet, fans of the breed speak with delight about the mental abilities of their pets, noting their remarkable memory. True, the ability to quickly remember one’s name is given as an example, but, let’s agree, for a cat that is constantly forced to overcome so many difficulties, this is already a lot!

This breed has Russian roots, but was bred in Britain, where sailors brought the first breeding material from Arkhangelsk.

The Russian Blue cat has won the hearts of the British

Russian Blues are distinguished from the British of the same color by a more graceful body, a slightly elongated muzzle without the famous “Cheshire” cheeks and - an obligatory sign! - emerald eye color.

Fans of the breed note in these cats a light and easy-going disposition, amazing charm and even some sense of humor. For example, having received at full disposal a comfortable house and a set of expensive toys, the gray hooligan, as if in mockery, will rush in pursuit of a mop moving merrily across the floor, and will climb into a basket with dirty laundry to sleep. Needless to say, he will definitely prefer the collection of violets that has been spotted on the windowsill for a long time to the grass that was prudently planted especially for his beloved pet - a subject of special pride for his beloved housewife.

Russian blues are hooligans and fidgets

A Russian Blue cat once lived in our house. I remember very well that the little robber very quickly learned to open all the interior doors. He jumped up, turned the handle with one paw, and managed to push the door with the other. True, this skill once played a cruel joke on a cat. Having sneaked unnoticed into the bathroom and found himself locked there, the little miscreant decided to act in his usual way. However, the lock on the door was designed differently and instead of turning the handle, the cat clicked the latch with its paw. At first, when we heard a characteristic sound and made sure that the door to the bathroom was closed from the inside, we thought: an intruder had entered the house. But everything was put into place by a gray paw with extended claws, which poked its head out from under the door in an attempt to make a dig. In a word, I confirm: Russian blues are definitely not lacking in intelligence!

Cat intelligence: let's look soberly!

Looking for a relationship between the level of intelligence of a cat and its breed is chauvinism. In any breed there are both very smart and completely stupid individuals. As for the objectively existing relationship between the breed and the number of admiring reviews regarding the cat’s intelligence, there is an explanation. It can be assumed that the whole point is what meaning we give to the concept of intelligence when talking about a cat. Perhaps, those animals that seem smart to us are those that understand us well, and even better, follow the rules we set (commands, requests). But here, really, a lot depends on the breed. The average cat walks on its own; in general, it does not need a person, but this does not mean that it is stupid.

Still, there are cats that need communication.

The owner of the Abyssinian cattery told me that Persians used to live with her for many years. She decided to start Abyssins exclusively as a business project; initially there was no talk of any special love. But when the first pair of abies appeared in the house, in addition to their own cat, the owners simply forgot about the existence of the Persian. The fluffy goof appeared near the refrigerator in the morning and evening, ate indifferently and went back to sleep, while the red lightning bolts constantly scurried around the house and poked their noses into everything. The Persian cat has always been lazy and passive, people just didn’t know before that it could be different. It is quite possible that if the Persian needed to show remarkable ingenuity to get food, he would have done it. But this animal does not consider it necessary to amaze its owners with miracles of intelligence.

This cat doesn't have to try to look smart

Criteria for evaluation

Oddly enough, tests to determine the IQ of cats exist, and anyone can check the “intelligence quotient” of their pet at any time. True, after skimming through a long list of questions and tasks (the first for the owner, the second for the cat), I came to the conclusion that all the cats that lived in my house were geniuses. And this only confirms the theory I put forward: I don’t like passive and lazy animals, and our pets, even mongrel ones, have always been a little hooligan.

Cats are not trainable because they are not smart. Any of these animals is quite capable of understanding what they want from it, it’s all a matter of motivation.

The cat plays a game that interests her

If you watch a cat, you will see that it performs some tricks on its own. Your task is to fix these tricks so that she does them constantly. This will take a lot of time and love.

How Kuklachev trains cats


In order to understand whether your cat is smart, you need to stop comparing it to a dog. Cats have their own outlook on life, their own needs, their own instincts. For example, cats in the wild do not hunt in packs, which means they require less socialization. On the other hand, a cat can single-handedly track down and kill a large animal, that is, complete a task that wolves solve together, and this cannot but inspire respect.

Cats hunt alone, so they don't need company as much.

In short, let scientists count the number of neurons in the brains of different animals and compare their intelligence based on the numbers obtained. But we cat lovers know for sure: harmony cannot be measured by algebra. Cats are no more stupid than dogs. They're just different.

Innate ability or acquired skill

It is impossible to raise a smart cat. But if an animal sits cooped up all day long, and all the attention paid to it by the owner is limited to giving it the prescribed portion of food, the pet very quickly turns into a weak-willed rag, an additional fluffy pillow on the sofa. Or he finds an opportunity to leave a boring home if such a lifestyle is incompatible with his active nature.

Idleness causes loss of mental acuity

The brain, like muscles, atrophies without constant training. The cat needs to be taken care of. But if dogs can be trained according to a uniform, clearly developed and known in advance program, then an individual approach must be sought for independent cats.

Watch your pet, choose an activity that interests him and not you, forget about the vain desire to “show a trick” to friends and acquaintances. Accept the cat for who it is - and this animal, regardless of breed, will never allow you to doubt its intelligence and intelligence!

Video: the smartest cats

All pet owners are divided into cat people or dog people. And since this division there has been an eternal debate about who is smarter than a cat or a dog. When answering this question, you should not rely only on your own preferences; you need to listen to the opinions of competent specialists.

Who's smarter

English scientists conducted an experiment that was supposed to reveal a more intelligent animal. They analyzed more than 500 species of different organisms. Thus, a connection was found between intelligence and brain size in relation to the body.

Dogs have a fairly large brain, which allows them to be more trainable and develop diversified.

Having examined the cat's brain, scientists concluded that dogs are superior to cats; a smart, barking pet can be envied. The explanation for this fact is the more solitary lifestyle of cats. While cats develop independently, dogs are able to learn from their owner or pack.

American scientists tried to refute the results of this study, but did not go further than studying the human brain, in which there is no pattern between size and intelligence.

Why dogs are smarter

Who is smarter, a cat or a dog? Dogs have qualities such as loyalty, trainability and obedience. They are more loyal, guard their owner and can be so friendly that it is time to use them as nannies.

"Man's Friend" is smarter because:

  • easily adapts among people;
  • is very active in communicating with people;
  • easily learns new skills;
  • he is obedient and devoted to his master.

Why are cats smarter?

But don't underestimate purring pets. There are situations in which cats are smarter than dogs.

  • Due to their solitary lifestyle, cats are very careful and prudent.
  • They know how to masterfully manipulate people.
  • In unusual situations, these animals are able to benefit from “empty space”.
  • They are more attentive, curious and observant than dogs.
  • These pets are inherently true predators and know how to survive in any danger.
  • Cats are capable of selectively perceiving information. They can be smart in those things that seem interesting to them and show indifference to everything that, in their opinion, does not carry any benefit.

Let's compare the mental abilities of cats and dogs

It is impossible to say with complete certainty who is the smarter pet, a cat or a dog. But if you compare individual skills, each owner can draw his own personal conclusions about the pet’s intelligence.

  • Ability to remember nickname. In this matter, it is unlikely that it will be possible to identify mental abilities. This is due to the pet’s temperament. So, for example, a smart and proud cat decides for itself when to respond to its name and when to simply ignore its owner. The dog, due to its devotion, very quickly remembers its name and responds to it.
  • Curiosity and caution. Having encountered a new and unfamiliar thing, a cat is unlikely to immediately rush towards it headlong. She will first sneak up, strike with her paw with claws and make sure of her safety. Dogs in such cases show excessive curiosity, forgetting about caution.
  • Performing tricks. The dog is afraid of disappointing its owner and tries to understand as quickly as possible what he requires of it. And if she also receives encouragement for this, then the animal is ready to repeat any trick many times. Cats are also trainable, they just require a lot more time and patience due to their independent nature.
  • Regime and rules for staying in the house. Both dogs and cats eventually get used to the same times of feeding, walking or going to the litter box.
  • Attachment. Everyone knows how dogs become attached to their owner and love him all their lives. But cats in this case are no different from them. It’s just that purring pets prefer not to show their feelings openly.
  • Understanding and support. In this capacity, both dogs and cats perfectly feel the feelings of the owner. In difficult times, both animals will support a person with their affection.
  • Motor skills. Cats have better sensitivity and precision of movements than dogs. These are true predators that are capable of hunting even individuals much larger than themselves.
  • Memory. Both cats and dogs have very well developed memories. Both pets remember the bad deeds of people towards them all their lives, and feel boundless gratitude for the good ones. Pets are able to remember a large number of different commands.

Human friendship with dogs and cats is measured not in years, but in millennia. The former were domesticated more than 30 thousand years ago, the latter - 10 thousand years ago.

Over the many years of their devotion to people, dogs have mastered many professions well: hunter, shepherd and watchman. Over the years, these horizons have expanded. Dogs began to be used as driving force. And these days they may well be police officers, rescuers, guides, sappers and even postmen.

Cats, according to most dog lovers, are practically useless, but this is not true. In ancient Egypt, they were tamed to fight mice that stole grain reserves. Today, some “purrs” have forgotten a little about their purpose, and prefer reclining on a comfortable sofa to hunting.

Instead of a conclusion

Based on all the above facts, it is impossible to unambiguously determine who is smarter of the pets, a dog or a cat. These are two intelligent pets that perform differently in different situations. Cats are too independent and to some extent lazy to demonstrate their intelligence. Dogs are friendly and more socialized, so their mental abilities can be observed everywhere.


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