Where to give kittens. Looking for good hands: where to give a cat Where to give found kittens

You have a problem: you need to give the cat away. How to do it? Where and with whom should the animal be placed so that it does not end up on the street? Let's figure it out together.


When should you give your cat away?

The first question from the buyer is why you are giving away your pet:

  • cannot keep at home due to allergies;
  • the cat has fallen and the kittens need to be placed;
  • found on the street or in the entrance;
  • tired of looking after her or putting up with her pranks - this is always perceived negatively, so it’s better to remain silent or say another reason.

Where to place your beloved pet

The second step is the question: where and how to place the cat. Where should I give my cat? Of course in good hands: a relative, friends, shelters or a buyer from an ad.

Do not rush to give the cat to the first person you meet. What you need to know from the potential owner of your kitten:

Financial situationYour own home or rented one? If the latter, then do the owners know about the decision to adopt a kitten and how do they feel about it?
What do you already have for your pet? Tray, bowls, grooming products and food?
What and how are you going to feed them? Whatever food you used, it will be good if you give the food for about 5 days.
Family statusDoes your partner, wife or husband know about the acquisition? Are they allergic to wool?
Children, especially under 6 years old. It is young children who often develop allergies through direct contact. They can also torment the animal or accidentally injure it.
Other petsHave you already had any pets? How many and what? As a rule, animals with bad owners suffer from infectious diseases, run away, or die.
Are there other animals now? Why another one? How will the old people accept the new guy and communicate?
Buyer adequacyThis is your pet, and you can refuse the buyer if he does not suit you, seems inappropriate or strange.
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The person who places the animal is called a curator. Experienced curators always check how the kittens have settled into their new place. They ask you to send a photo of your pet at least once a week for a month. And they always say that if an emergency arises and the cat needs to be removed, then you can return it, but without returning the money that was given for the pet.


How to adopt a cat? One of the common methods is to write an ad.

  1. Good, interesting, high-quality photographs with a contrasting background. A clean, well-groomed pet, playing, active and healthy - this is what a kitten should look like.
  2. Attractive, truthful and informative ad text, for example: with blue eyes waiting for a loving and responsible owner. Herman catches mice and loves to play with children. He is not fussy about food, has all his vaccinations and is completely healthy.” Buyers always have the same questions: age, health, color, character and whether there are any bad habits.
  3. There is no need to lie to the buyer, write only the truth. If a small kitten is not yet accustomed to the litter box or is not good at lapping, then look for other advantages: he purrs lullabies or lifts his spirits with his smile.
  4. Don’t be lazy to write advertisements wherever possible: the Internet, newspapers, or just walk around and hang them up at a bus stop.
  5. If it is not possible to keep your pet in your apartment, you can overstay it. That is, a person who will take her into his house for your payment for her stay. Overexposure can also be found on the Internet or in the newspaper. The cost of such a service for cats is up to 150 rubles per day.

Relatives and friends

Faced with a problem: where to give the cat? Contact your relatives, colleagues, friends and acquaintances, maybe someone wants to get a furry friend, but just can’t decide. If you are lucky, this is the fastest and least troublesome way to adopt an animal.

Special shelters

Shelters are divided into private and public, and both are almost always overcrowded and do not accept new guests. A complete list of such establishments in your city can be found in the phone book or on the Internet. If you are lucky, of course, they will take the cat, but whether he will be adopted or euthanized, whether he will be well-fed and healthy or hungry and sick, this will no longer be known to you.

Internet capabilities

Now the Internet is the fastest way to find an owner or foster home for a cat.

How can I do that:

  • make a catchy ad, always with a photo;
  • post it on a website with advertisements in your region;
  • on your page on social networks and special groups on these sites;
  • find several more sites for adopting cats through a search engine, and place an ad on them.

Online posting is best done on Wednesday or Thursday. If you post at the beginning of the week, there is a chance that those people who will be looking for a cat on Friday simply will not find your post.

Advertisements in the newspaper

Newspapers are not often bought these days, but cat lovers' magazines are popular. Please note right away that while you can place an ad on the Internet for free, you may be charged a fee in magazines and newspapers.

This method is not bad, and it also gives positive results. If you are serious about this matter, then go to the stops and also hang up printed leaflets with your ad.

Photo gallery

Video “How to Adopt a Cat”

If you can’t pass a crying kitten on the street, then watch a video on how to find him a home.

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Circumstances do not always work out as we wish. We want one thing, but we get a third. You shouldn’t judge people who are eager to adopt kittens or even an adult cat. Some did not keep track (not in time) of the loving beauty and she brought a crowd of cochinets, others needed to leave, others found foundlings on the street - but you never know the reasons why you have to give your pet to good hands. And even more so, there is no need to accuse such owners of cruelty. If they were heartless, they would have long ago thrown their former pet into the trash, or worse, drowned or euthanized.

We install it ourselves

I will give (sell) in good hands

The easiest way to get one is to go to the poultry market. As a rule, there are no random passers-by there and, perhaps, you will be lucky enough to bring cute furry creatures to another animal lover. There is no need to stand in a corner and wait for someone to pay attention to funny kittens - you need to sniff them out to everyone you meet. Show all your eloquence, praising the living product in every possible way.

There is no pet market nearby, stand at the entrance to the metro or large shopping pavilions. True, it is unknown how law enforcement agencies will react to your presence.


You can always write a note in the local newspaper, on free bulletin boards on the Internet, post booklets on poles and entrances, and ask to put up advertisements in large pet stores.

A correctly composed ad with creative text and a beautiful photograph of the animal (90% of the positive results depend on it) will definitely attract the attention of users, and someone will respond.

Notes like “I’ll give the kittens to good hands” without pictures, descriptions of character, individual features of the exterior or behavior are initially unsuccessful and certainly not attractive. Use your imagination and come up with a mini-story about an animal that will make you think, cry, or laugh to your heart's content. Believe me, such texts do not leave people indifferent, and a line will line up for the pet.

For example, here’s a rather unusual ad: “I’m selling a cat! The simplest and most unbred, he doesn’t know how to do anything and doesn’t want to learn anything. It’s a pity that he’s castrated, otherwise she would have torn everything out for him. Why am I selling? It's an expensive pleasure to keep this Satan in the house! Yesterday I knocked down the TV, which served faithfully for the whole day. Good people, take the cat or I won’t survive!”

Brevity is the sister of talent, and here’s another good example: “I’ll give away fifty beautiful, varied, but very affectionate cats and cats. Reason: I got married, and this crowd will save a strong and independent woman from loneliness.”

Well, for a snack, no less entertaining: “I’m giving away a fiend in the form of a cat for experiments. The creature is unsinkable, unfreeze and generally undying. Why? I just know! He sleeps during the day and turns into a demon at night. Forget about sound sleep and peace of mind for many, many years. There has been no wallpaper on the walls for a long time, what he does with them - only God knows. The demon may not eat for a week, then wander around somewhere for another two. Take it to the field, put it in a bag, spin it and throw it into the bushes, it will still come home. Additional options: hold out for a month - I’ll pay 300 rubles, hold out for two - 500, hold out for a year - you won’t be able to. I'm not worried about the fate of the cat. He is immortal. Yes, the gift is not sugar, but how many emotions await you ahead.”

By acquaintance

You can also try your luck on regional forums and social networks. True, the chance of finding owners through such resources is negligible.

But it is best to look for new owners among your surroundings - relatives, friends, acquaintances, work colleagues - there are at least two reasons for this:

  • you know the person personally and know how he treats animals;
  • at any time you can find out the fate of your pet: whether he is living well or not, whether he is still alive.

And most importantly, never give cats that you don’t need as gifts to other people. It will be difficult for a person to refuse such a generous gift, but in the end the poor animal will still end up on the street - it was not needed yesterday, it is not needed today.

Special organizations

There are a lot of charitable organizations that will help you adopt a cat for money or for free. Some of them really help, while others are scammers trying to make money from destitute and abandoned pets.

Before contacting such institutions, take the time to make sure for yourself that they are real and not virtual. Typically such organizations have:

  • a more or less equipped shelter;
  • your veterinary specialist or an agreement with him on the provision of services;
  • at least some constituent documents for its activities;
  • reviews online about the work.

Some scammers are fooling around. First they ask you to send a photo of your pet, after a while they call and inform you that someone wants to adopt a kitten. But first you will have to pay N amount of money, supposedly for the work. As a result, your conscience will be calm, your wallet will be empty, but the animal will most likely be thrown out onto the street, where it will die safely.

What to do with purebred kittens?

Pedigree kittens are easier to place than regular ones.

It is unlikely that breeders of purebred and privileged cats have problems with where to place the resulting offspring. They have everything planned, and the kittens are sold long before they are born.

For novice breeders, it can be just as difficult to place purebred kittens as it is to place outbred kittens. I would like to give advice to such would-be sellers:

  • Mate a female through a club that will not only help you find the “right” cat, but will also subsequently help you realize your offspring;
  • look for clients long before mating - it’s better to be sure that the kittens will be taken away in due time than to be thrown in later and not know where to put them;
  • make announcements on social networks, on bulletin boards with a full description of all parents’ regalia and copies of documents - people quickly fall for such official pieces of paper;
  • Even better, create a website, a group on any social network describing the services provided (sale of kittens of such and such a breed), which itself will attract potential buyers.

Checking the new owner

Finding the owner is half the battle, but he still needs to be checked for trustworthiness - in case he is a fraudster, a bestiality, a Satanist, a flayer, a beggar, a divorcee or a reseller. It is clear that a stranger is unlikely to talk about his interests, but it is still possible to find out about his true intentions indirectly, because a serious person:

  • will take an interest in the health, character traits, and behavior of the future ward;
  • will leave a contact number for communication;
  • will personally come for the pet and even allow you to look at the living conditions in which the adopted animal will have to live;
  • will answer all questions of interest and will not be confused in the testimony;
  • will agree to another meeting in a month and six months in order to show and prove that the pet in the new home is alive, healthy and happy; in extreme cases, he can happily provide photo reports.

Instead of a conclusion

To summarize, we note the main points that you need to know when choosing a new place of residence for your pet:

  • The ad text should be as attractive as possible and reveal all the positive aspects of the kitten or cat.
  • The platform for posting advertisements must be popular and visited.
  • Don't forget to talk to the potential owner.
  • Meet with him in person and during the conversation, try to dispel any doubts about the person's integrity.
  • The transfer of the animal must occur from hand to hand, and not through third parties.
  • It is advisable to draw up a transfer agreement that specifies possible conflict situations and the possibility of removing the pet in case of failure to comply with the terms of the document.
  • It is necessary to maintain contact with the new owner for some time, being interested in the fate of the kitten and its lifestyle.
  • Be prepared for the fact that the pet may be returned, and the returnee will have to be accepted unquestioningly.

And a fly in the ointment. Statistics assure that of all kittens given into good hands, only 10% find a happy home life. The rest are again put out on the street, where they die from hunger, cold, and disease. Therefore, once again: check and double-check who you give the animals to, and always control their future fate.

Professionals share advice on what to do with a found kitten:


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We often receive requests to help adopt kittens or adult cats.

Sometimes requests are more like blackmail. If you don’t help, if you don’t pick it up urgently, we’ll throw you out, put you to sleep, and then down the list.

Yes, we feel very sorry for cats who are so unlucky with their owners.

But we cannot take away pets from all residents of Moscow and the Moscow region that turned out to be unnecessary for various reasons.
We also cannot put everyone on our website, since this is not an ordinary bulletin board, of which there are a great many, but a resource that was created primarily to find homes for cats and kittens that we or our volunteer friends already have in stock who have no one else but us.
Several enthusiasts bear material and moral responsibility for almost a hundred animals that were tamed by completely different animals and that would have died if not for a happy accident.

But we fully understand that people who are faced with the need to find homes for kittens or cats for the first time simply cannot imagine how best and more effectively to do this.
It is for such people who are ready to work on the device themselves, or, as it is commonly called, PR, but they just need to be told the direction of action, we decided to compile this instruction.


The first thing you need to do is take good photographs.
This applies to both adult cats and kittens.
Photo quality is one of the main components of success.
A contrasting background, a beautiful frame - the eye needs to be drawn to the image.
If a photo session that seemed successful to you does not give the desired result, experiment again. You never know which photo will work.


A good, attractive description certainly adds interest to the animal.
But if you don’t have “writing” talents, don’t be upset. As practice shows, people are most interested in the appearance, health, age, color and character of a potential pet, so it will be enough to simply indicate all this information in the ad.

Relatives, friends, colleagues.

This, oddly enough, is where you should start: interview all your relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances and acquaintances; it is quite possible that some of them will still be “uncleaned” and you will not need the remaining points of our instructions.

Posting advertisements.

This was done in the pre-Internet era, but it still works. Make paper advertisements with photos and post them wherever possible: on boards, in pet stores, at work, etc.

PR on the Internet.

This is where we put our main efforts. It is quite sufficient for the adoption of small kittens. But try to actively do this until the kittens are 3 months old. It is already much more difficult to place an older outbred kitten.

There is a huge amount on the Internet animal notice boards, It is not necessary to use all of them, the most popular ones will suffice.
It’s quite easy to understand how popular a particular message board is.
Type any of these queries into search engines:

  • kittens as a gift
  • cats are in good hands
  • I'll give away the kitten
  • animal message board
  • the kitten is in good hands, etc.

Sites that are on the first page of search results are what you need, make yourself a list of 10-15 boards and place your ad there.
But don't think that doing it once is enough. Advertisements move down very quickly, displaced by more recent ones, so your ad should be raised to the top periodically.
This is done on different resources in different ways: somewhere for free, somewhere for a little money or SMS, somewhere you just have to delete the old one every day and put up a new ad.
Almost everywhere there are paid services, like vip or gold ads, they are very inexpensive, but significantly increase the chances.

In addition to boards, there are thematic communities on blogs and social networks ( Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
You can and should also post information there. Today, social networks are the most effective way to find homes for animals.

Such systematic actions will definitely give results. Our instructions plus your desire and patience - and everything will certainly work out!

All of the above is also relevant for PR of dogs and puppies, with minor amendments.

Conditions for placing animals on our website.

1. We reserve the right to decide who to help with PR, and who can cope without our help.
The number of places on the site is limited, this is a private resource, moderated by real people, and not an automatic message board, therefore, if there are free places, we give preference to those whom we deem necessary.

2. High-quality photographs.
With a bad photograph, the animal will not settle down, but will take up someone else’s place for months.

3. Brief information.
Age, health-vaccinations, name, personality traits and behavior.

Contact number.

4. Regular information updates (clarifications and new photos)
For kittens and puppies up to 3 months - once a month.
For adolescents over 3 months - once every 2 months.
For adults - once a quarter.
More often - it is not forbidden and even encouraged, less often - it is impossible.
If, after the specified period, no new information is received, the animal is removed from the catalog.
We will not call, write, search or inquire about news, this is your pet and your concern.

5. Prompt notification about the device.
No probationary periods or “let it sit just in case.” Don't take someone else's place.
If things don’t work out in the new home and the animal is returned, we will add it to the site again.

6. We strictly do not place any domestic litters of kittens or puppies.

Sterilization is available, the situation with homeless animals in the country is monstrous. We will not encourage denseness and irresponsibility, as a result of which every day another kitten ends up on the street, because it is a sin to sterilize a cat, and blasphemy to castrate a cat.

You can contact us via mail [email protected]

Agree, it is difficult to pass by a meowing creature abandoned to the will of fate in the rain in an empty yard. You take this mangled creature in your arms and carry it home, forgetting about the dress, business and consequences... But by taking this light lump in your arms, you also take on a rather heavy burden of responsibility. He will tell you how to properly treat a homeless kitten and find him a new home. PEOPLETALK.

What to do after the cat is in the apartment

Where to look for a family

  • There are several options for how you can accommodate a cat. Mainly it's the Internet. You can start with уandex.ru, dial "Give a kitten in good hands" and many different sites will appear in front of you. The most popular are pesikot.org, roddomcat.narod.ru And koshkidarom.ru . Cats are also in good demand in avito.ru And irr.ru.
  • But the most important thing is to create a bright ad with good photographs and touching text. It is advisable to find a person with a professional camera and take beautiful photos, this increases the chances of finding a volunteer significantly. It's best to photograph your cat against a plain, unpatterned background, such as against a wall or against white sheets. It is important to indicate everything in the text vaccinations, which the cat received, does he have veterinary passport, talk about his character, write that he is trained to go to the litter box, does not scratch, and be sure to indicate his age.
  • Don't forget about social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Vk. Find communities that help rehome animals and feel free to send your ad there.
  • If you can’t do anything yourself, then you can try to find a PR person. Yes, there is a forum on the PiK website "Animal PR" on which people, for a certain fee, are ready to do all the work for you in distributing advertisements on the largest portals. On average it costs 200 rubles. during the week.
  • Always be careful and use the services of only trusted persons. There are black PR people online who charge quite a high fee for their services, and in a short time people come to your home and take the animal, but at best it will end up on the street.
  • There are also many people who are ready for 100-150 rubles. per day, let a stray kitten into your home and care for it, the so-called foster service. In fact, such people they put the animal in a cage and completely ignore it.
  • You can print and post notices in your area, or gather friends and hand out leaflets. Suddenly some a compassionate granny who has never been on the Internet in her life will take the poor fellow.

Don't give it to a shelter

Both private and public shelters do not keep a cat for more than six months. If no one takes it, they euthanize the animal. In most places The conditions in which the animals live are simply appalling.. Five cats can live in one cage for weeks, and there is not even room there for them to stand up to their full height. This is all very sad.


The best thing you can do for a foundling is to take it for yourself. Barn cats are much more smarter and more flexible than their purebred relatives.

Just the other day a cat climbed onto my lap. Red-haired, blind in one eye and very affectionate. I didn’t want to take her for a long time, but she just wouldn’t leave me. As a result, I took her to my place, washed her, gave her vaccinations and sterilized her. It took me about 10,000 rubles for everything.I put up ads for a very long time, asked my friends who to give it to, but then I realized that it was just fate. She came to me, and then it turned out that I saved her life. During the sterilization, veterinarians discovered that she was pregnant and the kittens were not developing properly, resulting in sepsis and the cat would have died within a week. Now this one-eyed red-haired pirate walks around my apartment and doesn’t bother me at all. I wish you too find a friend who will brighten up your evening with a hoarse purr.

By the way, on June 21st "Green Theater" of VDNKh Park will take place a charity concert in support of homeless animals "I want to go home". On this day there will be an exhibition of animals from shelters, which can be adopted right there. So we advise you to go there, and perhaps you will not leave empty-handed!

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