Treatment of abrasions on the knee. What to put on broken knees

How to treat an abrasion on the knee if it was caused by a fall or a blow to a blunt object? The issue of treating abrasions is relevant for rock climbers, professional athletes, and mothers of small children. Treatment of abrasions on the knee should be carried out in several stages: cleansing, disinfection, applying a bandage, etc. All stages of therapy, necessary medications and methods of treatment are described below.

Home treatment or visiting a doctor

Wound smeared with brilliant green for disinfection

The first thing the victim or his loved one needs to do is determine how serious the injury is. An abrasion is a damage to the skin with bleeding. Usually the bleeding is not severe, limited to drops of blood on the surface of the epidermis, and treating an abrasion on the knee is not difficult. However, in some cases it is necessary to consult a doctor:

  • the bleeding is severe, it cannot be stopped with a constricting bandage or gauze (it is not advisable to apply a tourniquet);
  • the fall caused a large hematoma;
  • several layers of skin were torn off;
  • an infection could enter the bloodstream (as a result of contact with dirt, particles of dust or asphalt getting into the wound);
  • in case of injury to a pregnant woman (stress can lead to miscarriage);
  • child injured;
  • the patient has a disease - hemophilia;
  • as a result of prolonged lack of proper care, suppuration occurred;
  • particles of the road surface have gotten under the skin: earth, asphalt, clay or sand, which are impossible or dangerous to remove on your own;
  • they managed to apply an expired product to the abrasion.

If none of the above is noticed, you can stay at home and not go to the clinic for medical help. However, it is necessary to provide the necessary means for recovery at home.

General treatment algorithm

Hydrogen peroxide for treating a wound to prevent infection

Once the severity of the wound is determined, it is necessary to clean and treat the abrasion with a healing composition. If you have an abrasion on your knee, therapy should begin by cleansing the wound:

  1. If a small amount of sand or asphalt particles gets under your skin, you should rinse your knee with clean running water. It is forbidden to use water from open reservoirs or stagnant liquid: the knee may become inflamed.
  2. In case of severe contamination, due to which infection may begin, it is necessary to additionally treat the wound with peroxide, potassium permanganate or chlorhexidine. You can use alcohol, iodine or brilliant green, but these substances can cause tissue burns and discomfort during processing. For children, chlorhexidine, which does not cause a burning sensation, is best.
  3. After treatment, the wound must be closed to prevent contamination from entering it again. You can use a sterile bandage or gauze. You should not cover the wound with cotton wool: the dried ichor will stick the tissue to the wound, and when changing the bandage you will experience discomfort. Also, sharply tearing the gauze from the wound can lead to tearing of the crust, which increases the risk of scar formation.

Further actions:

  • changing dressings;
  • application of healing and antiseptic compounds;
  • applying anti-scar products (if necessary);
  • use of anti-inflammatory drugs (in case of suppuration).

Rules for applying and changing dressings

Constant use of bandages and plaster leads to inflammation

A bandage is applied only if the abrasion area is large. Its use is also allowed (and recommended) for severe bleeding. If large volumes of blood are released, a compressive sterile bandage or tubular bandage is applied, under which gauze is placed.

In emergency situations, to absorb blood and stop it, you can apply a paper handkerchief or cotton swab or bandage soaked in alcohol or peroxide to the wound, and then wrap the compress with a bandage, tightening it moderately (strong pressure will increase blood flow and “squeeze out” the blood, weak pressure will not no effect). This is a quick first aid technique that any adult can learn. If a deep cut or cut is noticed, you must call an ambulance.

If there is no bleeding, the wound should be allowed to dry. Constant use of bandages and plaster leads to inflammation, and the wound may begin to become weeping. If it is necessary to cover the wound to prevent dirt from entering, a germicidal patch should be used.

Bandages and bandages should be changed at least 2 times a day, every 12 hours. When changing dressings, we must not forget about applying antiseptics, which will not allow the tissues to fester (if the wound has not yet healed) or healing creams (when a crust or film has already formed and the leg cannot fester).

Long-term bandaging is permissible only after consultation with a doctor.

Knee Treatments

Panthenol for healing open wounds

For proper healing of the knee, you need to buy several types of drugs. They are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Main types of medications:

  • antiseptics;
  • healing compounds;
  • anti-inflammatory compounds.

Antiseptics are applied when changing a bandage or patch. If the antiseptic is liquid and not in powder form, then you need to wait until it dries and only then use a bandage. You can buy iodine or brilliant green. Sensitive patients are better off buying Chlorhexidine. A peroxide solution (3%), medical alcohol, and potassium permanganate are also suitable for processing. You can use grape seed oil as a homemade antiseptic.

Healing compositions can be home-made or purchased; even a child can apply them to the knee after the initial healing of the wound. Experts recommend purchasing ready-made mixtures. To heal already healed wounds that do not bleed and do not secrete ichor, you can use “Panthenol”, “Depanthenol”, sea buckthorn oil (made independently or purchased at a pharmacy).

Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat the wound at the very beginning of treatment, if there is a risk of infection, and after inflammation has formed. Compositions based on calendula and chamomile have a good calming effect. For children, you can purchase a baby cream that says it is for bruises and abrasions. This is a universal and inexpensive remedy that can be used to treat a sensitive child. The cost is approximately 50 rubles, you need to smear it 2-3 times a day.

These drugs can be used at home without consulting a doctor. However, before use, you must carefully read the composition: some components may cause allergies in hypersensitive people.

Possible complications and their treatment

Bacterial infection in an open wound on the knee

Abrasions may cause blood poisoning or tissue inflammation. Occasionally, hematomas occur near the site of impact, which cause increased pain. All complications can be prevented, but if they have already appeared, it is necessary to treat the area of ​​abrasions on the knees as early as possible and treat them according to all the above rules. Then there will be no consequences (scarring, potholes, pigmentation of the epidermis).

Possible complications:

  • sepsis;
  • infectious inflammation;
  • necrosis;
  • severe scarring.

The most dangerous complication is sepsis. This is blood poisoning. If the disease is not detected in time and the infection is not prevented, sepsis can lead to amputation. Measures to prevent it are described below, but how to cure an infection that has already begun?

You definitely need to contact a specialist. He will prescribe the necessary treatment measures: special medications, blood transfusions. If necessary, the blood in a certain area of ​​the body will be purified (purification is carried out by bloodletting and transfusion). All inflamed areas of tissue will be removed, and if serious tissue and cartilage centers are inflamed, long-term therapy will be started, which will preserve the tissue.

Inflammation is also dangerous. It occurs when dirt gets into the wound. Along with foreign particles, harmful bacteria are also introduced. They lead to tissue death, redness of the skin, increased temperature, and swelling. Bacteria can grow on the wound due to infrequent dressing changes, as a result of the wounds having to get wet frequently. This condition can be treated with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory ointments, bactericidal dressings and antiseptics. In case of severe suppuration, part of the affected skin is removed.

Necrosis is a consequence of infection or suppuration. With necrosis, tissues permanently lose their functions. If you immobilize the injured leg for a long time, a bedsore can lead to necrosis (on 2-3 days). With mild necrosis, tissues are restored through natural regeneration, although scar formation is possible. With severe necrotic changes, scars are guaranteed to appear, and reconstructive surgical procedures are often necessary.

Severe scarring is not a complication, but a consequence of improper wound care. It does not threaten health, but spoils the appearance of the leg. To prevent the formation of large scars, it is necessary not to tear off the crust from the healing lesion, and treat the abrasion with healing compounds.

There are special creams to hide existing scars. They are prescribed to patients after surgery, but are sold without a prescription. The only drawback is the high price.

How to prevent complications

Do not scratch wounds so as not to disturb the layer of connective tissue

It is almost impossible to cure abrasions on the knee quickly. Many patients forget about this and 1-2 days after receiving an injury, when it has not yet fully healed, they stop following the rules of wound hygiene. This approach, as well as improper treatment and insufficiently frequent bandage changes lead to complications.

Preventing negative consequences is much easier than curing them. Basic rules for reducing the risk of complications:

  1. It is necessary to change dressings as often as possible and use only sterile materials. Then the likelihood of bacterial growth will be minimized.
  2. You can't keep the wound closed all the time. At least at home, during sleep, when the risk of contamination is minimal, the bandage should be removed.
  3. If the wound is deep, a purulent crust has formed, and the wound area begins to hurt severely, you should consult a doctor.
  4. Do not scratch the wound, tear off the scab, or disturb the layer of connective tissue. This will cause scarring and increase the chance of infection; a purulent sore may develop.
  5. If possible, you should avoid using home remedies. It is cheaper and easier to buy simple medications against abrasions (baby cream) and antiseptics (iodine, peroxide).

How long will it take for a wound to heal if the skin is deeply torn off? You can get rid of pain symptoms in 1-2 hours. It will not be possible to heal the wound itself with lightning speed; it will take 2-14 days.

Proper wound hygiene, timely change of bandages, and frequent treatment of abrasions with healing compounds will help you recover from injury as quickly as possible. Particular attention should be paid to young patients who are at greatest risk of inflammation. They must be under parental supervision at all times.

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When receiving a wound of any nature, the most important point is to prevent possible tissue infection, which will significantly complicate treatment and increase the healing period of the injury.

If infection has occurred and an active purulent-inflammatory process is observed, it is important to know what measures should be taken to correct this situation.

What to do if the wound has festered, how to treat a festered wound, what ointments can be used and how to treat a purulent injury at home - you will learn more about all this by reading this article.

Signs of an infectious process in a wound

It is important to remember that any wound received, regardless of its type, size and severity, is considered infected with harmful microorganisms. The only exception here is injuries resulting from surgical interventions and operations, since they immediately undergo the necessary treatment and are therefore considered sterile.

When an infection develops that gets into the wound along with a traumatic object or from the environment, certain signs can be observed. In particular, at the early stage of development of an anaerobic infection, severe intense pain appears at the site of injury, creating a feeling of tissue distension. In this case, pain may appear unexpectedly, seemingly against the general background of the patient’s normal condition and relative well-being. Such pain can manifest itself in a different period, which can range from several hours after treatment of the injury to 1 – 2 days.

The nature of the pain differs in intensity and persistence, such sensations cannot be eliminated by any medications. The pain persists even after the bandages are removed or loosened, it becomes exhausting, constant, and disturbs the patient’s sleep and peace.

Some time after infection, pronounced swelling begins to appear at the wound site, occurring in the direction from the peripheral part of the purulent-type injury to its center, while the surface of the tissue becomes either sharply pale or purplish-bluish in color.

The phenomenon of tissue crepitus may occur when gases begin to accumulate in them. Clinical signs of toxic-infectious shock gradually begin to appear.

In some cases, signs of infection may be smooth, not indicating the presence of an obvious pathological process. In this case, to clarify the diagnosis and identify the development of infection, a special bacteriological study is carried out.

What to do if the wound is festering

The goal of treating a purulent wound in which suppuration is observed is always to remove from it not only protruding pus, but also dead tissue.

Before starting to treat a wound, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water., as well as monitor the cleanliness and sterility of all materials and instruments used. Hands can be treated with an antiseptic, after which medical disposable gloves should be worn.

Bandages, as well as gauze for liners in dressings and gauze napkins, must be sterile. This condition is mandatory. Instruments used for dressing must be sterilized.

After removing the dirty bandage from the damaged area and carrying out the initial cleaning of pus, the gloves must be changed. After this, you should use tweezers to take a gauze napkin, soak it in iodine, and treat the surface of the skin around the wound several times. This measure is necessary to prevent re-infection of the injured area with bacteria and microbes located on the surface of the skin.

After washing and cleaning, you should apply a special ointment that belongs to the antibacterial category and has an antimicrobial effect, for example, Solcoseryl, composition. The ointment is applied directly to the surface of the wound, covered with a sterile gauze pad, which is attached with pieces of plaster or a sterile bandage.

Treatment of purulent wounds always involves proper and regular treatment., changing dressings, as well as applying specialized ointments to the wound site. Treatment should be as intense as possible, so it is important to carry out treatments and change dressings every 4 to 6 hours.

Preparations for the treatment of festering wounds

The main means of treating purulent wounds are specialized ointments, which have special requirements in medicine.

Means for the treatment of purulent wounds should:

  • Effectively destroy infections located inside the injury.
  • Slow down and completely stop the development of the inflammation process.
  • Clean wounds from secreted pus, as well as dead areas of damaged tissue.

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  • Form a reliable barrier that protects the wound from the penetration of various harmful microorganisms from the environment.
  • Do not interfere with the removal of pus. Purulent formations must have a free exit.

When treating at the first stage of the recovery process, starting approximately from the third day after receiving the wound, it is recommended to use water-based ointments, for example, Sulfamekol, Levomekol, and Dioxin at a concentration of 5%. In addition, after cleaning and treating the wounded areas, ointments are applied, the purpose of which is to stop the growth and spread of bacteria, as well as to accelerate tissue regeneration processes.

It is important that the ointments applied accelerate the granulation process. You can also use, for example, Tetracycline or Gentamicin.

Ointments that have a combined effect are also used in treatment, capable of not only eliminating the existing inflammatory and infectious process, but also stimulating the healing of damage. Such remedies include the well-known Vishnevsky ointment, Oxycyclosol, and Levomethoxin. The application of such drugs under medicinal dressings stimulates faster scar formation.

Often, in the treatment of purulent wounds, ordinary Ichthyol ointment is used, which has a budget cost and excellent effectiveness. It has a pronounced antiseptic effect and has an analgesic effect on damaged tissue. In addition, ointment with ichthyol has anti-inflammatory properties.

An important point is that this drug, when applied to wounds, does not enter the general bloodstream, and therefore does not have a systemic effect and does not affect the entire body. Such properties of the drug allow it to be used even in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women.

Traditional methods for treating purulent wounds

How to treat a festering wound at home:

When to see a doctor

You should consult a doctor for help if you receive any fairly serious injury to the skin and soft tissues.

Of course, minor injuries, such as ordinary household cuts with a kitchen knife when cooking, scratches and other minor injuries, can be treated at home yourself, using the right products and timely treatment of wounds. But for more serious injuries, you should consult a doctor.

Seeing a doctor is mandatory if signs of inflammation, pain, tissue swelling, severe redness and the formation of pus begin to appear in the wound.

What to do if the wound festers and does not heal for a long time? If in this case the patient’s condition worsens, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Children actively explore this world. And in the process of this learning, falls are inevitable. Kids fall when running, during active games, sports, or while walking. Therefore, every mother needs to know what and how to treat wounds and abrasions on the baby’s body after a fall. We will talk about this in this article.

What is the danger?

The main danger of wounds received by a child after a fall is possible infection. Many bacteria that live quite harmlessly on human skin and in his intestines can become aggressive if they enter an environment deprived of oxygen and sufficiently humid and warm. The wound is just such an environment. The injury itself is not as dangerous as its infection with staphylococci, streptococci or other microbes.

If a small superficial wound becomes infected, suppuration and inflammation may occur. If a deep wound becomes infected, then the likelihood of developing a general infection in the bloodstream - sepsis - increases significantly.

Much depends on where the child fell from and where. The most dangerous falls are those in which the wound becomes heavily contaminated - on the soil, on the asphalt, as well as wounds caused by sharp objects at the bottom of the reservoir. Together with dirt or water, pathogenic bacteria penetrate into the child’s body through damaged skin much faster.

The most common injuries caused by falls in children are the elbows, knees, face, and head. The closer the wound is to the brain and important nerve nodes, the more dangerous it is. Thus, a wound on the face is always worse than a wound on the leg.

First aid

If a child falls from a bicycle or lands unsuccessfully while getting off a swing in the yard, there is no need to panic - all children without exception fall, and therefore, instead of blaming yourself and other adults for inattention to the child, it is important to concentrate on something else - try to find out how serious the situation is.

First of all, you should calm the baby and inspect the wound. Assess its depth, degree of contamination, note the presence of torn edges, and profuse bleeding.

For an external abrasion or shallow wound, you should rinse the skin with cool running water, treat it with hydrogen peroxide and any aniline dye that you have at home, preferably “green paint,” since it can have a detrimental effect even on staphylococcus, which is difficult to destroy with anything.

If the choice is made on a solution of brilliant green, then it is important to remember that brilliant green is not used to lubricate an open wound. Only the edges of the wound and the skin around it should be treated with dye.

Instead of hydrogen peroxide, which causes quite a strong tingling sensation in the area of ​​injury, you can use chlorhexidine solution. After this, a dry sterile bandage is applied to the abrasion. If the wound is small, then it will be enough to apply it for an hour and a half, then remove it and leave the wound to dry.

If, for some reason, the child did not receive DPT or TAD vaccinations, which have an antitetanus component, before the fall, it makes sense to go to the emergency room to carry out emergency tetanus prophylaxis.

If the wound is deep, then it should not be touched at home, it is best to quickly take the child to the nearest emergency room, after applying a tight sterile bandage to stop the bleeding. At home, it is not possible to completely clean a deep wound, whereas in a hospital, surgeons will quickly and efficiently clean the wound from soil and sand, and also apply stitches if necessary. Such a need is sometimes important even from a cosmetic point of view, because the scar that remains after spontaneous healing of a deep wound on the face will later cause the child a lot of suffering.

Sometimes it is necessary to administer anti-tetanus serum to a child to prevent infection with tetanus bacillus, especially if the child is injured in a rural area, the soil of which is “rich” with dormant tetanus bacillus, which are impatiently “waiting” to find themselves in a favorable environment.

If a child receives a wound on the head or face, it is better not to refuse medical help. Even a small cut or abrasion on the head may be just the tip of the iceberg. Upon inspection, the unpleasant fact of receiving a traumatic brain injury or concussion may become clear. The wound should be washed, the hair around it (if it is on the head) cut off, washed with an antiseptic and go to the doctor at the nearest emergency room. All injuries to the facial area require mandatory examination by a surgeon., even small cuts sometimes require sutures or staples for more even scarring, so that the baby’s face is not spoiled by scars.

As part of first aid, you should not apply too tight bandages to wounds caused by a fall, so as not to disrupt the blood supply to adjacent tissues. Children are prohibited from treating wounds with alcohol or vodka. Firstly, this is pure sadism, since such treatment will cause severe burning pain, and secondly, alcohol has virtually no effect on such a dangerous microbe as staphylococcus, and therefore the use of such cruel first aid methods is simply unjustified.

A child should not put ice on a wound. If an abrasion or wound is accompanied by swelling, for example, on the knee, it is important to apply ice so that the wound area remains open, and then show the child to a traumatologist to exclude fractures, cracks and other injuries.

As part of first aid, you can use antibacterial drugs in powders - “Baneocin” or streptocide powder. But it is better to avoid applying antibiotic ointment, at least until complications, inflammation or examination by a doctor occurs.

Preparations for the home first aid kit

In order not to run to the pharmacy after a child suddenly falls, you should make sure in advance that your home medicine cabinet contains all the necessary supplies for first aid and subsequent treatment. For emergency help you will need:

    sterile bandage;

    gauze swabs;

    hydrogen peroxide;


    "Baneocin" (powder);

    streptocide powder.

After the bandage is removed, and for a small wound this will happen within an hour and a half, it will be important to carefully monitor how healing is progressing. If signs of inflammation, suppuration, or a weeping wound that does not heal for a long time appear, treatment will be needed.


A wound after a fall that does not heal for a long time should be shown to a doctor. Treatment consists of treating the wound with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine), followed by applying antibiotic ointments (Levomekol or Erythromycin ointment), and sterile bandaging. Dressings are done to the child 1-2 times a day. In difficult cases, if there is a possibility of infection, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics orally in the form of a suspension or capsules (depending on the type of pathogen and the age of the baby).

During treatment, it is useful to give the child vitamin complexes, which contain a fairly high content of vitamins B6 and B12, as well as vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamins A and E, which are involved in the metabolic processes of the skin.

At the final stage of treatment, when the wound has already healed, you can use products that promote the resorption and smoothing of scar tissue to reduce the scar. Such ointments include “Kontaktubex”. This is very important when treating the consequences of wounds on the face, on the lip, on any open part of the body, in order to minimize the negative consequences from a cosmetic point of view.

A purulent wound must be examined by a doctor, even if it occupies a very small area, for example, on a baby’s finger after falling on a sharp object or after being pricked with scissors. Treatment in this case will be similar, but the doctor will evaluate the condition of the wound and consider the possibility of surgical cleaning.

Not all wounds can be treated at home. Deep complicated and festering injuries may require systemic use of antibiotics and careful monitoring of the child’s condition in a hospital setting.

    Treating the wound after a fall with an antiseptic should be done exactly as a rinse. Lubrication with cotton swabs is prohibited, as is cotton wool in general, because fibers can remain in the wound. If you need to use a tampon, it is better to make it from gauze.

    Do not lubricate a wet wound after a fall with iodine. This drug causes additional burns to already injured tissues.

    Such a favorite remedy for mothers as baby cream is not suitable for treating wounds resulting from a fall. It creates a dense, airtight film on the surface of an abrasion or wound and prevents normal healing. The best remedy for abrasions is a flow of fresh air and sterility.

    The first time after healing, it is important to remember that the skin that formed at the site of injury is thinner and more vulnerable than neighboring areas of the epidermis that were not injured. Therefore, you should in every possible way avoid falling and injuring this new skin again, since it will be deeper and more serious than it was the first time.

    To prevent abrasions and wounds, you should carefully monitor your child while walking; when buying a bicycle or roller skates as a gift for a child, you must ensure that the baby has protective devices that, if they do not completely protect you from all injuries, then at least minimize consequences of a fall.

To learn how to properly treat a child’s wound, watch the following video.

Bruises occur with bruises, when the skin is intact, small vessels are damaged, and interstitial hemorrhage occurs. After a bruise, you should apply ice or a cold compress as soon as possible to stop the bruise from growing. If there is a bruise or hematoma is too large, sometimes surgery is required to remove the accumulated fluid. For normal bruises, a cold compress is sufficient. Every other day, for faster resorption of the hematoma, you need to apply an iodine mesh to it or lubricate it with a cream containing arnica, rutin, and heparin. The iodine mesh is suitable for any part of the body, except for the black eye, the rest is also suitable for the face

Step 2

Shallow abrasions occur when the skin is damaged. They should be washed with warm water and soap, and any dirt that has fallen on the damaged surface should be removed. For shallow abrasions, hydrogen peroxide, a weak manganese solution of a pale pink color, is suitable. Next, the abrasions are treated with brilliant green, baneocin, or another drug with a similar effect. If the abrasions are not deep, then it is better to leave them open so that there is air access. This way they will heal faster.

Step 3

Deep abrasions You should also treat with a solution of potassium permanganate, only a stronger one, you can use a solution of furatsilin, it is also suitable to use baneocin, which contains a combination of antibiotics and is a bactericidal drug, and is suitable for use even by infants. Next, apply a gauze bandage made of sterile materials for several days until the abrasions begin to heal. The dressing should be changed at least once every 2 days. During the initial treatment of the injury, pay attention to whether any particles of foreign bodies (glass, splinters, etc.) remain in the wound. In this case, it is better to go to the emergency room to clean the wound. Observe that the wound does not fester. For better healing, you can continue to use baneocin or levomikol ointment.

Step 4

If there is a significant area of ​​skin damage or sufficiently deep wounds, immediately contact emergency room. There they will provide qualified assistance, treat the wound according to all the rules and do tetanus injection, which is necessary to avoid such a nuisance as tetanus (tetanus is an acute infectious disease that causes damage to the nervous system, convulsions and severe complications).

Bruises, scratches and abrasions are an integral part of every person’s life. This is especially true for people who play sports, as well as children who, due to age and increased activity, constantly play, fall and get injured. The most common type of superficial wounds are abrasions. Of course, they do not pose a great threat to life and health, but if an infection gets into the wound, the healing process of the abrasion will be complicated. Therefore, every person should know how to properly treat abrasions and cure abrasions at home.

An abrasion is a mechanical injury that occurs due to a blow with a blunt object, a fall, a blow, etc. When an abrasion occurs, only the top layer of skin (epidermis) is damaged. The red spot left at the injury site may bleed or swell, so it should be treated immediately. The general ones also apply to abrasions: the main thing is to disinfect the damaged area and stop the bleeding.

Having received an abrasion, a person feels pain, burning, bleeding, the intensity of which depends on the depth of the abrasion. If the damage is not severe, then you can cure the abrasion at home easily and quickly. If there is severe bleeding that does not stop, or the person’s body temperature rises, or the abrasion suppurates, then in such cases it is necessary to seek specialized medical help.

Methods for treating abrasions at home.

To heal an abrasion quickly and effectively, follow the rules below:

  • The first thing to do is wash the abrasions. If the contamination is not severe, use running water. In case of severe contamination, it is necessary to treat the abrasion with an antiseptic solution. This can be a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, a 2% alcohol solution of boric acid, potassium permanganate, etc. If you don’t have the necessary antiseptics on hand, use a soap solution. To avoid tissue burns, do not use iodine and brilliant green to treat the wound itself;
  • Apply a pressure bandage to the injury site to help stop bleeding. Please note that the bandage must be sterile. Use cotton wool or gauze for this;
  • Do not apply a patch to the abrasion, and do not immediately use ointments. In order for the abrasion to heal quickly, it is necessary to keep it open for treatment;
  • Take hot baths 2-3 times a day. Just add sea salt to the water. This will help the abrasion heal faster;
  • Use a germicidal patch. But change it every day for a new one or leave the abrasion open;
  • Neosporin, Bactin are antibacterial ointments that can be used in case of poor healing of an abrasion.

How to treat abrasions on the hands.

It is very easy to get an abrasion on your hand while doing daily household chores, at work, or while walking. Children most often receive abrasions on their elbows and palms.

To treat abrasions on the elbows and palms, it is recommended to wash the wound with antiseptics and stop the bleeding by applying a pressure bandage or cotton swab for 10-15 minutes. This is usually enough to leave bleeding after an abrasion. If it is necessary to treat an abrasion on a child’s hand, then use aqueous solutions of an antiseptic; they do not cause a burning sensation. Please note that in case of severe bleeding, if the bandage is soaked in blood, do not tear it off your hand. The best way is to soak it at home or with hydrogen peroxide.

Since abrasions on the fingers and palms are at risk of infection, it is better not to leave them open. Use a germicidal patch or bandage the abrasion to keep dirt out. To speed up tissue regeneration, use ointments, but they must be applied to already dried abrasions.

How to treat abrasions on the legs.

Each of us at least once in our lives has fallen off a bicycle or received an abrasion while roller skating. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Therefore, before the onset of the summer season, it is very important to find out what methods exist for treating knee abrasions at home. After all, the knees are the most vulnerable place when falling or getting hit.

As mentioned above, to ensure proper treatment, it is necessary to clean the abrasion area of ​​contaminants. This is necessary in order to prevent the development of infection due to bacteria. Next, apply a sterile bandage and rest your leg. To make a knee abrasion heal faster, try to move it as little as possible.

Traditional medicine is also an effective remedy for treating abrasions on the legs. For example, lavender oil can be used as an antiseptic to treat abrasions on the knees. An excellent remedy for stopping bleeding is cayenne pepper; apply a small amount of cayenne pepper to the abrasion. To stop a bacterial infection from developing, use honey or tea tree oil.

If an abrasion on the knees does not heal for a long time, then an oil balm is used for treatment. To make it, you need to take equal quantities of crushed pine needles and butter. Mix thoroughly and apply 2-3 times a day to the abrasion until it heals.

How to treat facial abrasions.

The face, of course, is one of the most vulnerable places. Getting an abrasion is not only unsightly, but also very painful. This is explained by the fact that there are many nerve endings on the face, and the vessels located under the thin skin and softer tissues allow bruises on the face to develop faster. And if a person has received a microtrauma, then he wants to heal the abrasion on his face as soon as possible, because it is quite difficult to disguise it.

Firstly, do not forget about first aid for facial abrasions. This is washing with water, treating with an antiseptic and stopping the bleeding. Secondly, use various ointments for quick healing. The most effective are Bepanten, Actovegin and Panthenol. They can be applied several times a day. You can also use Astroderm cream; it not only promotes rapid healing of facial abrasions thanks to vitamins and natural ingredients in its composition, but also has a cosmetic effect.

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