Is it easy to pass the theoretical and practical exam in the traffic police using age-old folk wisdom?

If you know some rules, you can pass the exams without any problems. Exams are taken in three periods:

  • theoretical part;
  • at the race track;
  • in the city.

Computer for passing the theory exam

  • concentration: press computer buttons correctly;
  • restraint: do not wave your arms so as not to accidentally press an unnecessary button;
  • tact: do not anger the examiners with your behavior;
  • do not take sedatives, they have side effects: lethargy;
  • try to be in the first stream, when the auto examiners are not yet tired;
  • choose suitable shoes and clothes;
  • take a few things with you;
  • do not follow instructions that do not comply with the rules;
  • don't panic, even if there is criticism.

How to sign up for the traffic police exam

There are several ways to sign up to take the exam at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate:

  1. Full-time. You must personally come to the MREO with a statement. There you can also find out the schedule for taking exams at the traffic police.
  2. Using the public services portal to take the traffic police exam.
  3. Passing exams with a driving school.

Tickets for passing the exam at the traffic police

Ignorance of traffic rules does not relieve responsibility if they are violated. Therefore, studying theory comes first. Tickets for taking the exam at the traffic police can be purchased:

  • in printed edition (sold in bookstores);
  • download on the Internet;
  • found on training sites.

On such sites you can take training for passing the traffic police exam online.
Attention! Tickets must comply with the edition dated July 12, 2017.
Total tickets – 40 pcs. There are 20 questions on the ticket. If the answer to a question is incorrect, then 5 more questions are added and an additional time of 5 minutes is given. You can't go wrong with additional questions. Only 2 errors are allowed on one ticket, no more.

The computer exam is carried out in a special room

Passing the theory to the traffic police is limited to 30 minutes. Computer testing is carried out in a special room. Tickets are standard and the same for all of Russia. To pass the test you need to know:

  • ways to drive safely on roads;
  • providing first aid in case of an accident;
  • important theses for the approval of a vehicle for use;
  • driver's obligation: civil, administrative, criminal.

Recent exam rules:

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation can obtain licenses in any region of Russia.
  • A driver with experience driving a vehicle with an automatic transmission does not have the right to drive a car with a manual transmission without a license mark.
  • Passing one third of the exam lasts for 6 months.
  • After the first failure, retaking the exam is allowed only after 7 days and further: after 14, 44, 74, 104, 134, 164 days.
  • Auto examiners must have a VO and a driving category for this exam, at least 25 years of age, and have 5 years of driving experience.
  • It is permissible to submit an application electronically or on the State Services website.
  • Disabled people take exams on machines with special equipment.
  • Exams can be taken by minors from the age of sixteen with the written consent of their parents or guardians.
  • To obtain , Tm, Tb subcategory D1, you must be over 21 years old.
  • To obtain categories: BE, CE, DE, drivers with car categories B, C, D and with at least 1 year of driving experience are allowed.
  • It is permitted to videotape exams to resolve disputes.

Required documents to pass the traffic police exam

You will also need to provide the following documents:

To pass the exam, you must provide a whole package of documents to the traffic police.

  • personal passport;
  • driver's license (if available);
  • personal statement;
  • conclusion of the medical commission;
  • confirmation of training in a driving school;
  • minors over 16 years of age - written permission from parents or guardians;
  • Receipt of payment.

How much does it cost to take the traffic police exam:

  • 2000 rub. – plastic document;
  • 500 rub. - paper carrier;
  • 800 rub. – temporary rights;
  • 1600 rub. – international law.

Passing your driving test

After passing the theory, it is time to pass the practical exam, or, more simply put, driving a vehicle. And if the examinee is nervous, then this indicates his lack of confidence. A well-prepared, confident student will cope with all tasks.
According to the new regulations, the exams have the following modifications:

A well-prepared, confident student will cope with all tasks.

  • all exercises are performed in one trip;
  • 10 minutes are given for one execution;
  • any mistake is equivalent to failing the exam;
  • no scores, but a clear description of cases of failure to pass the exam;
  • There are cones installed at the training ground, which are lower than the flags and are difficult to see;
  • distances have become more stringent. If you should stop from the stop line after 1 meter, then failure to comply even by 5 cm is not a surrender.

But don't be discouraged. You just need to read the necessary literature, textbooks, and master all the intricacies of driving, especially in the city. Before the exam, practice with a stopwatch, count by minute how much time it takes to do this or that exercise. During the driving period there should be maximum concentration.

Exercises on the circuit

All tasks start from the starting line using first gear. They end at the finish line by disengaging the clutch, placing the gear lever in neutral and putting the car on the handbrake.

How to correctly complete tasks at the training ground:

Snake exercise on the race track

Orientation to marks on the site, wheels and mirrors. Turn the steering wheel to the right until the line on which the cones are installed is crossed. Then, immediately turn the steering wheel to the left, etc., moving towards the finishing contour.

Exercise slide on the race track

Drive to stop limit 1, press the clutch and stop. Without removing your feet from the pedals, put the car on the handbrake. Start off on an uphill slope. Drive half a meter to stop line 2 and stop the vehicle.
The exercise - an overpass on a race track - should be performed at 2000 rpm.

Exercise driving into a garage at a race track

The exercise of entering a garage at a race track is one of the most difficult.

The exercise of entering a garage at a race track is one of the most difficult for examinees, so many people begin to get nervous before performing it. You need to calm down, because enough time is given to complete this exercise.

First you need to go to the first cone, which marks the wall of the building. Turn the steering wheel to the left and continue driving. If two cones, called the beginning and end of the box, are reflected in the left mirror, turn the steering wheel to the right. Align the wheels. Squeeze the clutch and start driving in reverse. Stop when the first cones are in front of the front wing.

Exercise parking on a race track

In order to pass the parking exercise on a race track, you need to have a good feel for the dimensions of the car.

Drive forward, stop, the left front cone should be behind the right rear wheel. Depress the clutch and drive in reverse, keeping the steering wheel slightly to the right. Once the line between the front and rear cones is crossed, stop. Turn the steering wheel to the left as much as possible and use reverse. Stop the car exactly between the cones.

U-turn at the race track

The exercise is performed in a limited space: the length is three car bodies and one 1 m, the width is two car bodies. The idle time in front of the start line should not be more than 30 seconds. Start of movement: the right front wheel should be at the edge of the platform. Turn the steering wheel as far as possible to the left. Start moving towards the opposite side. Stop, turn the steering wheel all the way to the right. Next, drive in reverse.

Passing your driving test in the city

First of all, for this you need to practice well. It is difficult to simultaneously remember the procedure, evaluate the conditions on the road and follow the instructions of the auto examiner. All information must be learned before the exam and be in the head and in muscle memory. At least 32 hours of driving practice is required.

To pass the city driving test, you must have at least 32 hours of driving practice.

  • adjust the seat to suit you;
  • adjust mirrors;
  • your feet should be able to reach the pedals freely;
  • fasten your seat belt (always and everywhere, including at the race track);
  • start driving, observing traffic rules, taking into account road signs and the situation on the road;
  • You shouldn’t line up behind the trolleybus, it will stop at a stop and you’ll have to move to the left lane.


After reading this article, it becomes clear how to pass the traffic police exams the first time. In order not to get stuck and do everything correctly, you need to devote a lot of time to practice. And, of course, you need to be very careful on the roads.

On social networks and specialized forums, there are constantly complaints about difficulties when passing the city driving test. We are all different people, so for some it is a problem to pass the theoretical traffic rules exam, for others the “platform” presents difficulties, for others driving in the city is an insurmountable obstacle.

Let's immediately note the option of purchasing both city driving itself and purchasing a license in general.
At least because…

  • … it is illegal
  • ..., and driving both on the site and in the city is quite possible for anyone if a person really has the appropriate desire.

In addition, a smart driver will not deliberately violate the Law. And not at all out of fear of possible punishment “if caught,” but out of the understanding that the Law is the Law, and it is reasonable to fulfill it.

How I prepared for my driving test

I must say that by the time I passed the traffic rules exam, I was already driving a car quite well, competently and confidently. However, like anyone, even someone who knows the subject well, there was noticeable anxiety before the exam. And if there is excitement, then the likelihood of making some stupid mistake increases many times over.

Therefore, I decided to overcome my anxiety in advance so that I could show up for driving knowing all the pitfalls of this test. Moreover, the teacher warned us at one of the last exams that our driving test would be “a beast, not an examiner who brings everyone down”! In addition, I took the traffic rules exam in 1995, during a time of great chaos and lawlessness both in Russia and in the traffic police. Therefore, before the exam I really wanted to “spread a straw for myself.”

How did I “lay my straw”?

  1. I learned from our teacher the route that I would have to take during the exam. Fortunately, the examiners, without bothering themselves too much, accept driving around the city along the same route.
    There are other options.
    In many traffic police examination centers, route diagrams are posted on special stands and are available to everyone.
    As a last resort, you can find out the route from those who have already taken it. You need to go to the driving test place the day before and ask those who have already “arrived” about the route, about where and what the instructor failed them on. Very useful information.
  2. On the last Sunday before the exams, I took a notepad, a pen, got on my favorite bike and rode to the traffic police building. It made me move along the route of taking the driving test as if I were driving a car.
    However, points 2, 3, 4 can be done on foot, or by car with a relative or friend. If you go by car, you can film the entire route so you can watch and repeat it at home.
  3. I drove in small sections, stopping every minute to remember, write down and sketch the location of signs, traffic lights, markings, places to change lanes before a turn or U-turn, places where stopping is prohibited, etc. At the same time, mentally imagining what I will have to do in the exam at this point.
  4. After I drove and studied the route for the first time, I made a few more circles, observing all the requirements of signs, traffic lights, and markings as if I were actually driving a car.

It is clear that after such preparation, I knew the route of the upcoming driving test, which is called “up and down”. And if so, then the excitement has gone somewhere. I just already knew how everything was going to happen and what awaited me at what point in the race. That is, practically eliminated all sorts of accidents and surprises.

The day of the exam has arrived

One of the interlocutors answers the author of the question:
Maybe you can somehow hand over the “city” yourself, but it’s unlikely. Because the inspectors are trying to overwhelm you, to get to the bottom of all sorts of nonsense. You also have to wait for hours for the exam to start, worry, and still not even have the opportunity to just have a snack!

We arrived to take the exam at the traffic police at 9 o'clock in the morning. The foyer and corridors of the examination center were packed with people like a barrel of herring. Some were going to take theory, some were going to take practice, some were going to receive documents. In general, everything looked hopeless and sad. Many were very worried, stressing themselves out and unnerving those around them. The situation became even more unpleasant when we were told that our driving group was third in line. That is, we will have to hang around in the stuffy room of the center for several hours.

“Walking along the flight path”

Military pilots have this term: “walking in the air,” when pilots, before flying on the ground with model airplanes in their hands, imitate the flight and all upcoming actions in the air. To avoid wasting time in a stuffy room, I decided to do like the pilots. I went with the first group that started taking the driving test that day.

Of course, I didn’t give it up. But he clarified a lot about the exam. I asked the guys how the instructor behaved, what his mood was, where and what he was doing. At the same time, I walked the entire route again, repeating everything I had learned the day before on Sunday.
We didn't have cell phones back then. It's easier now. You can arrange with someone from the group to call you if something changes and you need to return urgently.

I returned to the traffic police examination center just in time, having walked in the fresh air, repeated the route and, most importantly, finally calmed down. It is clear that I passed the driving test, as well as the entire traffic rules test, as they say, without a hitch, and in the evening, as a full-fledged driver, I went to my car behind the wheel.

In conclusion, I want to say the following. You need to prepare for any exams. And preparation, like any business in principle, should be approached creatively. Because if you think carefully in advance, preparing for any exam can be simplified and even... You just need to figure out how.

“Knots” for memory:

  • Excitement is conquered by knowledge
  • Prepare for the exam creatively
  • Study the route in advance

Many people want to get a driver's license as quickly as possible, but not everyone succeeds quickly. It's all because of the constant retakes. Therefore, next we will look at how to pass the traffic police exam the first time.

In what order do the exams take place?

First, let's look at the procedure for passing the exams. It consists of 3 stages:

  1. The procedure for passing the theoretical part on a computer. At this stage, knowledge of traffic rules and the presence of navigation skills in difficult situations are identified. The cadet is given a ticket containing 20 questions. There are 40 tickets in total, which are adjusted annually. A list of questions relevant for a particular year is presented in specialized literature (can be purchased at any bookstore). The permissible number of errors is 2. If there are 3 or more, the examinee is given 5 additional questions, which must be answered within 5 minutes. They need to be solved without errors. Otherwise, the exam is considered failed and a retake procedure is assigned. Please note: in most regions of the Russian Federation, you need to pay a fixed amount for each retake (depending on the region).
  2. Testing theoretical skills at the race track. At this stage, basic driving skills are assessed. The examinee must complete 5 exercises on the site (snake, parallel parking, entering the garage and turning around).
  3. The last stage is the city. The essence of the exam is to travel around the city together with an inspector. It will evaluate your ability to park, change lanes, and other driving skills. Also, a traffic police representative can ask a question about your knowledge of traffic rules at any time. Therefore, having successfully passed the theoretical part, you should not immediately forget the traffic rules of the Russian Federation.

It is almost impossible to pass the driving test without mistakes the first time. However, knowing some tricks, you can increase your chances. Next, we will consider recommendations for each stage of the exam.

Theoretical part

  • Learn all the rules of the road. It is on them that the emphasis is placed when composing questions. At the same time, it is necessary not only to learn them, but also to understand them.
  • It is advisable to own a computer. The theoretical part is passed in the form of computer testing. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult for people who are comfortable with a computer to answer questions, since being in front of a monitor causes slight discomfort.
  • Read the questions carefully. Often people make mistakes due to the fact that they incorrectly interpreted the question posed. What makes the situation worse is that the ticket may contain several similar questions.
  • Take your time to respond as quickly as possible. The time allocated for the exam is enough to think about each question.
  • Practice as much as possible before the exam. You can take the test online for free on the Internet. This allows you to evaluate your skills and learn to calculate your strength in relation to the time available. This will teach you how to rationally calculate your time.
  • Don't try to ask those sitting next to you for a hint. In most cases, such actions do not bring any benefit; they will only make you distracted and waste valuable time.


According to statistics, people have the least problems with passing the practical part at the race track. However, to increase your chances, follow these simple tips:

  • Don't rush into completing this part just so you can start driving around the city faster. You must initially practice all the exercises until they become automatic, and only then sign up for the exam.
  • Don't move too fast. Many, in order to prove that they are good drivers, begin to perform exercises at high speed. This is the wrong tactic as it can lead to mistakes. It is best to move slowly (idling) - this way you will protect yourself from making mistakes. At the same time, you should not drive too slowly - this may prompt the inspector to think that you do not have enough skills and experience.
  • Work with side mirrors when performing boxing and snake exercises. This will allow you to more accurately feel the dimensions of the car and prevent fatal mistakes.
  • When performing the exercise of entering a box and parallel parking, you need to park the car as level as possible. Of course, uneven positioning of the car is not a serious mistake due to which the exam will be considered failed, but if there are any other minor flaws, it can play a decisive role in shaping the final result.


We move on to the most difficult stage - driving around the city. Its main difficulty is that a person cannot know exactly what awaits him. Often, inspectors deliberately create ambiguous situations to test how a person will behave.

Example: the inspector may ask to park in a certain place, but when the order is completed, the examinee will receive bad news - the exam has not been passed. The reason is that in the place where the inspector asked to park the car, parking is prohibited.

To cope with this stage, follow these simple recommendations:

  • Repeat the traffic rules. To make the right decision in a given situation, you need to thoroughly know the rules of the road (sections: changing lanes, turning, overtaking and crossing intersections). During training riding (with an instructor), it is recommended to constantly ask him which maneuver is best to perform.
  • To pass practical driving around the city, the traffic police in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation selects a specific route. If the city is large, there may be several of them (for each district). Therefore, before taking the exam, it is recommended to thoroughly study the area where the exam will take place. In particular, it is necessary to inspect all signs and traffic lights, and also remember all places where parking is prohibited.
  • Be calm and respond appropriately to criticism. The inspector may express his comments in a rude manner. Even in this case, you should not react sharply to them - this will reduce the chances of success, since the final verdict is made by the inspector and personal motives may tip the scales against you. Some inspectors deliberately create conflict situations in order to assess how a driver will behave in a state of nervous excitement.
  • There is no need to rush to demonstrate your vehicle driving skills, as you may break the speed limit or make a mistake when performing a maneuver.
  • Be prepared for the fact that the inspector may deliberately push you to violate traffic rules. Therefore, you should not blindly obey his instructions - always adhere to traffic rules.

Video tips for passing the exam

The only effective way to pass the exam the first time is to practice as much as possible. Therefore, it is recommended to take additional driving parts to practice your skills. It would be a good idea to re-read the traffic rules and take computer testing several times.

What is the reason? Is it the poor quality of the learning process at driving schools or do you only have yourself to blame, since you didn’t prepare for the exams, hoping that “maybe I’ll pass” and your connections? Many may say that the examiners are to blame for failing students. At the same time, the State Traffic Inspectorate itself receives the heaviest burden, since a huge number of “endless students” are formed who are ready to retake and retake exams (after all, the number of retakes is not limited by law). Let's figure it out.

Driving schools and their training programs are not perfect. And that's a fact! The number of hours of practical training is not enough. Driving schools, in principle, do not have a rating (for example, based on the number of students passing the first time), which could indicate the quality of the training provided. Future drivers choose a school mainly based on location: close to home or work. Also, in Russia it is not customary to file lawsuits for poor-quality training if cadets do not pass exams the first time. Therefore, we can say that schools are not very interested in obtaining a cadet's license the first time. The main goal of driving schools is income. And the main result of the activity is the issuance of a certificate of completion of this educational institution. However, in most driving schools, classes are conducted with high quality and the success of passing largely depends on class attendance, level of self-study, diligence, own desire and personal responsibility of the cadets. So, to be honest, many would-be drivers don't feel it's necessary to participate as much as possible in the learning process. Hence the results: only 1 out of 4 students gets their license on the first try. Yes, one cannot help but mention the provocative actions of examiners in uniform. Often, they allegedly “fail” the cadets. However, if you look at it, there is no more obvious way to identify the level of knowledge of a future driver than provoking incorrect actions. First of all, you need to be honest with yourself: are you 100 percent ready to pass the test and get a driver's license?

Innovations in the 2019 exam rules

It’s no secret that the very first working days of 2019 brought Russians many serious changes at the legal level. They affected almost all areas of life: pensions, taxes, utility costs, compulsory motor liability insurance and more. In addition to the new laws adopted, from the very beginning of the new year 2019, other new, significant changes and additions to the laws began to be worked out. In particular, all motorists and novice drivers can expect changes in the procedure for taking the driver's license exam. Perhaps, by the middle of this year, all driving school cadets will take exams according to new rules, namely without “demonstration performance” on the site. The new bill involves combining the practical part of the “site - city”, in such a way that the demonstration of driving skills will take place immediately in real city traffic conditions. These innovations will apply not only to drivers of passenger vehicles, but also to everyone who wants to obtain the legal right to drive cargo, passenger and motorcycle vehicles.

Let's look at what controversial issues arise among the public, among the driving schools themselves and among the leaders of driving school associations, in connection with upcoming innovations.

Exam safety

Every instructor at any driving school will confirm that the “platform,” as an element of the driver’s license exam, plays the role of a filter. If the cadet successfully passes the test on traffic rules theory, he is allowed to take the “platform” exam. Cadets with poor knowledge of traffic rules are not allowed to take the practical part of the exam. Just like cadets who show poor results on the site cannot be admitted to the next stage “city”. It's just dangerous. At each stage, novice drivers who are not ready for the road “realities of a big city” are eliminated. Thus, the exclusion of the “platform” as a filter of driving skills may affect road safety, both for the cadet himself and for the drivers around him.

Position of the traffic police: The “platform” was introduced in those days when it was possible to take the exam externally, and was intended for self-preparation for the driving test. In 2013, the possibility of taking the exam externally was cancelled. Means, the practical purpose of the “platform” is irrelevant. After introducing innovations at the “sites,” cadets can train during the training period. The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs emphasizes that the exclusion of the “platform” from the practical part of the exam, as its separate element, will have a positive impact on the level of knowledge of cadets and will show “the level of proficiency in all driving skills in a complex in real conditions.” In addition, after combining the two parts of the exam into a single whole, the personal time of each cadet being examined and the working time of examiners - inspectors will be saved.

Opportunity to demonstrate skills in city traffic conditions

Many driving schools, their management and instructors express bewilderment about the practical component of such a 2in1 “city + site” combination. Will novice drivers be able to fully demonstrate their driving skills in urban traffic conditions, where the situation largely depends on the behavior of others? Will young drivers of freight and passenger transport be able to find a place for a “demonstration performance” on the roads of big cities? How will such exams practically proceed in the winter season, when utility workers do not have time to remove the snow in time and the roads may be blocked with snow? How safe will it be to perform the “Parallel parking in reverse” or “Reversing into a garage” exercises, given that there are other cars on the roads, often expensive ones? How will the Flyover exercise be demonstrated?

Position of the traffic police: throughout the civilized world, the driving test takes place directly in real city conditions

Objectivity of taking the exam

At the “sites”, for the purpose of objectivity and impartiality of the judges, special plastic cones and fences are installed. If you hit the fence while taking the exam, it means you didn’t receive credit. The principle is simple and understandable to everyone. Accordingly, when passing the 2in1 exam, there will be no such elements. How will inspectors evaluate pass/fail? What kind of objectivity can we talk about? Bias can lead to increased corruption.

Position of the traffic police: not clear.

Legislative and technical framework taken as the basis for the new joint exam in the traffic police

For the full implementation of innovations on the procedure for passing the traffic police exam in 2019, changes to the current legislation and traffic rules will be required. In addition, a technical decision is required when it comes to future motorcyclists passing the exam in the city. If the bill is adopted with the proviso that drivers taking a category “A” license will also take the test on city roads, then a new technical base will not be possible. Currently, such an exam is not possible.

Position of the traffic police: There is international experience and practice of conducting such an exam.

Two methods can be used:

  • the cadet being examined travels independently in category “A” transport, and the inspector-examiner rides nearby, monitoring the process and transmitting instructions to the cadet for further actions via radio. The walkie-talkie is built into the cadet's helmet;
  • A training vehicle of category “A” is used, with built-in special backup control, based on the principle of a training vehicle.

In addition to this significant change, several more innovations have been introduced into the bill, which, in the opinion of the traffic police, should improve the quality of education for driving school graduates. It is in pursuit of this goal that the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate intends to tighten the rules for passing the driver's license exam. It's about the question publicity of the route on which the exam will take place and about lifting the ban on training vehicles on highways, including passing the exam on that section of roads.

If we talk about the publicity of the exam route, then today this point is regulated by the requirement of the Ministry of Economy of Russia dated 2014. According to it, each traffic police department is obliged to provide open information to all citizens regarding the examination route itself. Therefore, each cadet, before the exam, repeatedly drives this section of the road with his instructor, trying to adapt to it and learn all the possible pitfalls. This established pattern of preparation for the city driving test is called “coaching” by traffic police officials and, in general, is assessed as having a detrimental effect on the education of future drivers. The bill on new rules for passing the traffic police exam includes the following proposals:

  • cancel the current requirement of the Ministry of Economy on the publicity of the examination route;
  • allow examiners to independently, at their own discretion, choose any route for the exam, based on the list of streets and roads where it is prohibited to conduct an exam for driving school cadets.

Thus, by eliminating the possibility of knowing the exam route in advance, it is planned to see the real picture of the examinee’s preparation and his ability to independently navigate any section of the road.

Regarding the lifting of the ban on practice driving on highways, the traffic police also has a fundamentally new explanation for what is happening. According to experts, modern road and street communications have made a serious technical breakthrough, therefore, in essence ordinary roads are no longer different from highways. Accordingly, the current ban on practice driving on highways can be lifted. Let us recall that a significant difference between highways and ordinary city roads is the special speed limit:

  • on highways it is prohibited to drive at a speed of less than 40 km/h;
  • the maximum speed, unless otherwise stated, for passenger vehicles and motorcycles is 110 km/h;
  • the maximum speed for vehicles carrying passengers, for cars with trailers and for freight transport (over 3.5 tons) is 90 km/h;
  • The maximum speed for vehicles carrying out group transportation of children, as well as transportation of people in the back of a truck, is 60 km/h.

You don’t have to be an expert in the field of road safety to understand that only an experienced driver can drive a car at such speeds, and it will be problematic and unsafe for a driving school student. In addition, for driving on a highway at a speed of less than 40 km/h, an administrative penalty is provided - a fine.

In conclusion, we can say that if the bill is approved by the Duma, then within six months it will go through all stages of approval and enter into legal force. This will mean that all new driving school graduates will take exams according to the new rules.

Perhaps the bill will undergo significant amendments, but the following is definitely clear: the Ministry of Internal Affairs has accumulated many questions regarding the quality of training for future drivers. An already developed plan for tightening the rules for taking driving license exams has been submitted for approval in the first reading. Therefore, it is unlikely that changes in this matter will be avoided.

General tips and little tricks that will ensure you pass the exam the first time

In order not to “fail” the exam at the end of a driving school, you need to:

  • attend all classes during the training process;
  • be conscious of theoretical and practical lessons;
  • keep a study notebook in which to take notes on lectures, record the class schedule, your attendance, your progress and achievements;
  • ask questions that interest you to the instructor in theory and practice, do not hesitate to participate in discussions and debates on certain issues;
  • additionally take an online theory exam on your home computer;
  • during practical lessons, “absorb into yourself like a sponge” all driving skills, listen to the instructor, try to understand the basic principles of driving a car, complete all tasks;
  • buy additional driving lessons if you suspect that practice is not enough;
  • study the routes where there will be a practical exam, check with the instructor all the details of this section of the road and what “pitfalls” there may be when passing the exam;
  • It is recommended to start initial driving lessons in the morning, then move on to driving during rush hour to overcome the fear of heavy traffic;
  • behave correctly, politely, restrained, calmly;
  • do not take any sedatives or stimulants before practice, internal tests and exams at the traffic police. You can eat sweets (chocolate, candy, etc.) as a dope. Take a bottle of water with you;
  • you need to get enough sleep before the exam;
  • think over a comfortable wardrobe and wear the most comfortable shoes (preferably the ones you trained in);
  • turn off your phone or put it on silent so as not to be distracted;
  • try to pass the exam among the first. Exhaustive waiting and fatigue can work against you;
  • be careful and focused on completing tasks, look at road markings and signs;
  • listen carefully to the examiner’s commands, compare the traffic rules and his commands, do not exclude the possibility of provocative commands, give reasons for your driving behavior.

How to behave while driving?

A driving test is much more frightening for young and inexperienced drivers than a road theory test. For the most part, this comes from the fact that driving skills have not been brought to automaticity. How should you behave while driving in order to pass all the exercises on the court without any complaints and “ride the city” without getting penalty points?

So, before you start moving, you need to do the following:

  • sit in the driver's seat and evaluate the convenience of the location of the seat, rear view mirror and side mirrors. If necessary, adjust them to your height;
  • fasten your seat belts yourself, and also make sure that all passengers, including the inspection inspector, are fastened. For some cadets, this is where the first attempt at passing the exam ends. Put aside your embarrassment and ask the examiner to fasten his seat belts if he has not done so;
  • take care to turn on the lights (low beam or daytime running lights);
  • turn on the turn signal to indicate the start of movement;
  • engage the first stage of the gearbox, remove the handbrake;
  • look in the left mirror;
  • exhale and begin the movement smoothly.

When driving in the city, you must:

  • avoid sudden movements. Only smooth and confident movements can make a positive impression;
  • periodically look in the mirrors, monitoring the situation “overboard” and demonstrating maximum attention, caution and concentration;
  • listen to the car, the main thing is that the engine does not stall;
  • observe the speed limit in accordance with traffic rules and the surrounding conditions. Don't forget that the speed of your car in traffic should be equal to the speed of the flow;
  • confidently shift the gear lever, without jerking, smoothly;
  • Avoid creating emergency situations on the road. Your passengers and the examiner should not feel discomfort, much less fear, from being next to you;
  • listen carefully to all the inspector's commands. Before performing it, compare it with the current traffic rules and do not rush to perform it if you think it is a provocation. Give reasons for your answer. At this very time, do not take your eyes off the road.

At the very beginning of training, cadets are informed that they will take the theory of traffic rules, a set of exercises on the race track and driving in the city to obtain a driver's license (VL). In order for the exams to be successful, mandatory internal testing has been introduced in all driving schools. It includes all the same stages of the exam, which students will take in the presence of a traffic police inspector.

The only difference between the internal test and the state exam is that the examiners will be teachers from your driving school. As a rule, theory is completed on one day, and driving practice on another. In many driving schools, it is customary to take a theory test in large joint groups (your group and others) and in the presence of other teachers, so to speak, to complete the feeling of the exam. Based on the results of the theoretical test, passing cadets are allowed to enter the site. Everyone who passed the exercises at the race track takes the city driving test. All students who successfully pass the internal exam receive a certificate of completion of courses and admission to the state. exams.

Don't forget to praise yourself after passing the internal exam! You have taken the first step towards obtaining a university degree.

Theoretical exam on a computer. Validity period for passed theoretical exam

The theory exam is taken using a computer program. In a strictly allotted time (20 minutes), the student must answer 40 tickets correctly. Two errors are allowed. The exam covers all topics required to drive a car, including psychological aspects, laws of physics and first aid skills. To make the exam easy, you need to be able to use the equipment and practice in advance. Special online traffic rules tests are available for each person. With their help, you can regularly prepare for the exam and objectively check the level of your knowledge. Directly on the exam itself there will be the same questions, only in random order.

The key to successfully passing the theoretical exam will be:

  • excellent knowledge of traffic rules;
  • regular training on online tests;
  • attentiveness, concentration, composure;
  • correct behavior.

Read all the questions carefully to the end, trying to get to the core. Please note that the test has similar interpretations of exam questions, but they have different correct answers.

According to the current traffic rules, the cadet who successfully passes the theoretical block has the right to be admitted to practical exams in driving a vehicle. The right is retained for six months from the date of passing, namely from the date on which the coveted decision “The theory exam has been passed” was received. In other words, the cadet has six calendar months to successfully pass the practical block and obtain a license.

The first step of the practical driving test is to test basic driving skills on a circuit. As a rule, an employee of the State Traffic Inspectorate does not get into the cadet’s car, but observes his actions from the side. At the examiner’s choice, the cadet performs from three to six exercises: “snake” riding; European parking or parallel parking; passing an overpass; entering the garage in reverse; rotate 90 degrees; turning a car in a confined space.

In order not to “fill up the site,” a student needs to:

  • get into the car and adjust the driver’s seat and mirrors;
  • buckle up;
  • turn on the engine;
  • turn on the lights;
  • perform exercises at minimum speed or even using the clutch;
  • listen to the car so as not to stall;
  • perform exercises carefully and slowly;
  • follow the lines and fences, control the boundaries of the exercise area;
  • do not press against fences and markings;
  • do not roll back more than 0.3 m.

As the cadets themselves say, the most difficult thing in this part of the exam is to simultaneously concentrate and relax while doing the exercises. More than half of the students successfully pass the exam on the site. Neither the traffic police officers nor the instructor can influence the driver. The fences and markings are in an unchanged condition, so passing the test entirely depends only on the cadet.

A few words about innovations. Now the law does not prohibit photo-video-audio recording of the ongoing exam by third parties (friends, relatives), that is, from the outside. This allows you to quickly resolve controversial issues. Also, cadets are allowed to choose a car to take the exam, meaning with a manual or automatic transmission. Depending on this, a mark is placed in the rights.

“How to pass your license the first time in real city traffic?” - the most important question for all future drivers. The difficulty of this exam is that it is simply impossible to predict the situation on the road one hundred percent in advance; unforeseen situations may occur, including through the fault of other drivers. However, the traffic police inspector is considered the biggest enemy in the exam. He irritates the cadet only with his presence, but you also need to listen to his instructions, control the situation “overboard”, follow his commands or continue moving in spite of them. And then, as luck would have it, the traffic lights turn red. And cars just crawl out from all sides, like cockroaches from cracks, and you think about one thing: how not to stall! All of us (drivers) experienced these moments and were afraid of not passing the exam. Do you agree?

To be as prepared as possible for this part of the exam, you need to skate the route in advance. Ask your instructor to explain all the important points of driving on the section of road where demonstration driving in the city usually takes place. Pay attention to the presence of signs and markings. If there are public transport stops on the route, remember the rule for passing stops like a multiplication table: you need to give way to buses and trolleybuses that depart from it. Private minibus taxis are not public transport and do not need to be allowed through. Remember that when changing lanes you need to turn on the turn signal, this is very important. Look in the mirrors, monitor the situation on the road, show the examiner that you have everything under control. The most difficult thing for beginners is driving through intersections, turning left and (or) turning around. Typically, this is the maneuver you will be asked to do. Remember about the order of passage and the golden rule “interference on the right”. Do not forget that pedestrians must be allowed to pass.

Your mobile phone must be turned off. Clothes and shoes should be as comfortable as possible (short skirts and heels will be out of place). Knowledge of traffic rules, inner peace and self-confidence can help you drive around the city without penalty points.

Pitfalls of the practical part of the exam. What should you pay attention to?

How often do we hear from driving school students that they were not allowed to pass the traffic police exam or were simply “failed.” Is it so? Are inspectors really specifically engaged in sabotage and preventing people from passing their licenses in city driving conditions? We can partly agree with this, since many have encountered this situation: driving around the city was unsuccessful, after which your instructor names the price and the second time you pass without problems. This is how it was and probably will always be. Corruption cannot be eradicated. However, let's be honest with ourselves and admit the following. If all students were one hundred percent ready for the exam, knew the traffic rules at “5+”, and by the time of the exam learned to confidently drive a car, then everyone would pass the exam with a bang the first time. Then there would be no need to think about retakes and perceive the provocative commands of the traffic police inspector as sabotage. All contradictory commands of the examiner are used only to understand the level of readiness of the cadet to drive a car independently. There are no other ways to understand how ready he is to drive a vehicle. Only excellent knowledge of traffic rules can be the guarantee that the inspector will not cut you off. In the case when you understand that the inspector gave a command that contradicts the traffic rules, you need to be able to justify your refusal.

By the way, now in most cases, audio-video recording equipment is used during the exam, for objectivity and to avoid controversial issues. In case of gross violation of official duties by the inspector, it is not recommended to enter into discussions and vigorously defend his point of view. It is better to file a complaint with the management of the territorial department of the State Traffic Inspectorate, outlining the essence in detail.

To fail the practical part of the exam, it is enough to score 5 penalty points. In this case, all violations can be divided into three groups:

  • minor violations are scored one point;
  • average violations are assessed at three points;
  • gross violations are assessed with five points.

In other words, one gross violation is enough to not receive the right. These include:

  • ignoring the inspector's demands for more than 30 seconds;
  • creation of an emergency situation and forced intervention of an instructor to prevent an accident;
  • creating obstacles for vehicles and pedestrians who had the right of way;
  • entering the lane of oncoming traffic and tram tracks (in the opposite direction);
  • driving through a red traffic light;
  • ignoring traffic controller signals and priority signs;
  • violation of the rules for overtaking, turning, turning around, reversing, driving through railway crossings;
  • violation of the established speed limit;
  • crossing the stop line.

Average errors that may occur during the exam:

  • telephone use;
  • did not fasten seat belts himself and did not check the passengers;
  • not using turn signals before and while driving;
  • failure to use emergency lights and warning triangles in accordance with the situation;
  • violation of stopping and parking rules;
  • violation of road markings;
  • entering an intersection during a traffic jam and interfering with other vehicles.

There are four minor mistakes you can make during the exam, such as:

  • driving at an excessively low speed, interfering with other vehicles;
  • sudden, unreasonable braking;
  • untimely application of the turn signal or its absence;
  • not using mirrors while driving;
  • uncertainty when changing gears;
  • the engine stalled;
  • violation of the rules for placing a vehicle on the roadway;
  • violation of the rules for using sound signals and lighting devices;
  • rollback over a distance of more than 30 cm;
  • incorrect assessment of the road situation as a whole;
  • other traffic violations.

If we talk about mistakes made during exercises on the circuit, these could be:

  • driving beyond the marking line (more than 2 times);
  • knocking down marking elements;
  • driving beyond the boundaries of the site;
  • not following the trajectory;
  • the engine stalled (three times or more);
  • rollback (more than 0.3 m);
  • ignoring the examiner's commands (longer than 30 seconds);
  • the turn signal does not turn on (more than 1 time);
  • touching the ground with your foot when taking a motorcycle exam (more than 2 times).

When passing the theoretical block of the exam, only two mistakes are allowed. Three errors mean the exam is failed.

Retaking the exam. Rules and regulations

According to the established regulations, all cadets have the opportunity to retake each stage of the driver’s license exam for free. The deadlines are clearly stated: the first retake is allowed after 7 days, the second 7 days after the first, the third 7 days after the second, and then only after 30 calendar days you can come to the exam. These conditions apply to passing the theory and the exam on the site and in the city. And if we take into account that a person who has passed the test in traffic rules theory has 6 months at his disposal to retake the remaining stages and obtain a license, it turns out that he has only 8 attempts.

Your driving school can provide assistance in passing the traffic police exam when retaking it. You can go to the exam with the next group. However, if the next exams are not soon, then you can implement your plans on your own. To do this, you need to sign up for the exam in advance, preferably through State Services. Based on the fact that only 1 out of 4 students gets their license the first time, there are huge queues at the traffic police to retake it. To ensure that your trip to retake is not useless, you need to have with you: a completed application, a valid medical certificate (valid for 1 year), SNILS, a passport or military ID for military personnel, a certificate of completion of a driving school and a copy of the receipt for payment of the state duty. By the way, if you pay for it through State Services (1,400 rubles), you can save 600 rubles compared to a bank payment (2,000 rubles). If the exam is taken (retaken) by a minor, then the consent of the parent or legal representative must be attached to the package of documents. When making an appointment through the public services portal, all documents must be attached to the application in electronic form.

Each cadet has the opportunity to choose the traffic police department that is preferable to him on a territorial basis. In this case, the place of his registration (registration) does not matter. You can also choose a non-resident (suburban) traffic police department. The only condition will be the presence of a sheet with information about passing the theory.

You will also have to sign up to receive a driver’s license in order to save time and avoid long waits. You can do this:

  • using special terminals located in the traffic police department;
  • using MFC;
  • using the government services portal.

It is useful to check the work schedule of the selected department of the State Traffic Inspectorate through the official website of the traffic police.

If the documents were sent electronically, then you will be assigned a day and time when you need to arrive to receive the coveted “card”. If you submit your documents personally to the inspector, then all you have to do is wait to be invited. A driver's license is issued against the personal signature of the applicant.

There is no need to take photographs in advance, as this will be taken by a staff member in accordance with established standards. It is best to dress in plain clothes. It will be useful to take a comb with you. Women need to think about their makeup in advance. After numerous discussions, amendments were adopted to the law allowing photographs to be taken in glasses and religious headdresses. There are some caveats regarding glasses: glasses should be worn only as prescribed by a doctor, should not have massive frames that cover half of the face, and their lenses should not be tinted. When taking photographs, think about something pleasant. After all, rights are issued for 10 years, and during this entire period you will have to admire only one photograph.

When receiving the document itself, check the correct spelling of your full name, as well as all the information indicated on the license.


“How to pass the traffic police exam the first time?” — a more important question simply does not exist for those people who are taking their license for the first time. Without exception, all students of driving schools would definitely like to get a driver’s license easily and naturally, on the first try. But in practice, it turns out that only one student out of four becomes a driver with a driver’s license the first time. And although it is customary to blame the traffic police officers, allegedly they fail exams on purpose, in fact, you must blame yourself first of all. What percentage out of a hundred are you ready for the theoretical exam? How well do you know traffic rules? How much time did you spend studying all the tickets? What was your average score on the online test? If we answer these questions honestly, then most likely we can draw the appropriate conclusion: we do not make every effort while studying at a driving school! As for practical lessons, of course, the number of driving lessons that are included in the training program is not enough. You have to spend money on additional classes. Definitely, theory is easier for women, and driving lessons for men. It is a fact. But again, only insufficient knowledge of traffic rules and inability to drive a car plays against us during the exam in the city. If you know the entire theoretical part “excellently” and masterfully know how to drive a car, then no inspector will fail you. All the provocative tasks he gives are needed to assess your knowledge and level of preparedness for driving into the city on your own in your own car.

Before the exam, you need to get enough sleep, dress comfortably, gather your courage and show all your skills and abilities. Attitude is of great importance, psychologists constantly talk about this. Zero doubts about your actions are visible to the naked eye and are conveyed to the examiner. Be collected, correct, polite and attentive. Try to pass the exam among the first, before neither you nor the traffic police officers get tired. Girls are advised not to overuse makeup, short skirts and other attributes of beauty. There is no need to rely on your charm; often dressed up “dolls” irritate traffic police officers who are performing their official duties.

Listen to the car, you can always tell by the sound of the engine when it is about to stall. Do not forget about the turn signals when starting to move and changing lanes. Pay attention to road signs and give way to pedestrians when driving around the city. Constantly scan the surrounding road situation using your mirrors, do it demonstratively, you can even turn your head. This will show that you are in control of the situation. Do not break the speed limit: do not exceed or crawl too slowly. Remember that if your training car is too slow, it may count as a one-point fault (provided you are causing interference to other cars). Move with the speed of the flow. When you hear the inspector's task, do not rush to carry it out. For 20-30 seconds, think about what was said and compare it with the current traffic rules. If the command does not contradict them, execute. If you understand that the task contradicts the traffic rules, explain your point of view culturally, referring to specific points of the traffic rules. As a rule, inspectors appreciate driving school students who know the rules and are ready to justify their answers. Be extremely careful and remember the five penalty points. You only have one chance to pass your license the first time. Further, the procedure for obtaining a driver’s license can take 6 months and 8 attempts.

(11 ratings, average: 4,64 out of 5)

A driver's license is a document that many people dream of, because it gives them the opportunity to travel on the roads with convenience and comfort in their own car. But in order to get that “crust”, you need to make an effort. As practice shows, not everyone copes with the issue of passing the exams in the traffic police. In this regard, problems arise with how to pass the license the first time.

Why are rights needed?

Many citizens try to learn how to drive a car on their own, believing that studying at a driving school, as well as passing the exam at the traffic police, is a waste of time. However, it is precisely with the presence of management skills that it is worth starting the conversation about why that very certificate was invented in the first place, which haunts and excites the mind with the question of how to pass the driving test, as well as how to avoid getting into a serious accident.

It is this document that says that a person knows how to drive, knows the rules of roads and pedestrian zones.

A little history...

The very first driver's licenses appeared in Paris back in 1893. Then those who wanted to get them did not seriously think about how to study the theoretical exam, but were looking for a solution to the question of how to pass a driving license. It was the ability to drive your own car that had to be demonstrated in order to be able to legally drive around the city.

In our country, driver's licenses appeared 7 years later. To obtain them, it was necessary to demonstrate the ability to manage one’s own funds, as well as prove knowledge of the geography of one’s city. At the same time, in some places IDs that were obtained in another locality were not accepted. These procedures changed only in the 70s. Today, to obtain a driver's license, you need to know not geography, but the rules of the road, which must be studied in specialized schools. But such training does not always allow you to get a license after passing the exam for the first time. What should you do, how to pass it?

Car license. Step one: choose a driving school

To obtain a driver's license, you need certain skills that will initially help you pass the test. How successful the exam will be depends on many factors, primarily on the choice of driving school. Many experts, when asked how to pass your license the first time, answer: do not skimp on a specialized training place. After all, not only the amount of money you will spend on car repairs, but also the safety of your own life depends on the skills you acquire.

Before choosing, be sure to monitor the schools that are available in your city or region. It is better to heed the advice of knowledgeable people who are undergoing training or have managed to obtain a driver’s license, and you need to ask those who have not been tormented by the question of how to pass the license the first time. If there are no such people among your friends, or if for some reason you have no one to turn to, you can independently monitor some schools.

What we pay attention to

Be sure to pay attention to everything. This applies to both significant indicators and various nuances. This is the availability of permits, competent teachers, the percentage of students who were able to successfully pass their license and cars. If they offer to study on very old machines, refuse. There were cases when, when driving a training car, the springs on the seat literally left circles on the back of the student. Naturally, the woman was unable to study in such conditions, requiring a change of car with an instructor. Unfortunately, today there are also such driving schools, with such vehicles. Be careful.

Having chosen several “candidates”, be sure to go and look at the conditions in which the classes will take place. Modern driving schools not only have excellent classrooms with modern computers, but are also able to offer their clients a number of additional services. One of these is an advisory service on choosing your own car, for example.

Preparing documents

So, when a driving school is chosen, you should think about preparing the necessary documents. First of all, take care of your medical certificate. As funny as it may seem, it is she who causes some problems. First of all, get it. The following set of documents is quite standard:

  1. Identification document - passport or something else.
  2. Photo if necessary.
  3. Receipts for payment of duties.


Theory is very important in the learning process, because it will be useful in the future when driving your own car. Moreover, it is really necessary to learn it. It is very important to approach the issue of training correctly. Don’t just memorize the terms presented in the book, as well as the correct answers. It is necessary to understand the rules, yes, to understand them clearly. Many girls have questions about how to pass the license themselves and whether they need to study the theory on their own. Necessarily. Modern driving school students have some advantages in this regard. Having personal computers, smartphones and other communication tools, you can learn theory anywhere, even on public transport. According to psychologists, passing driving the first time directly depends on the time at which the initial exam is passed.

The rules of the road have a lot of terms that need to be learned, and precisely to the word. On many forums, those who are students of driving schools come up with various expressions for quick memorization. For example: “zone without lawn”, etc. Take advantage of this information, it will definitely help.


If you pass the theoretical exam, you should get ready and prepare to take the exam on the site. Performing certain exercises requires concentration, even when an instructor is nearby.

The main thing is that all manipulations during training are performed automatically. You need to forget that an exam is going on, it’s better to imagine that this is your own car and that its integrity depends on your coordinated actions. In the worst case, “automatic execution” may turn off at the most inopportune moment - and then you will have to retake it.

Departure to the city

The most exciting stage of the exam, because it is the last and most important. You will have to gather all your will into a fist and go into the city, where both experienced drivers and those who need to use the pedestrian crossing will be present with you at the same time. The difficulty lies in the fact that in the city it is necessary to apply not only the ability to drive a vehicle, but also theoretical knowledge. However, with the examiner, you do not know where you will go to take the test.

When it comes to the question of how to pass your license the first time, nothing should interfere with the test. This applies to sedatives. Remember, you are driving on the road, not only the fate of your driver’s license, but also the safety of others depends on you. You must be collected, clear in your actions and have a clear head. Medications can reduce reaction, attentiveness and cause some drowsiness, which is completely useless during the exam. It is better to take a sedative after the test is passed.

On the eve of Day X, you need to have a good rest and sleep so that your mood is at its best. This state will give you confidence and composure.

If you are a representative of the fair sex, there is no need to amaze everyone around, including the examiner, with your unprecedented sexuality. This applies to clothes and shoes. The hairpin is inappropriate here. The main thing is to wear comfortable things that will not affect your freedom of movement. Experts recommend wearing exactly the clothes in which you were trained.

You need to take with you only the most necessary things, and these are documents. Be sure to turn off your mobile device. Not only will it distract you, but it may also irritate the examiner. Before passing, refresh your memory of the traffic rules again. This will be beneficial.

Once settled in the car, try to calm down and not worry. Everyone is worried, you are no exception. Even the examiner who will be next to you is worried, albeit less than you.


Now it's time to show everything you were taught in driving school. Place the gearbox in neutral and start the car. Be sure to remember to buckle up before doing this. It would seem like a small thing. But it is precisely because of this that many fail to pass their driving test. Now that you are sure that the engine is running, you can remove the car from the handbrake. Next, turn on the left turn, make sure there are no cars and start driving in order to pass your license to the traffic police.

It's time to turn on mindfulness. Move slowly, carefully look at the signs and assess the overall traffic situation. Listen to the inspector's instructions.

Common mistakes

Before asking the question about how long you can take for your license, you should take care to study the main mistakes that are made when passing the exam:

  1. Over speed.
  2. Interfering with another vehicle.
  3. Incorrect execution of turns and turns.
  4. A solid line has been crossed.
  5. The pedestrian was not allowed to pass.


In general, in order to avoid the question of how to obtain a license, it does not matter at all whether you are interested in how to pass a license for a motorcycle or for another vehicle. It is necessary to prepare, and carefully and thoroughly. All the skills that you learn in a driving school will help not only pass the exam, but also ensure safety on the road for both you and other road users.

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