A person accompanying a disabled person of group 1. New disability law

More and more often, citizens are thinking about what a disabled person of group 1 is entitled to. This category of citizens is the least protected and therefore must be supported in every possible way. In Russia, disabled people of the 1st degree are expected to be both regional and often the first ones cause a lot of trouble. After all, they are different in all cities of the Russian Federation. Next we will look at government payments, due to disabled people 1 group. What can this category of population count on?

About assignment

The first step is to understand who is classified as group 1 disabled. Usually these are people who suffer from serious illnesses. Social support is usually extremely important to them.

A person who:

  • completely dependent on others for health reasons;
  • cannot take care of himself;
  • disoriented in space;
  • cannot communicate due to any illness;
  • suffers from mental problems;
  • is unable to carry out work activities.

Most often people are disabled due to health reasons. They undergo a medical examination and receive an appropriate certificate of disability. With its help you can receive additional government support.

About the registration procedure

The benefits provided to disabled people of group 1 are varied. But before you study them, you will have to get a disability. As we have already said, for this the citizen will have to undergo a medical examination.

In addition, doctors will take into account external factors. For example, the following features will have a positive impact on disability decisions:

  • a person needs full social protection;
  • the citizen has a serious illness;
  • the patient is not able to take care of himself independently.

It is these features that must be observed when assigning the 1st degree of disability. You can get to MSEC with the help of social services. defense, the attending physician or the Pension Fund.


What payments are due to a disabled pensioner of group 1? Today, financing vulnerable segments of the population plays a huge role for the population.

The average pension in 2016 for the mentioned category of citizens is about 13 thousand rubles. It directly depends on length of service and regional characteristics.

The disability pension is not the only state bonus. After all, this layer of the population can count on additional funding. Which one exactly?


What payments are due to a disabled person of group 1? In addition to the pension, this category of citizens receives a mandatory monthly supplement. It is 2,162 rubles.

In addition, on the basis of Federal Law No. 173 of December 17, 2001, disabled people are entitled to a minimum pension of 5,124 rubles. But it may differ in different regions. In addition, no one is canceling the indexation of pension payments.

If a 1st degree disabled person has disabled family members, the pension increases to the following values:

  • 5,980 rubles - 1 disabled person;
  • 6,830 rubles - 2 disabled family members;
  • 7,686 rubles - from 3 disabled people.

Medical field

The medical field plays a huge role for this category of citizens. It offers disabled people quite a few bonuses.

Is the citizen disabled in group 1? What is he entitled to from the state? For example, a person can count on:

  • free medical care in public clinics;
  • appointment with doctors out of turn;
  • free treatment in sanatoriums and resorts upon referral;
  • provision of medicines without charging a fee.

All this is used in practice very actively. Such benefits do not require any registration. It is enough to present a certificate of disability to a medical institution.


What is a disabled person of group 1 entitled to? Instead of the listed benefits, you can use their monetization, that is, compensation. In this case, government bonuses are issued in the form of cash.

You can count on the following payments:

  • for medicines - about 1,000 rubles;
  • vouchers to the sanatorium - 500 rubles;
  • tickets to sanatoriums - 350 rubles.

In practice, monetization is not in great demand. After all, citizens are more interested in benefits for vulnerable segments of the population.

Housing sector

What is a disabled person of group 1 entitled to in the area of ​​housing? This category of the population can count on:

  • discount on housing and communal services in the amount of 50% of bills (sometimes up to 100%);
  • the opportunity to purchase fuel for a home stove with a discount of 60%;
  • receiving free housing from the state (if the other inhabitants of the apartment live together with a disabled person).

Some difficulties may arise when you intend to receive housing from the state. After all, in this case you will have to prove the need for government support.

Transport issues

What benefits are available to disabled people of group 1? In Russia, such people are allowed to use public transport for free. This opportunity is provided at the Federal level. The exception is taxis - you must pay for them in full.

Disabled people in Russia from October 1 to May 15 have the right to purchase tickets for any vehicles with a 50% discount. This bonus can be used by all citizens with disabilities.

Prosthetics and dentistry

It is clear what payments a disabled person of group 1 is entitled to. Other bonuses include: free prosthetics and dental services. There is no need to pay for the production of prostheses. If a citizen has paid for the relevant service, he is entitled to full compensation.

All dental services are also free of charge. Dentures are free only if they are not made from precious materials.

Social sphere

What is appropriate for disabled people of group 1? Lying down and more. Special attention is paid social sphere lives of citizens.

For example, people with disabilities have the right to employment and assistance in finding a suitable place of work. At the same time, these workers have a reduced working week - up to 35 hours or less.

Disabled people of the 1st degree receive assistance with funeral services. For example, upon the death of a close relative. If a person with special needs needs a nurse and appropriate care, the state will help in this area.

Organization of leisure time is also included in the list of benefits for disabled people of group 1. They are expressed in different ways - from free admission to cultural places to discounts on tickets.

Tax area

What is a disabled person of group 1 entitled to in the area of ​​taxes? The most common state bonuses are:

  • exemption of some payments from personal income tax;
  • no property tax;
  • exemption from taxes on vehicles;
  • the possibility of reducing the tax base when calculating land taxes.

All of these bonuses are often provided to all retirees at the Federal level. Regional in nature is only transport tax. This fact must be taken into account by all citizens.

Features of care

So we figured out what benefits a disabled person of group 1 is entitled to. Some citizens in this category require appropriate care. Carers are entitled to certain payments.

Today the compensation for this is 1,200 rubles. Social workers are also required to bring free medications to bedridden patients.

Caring for a disabled person does not provide any more special features or privileges. Registration of a person as a carer for a person in need is carried out by the Pension Fund of Russia.

About caregivers

If a disabled person of group 1 cannot take care of himself, he has the right to a free nurse. Assistance is provided either to single people with special needs, or on the condition that their relatives cannot care for them.

Sometimes people with disabilities need not just help, but medical care. In this case, caregivers are required by law to be available upon request. But in real life this doesn't happen.

From now on, it is clear what a disabled person of group 1 is entitled to in Russia in 2017. The listed benefits change from time to time. Therefore, it is better to clarify them with the administration of a particular region.

Some categories of citizens enjoy benefits and privileges in the Russian Federation. These include disabled people of group 1. A number of social support measures have been established at the legislative level, which can somewhat improve the quality of life.

general information

Measures of federal and regional social support

How to apply for benefits

Since all benefits, payments and privileges are provided only to disabled people, this status must first be formalized.

To do this, a citizen or his representative, acting on the basis of a notarized power of attorney, must contact the medical institution at the citizen’s place of residence.

In a medical institution based on medical card and statements are being collected medical labor examination(VTEC), which determines whether a citizen’s main disease falls under disability.

Based on the medical record and medical examination a decision is made to assign the status of a disabled person and the corresponding group.

If a citizen cannot appear at the VTEK on his own, an official representative does this for him. The commission can make a decision without the personal presence of a citizen on the basis of a medical record.

Major diseases

There are a number of diseases for which 1 non-working disability group is unconditionally assigned. These include:

  • complete loss of vision in both eyes;
  • mental retardation;
  • dementia;
  • renal diseases causing chronic severe renal failure;
  • limb amputation;
  • cancer tumors with metastases;
  • paralysis of the musculoskeletal system;
  • congenital absence of some internal organs.

Where to apply for benefits

After receiving the decision medical commission you need to contact the Department social protection population and to the Pension Fund at the place of residence of the disabled person.

Both departments require you to write an application for the provision of benefits due - for each benefit there is a separate application.

Required documents

In addition to the application, you will need to attach the following documents:

  • a certificate from a medical institution and its copy;
  • citizen's passport with disabilities and a copy thereof;
  • work book and its copy, if available;
  • developed individual rehabilitation program.

The processing time for an application at the Pension Fund is 10 working days, at the Social Security Administration - up to 14 calendar days for some types of benefits.

You must apply for benefits within three days after receiving a medical report. In case of delay, the certificate must be renewed again, since its validity period is 3 working days.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the USZN may not accept an “overdue” document, requiring it to be updated.

Problems of obtaining

In some cases, it is not enough to obtain a medical report; it is necessary to additionally go to court to declare the citizen incompetent and appoint a guardian or trustee.

For example, a person with dementia is not able to sign a power of attorney for one of his relatives, since his illness does not allow him to be considered capable and independent. In this case, relatives or persons directly caring for them are required to apply to the court at their place of residence. The period for consideration of such a case rarely exceeds 30 calendar days.

After receiving the status of a guardian or trustee, the person providing care can act on behalf of a citizen with disabilities. Including applying for various benefits and allowances.

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Changes in 2019

There are no significant changes in legislation in 2019.

The list of benefits remains open. The state reserves the right to establish new benefits, as well as additional cash payments for this category of beneficiaries.

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Benefits for disabled people of group 1 for paying contributions for major repairs

February 21, 2017, 18:16 March 3, 2019 13:50

Federal legislation determines state policy to protect people with disabilities. What benefits does a group 1 disabled person have? The list of payments, compensation, and the right to social adaptation are not prescribed in one law, but a list of legal and regulatory documents is being developed. The acts provide for the implementation of economic rights, civil and political freedoms, taking into account the principles and norms of international law.

In Russia, people with disabilities enjoy benefits in the areas of social security, transport, healthcare, labor and others. Additional privileges are established at the regional level, ensuring a decent standard of living for people with disabilities in accordance with the system of benefits defined by law.

Persons belonging to disability group 1

The Law on the Protection of Persons with Disabilities defines disability as a persistent impairment of certain body functions caused by injuries or developmental defects. Health disorders lead to restrictions in life activities, loss of the ability to care for oneself independently, to study and to work, and requires social protection from the state. Citizens with serious health problems belong to disability group 1 and need outside help.

The disability group is established by the Institute of Medical and Social Expertise in the manner prescribed by the government. Depending on the magnitude of the impairment of vital functions, disabled people are assigned a group, and minors are classified as “Disabled since childhood.” The first disability group includes persons who:

  • serve themselves in everyday life only with the help of other people;
  • cannot move without assistance;
  • feel disorientated in space;
  • do not control their behavior;
  • it is difficult to contact and communicate with others;
  • cannot receive a full education;
  • can only perform certain labor operations.

Aspects of social protection

Support for disabled people and their protection in society is carried out state system, which provides legal, social and economic measures to compensate for the limitations in the functionality of the body. The activities are aimed at providing opportunities for people with disabilities to live a full social life on an equal basis with other citizens.

What benefits does a group 1 disabled person enjoy? The pension fund makes certain payments to vulnerable citizens. As part of social benefits, people with disabilities are given medicines free of charge or at a discount. They are provided with vouchers for treatment in sanatoriums, free travel on public transport in the city or suburbs. For disabled people, benefits are provided for the payment of land and property taxes. Vulnerable citizens living in Moscow receive a Muscovite social card, which expands a number of standard benefits.

Activities of public services in relation to people with disabilities

Legislation defines measures of social adaptation in accordance with the Constitutional provisions, the Federal Law on Protection, other legislative acts and regulations. The federal government carries out the following activities:

  • determines the state’s attitude towards vulnerable sections of society;
  • adopts state laws in this area and makes changes to existing regulations;
  • controls measures to implement protection;
  • concludes agreements and treaties of Russia on the protection of disabled people;
  • defines operating principles medical examination to establish a group and conduct rehabilitation; decides what benefits a disabled person of group 1 is entitled to;
  • produces standardization social services, technical methods of restoration, establishes rules and regulations for the accessibility of the social environment for people with disabilities, determines certification requirements;
  • establishes procedures and carries out accreditation of institutions and enterprises, regardless of their form of ownership, that help the recovery of disabled people;
  • develops and implements targeted programs for the protection of disabled people, determines benefits for disabled children of group 1;
  • finances and implements basic government rehabilitation programs;
  • creates and controls a network of state-owned facilities for the rehabilitation of disabled people;
  • determines the list of specialties in the field of rehabilitation industry and is engaged in their qualification training;
  • finances and coordinates scientific and research development regarding the problems of disabled people;
  • develops methodological standards on issues of adaptation of disabled people;
  • establishes job quotas for vulnerable groups and monitors their distribution;
  • monitors the activities of public communities of disabled people and provides assistance;
  • establishes state benefits for enterprises, organizations and business partnerships that invest in the field of rehabilitation of disabled people and contain contributions from an association of disabled people in their authorized capital;
  • determines what benefits a disabled person of group 1 has, establishes state aid separate categories;
  • calculates indicators and expenses of the state budget on issues of adaptation and rehabilitation of disabled people;
  • contains a unified register of registration of vulnerable citizens, develops a system for collecting statistical information on the economic and social situation of disabled people.

The work of medical and social expertise

The Bureau of Social and Medical Expertise, within the framework specified by law, examines a disabled person and determines measures of social assistance and protection. Specialists assess the extent of disruption of the body, limitations in life activities and select an individual recovery program for the person.

Experts prescribe an extensive medical examination of the disabled person, and based on the results, they assess the condition of the body. An analysis of functional abilities, social and living conditions, professional and labor opportunities is carried out, and the data of a psychological examination is taken into account. The results obtained influence the conclusions about what benefits people with disabilities have the most essential, and a rehabilitation and habilitation program is drawn up.

The Medical and Social Bureau is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Social Research Service, which, in turn, is part of the structure of the social assistance system for the population. Medical research and rehabilitation system are included in the basic health insurance system for Russian citizens, financed by the state fund and partly by regional insurance organizations of federal affiliation. Medical and social examination carries out the following work:

  • determines the degree of disability and assigns a group, determines the causes and timing of the onset of violations, identifies needs for specific types of assistance;
  • develops individual recovery measures, finds out what benefits a disabled person of group 1 has;
  • processes and studies statistical data on the level and causes of disability among the population of the region and country;
  • develops and implements comprehensive measures of prevention, rehabilitation and protection of the population;
  • identifies the extent and causes of disability of individuals injured as a result of work or occupational conditions; Particular attention is paid to wheelchair users who have been injured at work;
  • within the framework of Russian legislation, determines the causes of death and provides the family with the required list of services, payments and benefits.

For all federal authorities, the conclusion of the medical and social examination service becomes prerequisite for work, this list includes organizations and institutions for restoration work, regardless of ownership.

The essence of rehabilitation

Rehabilitation of a disabled person is a system of measures aimed at eliminating restrictions on life and activity or compensating for them. The goal of rehabilitation is to return what was lost social status a disabled individual, gaining independence in material terms and adaptation in society. Disabled people are provided with free sanatorium-resort treatment, financial assistance, and other benefits.

Rehabilitation from a medical point of view means restoration through therapeutic measures, surgical operations, orthotic and prosthetic technician. If we talk about professional adaptation, then the activities include orientation in various fields of activity, obtaining new education for work, adaptation in the production environment, employment in reserved places. In addition, disabled people undergo adaptation to social environment and everyday life.

State basic rehabilitation program

Wheelchair users belonging to the first group receive guaranteed benefits, rehabilitation measures are aimed at them, services and technical equipment are provided free of charge at the expense of funds from the state budget. The federal program for the rehabilitation of disabled people is approved by Russian government bodies. Technical means, required services, and material compensation are provided to vulnerable citizens in kind.

To the means technical rehabilitation relate wheelchairs, chairs, crutches and prostheses. In order to receive these devices for use, a disabled person draws up an individual recovery program at the regional medical and social examination center. After passing the complex necessary research the disabled person is issued a certificate of the technical device required for rehabilitation for movement or other purposes.

Repairs and replacement of spare parts on equipment are carried out at the expense of the state. Strollers and chairs that have become unusable are not returned, as was the case before 2008.

Individual rehabilitation and habilitation program for disabled people

An individual rehabilitation system for a disabled person is developed for each individual separately, taking into account the inherent impairments in the functionality of the body. The program includes information about changes in the work of a specific body and includes a list of measures for its partial or complete restoration. The individual recovery system helps the patient decide on the most in an effective way to solve the problem, find out what benefits a disabled person of group 1 has. One disabled person needs help in providing a job, another needs help in organizing special training, and a third needs help from a social worker to organize their daily life.

Habilitation is a new concept. It consists in the adaptation of a disabled person in the social sphere, including the formation of business and social activity. The program includes complete or partial financial independence. For this purpose, specific activities are prescribed with the choice of a performer, be it the organization of work activities, the issuance of free medications, or classes in a sports complex. The previously existing idea that a disabled person is a person who has lost the ability to perform normal activities is being replaced by the fact that many people do not have such abilities from birth, for example in the case of cerebral palsy. The habilitation program not only restores lost abilities, but also teaches a vulnerable member of society those functions that the patient has not had since birth.

The program contains only recommendations; the disabled person refuses any activities related to at will without further consequences. In terms of choosing a provider of training or developing production skills, the disabled person or his guardian determines the one who will help more effectively. The form of ownership of the institution does not matter. A disabled person is given medicines free of charge, and if an individual buys medicines or technical equipment with his own money, he is paid compensation. Complete refusal a disabled person from an individual recovery program releases the relevant authorities from liability and does not mean receiving compensation for free activities that were not carried out.

Communal benefits for disabled people of group 1

Benefits for paying for living space and services of utility organizations are provided by the state to disabled people in the amount of at least 50% of the full cost. Such benefits apply to municipal or public housing. Other forms of property of vulnerable citizens do not fall under the category of payment for living space. As for utility bills, the form of affiliation with other housing funds does not matter.

Heating in a private house with an individual boiler is compensated by a financial amount for the purchase of fuel in the amount of consumption standards determined by law. Disabled people are given the right to receive housing out of turn, provided that the person is recognized as someone who needs to improve their living space. If a disabled person has a disease that prevents family members from living together with him, then he is provided with additional living space.

Benefits and compensation for resort holidays and treatment

Disabled people of the first group have the right to free sanatorium-resort treatment once a year for three years after registration of the group. Once a year, travel to a sanatorium or resort is allowed free of charge. If accompanying persons who are directly needed are traveling with him, then they are also entitled to the benefit of free travel.

Disabled people of all three groups and vulnerable citizens have the right to receive rest at a resort and sanatorium without determining the degree of limitation. Disabled children enjoy such benefits without restrictions. Citizens receive vouchers for medical indications for such treatment in sanatorium complexes located throughout the country and included in the list of recommended resorts by health and social development authorities.

Instead of a sanatorium holiday, at the personal request of a citizen, outpatient treatment is provided at the resort without meals and accommodation on the territory. Vouchers for disabled people are paid for by the Russian Social Insurance Fund. The length of stay at the resort and the selection of applicants are determined taking into account medical indications or contraindications for treatment, data are provided by the Center for Medical and Social Research.

Pension benefits for disabled people

Disabled people of group 1 receive the highest payments pension payments compared to the categories of other groups. The standard pension amount is 9.5 thousand rubles. If a disabled person has a length of service at the time the pension is calculated, then this amount is added to additional funds. In addition, all disabled people are entitled to a fixed additional payment in the amount of 4.3 thousand rubles.

Some categories are assigned a state pension, the basis of which is social benefits, depending on the cause of disability. Disabled people injured during the Leningrad siege are given a pension twice as large as social benefits disabled people of group 1. Pensioners who have lost their viability in war time, payments are expected to be three times larger.

Help with choosing a job

Disabled people have the right to work, and the state provides significant assistance in this regard. Organizations and enterprises that employ disabled people in production are provided with financial assistance and preferential credit conditions. At enterprises that are able to employ disabled people, quotas are mandatory for employing socially unprotected citizens, regardless of the form of ownership of the institutions.

Reservations are being made for jobs for people with disabilities certain professions, suitable for people with disabilities; in terms of employment, certain benefits are provided for people with disabilities (group 1). Moscow provides additional protection measures; for this purpose, a special card for a disabled person is issued in the city. A taxi service has been developed in Moscow to transport people with disabilities. Half the cost is paid by the city authorities, the rest is paid by the disabled person. You are allowed to carry one accompanying person and personal mobility equipment.

Education on preferential terms

For the admission of socially vulnerable citizens to state educational institutions of various categories, including higher education, non-competitive admission is provided. Benefits begin after passing exams and tests. The compliance of the chosen specialty with the medical examination report and the recommendations of the social service plays a role. All disabled people enrolled in training receive a mandatory scholarship and use the necessary teaching aids.

In conclusion, it should be noted that disabled people in Russia are not left to their own devices. The state necessarily helps citizens with injuries or dysfunction of internal organs to recover. Care federal services promotes the gradual return of some lost functions, allows the disabled person not to feel like an outcast, restore social significance and status, improve his financial situation and personal relationships.




Benefits for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 in Russia - a list of all benefits

Russian disabled people are considered a vulnerable category of citizens, therefore the state pays attention to them by providing them with various benefits. The number of the latter, their set and calculations expressed in material terms may be different depending on the disability group that is assigned to a citizen with disabilities. What benefits can disabled people expect? Is it possible to replace non-material benefits with money?

Benefits for disabled people this year by group

Disabled people have the right to receive a preferential pension. What disability group - what benefits?

Social pension in 2019:

  • for disabled children – 2,123.92 rubles;
  • ForIgroups - 2,974.03 rubles;
  • ForII– RUB 2,123.92;
  • ForIIIgroups – 1,700.23 rub.

(for currently working or formerly working citizens) is:

1) for the first group of disability since childhood - 11,903.51 rubles;

2) for the second disability group - 4,959.85 rubles;

3) for the second group (from childhood) - 9,919.73 rubles;

4) for the third group – 4,215.90 rubles.

In case of refusal of benefits, a disabled person may receive monthly compensation. This year it is:

  • for liquidators of the Chernobyl accident – ​​2,240.74 rubles;
  • for WWII veterans – 4,481.47 rubles;
  • for disabled children - 2,240.74 rubles;
  • for the first group of disabled people – 3,137.60 rubles;
  • for the second – 2,240.74 rubles;
  • for the third group – RUB 1,793.74.

In addition to material benefits (for example, pensions), these citizens can receive various other benefits that relate to a variety of areas: education, healthcare, labor, and so on. This is provided by disability assistance and benefits according to disability groups from the state.

What benefits are available to a disabled person from a notary? What benefits are available to people with disabilities of group 1 in 2019, as well as people with group 2 disabilities:

  • exemption from state fees is guaranteed for those cases that are considered in accordance with civil and arbitration procedural legislation;
  • payment is only 50% for notarial acts (the discount applies only to fees, it does not affect the payment for the notary’s work in any way).

As you already understand, such benefits are provided to disabled people for notary services. As for what federal benefits are available to disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, it is worth telling everything in detail for each group separately.

Benefits for the first group

What benefits are provided for disabled people of the first group in Russia? Benefits for this category of citizens have not changed this year, so people can use:

1) free travel on any public transport, except taxis and minibuses;

2) free travel on public transport if you need to get to the place of treatment (this also applies to persons accompanying disabled people);

3) prescribed by the attending doctors;

4) free medical equipment (as indicated by doctors) and dressings;

5) free for treatment and recreation (once a year, but only for first three years from the date of receipt of the disability group);

6) free prosthetic limbs;

7) free orthopedic shoes;

8) free dental prosthetics;

9) extraordinary admission to higher and secondary educational institutions (subject to passing entrance exams);

10) increased scholarship (if the disabled person is a student). The amount of the scholarship is determined by the management of the educational institution;

11) a shortened working week (35 hours) for disabled people of the first group who work.

List of benefits for disabled people of the second group

1) free travel on any public transport, except taxis and minibuses;

2) free travel on public transport to the place of treatment (here we are no longer talking about persons accompanying disabled people);

3) provision of medications prescribed by the attending physician;

4) provision of medical equipment (as indicated by doctors), as well as dressings;

5) special prosthetics for limbs;

6) orthopedic shoes;

7) dental prosthetics.

Among other things, a person with a second disability group can take advantage of:

  • extraordinary admission to higher and secondary educational institutions (when passing entrance exams);
  • students can receive an increased scholarship, the amount of which is established by the management of the educational institution;
  • a shortened working week (35 hours) is also provided for this category. This applies to working disabled people of the second group.

List of benefits for people with third disability group

These citizens are entitled to fewer benefits. The latter are mainly associated with discounts on goods and services.

1. Discount on the purchase of orthopedic shoes.

2. A 50% discount on travel on any public transport from October 1 to May 15. In addition, a 50% discount is provided on 1 trip for the remainder of the calendar year.

3. 50% discount on medical equipment and medicines (this applies only to working or recognized unemployed disabled people of the third group).

What benefits do disabled people have regarding tax payments?

1. Disabled people of the first and second groups are exempt from property tax if they inherited property.

2. Disabled people of the second and first groups, disabled children, disabled people of the Second World War who have land, issued before 2004, have the following deduction: the tax base for calculating the tax (land price) is reduced by 10,000 rubles.

3. Transport benefits for people with disabilities consist of a 50% tax discount when purchasing a car through social security authorities (power up to 100 hp) and complete tax exemption in case of owning a car that has been specially converted for a person with disabilities.

Benefits in the form of tax deductions

  • Every month, 500 rubles are deducted from the personal income tax base for disabled people of the second and first groups and disabled children.
  • The monthly allowance for parents (trustees, guardians, spouses, adoptive parents) of minor children who are disabled is 3,000 rubles. The same amount for disabled children under 24 years of age who are students (students, interns, graduate students);
  • 3,000 rubles is a monthly tax deduction for disabled people who are liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, victims of the Mayak production association (the accident happened in 1957) or former military personnel who received disability due to injury.

About additional payments and regional benefits

In the Russian Federation, each year the amount of additional payment is established for a certain category of citizens, among whom there are disabled people. Thus, additional cash payments began to be received by disabled people who were participants in the Great Patriotic War, former military personnel, former liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, former cosmonauts, and residents of besieged Leningrad. The amounts of such additional payments may vary within the following limits: from 100% to 300% of social pensions.

In addition, every Russian citizen who is disabled is entitled to benefits provided to him at the regional level. In cities and regions, for many years they have been using the practice of providing priority services to disabled people in one institution or another, issuing free clothing and food. Another common benefit for people with disabilities is free installation landlines. Often companies that were once employers of the disabled person also help. You can find out about the full list of preferences from your local social security department.

Can a wife receive benefits if her husband is a disabled person of the first group?

Often people faced with this problem ask themselves: what benefits are there for a wife if her husband is disabled in group 1? The tax code does not provide deductions for the maintenance of dependent spouses, regardless of whether they are disabled or not. The standard deduction applies to those taxpayers who provide for children under 18 years of age or full-time students, residents, graduate students, and cadets under the age of 24.

Small benefits are provided (which are not taxed 500 rubles per month) for disabled people of the first and second groups, if they have a job or other income. However, there are pitfalls here: if a taxpayer has the right to more than one tax deduction, then the largest one is provided. That is, the maximum of tax benefits is issued, and the rest are not counted.

Providing medical benefits to disabled people of the second group

What medical benefits should group 2 disabled people expect this year? Unemployed disabled people in this category have the right to free medicines based on a doctor's prescription. The order of the Ministry of Health establishes the procedure for prescribing medications by a doctor. In addition, people with disabilities have the right to prosthetic limbs at the expense of the state. Now you know what benefits are available to disabled people of group 2 in 2019.

What benefits do people with general disabilities receive?

Benefits for disabled people of the second group of general illness:

  • throughout the year, disabled people of the second group can take advantage of one-time free travel to the place of treatment; there is no such benefit for accompanying persons;
  • disabled people are provided with medicines free of charge with a doctor's prescription. Also, people with disabilities can receive dressings and certain medical products free of charge, if there is a conclusion from the ITU bureau about the need to use these products;
  • This category of citizens is provided with prosthetic limbs and orthopedic shoes free of charge;
  • free dental prosthetics are provided;
  • ensuring non-competitive admission upon admission to a secondary or higher vocational state or municipal educational institution, if the entrance exams are successfully passed (if this training not contraindicated by medical opinion);
  • Full-time students receive an increased stipend;
  • working disabled people work during a shortened working week (up to 35 hours a week, subject to continued earnings, leave at their own expense up to 60 days a year);
  • disabled people can use free travel on any type of urban and rural ground transport (except for private minibuses and taxis).

By the way, benefits for telephone payments for disabled people of group 2 are 50%.

Benefits for the first disability group:

1) during a year disabled people of this category and their accompanying persons have the right to one free ride to the place of treatment;

2) people with disabilities are provided with free medications with a doctor's prescription. They can also receive dressings and individual medical products if they have a conclusion from the ITU bureau about the need to use these products;

3) disabled peopleІ groups receive free vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment at least once a year for the first three years after disability was established;

4) if necessary, such citizens are provided with prosthetic limbs and free orthopedic shoes;

5) disabled people have the right to benefit from free dental prosthetics;

6) these people have the right to non-competitive enrollment when entering a higher or secondary vocational municipal or state institution, if the person can successfully pass the entrance exams, and if such training is permitted by a medical certificate;

7) disabled people receive an increased scholarship if we are talking about full-time students;

8) the shortened working week of people with the first group of disabilities consists of 35 hours with preservation of earnings and vacation at their own expense (maximum 60 days a year);

9) In addition, you can ride all urban and rural ground transport for free (except taxis and minibuses).

Benefits for the third category of disability:

  • disabled peopleІІІ groups can buy orthopedic shoes at a discount (depending on the complexity of manufacturing this product) or for full price;
  • a working disabled person with unemployed status assigned to him has the right to purchase certain medicines and medical products according to doctor’s prescriptions with a 50% discount;
  • free travel on intercity lines by rail, air, road and river transport from October 1 to May 15 and once at other times of the year.

What benefits are available to disabled people of group 3 in 2019?

As you yourself know, social assistance for these vulnerable segments of the population is regulated by law Russian Federation. Disabled people of any group can receive social benefits.

As already indicated, the social pension for people of the third disability group this year is 4,215.90 rubles. (the same amount of payments for disabled children).

The labor pension is calculated taking into account length of service. The state has set a fixed amount - 2,402.56 rubles. per month.

If a dependent (a person who is supported financially or materially) lives with a disabled person, compensation may increase:

1) in the presence of one dependent – ​​up to 4,000.26 rubles;

2) if a disabled person lives with two dependents - up to 5,605.96 rubles;

3) if with three - up to 7,207.66 rubles.

All disabled people can count on a monthly cash payment (MCA). It is paid if the disabled person refuses a number of additional services. This year the amount is 2,022.94 rubles.

Main benefits

People can count not only on receiving cash benefits, but also on benefits that make life easier for a person with disabilities. Let's summarize the list of benefits.

1. Medical(you can purchase medications prescribed by a doctor at a 50% discount). The discount on orthopedic shoes is 60%.

2. Social(a 50% discount is provided to disabled people for preferential sanatorium treatment). Students are admitted to higher education institutions with benefits (entrance tests are not carried out if there are budget places for invalids).

3. Tax(tax rates are reduced, but this decision can be made by going to court). He has the right to significantly reduce the amount of taxes paid or give the disabled person an installment plan to pay them.

4. Transport(disabled people can use city public transport free of charge, with the exception of taxis). You can also use discounted travel on Russian Railways: a 50% discount one way or the other, or a free ticket every two years.

5. (payment for housing and communal services is halved). In addition, a person with a disability can be helped to improve their living conditions, which is done on a first-come, first-served basis.

Providing additional benefits

As mentioned earlier, disabled people who work can receive leave of up to 2 months (60 days). Leave is issued when an employee goes to a sanatorium or has to routine inspection in the hospital.

In addition, disabled people of the third group, like people without health problems, have the right to work on weekends and holidays. In addition, people with disabilities can demand recalculation of pensions in accordance with the laws of the country.

If a disabled person has an income below the subsistence level determined by the state, then he has the right to services that are provided at home. For example, assistance in purchasing medicines and food, maintaining cleanliness in the home, providing medical care and consultation with a lawyer. Among other things, you can arrange for the help of a paid social worker if necessary.

Persons with disabilities since childhood (disabled children) may qualify for additional benefits. They don't have to pay registration fees when they open a business, and they don't have to pay fees when a housing warrant is issued.

Disabled war veterans, in addition to all known benefits and benefits, have a permanent 50% discount on railway tickets. These are the benefits a disabled pensioner of the third group has.

Benefits provided for disabled combat veterans

If we are talking about benefits of groups 1, 2 and 3, then first of all we mean benefits related to taxation and payments of the corresponding pension. All provisions are confirmed at the legislative level.

As for pension legislation, it provides such benefits for combat disabled people (disabled due to military injuries):

1) retirement age comes five years earlier compared to the generally established age;

2) a certain pension related to disability is assigned regardless of the length and size of work experience (taking into account military service);

3) if it comes to disabled people of the first and second groups, then the pension amount consists of three minimum old-age pensions. If we talk about people with disabilitiesІІІ groups, then they pay only half of the above amount. However, there must be earnings and work experience that would give the right to receive a disability pension due to a general illness, so that the pension amount is larger than usual.

Rights and benefits that are also important to list:

  • benefits for priority in obtaining, purchasing, constructing and maintaining residential premises;
  • opportunity to conduct housing major renovation with monetary support from the local budget (the conditions in this case are determined by local government);
  • priority in obtaining what you need building material in case of housing construction;
  • the possibility of providing housing in those houses that belong to municipal and state funds, if there is a need to improve living conditions;
  • the opportunity to carry out emergency repairs to housing occupied by people with disabilities;
  • various benefits in the labor field and in the field of education, vocational training;
  • the opportunity to receive financial benefits associated with temporary unemployment in the amount of salary (regardless of work experience);
  • the opportunity to learn a new profession free of charge, undergo qualified retraining, and pay a specially organized scholarship during the training process.

Benefits for disabled people in St. Petersburg

So, what benefits are provided for people with disabilities in St. Petersburg? This category of citizens can apply for:

  • discounted travel in a social taxi;
  • benefits for purchasing a voucher to a sanatorium or receiving it free of charge once a year;
  • preferential travel on suburban and city public transport;
  • preferential treatment for certain medical procedures in public clinics and hospitals;
  • benefits for receiving free medications prescribed by the doctor;
  • benefits for utility bills in the amount of half of their total price.

All disabled people have the right to apply to the local administration to receive one-time funds for rehabilitation after major surgery or other medical procedure.

A working disabled person is entitled to 30 days leave. In addition, an employer cannot force a disabled person to work more than 35 hours a week. A person with a disability must work exactly as much as indicated on the sick leave card. He also receives his regular salary.

People of the first and second disability groups enter higher education institutions without competition.

What benefits can different categories of disabled people enjoy in Moscow?

What benefits are there for disabled people of group 1 in Moscow in 2019? What is provided for people with other disability groups? To support people with disabilities, the concept of “additional material support” was introduced at the state level.

When calculating financial support for disabled people of categories I, II and III, the following parameters are taken into account:

1) the amount of the pension paid;

2) a cash payment (if any), which must be issued monthly, which includes the cost of paying for social services.

In 2019, the state covers expenses regarding:

  • use of public transport (suburban or urban);
  • payment for living space and partial compensation for housing and communal services (payment for electricity, gas, water resources, heating);
  • using telephone communications (this applies only to landline phones).

What other benefits are provided to disabled people of group 2 in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as to other categories of disabled people?

Social supplements are added to the pensions of mature disabled people and children with disabilities. The same applies to children who are not yet 18 years old, but have already lost their breadwinner.

WWII participants are entitled to receive 1,000 rubles every month. A person who cares for a disabled person can apply for compensation assistance in the amount of no more than 5,500 rubles. Outside individuals who voluntarily agreed to care for the infirm have the right to receive 1,200 rubles from the state.

People with disabilities of groups 1 and 2 can present a doctor's prescription at a pharmacy and receive in return discounted medications. People in the first group receive a 50% discount on the indicated price.

If the beneficiary does not have limbs, then he has every right to use free technical means speedy rehabilitation in the form of prostheses and other orthopedic products until they are replaced.

Prostheses are indeed provided free of charge, and orthopedic shoes are provided according to the degree of complexity of their implementation. If a disabled person does not stand in line, he can purchase shoes in cash at a 70% discount on the initial cost, but only at a designated point.

In addition, each region indicates its own groups of beneficiaries. There is also a list of organizations that provide the necessary services, taking into account the rules and regulations of local legislation. Here people with disabilities can use free help or help with a 50% discount. In Moscow and other megacities this year there are much more such points than in the outback.

These benefits can be used by disabled people of group 3 in Moscow and the Moscow region, and the same applies to disabled people of other groups.

Benefits and benefits for single mothers

What benefits are available to a single disabled mother? A woman raising a child on her own is a mother deprived of the support of the child’s father in material support and upbringing.

This year, benefits for single mothers apply not only to a woman’s natural children, but also to adopted ones.

Single mother benefits are awarded only in the following cases:

1) the court and the registry office did not register paternity;

2) if a single woman adopted children;

3) when the court proceedings dissolved the fact of paternity.

The child's legal father is the man listed on the marriage certificate. Dad is not necessarily the biological father. It is enough for the registry office to prepare documentation that allows a man to raise children.

Benefits and allowances are NOT accrued to the mother if:

1) the child has a legal father, and paternity has been certified by the court;

2) the child’s mother is divorced from her husband and does not receive alimony from him established by the court;

3) the child's father was officially deprived of the opportunity to raise him.

The status of “single mother” is also invalid when the child was born before the end of the three-hundred-day period after the parents’ divorce or annulment of the marriage.

So that the mother receives benefits for legally, in the papers confirming the birth of a child, there should be no mention of the father. The status of “single mother” is considered official after the single mother receives a certificate in Form No. 25.

Labor benefits for single mothers

1.When an enterprise where a single mother works dismisses staff, she has no right to be laid off if her child is under 14 years of age. Such a reduction is considered unlawful even when there is a change in the management of the enterprise. The conditions for dismissal of a single mother due to violations of discipline during the work process can be discussed.

2.If the company where a single mother worked was canceled, she must be offered an alternative job.

3.Single mothers, like mothers without this status, have the right to financial assistance when it comes to caring for sick children. The amount of the benefit is established in accordance with work experience mother and is paid during hospital treatment of the child. The mother receives benefits during the first ten days from the time of the child’s illness.

4.A single mother can receive the full amount of sick leave if she needs to care for a sick child who is under seven years old. If the child is older than this age, sick leave is paid for 14 days.

5.A single mother can take up to two weeks of leave at her own expense.

6.A single mother cannot be required to work overtime if her child is under five years old. The same rule applies to working at night and on weekends.

7.Mothers in Moscow receive additional benefits when hired. Employers cannot refuse employment to single mothers because they have children.

Using tax benefits

For single mothers, there is a double tax deduction for expenses for providing for children who have not reached the age of majority. If an adult child manages to enroll in a university, he will be able to enjoy tax benefits until he reaches 24 years of age.

Preferential tax deduction periods for single mothers mean that part of the income will not be subject to tax levies.

Other benefits and allowances

1.You can receive linen for a newborn baby.

2. Children of single mothers are provided with vouchers for health improvement in a sanatorium.

3.A single mother may temporarily not have to pay for the maintenance of a multi-storey building and waste disposal. The benefit can be used until the child is 1.5 years old.

4.Children of single mothers have the right to attend preschool institutions, clubs, and sections with a 25% or higher discount.

5.Children of a single mother who are under two years old have the right to receive preferential milk nutrition.

6.You can buy some medications at a big discount or even half the price.

7. In school canteens, children of single mothers receive two free meals a day.

8. If the children's clinic has massage room, then children of single mothers can go to free massage sessions.

Help with housing

Mothers in Moscow can turn to state program, designed to improve housing issues. Thanks to the regulations of this city, single mothers can qualify for subsidized housing.

But first, the state must recognize a single woman with children as needing an improved quality of life.

A single mother who is not yet 35 years old can use special program“Housing”, lobbied by the state. Thanks to this government initiative, young people can get more affordable housing than in spontaneous real estate markets.

In Moscow, this program is called “Affordable Housing for Young Families.” This is especially important for single mothers living in rented accommodation.

The legislation of the Russian Federation allows individual subjects of the country to regulate benefits and various payments for this category of the population.

Factors influencing the amount of mother's benefit:

1) income levels;

2) employment;

3) availability of regional registration;

4) amount of children.

Benefits introduced for disabled mothers

Like all other parents, such mothers have the right to receive federal benefits and payments upon the birth of a child. The amount of additional charges depends on the region in which the disabled mother lives. To find out detailed information about exactly what payments mothers with disabilities can expect, you should contact your local social protection department. In Moscow, such mothers receive payments due to the rising cost of living and food. In addition, mothers of disabled children and those mothers whose income is below the subsistence level receive additional payments. The remaining benefits coincide with those provided by the state for single mothers.


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