Thuja oil is a homeopathic remedy for the treatment of adenoids in children and adults. Thuja oil for adenoids for children - inexpensive and effective treatment

If your baby’s runny nose does not go away (despite treatment) and the cold has become frequent guest in the nursery, parents should suspect inflammation of the adenoids. Adenoids are the pharyngeal (nasopharyngeal) tonsil, which normally participates in the fight against bacteria, but in some cases (in particular, due to large quantity suffered from acute respiratory viral infections) increases pathologically. Adenoiditis is mainly diagnosed in children under 7 years of age. Let us summarize the material on the use of thuja oil in the treatment of adenoiditis in a child.

A persistent runny nose in a child may be a sign of a serious respiratory disease.

Degrees of adenoiditis

Adenoids are designed to ensure safety from viruses and bacteria - they work by preventing them from multiplying on the nasopharyngeal mucosa and moving further into the child’s oral cavity. In a child, adenoids are a help for the immune system, which, due to immaturity, does not yet fully perform its functions. After 14 years, the immune system is already working at full strength, so for adolescents and adults, adenoids play a supporting role.

Enlarged and inflamed adenoids prevent children from breathing normally through their nose. Moreover, they become nutrient medium For pathogenic bacteria. Because of this, the chances of getting sick increase significantly; a common runny nose does not go away without consequences. As a rule, the doctor recommends surgical intervention - removal of the adenoids, but if the situation is not critical, then you can use a remedy that is effective for this disease - thuja oil (we recommend reading:).

Currently medical science distinguishes three degrees of development of adenoids:

  • First degree: the size of the adenoids increases by 1/3 (compared to its original size) normal condition). The baby feels nasal congestion at night, but very rarely during the day.
  • Second degree: the size of the adenoids increases by 2/3. The baby breathes through his mouth almost all the time. At night he begins to snore (which is not typical for children), and accordingly during the day he is lethargic and absent-minded.
  • Third degree: adenoids almost completely block the nasopharynx. Breathing through the nose is impossible; the baby's mouth is open all the time. Tonsils don't do their job immune functions, the child becomes very susceptible to colds, hears worse, and has a headache.

If adenoiditis of the first and second degrees is detected, drug therapy can be used. If the third is diagnosed, you should not postpone your visit to the surgeon.

The healing properties of thuja oil

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Please note that up to 18 years of age, only homeopathic oil extract of thuja oil can be used. The concentrated drug is characterized by increased toxicity and can cause harm.

Thuja oil has a beneficial effect on all systems of the body as a whole, since its spectrum of action is wide. In relation to adenoiditis, it is mainly worth using topically, that is, locally.

Healing properties of thuja oil:

  • has a disinfecting effect;
  • has antibacterial properties;
  • promotes regeneration in case of tissue damage;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • promotes narrowing of blood vessels;
  • provides support immune system;
  • causes a reduction in tissue swelling at the site of application;
  • has a gentle effect on all systems of the child’s body (which cannot be said about medications);
  • is a natural antibiotic.

Thuja oil can help cure a child from adenoiditis, runny nose and swelling of the nasopharynx, inflammation maxillary sinuses, bronchi, trachea. It should not be used if the baby has a history of epilepsy or an allergy to thuja oil.

How to use for adenoiditis?

If adenoiditis of the first and second degrees is diagnosed, thuja oil can have a significant effect positive influence. Let us remind you that concentrated thuja oil is used only in inhalations and aroma lamps, but you can buy homeopathic medicines from a pharmacist for treatment. oil extracts thuja: Thuja DN and Thuja Edas-801.

Table. Treatment options for thuja oil for a runny nose:

Use caseHow to useHow oftenDuration of treatmentContraindications
Instillation into the noseRinse nostrils saline solution, then drop 1-3 drops into each nasal passage. After completing the procedure, it is advisable to remain in the horizontal position(with adenoiditis).3 rubles/dayIf adenoids are treated: 2 weeks after 2 weeks ( full course- 6 weeks) (see also:)
Use in aroma lamps1–2 times/day
Carrying out inhalations5 drops per 250 ml of boiling water. Inhale for 10-15 minutes.1–2 times/dayuntil the symptoms disappear, as an element of complex therapyThe child has not reached the age of 5 years
Washing with plant decoctionsPour 2 tablespoons of a mixture of sage, chamomile and calendula flowers (in equal parts) with a quarter cup of boiling water. Cool, add 15-20 drops of thuja oil and strain. Mix chamomile and aloe infusions (100 g) in a one to one ratio and add 15-20 drops of thuja oil.2 rubles/dayuntil the symptoms disappear, as an element of complex therapyThe child has not reached the age of one year
Using aromatic baths5-7 drops in a bath with non-hot water.1–2 times/dayuntil the symptoms disappear, as an element of complex therapyThe child is not yet 5 years old

Need to remember

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect of thuja oil, be sure to rinse your nose before using it (this is especially important when you have a runny nose). To do this, you can use the following commercially available products: Aqua Maris, Quicks, Physiomer, etc.

The physician observing the child may also suggest another treatment regimen: for cleansing and anti-inflammatory effects, drip 2 drops of Protargol into the nose, then after a few minutes drip thuja oil. Such a scheme therapeutic effects prescribed for 7 days. In the next 7 days we also begin to instill Protargol, but it is advisable to replace thuja oil with Argolife - antimicrobial drug based on colloidal silver (more details in the article:). The regimen alternates every 7 days for 6 weeks. Then you need to rest for 3 weeks. If necessary, the course is repeated.

Safety of use

Please note that thuja oil should be used when treating a child only in diluted form, since its concentration is very high. You can buy a ready-made oil mixture like Edas-801 from a pharmacist, or dilute thuja oil according to the instructions.

Drug Edas-801 - ready mix based on Thuja oil, which is suitable for use without additional training

Before use, be sure to test the oil for allergenicity. Testing algorithms can be the following:

  • Place one drop of oil on a piece of cotton wool close to the baby’s nostrils and hold for a few seconds. If a child develops certain symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, dizziness, etc.), the use of an aroma lamp or inhalation should be abandoned.
  • Mix one drop of oil with one teaspoon vegetable oil. Apply a piece of cotton wool to the crook of your elbow, wrist or inner surface forearms. If the skin turns red, begins to itch, irritation or a rash appears within half a day after application, then you should stop using the oil externally.

In order not to harm the child’s health when using thuja oil, the following rules must be observed:

  • do not allow the drug to be in close proximity to the child’s eyes;
  • adhere to the recommended dosage and storage conditions;
  • never use oil near an open fire;
  • Inhalation through a bath and aroma lamp is recommended to be carried out as little as possible at first.

It is strictly forbidden to give your child inhalations using nebulizers with essential oils, as pulmonary edema and pneumonia are very likely! External use is possible only in areas with intact skin in the absence of wounds and irritation on the skin.

At first, treatment with an aroma lamp should be a rare exception rather than the rule. If the child responds well to it, the frequency of use can be increased over time.


The effect of using these treatment regimens does not appear immediately. From medical practice It is known that in 70 out of 100 children, after six months of using thuja oil, the adenoids are significantly reduced. However, thuja oil is not a panacea - the result of use depends on individual characteristics body. Some parents, after treating their child using this tool they forget about adenoiditis forever, some - for a while. There are children for whom treatment with thuja oil will be completely ineffective. Be that as it may, all questions regarding the dosage of thuja oil when used for children and the duration of treatment should be resolved exclusively by a medical professional.

Many people know thuja, but few know that the oil of this plant is useful in treating various ailments, including those of an infectious nature. Medicine uses thuja oil preparations prepared according to folk recipes. ? But it is used medical practice such a product with a low concentration of active substances. This way it works more softly.

Thuja oil is useful for adenoids in children, inflammation of the mucous membranes, runny nose and other pathologies. After all, children need natural and safe curative therapy, although this thuja product is also used by adults. The processes occurring in the cells of the nasopharynx often lead to serious consequences.

Oil extracts of the plant contain tanning components, aromatic and essential resins, phytoncides and antioxidants. This guarantees many useful qualities.

The drug is valued in the treatment of inflammation of the respiratory system, since it has antibacterial properties and affects fungal infections and viruses.

Treatment of adenoids with thuja oil in children has a positive effect due to its vasoconstrictor effect.

The result of using the product is fast healing wound. The drug anesthetizes them and stops bleeding.

The immunostimulating effect of the drug strengthens the immune system. Oil drops also have qualities that allow:

  • cope with anxiety and irritability;
  • restore body activity;
  • increase tone;
  • remove warts and papillomas;
  • heal tumors;
  • expel worms from the gastrointestinal tract.

The maximum benefit will come from the product as part of complex therapy.

When purchasing oil, you should remember that there are two types of this pharmaceutical product: concentrated essential and homeopathic, diluted.

Oil preparations

There are many preparations that contain an extract from thuja branches. But only three drugs are used to treat adenoids. They are classified as weakly concentrated for the reason that with high concentration Thuja preparations should not be prescribed to children. Medicines are produced by pharmacological companies in Moscow:

“Thuja Edas 801” is available in the form of drops for the treatment of adenoids, runny nose, otitis, etc. The instructions contain a long list of indications. And there are no contraindications. There is also no information about adverse reactions. The main properties of the medicine include normalizing the composition of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and relieving swelling. Oil components suppress the development of microorganisms that provoke infection and inflammation in the cerebral cortex. The drug "Edas 801" belongs to homeopathy, is used for hyperplastic rhinitis and adenoid growths in children, affects the immune system.

?“Thuja DN” is oil drops. The drug is used to treat adenoids in children and chronic runny nose. It is unacceptable to use oil drops in case of acute rhinitis or special sensitivity to the components of the drug. Allergies may occur due to this sensitivity. Do not use the product on occasion acute development pathologies and to relieve symptoms of allergic reactions in the nasopharynx.

“Thuja GF” contains oil components of thuja occidentalis and is used in the treatment of all types of rhinitis, including viral and adeniitis. But this oil is not prescribed to children, because this drug has not passed the appropriate tests.

Treatment regimen for adenoids

Unlike medicinal drops, thuja oil is used for a long time in the treatment of adenoids. The therapeutic course lasts in courses of one and a half months with breaks. Doctors offer several schemes for such courses. Only a doctor prescribes them. Each method of treating adenoids has its own characteristics.

1 way:

  • the baby's nostrils are washed with drops of sea ​​water;
  • Instill 2-3 drops into the nostrils.

Such instillations are carried out for about a month and a half, 2-3 times a day. After month break therapy is repeated.

Method 2:

  • rinse the nose with saline drops;
  • oil drops are administered 5-6 drops into both nostrils, but once a day.

The duration of the courses and the entire treatment is six months.

3 way:

  • two weeks every day after rinsing the nose, drip an oil product 2 or 3 times, a couple of drops;
  • the breaks also last two weeks.

The full course of treatment lasts six months.

4 way

With this treatment regimen, auxiliary medications are used:

The treatment regimen is as follows:

  1. in the first week, a couple of drops of Protargol are injected into the nostrils, after 20 minutes the same amount of the substance is repeated;
  2. in the second week, “Protargol” is dripped in the same way, and the oil is replaced with “Argolife”;
  3. one course of therapy is 6 weeks;
  4. then treatment is interrupted for seven days;
  5. in the 8th week – add a couple of drops of thuja oil. But before the procedure, the nose is washed.

If complete cure not achieved, after a therapeutic course and a break, treatment can be repeated according to a different scheme. Repeating therapy depends on the condition of the child’s body.

Any method of healing requires compliance with the rules of nasal instillation.

A ten-minute rest in a lying position with your head thrown back is mandatory. This will allow the oil to spread over the surface of the inflammation.

Instructions for use

Not only any homeopathic pharmacy sells such a remedy. Thuja oil preparations are also sold in other pharmacy kiosks.

When buying thuja oil for a child, you must carefully study the instructions so as not to cause harm by overdose.

The product is produced by different companies, so you can find different names for the drug.

Its pharmacological effect is to improve the condition of the tissues of the nasopharynx and the function of the skin.

Indications include the atrophic form of rhinitis, the presence of polyps and adenoid growths in the nose, condylomas and warts on the skin, pathological abnormalities mucous membranes of the oral surface, otitis media.

It is important to adhere to the dose for each disease.

In case of diseases of the tissues of the nasopharynx, no more than four drops are instilled into each nostril passage three times a day. If dosages are met or less than normal, adverse reactions will not be. For a child under 6 years of age, the instructions for use recommend dripping a drop of oil into each nostril a couple of times a day. The solution cannot contain more than 15% oils.

Before use, the medicine should be slightly warmed by holding it in your palms.

It is unacceptable to use thuja essential oil to treat adenoids in children. Only homeopathic medicine is allowed to be used.

Important! You can drip thuja oil preparations to a child only as prescribed by a doctor, who will conduct an examination, find out if there is an allergy to the drug, and determine the degree of the disease.

At mild degree development such treatment is possible. But when the process is running, oil consumption and delay surgery will only cause harm.

Harm and contraindications

The oil will be harmful if consumed in concentrated form. Essential oil contains a lot of active active ingredients, therefore it is toxic if used incorrectly.

Infants need to dilute thuja oil!

A homeopathic remedy does not give such effects.

It is contraindicated to drip thuja oil to a child with sensitivity to it and epilepsy, and to women during pregnancy.

In case of severe pathologies, you cannot trust only traditional medicine.

Considering that the composition of Thuja Oil has not yet been sufficiently studied, allopathic medicine does not use it in therapeutic purposes. And its healing properties are known only thanks to the research of homeopathic doctors.

Description of the drug

Homeopathic medicines due to their low content active ingredients less often provide negative reaction and are successfully used in treatment.

At active substance dissolved until it is completely depersonalized, so Thuja Oil cannot be called such. Concentration D1 indicates a dilution of 5 g of thuja occidentalis extract per 100 g of oil. And such a norm is not characteristic of homeopathy.

Thuja oil is a cross between allopathic and homeopathic remedies: for some the concentration is too high, for others it is low. The composition of the main components of the product is simple: Vaseline oil and thuja occidentalis extract. However, it is worth paying attention to additional components, and these are:

  • A large number of resins;
  • Tannins;
  • Pinin;
  • Tuin;
  • Saponites;
  • Pilen;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Aromadendrin.

The drug is diluted 1:10, which means a 100 g bottle will contain 0.5 g active ingredient. Available in the form of drops.

Important information: purchase Thuja Oil only from pharmacy points. Never use pure oil for internal use. Suitable for these purposes only homeopathic remedy. Be careful.

Indications for use

Thuja oil is designed to combat a common childhood pathology – adenoids. And most importantly, it is used even to treat very tiny children. Source: flickr (sally anscombe).

The first sign of pathology is. In some cases, a runny nose is possible, but has difficult character, often the discharge becomes bad smell and change color. Physiological processes: proliferation lymphoid tissue leads to swelling. Such manifestations have infectious nature, and if treatment is not started on time, the baby may develop many complications:

  • Problems with tooth growth;
  • The chest slows down its development;
  • The brain begins to lack oxygen, which means mental activity deteriorates;
  • Increased susceptibility to infectious diseases;
  • Problems with the central nervous system.

The list can be continued for a long time - this was just the main list possible complications. Thuja oil copes with all manifestations of initial stages and avoids surgical intervention.

Omission in treatment makes it ineffective medication assistance, therefore it is extremely important to send the child for examination on time.

Important information: swelling and infection are only a small part of the problems associated with adenoids. Surgical intervention, although effective, can cause serious stress to the baby’s body, already weakened by the disease. Don't neglect preventative procedures.

Thuja oil helps not only in the treatment of adenoids, but also with sinusitis, laryngitis and other respiratory diseases.

But you should not self-medicate. Only a competent specialist will be able to determine the form and stage of the disease and prescribe the appropriate medications. In some cases homeopathic treatment may not be enough.

Properties of the drug:

  • Antibacterial;
  • Relieves swelling;
  • Facilitates the breathing process;
  • Accelerates the outflow of purulent accumulations;
  • Softens pus and mucus.

Features of the drug

All drugs have their own characteristics of use and homeopathic ones are no exception.

Consumption of caffeinated drinks and alcohol can significantly reduce the effectiveness of treatment. And if you eat onions, cinnamon, poppy seeds, garlic, healing effect may come down to zero. Source: flickr (Matt Ward)

When starting treatment, listen carefully to all the doctor’s recommendations and follow them strictly. Of course, if you want to get results.

The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles in any way, and is also not addictive.

Instructions for use

Conservative techniques do not produce quick effect. It is necessary to be patient and continue systematic treatment. The course lasts a month, then there is no break either. less than a month. If the problem cannot be resolved, the procedure is repeated. In some cases, final cure requires more than one cycle.

Important information: It is forbidden to use pure oil for internal use. Use products containing no more than 15% active ingredient.

Procedure home treatment simple, but requires patience on the part of the family.

It is necessary to carry out a number of manipulations:

  1. The nasopharynx must be rinsed with water and salt. This must be done over the basin, the baby’s head should be tilted. Then let the baby blow his nose.
  2. The drug is instilled in 2-3 drops into the nostril, and the child should be in a comfortable position with his head tilted back.
  3. After all the manipulations, put your child to bed for 5-10 minutes so that the product flows safely into the respiratory tract.


Before starting the course, consult a homeopathic doctor. Remember, the product is prohibited for use by expectant mothers and women breastfeeding, as well as epileptics.

Pure oil can be harmful to health if taken internally. Therefore, it is important to emphasize: only homeopathic medicine can be safely used for nasal instillation.

Any drug or its components can cause allergic reactions if you are hypersensitive. Therefore, before starting the course, be sure to consult your doctor and conduct a series of skin tests.

Storage conditions: in the dark, protected from sunlight place, at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. Keep out of the reach of children.

In addition to drug therapy, it is necessary to use herbal preparations, For example, good effect Thuja oil helps with sinusitis and other ENT diseases. Doubt beneficial properties no oil needed. Even in ancient times, thuja was considered the tree of life; many diseases were treated with infusions and decoctions from its branches. Nowadays, thuja is popular for children for runny noses and polyps.

Before purchasing a homeopathic medicine, you need to understand what effect thuja oil has on the mucous membrane in children with a runny nose.

The product is made from cones and pine needles. It contains only herbal ingredients:

  • glucosides;
  • phytoncides;
  • aromatic resins;
  • tannins.

Taken together, all these substances have healing properties necessary for treatment inflammatory diseases nasopharynx: inhibit the activity of harmful microorganisms, reduce swelling, relieve inflammation and pain.

These properties of the oil are ideal for treating a runny nose. The thuja preparation helps cleanse the nasal canals and reduce inflammation. Course admission homeopathic medicine stimulates local immunity, accelerates the restoration of the epithelium. When used in a child, the amount of snot decreases and their discharge improves.

Purpose of the oil

The healing agent is instilled for the prevention and treatment of childhood diseases, the symptoms of which are a runny nose:

  • ARVI;
  • chronic form of rhinitis;
  • sinusitis.

Which oil to buy

The mistake many mothers make is buying essential oil thuja. To treat runny nose in children, you need to purchase 15% homeopathic oil. The concentration of essential oil is too high (100%) and it is not suitable for nasal use.

The products of different pharmaceutical companies have slight differences. Today you can find on sale three options for homeopathic remedies approved for use in childhood:

  1. Edas-801.
  2. Thuja GF.

Thuja DN - description and instructions

Complex preparation of domestic production, place of manufacture in Moscow. Homeopathic medicine recommended to be used in conjunction with medications for the treatment of sinusitis and conservative therapy adenoiditis. Available in liquid and ointment form.


  • phytolacca;
  • barium carbonate;
  • hemlock;
  • goldenseal;
  • hepar sulphur.

Instructions for the use of "Tui DN" for sinusitis in a child

Doctors recommend using thuja oil for runny noses in children according to the instructions that come with the drug. The product has proven itself well in the treatment of sinusitis. Before use, do an allergy test: wait 30 minutes, if not allergic manifestations start treatment.

When treating sinusitis with thuja oil, stick to age restrictions. The homeopathic remedy can be used by children from 14 years of age. Sequence of actions during the treatment procedure:

  • Treatment of the nose with saline solution (“Aquamaris”, “Physiomer”).
  • Clearing the nasal cavity of mucus.
  • Instillation of oil into the nasal passages.

Apply 2 to 5 drops per nostril into the nose. 3-4 procedures per day. Treatment of sinusitis with thuja oil continues for 2 to 3 weeks, the duration is determined by the attending physician. During the procedure, the patient should lie on a horizontal surface, with his head thrown back a little for convenience.

Thuja GF

Thuja oil and ointment are produced in St. Petersburg. Both medicinal forms(liquid and in the form of an ointment) is used for sinusitis, combined with other medications. Purpose – cleaning the maxillary sinuses from purulent discharge, relieving inflammation, fighting infection.

When making the ointment we used:

  • petrolatum.

The composition of the thuja GF preparation is identical to the thuja DN preparation. Recommendations for using oil:

  • course 7 days;
  • single dose per nostril - from 3 to 8 drops;
  • number of treatments per day – 4.

There are contraindications: age (under 18 years), allergies, intolerance to components.

Using thuja ointment for a runny nose in children

The delicate structure of the ointment allows you to gently act on dry crusts in the nose and facilitate cleaning of the nasal passages. After completing the course, normal mucus secretion is restored, full recovery child, there are no complications.

Doctors allow the use of thuja ointment for a runny nose together with other medications. For chronic sinusitis, the course lasts from 7 to 14 days. Carry out the procedure twice a day. The duration of the procedure is 10 (5) minutes, depending on the age of the child.

Treatment procedure:

  1. Rinse your nose with saline solution.
  2. Twist wicks from cotton wool.
  3. Soak the wicks with ointment.
  4. Place the wicks in the nostrils.

The therapeutic effect is observed already on the second day. The child suffers less from congestion and the volume of nasal discharge decreases. Treatment with ointments chronic sinusitis approved by doctors.


Product for external use. The main share of Edas-801 − olive oil(95 g), active substance - thuja occidentalis (5 g). The yellow-green mass is packaged in glass bottles (25 ml) with caps or bottles (15 ml) with a dropper.

The healing properties of Edas-801 are used for treatment persistent runny nose with green discharge, symptom relief chronic rhinitis. The product helps with dry nose. Thuja oil is effective for nasal polyps. Edas-801 has metabolic properties and promotes the restoration of mucous tissues.

Polyps – benign formations(drop-shaped, round) most often form in children under 10 years of age and are located on the mucous membrane. Symptoms: sneezing, congestion, headache, bad dream. In parallel with traditional conservative treatment of polyps using pharmaceutical drugs use thuja oil. Twice a day, drop 2-3 drops into each nostril.

Tonsils and adenoids

We began to notice that the child was systematically ill, complaining of a sore throat, fever, bad feeling, which means the tonsils are inflamed. Infection most often attacks children under 12 years of age en masse. Adults are least susceptible similar disease. The tonsils in the throat are comparable to the main gate to the human body. the attack is contained until the tonsils are affected. As soon as the immune system fails, microbes penetrate inside and begin to actively develop, leaving behind Negative consequences. The disease can be cured medications, traditional medicine, in as a last resort, surgical intervention is used. Much depends on the severity of the disease and the timing of seeking help. Most often you can limit yourself traditional medicine, in the form of all kinds of decoctions and oils. In today's article we will look at some examples of the use of thuja oil for adenoids for children.

Help with inflammation

A massive attack by bacteria leads to the fact that the gland grows and gradually blocks the access of oxygen to the Airways. A person begins to breathe through his mouth, exacerbations of bronchitis, tonsillitis, and other forms begin chronic sore throat. In the early stages, this can be avoided by using thuja oil. This evergreen coniferous tree belongs to the cypress family. To produce a healing potion, fruits - cones - are used. Beneficial features:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • vasoconstrictor;
  • stimulation of the immune system, a call for speedy recovery;
  • epithelial regeneration;
  • restoration of metabolic processes.

Medicines on sale

In many pharmacies you can find two main types:

  • "Thuja Edas 801" - the medicine does not contain contraindications and all kinds of side effects. Recommended for use for rhinitis, adenoiditis, otitis, polyps;
  • "Thuja DN" - in to a greater extent recommended for children with chronic forms rhinitis. It is strictly not recommended to use if you are not personally comfortable with the product or are particularly sensitive. Some patients have persistent allergies. The drug is prescribed only by a doctor and at his discretion, depending on the severity of the disease and the nature of its course.

How is the treatment carried out?

It is immediately necessary to note that the process will be lengthy, but it is worth it to achieve positive result. General course takes up to six months, including breaks.

  • first stage: the baby’s nasopharynx is washed with sea water. For such purposes you can use various drugs, which are freely sold in pharmacies;
  • second: a few drops of medicine are instilled into each nostril in stages. He does this every day three times a day for 45 days. It is allowed to take a short break for two days in order not to cause allergic reaction in organism.

Option #1. Rinsing the nose with sea water or a preparation containing it. Place 5 drops in each nostril one by one for two weeks. Afterwards you need to take a break and continue further, if necessary.

Option #2. Two drops of the drug are instilled into each nostril, three drops at a time. The procedure is performed weekly with a break of a week.

It is important to know. As statistical data show, the drug helps in 7 cases out of 10. Moreover, the positive effect is monitored at any of the three stages of disease complexity. The main obstacle that may exist is individual intolerance of the body. It is not recommended to use the medicine when elevated temperature, swelling, difficulty breathing.

As we see, many patients manage to successfully avoid surgical intervention by using the drug in advance. The tonsils are restored in size, the airways are cleared, general state normalizes. The main thing is to consult a doctor at the first symptoms for an examination and treatment. As confirmation of the positive effects of the oil, below are some reviews from patients who have previously used the oil.

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