Menstruation after the birth of a child. Why is there no menstruation for a long time after childbirth?

Nine long months of pregnancy ended with the long-awaited birth. For some, this process took place naturally, while some women gave birth through caesarean section. No matter how the baby is born, sooner or later women begin to worry about why there are no periods after childbirth and when they should come.

In this article, we will look at what determines the timing of menstruation after childbirth, and in which cases it is a sign of pathology and requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

general information

The resumption of menstrual periods after the birth of a baby is preceded by serious hormonal changes, which is why some young mothers do not have periods for a year after giving birth. Also, similar behavior of the body causes breastfeeding of a newborn.

Another reason for not having periods can be a new pregnancy, because very often women think that they cannot get pregnant while breastfeeding an older child and do not attach due importance to the use of contraception during sexual intercourse.

The absence of menstruation after childbirth can be caused by other factors:

  • daily routine of a woman in labor;
  • features of the diet of a young mother;
  • duration and quality of sleep and rest of a woman.

So that menstruation after the birth of the baby occurs on time and proceeds without any special changes, a woman needs to eat properly and in a balanced manner, sleep at night and take breaks during the day, do not be nervous and all diseases, especially the genital area, should be treated in a timely manner.

Cycle recovery

Many women in labor are interested in how many days or months later they should get their period. As practice shows, a nursing woman’s cycle is restored 14-16 months after childbirth. In 7% of young mothers, menstruation resumes after six months, in 37% - within 7 months to a year. 8% of women begin menstruation after an average of 2 years.

When breastfeeding

Most often, young mothers who feed their children with their own milk do not have periods after childbirth. placed in cases where, due to lactation, menstruation is absent for more than six months after the birth of the baby. But this situation does not require medical intervention and is natural for a long period of breastfeeding.


If the child is bottle-fed immediately from birth, then immediately after the restoration of the inner mucous layer of the uterus, the critical days resume. First, the lochia stops flowing, and then menstruation begins. The period of restoration of cycle regularity can take from 1.5 to 4-5 months.

If there are no symptoms of uterine bleeding, then spotting after the cessation of lochia can be considered the onset of the first menstruation after childbirth.

If the child immediately after birth began to eat formula, and menstruation does not occur for more than 4 months, then in this situation you do not need to think long about what to do, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Features of postpartum menstruation

Pregnant women are completely normal, but after the birth of the baby, critical days become regular again after a certain time. Let's consider what happens in a woman's body after childbirth:

  • the regular cycle of menstruation begins almost immediately after the birth of the child, and the discharge itself does not differ from the regular periods that existed before pregnancy. Their character can change only if there are chronic inflammatory processes or endocrine diseases;
  • Menstruation after childbirth may become painless. Almost 90% of women note this feature of postpartum menstruation at their first visit to the gynecologist. From a medical point of view, this is explained by the presence of a bend in the uterus before pregnancy, which complicates the normal discharge of secretions. After gestation, the uterus changes shape and position in such a way that the curve changes, and the onset of menstruation is no longer associated with pain;
  • even if menstruation occurs 1-2 months after childbirth, this does not mean that the period of recovery of the female body has already completely ended and you can become pregnant again. There is no need to rush into a new conception, because it takes at least 2 years to replenish the reserves of minerals and vitamins that will be required to nourish the new fetus and for the normal functioning of all systems in a woman’s body. To prevent a new pregnancy, you need to use suitable contraception, which your doctor will help you choose.

Only feeding activity and the duration of the lactation period have a greater influence on... Some representatives of the fair sex are very mistaken when they think that this period depends on the method of childbirth; in fact, this is not the case. After a natural birth and after a cesarean section, the onset of menstruation will be determined by the way the baby is fed.

Usually, periods after childbirth will not differ much from those before conception, but there are situations in which you should consult a doctor immediately:

  • if there is severe pain in the uterine area;
  • if menstrual flow has a very strong specific odor;
  • if the discharge is too intense and lasts more than a week;
  • if there are no critical days 2 months after stopping breastfeeding;
  • if the discharge has large clots and is bright scarlet in color, this may be a sign of a serious illness.

What to do

If childbirth is already far behind you and your period still hasn't arrived, this may be a warning sign, but you shouldn't panic in every case. For example, if a mother whose child is fed formula does not have her period for 5-7 months, this may be caused by a hormonal imbalance. And in a nursing mother, a long absence of menstruation can be caused by reduced immunity and a lack of essential vitamins and microelements in the body. Due to the low level of protective functions, a woman’s risk of “catching” various diseases and infections increases.

The fact that there are no critical days after childbirth for a long time may be a symptom of polycystic disease or obstruction of the fallopian tubes caused by inflammatory diseases. Lack of menstruation is not the worst consequence of such conditions; it is much worse that they can cause infertility.

To prevent dangerous diseases, a woman in labor should undergo a gynecological examination immediately after the cessation of lochia, and then after completion of lactation. In some cases, the gynecologist may recommend hormone tests.

If a pathological cause for the absence of menstruation is identified, then drug treatment is most often prescribed; traditional medicine in such situations can not only be ineffective, but in some cases dangerous to health, since it will lead to the loss of precious time.

The main recommendations for young mothers are a balanced diet, proper rest, walks in the fresh air, swimming in open water in the warm season and moderate exercise. It is recommended to start sports activities no earlier than six months after the birth of the child.

Any treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist; if therapy is prescribed in a timely manner, it will occur within 2-3 months.

For each woman, the process of restoring the female reproductive system occurs individually, and even a doctor will not give you the exact timing of menstruation. For some, the distance between childbirth and the established menstrual cycle is very short and takes a couple of months, while others can wait a year or even more.

Some people mistakenly consider the discharge that occurs immediately after the birth of a child to be menstruation. This is not true. These bloody discharges are called lochia, this is how the uterine wound heals, formed during the process of placental abruption. Lochia ends approximately 6-8 weeks after birth.

An approximate norm is that nursing mothers begin menstruation within 10-15 weeks after the birth of the child. The menstrual cycle may be irregular, but it will return to normal after a couple of cycles, regardless of whether the baby was born by caesarean section or naturally.

If a woman is breastfeeding, it happens that menstruation does not occur for a long time. This period depends on how quickly the hormonal levels can be restored. This is the so-called lactational amenorrhea - a normal physiological condition. If the baby is fed on demand and the interval between feedings does not exceed three hours, menstruation will most likely not come soon. When a baby is introduced to complementary foods, the interval between breastfeeding increases, the production of the hormone prolactin slows down, hormonal levels change, and menstruation begins.

Many mothers notice that during menstruation the milk supply in their breasts decreases. This is not a reason to worry: when your period stops, the volume of milk will return to its previous level, but in the meantime you should put your baby to your breast more often.

There is a false belief that pregnancy is impossible during lactational amenorrhea. However, conception may well take place in this case. Ask your gynecologist to choose contraception for you during this period to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Factors that influence the onset of menstruation:

  • Established daily routine;
  • Rational and proper nutrition;
  • Opportunity for good sleep and rest;
  • General mental state;
  • Diseases and complications resulting from childbirth.

The onset of menstruation after childbirth

Mothers who have recently given birth sometimes notice that after childbirth the nature of menstruation has changed, they become more or less abundant, and their frequency changes. More often the painful condition disappears or decreases on these days, called “critical”. The heaviest discharge occurs in the first day or two. The menstrual cycle is improving, its average duration is about 28 days.

Reason to visit the doctor

There are cases when postponing a visit to the doctor is simply dangerous for your health:
  • You finish breastfeeding and two months later you still haven't gotten your period.
  • You feel severe pain in your lower abdomen.
  • Menstrual discharge has large clots or is bright scarlet in color.
  • The discharge has a pungent odor.
  • Menstruation lasts more than a week.
If menstruation does not occur even a year after the birth of the child or is irregular, do not be nervous or panic. A visit to a gynecologist will help to find out the reasons for the absence of menstruation; if necessary, the necessary medication or physiotherapeutic treatment will be prescribed. If the doctor does not find any medical problems with your health, he will advise you to calmly wait for your period and enjoy your motherhood.


It is the hormonal changes that occur in the body of every woman during pregnancy , lead to the cessation of menstruation. Normal gestation, development and growth of the fetus is ensured by the pregnancy hormone - progesterone, which at this time is actively produced by the mother's endocrine system. And now the pregnancy is over, baby feeding improved , but there is another reason for concern.

Many women are concerned about how they will recover menstruation after childbirth? After all, mainly, they allow you to plan the birth of a second and third child in the future, determine a woman’s personal comfort and signal about some gynecological diseases .
In most cases, after a short period of recovery of the body after childbirth, women's periods will go according to the generally accepted schedule, for others they will be normal.
some delays and normal monthly cycle It can start even after three months! For example, you should not worry if there is a gap of two months between your first and second periods while you continue breastfeeding.

During this period after childbirth When menstruation begins to recover, you should not be afraid of their appearance ahead of schedule or with a delay. The final schedule should be established after the third cycle, but if there is still no such stability, you need to see a gynecologist.

Both after natural birth and in case of cesarean section in the female body, the processes of restoring the hormonal state are launched. The main sign of the end of hormonal changes will be date of the appearance of menstruation a few months after childbirth:

- for women who are not breastfeeding – after one and a half or two months;

For nursing mothers - after the introduction of complementary foods, when the baby is put to the breast less often.

In some cases, when after childbirth, young mothers worry and are nervous about the start of the restoration of the menstrual cycle , psychological problems can also affect hormonal levels, although the physical condition will be within normal limits. Therefore, it is very important to remain calm and enjoy motherhood to the fullest.

After the end of labor, the endocrine system of a woman who has given birth actively produces the hormone prolactin. (the so-called "milk hormone"). It is prolactin that is responsible for the appearance of milk, and it also suppresses the function of the ovaries in the maturation and ovulation of the egg (the release of the egg from the ovary is blocked). The absence of ovulation means that your period does not come.

Thus, it is the nature of breastfeeding that determines the onset of the menstrual cycle and the speed of its recovery.

If a woman refuses breastfeeding, the prolactin level decreases and within a two-month interval after childbirth the cycle will be completely restored.

Very often, periods after childbirth have a different character than before pregnancy. , as the woman’s body changes. Previously painful discharge now does not create discomfort, since childbirth eliminates the curvature of the uterus, which impeded the outflow of menstrual blood and caused pain.

Among other things, the following factors contribute to the speedy restoration of the menstrual cycle:

properly organized daily routine;

healthy eating and proper rest;

calm psychological state;

absence of chronic diseases and postpartum complications .

When more than two months have passed after stopping breastfeeding, and there are no periods, a woman should definitely contact a gynecologist, who will rule out the presence of a disease or pathology.

Various menstrual irregularities can be caused by complications during pregnancy. or difficult childbirth, as well as hormonal diseases.


After childbirth is left behind, many young mothers begin to worry about the issue of missed periods. , namely: how long will there be no menstruation and what are the reasons for this process?

Breastfeeding occurs against the background of the release of large amounts of the hormone prolactin. The level of this hormone determines the suppression of ovarian function, which is why after childbirth, women usually do not have periods for up to two months.

It is absolutely normal for this condition to occur when won't have periods for a year after giving birth, because while the mother is breastfeeding (even once a day), menstrual flow may not be around for long. In this case there should be no cause for concern.

If the baby has access to breast milk on demand both day and night, then the mother may begin menstruation after the end of the lactation period (about a year later).

For those mothers whose babies are on artificial nutrition, the period of absence of menstruation after childbirth is about three months.

All the figures given are averaged, and the processes in each body are individual and the timing may vary depending on the health status of each woman. The wisdom of nature is in harmony, so it provides a woman with enough time to enjoy motherhood.

In cases where lochia (postpartum discharge) has long disappeared, and there are still no periods for several months, many women begin to get nervous. They are worried what is the reason for no menstruation, and also when they will appear.

The established norm for the onset of menstruation after childbirth is quite approximate and depends on some individual factors:

general and psychological state of the mother;

the woman’s adherence to a proper diet, rest and sleep;

postpartum complications.

However, a long delay in menstruation can be caused by serious pathologies, including:

hormonal imbalance, which causes a decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen;

inflammation or tumors in the genital organs;

past infectious diseases;

pituitary apoplexy, called Sheehan's syndrome.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of a new pregnancy. , since a woman can become pregnant before the first menstruation appears after childbirth. This is explained by the fact that two weeks pass between ovulation and menstruation, and during this period it is quite possible to become pregnant.

If the pregnancy test result is negative and the absence of gynecological pathologies, it is necessary to undergo examination by an endocrinologist in order to identify Sheehan syndrome. This disease can be caused by postpartum complications and leads to changes in the pituitary gland, which stops producing the hormone prolactin.

Long absence of menstruation does not always mean that there is a danger to a woman’s health; however, it is unacceptable to self-medicate or neglect to see a doctor. Timely diagnosis and proper treatment will help the mother maintain health , fully raise the existing baby, carry and give birth to the next one.


After childbirth, a woman’s body experiences new hormonal changes aimed at creating conditions for the production of breast milk. Such hormonal changes suppress ovarian function and manifest absence of menstruation for several months.

Some women mistake postpartum discharge for their period. Inevitable bleeding (lochia) occurs as a result of the process of separation of the placenta. At this point, a wound forms on the wall of the uterus, which bleeds for several weeks. At first, the lochia are bright red, they are abundant and consist of small clots . Subsequently, the discharge becomes brown, then it turns pale, there is less of it, and by the end of the sixth week the lochia disappears.

The appearance of menstruation can be considered early after approximately the 6th week from the date of birth. This usually happens if for some reason a woman refuses to breastfeed . In a situation where mixed feeding of the baby is used, the first menstruation occurs 2 or 3 months after birth.

The second period after childbirth, as a rule, should come a month after the first menstruation with a difference of 3 or 4 days. It is considered normal that regular menstruation will be restored completely after three menstrual cycles. This process depends on the full functioning of the ovaries, which prepare for new conceptions and ensure the ovulation of the egg.

If menstruation does not return, this is a reason to contact a gynecologist. The reason for the complete absence of menstruation may be an unexpected re-pregnancy, since breastfeeding in itself cannot be a method of contraception.

It is natural that first menstruation after childbirth will be abundant and will last no longer than one week. However, if such discharge is accompanied by symptoms of rapid heart rate, dizziness and weakness, then you need to consult a doctor to determine the possible pathology.

Quite often, after childbirth, the duration of the menstrual cycle (from 21 days to 35 days) or the menstruation itself changes (maximum seven days, but not less than three). Women should be wary of very prolonged menstrual flow (a sign of uterine fibroids ) or heavy periods.

Menstruation after childbirth that lasts more than 8 days is a reason to consult a gynecologist.

Heavy discharge that lasts longer than 10 days is bleeding and requires treatment, in which case special attention is paid to preventing iron deficiency anemia.

Features of anemia in women due to bleeding, it is such that the absorption of iron compounds from the intestine is impaired, therefore preference is given to the injection method of administering drugs products containing iron supplements.


A woman’s prolonged absence of menstruation after childbirth depends on the functioning of her hormonal system, which takes so long to restore the mammary glands, although all other organs return to normal after a few weeks. It is also important, even during pregnancy, to prepare your body for childbirth and the postpartum period (muscle strengthening exercises, Kegel exercises, proper diet ). The discharge that appears in a woman a week after giving birth is usually lochia (dark blood clots, parts of the fetal membrane, rejected elements of intrauterine tissue, mucus) and are a consequence of cleansing the woman’s body of unnecessary elements after the period of gestation . The appearance of menstruation after childbirth is determined by the production of the hormone prolactin, which ensures lactation - one month after breastfeeding stops (or its frequency sharply decreases).

Immediately after the birth of the baby, a woman has a desire to breastfeed. This is exactly how nature planned: early feeding, already in the first minutes after birth, starts the lactation process, and it, in turn, inhibits ovulation and enables the mother to feed her child. But when the baby is not put to the breast, then there is no stimulus for lactation, which means that there is no point in suppressing ovulation, and menstruation occurs. Nature “believes” that there is simply no child if there is no one to feed, and wisely begins to prepare the female body for a new pregnancy.

When women immediately breastfeed their baby, they experience a delay in ovulation, and their periods after childbirth will not come until three months later. At the same time, for many women, menstruation will appear a month after the end of intensive breastfeeding (from the moment complementary foods are introduced).

Thus, after giving birth, spouses should use protection during any type of feeding, unless they plan to raise children of the same age.

However, a long delay in menstruation after childbirth can also be caused by serious reasons or pathologies:

hormonal imbalance, causing a decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen in the blood;

inflammation, cysts or tumors in the genitals;

suffered severe infectious diseases;

pituitary apoplexy (Sheehan syndrome).

Menstrual irregularities in women can be caused by other reasons:

abortion (both mechanical damage to the mucous membrane and functional changes in the condition of the uterus and ovaries are possible, which stop producing the necessary hormones and ovulation does not occur);

severe stress (a state of depression after experiencing severe shocks depresses the hormonal system, which refuses to secrete the necessary hormones);

taking oral contraceptives (in cases of incorrectly selected dose of hormones, abrupt discontinuation of the drug, as well as in situations where emergency contraception was used once, in which the dose of hormones is very high);

significant weight loss (doctors have a concept of critical body weight, after which menstruation disappears - this is a weight loss of up to 45 kg).


Considering what character they have menstruation after childbirth, you need to take into account that for up to 8 weeks, a woman who has given birth will experience a discharge called lochia (in Greek, lochia means “childbirth”). And, although they are similar to menstrual blood, the reasons for their appearance differ from the origin of menstruation.

A woman can lose the most blood in the first 3 days (about 300 ml). After the end of the first week after childbirth, the color of your period changes - the discharge turns brown. Gradually their color fades, and their volume also decreases significantly. After 8 weeks, the body completely returns to normal, and the nature of the discharge becomes the same as it was before pregnancy.

Sometimes women worry about periods with blood clots. The cause may be an increase in general body temperature or diseases accompanied by rapid blood clotting.

If this phenomenon is observed in the first 4 weeks after birth, then the following cases are possible:

particles of the placenta have not come out of the uterus (you will probably have to perform a curettage of the uterus);

the uterus does not contract well enough (the doctor may prescribe medications that enhance this process).

Such complications are sometimes detected immediately after the birth of the child (in the first 2 weeks).

A logical question that concerns many young women: how long can periods last after childbirth? It is considered normal when the first menstruation lasts either very little, or, conversely, for an unusually long time, when compared with the previous cycle before pregnancy. The regularity of menstruation is restored after several cycles; a visit to the doctor is very important at this time. After all, the dates of the onset of menstruation will give the doctor the opportunity to test a woman’s cycle and, if necessary, prescribe appropriate treatment.

The postpartum period is characterized by a sharp decrease in the level of those hormones that were produced during pregnancy in order to create the best conditions for bearing a baby. Now the mother's endocrine system must change again to normalize body functions. In order for a woman to produce breast milk, the pituitary gland starts secretion immediately after birth. hormone prolactin. This hormone suppresses ovulation and determines the fact that most breastfeeding women do not have periods for many calendar months. The amount of prolactin affects the rate of cycle recovery and depends on the intensity of feeding the child.

Several initial cycles may occur with deviations:

- by the amount of discharge (abundant or scanty);

By duration (periods last longer or shorter, and an irregular cycle is also possible).

Usually, after the third cycle, menstruation becomes habitually regular and regular.


Irregular periods after childbirth are considered normal if a woman is breastfeeding her baby. . During the period when the child’s diet begins to be supplemented with other products, his need for mother’s milk decreases and it is put to the breast less and less often. At the same time, the woman resumes her first menstruation.

Hormonal renewal begins in the body, the purpose of which is to restore reproductive functions and prepare the woman for a new conception. According to the same scenario, menstruation develops after artificial childbirth, since the main factor here is the presence or absence of breastfeeding.

General trends are such that the first two or four menstrual cycles are marked by irregularity, profuse discharge, or, conversely, menstruation may be more scanty after childbirth. If the restoration of menstruation is delayed, starting from the fourth cycle, or if they are too scanty for a long time, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and undergo appropriate treatment.

It is quite possible that during the first 3 cycles there may be delays in menstruation, or a short gap between them. However, despite the likely norm of these phenomena, if you have such symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor. And the doctor will decide the presence of abnormalities or the following diseases:

inflammatory processes in the genital area,


tumors of the uterus or ovaries, etc.

The time between the first and subsequent menstruation, as well as the duration and amount of discharge after childbirth, may well differ. But there are general ideas and it is very important that individual periods “fit” within the established framework of the physiological norm.

The following indicators are considered physiological norms:

on average, the menstrual cycle is 28 days (can range from 21 days to 35 days;

the duration of menstruation ranges from 3 to 6 days (sometimes up to 8 days);

the greatest blood loss is observed on the first and second days of the menstrual cycle;

The approximate amount of blood that a woman loses during her monthly cycle is 40 ml (can range from 20 to 80 ml).

In cases where blood loss exceeds the norm of 80 ml during one menstrual cycle, the woman’s condition is considered pathological and requires medical attention.

For many young women, a pleasant event is the change in the nature of menstrual flow after childbirth. For example, if a woman previously had irregular periods, then after the birth of a child they can normalize and occur regularly.

If a woman previously experienced pain during menstruation, then after childbirth, periods often become painless. As a rule, pain during menstruation in young women occurs due to the bending of the uterus, which prevents the free outflow of menstrual blood. The period of gestation and subsequent childbirth changes the distribution of abdominal organs, in which the uterus acquires a physiologically correct location.


After a significant event in the life of a young woman - the first birth - the nature of the menstrual cycle may change and differences will arise from what it was before pregnancy.

Irregular menstruation before childbirth can please the mother after the birth of the baby with the normalization of the monthly cycle.

If menstruation was painful before, after childbirth it can occur without severe pain, which brings excruciating sensations. As a rule, pain at the very beginning of menstruation is caused by the bending of the uterus, which prevents the outflow of menstrual blood. Childbirth changes the position of the uterus, it becomes physiologically correct, and pain during menstruation no longer bothers you.

If the birth was complicated and accompanied by any inflammation of the uterus or appendages, then the resumption of the first menstruation can be very painful.

Common the reason for the absence of a monthly cycle after childbirth There is an increase in the level of a special hormone in the blood. The content of the hormone prolactin is regulated by the pituitary gland (a gland located in a special part of the brain).

The pituitary gland increases the production of prolactin gradually during pregnancy, and then even more immediately after childbirth, when the newborn baby is placed on the mother's breast. This “release” of prolactin causes the mammary glands to secrete breast milk.

After a woman feeds her older baby less, prolactin levels decrease and return to their original levels. Accordingly, the formation of milk decreases and then stops altogether.

Sometimes the amount of prolactin increases even outside of pregnancy, and its content in the blood does not decrease to normal after breastfeeding ends. This pathological condition is called prolactinemia.

The main reasons for excessive prolactin production during periods that are in no way related to lactation may be the following deviations:

a benign tumor in the pituitary gland (prolactinoma) that produces prolactin;

increased production of the hormone by those cells of the pituitary gland that are responsible for the production of prolactin;

presence of a pathological condition of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) , in which the functions of the thyroid gland are reduced, and the pituitary gland “tries” to replenish them;

other diseases of the endocrine glands.

Diagnosing hypothyroidism is easy; in this condition, a blood test shows abnormalities in the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) of the thyroid gland. Endocrinologists correct this deviation by prescribing L-thyroxine (thyroid hormone).

Hyperprolactinemia manifests itself in the form of disturbances in the cyclicity of menstruation:

the amount of menstrual blood discharge decreases (hypomenorrhea);

the bleeding period is shortened (opsomenorea);

There may be no periods at all (amenorrhea).

This pathology is accompanied by an increase in prolactin levels, which, in turn, suppresses the synthesis of other important hormones that regulate the monthly cycle.

Sometimes menstrual flow is accompanied by pain. What phenomena lead to painful periods?

Experts note the following:

functional disorders of endometrial tissue and mild rejection of the uterine mucosa;

excess levels of prostaglandins (substances that cause narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, as well as spasms of the uterine wall) also cause aching pain;

increased individual pain sensitivity threshold.

Women experience pain during menstruation in the lower abdomen, and sometimes the localization of pain can be in the middle of it. The pain is characterized by a wave-like nature, reminiscent of weak contractions. Some women feel pain during menstruation in adjacent areas: in the sacrum and even hips.

Very often, painful periods are accompanied by other symptoms: headache, nausea, dizziness may occur. , as well as diarrhea and abdominal colic. Today, experienced doctors have enough tools in their arsenal to relieve women of many unpleasant symptoms that accompany menstruation.

Strong personal motivation, in which a volitional switch to any intellectual or creative activity occurs, will help you independently reduce pain during menstruation.

Particular attention should be paid to certain cases when a woman should definitely see a doctor:

2 months after weaning the baby, menstruation does not occur;

if there are large clots in the blood or the color of the discharge is bright red;

severe pain is felt in the uterine area;

heavy and prolonged bleeding that lasts more than 7 days;

The discharge is accompanied by a pungent odor.

The nuances of using hygiene products

It is best to return to the usual tampons and pads (those with an absorbent mesh coating) after the final restoration of the menstrual cycle.

It is not advisable to use these hygiene products immediately after childbirth during menstruation (that is, with lochia). Tampons impede the free flow of blood, which should not be disrupted during the postpartum period. Pads covered with mesh can cause irritation of the mucous membrane, especially if it is injured or the woman has postpartum stitches. Preference should be given to pads with a smooth inner surface, and they should be changed every 4 hours.

With heavy discharge (lochia) Doctors recommend abandoning “intimate” gels and frequent toileting of the external genitalia using baby soap.

During lochia discharge, it is better to refrain from intimate contacts altogether (at least for 6 weeks). Unprotected intimacy after childbirth is considered unacceptable, since you need to protect yourself in every possible way from any possible infections entering the poorly protected womb.

The absence of menstruation after the birth of a child is due to the physiological characteristics of the female body. Restoration of the menstrual cycle depends on the type of feeding and hormonal levels of the mother, as well as the lifestyle she leads.

Irregular periods after childbirth are often not a cause for concern, but in some cases the delay may be caused by pathology. Let us dwell in more detail on the features of postpartum menstruation and cases when it is better to consult a doctor.

Why don't my periods come after childbirth?

Why do I not have periods for a long time after the baby is born? The reason why women do not have periods after childbirth is lactational amenorrhea caused by the hormone prolactin. The latter promotes the production of mother's milk and prevents ovulation. As a result, there are no regulations during breastfeeding.

Prolactin prevents the onset of a new pregnancy, but disruption of the feeding schedule, introduction of complementary foods and other factors influence the resumption of ovulation even though the mother is still breastfeeding. If you had your period at least once after giving birth and then disappeared again, its absence may be a sign of a new pregnancy.

A delay in menstruation after childbirth also occurs due to the presence of any diseases. One of the most common diseases is endometriosis. Its appearance is facilitated by numerous ruptures of the birth canal during childbirth, as well as cesarean section. Other causes include endocrine or inflammatory disorders, or a tumor in the uterus.

How long does a delay in menstruation last after childbirth?

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Over the course of 42-56 days, women in labor secrete blood from the uterus, or more precisely, from the extensive wound surface where the placenta was attached. The discharge is called lochia and has nothing to do with menstruation. At first, the lochia is bright scarlet in color, but over time it darkens, and after a few weeks it appears in the form of veins and ichor.

If previously the norm was considered to be the restoration of regulation after two or even three years, now this period has been reduced to 6-12 months. This is due to the lifestyle of modern women and the introduction of various foods into the infant’s diet. In addition, the following factors influence the rapid appearance of menstruation after the birth of a child:

  • taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • C-section;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • cessation of lactation due to various circumstances;
  • infant's refusal to breastfeed.

Resumption of regulation occurs in the same way both during natural childbirth and after obstetric surgery. In approximately 7% of women, spotting appears in the first six months after delivery, in 37% - before a year, in 48% - within 2 years, in 8% - after a 2-year period.


With full and regular breastfeeding, a delay in menstruation is observed for 12-14 months. The recovery period of the cycle is individual, there are no established norms - for some it happens in just a few months, while others do not have periods for a year or even two. In both the first and second cases, the absence of menstruation is normal.

Lactational amenorrhea in nursing mothers indicates high levels of prolactin. The appearance of regula when the baby is fully fed with breast milk after just a couple of months is a feature of the mother’s body, which is caused by the work of the pituitary gland, which regulates the secretion of the hormone.

Artificial feeding

If the baby is fed an adapted milk formula, regulation can begin immediately after lochia, when the injured area on the uterine tissue heals. For some mothers, the first menstruation occurs just 6 weeks after the birth of the baby, in other cases the delay is 10-15 weeks.

The first menstruation is quite scanty. The appearance of copious bright red discharge may indicate uterine bleeding.

Mixed type

When a baby is mixed-fed, menstrual flow usually appears 3-12 months after birth. The sooner a mother stops night feedings, the sooner she will get her period.

Breastfeeding at night is important because this is when prolactin production occurs at its peak. Increasing the frequency of formula feeding also affects the hormone - its amount gradually decreases. The restoration of the cycle with a mixed type of feeding occurs quite a long time, after the appearance of the first menstruation, the second can occur only after 2-3 months.

Features of postpartum menstruation

At first, women who give birth have irregular periods. It will take time for the menstrual cycle to return.

The duration of menstruation in a physiologically healthy woman ranges from 3 to 7 days. The normal volume of blood released is considered to be 50-150 ml.

After childbirth, mothers often experience changes in their menstrual cycle. If previously it was no more than 21-30 days, now its indicator is 25 days. Women in labor note that during labor they become more irritable and whiny. Sometimes migraines, nausea and increased appetite appear. All these symptoms indicate premenstrual syndrome. The resumption of regulation is influenced by the number of births, as well as the changes that the woman’s endocrine system undergoes.

After the birth of a child, many mothers note that menstruation is now less painful. This is due to better blood outflow due to the change in the position of the uterus.

There are also opposite situations - women in labor complain of pain during menstruation, which was not there before childbirth. Unpleasant sensations may go away after physical and psychological recovery of the body. If this does not happen, it is better for the mother to consult a gynecologist, since the cause may be inflammation in the pelvis, excessive contractions of the uterus or other pathology.

In what cases should you sound the alarm?

As a rule, a long delay in menstruation is associated with individual characteristics and the level of hormones in the body of the woman giving birth. However, the cause is also various complications and diseases of the genitourinary system.

If there is no menstruation after breastfeeding or the discharge is very scanty, this may indicate Sheehan syndrome. The disease develops after severe bleeding during childbirth, characterized by a drop in blood pressure. All this leads to the death of pituitary cells, and the latter, as is known, affect the woman’s reproductive system, in particular the maturation of eggs in the ovary.

Another problem with the absence of menstruation in women who have given birth is hyperprolactinemia. This pathology is a consequence of high levels of prolactin even after a woman has stopped breastfeeding. The hormone prevents the egg from developing, while milk synthesis continues. The causes of the pathology are gynecological diseases and pituitary adenoma.

In addition, a characteristic feature of the syndrome is the absence of lactation. The consequences of the disease are poor functioning of the adrenal glands and weakened immunity.

Consultation with a gynecologist is necessary if you have the following symptoms:

  • pain in the uterine region;
  • scarlet-colored bloody discharge began;
  • menstruation occurs twice a month;
  • duration of menstruation - less than 2;
  • uncharacteristic smell of blood;
  • spotting menstruation (appears as a result of the inflammatory process and endometriosis);
  • a large amount of blood released;
  • there is no bleeding for 180 days or more from the end of lactation;
  • scanty periods 3 cycles in a row or more;
  • the duration of the regulation is more than 8 days, they are accompanied by ailments;
  • menstruation came and disappeared again;
  • excessive uterine contractions;
  • spotting appears irregularly, although six months have already passed since the resumption of menstruation (the problem may be ovarian pathology).

One of the main problems that worries a new mother after fears about the birth of a baby recede is the fact that menstruation is absent and the usual cycle is disrupted.

If there are no periods after childbirth, this is not a cause for concern. Their absence is due to the physiological nature of the female body. It is important to take into account individual characteristics, hormonal levels, feeding method, lifestyle during and before pregnancy.

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. If your period does not come, it is important to find out the reason for its absence. This period can last from several months to a year, and if concomitant diseases are detected, menstruation will be absent for a longer period of time.

The production of breast milk for feeding the baby is the main function that the organs of the reproductive system must cope with.

A delay in menstruation after childbirth is associated with the way feeding occurs:

  • the child is fed breast milk;
  • receives milk, complementary foods and formula;
  • The only source of nutrition is formula milk.

When wondering why there is no period, it is important to consider the way you feed your baby.

With artificial feeding

When a woman completely switches her child to artificial feeding, the restoration of menstruation occurs quickly. As soon as the uterine mucosa heals, the first discharge appears.

They may arrive in a month and a half, in some cases you need to wait about 5 months. During this time, the body's ability to conceive is restored, and if there are no plans to become pregnant again, it is necessary to use contraception.

The first postpartum periods begin with small discharge, and over time their amount increases. They can be observed several days after the baby is born. However, we are talking about bloody discharge called lochia. Very often they are confused with menstruation.

In the absence of menstruation, lochia bothers a woman for about 1–2 months, until the uterus and its mucous membrane return to normal. If there was a caesarean section, this period may be prolonged. At first they are bright red, then gradually darken, their number decreases. At the end of the 4th week they take on the appearance of bloody streaks.

With mixed feeding

With mixed feeding of a child, menstruation occurs 3 or 4 months after birth. Sometimes this period extends to a year. This time period is due to the fact that the mother stops feeding the baby at night and in the morning. The sooner this happens, the faster your period will come.

In the morning and at night during breastfeeding, the body produces prolactin. The main purpose of this hormone is to produce breast milk and suppress the ovulation process. When complementary foods are introduced, its amount in the body decreases.

Due to the fact that significant changes occur in the body a few weeks after childbirth, the cycle can take a long time to recover, and the delay in the arrival of the 2nd menstruation in the postpartum period is not uncommon.

When finding out the reasons for the delay, it is important to exclude re-conception. The female body is designed in such a way that the onset of the next pregnancy is possible before the first menstruation appears after the birth of the child.

When breastfeeding

In mothers who breastfeed naturally, the usual discharge may be absent for a long time. This is due to the large amount of prolactin in the body when the baby receives only breast milk.

In medical science, doctors note the phenomenon when there are no periods for a year or more after childbirth. Sometimes this condition lasts until lactation completely stops and can take up to one and a half years.

Many women begin to sound the alarm when they don’t have a period for six months or even several months. However, there is no cause for concern. From a physiological point of view, this condition is normal if breastfeeding is the only source of nutrition for the newborn.

Reasons for missing periods after childbirth

If a woman’s well-being after the birth of a child does not cause concern and is not complicated by any pathology, then Delayed menstruation after childbirth is normal. There are a number of factors that influence the duration of the restoration of the menstrual cycle.

One of the main reasons is considered to be lactational amenorrhea - the absence of blood discharge associated with the production of prolactin in the body during lactation. It is important to exclude pregnancy and hormonal imbalances in the body.


A delay in menstruation after childbirth may indicate that a new pregnancy has occurred, especially if there was sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptives. This is possible approximately 2-3 weeks after birth. To minimize the risk, doctors give some recommendations: abstaining from sexual intercourse for about 5-6 months, taking contraceptives for 2 years after the birth of the baby.

It is also possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding, even though you feed your baby on demand in the morning and at night.

If a year has passed and you have not had your period, consult your doctor.

Hormonal disorders

If, during a delay in menstruation, the test shows a negative result and a new pregnancy is excluded, this may indicate the development of hormonal disorders caused by a pathological process in the organs of the reproductive system.

Hormonal imbalances are associated with inflammation in the ovaries and uterus, endometriosis, as well as the presence of a large number of ruptures and injuries during childbirth. A delay in the second period may also indicate these pathologies.

Hormonal imbalance also affects lactation. There is a high probability of transferring the child to artificial feeding.

If you miss your period, it is important to immediately contact a specialist and undergo the appropriate tests.

What can the menstrual cycle be like when breastfeeding?

If there are no periods, this indicates a cycle failure due to the physiological nature of the woman. The first periods when breastfeeding a baby do not appear immediately; postpartum menstruation sometimes has to wait about a year.

Occurs in the first days of regulation. The delay in the second period after the birth of a child, with normal functioning of the organs of the reproductive system, can be several weeks.

The absence of menstruation after childbirth for a long time is associated with changes that occur in the body during pregnancy. This is not a cause for concern, but a reason to see a doctor to examine the genitourinary system and rule out the development of complications.

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