Mikhail Klebanovich. Stroking. Classic therapeutic massage. Self-instruction manual. Massage technique - stroking

Auxiliary stroking techniques can be divided into two groups, one of which is variants of planar deep stroking: comb-like technique, ironing and rake-like technique; the other is options for grasping continuous stroking: cross-shaped and forceps-shaped techniques. Here is a description of these techniques.

Comb-like stroking technique

Execution technique. The fingers are folded into a fist and stroking is performed with the bony protrusions of the distal ends of the main phalanges of the bent fingers.

When massaging large surfaces (back, buttock area) with both hands, hold the thumb right hand or in the right fist - the thumb of the left hand.

Indications. It is used in places where there are massive muscles, in areas of the body covered with dense fascia (palm, sole, lumbar back), with large deposits of fat.


Execution technique. The fingers of one or both hands are bent at the metacarpophalangeal joints at right angles to the palm and stroking movements are made with the dorsal surface of the main and middle phalanges of the last four fingers.

The indications are the same as for the comb-like stroking technique. With this technique, there is a lighter effect on the tissue than with the comb-like technique.

Rake-like stroking technique

Execution technique. Stroking is done with the ends of straightened and spaced fingers. The greater the angle between the fingers performing the stroking and the surface of the body part being massaged, the more energetic the effect of the rake-like technique. The angle can reach 45°.

Indications. It is used on large surfaces when it is necessary to spare the skin. By spreading your fingers, you can bypass damaged or severely painful areas of the skin.

Cross stroking technique

Execution technique. Stroking is done with both palms with fingers placed crosswise. To better perform this technique, the patient places his hand on the shoulder of the massager or on the edge of the massage table.

Indications. It is used on the limbs for obesity, when massaging mainly massive muscles.

Pincer-like stroking technique

Execution technique. Grasping the belly of the muscle or individual muscle bundles with the index and thumb or the thumb and the other four fingers, make stroking movements along the length of the muscle.

Indications. With a forceps-like technique, in contrast to the techniques described above, it is possible to selectively act on individual muscles.


  1. When stroking, the muscles in the area being massaged, as well as neighboring parts of the body, should be as relaxed as possible. With an increase in muscle tone, the lumen of the muscle vessels decreases and, therefore, weakens therapeutic effect stroking. This moment takes on a special important in the presence of vascular disorders.
  2. Stroking can be used independently, for example, with a fresh soft tissue injury, with increased sensitivity in order to adapt the patient’s skin to tactile irritations, with insomnia, etc., as well as in combination with various massage techniques, primarily after rubbing and kneading.
  3. Superficial stroking is a preparation for deep stroking.
  4. Each massage session begins and ends with stroking.
  5. Planar surface stroking can be done both along and against the flow of lymph, due to the fact that there are no valves in the superficial lymphatic network of the skin, and in the deep lymphatic network there are in small quantities, so lymph flow can be carried out in these networks in all directions.
  6. In the case when stroking is used to enhance lymph flow, unload the lymphatic and circulatory network, stroking should be performed along the lymphatic and blood vessels.
  7. In case of edema, grasping deep stroking should begin from the overlying segment closest to the group of lymph nodes in order to clear the way for the movement of lymph and blood from the underlying segments of the limb. For example, when the feet are swollen, massage first the thigh, then the lower leg, and finally the foot. Starting a massage from the distal segment in the presence of tissue swelling means trying to pour liquid from a sealed bottle.
  8. Stroking should be done slowly and rhythmically, especially when the tissues are swollen. With fast and irregular stroking, lymph flow is hampered, lymphatic vessels are injured and lymphostasis increases.
  9. When massaging muscles, stroking is done in the direction of the stroke muscle fibers.
  10. The pressure force with which stroking is performed varies depending on the anatomical and topographical features of the massaged area, as well as on functional state fabrics. The pressure increases in the areas where large vessels pass, as well as in areas covered with a sufficient layer of fatty tissue and muscle, and decreases in the area of ​​​​bone protrusions, in the presence of pain and increased sensitivity of the tissue.

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Stroking- a technique in which the massaged hand only glides over the skin without moving it into folds. This technique is performed with varying degrees of pressure. Stroking is usually performed at the very beginning of the massage lightly, without tension, in the middle of the session (after hard techniques) and at the end of the massage as a calming effect.

Stroking :

  • cleanses the skin of horny scales, the remainder of the secretion of the sweat and sebaceous glands, which cleanses skin breathing, activates the excretory function of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • improves skin trophism, as microcirculation improves due to the opening of reserve capillaries (hyperemia), metabolic processes increase; tones and trains blood vessels, facilitates the outflow of blood and lymph, which helps reduce swelling;
  • increases the temperature and tone of the skin, the skin becomes smooth, elastic, firm;
  • promotes muscle relaxation;
  • has a calming or stimulating effect on the nervous system, depending on the method of application and dosage;
  • normalizes pathologically altered activity of internal organs and tissues in a reflex way through the impact on the area of ​​reflexogenic zones;
  • has an analgesic and absorbable effect with prolonged use.

Basic stroking techniques:

  • planar (back, buttocks, abdomen, chest);
  • grasping (when massaging the limbs, the lateral surfaces of the torso, the gluteal region, the neck and other areas of the body that have a round configuration).

Figure 1. Stroking specific areas of the body.

Stroking may be superficial and deep, intermittent and continuous. Intermittent stroking excites, and superficial stroking calms (tactile receptors quickly adapt). A type of continuous stroking is alternate stroking, the implementation of which is that as soon as one hand completes stroking, the second hand is moved above it and performs the same movements, but in the opposite direction.

Execution technique

Movements can be performed with one or two hands (parallel or sequentially). During planar stroking, movements can be performed in different directions: (longitudinal, transverse, circular, spiral) for superficial stroking and along the course of the lymph vessels for deep stroking.

When stroking in a straight line, the hand should be relaxed, free, straight, fingers closed and in the same plane. Spiral stroking has a tonic effect, zigzag stroking has a calming effect, and circular stroking is used on small joints. When grasping stroking, the hand and fingers take the shape of a groove, they are relaxed, and the thumb is abducted as much as possible and opposed to the rest of the closed fingers. The brush fits tightly palmar surface to the massaged area, grasping it. The reception is done in the direction of the nearest lymph node. For a deeper effect, the massage can be carried out with weights (on the limbs, lateral surfaces of the body, areas with an excess layer of subcutaneous base), one hand is placed on top of the other, thereby increasing the pressure on the tissue. The technique can be performed with the entire palm, the back of the hand, one, two or several fingers, the base of the palm, the ulnar edge of the hand, etc.

Stroking is performed slowly, rhythmically, starting from the proximal parts; in case of swelling and acute injuries, it begins on the second day from the injured area.

Auxiliary stroking techniques

Comb-shaped– performed with the main phalanges of fingers bent and slightly spread at an angle of 30-35°. Stroking is performed with the back surface of bent fingers. This technique helps with large fat deposits and is used for deep stroking of large muscles and thick muscle layers, especially in the back, pelvis, and is also applicable on the palms and soles, where the muscles and tendons are covered by a dense aponeurosis.

Pincer-shaped- performed with the thumb and index (or thumb and other) fingers, grasping a muscle, tendon or fold of skin (as with forceps), throughout (when massaging the lateral surfaces of the fingers, the edges of the hand and foot, face, ears, nose, tendons, small muscle groups).

rake-shaped– with the pads of widely spread, straightened fingers touching the surface at an angle of 30-35° (back, hips, hairy part head), can be done with weights, in this case the fingers of the other hand are placed on the fingers of the massaged hand (index finger on the little finger, middle finger on the ring finger, etc.); used for massage of the scalp, intercostal spaces, abdomen and other areas of the body with varicose veins, damage to individual areas of the skin, when it is necessary to bypass the lesions.

Cruciform– performed with the palms, while the hands are clasped with the fingers crosswise and clasped around the massaged area; used for limb massage. The patient places his hand on the massage therapist's shoulder or his limb is on the edge of the table or on the massager's cushions. When bed rest, during the rehabilitation period after suffering serious illnesses and in the postoperative period, it is recommended to carry out cross-shaped stroking rear surfaces lower limbs, back, pelvic area, gluteal muscles for the prevention of bedsores.

Ironing performed with one or two hands, the dorsal surfaces of the main and middle phalanges of the fingers, bent at right angles at the metacarpophalangeal joints, and in the opposite direction - with the pads of straightened fingers (rake-like stroking). Ironing can be done with weights, placing the hand of the other hand on the massaging fingers clenched into a fist. This technique is often used when massaging the back and hips. If you carry out this technique without excessive pressure on areas of the body with increased sensitivity of the skin and muscles (on the face, neck), then ironing has a gentle effect.

Stroking is one of the main massage techniques. This technique is usually used to begin and end the procedure. It is also used when replacing one technique with another.

The effect of this technique on the body is of great importance. With its help, the skin is cleansed of keratinized scales and remnants of the sebaceous glands. As a result of this, the work of skin respiration and the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands are normalized. In the future, we can observe how the skin tone improves, the skin becomes firmer and more elastic.

In addition, blood circulation in the body improves. A beneficial effect also appears on blood vessels, the walls of which become more elastic. If there is swelling, stroking helps eliminate it, because it helps the outflow of lymph and blood.

As a result of this intake, decay products are removed from the body, which helps cleanse the body. Also, with the help of stroking, you can soothe pain from injuries and other diseases.

It also has a huge impact on the nervous system. Depending on the intensity with which the technique is performed, one or another result can be achieved. For example: by performing deeper strokes, the nervous system is excited, while superficial and light strokes bring the nervous system into a state of calm.

It is useful to perform this technique for insomnia, increased excitability of the nervous system, and also after heavy physical activity. With its help, you can achieve complete relaxation of the muscles, which will prepare them for subsequent massage techniques.

Massage appointment

Execution Features

When doing this, your hands should slide easily and freely over the body without moving the skin. This technique should not affect deeper layers muscle mass. To make the movements soft and gliding, oil is applied to the body. Using broad movements, the oil is rubbed into the skin, while relaxing and warming the body.

Hands glide easily over the surface of the skin, touching it very gently. All movements are performed as you go lymphatic vessels and veins Exceptions include planar surface stroking, which can be performed regardless of the path.

If there is swelling or stagnation on the body, it is worth starting movements from the overlying area. This will facilitate the outflow of fluid.

As a rule, this technique is used in conjunction with other techniques, but it can be performed as a separate massage effect.

When performing it, it is worth remembering that you first need to use superficial stroking, and only then use deeper techniques.

Deeper stroking should be used on the area of ​​the flexing limbs. It is in this area that the largest lymphatic and blood vessels pass.

The technique is performed rhythmically, approximately 25-26 movements are performed in 1 minute. Movements should not be too sharp or fast to prevent the skin from moving.

This technique divided into:

  1. planar,
  2. enveloping.

Planar is usually performed on large and flat surfaces body (back, stomach, chest). When performing a flat stroking technique, the hand should be relaxed, the fingers should be straightened and closed. Movements can be arbitrary: in a circle, transverse, longitudinal, in a spiral. It can be performed with one or two hands.

Planar stroking

An enveloping type of stroking is used to massage the arms and legs, to massage the buttocks, neck, and lateral areas of the body. The technique is performed with a relaxed hand, while the thumb should be moved to the side and the rest should be closed. The brush should tightly grip the massaging surface. Movements can be intermittent or continuous.

When performing a technique with both hands, the arms should be parallel and follow a rhythmic direction. If the technique is performed on an area with an excess fat layer, in this case it is necessary to increase the pressure. To do this, you need to put one hand on top of the other, creating additional pressure.

Embracing stroking

Based on the strength of the effect, the technique is divided into:

  1. superficial,
  2. deep.

Superficial is characterized by light and gentle movements. This technique has a particular effect on the nervous system, calming it. Muscle relaxation also appears, improving metabolic processes and blood circulation processes.

Deep massage is performed with force. It is better to apply pressure with your wrist. This technique helps eliminate congestion and swelling, and remove stagnation from the tissues. Deeper techniques significantly improve the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

The stroking technique, especially planar, can be performed using the back of several phalanges and the lateral surfaces of the fingers. It all depends on what area the massage is performed on. For example, you can use the pads of your index finger and thumb to massage the interosseous muscles.

To massage large surfaces of the body (back, abdomen, chest), you can use stroking with your palm or a hand clenched into a fist.

This technique is also divided into:

  1. intermittent,
  2. continuous.

When performing a continuous type of stroking, the palm should fit tightly to the area of ​​the body being massaged. This technique promotes lymph outflow and eliminates swelling. It, in turn, can be alternating. In this case, one hand is raised above the other.

When performing an intermittent type of stroking, the hand movement should be short and rhythmic. This massage technique has an irritating effect on the receptors of the nervous system. Therefore, this type of reception is stimulating.

Depending on the direction of movement, this massage technique is divided into:

  • rectilinear,
  • zigzag,
  • spiral,
  • combined,
  • circular,
  • concentric,
  • longitudinally with one or two hands.

A straight-line type of massage is performed with the palm, the fingers of which should be pressed against each other, the thumb slightly moved to the side. The brush should be pressed tightly to the surface being massaged.


The zigzag look is done in a fast and smooth forward zigzag motion. This technique calms the nervous system and causes a feeling of warmth. It can be performed with different pressure levels.


The spiral technique is performed without much tension, the movements are light and sliding. The trajectory of movement should resemble a spiral. This type of intake has a tonic effect.


Combined is a combination of straight, zigzag and spiral techniques. It can be performed in different directions.


A circular type of stroking is performed to massage small joints. As a rule, the technique is performed with the base of the palm, performing circular movements towards the little finger. The movements of the right hand should be directed clockwise, the left - counterclockwise.


Concentric massage technique is used to massage larger joints. To do this, your palms need to be placed close to each other. The movement is performed in the form of a figure eight. At first, the force of impact is intense, then the intensity should be reduced.


To perform a longitudinal type of stroking, you need to move your thumb as far as possible. The movements are performed with the fingertips forward. When performed with two hands, the movements are performed alternately.


In addition to the basic stroking techniques, auxiliary ones are also used:

  • comb-shaped,
  • rake-shaped,
  • pincer-shaped,
  • cruciform,
  • ironing

Remembering and applying this technique is not so difficult. You can use all types of stroking at once, or you can choose only those that are most suitable for you.

The most commonly used technique in classical massage is stroking. A massage session usually begins and ends with stroking; other massage techniques are completed with stroking, inserting it between them. When stroking, the massage therapist's hand glides over the skin without moving it into folds. Depending on the goals of the session, the degree of pressure may vary.

When stroking, mechanical cleansing of the skin occurs. It is freed from residual secretions of the sebaceous and sweat glands and from excess horny scales. As a result, skin respiration becomes more efficient and secretory function improves.

In tissues skin Blood circulation improves due to the opening of reserve capillaries, metabolism increases, skin nutrition becomes better, and its tone increases. The skin becomes smoother, firmer and more elastic, in a word, the effect of skin rejuvenation is observed.

Stroking has a tonic effect on the walls of blood vessels located deep in the skin, facilitating the outflow of blood and lymph, which helps reduce tissue swelling and accelerates the removal of metabolic and decay products.

Using various techniques stroking, dosing the degree of pressure and the duration of the procedure, you can achieve opposite effects on the nervous system, for example, with superficial planar stroking there will be a calming effect, and with deep intermittent stroking it will be stimulating.

If stroking is used in the area of ​​the so-called reflexogenic zones, then this has a therapeutic effect on the internal organs and systems associated with these zones. The analgesic and absorbable effects of stroking are also known.

Planar stroking is carried out with a brush with straightened and closed fingers, which are located in the same plane. Movements can have different directions: transverse, longitudinal, circular, spiral. The procedure can be performed with one or two hands.

Plane stroking is used to massage the back, chest, abdomen, face, neck, as well as arms and legs.

Planar deep stroking performed with one palm, while the second acts as a weight, applying pressure different strengths on the back of the massaging palm. Movements should be directed towards the nearest lymph nodes.

The deep stroking technique is used to massage the back, chest, buttocks and legs.

Embracing stroking performed with a brush folded into a groove. The thumb is moved as far as possible to the side and during movement it is opposed to the rest of the closed fingers, thus the hand clasps the massaged surface. Movements are carried out in the direction of nearby lymph nodes, and can be either continuous or intermittent. Like planar stroking, grasping can be made deeper by applying pressure to the massaging brush with your free hand.

Rake stroking carried out with spread fingers. During execution, the fingers resemble a rake for collecting leaves, and the hand is at an angle of 30-45° to the surface being massaged. You can perform the technique with one hand or two, with or without weights.

Glable-shaped stroking is used on the scalp, to massage the intercostal muscles, and on areas of the body with damaged skin that needs to be bypassed.

For execution comb-like stroking the hand is gathered into a fist, but not completely, and stroking is carried out with the bony protrusions of the main phalanges of the fingers, with one hand or two. This technique massages large muscle groups in the pelvis, back, palmar surfaces of the hands and plantar surfaces of the feet.

Pincer stroking fingers I and II folded into forceps. You can connect the third finger, which will increase the surface of contact with the skin. This technique massages small areas of our body, for example, fingers and toes, nose, ears, face, etc.

Ironing performed with the back of the fingers of the hand bent at right angles to its base. The technique is successfully combined with rake-like stroking, when ironing is used when moving forward, and rake-like stroking is used back. Can be used on any part of the body except the scalp.

Possible mistakes

  • Sudden movements and fast pace of stroking. The skin may move when stroking this way, which is unacceptable.
  • Too much pressure during deep stroking, which can cause pain in the person being massaged.
  • The fingers spread, bend and do not fit tightly to the massaged surface. When performed this way, several points of contact arise, which leads to uneven force and unpleasant sensations for the patient.

The use of stroking on various parts of the body (video)

Massage techniques

In classical massage, four main techniques are used:

Stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration.

Each of them has auxiliary techniques that... While preserving the essence of the main movement, they make it possible to achieve the greatest effect in relation to the features of the anatomical configuration of the massaged area.

The main criterion when choosing techniques in speech therapy massage is their dependence on the child’s muscle tone.

For hypotension muscles, exciting and stimulating techniques are used:

Intense intermittent stroking, rubbing and kneading.

For hypertension The techniques used are mainly low-intensity superficial stroking and light rubbing.


Stroking is a technique in which the massager’s hand glides over a person’s skin without causing it to shift or gather into folds.

Basic stroking techniques

    Planar stroking

    Embracing stroking ( by hand position )

    When flat stroking, the hand is held freely, without tension, the fingers are closed and in the same plane. This stroking is used on large areas of the skin - back, chest.

    During grasping stroking, the massager’s hand, taking the shape of a groove, is freely relaxed, the thumb is moved to the side as much as possible, so that it is opposed to the rest. The hand, grasping the massaged part of the body, fits tightly with the palmar surface to this area.

Embracing stroking is used to massage the limbs, shoulder joints and other areas of the body with a round configuration.

Planar and enveloping stroking can be superficial and deep(by intensity ).

Superficial stroking - the massager’s hand gently, without effort, strokes. Has a calming effect

Deep stroking - the massager’s hand applies more vigorous pressure to the underlying tissue. The effectiveness of pressure increases if it is performed by the supporting part of the hand - the wrist.

Superficial stroking has a calming effect on the nervous system, reduces emotional arousal, promotes muscle relaxation, and increases skin firmness and elasticity.

Deep stroking especially stimulates lymph and blood flow, helps quickly eliminate congestion, and remove metabolic products from tissues.

Stroking can be done in the following areas :






It is carried out as a continuous slide over the massaged area of ​​the body or in the form of intermittent rhythmic movements.

Continuous stroking promotes an inhibitory reaction in the central nervous system. Intermittent stroking in the form of rhythmic movements has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system.

Auxiliary stroking techniques.

The most commonly used auxiliary stroking techniques in speech therapy massage are:


In pincer-like stroking, the massaged tissues are grasped between the pads of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd fingers in a pincer-like manner. This technique is used when massaging the lateral surfaces of the fingers, the edges of the hand, and the foot.


When rake-like stroking, fingers spread widely apart in a rake-like manner are placed with pads on the massaged area of ​​the body at an angle of 30 - 45 degrees. Stroking is carried out in the longitudinal, transverse, zigzag and circular directions. This stroking is most often used when massaging the scalp.


Comb-like stroking is performed by the bony protrusions of the main phalanges of the fingers of one or both hands bent into a fist. The technique is used for deep stroking of the large muscles of the back, the plantar surface of the foot, and the palmar surface of the hand.

These massage techniques are performed slowly, rhythmically 24 - 26 per minute.

Stroking is carried out not only as an independent technique, but as a “connecting link” between techniques.

First, superficial stroking is performed, and then deeper.

During one massage session it is not necessary to use all types of basic and auxiliary techniques.


Rubbing is such a movement of the massaging hand when, while applying pressure, moves the skin in different directions.

Rubbing enhances the contractile function of muscles and increases their tone. Under the influence of rubbing, a feeling of warmth quickly develops in the tissues. The temperature in them can rise by more than 5 degrees.

Rubbing is also carried out longitudinally, transversely, zigzag, circularly, and spirally. If stroking is carried out mainly in one direction, then rubbing in both directions - back and forth.

Performed in the same way as stroking but requires much more effort.

The main rubbing techniques are:

Rubbing with palms.

Sawing – a technique in which rubbing of tissues is carried out with the elbow edge of one or both hands. When performing the technique with 2 hands, the hands are facing each other with palms (distance 1-3 cm). The movements are performed in opposite directions; a roll of massaged tissue should form between the hands. When rubbing, the hands of the massager displace the skin roller and underlying tissues, avoiding sliding over the surface of the skin.

On average, the rubbing rate should be 60 - 100 movements per minute. It can be superficial and deep. The main task is to warm up the underlying tissues and prepare for the perception of more powerful techniques.

Comb-like rubbing.

Rubbing with fingers– produced by the fingertips. When rubbing, for example, the muscles of the lips with the thumb, the hand is fixed with the rest of the fingers. Mainly used for facial massage.


Kneading is designed to work the muscles. When performing this technique, the neuromuscular fibers are stretched, as a result of which the influx of proprioceptive impulses going to the central nervous system improves. Which leads to reflex changes in the neuromuscular system.

Kneading maximizes muscle function.

It is carried out by shifting, stretching, grabbing, pulling tissue with one or two hands at the same time.

Massage movements, like stroking, are performed longitudinally, transversely, and spirally. To strengthen the wrist.

Kneading increases the tone and elasticity of muscles, strengthens them, and enhances contractile functions.

Kneading is usually performed continuously. The hands do not let go of the muscle being massaged; they perform movements rhythmically, without stopping, at a pace of 40-50 movements per minute.

In speech therapy massage, the technique is:

Kneading is done with the pad of the thumb, or the thumb and index finger, or the thumb and all the others. The reception can be described as

    pinching - the tissue is grasped between the thumb and index finger and pinching movements are carried out.

    forceps-like technique - the massaged tissues are deeply grasped, slightly pulled back and passed between the fingers.

    Squeezing and rubbing - the muscles are squeezed between the pads of the thumb and other fingers, rubbing movements are carried out.

Vibration and effleurage

Vibration changes interstitial metabolism and improves tissue trophism. There are intermittent and continuous vibration.

Intermittent vibration in speech therapy massage is carried out with one, two or all fingers, while light tapping of the “finger shower” is performed. Tones muscles.

Continuous vibration is carried out by the palmar surface of the fingers or the entire palm; oscillatory movements are imparted to the tissues. Relaxes muscles.

Firm pressure

Used in areas where beams exit nerve endings. You can finish any stroking by pressing firmly.

With reduced tone of the speech muscles, use– stroking, rubbing, kneading. Intermittent vibration.

At increased tone speech muscles are used– stroking, continuous vibration, light rubbing.

Massage is combined with active and passive gymnastics techniques.

Toning massage scheme

Stroking – light rubbing – stroking – intensive rubbing – stroking – kneading – intermittent vibration.

Relaxation massage scheme

Surface stroking – deep stroking – light rubbing – superficial stroking – continuous vibration.

Relaxing massage ( w thief. zone, facial muscles, lips, tongue muscles )

Stroking superficial, deep



Neck - collar

1. Stroking the back of the neck from the scalp to the shoulders from top to bottom 6 – 8 movements “rain from the roof”

2. Stroking from the parotid area of ​​the face along the side of the neck to the armpits

3. Slowly stroking the neck in the throat area alternately with the palms of both hands.

Lightly rubbing the back of the neck from the scalp to the shoulders from top to bottom 6 – 8 spiral “spring” movements

2. Light rubbing from the parotid area of ​​the face along the side of the neck to the armpits from top to bottom 6 - 8 spiral movements

Continuous vibration – clasp the back of the neck with the palm of your hand – “trembling”

Relaxing massage




Face, forehead

Stroking is carried out with 2 – 4 fingers of both hands, movements are carried out 4 movements along each line simultaneously:

    from the middle of the forehead to the temples

    from the middle of the forehead to the ears

    from eyebrows to scalp

    from the inner corners of the eyebrows to the temples and to the inner corner of the eye

    from the back of the nose to the ears

    from the corners of the lips to the tragus

    from beard to lobe

Longitudinal spiral movements

Light rubbing is carried out along the same lines with 2 - 4 fingers of both hands, movements are carried out 4 times along each line simultaneously, or with a “comb-shaped” hand (the back surface of the second phalanges of the fingers of the hand).

Movements can be performed using the following techniques:

1. zigzag “saw”

2. spiral “springs”



4. continuously

5. jerky


Relaxing massage




Nasolabial folds

    rake-like stroking from the chin, middle of the lips, wings of the nose along the cheeks to the tragus of the auricle 4 times

    “washing” movements from the middle of the forehead along the cheeks to the subclavian region at the level of the armpits 4 times

    planar stroking of the cheeks “draw a rose” from the central point of the cheek, increasing the amplitude 4 times

1. stroking with the index finger from top to bottom 4 times

2. stroking from the nasolabial folds to the sides 4 times

3. spiral movement with simultaneous movement down the nasolabial folds 4 times

1. “draw a rose” by moving the fabrics, but without pressing 4 times

2. “comb-like rubbing” 4 times

rubbing with skin shifting, but without pressure

1. index finger from top to bottom 4 times

2. from the nasolabial folds to the sides 4 times

spiral movement with simultaneous movement down the nasolabial folds 4 times

2. light finger shower

3 hardware vibration massage

1. continuous vibration 4 counts

2. light finger shower

3 hardware vibration massage

Relaxing massage

Massage the cheeks and orbicularis oris muscle from the inside with a spatula with a pacifier or a finger in a fingertip. The child is asked to open his mouth, the cheeks and lips are massaged on the inside with light circular movements. The thumb is turned inward. In the same way, the nipple is passed under the upper lip, then the other cheek and the inner side of the lower lip are massaged. 3 – 5 times.

Relaxing massage (Dyakova E. A.)




1.Fix the tongue with your left hand on one side. With your right hand, clasp your tongue, thumb on top, perform longitudinal stroking movements from the tip of the tongue to the root and back 2 times “path”. First on one side, then on the other

2. Stroking movements from side to side - from the midline to the side of the tongue and back in a “herringbone” pattern, gradually moving from tip to root. First on one side, then on the other 2 times

3. Stroking the side surfaces of the tongue with the thumb and forefinger from tip to root 4 times

Movements are directed from tip to root.

1. Light kneading. The thumb is on top, the index and middle fingers are on the bottom. Rubbing movements with gradual advancement from the tip of the tongue and back, first on one side of the tongue, then on the other. ( lateral movements) 1 time

2. The same, only make spiral or circular movements longitudinally 1 time

    Grasping the tip of the tongue with your right hand, lightly shake it

2. Lightly tap the tongue with a finger or spatula.

    The thumb is on top, the middle and index fingers are on the bottom, in the middle part. Turn your tongue to the right and pull it slightly, as if slightly pulling the root part of the tongue outward. Then a similar movement in the other direction.

    The position of the fingers is the same. Pull your tongue forward, as if slightly twisting it around your index finger. Then return the tongue to its original position.

Relaxing massage (Krupenchuk O.I.)

M It is convenient to carry out tongue massage with a pacifier placed on a spatula or with a finger in a fingertip, or simply with cleanly washed hands. The muscles of the tongue are closely related to the muscles lower jaw. Relaxation of the tongue is easier to achieve by simultaneously lowering the lower jaw. To do this, passive gymnastics is used.

    Place the thumb in the fingertip on top of the lower incisors, and place the remaining fingers under the chin. Under the weight of the thumb, the lower jaw smoothly falls down.

    The speech therapist's fingers are placed on points located between the middle of the upper lip and the corner of the mouth on both sides, grasping upper lip(index fingers on top, thumbs on bottom). The fingers move apart with emphasis on the lower lip, the lower jaw drops.

    Stroking along the entire jawline and massaging points at the angles of the lower jaw also helps to relax the chewing muscles and open the mouth.

The child is asked to open his mouth and stick out his tongue. The speech therapist holds the tip of the tongue with a gauze pad and massages the tongue. After performing several massage movements, the child is allowed to rest.

1. Stroking tongue from its middle part to the tip. Gradually you can move closer to the root of the tongue.

The technique is performed with a pacifier placed on a spatula.

2.Stroke the tongue in a zigzag manner in the same direction.

3. Stroking from the midline to the sides in a herringbone pattern.

4. Stroking the front edge of the tongue (along the perimeter from the midline to the sides along the edge of the tongue).

5. Patting over the entire surface of the tongue muscles.

6. Kneading the front edge of the tongue from the midline to the sides and upwards, the technique is performed with the hands - the thumb on top.

7. Patting pacifier or finger along the edge of the tongue from top to bottom.

8. Smooth stroking along the lateral edges of the tongue ( from tip to root and back ) , the tongue is fixed with the left hand. The mouth is open, the lips are smiling, the tongue is hanging out.

Stroking movements are carried out with the thumb and forefinger simultaneously.

9. Light pressure with the thumb and index finger of one hand along the lateral edges of the tongue. Fingers move from tip to root and back.

10. Grinding the lateral surfaces of the tongue with the thumb and index finger of one hand. Squeeze the lateral edges of the middle part of the tongue with your fingers on both sides and massage the captured area for 5 seconds. Move your fingers and rub the next area.

After massaging the tongue, especially with spasticity, ask the child to calmly place the tongue in the mouth “the tongue lies on the bed.” You can help the child: carefully place a spatula on the tongue, covering the tip of the tongue and part of the back with it, lightly press the tongue “cover the tongue with a blanket” for a few seconds. Regular practice of this technique helps to significantly reduce spasticity of the tongue.

After this, you can perform isotonic exercises.

Activating massage ( facial muscles, lips, tongue, neck, shoulder girdle )

Zone 1






Deep stroking is carried out with 2 - 4 fingers of both hands, movements are carried out 4 movements along each line simultaneously:

1.from the middle of the forehead to the temples

2.from the middle of the forehead to the ears

3. from eyebrows to scalp.

from the inner corners of the eyebrows to the temples and back to the inner corner of the eye.

Movements are longitudinal, spiral

    from the inner corners of the eyebrows to the temples

Longitudinal movements 2 - 4 times

Rubbing is carried out with 2 – 4 fingers of both hands, movements are carried out 4 movements along each line simultaneously, or comb-like movements

1. zigzag “saw”

2. spiral “springs”

3. intermittent rubbing “strokes”

4. from bottom to top, wave-like movement “snake”

1. Longitudinal rubbing with 2 and 3 fingers simultaneously 2 - 4 times.

1. Squeeze the fold of skin with two fingers in the appropriate directions.

1. Pinch movements, gripping longitudinally and transversely.

Puncturing (tapping)

"finger shower"

1. Puncturing (tapping)

"finger shower"

Revitalizing massage

The two most important stroking techniques are flat and enveloping strokes. They need to be done with the entire brush, placing it on the surface to be massaged.

Planar stroking is used on flat and large surfaces of the body, such as the back, stomach, chest. With this stroking, the hand is relaxed, the fingers should be straightened and closed. Directions of movement may be different. You can perform movements transversely, longitudinally, in a circle or in a spiral. Stroking movements can be made with either one or two hands (Fig. 65).

Enveloping stroking is used to massage the upper and lower extremities, buttocks, neck, and lateral surfaces of the torso. Perform grasping strokes with a relaxed hand, while the thumb should be moved to the side and the remaining fingers should be closed. The brush should tightly grasp the massaged surface (Fig. 66). Movements can be continuous or intermittent (depending on the goals).

Figure 65

You can perform stroking with one hand, or you can do it with both hands; the hands should follow parallel and in a rhythmic sequence. If stroking is performed on large areas in which excess subcutaneous fat is concentrated, you can increase the pressure by massaging with a weighted brush. In this case, one brush is placed on top of the other, thereby creating additional pressure.

Stroking movements can be superficial and deep.

Superficial stroking is characterized by particularly gentle and light movements, has a calming effect on the nervous system, helps muscle relaxation, improves blood circulation and metabolism in the skin.

Deep massage should be done with force, and it is better to apply pressure with the wrist. This stroking technique helps remove metabolic products from the skin, eliminate swelling and congestion. After deep stroking, the functioning of the body's circulatory and lymphatic systems significantly improves.

Figure 66

Stroking, especially planar, can be done not only with the entire inner surface of the palm, but also with the back of two or more folds, and the lateral surfaces of the fingers - this depends on the area of ​​the body that is being massaged. For example, when massaging small areas of the facial surface, at the site of callus formation, as well as when massaging the interosseous muscles of the foot or hand, you can use stroking with the pads of the index or thumb. Stroking with fingertips is used to massage individual muscles and tendons, and to massage the fingers and face.

When performing a massage of large surfaces of the muscles of the back, chest, thighs, you can use stroking with the palm of your hand or a hand folded into a fist. In addition, stroking can be continuous or intermittent. With continuous stroking, the palm should fit tightly to the surface being massaged, as if sliding along it. Such stroking inhibits the reaction of the nervous system, calming it. In addition, continuous stroking promotes the outflow of lymph and the destruction of swelling.

Continuous stroking can be alternate, while the second hand should be raised above the first, which completes the stroking, and perform the same movements, but in the opposite direction.

When performing intermittent stroking, the position of the hands is the same as during continuous stroking, but the movements of the hands should be short, jerky and rhythmic. Intermittent stroking has an irritating effect on the nerve receptors of the skin, so this massage stimulates the central nervous system. Thanks to this, intermittent stroking can activate blood circulation in tissues, tones blood vessels and activates muscle activity.

Depending on the direction of the stroking movements, stroking can be divided into the following types:

* straight;
* zigzag;
* spiral;
* combined;
* circular;
* concentric;
* longitudinal stroking with one or two hands (Finnish version).

When performing straight-line stroking, movements are made with the palm, the hand should be relaxed, and the fingers should be pressed together, except for the thumb, which should be moved slightly to the side. The hand should fit snugly to the body surface being massaged; movements should be made with the thumb and forefinger. They should be light and gliding.

When carrying out zigzag stroking, the hand should make a quick and smooth zigzag movement directed forward. Zigzag stroking creates a feeling of warmth and calms the central nervous system. This stroking can be performed with different pressure levels.

Spiral stroking is performed without tension, with light and sliding movements, just like zigzag stroking. The trajectory of the hand movement should resemble a spiral. This stroking has a tonic effect.

You can combine straight, zigzag and spiral movements into combined stroking. Combined stroking must be performed continuously in different directions.

When massaging small joints, you can perform circular stroking. The movements should be made with the base of the palm, making circular movements towards the little finger. In this case, movements with the right hand will be directed clockwise, and movements with the left hand will be directed counterclockwise.

To massage large joints, you can use another circular stroking - concentric. The palms should be placed on the massaged area, placing them close to each other. In this case, the thumbs will affect the outer side of the joint, and the remaining fingers will act on the inner side. This performs a figure-eight movement. At the beginning of the movement, the pressure should be increased, and towards the end of the movement, slightly weakened. After this, the hands should return to their original position and repeat the movement.

To perform longitudinal stroking, the thumb should be moved as far as possible, then the brush should be placed along the surface being massaged. Movements should be made with your fingertips forward. If longitudinal stroking is performed with both hands, the movements must be made alternately.

When stroking, auxiliary techniques are also used:

* comb-shaped;
* rake-shaped;
* forceps-shaped;
* cruciform;
* ironing.

Comb-like stroking is used for deep massaging of large muscles in the dorsal and pelvic areas, as well as on the palmar and plantar surfaces. This stroking helps to penetrate into the depths of massive muscle layers, and is also used for significant subcutaneous fat deposits. Comb-like stroking is performed using the bony protrusions of the phalanges of the fingers, bent into a fist. The fingers of the hand should be bent freely and without tension; they should not be pressed tightly against each other (Fig. 67). You can perform comb-like stroking with one or two hands.

Figure 67

Rake-like stroking is used to massage the intercostal spaces, the scalp, and also on those areas of the skin where it is necessary to bypass damaged areas.

To perform rake-like movements, you need to spread your fingers and straighten them. Fingers should touch the massaged surface at an angle of 45 degrees. Rake-like stroking should be done in longitudinal, transverse, zigzag, and circular directions. They can be performed with one or two hands. If the movements are performed with both hands, the arms can move

Figure 68

in parallel or in series. To increase pressure, rake-like movements can be done with weights (the fingers of one hand are superimposed on the fingers of the other hand) (Fig. 68).

Pincer-like stroking is used to massage tendons, fingers, feet, face, nose, ears, as well as small muscle groups. The fingers should be folded in a pincer-like manner, and, grasping a muscle, tendon or skin fold with the help of the thumb, index and middle fingers, make straight stroking movements (Fig. 69).

Figure 69

Cross strokes are commonly used in sports massage and are used to massage the extremities. Cross-shaped stroking is also carried out in the system of rehabilitation measures after serious illnesses and operations. In these cases, you can do cross-shaped stroking of the back, pelvic area, buttocks, and back surfaces of the lower extremities. Cross-shaped stroking helps in preventing bedsores. When performing cross-shaped stroking, your hands need to be clasped and grasped around the surface being massaged. This stroking is performed with the inner surfaces of the palms of both hands (Fig. 70).

Figure 70.

Figure 71.

Ironing is a soft and gentle technique, so it is often used in children's massage (Fig. 71). Ironing is also used to massage the skin and muscles of the face and neck, as well as to massage the back, abdomen and soles. Ironing with weights is used to massage internal organs.

Ironing is done with one or two hands. The fingers should be bent at the metacarpophalangeal joints at a right angle. If ironing needs to be done with weights, you should place the hand of the other hand on the clenched fingers of one hand.

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Zone 2






Nasolabial folds

Deep stroking is carried out with 2-5 fingers of both hands, movements are carried out 2-4 movements along each line simultaneously. Or

rake-shaped stroking from the chin, middle of the lips, wings of the nose along the cheeks to the tragus of the auricle 4 times.

Rubbing is carried out with 2 - 5 fingers of both hands, movements are carried out 4 movements along each line simultaneously on both sides, or comb-shaped movements:

    From the edge of the lower jaw to the edge of the zygomatic bone.

2.From the middle of the chin up to the wings of the nose.

3. From the angle of the lower jaw upward to the zygomatic bone (the area of ​​the masticatory muscle).

1. Rubbing in the direction from the corner of the mouth to the wings of the nose.

    Pinch movements:

Along the lines

1.From the chin to the lobe.

2. From the corners of the mouth to the tragus.

3. From the wings of the nose to the temple.

4. From the edge of the lower jaw to the edge of the zygomatic bone.

5.From the middle of the chin up to the wings of the nose.

6. From the edge of the lower jaw up to the edge of the zygomatic bone.

7. From the angle of the lower jaw upward to the zygomatic bone (the area of ​​the masticatory muscle).

1. Pinch movements in the direction from the corner of the mouth to the wings of the nose.

1. Puncturing (tapping)

"finger shower"

2. Shaking the cheeks in the longitudinal and transverse directions of the back

surface of the middle phalanges.

1. Puncturing (tapping)

2 in 1. Massage. Complete Guide + Body Healing Points. Complete guide Maksimov Artem



Stroking is used at the beginning and end of the massage, as well as when changing one technique to another.

Stroking has a significant effect on the body. It cleanses the skin of keratinized scales and residual secretions of the sweat and sebaceous glands. As a result, skin respiration is cleansed and the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands is activated. Metabolic processes in the skin intensify, skin tone increases, it becomes smooth and elastic.

Stroking helps and improves blood circulation, since as a result of the opening of reserve capillaries, the volume of oxygen entering the tissue increases. This technique also has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, making their walls more elastic.

If there is swelling, stroking helps reduce it, as it helps the outflow of lymph and blood. Stroking promotes and cleanses the body, since as a result of this effect, decay products are removed. Stroking is used for pain relief for injuries and other diseases.

The effect of stroking on the nervous system depends on the dosage and methods: deep stroking can excite the nervous system, while superficial stroking, on the contrary, calms.

It is especially useful to perform stroking techniques in case of insomnia and increased excitability of the nervous system, after heavy physical activity, in case of traumatic injuries, etc.

Stroking also helps to relax the muscles before subsequent massage techniques.

When stroking, the hands glide freely over the body, the movements are soft and rhythmic. These techniques never affect the deep layers of muscle mass; the skin should not move. The oil is first applied to the skin, and then, using wide, smooth movements, the oil is rubbed into the body, which at the same time relaxes and warms up.

When stroking, your hands are relaxed, they glide over the surface of the skin, touching it very lightly. Stroking should be done in one direction, usually along the lymphatic vessels and veins. The exception is planar superficial stroking, which can be carried out regardless of the direction of lymph flow. If there is swelling or stagnation, you need to start stroking from the overlying areas to facilitate the outflow of fluid.

For insomnia and lumbosacral radiculitis, massage is best done in the evening. At bronchial asthma– in the morning, for migraines – a few days before menstruation. Acute diseases should be treated daily, and chronic ones every other day or two.

You can use stroking yourself, in the form of a separate massage effect. But most often, stroking is used in combination with other massage techniques. Usually the massage procedure begins with stroking. You can finish each individual massage session with stroking.

When performing the stroking technique, you should remember that superficial stroking is always used first, only after which can deep stroking be used. When stroking, you should not apply excessive pressure, which can cause pain and discomfort in the person being massaged.

The stroking of the flexor areas of the limbs should be deeper; this is where the largest blood and lymphatic vessels pass.

All stroking techniques are performed slowly, rhythmically; approximately 24–26 sliding strokes should be performed per minute. Do not stroke with too sharp and fast movements, so as not to displace the skin. The surface of the palms should fit tightly to the massaged surface. When performing each stroking session, you can choose only those techniques that will most effectively affect a given area of ​​the massaged body.

The two most important stroking techniques are flat and enveloping stroking. They need to be done with the entire brush, placing it on the surface to be massaged.

Planar stroking It is used on flat and large surfaces of the body, such as the back, stomach, chest. With this stroking, the hand is relaxed, the fingers should be straightened and closed. Directions of movement may be different. You can perform movements transversely, longitudinally, in a circle or in a spiral. Stroking movements can be performed with either one or two hands (Fig. 1).

Enveloping stroking is used to massage the upper and lower extremities, buttocks, neck, and lateral surfaces of the torso. Perform grasping strokes with a relaxed hand, while the thumb should be moved to the side and the remaining fingers should be closed. The brush should tightly grasp the massaged surface (Fig. 2). Movements can be continuous or intermittent (depending on the goals).

Rice. 1

You can perform stroking with one hand, or you can do it with two, the hands should move parallel and in a rhythmic sequence. If stroking is performed on large areas in which excess subcutaneous fat is concentrated, you can increase the pressure by massaging with a weighted brush. In this case, one brush is placed on top of the other, thereby creating additional pressure.

Stroking movements can be superficial and deep. Superficial stroking is characterized by particularly gentle and light movements, has a calming effect on the nervous system, helps muscle relaxation, improves blood circulation and metabolism in the skin.

Rice. 2

Deep massage should be performed with force, while pressure is best applied with the wrist. This stroking technique helps remove metabolic products from tissues, eliminate swelling and congestion. After deep stroking, the functioning of the body's circulatory and lymphatic systems significantly improves.

Stroking, especially planar, can be done not only with the entire inner surface of the palm, but also with the back of two or more fingers, the lateral surfaces of the fingers - this depends on the area of ​​the body that is being massaged. For example, when massaging small areas of the facial surface, at the site of callus formation, as well as when massaging the interosseous muscles of the foot or hand, you can use stroking with the pads of the index or thumb. Stroking with fingertips is used to massage individual muscles and tendons, and to massage the fingers and face.

When performing a massage of large surfaces of the muscles of the back, chest, thighs, you can use stroking with the palm of your hand or a hand folded into a fist. In addition, stroking can be continuous or intermittent. With continuous stroking, the palm should fit tightly to the surface being massaged, as if sliding along it. Such stroking inhibits the reaction of the nervous system, calming it. In addition, continuous stroking promotes the outflow of lymph and the destruction of swelling.

Continuous stroking can be alternate, while the second hand should be raised above the first, which completes the stroking, and perform the same movements, but in the opposite direction.

When performing intermittent stroking, the position of the hands is the same as during continuous stroking, but the movements of the hands should be short, jerky and rhythmic. Intermittent stroking has an irritating effect on the nerve receptors of the skin, so this massage stimulates the central nervous system. Thanks to this, intermittent stroking can activate blood circulation in tissues, tones blood vessels and activates muscle activity.

By doing straight stroking movements are made with the palm of the hand, the hand should be relaxed, and the fingers should be pressed together, except for the thumb, which should be moved slightly to the side. The hand should fit snugly to the body surface being massaged; movements should be made with the thumb and forefinger. They should be light and gliding.

When conducting zigzag stroking the hand should make a quick and smooth zigzag movement directed forward. Zigzag stroking creates a feeling of warmth and calms the central nervous system. This stroking can be performed with different pressure levels.

Spiral stroking It is performed without tension, with light and sliding movements, just like a zigzag. The trajectory of the hand movement should resemble a spiral. This stroking has a tonic effect.

You can combine straight, zigzag and spiral movements into combined stroking. Combined stroking must be performed continuously in different directions.

When massaging small joints, you can perform circular stroking. The movements should be made with the base of the palm, making circular movements towards the little finger. At the same time, the movements right hand will be directed clockwise, and movements with the left hand will be counterclockwise.

Can be used to massage large joints concentric circular stroking. The palms should be placed on the massaged area, placing them close to each other. In this case, the thumbs will influence the outer side of the joint, and the remaining fingers will act on the inner side. This performs a figure-eight movement. At the beginning of the movement, the pressure should be increased, and towards the end of the movement, slightly weakened. After this, the hands should return to their original position and repeat the movement.

For execution longitudinal stroking the thumb should be pulled back as far as possible, then the brush should be placed along the surface being massaged. Movements should be made with your fingertips forward. If longitudinal stroking is performed with both hands, the movements must be made alternately.

Comb stroking used for deep massage of large muscles in the dorsal and pelvic areas, as well as on the palmar and plantar surfaces. This stroking helps to penetrate into the depths of massive muscle layers, and is also used for significant subcutaneous fat deposits. Comb-like stroking is performed using the bony protrusions of the phalanges of the fingers, bent into a fist. The fingers of the hand should be bent freely and without tension; they should not be pressed tightly together (Fig. 3). You can perform comb-like stroking with one or two hands.

Rice. 3

Rake stroking used for massage of intercostal spaces, scalp, as well as on those areas of the skin where it is necessary to bypass damaged areas.

To perform rake-like movements, you need to spread your fingers and straighten them. Fingers should touch the massaged surface at an angle of 45°. Rake-like stroking should be done in longitudinal, transverse, zigzag, and circular directions. They can be performed with one or two hands. If the movements are performed with both hands, the hands can move in parallel or sequentially. To increase pressure, rake-like movements can be done with weights (the fingers of one hand are superimposed on the fingers of the other hand).

Pincer stroking used for massage of tendons, fingers, feet, face, nose, ears, as well as small muscle groups. The fingers should be folded like a forceps and, grasping a muscle, tendon or skin fold with the thumb, index and middle fingers, make straight stroking movements (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4

Cross strokes are commonly used in sports massage and is used when massaging the limbs. Cross-shaped stroking is also carried out in the system of rehabilitation measures after serious illnesses and operations. In these cases, you can do cross-shaped stroking of the back, pelvic area, buttocks, and back surfaces of the lower extremities. Cross-shaped stroking helps in preventing bedsores. When performing cross-shaped stroking, your hands need to be clasped and grasped around the surface being massaged. This stroking is performed internal surfaces palms of both hands (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5

Ironing is a soft and gentle technique, so it is often used in baby massage(Fig. 6). Ironing is also used to massage the skin and muscles of the face and neck, as well as to massage the back, abdomen and soles. Ironing with weights is used to massage internal organs.

From the book Classic Russian massage in 15 days author Oguy Victor Olegovich

Stroking. Peculiarities physiological effects, technique and methodology for performing the technique Definition. Stroking is the main massage technique in which the massaging hand glides over the skin without moving it into folds. Physiological effect. On the skin

During massage, certain techniques are used; they can be divided into five main groups. These include:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • squeezing;
  • kneading;
  • vibration.

In turn, the techniques can be classified as medium-deep (stroking, rubbing, squeezing), deep (kneading) and shock (vibration).

When performing a massage, you need to alternate techniques without taking breaks between them. You should also not massage the lymph nodes when performing a massage.

When starting to master massage techniques, you can massage your leg, and at the same time you will recognize and feel what sensations the person being massaged experiences.

The massage should begin softly and gently, then it should gradually intensify, and at the end soft, relaxing techniques should be repeated. The number of repetitions of individual massage techniques varies and depends on individual characteristics the patient and some other factors (age, health status, etc.). Certain techniques have to be repeated up to 4-5 times, others less often.

The strength and dosage of the massage have great importance. Rough, hasty, haphazard and irregular movements, as well as excessive duration of massage can cause painful sensations, convulsive muscle contractions, irritation of the cerebral cortex and overexcitation of the nervous system. This type of massage can be harmful.

You should also not start the massage with sudden movements and stop suddenly. The first sessions should not be long and intense; the muscles need special preparation for intense exposure. The muscles of the person being massaged should be relaxed.

It is important to change the pressure of your fingers on the body and carefully record the sensations that arise. It is necessary to do such training massage sessions in order to create a sense of rhythm in which the hands move continuously, changing one technique to another.

It must be remembered that massage movements should be directed along the lymphatic tract towards the nearest lymph nodes. During massage upper limbs the direction of movement should go from the hand to the elbow joint, then from elbow joint to the armpit.

When massaging the lower extremities, movements should be directed from the foot to the knee joint, then from the knee joint to the groin area.

When massaging the torso, neck, head, movements should be directed from the sternum to the sides, towards armpits, from the sacrum up to the neck, from the scalp to the subclavian nodes.

When massaging the abdomen, the rectus muscles are massaged from top to bottom, and the oblique muscles, on the contrary, from bottom to top.

The massage should begin with large areas of the body, and then move on to smaller ones; this sequence helps improve lymph circulation and blood circulation in the body.


This technique is used at the beginning and end of the massage, as well as when replacing one technique with another.

Stroking has a significant effect on the body. It cleanses the skin of keratinized scales and residual secretions of the sweat and sebaceous glands. As a result of this effect, skin respiration is cleared and the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands is activated. Metabolic processes in the skin intensify, skin tone increases, as a result of which it becomes smooth and elastic.

Stroking helps and improves blood circulation, because as a result of the opening of reserve capillaries, the volume of oxygen entering the tissue increases. This technique also has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, making their walls more elastic.

If there is swelling, stroking helps to reduce it, because it helps the outflow of lymph and blood. Stroking helps and cleanses the body, because as a result of this effect, decay products are removed. Stroking is used for pain relief for injuries and other diseases.

The effect of stroking on the nervous system depends on the dosage and methods: deep stroking can excite the nervous system, while superficial stroking, on the contrary, calms.

It is especially useful to perform stroking techniques in case of insomnia and increased excitability of the nervous system, after heavy physical activity, in case of traumatic injuries, etc.

Stroking also helps to relax the muscles before subsequent massage techniques.

When stroking, the hands glide freely over the body, the movements are soft and rhythmic. These techniques never affect the deep layers of muscle mass; the skin should not move. The oil is first applied to the skin, and then, using wide, smooth movements, the oil is rubbed into the body, which at the same time relaxes and warms up.

When stroking, your hands are relaxed, they glide over the surface of the skin, touching it very lightly. Stroking should be done in one direction, usually along the lymphatic vessels and veins. The exception is planar superficial stroking, which can be carried out regardless of the direction of lymph flow. If there is swelling or stagnation, then you need to start stroking from the overlying areas to facilitate the outflow of fluid.

You can use stroking yourself, in the form of a separate massage effect. But most often, stroking is used in combination with other massage techniques. Usually the massage procedure begins with stroking. You can finish each individual massage session with stroking.

When performing the stroking technique, you should remember that superficial stroking is always used first, only after which can deep stroking be used. When stroking, you should not apply excessive pressure, which can cause pain and discomfort in the person being massaged.

The stroking of the flexor areas of the limbs should be deeper; this is where the largest blood and lymphatic vessels pass.

All stroking techniques are performed slowly, rhythmically; approximately 24-26 sliding strokes should be performed in 1 minute. Do not stroke with too sharp and fast movements, so as not to displace the skin. The surface of the palms should fit tightly to the massaged surface. When performing each stroking session, you can choose only those techniques that will most effectively affect a given area of ​​the massaged body.


The two most important stroking techniques are flat and enveloping strokes. They need to be done with the entire brush, placing it on the surface to be massaged.

Planar stroking is used on flat and large surfaces of the body, such as the back, stomach, chest. With this stroking, the hand is relaxed, the fingers should be straightened and closed. Directions

movements may be different. You can perform movements transversely, longitudinally, in a circle or in a spiral. Stroking movements can be made with either one or two hands (Fig. 65).

Enveloping stroking is used to massage the upper and lower extremities, buttocks, neck, and lateral surfaces of the torso. Perform grasping strokes with a relaxed hand, while the thumb should be moved to the side and the remaining fingers should be closed. The brush should tightly grasp the massaged surface (Fig. 66). Movements can be continuous or intermittent (depending on the goals).

Figure 65

You can perform stroking with one hand, or you can do it with both hands; the hands should follow parallel and in a rhythmic sequence. If stroking is performed on large areas in which excess subcutaneous fat is concentrated, you can increase the pressure by massaging with a weighted brush. In this case, one brush is placed on top of the other, thereby creating additional pressure.

Stroking movements can be superficial and deep.

Superficial stroking is characterized by particularly gentle and light movements, has a calming effect on the nervous system, helps muscle relaxation, improves blood circulation and metabolism in the skin.

Deep massage should be done with force, and it is better to apply pressure with the wrist. This stroking technique helps remove removal of metabolic products, elimination of edema and congestion. After deep stroking, the functioning of the body's circulatory and lymphatic systems significantly improves.

Figure 66

Stroking, especially planar, can be done not only with the entire inner surface of the palm, but also with the back of two or more folds, and the lateral surfaces of the fingers - this depends on the area of ​​the body that is being massaged. For example, when massaging small areas of the facial surface, at the site of callus formation, as well as when massaging the interosseous muscles of the foot or hand, you can use stroking with the pads of the index or thumb. Stroking with fingertips is used to massage individual muscles and tendons, and to massage the fingers and face.

When performing a massage of large surfaces of the muscles of the back, chest, thighs, you can use stroking with the palm of your hand or a hand folded into a fist. In addition, stroking can be continuous or intermittent. With continuous stroking, the palm should fit tightly to the surface being massaged, as if sliding along it. Such stroking inhibits the reaction of the nervous system, calming it. In addition, continuous stroking promotes the outflow of lymph and the destruction of swelling.

Continuous stroking can be alternate, while the second hand should be raised above the first, which completes the stroking, and perform the same movements, but in the opposite direction.

When performing intermittent stroking, the position of the hands is the same as during continuous stroking, but the movements of the hands should be short, jerky and rhythmic. Intermittent stroking has an irritating effect on the nerve receptors of the skin, so this massage stimulates the central nervous system. Thanks to this, intermittent stroking can activate blood circulation in tissues, tones blood vessels and activates muscle activity.

Depending on the direction of the stroking movements, stroking can be divided into the following types:

  • straight;
  • zigzag;
  • spiral;
  • combined;
  • circular;
  • concentric;
  • longitudinal stroking with one or two hands (Finnish version).

When performing straight-line stroking, movements are made with the palm, the hand should be relaxed, and the fingers should be pressed together, except for the thumb, which should be moved slightly to the side. The hand should fit snugly to the body surface being massaged; movements should be made with the thumb and forefinger. They should be light and gliding.

When carrying out zigzag stroking, the hand should make a quick and smooth zigzag movement directed forward. Zigzag stroking creates a feeling of warmth and calms the central nervous system. This stroking can be performed with different pressure levels.

Spiral stroking is performed without tension, with light and sliding movements, just like zigzag stroking. The trajectory of the hand movement should resemble a spiral. This stroking has a tonic effect.

You can combine straight, zigzag and spiral movements into combined stroking. Combined stroking must be performed continuously in different directions.

When massaging small joints, you can perform circular stroking. The movements should be made with the base of the palm, making circular movements towards the little finger. In this case, movements with the right hand will be directed clockwise, and movements with the left hand will be directed counterclockwise.

To massage large joints, you can use another circular stroking - concentric. The palms should be placed on the massaged area, placing them close to each other. In this case, the thumbs will affect the outer side of the joint, and the remaining fingers will act on the inner side. This performs a figure-eight movement. At the beginning of the movement, the pressure should be increased, and towards the end of the movement, slightly weakened. After this, the hands should return to their original position and repeat the movement.

To perform longitudinal stroking, the thumb should be moved as far as possible, then the brush should be placed along the surface being massaged. Movements should be made with your fingertips forward. If longitudinal stroking is performed with both hands, the movements must be made alternately.

When stroking, auxiliary techniques are also used:

  • comb-shaped;
  • rake-shaped;
  • pincer-shaped;
  • cruciform;
  • ironing

Comb-like stroking is used for deep massaging of large muscles in the dorsal and pelvic areas, as well as on the palmar and plantar surfaces. This stroking helps to penetrate into the depths of massive muscle layers, and is also used for significant subcutaneous fat deposits. Comb-like stroking is performed using the bony protrusions of the phalanges of the fingers, bent into a fist. The fingers of the hand should be bent freely and without tension; they should not be pressed tightly against each other (Fig. 67). You can perform comb-like stroking with one or two hands.

Figure 67

Rake-like stroking is used to massage the intercostal spaces, the scalp, and also on those areas of the skin where it is necessary to bypass damaged areas.

To perform rake-like movements, you need to spread your fingers and straighten them. Fingers should touch the massaged surface at an angle of 45 degrees. Rake-like stroking should be done in longitudinal, transverse, zigzag, and circular directions. They can be performed with one or two hands. If the movements are performed with both hands, the arms can move

Figure 68

in parallel or in series. To increase pressure, rake-like movements can be done with weights (the fingers of one hand are superimposed on the fingers of the other hand) (Fig. 68).

Pincer-like stroking is used to massage tendons, fingers, feet, face, nose, ears, as well as small muscle groups. The fingers should be folded in a pincer-like manner, and, grasping a muscle, tendon or skin fold with the help of the thumb, index and middle fingers, make straight stroking movements (Fig. 69).

Figure 69

Cross strokes are commonly used in sports massage and are used to massage the extremities. Cross-shaped stroking is also carried out in the system of rehabilitation measures after serious illnesses and operations. In these cases, you can do cross-shaped stroking of the back, pelvic area, buttocks, and back surfaces of the lower extremities. Cross-shaped stroking helps in preventing bedsores. When performing cross-shaped stroking, your hands need to be clasped and grasped around the surface being massaged. This stroking is performed with the inner surfaces of the palms of both hands (Fig. 70).

Figure 71.

Ironing- the technique is soft and gentle, so it is often used in children's massage (Fig. 71). Ironing is also used to massage the skin and muscles of the face and neck, as well as to massage the back, abdomen and soles. Ironing with weights is used to massage internal organs.

Ironing is done with one or two hands. The fingers should be bent at the metacarpophalangeal joints at a right angle. If ironing needs to be done with weights, you should place the hand of the other hand on the clenched fingers of one hand.


After stroking comes the next technique, which has a deeper effect, since when it is performed, movement, displacement and stretching of body tissues occurs. When rubbing, your fingers or hands should not slide over the skin, as when stroking.

Rubbing is widely used in almost all types of massage. Rubbing techniques dilate blood vessels and increase blood circulation, while the local skin temperature rises. This promotes better saturation of tissues with oxygen and nutrients, as well as quick removal products of exchange.

Typically, rubbing is used in areas poorly supplied with blood: on outside thighs, on the sole, heel, as well as in the locations of tendons and joints.

Rubbing is used for neuritis and neuralgic diseases, since rubbing reduces the excitability of the nervous system, as a result of which the pain characteristic of these diseases disappears.

Rubbing techniques help treat sore joints, restore them after injuries and damage.” Rubbing also has a beneficial effect on muscles, making them more mobile and elastic.

By rubbing, which increases tissue mobility, it is possible to avoid fusion of the skin with the underlying surfaces. Rubbing helps stretch adhesions and scars, promotes the resorption of swelling and fluid accumulations in tissues.

Rubbing is usually performed in combination with other massage movements. When rubbing surfaces that have swelling and pathological deposits, rubbing should be combined with stroking. Rubbing is also used before kneading.

Rubbing should be done at a slow rhythm. In 1 minute you should make from 60 to 100 movements. Unless absolutely necessary, you should not linger in one area for more than 10 seconds. Rubbing the same area for a longer period of time can cause pain in the person being massaged.

If you need to increase the pressure, rubbing can be done with weights. The pressure increases if the angle between the brush and the massaged surface increases.

When performing rubbing, the direction of lymph flow should be taken into account; the direction of movements during rubbing depends only on the configuration of the surface being massaged.


The main rubbing techniques are rubbing with the fingers, the edge of the palm and the supporting part of the hand.

Rubbing with fingers is used to massage the scalp, face, intercostal spaces, back, hands, feet, joints and tendons, and iliac crests. Rubbing is performed using the fingertips or the back of their phalanges. You can rub with one thumb, while the other fingers should rest on the surface being massaged (Fig. 72).

Figure 72

If rubbing is performed with all fingers except the thumb, the supporting function is performed by the thumb or the supporting part of the hand. Figure 72.

Can be used for rubbing
only the middle finger, using its pad to rub in straight lines, circles, or strokes. This method of rubbing is very convenient to use when massaging the intercostal and intermetacarpal spaces.

You can rub with the fingers of one hand or both hands. The second hand can be used for weights (Fig. 73), or you can perform rubbing movements in parallel.

Figure 73

As mentioned above, the choice of direction when rubbing depends on the configuration of the surface being massaged, i.e. anatomical structure joints, muscles, tendons, as well as the location of scars, adhesions, edema and swelling on the massaged area. Depending on this, rubbing can be carried out in the longitudinal, transverse, circular, zigzag and spiral directions.

Rubbing with the elbow edge of the hand is used to massage large joints such as the knee, shoulder and hip joints. You can use rubbing with the elbow edge of the hand when massaging the back and abdomen, the edges of the shoulder blades and ridges iliac bones(Fig. 74).

When rubbed with the elbow edge of the hand, the underlying tissues should also shift, forming a skin fold when displaced.

Figure 74

On large muscle layers, an intensive technique such as rubbing with the supporting part of the hand is used. It is usually used to massage the back, thighs, and buttocks. You can rub with the supporting part of the hand either with one or with two hands. With this technique, movements are performed linearly or spirally. Depending on the direction of movement, rubbing occurs:

  • straightforward;
  • circular;
  • spiral-shaped.

Straight-line rubbing is usually done with the pads of one or more fingers. Straight-line rubbing should be used when massaging the face, hands, feet, small muscle groups and joints.

Circular rubbing is done using the fingertips. In this case, the hand should rest on the thumb or the base of the palm. You can carry out circular rubbing with the back of all half-bent fingers, as well as with one finger. This method of rubbing can be done with weights or alternately with both hands. Circular rubbing is used to massage the back, abdomen, chest, limbs and other parts of the body.

Spiral rubbing, used to massage the back, abdomen, chest, limbs and pelvic areas, is performed with the elbow edge of the hand, bent into a fist, or the supporting part of the hand. With this method of rubbing, you can use both brushes or one brush with weights.

When rubbing, auxiliary techniques are also used:

  • shading;
  • planing;
  • sawing;
  • crossing;
  • tong-like rubbing;
  • comb-like rubbing;
  • rake-like rubbing.

Hatching. Correctly performed shading technique helps to increase the mobility and elasticity of the tissues undergoing massage. This technique is used in the treatment of post-burn skin scars, cicatricial

Figure 75

adhesions after other skin injuries, postoperative adhesions, pathological compactions. In certain doses, shading can reduce the excitability of the central nervous system, which contributes to the analgesic effect. Hatching is done with the pads of the thumb, index and middle fingers (each separately). Can be carried out

shading with the index and middle fingers together. When shading, straightened fingers should be at an angle of 30 degrees to the surface being massaged (Fig. 75).

Hatching is done with short and straight movements. The fingers should not slide over the surface; the underlying tissues shift in different directions when performing the technique.

Figure 76

Planing. This auxiliary rubbing technique is used for le
in the treatment of psoriasis and eczema, when it is necessary to exclude exposure to the affected areas of the skin, as well as in the restorative treatment of skin with significant scarring. This technique is used to increase muscle tone, since planing has a stimulating effect on the neuromuscular system (Fig. 76). Positive Action It also has a planing effect in the fight against increased fat deposits in some areas of the body. Planing is done with one or both hands. When performing a two-handed massage, both hands should move sequentially, one after the other. The fingers should be folded together, while they should be straightened at the joints. The fingertips apply pressure and then displace tissue.

Sawing. The technique is used to massage the back, thighs, legs, abdomen, as well as those areas of the body where large muscles and joints are located.

Sawing needs to be done with one or two hands. Movements are made by the ulnar edge of the hand. Sawing with one hand should be done in a forward-backward direction, while the underlying tissues are displaced and stretched. If sawing is done with both hands, the hands should be placed on the massaged surface with palms facing each other at a distance of 2-3 cm. They should move in the opposite direction. It is necessary to perform the movement so that the hands do not slide, but move the underlying tissues (Fig. 77).

Figure 77

Crossed. The technique is used to massage the muscles of the back and abdomen, limbs, cervical spine, and trapezius muscles. You can perform the crossing with one or two hands. Movements are made with the radial edge of the hand, the thumb should be moved to the side as much as possible (Fig. 78).

If crossing is done with one hand, you should make rhythmic movements from yourself and towards yourself. When performing a technique with both hands, the hands should be placed at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. Hands should move away from you and toward you alternately, displacing the underlying tissue.

Forceps rubbing. The technique is used to massage the face, nose, ears, tendons and small muscles.

Figure 78

The pincer-like rubbing should be done with the ends of the thumb and index finger or the thumb, index finger and middle finger. The fingers take the form of forceps and move in a circle or in a straight line.

Comb-shaped trituration. This technique is used to massage the palms and soles of the feet, as well as on areas with large muscles: on the back, buttocks, outer surface hips. Comb-like rubbing should be done with a hand clenched into a fist, placing it on the massaged surface with the bony protrusions of the middle phalanges of the fingers.

rake-shaped trituration. The technique is used if it is necessary to bypass the affected areas on the massaged surface. It is used for varicose veins, to massage the areas between the veins with spread fingers without touching the veins themselves.

Rake-like rubbing is also used to massage the intercostal spaces and scalp.

Perform movements with widely spaced fingers, while the fingertips perform rubbing movements in a straight line, in a circle, in a zigzag, spiral or hatching pattern. Rake-like rubbing is usually done with two hands; movements can be made not only with the pads of the fingers, but also with the dorsal surfaces of the bent nail phalanges.


The main massage techniques include squeezing, which is somewhat reminiscent of stroking, but is performed more energetically and with greater speed of movement. Unlike stroking, squeezing affects not only the skin, but also the subcutaneous tissue, connective tissue and upper muscle layers.

Squeezing helps improve blood supply to body tissues, enhances lymph outflow and helps get rid of swelling and congestion, improves tissue nutrition, increases the temperature in the massaged area, and has an analgesic effect.

Due to its effect on the body, squeezing is widely used in therapeutic, hygienic and sports massage.

Squeezing is usually done before kneading. Movements during squeezing should be directed along the blood and lymphatic vessels. When performing squeezing to reduce swelling, movements should begin from an area located above the swelling and closer to the lymph node. For example, squeezing for swelling in the foot area should begin with the thigh, and then the lower leg, only after that can you move on to foot massage.

Squeezing should be done slowly and rhythmically; failure to comply with these requirements can lead to pain in the person being massaged, as well as damage to the lymphatic vessels. Squeezing on the surface of the muscles should occur along the muscle fibers. The force of pressure should "depend on which part of the body surface is being massaged. If the massage is performed on a painful area or an area of ​​increased sensitivity, as well as at the location of bony protrusions, the pressure force should be reduced. In areas where large muscles and large vessels are located , as well as in areas with a thick layer subcutaneous fat the pressure needs to be increased.


The main squeezing techniques include:

  • cross squeezing;
  • squeezing performed with the edge of the palm;
  • squeezing performed with the heel of the palm;
  • two-handed squeezing (with weights).

Transverse squeeze. To perform this technique, place your palm across the muscle fibers, press your thumb against your index finger, and press the remaining fingers together and bend them at the joints. Movements must be made with the base of the thumb and the entire thumb, moving the hand forward.

Figure 79

Squeezing the palm with the edge. To perform the technique, place the edge of the palm across the massaged area (across the direction of the blood vessels), place the thumb on the index finger and move forward. The remaining fingers should be slightly bent at the joints (Fig. 79).

Squeezing with the heel of the palm. The hand, palm down, should be placed on the massaged surface along the muscle fibers. The thumb should be pressed to the edge of the palm, moving the nail phalanx to the side (Fig. 80).

Pressure on the massaged surface is exerted by the base of the thumb and the base of the entire palm. The remaining fingers should be slightly raised and moved towards the little finger.

Figure 80

Squeezing with two hands is performed with weights. This technique helps to enhance the effect on the massaged area. If the weight is performed perpendicularly, three fingers (index, middle and ring) should exert pressure on the radial edge of the thumb of the hand that is performing the massage (Fig. 81). If the weight is performed in the transverse direction, the second hand should apply pressure to the entire hand, performing massage (Fig. 82).

In addition to the basic squeezing techniques, there is also an auxiliary technique called beak-shaped. Beak-shaped squeezing is performed in the following several ways:

  • ulnar part of the hand;
  • radial part of the hand;
  • the front part of the hand;
  • the back of the hand.

Figure 81

When performing a beak squeeze, your fingers need to be folded in the shape of a bird's beak, pressing the thumb to the little finger, the index finger to the thumb, ring finger Place it on top of the little finger, and place the middle finger above the ring and index fingers. When performing beak-shaped squeezing with the elbow part of the hand, movements should be made with the edge of the little finger, moving the hand forward (Fig. 83). When performing beak-shaped squeezing with the radial part of the hand, forward movements should be made with the edge of the thumb (Fig. 84).


This technique is one of the main ones in massage. More than half of the total time allotted for a massage session is devoted to kneading. To make the kneading effect more noticeable, the muscles of the person being massaged should be as relaxed as possible.

By kneading, access to the deep muscle layers is achieved. When using it, you need to grab muscle tissue and press it to the bones. The tissue is captured with simultaneous compression, lifting and displacement. The entire kneading process can be divided into three phases: gripping the muscle, pulling and squeezing, and then rolling and squeezing.

Figure 84

The kneading technique should be done using the thumbs, fingertips and the top of the palm. The movements should be short, fast and sliding.

When kneading, you should strive to capture deeper and deeper layers of muscle tissue. You can use your body weight and place one hand on top of the other to increase pressure. It is as if squeezing and squeezing the skin of the massaged area is performed.

Kneading should be done slowly, painlessly, increasing its intensity gradually. You should make 50-60 kneading movements per minute. When kneading, your hands should not slip; you should also not make sharp jerks or twist the tissue.

Figure 85

The movements should be continuous, from the belly of the muscle to the tendon and back, and the muscle should not be released, jumping from one area to another. You need to start the massage from the place where the muscle passes into the tendon.

The positive effect of kneading is that it improves the circulation of blood, lymph and tissue fluid. At the same time, the nutrition of the tissues of the massaged area significantly increases, the saturation of the tissues with oxygen, and muscle tone improves.

Kneading helps to quickly remove carbon dioxide and lactic acid from tissues, so kneading is necessary after heavy physical and sports activities. Kneading significantly reduces muscle fatigue.

Figure 86

With the help of kneading, muscle fibers are stretched, as a result of which the elasticity of muscle tissue increases. With regular exposure, muscle strength increases.


There are two main kneading techniques - longitudinal and transverse.

Longitudinal kneading. It is usually used to massage the muscles of the limbs, the sides of the neck, the muscles of the back, abdomen, chest, and pelvic areas. Longitudinal kneading should be performed along the muscle fibers that form the belly (body) of the muscle, along the axis of the muscles through which the tendon of origin (head) and the tendon of attachment (tail) are connected (Fig. 87).

Before performing longitudinal kneading, straightened fingers should be positioned on the surface to be massaged so that the thumb is on the side of the massaged area opposite to the other fingers. Having fixed your fingers in this position, you should lift the muscle and pull it back. Then you need to make kneading movements directed towards the center. You cannot let go of the muscle even for a moment; your fingers should clasp it tightly. Initially, pressure on the muscle should be applied towards the thumb, and then the thumb applies pressure on the muscle towards the rest of the fingers. Thus, the muscle experiences pressure on both sides.

You can perform longitudinal kneading with both hands, with all movements performed alternately, one hand moving after the other. Movements are performed until the entire muscle is completely warmed up.

You can carry out longitudinal kneading with intermittent movements, jumps. With this method, the brush massages individual areas of the muscle. Typically, intermittent kneading is used when it is necessary to bypass affected areas of the skin, as well as to stimulate the activity of the neuromuscular system.

Transverse kneading. It is used for massage of the limbs, back and abdomen, pelvic and cervical areas.

When performing transverse kneading, the hands should be positioned across the muscle that is being kneaded. The angle between the hands placed on the massaged surface should be approximately 45 degrees. The thumbs of both hands are located next to one side of the massaged surface, and the remaining fingers of both hands are located on the other side. All kneading phases are performed simultaneously or alternately. If kneading is performed simultaneously, both hands move the muscle to one side (Fig. 88), but in the case of alternating transverse kneading, one hand should move the muscle toward itself, and the other away from itself (Fig. 89).

Figure 89

If kneading is carried out with one hand, the other hand can be used for weights (Fig. 90).

Transverse kneading should begin from the belly (body) of the muscle. Next, the movements should be gradually directed towards the tendon.

It is better to knead the core of the muscle and tendon with one hand longitudinally, therefore, when approaching the tendon, you can remove the second hand and finish kneading with one hand. After the tendon and the muscle attachment site have been massaged, you can begin to move in the opposite direction; in this case, you need to place a second, free hand on the muscle and perform a transverse kneading with both hands. One muscle should be massaged in this way several times, changing the transverse kneading to the longitudinal one.

The types of longitudinal and transverse kneading include:

  • ordinary;
  • double single;
  • double neck;
  • double ring;
  • double ring combined kneading;
  • double circular longitudinal kneading;
  • ordinary-longitudinal;
  • circular;
  • kneading with the base of the palm with a roll.

Figure 90

Ordinary kneading. This type of kneading is used to massage the muscles of the neck, large dorsal and gluteal muscles, the front and back of the thigh, the back of the leg, shoulder, and abdomen.

When performing a normal kneading exercise, you need to grasp the muscle very tightly across it with your straight fingers. The muscle should then be lifted by moving the thumb and all other fingers towards each other. The fingers should move with the muscle and not slide over it. The next stage is returning the muscle to its original position. At the same time, the fingers should not let go of the muscle, the palm should fit tightly to the muscle. Only when the muscle returns to its original position can the fingers be unclenched. Massage all areas of the muscle in this way.

Double normal kneading. This technique effectively stimulates us
cervical activity.

When massaging the muscles of the back of the leg and shoulder, the person being massaged should lie on his back. If the thigh muscles are being massaged, the leg should be bent at the knee.

The difference between this technique and the usual ordinary kneading is that you need to alternately carry out two ordinary kneading with both hands. In this case, movements should be directed from bottom to top.

Double neck. This method is used to massage the muscles of the front and back of the thigh, oblique abdominal muscles, back and buttock muscles, and shoulder muscles.

A double bar is performed in the same way as a regular warm-up, but the double bar must be performed with weights. There are two double neck options.

Option 1. When performing this version of the double bar, the hand of one hand is weighed down by the other so that the thumb of one hand presses on the thumb of the other hand. The remaining fingers of one hand apply pressure to the fingers of the other hand.

Option 2. The double bar in this version is performed with the weight of the base of the palm of one hand on the thumb of the other hand.

Double ring kneading. It is used to massage the trapezius muscles, abdominal muscles, chest, latissimus dorsi, limb muscles, neck and buttocks. When massaging flat muscles, double circular kneading cannot be used because it is impossible to pull these muscles upward.

It is more convenient to do this kneading by placing the person being massaged on a flat surface. The person being massaged should relax the muscles as much as possible. The hands of both hands should be placed on the massaged area so that the distance between them is equal to the width of the hand. The thumbs should be located on the opposite side of the massaged surface from the other fingers.

Next, you should grab and lift the muscle with straightened fingers. In this case, one hand moves the muscle away from itself, and the other hand moves toward itself. Then the direction is reversed. You should not let go of the muscle from your hands; this kneading should be done smoothly, without sudden jumps, so as not to cause pain to the person being massaged.

Double ring combined kneading. The technique is used to knead the rectus abdominis muscles, latissimus dorsi muscles, gluteal muscles, pectoralis major muscles, thigh muscles, back of the lower leg, and shoulder muscles. This technique is similar in technique to double ring kneading. The difference is that when performing a double circular combined kneading, the right hand performs an ordinary muscle kneading, and left palm stretches the same muscle. To make this technique easier to perform, place the index finger of your left hand on the middle finger of your right hand. The movements performed by each hand should be made in opposite directions.

Double circular longitudinal kneading. Used to massage the front of the thigh and back of the leg.

To perform this kneading technique, you need to place your hands on the massaged area, squeezing your fingers together (thumbs should be moved to the sides). Grasping the muscle with both hands, you should make circular movements with your fingers, your hands should move towards each other. Having met, they continue to move, moving away from each other at a distance of 5-6 cm. In this way, you need to massage all parts of the muscle.

When massaging the right thigh and left shin, the right hand should be placed in front of the left, and when massaging the left thigh and right shin- in reverse order.

Ordinary longitudinal kneading. The technique is used to knead the back of the thigh.

This technique combines ordinary and longitudinal kneading: longitudinal kneading is used to massage the outer surface of the thigh, and ordinary (transverse) kneading is used on the inner surface.

Circular kneading can be divided into the following subtypes:

  • circular beak-shaped;
  • kneading in a circular manner with the pads of four fingers;
  • circular kneading with the pad of the thumb;
  • circular kneading of the phalanges of the fingers clenched into a fist;
  • kneading in a circular manner with the base of the palm.

Circular coracoid kneading is used to massage the long and latissimus dorsi muscles, neck muscles and limb muscles.

When performing this technique, the fingers are folded in the shape of a bird's beak: press the index and little fingers to the thumb, place the ring finger on top, and then the middle finger. When massaging, the hand moves in a circle or spiral towards the little finger. You can do this kneading with both hands alternately.

Circular kneading with the pads of four fingers. The technique is used to massage the back muscles, neck muscles and limb muscles, as well as to massage the head. Kneading should be done with the pads of four fingers, placing them diagonally to the muscles. The thumb should be positioned along the muscle fibers. It does not directly participate in kneading, it only glides over the surface, and the pads of the four fingers press on the massaged surface, making circular movements towards the little finger.

Circular kneading with the pad of the thumb. The technique is used for massage spinal muscles, muscles of the limbs and sternum.

The technique is performed with the pad of the thumb in the same way as kneading in a circular manner with the pads of four fingers, only in this case the four fingers do not take any part in the kneading.

The technique can be performed with one hand, making circular movements with the thumb towards the index finger. The pressure of the finger on the massaged surface should be different, the strongest at the beginning, and weaker when the finger returns to its original position. Every 2-3 cm you should move your finger to a new area of ​​the massaged surface in order to stretch the entire muscle. When performing this technique, you must ensure that your thumb does not slide along the surface, but moves the muscle. The technique can be performed with both hands alternately or with one hand with weights.

Circular kneading of the phalanges of the fingers clenched into a fist. The technique is used to massage the muscles of the back, limbs, and sternum. It is also used to massage the anterior tibia and calf muscles, but in this case the massage is performed with both hands. When performing this kneading technique, the phalanges of the fingers bent into a fist apply pressure to the muscle, and then shift it in a circular motion towards the little finger. When performing a technique with both hands, the hands, clenched into a fist, should be placed on the massaged surface at a distance of about 5-8 cm from each other. Circular movements towards the little finger are made with both hands alternately. You can perform this technique with one hand and weights.

Circular kneading with the base of the palm. The technique is used to massage the muscles of the back, buttocks, limbs, and sternum. Circular movements are performed with the base of the palm towards the little finger. You can perform this technique with both hands, placing them on the massaged surface at a distance of 5-8 cm from each other. You can also do kneading with one hand and weights.

Kneading with the base of the palm with a roll. The technique is used to massage the deltoid muscles, long back muscles, pectoralis major muscles, gluteal

ny muscles. The hand, with the fingers pressed together, is positioned palm down along the muscle fibers. Raising your fingers, apply pressure by rolling the hand from the base of the thumb to the base of the little finger through the base of the palm. So it is necessary to move further along the entire muscle.

In addition to the above techniques, there are auxiliary techniques:

  • wallow;
  • rolling;
  • shifting;
  • stretching;
  • pressing;
  • compression;
  • twitching;
  • tong-like kneading.

Wallow. Typically, the technique is used to massage the muscles of the shoulder and forearm, thigh and lower leg. In addition, due to the gentle effect of felting, it is used for damage to muscle fibers and blood vessels as a result of trauma, for sclerotic lesions of blood vessels, etc. The technique is performed with both hands. The hands of both hands should be grasped on both sides of the massaged area, the hands are parallel to each other, the fingers are straight. The movements of each hand are performed in opposite directions; the hands should be gradually moved over the entire area of ​​the massaged surface (Fig. 91).

Figure 91

Rolling. The technique is used to massage the anterior wall of the abdomen, as well as the muscles of the lateral surfaces of the back, chest, in the presence of significant fat deposits, and in case of sagging muscles. When performing a massage of the abdominal muscles, you should first relax the muscles by performing a flat circular stroking of the massaged surface of the abdomen. After this, place the edge of the palm of your left hand on the surface of the abdomen and try to immerse it deeply into the thickness abdominal wall. Grab with your right hand soft fabrics abdomen and roll them onto the left hand. Knead the captured part in a circular motion, and then proceed to rolling the areas located nearby (Fig. 92).

Shift. The technique is usually used when massaging long muscles to treat scar formations, skin diseases, in the treatment of paralysis and paresis. Shifting increases blood circulation and lymph flow, improves metabolism in tissues, this technique warms the tissues and has a stimulating effect on the body.

Figure 92

When performing the sliding technique, you need to lift and grab the massaged area with the thumbs of both hands, and then move it to the side. You can, without grabbing the tissue, press on the surface being massaged and move the tissues towards each other using your palms or fingertips. It should be moved in both longitudinal and transverse directions.

Grabbing is used to move the large pectoral muscle and gluteal muscles. When massaging the back muscles, there is no need to grab while moving. The sternocleidomastoid muscles are moved using a forceps-like grip.

When massaging the tissues of the cranial cover, the hands are placed on the forehead and the back of the head; with light pressure, the hands should alternately slowly move from the forehead to the back of the head. If the frontal plane of the skull is being massaged, the brushes should be applied to the temple areas. In this case, the shift occurs towards the ears.

When massaging the hand, the interosseous muscles of the hand shift as follows. The fingers of both hands should grasp the hand of the person being massaged by the radial and ulnar edges. With short movements, the tissues move up and down. In a similar way, you can move the muscles of the foot (Fig. 93).

Figure 93

Stretching. This technique has an effect on the nervous system; it is used to treat paralysis and paresis, scars after injuries and burns, and postoperative adhesions.

As with shifting, you should grab the muscle, and if this is not possible, press on it. Then you need to move the tissues in opposite directions, while the muscles stretch (Fig. 94). You should not make sudden movements, as this may cause pain to the person being massaged.

To grasp a large muscle, use the entire hand; small muscles should be grasped in a pincer-like manner with your fingers. If the muscles cannot be grasped (flat muscles), they need to be smoothed out with the fingers or palm, thus also stretching occurs. When stretching adhesions and scars, you should use the thumbs of both hands, placing them opposite each other.

To stimulate muscles during paresis and paralysis, it is advisable to alternate rhythmic passive stretches with gentle passive stretches, directing the movement towards muscle contraction. This procedure has a positive effect on muscle tendons.

Figure 94

Pressure. With this technique, tissue receptors are excited, as a result of which tissue nutrition and blood supply improves. It also exerts pressure on the internal organs, activating the secretory and excretory functions of the body, as well as the peristalsis of the internal organs.

Pressure is used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (damage to the spine, consequences of bone fractures, etc.).

This technique is performed with intermittent pressures, the pace of movements varies - from 25 to 60 pressures per minute.

Pressure can be applied with the palm or the back of the fingers, the pads of the fingers, the supporting part of the palm, as well as with the hand clenched into a fist.

When massaging the front wall of the abdomen, it is best to apply pressure with the palm or back of the fingers or fist at a rate of 20-25 times per minute. At the same pace, you can massage the internal organs. When massaging the abdomen, you can use pressure with weights. When massaging the back, in order to activate muscle activity, apply pressure in the spine area. In this case, the hands need to be placed across the spinal column, the distance between the hands should be approximately 10-15 cm. In this case, the fingers should be placed on one side of the spinal column, and the wrists on the other. With rhythmic movements (20-25 movements in 1 minute), you should move your hands up the spinal column to cervical spine, and then down to the sacrum, thus applying pressure to the muscles along the entire spinal column (Fig. 95).

Figure 95

The facial muscles of the face are massaged with the palms and backs of the fingers pressed together. Approximately 45 pressures must be applied in 1 minute.

Massage of the scalp can be done with the pads of your fingers, placing them in a rake-like manner, making 50 to 60 pressures in 1 minute.

You can also apply pressure to the scalp with the palmar surface of your hands, clasping your head with your palms on both sides. With this method, 40 to 50 movements should be performed in 1 minute.

Compression. The technique is used to massage the muscles of the torso and limbs. Compression helps to activate blood circulation and lymph flow, enhances blood supply to muscles, increases muscle tone and improves their contractile function.

Compression is used during facial massage to improve skin nutrition. As a result, the tone of facial muscles increases, the skin becomes firmer and more elastic. Compression should be performed with short squeezing movements of the fingers or hand (Fig. 96).

Figure 96

The pace when performing the technique should be about 30-40 movements in 1 minute. Compression during facial massage should be done at a pace of 40 to 60 movements per 1 minute.

Twitching. This technique is used for facial massage to activate the work of facial muscles, as well as to increase the elasticity and firmness of the facial skin. Twitching is also used for flabbiness of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, in the treatment of paresis and paralysis of the muscles of the upper and lower extremities.

Twitching is also used in the treatment of scars after burns and injuries, as well as postoperative adhesions, since this technique helps improve the mobility and elasticity of the skin.

Twitching should be done with two fingers: the thumb and forefinger, which should grab a section of tissue, pull it back, and then release it. You can also twitch with three fingers: thumb, index and middle. The rate of twitching should be from 100 to 120 movements in 1 minute. You can perform movements with one or two hands.

Figure 97

Forceps kneading. This technique is used to massage the muscles of the back, chest, neck, and face. Pincer-type kneading is good for massaging small muscles and their outer edges, as well as tendons and muscle heads. The technique should be performed with the thumb and index fingers folded in the form of forceps (Fig. 97). You can also use your thumb, index and middle fingers. Forceps kneading can be transverse or longitudinal. When performing a transverse forceps-like kneading, the muscle must be grabbed and pulled. Then, using alternating movements away from you and towards yourself, stretch the muscle with your fingers. If longitudinal forceps-shaped kneading is performed, the muscle (or tendon) should be grabbed with the thumb and middle fingers, pulled back, and then kneaded between the fingers in a spiral manner.


Massage techniques in which vibrations of different speeds and amplitudes are transmitted to the massaged area are called vibration. Vibrations spread from the massaged surface to the muscles and tissues of the body located deeper. The difference between vibration and other massage techniques is that when certain conditions it reaches deep-lying internal organs, vessels and nerves.

The physiological effect of vibration on the body is characterized by the fact that it enhances the reflex reactions of the body and, depending on the frequency and amplitude, is capable of dilating or enlarging blood vessels. Vibration is used to reduce blood pressure and decrease in heart rate. After fractures, vibration reduces the time required for callus formation. Vibration can change the secretory activity of some organs. When carrying out vibration, it should be remembered that the strength of the technique depends on the angle between the massaged surface and the massage therapist’s hand. The larger this angle, the stronger the impact. To ensure the greatest impact of vibration, the brush must be positioned perpendicular to the surface being massaged.

You should not vibrate in one area for more than 10 seconds, and it is advisable to combine it with other massage techniques.

Vibrations with a large amplitude (deep vibrations), which last a short time, cause irritation in the massaged area, and long-term vibrations with a small amplitude (shallow vibrations), on the contrary, soothe and relax. Vibrating too intensely can cause pain in the person being massaged.

Intermittent vibrations (effleurage, chopping, etc.) on unrelaxed muscles also cause pain in the person being massaged. It is impossible to carry out intermittent vibrations on the inner surface of the thigh, in the popliteal region, in the area of ​​the heart and kidneys. Particular care must be taken when using intermittent vibrations when massaging older people.

Painful sensations Can cause intermittent vibration when performed simultaneously with both hands.

Caution should also be observed when performing the shaking technique. Using this technique on areas of the upper and lower extremities without following the direction of movement can lead to damage to the joints. In particular, shaking of the upper limbs leads to damage to the elbow joint if it is performed not in the horizontal, but in the vertical area. Do not shake the lower limb when the knee is bent; this can lead to damage to the bursal-ligamentous apparatus.

Manual vibration (using hands) usually causes rapid fatigue for the massage therapist, so it is more convenient to use hardware vibration.


Vibration techniques can be divided into two types: continuous vibration and intermittent vibration.

Continuous vibration is a technique in which the massage therapist’s brush acts on the massaged surface without leaving it, transmitting continuous oscillatory movements to it. Movements must be performed rhythmically.

You can perform continuous vibration with the pads of one, two, or all fingers; palmar surface of fingers, back of fingers; palm or supporting part of the palm; with a hand bent into a fist. The duration of continuous vibration should be 10-15 seconds, after which stroking techniques should be performed for 3-5 seconds. l You should start performing continuous vibration at a speed of 100-120 vibrations per minute, then the vibration speed should be gradually increased so that by the middle of the session it reaches 200 vibrations per minute. Towards the end the vibration speed should be reduced.

When performing continuous vibration, not only the speed must change, but also the pressure. At the beginning and end of the session, the pressure on the massaged tissues should be weak, in the middle of the session - deeper.

Continuous vibration can be performed longitudinally and transversely, zigzag and spirally, as well as vertically.

If, when performing vibration, the hand does not move from one place, the vibration is called stable. Stable vibration is used for massage of internal organs: stomach, liver, heart, intestines, etc. Stable vibration improves cardiac activity, enhances the excretory function of the glands, improves the functioning of the intestines and stomach. There is also spot vibration - a stable vibration performed
with one finger (Fig. 98). Point vibration, acting on peripheral non-
ragged endings, helps reduce pain in myositis and neuralgia.
Point vibration is used in the treatment of paralysis and paresis, and in recovery
innovative treatment after fractures, since point vibration promotes accelerated formation of callus. Continuous vibration can be labile; with this method, the massage therapist’s hand moves over the entire massaged surface (Fig. 99). Labile vibration is used in the treatment of paralysis, to restore weakened muscles and tendons. They produce labile vibration along the nerve trunks.

Figure 98

Continuous vibration can be performed with the pad of one finger (point vibration). You can vibrate the entire back or palm side of the finger; this method is widely used in the treatment of paresis of facial muscles, trigeminal neuralgia, and also in cosmetic massage.

You can perform continuous vibration with your palm. This method is used to massage internal organs (heart, stomach, intestines, liver, etc.). Vibration should be performed at a rate of 200-250 vibrations per minute, movements should be gentle and painless. When massaging the abdomen, back, thighs, and buttocks, you can use continuous vibration with your fingers clenched into a fist. With this method, the hand, folded into a fist, should touch the massaged surface with the phalanges of four fingers or with the ulnar edge of the hand. Such vibrations should be performed longitudinally or transversely. Continuous vibration can be produced while gripping tissue. This technique should be used when massaging muscles and tendons. Small muscles and tendons are grasped with the fingers in a pincer-like manner, while large muscles are grasped with the hand.

Figure 99

Continuous vibration includes auxiliary techniques:

- shaking;
- pushing;
- concussion.

Shaking. The technique is used for the rehabilitation treatment of muscles after fractures, for paralysis and paresis, because... main feature shaking - activation of muscle contraction. Shaking enhances lymphotography, so it is often used to reduce swelling. Shaking is used to treat damaged soft tissues, to smooth out traumatic scars and postoperative adhesions, and is also used as an anesthetic. Before performing the shaking technique, the muscles of the person being massaged must be relaxed. The fingers should be spread wide and clasped around the massaged area. Then you should perform shaking movements in the longitudinal or transverse direction (Fig. 100). Movements must We need to be rhythmic, they should be performed with at different speeds, increasing towards

When shaking the lower limb, you need to fix the ankle joint with one hand, and grab the instep of the foot with the other hand and slightly pull the leg. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the leg is straight. Then you should make rhythmic oscillatory movements.

When shaking limbs in elderly people, special care should be taken.

Nudge. The technique is used to massage internal organs.

To perform the technique, place your left hand on the area of ​​the organ that

Figure 102

you need to undergo an indirect massage, and apply light pressure, fixing your hand in this position. Then, with your right hand, make short pushing movements, pressing on the nearby surface, as if pushing the massaged organ towards your left hand (Fig. 103). Oscillatory movements must be performed rhythmically.

Shake. Is used for indirect massage internal organs (liver, gall bladder, stomach, etc.).

When performing a concussion, the right hand must be fixed on the body in the area of ​​the internal organ that needs to be traced. The left hand should be placed on the massaged surface parallel to the right so that the thumbs of both hands are located next to each other. Fast and rhythmic

Figure 103

movements (either bringing your hands together or moving them away from each other) you need to oscillate the massaged surface in the vertical direction.

Abdominal shocks are used to resolve adhesions in abdominal cavity, to enhance intestinal motility, for chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency, to increase the tone of the smooth muscles of the abdominal wall, etc.

When performing an abdominal shake, both hands should be positioned so that the thumbs are on an imaginary line crossing the navel, and the remaining fingers are wrapped around the sides. Then you should make oscillatory movements horizontally and vertically (Fig. 104).

Chest concussion. This technique helps improve blood circulation and increase the elasticity of the lung tissue, so it is used for diseases of the respiratory system. Chest concussion is used for chest injuries, osteochondrosis, etc.

When performing this technique, you need to grab the sides of the chest with both hands and perform oscillatory movements in the horizontal direction. Movements should be performed rhythmically (Fig. 105).

Figure 104

Concussion of the pelvis. The technique is used for treatment adhesive processes in the pelvic area, osteochondrosis and spondylosis, etc.

The technique should be performed with the massaged person lying on his stomach or back. The pelvis should be clasped with both hands so that the fingers are located on the lateral surfaces of the iliac bones. Oscillatory movements should be carried out rhythmically in a horizontal direction, slowly moving the hands towards the spine.

Intermittent vibration. This type of vibration (sometimes also called percussion) consists of single beats that must be performed rhythmically, one

after another. In contrast to continuous vibration, the massage therapist’s hand is separated from the massaged surface after each individual blow.

Figure 105

When performing intermittent vibration, blows should be applied with the tips of the fingers, half-bent at the joints. You can strike with the ulnar edge of the palm (edge ​​of the palm), with a hand clenched into a fist, or with the back of the fingers. You can produce impact vibration either with one hand or with both hands alternately.

Basic intermittent vibration techniques:

  • puncturing;
  • effleurage;
  • chopping;
  • pat;
  • quilting.

Puncturing. This technique should be used on small areas of the body surface where the subcutaneous fat layer is practically absent (for example, on the face, in the chest area), in places where callus forms after fractures, on ligaments, tendons, small muscles, and in places where important nerve trunks exit.

Puncture should be performed using the pads of the index and middle fingers together or with each of these fingers separately. You can perform this technique with four fingers at the same time. The technique of puncturing can be done either simultaneously or sequentially (like typing on a typewriter). To perform puncturing, you can use one or both hands (Fig. 106).

Figure 106

When massaging the muscles of the limbs and scalp, you can use puncturing with movement (labile). Movements during labile puncturing should be performed in the direction of the massage lines to nearby lymph nodes.

Puncture without displacement (stable) is performed in places where callus has formed after fractures.

To make the impact of puncturing deeper, it is necessary to increase the angle between the finger(s) performing the puncturing and the massaged surface.

The speed of movements during puncturing should be from 100 to 120 beats per 1 minute.

Effleurage. This technique has a positive effect on skeletal and smooth muscles, causing its rhythmic reflex contraction. As a result of this, blood supply to tissues improves and their elasticity increases. Most often, effleurage together with kneading is used for paresis and muscle atrophy.

When performing effleurage, strikes should be made with one or more fingers, the palm or back of the hand, as well as with the hand clenched into a fist. Typically, tapping is performed using both hands. You need to perform effleurage while relaxed. wrist joint with a brush.

Tapping with one finger. This method of tapping should be used when massaging the face, in places of fractures, on small muscles and tendons.

This technique must be performed with the back surface of the index finger or its elbow edge. The rate of blows should be from 100 to 130 beats per 1 minute. Strikes should be made with the hand relaxed at the wrist joint.

Tapping with several fingers. The technique is used for facial massage
by means of circular tapping (“staccato”), as well as by massaging the scalp
parts of the head.

This technique should be performed with the palmar surface of all fingers, straightening the straightened fingers at the metacarpophalangeal joints as wide as possible. Tapping should be done alternately, as when playing the piano. You can also perform tapping with the back of your fingers.

The technique can be performed simultaneously with all fingers, using the palmar surface of the ends of four fingers.

Effleurage with bent fingers. The technique should be used in areas with a significant muscle layer: on the back, hips, buttocks. This technique helps improve muscle tone and activate secretory and vascular nerves. When performing the technique, the fingers should be bent freely so that the index and middle fingers lightly touch the palm , and there was free space inside the bent hand. Strikes should be applied with the back of the bent fingers, placing the hand across the massaged surface (Fig. 107).

Figure 107

Fist pounding. The technique should be used in locations
significant muscle layers: on the back, buttocks, thighs.

When performing the technique, the hand and forearm muscles of the massager should be as relaxed as possible, otherwise the person being massaged will experience pain. The fingers must be loosely bent into a fist so that the ends of the fingers lightly touch the surface of the palm, and the thumb is adjacent to the index finger without tension. The little finger needs to be slightly removed from the other fingers and relaxed. The blows are applied with the elbow surface of the fist; upon impact, the hands fall perpendicularly to the massaged surface (Fig. 108).

Chopping. The reception has an effect on the skin, improves blood circulation, as a result of which the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the massaged areas increases. Lymph flow increases, metabolism and the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands improves.

Positive Impact has a chopping effect on muscles, especially smooth and striated ones.

The fingers need to be slightly relaxed and slightly moved away from each other. The forearms should be bent at a right or obtuse angle. The brushes should strike rhythmically on the surface being massaged; at the moment of impact, the fingers are connected to each other. Strikes with a brush with initially closed fingers can be painful for the person being massaged; the free space between the fingers softens the blow. The hands need to be positioned along the muscle fibers (Fig. 109). When chopping, blows should be made at a speed of 250 to 300 blows per 1 minute.

Pat. The technique promotes the dilation of blood vessels, with its help you can reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings and increase the temperature on the massaged surface.

Patting should be used when massaging the chest, abdomen, back, thighs, buttocks, and limbs.

Figure 110

Patting should be done with the palmar surface of the hand, slightly bending the fingers so that when struck, an air cushion is formed between the hand and the massaged surface - this will soften the blow and make it painless

(Fig. 110). The arm must be bent at a right or obtuse angle. The blows are delivered with one or two hands when they are bent at the radial joint.

Quilting. The technique is used in cosmetic massage to increase elasticity
guests for skin elasticity. Quilting is used in therapeutic massage for paresis
muscles, in the treatment of obesity, scar tissue changes. Quilting enhances
blood circulation of the massaged surface, improves metabolic processes.

Figure 111

When performing a technique, blows are delivered with the edge of the palm, one or more

fingers (Fig. 111). On large areas of the body, quilting is done using the entire surface of the palm.