Milbemax for dogs is a new generation anthelmintic drug from France. Milbemax deworming tablets for dogs of different breeds and puppies - dosage and side effects Milbemax for large dogs instructions for use

Active animals, but if a parasite settles in their body, they become apathetic, lose their appetite, and their fur looks dull. If such symptoms appear, the owner should immediately purchase a remedy for parasites. One of these drugs, Milbemax, will be discussed in this article.


The drug effectively fights worms, especially tapeworms and roundworms. Suitable not only for treatment, but also for prevention. It is safe for the pet’s body and is recommended for use from the age of 6 weeks.

Milbemax contains two main active ingredients: in one tablet milbemycin oxime 2.5 mg (12.5 mg for large ones), praziquantel 25 mg (125 mg).

The drug also contains auxiliary components: colloidal silicon, croscarmellose sodium, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, povidone, microcrystalline cellulose.

Pharmacological properties

Milbemycin oxime- one of the main active ingredients, belongs to the group of lactones, which are the result of the vital activity of streptomycete bacteria. (These enzymes form the basis for many antibiotics.)

It is maximally concentrated in the animal’s body two hours after ingestion and is excreted naturally.

Milbemax for worms is available in the form of tablets that are oval in shape and white in color. On one side of the tablet there is an embossing - AA, on the other - NA.
Tablets for oral administration are packaged in two pieces in a blister; one cardboard package can contain one or two blisters.

Did you know? Dogs are intellectually developed animals, they learn commands, remember and understand up to 250 words, are able to count up to five, and can solve problems at the addition and subtraction level.

Indications for use

The drug is indicated for prophylaxis; it reduces the risk of infection with helminths of all types, cestodes and nematodes.

Important! All of these symptoms require intervention and treatment, otherwise the pet’s health will be undermined.

Directions for use and dosage

The drug for puppies and for large animals is different, the packaging indicates who the product is intended for, and the tablets differ in shape. For babies and small breeds - oval tablets, for big dogs - round tablets.

For puppies and small breeds

Milbemax for puppies and small children instructions for use (based on the weight of the animal):

  • 0.5 kg -1 kg - half a tablet (there is a dividing strip on the tablet);
  • 1 kg-5 kg ​​- one tablet;
  • small dogs up to 7 kg - two tablets.
It can be given to puppies from the age of six weeks; no preparation in the form of a diet is required.
The medicine is given forcibly on the base of the tongue, after eating.

For large breeds

Milbemax for large dogs instructions:

  • up to 10 kg of weight - one tablet;
  • 10-25 kg - one;
  • 25-50 kg - two;
  • weight more than 50 kg - three tablets.
Both puppies and adults are given one tablet per week for a month during treatment. For prevention before the summer season, once a month.

Important! Both preventive measures and treatment are taken after consultation with a veterinarian.

special instructions

The use of the drug requires compliance with certain rules:

  • Milbemax is not given to babies weighing less than half a kilogram;
  • puppies of the Bobtail, Sheltie, and Collie breeds are treated only under the supervision of a veterinarian;
  • Bitches during pregnancy or lactating, if necessary, are treated under the supervision of a doctor.

The dosage and regimen of use are strictly followed according to the instructions.

Important! The owner of the animal should follow general hygiene rules when working with the medicine.

Side effects

If the doses are used correctly and the terms of use according to the instructions are observed, no negative effects have been identified.

In some cases, with individual rejection of some components of the drug, the following complications are possible:

  • violation of movement coordination;
  • muscle tremors, involuntary contraction;
  • lethargy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea.
In these cases, the drug is stopped and the veterinarian prescribes therapeutic agents. In case of an overdose, tremors, lethargy and severe salivation are observed.
These symptoms go away on their own and do not require treatment.

Did you know? Due to their unique sense of smell and trainability, dogs have always been attracted to work in various services: security, army, rescue service and police. In the late eighties on the so-called “Cocaine Alley”-A site on the border of Mexico and Texas (USA) was served by dogs named Rocky and Barco. These four-legged police officers brought great losses to drug traffickers on both sides of the border, and there was even a $30,000 bounty on their heads.


The drug is contraindicated in animals with the following diseases:

  • kidney disease;
  • liver diseases;
  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • exhaustion;
  • infectious diseases.

Storage period and conditions

The medicine is stored in its original, closed packaging in a dark, dry place. The product must be inaccessible to children and animals and kept away from food. Storage temperature from 5°C to 25°C.
The shelf life of the product is two years from the date of production; if there is half a tablet, it is placed in a blister, but its shelf life is no more than six months.

Packaging, empty blister and unused remains of the medicine must be disposed of.

What to replace

It happens that Milbemax is not available for sale, then you can purchase analogues for your dog:

The products are of high quality and, as a rule, do not have any side effects dangerous to the health of the pet.

Infection with worms is one of the main problems of cat and dog owners. Milbemax has received good recommendations among anthelmintic drugs. The breed of the animal does not matter, but how to give Milbemax to a cat without harming it?

Pharmacological properties

The effect of the drug is due to the components included in its composition. They influence many varieties of worms at any stage of development..

Milbemax is well tolerated by cats. Its use is permitted in sick and not too malnourished animals. The drug can be used to deworm kittens and pregnant females.

Instructions for use

To properly give Milbemax to your cat, you need to read the instructions supplied by the manufacturer. It contains all the necessary information. In particular, there is no need to stop feeding the cat before starting to take the drug. On the contrary, the calculated dosage should be given to the animal with a portion of the morning food.

If your pet refuses to take the medicine, you will need to force him to drink the medicine..

  • Pick up the cat. Lock and unclench your mouth.
  • Place the tablet on the back of your tongue and close your mouth.

The animal will be forced to swallow the product. Although there should be no problems with taking the drug: the tablets have a characteristic meaty smell and taste.

Milbemax is given to pregnant and lactating cats only after consultation with a veterinarian.

As a therapeutic agent, the drug is used according to available indications, and for preventive purposes - once a quarter. The cat needs to be dewormed before mating.

Treatment of adult cats

The dosage of Milbemax depends on the weight and age of the cat. The pet does not require prior use of laxatives or diet.

Adult cats need to buy pills in a red coating. Calculation of a single dosage is as follows:

  • ½ part of a pill – weight two to four kilograms;
  • 1 pill – weight four to eight kilograms;
  • 1 ½ pills – weight eight – twelve kilograms.

As a preventive measure for cats, Milbemax is given once a quarter and two weeks before vaccination.

Use in kittens

For kittens, you need to buy tablets in a pink shell. Dosage is calculated based on the pet's weight:

  • ½ part of a pill – weight 0.5 – 1 kg;
  • 1 tablet – weight 1 – 2 kg.

Before using Milbemax, you should consult your veterinarian. The specialist will find out the type of helminth and select the optimal dosage.

To develop immunity to helminthic infestations, Milbemax should be given to kittens according to a certain schedule.:

  • The cat should receive the first dose of the drug at the age of 6 weeks;
  • second application - upon reaching 8 weeks of age;
  • from 8 weeks to 1.5 years - every month;
  • after 1.5 years - every 3 months.


It is forbidden to give this drug to a cat for worms if he or she has the following diseases and conditions::

  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  • during the period of infectious pathologies;
  • with increased sensitivity to the component composition;
  • with severe exhaustion.

"Milbemax" is a powerful anthelmintic drug. And in order not to harm the pet’s health, the dosage must be strictly observed.

Dogs, like other animals, are prone to helminthic diseases such as nematodes and cestodiases. The disease is caused by tapeworms and roundworms (helminths), which enter the dog’s body along with food and water.

The drug is available in two modifications:

  • Milbemax for puppies and young dogs, contains praziquantel (25 mg) and milbemycin oxime (2.5 mg).
  • Milbemax for adult dogs contains praziquantel (125 mg) and milbemycin oxime (12.5 mg).

The drug has the form of round tablets, coated with a white film shell, which contains the following excipients: microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, povidone, lactose monohydrate, colloidal silicon, magnesium stearate.

Pharmacological properties

Nematodes – Heterodera glycines

Heartworms (lat. Dirofilaria immitis)

The drug Milbemax is used for the treatment and prevention of puppies and adult dogs:

  • nematodes caused by helminths of the species Ancylostoma tubaeforme, Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonine, Trichuris vulpis, Crenosoma vulpis, Angiostrongylus vasorum, Dirofilaria immitis;
  • cestodoses caused by helminths of the species Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp., Echinococcus multilocularis, Mesocestoides spp.;
  • and mixed nematode-cestodal infestations.

The drug Milbemax should be used once during feeding, crushing the tablet in advance, with a small amount of food. If the dog refuses to take the drug, it must be forcibly administered to the tongue at the base after feeding. The minimum therapeutic dose is 0.5 mg of milbemycin oxime and 5 mg of praziquantel per 1 kg of animal weight. Below is the calculation table:

Contraindications for use

There are a number of contraindications in which Milbemax is not recommended for use in dogs. These are:

  • exhaustion
  • various infectious diseases
  • pronounced impairment of kidney and liver function
  • individual intolerance and sensitivity to the components of the drug

In addition, Milbemax tablets for puppies and small dogs should not be given to animals under 2 weeks of age or weighing less than 0.5 kg. For adult dogs - with a body weight of less than 5 kg.

For the treatment of pregnant and lactating bitches, the drug is used under the strict supervision of a veterinarian.

Side effects

  • salivation
  • depressed state
  • muscle paresis
  • shiver
  • uneven gait

Price of the drug Milbemax

The cost of the drug Milbemax depends on the dosage and release form. However, the average price of Milbemax for puppies and small dogs varies between 160 rubles. The price of Milbemax for adult dogs is 450 rubles.

You can buy or order the drug at any pet store or veterinary pharmacy.

Drontal or Milbemax?

The drug Drontal is also widely used for the treatment and prevention of helminthic infestations. The use of Drontal contributes to damage to the membrane and muscle tissue of the helminth, which, as a result, leads to disruption of the neuromuscular innervation, as well as its paralysis and death. The drug is intended for both puppies and small dogs, as well as adults and large ones.

By and large, Drontal has the same effect and is just as effective in use as Milbemax. However, reviews from many dog ​​owners show that Milbemax is more effective and efficient than Drontal.

One of the most effective drugs is Milbemax for cats. Caring owners often give anthelmintic medications to their pets as a preventative measure. It can be done up to four times a year.

"Milbemax": instructions

For cats, the drug can be used after they reach six weeks of age. The weight of the kitten must be at least five hundred grams.

It is not for nothing that many now prefer to use Milbemax for deworming. You can find out how to give this drug to your cat from the instructions that are in the pack, or by consulting a veterinarian.

General characteristics of the drug

The appearance of worms can be caused by various factors. "Milbemax" for cats is a means for deworming pets. It can also be used for preventive measures.

The drug is released in the form of tablets. Depending on the age of the animal, the dosage of the active ingredients (praziquantel and milbemycin oxime) may vary significantly.

The tablet has an oval shape. The packaging contains instructions for the drug and a metal blister with two beef-flavored tablets. This makes it fairly easy to give your cat a tablet, which is recommended to be mixed with a small portion of the food.


An hour after taking the drug, the maximum concentration of praziquantel is observed in the blood; it is eliminated from the body within a few hours.


The method of application and the amount of the drug directly depend on the weight and age of the pet. Based on the dosage of active substances, tablets with a pink or red coating are distinguished.

The first ones have a minimal dosage, so they are used mainly for young cats. With a weight of 500 g to 1 kg, the animal should be given only half a tablet, after crushing it and mixing it with a small amount of food.

Weighing from 1 to 2 kilograms, treatment is carried out with a whole tablet having a pink shell. Deworming must be done in the morning. Before using the drug, you should take a break from eating for at least five hours.

If the cat's weight is in the range from 2 to 4 kg, she is prescribed half a tablet with a red coating, and for a pet weighing 4-8 kg, a whole pill is recommended. The dosage of the drug "Milbemax" for cats should be prescribed by a veterinarian.

The medication can be administered either using a syringe or orally by simply letting the cat swallow the tablet. To do this, you need to place the drug on the root of the tongue and evoke a swallowing reflex in the animal by stroking its neck. Having chosen the syringe method, you must first mix the crushed tablet with water and inject the medicine into the oral cavity.

Adverse reactions

If the correct dosage is observed, the drug practically does not cause any adverse reactions in the pet. Their occurrence may be due to a violation of the instructions or due to individual intolerance to the drug.

In rare cases, the animal may experience tremors or an allergic reaction. These phenomena do not require drug treatment and go away on their own after a short period of time.


It is prohibited to use Milbemax for animals suffering from any pathological diseases of the kidneys and liver. In this case, complete removal of the drug and blood purification will be impossible.

The red tablet with a high concentration of active substances cannot be used for kittens. Even if the animal is given only a fifth of it, unexpected adverse reactions may develop, and in some cases even the death of the pet is possible.

"Milbemax" for cats: reviews

The active ingredients of the tablets make it possible to be confident in the health of your pet. The large number of advantages of the drug for cats against worms “Milbemax” determines its wide demand. Among the main advantages are:


Milbemax is a combined anthelmintic drug with nematocidal and cestodocidal action.

Milbemax for dogs, 2 deworming tablets, each containing 12.5 mg milbemycin oxime and 125 mg praziquantel.

Milbemax for puppies and small dogs, 2 deworming tablets, each containing 2.5 mg milbemycin oxime and 25 mg praziquantel.

Auxiliary components: microcrystalline cellulose - 20%, croscarmellose sodium - 3%, povidone -1.5%, lactose monohydrate - 51.5%, colloidal silicon and magnesium stearate - 2%.


Milbemax is prescribed for the treatment, deworming and prevention of nematodes, cestodes and mixed nematode-cestodes infestations, which are caused by the following types of helminths:
- cestodes - Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp., Echinocaus multilocularis, Mesocestoides spp.
- nematodes - Ancylostoma caninum, Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina, Trichuris vulpis, R enosoma vulpis (reduces the intensity of infection), Angiostrongylus vasorum (reduces the intensity of infection), Dirofilaria immitis (for preventive purposes).

Doses and method of administration

Milbemax is given orally to dogs and puppies once in crushed form with a small amount of food (or the drug is forcibly given to the root of the tongue after eating food) at the rate of 0.5 mg of milbemycin oxime (or 5 mg of praziquantel) per 1 kg of animal weight.


Pregnant and lactating bitches should use Milbemax under the supervision of a veterinarian. Before deworming, a preliminary starvation diet and the use of laxatives are not required. To deworm animals with infestation caused by Angiostrongylus vasorum, Milbemax is used in the same dose four times with an interval of 7 days. In regions unfavorable for dirofilariasis, Milbemax is used for prevention during the warm period of the year (spring, summer, autumn) according to the following scheme: first once before the start of the season of mosquitoes and mosquitoes, which are carriers of the pathogen D. immitis, then once a month and the last time in season after the end of the mosquito and mosquito season in 1 month. Before the deworming procedure, it is necessary to conduct an examination at a veterinary clinic to exclude the presence of microfilariae in the dog’s blood.

Pharmacological properties of Milbemax for dogs


Contraindications to the use of Milbemax: increased individual sensitivity of the dog to the components of the veterinary drug, kidney and liver disease.
It is impossible to deworm dogs that are exhausted or sick with infectious diseases. Milbemax for puppies and small dogs should not be used on puppies younger than 2 weeks of age or weighing less than 0.5 kg. Milbemax for dogs should not be used in dogs weighing less than 5 kg.
It is not recommended to use Milbemax for collie, bobtail and sheltie puppies, because Dogs of these breeds have increased sensitivity to macrocyclic lactones. The use of Milbemax in combination with other macrocyclic lactones is prohibited.

Side effects

With a significant overdose of the drug, some animals may experience the following symptoms: depression, drooling, muscle paresis, trembling, uneven gait. These symptoms go away on their own within 24 hours and do not require the use of veterinary medications. In certain types of dogs, with increased individual sensitivity to the components of Milbemax, allergic reactions may develop; in these cases, the dog is prescribed desensitizing agents.

special instructions

When working with Milbemax, you must follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety, as when working with medications. In addition, when working with Milbemax, drinking, smoking and eating are prohibited. After working with Milbemax, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap. If you accidentally ingest Milbemax, you should immediately drink as much warm water as possible and, if necessary, seek medical help (it is advisable to have a container label or instructions for use). There are no antidotes (antidotes) for Milbemax. The period of use of products of animal origin after the use of Milbemax is not regulated. Milbemax is toxic to fish and other aquatic animals, as well as aquatic plants.

Storage conditions

Store Milbemax for dogs (puppies and small dogs) in a dry, dark place inaccessible to children and animals at a temperature of 0 to 30 ° C. Shelf life - 3 years. The shelf life after opening the blister is 6 months.

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