Mini Pekingese breed description. Dwarf and Royal Pekingese. Who is the Pekingese suitable for?

The most famous dog breed of Chinese origin is the Pekingese. These small creatures are famous for their ancient origin, unusual appearance and exquisite habits. Thanks to the special status of such dogs in Ancient China, their parameters were kept unchanged for many centuries.

People believed that the breed arose magically, and the ancestors of its representatives were made of monkeys, butterflies and, of course, lions. The character and appearance of pets contain some features that suggest such a relationship: a flat muzzle, long hair with an impressive “collar” and unbridled courage, coupled with an immutable aristocratic dignity.

Brief characteristics of the breed standard

The Dwarf Royal Pekingese is a miniature indoor dog, and its parameters are well suited for its purpose.

Weight: 3-6 kilograms.
Height – 15-23 centimeters.
Coat color: black-red, fawn, golden and completely black, rarely white.
The difficulty of care is high.
This pet can be quite active for some part of the day, but it also loves peace, rest, and sleep.
Due to its personality traits, the Pekingese is more difficult to train than other dogs.

Historical information about the breed

Like some other miniature dogs, the ancestors of the Pekingese appeared in the Far East around the 8th century. Medieval breeders managed to breed especially small fluffy dogs that became favorites of the Chinese nobility. The popularity and respect shown is evidenced by paintings on silk and parchment from the 16th century, which depict Pekingese dogs.

The improvement of the breed's qualities was carried out under the personal control of the emperors. Over time, a particularly miniature, female sleeve type of pet was developed. The removal of animals outside the palace was allowed to a very limited circle of people, and theft and attempts to export were punishable by death.

Chinese dogs came to Europe completely by accident. In 1860, when Great Britain conquered the Celestial Empire, all the Pekingese were killed when the ruler fled from the palace. But English officers managed to accidentally find five such animals, which they took to their home island.

The character of Chinese dogs and how they interact with others

With all their advantages, Pekingese dogs are suitable only for those people who have the opportunity to pay enough attention to their “household members”. This dog is an excellent companion who is well versed in the mood of the owner, knowing how to behave with him - ask him to play or leave him alone. Their character allows them to engage in active activities or relax on a comfortable bedding with equal pleasure.

This “baby” is an excellent watchman, with sensitive hearing, a ringing voice and unlimited courage. Therefore, the owner should not allow the Pekingese to meet unfamiliar dogs of any size. The pet attacks them at the slightest opportunity, so it can be seriously injured.

For older people and teenagers, this pet is a very advantageous option. But you shouldn’t get a dog if there are very young children in the house who have little understanding of how to behave with it. The Pekingese requires gentle handling. The unpleasant sensations he experiences, even those caused unconsciously, can damage his health and greatly spoil his character. Another feature of the pet is jealousy: they can hardly tolerate the presence of other animals in the house.

Rules for caring for Royal Pekingese


No matter how clean the dwarf Pekingese is, caring for it begins with daily maintenance of the proper level of hygiene throughout the body. First of all, his muzzle should be cleaned daily of food debris, discharge from the eyes, ears, etc. After a walk, you should carefully comb out the fur and, if necessary, clean or wash the paws and belly.

Pekingese are very susceptible to urolithiasis, heart and spine problems, and a flattened nose suggests breathing problems and eye diseases. Therefore, the dog needs to undergo regular preventive examinations by a veterinarian.


The most economical option is factory-made dry food and canned food. But if food is prepared at home, the diet should include boiled beef and poultry, and not only meat, but also offal. The required ingredients of the mixture are boneless fish, porridge, cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits. Not only a puppy, but also an adult should eat fermented milk products throughout its life. Food should be at room temperature and not too fatty.

Daily care

When taking care of your Pekingese, you need to make sure that any procedure is as comfortable as possible for him. When combing fur, you should use special sprays to make it easier to untangle the tangles. Particular attention is paid to the treatment of the edges of the ears - if it is damaged, recovery will take a long time. But on the tips of the paws the hair needs to be shortened so that it does not interfere with walking.

Caring for an animal will be greatly facilitated by a special set of tools used for processing the fur coat and claws, cleaning the ears, eyes, nose, mouth and folds on the face. It may include combs, scissors, and toothbrushes. Additionally, you will need napkins, towels and cotton swabs.


To breed and produce healthy puppies, parents should be carefully selected - without genetic defects and resistant to diseases. Both partners need help during the mating process: to make the work easier, both the male and the female need to be supported with their hands. It is worth stocking up on heart medications.

Video about Pekingese

Pros and cons of the breed

Pekingese have more positive than negative qualities. After all, this dog is an ideal companion, loyal and attentive. The little dog is very smart, brave and beautiful, and with proper education and training in simple basic commands such as “Come to me!”, “Back!” and “Ugh!” will be able to correct possible character flaws. And this breed has only one “minus”: quite complex, but necessary daily care for the pet’s appearance.

The Royal Dwarf Pekingese is a wonderful pet: it loves and obeys its owner, and, thanks to its complex character, does not let him get bored. If you follow simple rules for handling the dog, taking into account the characteristics of the breed, then it will not cause any trouble while maintaining it. The small size makes the dog an excellent option even for small-sized housing.

Every the owner wants to start kind, devoted, calm dog. It refers to Pekingese.

They are also loyal, proud, cheerful creatures who know their worth.

They will not cause much trouble to the owner, will become a friend for him.

These dogs are usually a delight! A cute face, similar to a monkey's face, long hair reminiscent of a lion's mane, proud posture - will not leave you indifferent. And if we also add the Pekingese’s ability to give joy to both adults and children, then we can’t think of a better animal to keep in an apartment.

Important! Pekingese dogs are not only a good friend in the family, but with proper care and appropriate standards they can be active participants in all kinds of exhibitions, which will bring their owner a lot of pleasure.

Modern dogs have changed significantly in appearance over many years of existence. Some representatives of the breed are large, but in general these dogs are small.

Standard sizes of the Pekingese breed: weight - from 3 to 5.5 kg, height - 15-26 cm. They typically have fluffy, long coats that add an unforgettable appearance to their exterior. True, this is why they do not tolerate heat well.

Despite its small size, this the dog is majestic, rewarded with a sense of importance. She is very loves family where he lives, but very rarely shows his tenderness and never flatters the owner, on the contrary, he makes it known that he prefers only relationship as equals.

Her diminutive size doesn't stop her from being brave. If something doesn’t suit her, she will “rush into battle” without hesitation. She's also with royal demeanor. She will never allow herself to approach someone she doesn’t like, no matter how he calls her. And she moves purely royally - measuredly, calmly.

Important! Pekingese prefer to walk for short periods of time, but often. They love to be held, petted and praised.

But despite all this dogs of this breed are loyal and love their owners very much. They miss them when they are not at home, and their arrival is greeted with joyful barking. True, they demand from their owners the same attitude towards them.

Pekingese varieties

Among these dogs, due attention should be given dwarf or, as they are also called, sleeve (pocket), mini Pekingese. This is not a separate species of offspring, but its variety. Although they say that these dogs are more intelligent and playful than their “relatives”. By the way, it is possible to determine what exactly a dwarf Pekingese is only when it reaches eight months.

In general, you don’t need to hope that with the purchase of this miniature dog get the same puppies. This opinion is wrong - small Pekingese may come from a larger dog, which is what usually happens. You can often hear about the Royal Pekingese.

Dog breeders know well that there is no such breed. This is a kind of advertising gimmick of unscrupulous breeders. “This is a real Imperial Pekingese!” - they beckon to the buyer. In fact, they are trying to foist a marriage. "Royal" is the name given to the common Pekingese, which deserves attention.

Important! These dogs should not be walked in the heat. The sun is deadly for them!

Pekingese or Japanese Chin?

What are the differences between the Pekingese and the Japanese Chin? Previously, these small fluffy dogs were often confused. Their appearance is associated with China and Buddhist religious customs. In their appearance, they are somewhat similar to a lion, which is a sacred animal in this religion.

Therefore, they were given magnificent honors. Commoners were not even allowed to look at the dog. They were brought to Europe in 1860. And since then, the Pekingese has found its place everywhere. If you look at the profile of this dog, you can see that it has a snub nose.

Color it can be varied, but the most standard is considered fawn, red and all their shades. And it also happens two-color or different shades simultaneously. The eyes have a bright black outline«.

Important! Her nose is black, flattened, and is in line with her eyes. The paws are short and round. The main beauty of a dog is its fur. It is long, silky, very lush on the nape and neck. It does not fit the body and requires special care.

The Japanese Chin is also a miniature dog. Usually weight these dogs up to 3 kg and more. Those weighing up to 3 kg are especially welcome. Chins were also considered to belong to emperors, only in Japan.

They, like the Pekingese, were worshiped. They came to Europe from England (a couple of chins were given to Queen Victoria). But they were still inferior in popularity to the Pekingese. These are playful dogs with their inherent majesty and indomitability.

Although they have large head, but it matches the body size. The dog's forehead protrudes forward, and bulging eyes, large, dark in color, widely spaced. The tail is especially remarkable.

It is thrown over the back in such a way that the fur flows beautifully from it. Most Popular The color of the dog is white with black or red spots a certain pattern. As you can see, both of these breeds have a lot in common. Perhaps it was true that they had a common ancestor?

Important! The standard clearly defines the proportions, size, character and other parameters of the Pekingese. Therefore, there are no imperial, dwarf, royal, lion, Chinese or other varieties of this wonderful dog.

What will the old-type Pekingese tell you?

Naturally, the enormous popularity of the Pekingese caused the appearance of various kinds of people who, wanting to get rich, were not very worried about the purebred of the breed. There is such a thing as old-type Pekingese.

Externally, the dog resembles a Pekingese, but does not at all meet modern standards for the breed. Usually, these are half-breeds. On the one hand, the blood of Pekingese flows in their veins, and on the other... Let's look at some of them.

Pickup or drop off - cross between Pekingese and Spitz. This is a wonderful dog in all appearances, which is distinguished by intelligence, playfulness, endurance, and also a rather attractive appearance; affectionate, sociable, but does not recognize loneliness. Left alone, he destroys everything around him in the literal sense of the word.

Pekingese and pug- dogs, only at first glance they seem similar. Although the pug is considered a close relative of the Pekingese and Japanese Chin.

These breeds are similar to each other. A pug-Pekingese mix does not promise anything bad. This cute little dog will definitely incorporate the traits of both breeds, and they are mostly positive.

Pekingese mixed breed - Shinese, which derived from a combination of Pekingese and Shih Tzu. This has been done frequently in the past in an attempt to influence the length of the Pekingese's coat.

Important! Dogs of this breed snore when they sleep. But this is inherent in nature and should not bother the owner.

It is too small dogs with protruding eyes like a Pekingese. Their fur is black, brindle, golden, sable or white. They, like their parents, short stature.

Shinies hardly shed, but perhaps if the puppy inherits the traits of a Pekingese, then, although insignificant, there will be shedding. They are also distinguished by their intelligence, friendliness and flexible character.

They say that mestizos are essentially dogs that are much better than your parents. And it is true. Plus this union - offspring that are in good health. But in appearance the puppies are not an acquired taste. And in this case you will have to forget about exhibitions.

In conclusion, it must be emphasized that Arlik, and all types of Pekingese crosses of this wonderful dog cannot be classified as a purebred breed. They have the right to be, and in some ways they even surpass their famous relatives. However, such dogs are not allowed for exhibitions or breeding.

And if we talk about standards and purebredness, then there are no varieties among Pekingese. Therefore, if you hear the phrase “Royal Pekingese” or “Imperial Pekingese”, know that we are simply talking about a representative of this wonderful breed.

Useful video

Video clip about the varieties of dog breed - Pekingese:

The Pekingese breed is one of the most ancient dog breeds. Their story begins thousands of years ago, in ancient China. The name is given in honor of the city of Beijing. In those distant times, only the emperor and his family had the right to own a Pekingese, since dogs were considered guard spirits with the appearance of a small lion. In order for the dog to protect the emperor even after death, the poor animal was buried with its owner. But in our time, Pekingese are an exceptionally kind, cheerful friend of man, living a full, happy life.

Pekingese breed

Breed standards

The Pekingese breed has a rather complex, independent character. He expects more time from his owners for pampering, games, care, but if the dog is not in the mood, he will snap. They are also not recommended for families with small children, since the dog considers itself the only object of human attention, and if more attention is paid to the child (which is natural for us), then the Pekingese may simply become jealous. Nothing will happen to the child, he will not be bitten, but an unexpected puddle in the middle of the carpet, or things scattered all over the room - easily.

But if you pay enough attention and care, he will be a devoted and faithful friend, a companion on walks, and a lover of lying on the lap of his owner.

Imperial position of the dog

Characteristics of the dog:

  • Weight – up to 5.5 kg (females are 0.5 kg heavier than cables);
  • Height – up to 23 cm;
  • Life expectancy – up to 15 years;
  • The color is the most varied, with pigmentation of different colors;
  • Eyes – large, protruding;
  • Ears are long and hang down;
  • The legs are short, very strong and strong.

Gorgeous appearance of the Pekingese

There is a belief that the breed has a subtype of dwarf, pocket Pekingese, whose weight does not exceed 2.5 kg. Such little ones really do exist, but they are not a separate variety, they are just small Pekingese dogs that can appear from absolutely any mating of standard Pekingese dogs.

By their nature, coupled with independence, they are very brave, even fearless dogs. It is unusual for the breed to run away squealing with its tail between its legs; on the contrary, they attack, protecting themselves and loved ones.

Dog's suspicious look

But if everything around is good and safe, then fun, enthusiasm and playfulness will be in full swing, as they say.

Buying a Pekingese

You need to start your search with nurseries and professional breeders.

Pekingese puppy in the kennel

Before buying a puppy, carefully inspect:

  • The puppy’s parents, because when he grows up, he will be like them;
  • The puppy must have a brand on its tummy or ear, the number of which must match the puppy card;
  • Examine the eyes of the parent dogs, they should not be very goggle-eyed, this is inherited;
  • The puppy’s eyes and ears themselves should be clean, the fur well-groomed, without bald patches;
  • The baby should be cheerful, active, and inquisitive.

And most importantly - listen to your heart, if you pick up a puppy, and no emotions - it’s better to refuse, this is “not your” little one.

The sale of Pekingese is allowed no earlier than the puppy is 2 months old. The price starts from 10,000 rubles - pet class, 20,000 - brit class, 30,000 - show class.

Dog diet

The health of the animal directly depends on nutrition; treat the diet responsibly. It should consist of:

  • Super premium canned meat;
  • Raw lean meat;
  • Boiled sea fish;
  • Milk, cottage cheese, cheese;
  • Chicken eggs in any form;
  • Add oatmeal to canned food;
  • Vegetables - apples, pears, peaches, apricots, bananas;
Ready-made feed

Rid your dog of sweets and salty foods, this is contraindicated for them. Do not forget about drinking water, which needs to be changed to fresh daily.

Pekingese care

Care is required quite complex and regular. Subject to care:

  • Wool;
  • Eyes;
  • Teeth;
  • Claws.

The coat must be combed daily with a special comb for animals.

Dog comb

You need to comb against the grain - from the tail to the head. Before you start combing, you can sprinkle the wool a little with water - this will make it more fluffy after drying. If you have a dog that is not a show class dog, then you can cut the fur a little, it will shed less.

The Pekingese's eyes are a weak point. It happens that one eye protrudes more than the other - in this case, you need to lightly press it with a cloth soaked in a 1% solution of boric acid. Cotton wool cannot be used.

Ears need to be cleaned of wax regularly, a couple of times a month, using special preparations to soften wax.

Teeth require daily inspection for the presence of stuck pieces of food; also, for prevention, you can give special bones for cleaning teeth.

Nails need to be trimmed as they grow to prevent them from digging into the tissue of the fingers. You must cut very carefully so as not to injure the blood vessels near the root of the nail. It can be seen in bright light, such as a flashlight. If blood does come from the nail, then cauterize the wound with manganese, as in the photo below.

Nail trimming

The Pekingese needs bathing infrequently, several times a year. Use only special shampoos purchased at a pet store, and after a bath, be sure to thoroughly dry the coat with a hairdryer, directing the flow against hair growth.

Never walk with your Pekingese in the heat; overheating is deadly for them!

The Pekingese breed's eyes are a weak point. As a rule, the loss of an eyeball occurs due to a blow to the dog’s head, in street fights, or the dog, in impulses of play, “did not fit” into the turn.

On your own, you can only generously moisten the eyeball with eye fluid, apply cold water, and immediately go to the nearest veterinary hospital; without experience, do not set the eye yourself!

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

Pekingese is one of the most ancient breeds, born more than 2 thousand years ago in China. Previously, they were extremely popular, but now the demand for them has begun to fall. There is also a special type - mini (dwarf) Pekingese. But there are some nuances here too.

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All about the breed

Mini is not an independent breed, and small, pocket puppies appear from standard parents. Such an event occurs very rarely, which is what many unscrupulous sellers take advantage of. After all, the birth of non-standard babies is considered a marriage. This is a very expensive and rare variety, and how the animal will grow up becomes clear only after eight months.


The dog is small in size. Back in medieval China, they were called "sleeve". This name is no coincidence, because court ladies at the imperial court wore them in the wide sleeves of their kimonos, instead of muffs.

The weight of an adult pet cannot exceed 3 kg (in some countries - 2.5 kg), and the height at the withers reaches 12-15 cm. It has a massive head, with a neat nose, partially recessed inside the skull. The ears are hanging, slightly turned forward, with very long hair at the tips. The paws are strong, powerful, and the hind limbs are slightly shorter than the front ones.

A distinctive feature of both mini and standard representatives is a chic, thick mane, long hair, especially on the ears and tail. The eyes are bulging, large and expressive, which causes frequent vision problems. The coat color can be white, black, reddish-fawn, with a dark mask on the muzzle. The eyes and nose are dark.

Character and behavior

Pekingese are very proud, brave and courageous. The temperament is calm, balanced, they sense a person’s mood well, and will not bark unless absolutely necessary.

At the slightest threat, they are ready to rush at the offender, even if he is much stronger and larger. Extremely touchy and vindictive, do not tolerate people raising their voices or invading their personal space.

Families raising children are not recommended to have them. They are smart, intelligent, friendly, but very stubborn and willful. Therefore, they will have to be trained and educated from an early age, devoting a lot of time and effort to this process. The learning process is not at all easy, and it also happens that it becomes necessary to involve a professional dog handler.

Interestingly, they do not need long walks. Ideal for retirees and people leading a sedentary, inactive lifestyle. Enough Walk your Pekingese twice a day, 20-30 minutes each. They prefer to spend time at home, in warmth and comfort. They are excellent watchdogs, love to play with their owner, but are very jealous of other pets and family members.


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The main problem will be grooming. Shedding, severe loss of undercoat, requires regular brushing. You need to bathe your dog once every six months, and the rest of the time, you can use dry shampoo. Particular attention should be paid to cleaning after a walk or feeding.

We must not forget about the eyes, which also need to be cleaned of dust and dirt. You will have to wipe them daily using a soft, lint-free cloth. Dogs are prone to various eye diseases (eye loss, conjunctivitis, keratitis). Even a simple walk in tall grass can result in injury. Abundant purulent discharge and lacrimation are a serious reason to contact a veterinarian.

The animal's teeth and claws require additional care. Moreover You need to brush your teeth daily, using a piece of gauze wrapped around your finger, and trim the claws as they grow (once a month). The ears are cleaned once every 2 weeks using cotton swabs soaked in a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Possible diseases

Mini dogs are prone to the same diseases as regular dogs.

The most common pathologies are:

  • skin diseases;
  • joint damage, paralysis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • bone fragility;
  • tumor of the perianal glands;
  • respiratory tract diseases (bronchitis, laryngitis, rhinitis);
  • genitourinary diseases;
  • breathing problems;
  • cardiac pathologies.

But the most sensitive The organ is the eyes. The most common ailments are cataracts, ectropion, keratitis, and ulcers. A mandatory condition for health will be vaccination and quarterly examination by a specialist. The first vaccination is given at three months. Life expectancy, in this case, is about 14-16 years.


When buying a puppy, it is important to consult with the breeder regarding feeding. This can be either ready-made super-premium food or natural food. When eating natural foods, you need to ensure that the diet is completely balanced and complete.

The menu should include:

  • boiled beef and chicken, offal (at least 50% of the total daily ration);
  • buckwheat, rice and oatmeal (with water and without salt);
  • fermented milk products, cottage cheese;
  • fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables;
  • fish fillet (boneless!).

Bones, both large and small, should not be given to animals. Avoid sweet and fatty foods, potatoes, flour products, and baked goods. Special vitamin supplements are added to food.

Even though the Pekingese is small in stature, no more than 25 centimeters at the withers, he gives you a strange impression of his superiority over you, since you are unable to bear his simultaneously intent, curious and mysterious gaze.

The Pekingese dog, the dog of the Heavenly Emperor, according to legend, is the fruit of an unusual love between a gentle monkey and a lion. The lion was so in love with the monkey that he decided to ask the wizard Hi-Ho for help. He suggested reducing him to the size of his beloved, while maintaining his dignity and courage. This is how the Pekingese, or lion dog, also known as the Fu Ling dog, was born. From their mother, the descendants inherited a dark muzzle and a cheerful disposition, from their father - beauty, dignity and a brave heart.

The Pekingese was considered a sacred animal to such an extent that anyone who dared to kill or kidnap him was punishable by death. Behind the walls surrounding the imperial palace, everything was divine and mysterious. It was said in a low voice that slaves were assigned to serve Fu Ling's dogs and that among them were women whose duty was to breastfeed the puppies. The external similarity between the Pekingese and the lion placed it among the elite animals, for the lion is a symbol of Buddhism.

Pekingese were divided into large, medium and small. The large ones were called lion dogs, the medium ones - solar dogs, the small ones - wrist dogs. The latter were so light that ladies from the imperial family even took them for walks. Such a dog was considered the most beautiful decoration, and a little one that matched the color was selected for each outfit.

Over the centuries, the breed has been preserved, and it is known that the approach to its selection was very careful, although genealogical descriptions have not survived to this day. Due to the fact that crossing with other breeds was prohibited, the Pekingese, or Fu Ling dog, was able to maintain its individuality over the centuries.

The ancient history of the Pekingese is often associated with legends; there are many versions regarding how the first animals were exported. One of them is this: in 1860, Anglo-French troops captured Beijing. Five dogs were found in a secluded corner of the state palace next to their keepers who had committed suicide. Admiral Lord John Hay, along with another naval officer, a cousin of the Duchess of Richmond, each took two dogs. General Dune took the fifth and gave it to Queen Victoria, who named her Lootie. This word is translated as “trophy”.

The famous artist E. Kay painted a portrait of Luti, and this painting was exhibited at Windsor Castle for many years. The Duchess of Richmond accepted small Pekingese imported from China, and, adding the word “Goodwood” to their name, began breeding this breed in England. There is numerous documentary evidence indicating the names of their first owners and those who bred them.

Other cases of export of these animals from China, done in a more or less legal manner, allowed the number of Pekingese to increase so much that enthusiasts of this breed decided to found a Pekingese club in 1898. Its founders were G. Brown, Loftas Allen, Albert Gray, Lilburn Mac Even Tomkins, Strick and Ashton Cross.

The Minister for Chinese Affairs in London, Sir Holiday McCartney, as well as the German Minister in Beijing, Baron Speck von Sternberg, contributed greatly to the creation of the first breed standard with the help of those involved in the export of Pekingese. In addition, the German minister obtained special permission to visit the palace and observe the breeding techniques of the Imperial Pekingese.

The first Pekingese presented at a dog show was named Peking Peter, and he was presented at the Chester Dog Show.

The developed standard aimed to direct the breeding of Pekingese along the path of reproduction of animals of small size, but strong build, with a massive structure and a maximum weight of 14 pounds (6.2 kg). The impetus that the club gave to the breeding of Pekingese was very significant, and they themselves were in great demand at that time.

In 1911, with the death of Empress Mother Tzu Hsi and the subsequent revolution, the long reign of the Pekingese in China also ended. The courtiers, fearing that the Pekingese might end up in the hands of commoners, destroyed every single one. Having disappeared in its homeland, this breed has now taken strong roots in England and Ireland and from there spread to European countries, America and Australia.

Mentions of dogs with a “short muzzle” have been found since the era of Confucius. They were described in great detail in the first centuries of our era. These descriptions are about tiny dogs with a small head and short legs, long ears and a long tail. They are called "under the table dogs." In fact, in those days, Chinese tables were very low, and the diners sat on cushions. They also talk about the special gait of these dogs - they seemed to limp and sway when walking.

Documents dating back to the 7th century indicate that these highly intelligent dogs, measuring 6 inches (15.23 cm) tall and 12 inches (30.46 cm) long, could control horses while holding a bridle in their mouths. , and illuminate the road at night, carrying torches on their backs. They attended audiences to discuss issues of war and ritual (one of the most important issues of the Chinese court). The emperor went out to the audience, accompanied by his Pekingese, who barked so that the courtiers would bow their heads. Pekingese were also used as special guards for the imperial palace. In 1041, they warned of an impending rebellion in the palace - having caught a light, barely noticeable rustle and clanking of weapons at an unusual time.

Emperor Ling Ti adored his dogs so much that he gave them the title of Viceroy or Imperial Guardian, and he gave the bitches the title of wives of his nobles. His beloved dog received a headdress corresponding to the title of Shin Hsien, which was the most significant literary title of the era.

There are no documents indicating the use of genealogy or genealogical books in China. But there are books about dogs with illustrations that depict Pekingese, which were used to obtain certain results during breeding. In addition, peculiar theories were used: for example, the expectant mother was held several times a day in front of a particularly beautiful representative of the breed or in front of an elegant sculpture; at night she was laid in a room whose walls were covered with fabric of the color that they wanted to achieve in the coloring of the puppies; the floor was covered with lamb skins so that the newborns' fur is as good as possible. The eunuchs read poems in which the best qualities of the famous representative of this breed were sung.

The first mention of a non-albino white Pekingese dates back to the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368). The color of the dog was as important as the colors of the masks in Peking Opera. The presence of curved lines in the coat color in the muzzle area was considered especially beautiful, as it looked like a smile. The “face with three colors” given in one of the descriptions refers to the head of a dog whose eyes are framed in black, the forehead is decorated with yellow and red spots, and the mouth is outlined in white. If a Pekingese puppy was black with a white belly and paws, it was described as "an otter-colored cloud in the snow", a dog "standing in the snow" had a colored coat and white paws. There were also “three separated flowers” ​​- three spots of different colors on a white background and a scarf. A white stripe around the neck was considered a sign of greatness. A highly prized sign resembled the large tortoiseshell-framed glasses worn by court nobles. The description of a dog's color has always been poetic.

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