Can someone with flat feet be drafted into the army? Longitudinal flatfoot - Army. Definition of transverse flatfoot

Flat feet are a common reason for recognizing young men of military age as having limited fitness. However, second-degree flatfoot is not considered a basis for establishing this fitness category, so people with this disease are usually called up. Conscripts who are diagnosed with flat feet when passing a medical commission are assigned a “B”, which prescribes certain restrictions when performing the relevant duties before, but does not completely exempt them from them.

Legal regulation

Flat feet of the second degree corresponds to paragraph 68 of the Schedule, which is an appendix to the Regulations on military medical examination, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. This paragraph contains the following subparagraphs:
a) flat feet, other foot deformities with significant dysfunction;
b) flat feet associated with moderate dysfunction;
c) foot deformities, flat feet with minor dysfunction;
d) objective data that does not indicate dysfunction.

Compliance of a conscript’s illness with the first named subparagraph entails complete exemption from military duties, that is, such a conscript is assigned category “D” - unfit for service. Identification of the second or third subparagraphs at the medical commission leads to the establishment of category “B” - limited to military service. In this case, you won’t have to join the army either.

What category does second degree flatfoot belong to?

Flat feet of the second degree always refers to the last subparagraph of paragraph 68 of the Schedule of Diseases, which is expressly indicated in the explanations contained in this. In this case, the specific type of this disease does not matter, since longitudinal and transverse flatfoot of this degree do not cause dysfunction. That is why, in the presence of this disease, a conscript can only count on the establishment of category “B”, which does not exempt him from direct performance of military duty. In this case, flat feet of the third or fourth degree is an unconditional basis for exemption from service, since such a person, upon undergoing a surgical examination, is recognized as limitedly fit for the army.

On the eve of graduation from school, young conscripts are concerned about the question of whether they will be accepted into the army with flat feet. The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes criteria for the suitability of young people for military service. Exemption from the army is permitted if there are compelling reasons supported by a qualified medical report.

Consequences of flat feet

The arch of the foot performs shock-absorbing functions when walking, running, helps maintain balance, and withstand physical activity. or acquired flatfoot is accompanied by significant changes in the entire human musculoskeletal system. The disease inevitably progresses and has serious consequences that interfere with military service:

  • V lower limbs when walking;
  • clumsy gait, poor posture, scoliosis;
  • the appearance of contractures (plexuses) of the toes;
  • fan-shaped divergence of the metatarsal bones;
  • flattening of the foot, bumps, calluses, corns;
  • exostoses (spike-like osteochondral growth);
  • , osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis.

Flat feet in advanced form are accompanied by degenerative changes osteochondral tissue, becomes a source of articular and muscle pain. Staying in the army and the increased physical activity associated with it contribute to the progression of the disease. To avoid irreversible changes important correct diagnosis illness and Objective assessment the young man's suitability for military service.

Suitability categories

If signs of deformation of the arch of the foot are detected, then they should be included in the medical questionnaire. Symptoms of flatfoot progression, the methods used to treat the disease, and their effectiveness are also reflected in the document. Saved data makes it easier to complete medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office. Based on the available information and its own observations, the medical commission gives an opinion on the categories of suitability for the army:

Degree of flat feetCategoryConscript's suitability for service
2ndB, B-3Good with restrictions
3rd and 4thINLimited fit (not fit in peacetime)
- GNot suitable for a certain period of time (deferment)
Significant foot pathologiesDUnfit

On a note!

According to latest changes The law does not provide for deferments from the army for young men diagnosed with flat feet. Depending on the complexity of the disease, the conscript falls into category A, B or C.

When according to the law they will not take you into the army

Regulations on military medical examination No. 123 (dated February 25, 2003) and new edition The disease schedules of 2018 (Article 68 of the Appendix to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 565 of July 4, 2013) define a range of diseases that interfere with the performance of military duty. Documents establish the degree of flat feet that are not accepted into the army:

  • at 3rd or 4th degree;
  • at grade 3, regardless of the strength of the pain syndrome;
  • with deforming arthrosis of the 2nd stage.

If these diseases are indicated in the medical report, the conscript is considered partially fit for military service. He is classified as category B, and is issued a military ID for health reasons with the note - to the reserve (reserve). This suggests that the young man will have the opportunity to serve in the army only in case of wartime.

On a note!

The discovery of stage 2 arthrosis in a conscript is not prerequisite liberation from the army. But such a diagnosis, combined with 3rd degree flat feet, allows you to count on receiving a military ID in category B.

When flat feet do not interfere with service

The types of foot deformities that are not an obstacle to military service or training at a military school are defined by law:

  • when longitudinal flatfoot of the 1st and 2nd degree is detected;
  • with transverse flatfoot of the 1st degree;
  • for flat feet of the 1st degree without arthrosis, contractures, exostoses.

There are no significant anatomical changes in the feet. A person is able to fully move, perform certain physical exercise. For this reason, the disease at this stage of development does not exempt from conscription into the army (category A).

On a note!

Until 2016-2017 a conscript with a bilateral certificate could be exempted from military duty. Now a young man with such a diagnosis will carry out military service, but with some restrictions in the conditions of service. He will not be drafted into the airborne forces or other elite units, but his stay in regular military units is not prohibited.

How is the diagnosis made?

To determine their suitability for military service, conscripts undergo a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office. Before visiting it, it is recommended to have with you all the documents confirming the fact of flat feet and pathological changes caused by illness. The diagnosis is made by an orthopedist or podiatrist - specialists in osteochondral changes. The degree of the disease is determined by the following methods:

  • plantography (express method) - based on an imprint taken on a sheet of paper from a foot smeared with cream;
  • podometry (Friedland method) – based on measured parameters of the foot with calculation of the coefficient;
  • exact method establishing the form and degree of neglect of the disease;
  • computed tomography – identification of complications, osteochondral changes.

One or more methods are used to make a diagnosis. The results of the examination with the conclusion of an orthopedic doctor are attached to the conscript’s documents for the military registration and enlistment office. This allows the military commission to objectively assess the young man’s health and, based on the degree of illness, assess his suitability for service.

On a note!

During a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, the results of the examination conducted in a government institution are recognized as valid. Expert opinions private clinic may be questioned by members of the military commissariat.

In the practice of military medical examination, radiography is used to determine the degree of flat feet and foot deformity. X-rays of both feet are taken in longitudinal and cross sections (frontal and lateral projections). To obtain objective photographs, it is recommended:

  • take an even vertical posture;
  • do not lean on walls or equipment racks;
  • do not reduce the load on the feet.

After reviewing all the documents, the draft commission makes a decision on the conscript’s fitness category for military service. If the commissariat doubts the correctness of the diagnosis or there are controversial issues, then the young man is sent for additional medical examination. Factors often arise that prevent legal release from the army. A conscript always has the opportunity to appeal an unfair decision of the commissariat.

Often a conscript has every reason to be released from the army. But the military registration and enlistment office is of the opposite opinion. To resolve such disputes, experts in the field of legal assistance to conscripts are brought in. This avoids serious complications and the consequences of flat feet, maintain health.

If young man Flat feet 2nd degree, are they recruited into the army with this diagnosis? Some conscripts and their parents consider flat feet a sufficient reason not to join the armed forces. But during the examination, doctors render a different verdict: he is fit for military service. Why do the opinions of the parties not coincide? Yes, there is reason to suspect flat feet in cases where a recruit’s legs hurt after a long walk, and massage does not bring relief. But the final diagnosis must be made by a professional specialist.

The army is a real school of life for guys. However, can a young man cope with increased physical activity if he is diagnosed with level 2 flat feet? Is a deferment from the army required in this case? Doctors also ask themselves these questions when drawing conclusions about suitability for combat service. Because if an accident occurs in a military unit due to the negligence of a doctor, then he will have to answer. But commanders are not very happy when lame and sick people are sent to their service.

How does the disease affect the patient's health?

Flat feet is a deformity of the foot with an arch. The disease in many cases is acquired and not hereditary. It can develop for many reasons:

  • from work, standing;
  • if you wear the wrong shoes;
  • when a person suffers from obesity.

Symptoms of flat feet include the following:

  • pain when walking;
  • limbs cramp;
  • shoes wear out quickly on the inside;
  • the foot widens in the toes;
  • legs tingle if you have to walk a lot.

Professional orthopedists distinguish the following types of foot deformities:

  • transverse flatfoot causes deformation of the finger bones;
  • rachitic with acute vitamin D deficiency;
  • traumatic occurs as a result of fractures of the leg bones;
  • paralytic occurs when the muscles of the foot are paralyzed;
  • longitudinal is characterized by a change in the inner arch of the foot.

There are the following degrees of flat feet:

  1. Flatfoot of the 1st degree is diagnosed if the angle of deviation from the norm of the first toe is less than 20 degrees. With this diagnosis, a person gets tired when he does a lot of work. physical activity or walks for a long time. So-called corns form under the fingers (2 - 4).
  2. Flat feet of 2nd degree is called moderate. The finger is deviated from normal position within 20 - 35 degrees. Painful sensations and the patient often experiences burning feet. It is difficult for a person to walk constantly in shoes. There are seals on a large surface of the sole.
  3. Level 3 flatfoot is a deviation of the toe by 35 - 50 degrees. The thumb seemed to be dislocated. The patient's pain is constant. Corns take up even more space. The disease can be complicated by the development of bursitis - inflammation of the periarticular bursa.
  4. Level 4 flat feet are diagnosed when the toe deviates more than 50 degrees.

Only a doctor can determine the degree of flatfoot. medical institution. At home, the diagnostic method of plantography will help you find out if you have a problem with your feet. Apply paint to the sole and stand on a white sheet. If there is a faint imprint on the inside of the foot, you should make an appointment with a doctor. A professional specialist will send you for an x-ray and measure the angle of deviation.

Combined flatfoot is diagnosed when the disease has signs of both longitudinal and transverse flatfoot.

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Will a young man with level 2 flat feet be drafted into the army?

Parents of young people of military age are interested in whether they will be accepted into the army if they have 2nd degree flat feet. Flat feet of the 3rd or 4th degree is the cause of severe pain, and standard shoes are not suitable for patients with this disease. It will be difficult for such a young man to perform physical activity.

If, during a medical examination, a conscript is diagnosed with flat feet of the 1st and 2nd degrees, he will be called up for service. Severe pain syndrome is observed with longitudinal flatfoot of 3rd degree and transverse flatfoot of 3rd or 4th degree. In this case, the disease is accompanied by other serious problems:

  • pain syndrome;
  • arthrosis of the joints;
  • contracture of the toes.

A man or youth with grade 3-4 flat feet is given a military ID. He is included in the reserve, where the entry “limited use” is placed. With flat feet of 2nd degree, fitness category B-3 is issued. This is mainly a non-combatant service. A man in the army can serve as a builder, a janitor or a cook. Flat feet are confirmed by x-ray. To determine the extent of the disease, the Friedland podometric method is used. According to it, the height of the foot should be multiplied by 100 and divided by the length of the foot. A result between 29 and 31 is considered the norm.

An X-ray of the foot will show pathological changes. For longitudinal flat feet:

1st degree - the arch angle is 131 - 140 degrees, the height of the arch is 25 - 35 mm. There is no deformation of the foot bones.

2nd degree - the arch angle is 141 - 155 degrees, the height of the arch is 24 -17 mm. On x-ray the following changes can be seen: the astragalus becomes shorter, the neck is not pronounced. On the dorsum of the foot, in the place where the ligamentous apparatus is located, there are changes characteristic of deforming arthrosis. Pathologies can also occur in the area of ​​the talonavicular joint.

Grade 3 - The arch angle is 156 degrees or more, and the arch height is below 17 cm. The protrusion on the surface of the heel bone increases greatly. The transverse arch becomes flat. The heel deviates.

With transverse flatfoot, which we know by the growth of “bones” on thumbs, the following changes are observed:

  • 1st degree - angle between metatarsal bones: 1 and 2 is 10 -12 degrees.
  • 2nd degree - the angle between the metatarsal bones: 1 and 2 is 13 -15 degrees.
  • 3rd degree - the angle between the metatarsal bones: 1 and 2 is 16 -20 degrees.
  • 4th degree - the angle between the metatarsal bones: 1 and 2 is more than 20 degrees.

Not every parent with newborn sons thinks about the need to perform plantography and x-rays on the child in advance and identify arthrosis and scoliosis for military service. As it turns out, a boy needs to treat such a foot pathology with great care. early age, since legislators in leading countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus - annually change and tighten the requirements for the health of conscripts. According to the requirements, those who were previously given an exemption from conscription and enrolled in the reserves are not exempt from conscription.

But small child Recognizing the presence of flat feet is not so easy. The younger the child, the more his foot prints will resemble 1-2 tbsp. flat feet. IN preschool age It is better to conduct an examination directly with an orthopedic surgeon. He will be able to more accurately diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Already from the first steps of the child, you need to pay attention to, as well as scoliosis:

  1. turning the toes of the feet outward (“clubfooted walking” or) and the inability to maintain a parallel position of the legs and feet due to muscle weakness;
  2. offensive internal part feet, which makes the gait unique and noticeable;
  3. misalignment of the shoulders and pelvis, stoop and curvature of the spine.

Closer to conscription age, parents and teenagers themselves are concerned about the question of whether they are being drafted into the army with arthrosis and 2nd degree scoliosis. In their legislative documents as of January 1, 2014, the leading countries: Russia, Ukraine and Belarus were unanimous on issues relating to 1-3 degrees of flat feet and the conscription of boys into the army. The article on foot deformities states that only 3-4 tbsp. flat feet are unavoidable. Category B-3 is replenished with diseases of the 2nd degree: deforming arthrosis and flat feet.

For guys with flat feet and degree of varying complexity illness, putting a lot of strain on the legs, walking and running a lot is contraindicated. However, neither legislators nor the army take these contraindications into account. Therefore, the ranks of the army are replenished with stooped conscripts with 2nd degree scoliosis without dysfunction, which requires treatment even in adolescence, dystrophy and encephalopathy, and not only with 1 and 2 and arthrosis.

When conscripts undergo a medical examination, doctors at military registration and enlistment offices do not detect diseases, and guys with scoliosis, arthrosis and flat feet are not sent to clinics for examination in order to have grounds to release them and not conscript them into the army. The medical commission only conducts an examination, but does not make a diagnosis. Before coming to the military registration and enlistment office, conscripts must be examined by doctors for a year and have with them all the necessary certificates and a package of documents, which will provide the basis for the military registration and enlistment office to conduct a more thorough examination of diseases: arthrosis, flat feet and scoliosis.

How is foot disease classified in the army and what do diagnoses include?

The army classifies the disease into 4 degrees, according to which it assigns conscripts to groups.

Group “A” includes flat feet with the presence of serious functional impairments. The conscript is included in category “D” and due to his unfitness for service, he will not be drafted into the army.

The diagnosis includes such foot deformities as complete, cauda equina, calcaneal and varus, equinovarus and plano-valgus due to trauma or diseases that prevent the use of military shoes for wearing.

Group “B” includes conscripts from the 3rd-4th grade. transverse or 3rd art. with moderate functional impairment: exostoses (spike-like benign bone and cartilaginous formations on the surface of the bone), severe pain, arthrosis in the center of the foot and contractures of the toes. The diagnosis includes the above-described degrees of flat feet.

Such conscripts are classified as category “B” and sent to the reserve with a military ID, as being of limited fitness (unfit in peacetime). During hostilities, they are drafted into the army.

Group “B” also includes guys with flat feet, if there are functional disorders of the legs (ankles) with to a small extent. Namely: there are no symptoms of arthrosis (deformation bone joints center of the foot) and valgus installation calcaneus with longitudinal flatfoot of 2-3 degrees. In addition to grade 2 flat feet, the diagnosis includes grade 2. arthrosis and scoliosis. Such conscripts are also classified as category “B” and are not accepted into the army in peacetime.

Group “G” includes conscripts with transverse or longitudinal flat feet of the 2nd degree, which is objectively confirmed visually and by photograph. They will be in the “B-3” category; they will be drafted into the army, but not into all branches of the military. The diagnosis includes osteoarthritis, arthrosis, deforming arthrosis of the 1st stage. without exostosis and contracture of the fingers at 1-2 tbsp. flat feet.

Diagnosis confirmation

To confirm all degrees of the disease, along with concomitant pathologies, the conscript is sent for an x-ray and a photograph of the feet on both legs (standing) is taken in a side and straight view. Next, the radiograph is studied and the pathology of the foot is classified, assigned to a certain degree of deformity and group. Only an orthopedic surgeon can determine the degree of pathology. The military commissar must determine, in accordance with the doctor's diagnosis, the level of suitability of the conscript for the army.

Longitudinal flatfoot includes:

  • The first degree with an internal longitudinal arch with an angle of -131-140˚ and a height of 25-35 mm.
  • The second degree – with an angle of 141-155˚ and a height of –17-24 mm.
  • Third degree - with an angle of 155˚ and a height of up to 17 mm.

The army takes guys with 1-2 degrees of flat feet, but in peacetime they don’t take guys with 3 degrees.

Transverse flatfoot includes:

  • The first degree with the angle of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones is 10-12˚, the angle of deviation of the first toe is 15-20˚. Fitness category – “A”.
  • Second degree at an angle of 12-15˚, the thumb deviates at an angle of 20-30˚. Fitness category – “B-3”.
  • Third degree at an angle of 15-20˚, the thumb is deviated by 30-40˚. Fitness category – “B”.
  • Fourth degree at angle – from 20˚, angle thumb- from 40˚.

Flat foot against the background of arthrosis of the joints

With arthrosis of the center of the foot, the cartilage tissue that connects the joints becomes inflamed and destroyed, this leads to pain syndrome, contractures of the fingers, exostoses against the background of longitudinal or transverse flatfoot 3 tbsp. Therefore, conscripts are not taken into the army.

Stages of arthrosis:

  1. The first is that the joint gap is narrowed to 50%, bone growths from the edge of the joint gap are less than 1 mm.
  2. The second – the gap is narrowed by more than 50%, the growth is more than 1 mm. There is deformity and subchondral osteosclerosis at the ends of the joints where the bones articulate.
  3. Third - the joint gap is absent on the x-ray, marginal bone growths are pronounced, gross deformity and subchondral osteosclerosis are present.

As for the second degree of scoliosis, with the absence of functional impairments, conscripts have been accepted into the army since 2013, which is permitted by the Regulations on Military Medical Examination, approved by the regulations of the Russian government. What will it be spring call 2015, worries parents and their sons. Many parents are against their sons being drafted into the army. Also, the conscript male generation is looking for different ways to evade service. Those who enroll in studies, which they do not leave for years, those who are ready to pay off. But the good news is that there are still those who want to fulfill their civic duty.

Typically, conscripts with flat feet are recruited into the army, and there are two reasons for this. First, to obtain a military ID you must have a serious stage of the disease. The second reason is violations on the part of doctors or improper preparation for the medical examination.

Flat feet and military service

I am Ekaterina Mikheeva, manager legal department Recruit Assistance Services. In this article I will tell you what degree of flat feet exempts you from the army and how a military registration and enlistment office must be examined in order for a conscript to receive a military ID.

The answer to the question of whether people with flat feet will be accepted into the army in 2019 depends on the degree of the disease. TotalThere are four degrees of flat feet:

  • 1st degree ( depression angle 131-140 degrees,vault height 25-35mm,thumb deviation 15-20 degrees,the angle between the bones is 10-12 degrees).
  • 2nd degree ( depression angle 141-155 degrees,vault height 17-24mm,thumb deviation 20-30 degrees,the angle between the bones is 12-15 degrees).
  • 3rd degree ( depression angle from 155 degrees,vault height up to 17mm,thumb deviation 30-40 degrees,the angle between the bones is 15-20 degrees).
  • 4 degree ( thumb deviation from 40 degrees,the angle between the bones is from 20 degrees).

What degree of flat feet exempts you from the army?

Those with flat feet are not accepted into the army only if the pathology is significantly expressed.Flat feet of the 1st degree in the army will not affect the service, so the conscript will receive an “A”.

With level 2 flat feet, the army cannot be avoided either. According to, conscripts with level 2 flat feet are taken into the army with the fitness category “B-3”.

In accordance with the Schedule of Diseases, the third degree is the degree of flat feet, with which they are not accepted into the army. In this case, the conscript is assigned a fitness category of “B” - limited fitness.

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Mikheeva, head of the legal department of the Assistance Service for Conscripts

The question is also popular: “And if you have arthrosis and flat feet, do they take you into the army?” Joint disease in such cases usually does not affect the fitness category. Doctors will look first at the degree of flat feet.

Advice from the Recruit Assistance Service

Sometimes doctors at the military medical commission ask to show your feet for visual inspection. At the same time, they tell you to stand with your back to the wall, leaning on it. In this case, the load disappears, and it seems that there is no flatfoot. This procedure is not diagnostic. Therefore, do not fall for such tricks, but insist on conducting a full additional examination.

Deferment from the army due to flat feet

Officially, conscripts are not given a deferment from the army. The draft commission must either draft the young man into the army or release him from service. However, reality often diverges from the law.

Some military commissariats are delaying the process of assigning a fitness category. Usually, after a medical examination, young people are sent to additional examination(outpatient) and perform x-rays. Based on the examination data, the issue of suitability for service is decided. But in some military commissariats, after an outpatient examination, conscripts are also sent to an inpatient examination. Young people do not have time to confirm their diagnosis during conscription, which is why the decision on their release is postponed until the next conscription.

Flat feet and the army: diagnostics for the military registration and enlistment office

When diagnosing flat feet, they can be used different methods research: n lantography, p odometric method Friedland or p radiography.

The methods can be used simultaneously, but the extent of the disease is most accurately determined by radiography. It is carried out under load (with support on the foot) in longitudinal and transverse projections. After this, all necessary angles and other parameters are measured. With its help, you can find out whether flat feet are burdened with arthrosis. Therefore, an additional examination from the military registration and enlistment office must necessarily include the use of this method - and always in two projections.

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